(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 3-5, 2017) — Recently we ended a post with a quote by H.L. Mencken, who said all government is corrupt and attempts to reform it are futile. One cannot argue with the 20th century’s greatest prose stylist.
Government is corrupt because of the human heart. Three things, separately inert, combine into a lethal alloy: power, money, and corporation. The first stands synonymous with “politics.” In fact, THE PLANET defines “politics” as the pursuit, acquisition, maintenance, and wielding of power. This mysterious force comes in two varieties, internal and external. Internal power provides the force through which we become ourselves through our choices, the whole “Existential thing.” Internal power, attached at the hip to Will, includes every virtue, characteristic, attribute, and talent a person possesses. It works alone in and though the singularity of one’s persona.
External power defines us publicly comes about through one’s actions on that stage. It only occurs in consortium. We see a great (though little recognized) example from Jesus in the New Testament, when he says that whenever “two or three” are gathered in his name, he is present also. It might have come straight out of a sociology text. Corporation (at its best “collegiality,” at its worst “totalitarianism”) transforms external power into “politics.”
Humans are social animals not because we love one another but because we need one another. The days of rugged individualism have ended. Coming together in communities requires rules, a social contract, and the devices through which that contract can be administered and enforced. All hierarchies — the military, Church, a political party, city government, a condo association, the Boy Scouts, a football team — must be led. Rules require a ruler.
Unfortunately, power becomes for some an irresistible attraction, an end they pursue by any means. The best among us pursue power for public service. The worst pursue it for themselves. How does one tell the difference? By actions. Above all, beware of the politician who has to keep telling you he or she was attracted to office because of “public service.” That statement is almost always a lie.
Which brings about this post on THE PLANET several days ago from mi:
Peter Larkin is looking into Broadband for the Citizens of Pittsfield and beyond. Karen Polito gave him a few mentions during her visit here. Wouldn’t you rather have P. T. Barnum representing you instead of this phony politico, money sucking Lobbyist.
THE PLANET would rather have P.T. Barnum. For that matter, we’d rather have Barney Fife … or Barney Rubble.
Here’s our favorite Peter Larkin story.
It’s election night, late 1990s. Larkin, then state rep, sits in with THE PLANET, who is anchoring local election coverage for WBRK Radio. The results start coming in, and it becomes quickly apparent that the numbers for the council at-large race make no sense. We send newsman Len Bean to city hall to investigate. Larkin, meanwhile, gets on his phone and is talking secretively to some unknown party. THE PLANET concludes there’s been a colossal ballot screw-up.
We look at the printed sample ballot. Sure enough. For at-large, it tells voters to vote for eight — twice as many as it should have. THE PLANET immediately realizes the severity of the situation, that it will invalidate the election. We pause for a commercial break. In that two minutes, we convene a hasty drawn conference in the corridor outside the broadcast booth. We address WBRK management, Bullet Bob Shade and Chip Hodgkins.
“Fellas, this election is screwed up,” we say. “The at-large numbers are wrong. This election will be invalidated. I want to break this news right now.” They give the green light.
Lenny calls back from city hall. There’s panic in city hall, led by mayor Gerry Doyle. Larkin gets back on his phone. Someone at the station overhears the conversation. Larkin is on the phone with Doyle, who’s telling Larkin to order Dan Valenti not to report what’s going on or the city is going to sue everyone.
When the commercial break ends, we resume anchoring and break the bombshell. Larkin’s face turns white. We ask him for comment. He’s shell shocked because he failed to carry out an order from his political master. He tries but fails to downplay the huge gaffe. We essentially tell him he’s full of it. THE PLANET sticks by the story: The city screwed up the ballot, and that will invalidate the election.
The next day, the secretary of state agreed with our reporting. He rules Pittsfield must provide a do-over at a cost of an additional $25,000.
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That day, we saw what a disingenuous politician looks like.
We all know later Larkin quit his seat on Beacon Hill shortly after he won re-election, even though he knew was leaving for a lucrative position that he previously lined up. He turned his alleged “public service” into a grab fest.
