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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY AUG. 21, 2017) — The solar eclipse? Been there, done that.

THE PLANET has seen them come and go, and — while they are of marginal interest as celestial occurrences — they fail to ignite much interest beyond that. Don’t get us wrong. There is wonder in this utterly coincidental phenomenon, the moon blocking the sun with respect to a perspective alignment on earth, this time with the unique quality of only being able to be viewed in the United states.

Yes, this is a decidedly AMERICAN eclipse. People wonder how can the moon block out the sun, which is 400 times larger? The answer can be glimpsed in the fact that the sun is 400 times its distance from earth than the moon. It’s the same illusion Linda Tyer employs when she touts the fiction that crime has undergone a total eclipse in Pittsfield owing to the vigilance of our heroic public “leaders.” Details at 11.

The jingoist nature of this eclipse, of course, makes it Important. Had it been like other eclipses elsewhere (Uzbekistan, Norway), it wouldn’t have the moral purity of THIS one. We are ‘merica and this solar biz is ‘merican, damn it, and we all know that whatever happens in, to, over, under, around, and through the U.S. pulls the global tides and causes the weather everywhere else.

We are God’s gift to the world, ‘merica, proving once and for all that there is no Talmudic, Christian, or Muslim God. There is a world, but here in the States, that world is confined to the lower 48, with Hawaii and Alaska thrown in just because. U.S. protectorates and territories such as Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and Washington, DC, rate a half-second of inclusion, especially when threatened by with nuclear annihilation by a Chicago Bulls fan with an unspeakably bad haircut north of the 38th parallel.

 ‘Mercia bears the white man’s burden, superior in every way to all other lands and cultures, including the artery-clogging weight that turns too many profiles into those of tackling dummies. To the rest of the world, we are fat, ugly, overbearing, obnoxious, xenophobic, and uncouth. You have to venture in foreign lands, as we have, to truly “get” the magnitude of that contempt. The only truly global exports Uncle Sam has given to the rest of the globe are Coca Cola and Taylor Swift. We found everywhere else too smart to fall for Pet Rocks.

But we got ourselves an eclipse, dad gum it. It’s ours, and our alone. “USA … USA … USA!!!”

The eclipse, ordered by Donald Trump no doubt as a distraction from impromptu sing-alongs of When Johnny Comes Marching Home, has received Second Coming treatment for what passes as media in this country: mainstream media and, worst of all, the indescribably vapid social media.

The sheeple have been brainwashed into thinking this eclipse will be life-altering. They’ve stormed convenience stores and Walmarts (not yet to be found on Woodlawn Avenue, Pittsfield, by the way) for “eclipse glasses,” overpaying for cheap cardboard frames with colored Saran Wrap “lenses.” Not only are the specs worthless, but they will cause eye damage to countless numbers of stupid people, a silver lining if ever there was one.

THE PLANET would have been better off keeping the cardboard frames from William Castle’s 13 Ghosts, a scary flick we saw back in the day at the old Union Square theater, a venue that Martin Milner‘s ghost still haunts at what is now the Barrington Stage. Aside: Julie Boyd made the smartest decision of her theatrical career when, after moving the theater from South County to, ugh, Pittsfield, she kept South County in the theater’s name. She knew that if it became the Pittsfield Stage, audiences would have been kept away by gangs, the drug trade, shootings, and stabbings — the same thing that closed The Lantern and will soon (a relative term) shut down Hotel on North, to name just two of the many.

This eclipse will only last a few minutes. Most of the country will have partial view (70% here in the Berkshires). It will produce no major scientific knowledge. It will not optimally impact any significant solar observatories. Consequently, our advice is to forget the eclipse and go back to true imponderables, such as: Why has construction stopped on Dunkin’ Donuts on First and Fenn? Why has Hess Forest not produced a new life form? and When will the Death of North Street be officially proclaimed?

This eclipse will be the first ever visible only in the USA. Yes, son, that’s going back to 1776. That’s not counting Donald Trump’s election on Nov. 9, 2016. That’s was and still is in view worldwide.


Little darling, the smile’s returning to their faces”George Harrison



The Usual Disclaimer.

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That girl
That girl
7 years ago

If you live on a farm, make sure you put the horses and goats and sheep and chickens and ducks and bees and pigs inside because they can all go blind. Make sure the cat and the dog are in also. Oh my gosh! I forgot about the birds and the squirrels!!! Who will warn them? Who will warn them???

