(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY NOV. 3, 2016) — You know how THE PLANET feels about polls. They can’t never be taken at face value. Nonetheless, THE PLANET cannot ignore the most recent ABC-TV conducted by Langer Research Associates. It shows that Donald Trump has caught and moved narrowly ahead of Hillary Clinton, 46% to 45%. The razor-thin edge comes more into focus when you consider:
- Hillary has led every week since June until this week,
- Last week the same poll showed her up by 12 points.
- Swings of that much in a respected poll are considered statistically significant.
- The marginal factors — third-party candidates Gary Johnson (Libertarian, 3%) and Jill Stein (Green, 2%), the poll’s sampling error of +/- 3%, and the pool of “dreaded others such as undecided, won’t vote, don’t care — will be a factor on Tuesday.
Look More Closely, and Trump’s Lead is Even Bigger
If you dissect the ABC-Langley poll, the data underneath shows Trump even stronger than 1% ahead.
- Results held true in 23 “likely voter models” that Langley produced “for diagnostic purposes.” Of the individual diagnostic models, 17 individually show Trump with that 1% lead, a highly indicative result. On mean average, and if ever an election had a “mean” average it’s this one, all 23 models show Trump in the lead (as of yesterday).
- Trump has a double-digit lead among “pure independents” (those who don’t lean to a political party). They may decide the entire shooting match.
- Trump also wins nearly 10% of all Democrats or Democrat “leaners.” Clinton only has 6% of Republicans or GOP “leaners.” That’s a 4% edge for Trump in the “party swap” factor.
- One of the least noticed factors in the poll’s sub-data is the measurement of voter enthusiasm, elicited through questions designed to cross-check each other. The ABC-Langley data show Trump leading Clinton by 8% among “voters who are very enthusiastic about their choice.” That may be the most important predictive element in the data.
Is a Constitutional Crisis Looming?
The United States of America will be in for a dramatic Tuesday. If Clinton wins, her troubles might just be starting. Begin the beguine, baby.
Clinton is now the subject of a criminal investigation by the FBI. The question then becomes, “Can someone under such shadow be elected to office before a determination of guilt?” Will this force a constitutional crisis that would make Bush-Gore in 2000 look like “Hippety Hop to the Barber Shop?”
Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Mike McCaul, said, “This investigation will continue whether [Clinton] wins or not. But assuming she wins and the investigation goes forward and it looks like an indictment is pending — at that point in time, under the Constitution, the House representatives would engage in an impeachment trial.”
Hilldog could rival William Henry Harrison for shortest presidential term of all time. He caught pneumonia. She caught herself.
If Hillary is elected and the investigation produces an indictment prior to the Inauguration, what then? Can a President-elect be impeached? Will she be barred from taking office?
McCaul blasted Clinton for “running around saying she has been cleared when that’s not a correct statement,” Washington-speak for “She’s lying her toosh off.”
McCaul continued: “There is new evidence reopening the case — evidence that can be quite damaging. To get a search warrant [as the FBI did] you have to have probable cause. They had probable cause to get a search warrant on Huma Abedin’s laptop.” Abedin, of course, has been Hillary’s confidante and mini-me. She is the estranged wife of ex-Democrat congressman and perv Anthony Weiner, on whose computer the FBI found tens of thousands of suspect e-mails pertaining to Clinton’s term as Secretary of State. Abedin says she doesn’t know how the e-mail’s got on her husband’s computer. She’s now off the campaign trail and in hiding.
Weiner, Wasserman, Brazille, Abedin: Reminds THE PLANET of the adage, “Show me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you what you are.”
“Fighting corruption is not just good government. It’s self-defense. It’s patriotism.” — Joe Biden
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If Hillary becomes president she can conveniently make the whole mess go away like the Clintons always do. Fire Comey, make the Justice Department AND the FBI even more political than they already are so they cover up the messy illegal stuff the Clintons get into on a regular basis. I think Hillary winning would mean this country stops being a law abiding country. All of the immigrants and refugees want to come here because they are fleeing lawlessness and corrupt governments, but America would become the same if Hillary is elected.
How about those Cubs Pat? They just won on Progressive Field. Think it’s a harbinger of things to come?
You can make light of it Mr. More, but looking the other way doesn’t work with corruption. It only gets worse. If you are okay with corruption then by all means vote for Hillary.
I like the Berkshire Eagles new online format
BUT as evidenced by their unsigned editorials they are still shilling for the mayor and special interests. Another editorial that looks like it came right out of the mayors office promoting question 5 (which is yet another tax on the poor of Pittsfield)
So, in my opinion this new version is no better than the old version as the paper continues to be the enemy of its own customer base. How dumb is that? Just what the hell is their mission statement anyway?
The BB is just trying to put a pretty face on corruption.
The old “lipstick on a pig” curve ball.
It is a fact that way too many people do not have the time or brains to tell what is real or not. And these are the people that corrupt special interests prey on. And “prey on” is the correct term for what they excel at. And they usually can get just enough to allow themselves to stomp all over all the people.
Mr. Valenti,
It has been reported that the computer file containing 650,000 emails, the crucial file of interest to FBI officials inside Anthony Weiner’s laptop, has the fateful label “Life Insurance”.
Seems even Huma Abedin did not really trust The Clintons even though she reportedly was Hillary’s most trusted confidante and near constant companion day — and night.
With the expose of those 650,000 tell-tale emails, will Huma now seek a plea deal or perhaps be offered limited immunity in exchange for testimony under oath?
Given the fact that Hillary and Huma now no longer see fit to appear together “on the stump”, it might be safe to assume that unfolding events related to Huma’s present legal jeopardy have caused a major rift in Huma’s and Hillary’s relationship.