THE PLANET, even those 20 years ago, had long had a Mencken-like distrust of politicians. On that chilly election night, Larkin confirmed every suspicion we had. We saw a phony at work. Today, we can spot the type on sight.
THE PLANET will never be able to reform government. We CAN, however, keep giving We The People the information it needs to finally, one day, wake up and not be fooled again.
“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” — H. L. Mencken
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He now makes 135k state job….wife is at 125k state job…brother Patrick 185 k state job….bringing jobs to Western ma
I’ve not trusted him since he ran for state rep, won, then quit. Paved the way for Speranzo, who did the same thing to retire to a cushy job with the courts. And people wonder why there’s not trust in local govt. Thank you DV for the only media site with truth.
Dear Moonbats, keep electing these democrat clowns. You deserve it.
Peter J. Larkin is a lobbyist for General Electric Company. Peter Larkin ensures that GE will continue to pollute Pittsfield with cancer causing chemicals called PCBs. The Consent Decree that Gerry Doyle and Peter Larkin pushed through on the people of Pittsfield is the most fraudulent document known to the history of humankind. Most of GE’s toxic waste sites are capped, not cleaned up. The problem with capping toxic waste is that the caps are finite. That means the caps do not last forever. Eventually, the caps become ineffective and the PCBs continue to pollute the land, water, and air. Hill 78 is a capped PCB-site that abuts Allendale Elementary School. Eventually, the caps will become ineffective and the children who attend Allendale Elementary School will be impacted by the cancer causing PCBs that Lobbyist Larkin worked to leave Pittsfield a polluted de facto Superfund site!
I am a 100% disabled Veteran who served my country Honorably in the U.S. Army. I watched with disgust as Jack Downing, a non-Veteran, cashes in a lucrative 6-figure annual salary, and pays Peter Larkin, another non-Veteran, tens of thousands of dollars per year out of the needs of at-risk and homeless Veterans in Pittsfield and Northampton, Massachusetts. Moreover, in 2005, they awarded another non-Veteran named Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr. the Veteran of the Year award! Jack Downing always kissed Carmen’s behind, but that one was a whopper!
When Peter Larkin resigned his Pittsfield State Representative seat only one week after taking the “oath of office”, he increased his state pension. Moreover, Peter Larkin didn’t even really live in Pittsfield anymore. His wife is a doctor in the Worcester area. I once made a speech at open mic before the Pittsfield City Council that Peter Larkin did not live in the community he represented on Beacon Hill, and to make matters worse, he therefore was committing fraud in per diem travel pay.
Peter Larkin passed a state law that mandated abstinence only sexual education throughout Massachusetts public schools. I once wrote Peter Larkin a letter asking if teenagers could masturbate? What about safe sex in a consensual relationship? What about the use of birth control? Of course, Peter Larkin did not respond to my lengthy letter to him.
In the early-winter of 2004, I was collecting signatures for my nomination papers for Berkshire State Senator. Peter Larkin refused to sign my nomination papers. He even raised his voice at me and got angry at me for asking him.
Those are my negative thoughts and feelings against Peter J. Larkin!
– Jonathan Melle
As a disabled person myself im curious what 100% disabled means? are you a vegetable?
No. I am not a “vegetable”.
100% service connection is a rating by the VA for disabled Veterans.
A disabled Veteran can be rated 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, or 100% for service connection by the VA.
My point is that Jack Downing, who is a non-Veteran, is cashing in on at-risk and homeless Veterans, and he is also paying Peter Larkin, another non-Veteran, tens of thousands of dollars per year out of his Soldier On organization that is supposed to be helping Veterans, not politically-connected, greedy corporate lobbyists!