7 years ago

I love the movie “Thirteen Ghosts”. My husband and I watched it last Halloween.

The safest way to view the solar eclipse is on television. I will not be running outside to see it.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Word on the street is that due to budget cuts there may only be twelve ghosts heretofore. Sign of the times. The good news is that one of the ghosts is going to try to be twice as scary in a dubious effort to bridge the gap.

We will see. There is really nothing we can do short of a budget override.

And sadly, as a result of the very same aforementioned budget concerns the eclipse has been downgraded to 70% for Pittsfield. But Stanley will still get his tax cuts for the Beacon theater. So there is that good news.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Valenti’s number one.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

hen is the lips?

Make Pittsfield Great Again
Make Pittsfield Great Again
7 years ago

The first total eclipse of the sun was recorded by Peter Arlos in 1791 on the common.

Reply to  Make Pittsfield Great Again
7 years ago

Didn’t know that, thought it was Wiggy, as he was playing pocket Pool?

May Hemm
May Hemm
7 years ago

We’ve already seen an eclipse, Pittsfield’s tax rate was eclipsed for the 70th straight year.

Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Secret Tapes From Baltimore
7 years ago

They should use the Jolly Roger as the official flag of Pittsfield.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

They should give Donald Trump the Nobel Hate Prize!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

“Donald Trump isn’t just a champion of white supremacists. He’s their leader”
By Renée Graham, Boston Globe Columnist, Op-Ed, August 17, 2017

I was wrong.

In a column about President Trump’s flaccid initial response to the deadly violence in Charlottesville, I wrote: “They marched with Confederate flags and swastikas, guns slung from their shoulders and strapped to their waists, believing their champion occupies this nation’s highest office.”

I should not have called the 45th President of the United States a “champion” of white supremacists. Trump is their undisputed leader.

Indeed, Trump was a racist long before he had a base to mollify, branded Mexican immigrants as “rapists,” and tried to ban Muslims from entering this country. In 1989, he bought newspaper ads calling for reinstatement of the death penalty after five black and Latino teens were accused of raping a white woman in Central Park. All served prison time before their sentences were vacated based on DNA evidence and a detailed confession from a serial rapist. Trump has never apologized. There was that “birther” rubbish he flung at President Obama in an attempt to delegitimize a presidency that his own will never surpass. Now he won’t stop tweeting about the “foolish” removal of “our beautiful statues and monuments” — you know, the ones for seditious men who fought and lost a treasonous war to keep black people in chains.

Trump is not racially insensitive. He is not taken out of context. He is not an old man whose ideas are trapped in the past. White supremacists love him because bigots always embrace one of their own. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Trump wouldn’t have gotten to the White House without them and racists wouldn’t feel protected and understood without their personal president.

His supporters may believe I’m attacking their wonderful president with unfounded accusations, yet Trump’s own words always indict him. Who could have fathomed an American president defending neo-Nazis and white supremacists? Condemning such groups is the easiest thing a president can do. Yet Trump has failed miserably.

For those still in doubt, here’s a few signs your president is a racist:

■ He calls people who chanted, “Jews will not replace us” in Charlottesville, “Very fine people.”

■ He makes an initial statement condemning hatred, but denounces violence “on many sides.” He ad-libbed that last bit, and repeated it twice just in case anyone couldn’t hear the dog whistle.

■ It takes two more days to cajole him into condemning by name neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK. When pushed to say something appropriate, he does so with all the sincerity of a four-year-old coerced into saying “thank you” for an ugly sweater.

■ Former KKK grand wizard and forever racist David Duke praises his “honesty & courage to tell the truth about Charlottesville” and “leftist terrorists.”

■ He has a massive crush on President Andrew Jackson, with his portrait prominently displayed in the Oval Office. It’s a statement piece about his admiration for a man best remembered for the “Trail of Tears,” which led to the deaths of thousands of Native Americans.

■ He employs Steve Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News, called “the platform for the alt-right.”

■ His tweets and comments are littered with white nationalist talking points.

■ He is silent about hate crimes against Muslims, yet giddily — and repeatedly — spreads a myth about US soldiers killing Muslims with bullets dipped in pig blood.