Huma is now in hiding. So many people take the fall for the bad behavior of the Clintons.
Huma is not exactly in hiding. She’s just staying at home and taking care of her son. The tabloids are taking the usual photos. But compared to the bright lights of the stage and campaign jet aircraft, her demotion is dramatic. Oh yeah, Her Thighness called her “one of my staffers”.
This is a more likely scenario ofTrumps behavior.As a admitted molester in chief I don’t think he could be in a room with a woman.
Donald Trump is too big to pay ( his taxes)and his supporters feel this makes him a genius. His fake support for police,veterans,and military is ok with his supporters but they don’t know why it’s ok.
No worse than Bill Clinton who is loved and popular with the people, but is a convicted molester in chief.
Instead of swallowing all the Democrat Party propaganda, why don’t you take an hour to log-in to and listen start-to-finish to any of The Donald’s campaign rallies.
You just might learn something about the guy and realize that he’s not the fool you think he is.
‘Donald Trump Campaign Rally in Miami, Florida’
‘Donald Trump Campaign Rally in Pensacola, Florida’
And by the way, though The New York Times totally buried the story in the back pages, even The Times now acknowledges Trump has NO link to the Russkies.
‘Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia’
Finally, Finally the Chicago Clubs have one the WOrld Series!
No on Questions 5, we are taxed enough. This is taxing us more outside the box. This is a no brainer.
Rush is reporting that Hillary may have snuck into the clubhouse in the dark of night and weighted the Indians bats just enough to throw off their swings. And given how she has obviously been responsible for mowing down soldiers in Benghazi, tipping over the Statue of Liberty in a fit of rage, and putting blanks in the guns of Custers soldiers I have to believe this is true.
heh heh,
Your remarks about Benghazi are offensive – Hillary was Sec. of State when our people were murdered there – while she watched via drone coverage. She did not take any action to set a rescue in motion – she is responsible for the carnage.
and by that logic Bush is responsible for every soldier wounded or killed in Iraq. Because there was absolutely no reason we should have gone near that country
How are you offended?
A vote for Hillary is a vote for globalism, socialism, open borders, increased illegal immigration, 3x more Syrian refugees, partial birth abortion, higher taxes, Obamacare, increased regulations, pay to play, gun control etc.
Hillary is suffering from serious health issues, and she is under criminal investigation by the FBI. Her husband is the molester-in-chief and was impeached. She has no regard for national security (home server, classified documents on Wiener’s laptop, etc.).
Vote Trump!
Bush went into Iraq per request of one Dick Cheney who’s Halliburton Compony made,oh about 40 billion,on the Iraq war. Cheney himself received about 34 million prior to joining Bush pre election.
This is true. And a lot of suffering occurred along the way for Cheney to get his millions. Think of all the kids who lost their dads and moms. Think of all the mothers who lost their sons. Think of all the maimed soldiers…so many that our extensive VA system cannot even keep up with their torment and injuries years later. But some macho people want to send more of our sons and daughters back over into Syria to keep the slaughter going.
Is Trump one of these people? Only he know how to fix the war ya know.
Chenny had no connection to Haliburton at that time. It would be like trying to tie a GE retiree to what GE does now. Get a clue.
Dick Cheney was a shill for Halliburton and used the 911 disaster as his talking point to enter into Iraq. Halliburton received no bid contract and made crappy equipment for the military.
Has any one out there taken the time to read “The Art of the Deal”
written by Donald Trump…It is a telling overview of what Donald Trump is all about. He may be a good businessman with other
peoples money but what experience does he have in government?
Trump is the Author of The Shady Deal, it’s about being on the brink of Bankruptcy only to be rescued by his own Brand name ‘Trump’ in exchange for being dead..another bankrupt term. Strickly a quid pro quo relationship at the time. So there was his so called Story. Clinton is no better, and Bush and Obama were the worst.
North Carolina is where Trump needs to be until election, no seriously.
Congrats to the Chicago Clubs for winning the World of Series last night.
Did you all.believe Trump was cool before he ran.
The republicans have long wanted to cut and or do away with social security. With Trump in charge they can steam roll that plan. If you get or about to get social security and you vote for Trump you are nuts
The Repubs will NOT do away with social security. Where do you get this stuff?
Mario Rubio…busted a gut on that one Dan.
Agree with the Planet…I could listen to Terry all day, he’s that good. Pittsfield lost a good representative on the School Committee.
Hancock Rd. Speedway and now Truckers, they gotta go. Something’s bad is going to happen with that narrow rd.
Tony is trying to do what he can. Something needs to be done now, please!
Trump Russian news out now.Find it
How about that crooked Obama obstructionist DOJ!!!
Shows that Obama and Hildebeast are in this together and they might need to open a new federal prison to house the whole lot of them.
No wonder they are so afraid of a Trump presidency that would prosecute the whole cabal!!!
Seems the FBI are after the whole bucnh now as some honest agents have refused to cover up things for the political appointed adminisTRAITORS
Evil enough that heaven won’t take her and hell is afraid she’ll take over!
The investigation into Carlos Danger’s “sexting” a 15 yr old is probably why the FBI got the warrant. The number of emails is staggering. I’m guessing that he received a lot of automatic emails that he just didn’t delete but 650,000 is huge and its unlikely that the FBI will find all of them going to teenage girls. Still, if Hillary is indicted there is nothing that says she can’t be pardoned by Obama. This would definitely generate a house impeachment hearing but whether the Senate goes forward probably depends on which party controls it.
I think every polling booth in America should have a shower at the exit so that voters can remove the slime that these two old, wealthy New Yorkers have caused.
the Planet is second to none, thanks Dan!
Valenti is the Greatness.
AGREEV with that!
Valenti is the best blog in the Country!