– Jonathan Melle
Since 2004, it was reported in the news that Berkshire County is the #1 region in Massachusetts for job loss. Thousands of people moved away from Berkshire County. Pittsfield lost KB Toys to bankruptcy, GE Plastics sold to Sabic, which moved all of its operations and jobs to Houston, Texas, municipal taxes and liabilities have risen way above the rate of inflation, the Good Old Boys continued (their corrupt) business as usual, the Pittsfield political machine is a China-like one political party system that rewards the politically connected with tax breaks and pay raises, PEDA still has zero private tenants and needs millions of additional dollars in cleanup remediation, both Carmen Massimiano and Angelo Stracuzzi are respective alleged homo-sexual deviants child molesters of young boys, Jimmy Ruberto still lives in his late-mother’s Pittsfield home, Dan Bianchi is being sued by multiple municipal employees, the Lovely Linda Tyer is producing record setting municipal budgets while giving tax breaks to out of town millionaires, Peter Larkin is a GE Lobbyist, Nuciforo lost his bid for U.S. Congress by 40-points to Congressman Richie Neal, Smitty Pignatelli is an entrenched career politician serving his 8th 2-year term in the State House on Beacon Hill, and the vested interests have never been doing better with their high finances paid for by the captive state and local taxpayers living on fixed incomes.
The Democrat hackorama is alive and well in Pittsfield
Kudos! You’ve only scratched the surface.
Power, money and corporation. I would add in greed and selfishness. And can we please do away with that out dated “oath of office” farce? It is an insult to the people when we know it is a hollow promise and formality.
I remember 20 or more years ago hearing Matt Kerwood in his rerun for city council. He said he wanted to “give back to the community”. That is a well worn political barf phrase worthy of absolutely nothing.
Great subject matter though one there apparently is no solution for. They own us.
This is exactly why Trump was elected. America is sick and tired with career politicians and politics as usual. I am neither for or against Trump but I am giving a chance to make my paycheck go further.
Are you already a billionaire? Are you connected to the banking or wall street people? Connected to the energy folk? Can you build a fence or wall? How about the military complex?
If so Donald will be taking good care of you. Otherwise, not so much.
People who really want a job and get off welfare will do just fine under Trump. It’s called working for a living.
I agree! We should abolish the MediCare and Social Security scams while we are at it!
You tell em, Dorff
Thanks, baby cakes, where are you taking me for a romantic dinner later?
To the Tahiti Dorff
That won’t even get you to first base.
Agree, need term limits, no lobbyist and a cap on amount spent on elections.
Is that another Carr quote?
Someone once said you don’t enter politics for a career, believe it TES. Larkin and Kerwood would be prime examples of career politicians and insiders.
When we were kids we use to call Peter Larkin, Peter the rat. Guess we had him figured out pretty early. To bad the voters never figured it out.
Paul, understanding what rat means, why or what did he do to Deserve that nickname?
Humpty Trumpty has no Wall
Jeff Sessions continues to fall
All of his remarks
And all of what he said and when
Couldn’t confirm the Attorney General ever again
Hilary Clinton dishonest to all
A pathological liar destined to fall
An evil laugh like the cackle of a hen
Her losing was just a matter of when
BTW, your poetry sucks. Any idea what rhythm and rhyme even are?
Wow, I like it Ghidora.
Seriously H you are one unhinged Looney Liberal. Stay focused Snowflake and stay safe.
Joe, can you articulate a coherent position or just insult people you disagree with?
Matt (shakes) can you stop insulting people? You add no value
I do believe Dean makes an excellent point – Shakes stop trolling – try making a coherent comment –
I think Shakes takes a look at himself in the mirror every morning and shakes his head in disgust and disappointment.
Dean, stop stalking me in order to live out your homoerotic fantasies. SAD!!!! Not Interested!!!
On a previous post, a substantial amount of back taxes owed the city by Maximillion was alluded to. At one time this was indeed the case.It was primarily personal property/commercial taxes and the amount was close to a million$. This is not from speculation nor rumor. It was directly communicated. What the resolution was is not known.
Just stating some facts. He keeps repeating the same dribble everyday, regardless of the topic. I’m not a Doctor, as I stated before on this site, but believe H is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Good news is he’s not alone. I have articulated some facts about Trump and past Presidents in the past, thought we were talking about career Politicians. Thank You for your concerns SHS.
JT, I think H and SHH ‘suffer’ from hatred and fear more than anything. I do, of course, cringe at using the word suffer because they choose to be that way and it’s not something beyond their control .
If you will be my trump will you obsess about Obama like he does?
Any Pittsfield story that includes the names Doyle and Larkin will end in the taxpayers of Pitts being screwed –
Both Jonathan M. and DV mentioned when Mr. Larkin resigned shortly after taking the oath. I remember that event well. One of the most blatantly selfish acts I have even seen in local politics. Serving a few days to pad a pension by a year, that’s when Mr. L lost me.
I speak as a long time public servant who actually believed in “public service.”
Gene, didn’t Chris Spreranzo do the same?
Peter Larkin did not leave to pad his pension. He won re-election in 1996 and was a strong supporter of House Majority leader and heir apparent as House Speaker Richard Voke. Peter, for his support of Voke was promised a high leadership post in the General Court. However, 35 democrats abandoned Voke and voted for Thomas Finneran. 56 members of the House were republicans and they all backed Finneran giving him 91 votes and the house leadership. Peter immediately quit, knowing that he would be relegated to a basement office.
Ten years later he was interested in running for the senate seat vacated by Andy Nuciforo but quickly realized the public had not forgotten his resignation.
He lobbied for pharmaceuticals after he quit his job.He lived outside Boston but charged the state 13k for driving from pittsfield.
Joe Tax quotes Howie Carr now….Trump derangement syndrome ….its sad.
As long as he doesn’t read from a TelePrompTer.
The diagnosis fits like a glove, couldn’t resist.
When Peter Larkin was elected to his first term as State Rep he introduced and won approval of a drastic change to the amount of
money an employee could seek in a workman’s comp claim which
helped employers from having to pay for these claims to injured
employees… To this day workman’s comp claims have never been the same.
How do you get a Veteran of the Aear Award when you’re not a Veteran? Is that like Jeff Sessions saying he didn’t lie, he was just inaccurate?
To get an answer to your question, one would have to ask non-Veteran Jack Downing why in 2005 he gave non-Veteran Carmen Massimiano the “Veteran of the Year award”?
Only in Pittsfield!
Jonathan is right again.Two of the luckiest people alive who owe everything they have to ass kissing.
Absolutely right. Corrupt is always alive and well.
Maybe it was for Non Veteran of the a year? Can you show the article on that J M, have to see it to believe it?
You see all these Committees being formed in Pittsfield with all sorts of different groups, and then you see all these new ways to fund certain entities from The Beacon to Historic preservation and refugee influx. Then you see the retired worker not getting any increases, but all City workers get theirs. Now you have Covanta and others getting millions and then you have a new tax to help fund the community? ( pickpocket )which is incredible. Now we have Kiosk Parking and The Tyler Street renaissance on the Horizon, and Shotspotterand a lot of other useless projects. Not the way to run a City. Road maitenance is probably running a deficit, we have OPEB which is hundreds of millions and a consent decree which looks to have been flawed and in favor of G E . gangs are here in the City, and crime is up with unsolved crime at an all time high. After watching a License Board hearing a couple of weeks ago where an establishment was not deemed the same punishment as two others previous, Johnnies and Lachs,with almost the same situation, it was incredible that a City Board member and lawyer advocated for leniency and it was granted
PU stinkypants should run for mayor. I’d vote for him.
Ed McClelland asks an interesting question. I, also, remember the Maxyimillion story about unpaid taxes. Any one out there know what happened? DV?
I don’t know about this issue.
Yes mayor tyer knows the answer to that.She could make it public right here.
Dan….do you think President Obama ordered someone to wiretap Trump and if yes Why.
I don’t know and would have no way of knowing. Moroever, it doesn’t interest me.
Obama is setting up a “nerve center” with Valerie Jarrett to take down Trump. They are admitting it. What more do you need to know? Obama is the true power mad ex-politician along with the power mad progressives. This is unheard of. Obama and the Democrats have lost it.
They are so blatant, it boggles the mind!
When is Trump going to arrest Hillary?
Right after he bitch slaps the little turd running N K. Comrade.
Good one Dorff
When is it going to happen babycakes?
Dorffy gonna cry?
Not as munch as Trump cries. Poor Donnie, he will never be as good a president as BHO is. Never before, during, or after. And I don’t even like Obama.
Dorffy, I can’t even express how much faith I have in your judgement. Both Trump and I are crushed.
So why is he tweeting about it over his morning constitutional?
I heard Obama stole the deed to Trump Tower and then snuckded back during the night and painted the whole building bright red. And he did it for spite just to piss Donald off. I don’t understand this behavior just because Donald rightfully won the election Obama has some kind of hissy fit and does stuff.
Oh my!!
If Obama got the wiretap there is evidence of a crime.
you’re a nerve center
he’s got some nerve
Build the nerve center on the P E D A site.
Love it. The Nerve Center could go next to the Berkshire Innovation Center (BIC). The purdy sign on East Street just before the Woodlawn Avenue extension says the BIC is “Coming Soon.” The sign has been up for years.
MSNBC and CNN running stories 24/7 that Trump is a Russian spy. This was the plan all along if Hillary lost the election. Use the media to chip away at the Trump presidency. Use their protesting far left people to literally attack Trump supporters. Yesterday they attacked an elderly man who supported Trump. Yet, these same people are supposedly terrified of Russia as they use Russian type tactics to shut down the free speech of Trump supporters. They don’t want this president to get anything done so they need to keep up the drumbeat of Trump being a Russian spy.
Par….who said Trump was a spy.I will ask again in 24 hours.What heard is everyone is reporting on Trumps twitter statements .You have injected for fake news that every professional news organization reports Trump is a spy…..Your desperate.
I never thought I’d see the day that conservatives would become the biggest commie lovers of all. For the life of me I can’t get my head around that one. LOL
Communist lovers? That would be the Obama administration and the progressives who were so afraid of any kind of confrontation that they LET Russia and Putin become as powerful as they have become. The American people KNOW the truth. Democrats always run from any kind of conflict and leave the mess for the next administration. People know their tricks.
I say it again, Pat. Commie lovers. Used to be a time when an American like you would call it like it is.
The left is beating up the elderly and disabled people who voted for Trump. I think the progressives would fit right in with the Russians.
I don’t think the left is taking away their health insurance.
So as it turns out the wire taps that were found in Trump tower belong to Putin and the KGB folk, not Obama. Do you think Putin owns Trump or what?
Please stop getting your news from the left brainwashing stations MSNBC and CNN.
Comrades, relax. Everything is so beautiful, it will only make Howie Carr more furious than he already is, that’s a good thing. Goober Sessions looks like a lost puppy, may e he sould join Hillary for a long walk.Trumps days are numbered.
The Progressives days are numbered.
But seriously. Who is going to pay for our infrastructure? We need it in our cities, states and country wide. But cities are going broke as well as states. And the country has a 20 trillion dollar debt. And if all the rich people are getting huge tax breaks and we are going to build an expensive mega military, and the pensions are under funded and we need to build a 25 billion dollar wall, where is the money going to come from?
Can we skip the blame game and get some serious input?
The middle class is getting a tax break from the Trump administration. That’s what matters.
Trump will grow the GNP to 3-4 percent and will increase inheritance tax to over 14 percent, it will be beautiful..Comrades
The whole Trump Russia connection is just a witch hunt. There is no evidence that Trump is in bed with Russia and Putin.
Lower taxes stimulate the economy and actually generate more tax revenue……it’s just hard to keep the morons from over spending.
Sounds good, but you forget the debacle Reagan left Bush 1.
Let’s start bu getting rid of Medicare.
I was really choked reading this. So, I suspected Election fraud in City Hall, because allegedly 65% of residents supported an additional 1% tax being added to already raised Property taxes,
as “Community Preservation Act”—mass madness in Village of Pittsfield? But now I see, City screwed Elections before, so they know how to do that!
People! We need to fight OPENLY–don’t be afraid.
Read today’s Berkshire Eagle article of Mr. Cr G.–
“Toss Special Interests in Nov. City Election”