Like the unmasked men and women who marched for hate in Charlottesville, Trump has never concealed who he is. His combativeness is not a lack of discipline. It is a character trait on bold display.

As Maya Angelou once said, “When people show you who they are, believe them.”

Renée Graham can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @reneeygraham

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Herman Cain’s viewpoint on Trump being called a racist. Herman Cain is a black man.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Herman Cains boss.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

There you go again, relying on mainstream news for your “info.” And of all places, the Boston Globe, well-known for its disgraced former columnist Mike Barnicle, who was forced to resign due to fraud and plagiarism!
As I said before – garbage in, garbage out!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gigi
7 years ago

Gigi,the news is real and I know you wont tell anyone

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  The school committee
7 years ago

Re: Open letter to Rinaldo Del Gallo, III

August 21, 2017

Dear Rinaldo,

I agree with your view that freedom of speech must be protected and exercised by all of our fellow American citizens. I read several news articles about your experience in Boston this past Saturday, August 19th, 2017. There was a small group of people with a permit who spoke at a “free speech” event. There were over 500 police officers. There were over 40,000 protestors. You tried to attend the event as a “Bernie Sanders progressive”, but the police denied you entrance, and you are threatening to sue them. The protestors called you derisive terms, including “white trash”, and you asked for and received policed protection. You called some of the protestors who you felt threatened by the term, “Antifa”.

Until I read the news articles that featured you in Boston on Saturday, I did not realize what the “Antifa” is and how long it existed. I copied a British news article, below. The long-standing “Antifa” movement is rising in standing with the general public since the election of U.S. President of Donald Trump and the “alt-right” movement he supports, which is linked with neo-nazi’s, the KKK, white supremacists, white nationalists, and the like.

What did you expect would happen, Rinaldo? We have a fascist and racist billionaire as our U.S. President who openly disrespects Human Rights! Race, violence, and conflictual politics are now dividing our nation. We are fighting each other instead of working together. To illustrate, the U.S. Congress and President Trump have only signed a few bills into law since January 20th, 2017. Moreover, the U.S. government may shut down on October 1, 2017, if they fail to raise the debt limit. We are in a period of ineffectual leadership and dysfunction!

Some political observers say this is all a diversion! The right-wing is reviving “hate” to distract us from their real agenda. The Republican Party wants to reform so-called “entitlements”, which means they want to gut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, which are on the path to financial insolvency in the decades to come. They want to end “Obamacare”, too, which is also financially unsustainable. They want to cut federal taxes for the top 10% of income earners. They want to cut the corporate tax rate, too. They want to grow the military industrial complex by hundreds of billions of dollars per year. They want to defund Planned Parenthood, end limited abortion rights for women, and allow “religious” entities to invoke their “conscience” to limit insurance funding for birth control prescription medicine. They want to gut the EPA and give polluting businesses more discretion to poison our air, water, and land. They want to defund public education, and gut grant and loan funding for teenagers to afford college. They support harsh drug laws, private prisons, and a tough criminal justice system that many say targets the poor and minorities.

The question I have for you, Rinaldo, who takes the time to blog, write letters to the editor and political columns, proposes citizen initiatives, and runs for political office, is: “Why do so many people only protest instead of participate in the political process like you do?”

I am impressed with you, Rinaldo, because you take the time to participate in politics and government. You stand up for people, your community, and political causes. You fight the good fights, while so many people sit on the sidelines.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

“Antifa: Left-wing militants on the rise”
By Brenna Cammeron, BBC News, August 14, 2017

The violence and murder of a protester in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend has been attributed to far-right elements that descended on the city to demonstrate against the proposed removal of a statue of Confederate war hero Robert E Lee.

President Donald Trump drew widespread criticism on Saturday when he said that there was violence on “many sides” in Charlottesville and initially neglected to explicitly censure the white supremacists who organised the rally.

On Monday, he bowed to pressure to castigate the KKK, white supremacists and neo-nazis.

But many conservatives say blame should be shared by Antifa, a loosely affiliated group of far-left protesters.

Critics argue the media tends to excuse violence by Antifa militants just because they are fighting white supremacists and their odious ideology.

What exactly is Antifa?

The social causes of Antifa (short for anti-fascist or Anti-Fascist action) are easily identifiable as left-leaning.

Most members oppose all forms of racism and sexism, and strongly oppose what they see as the nationalist, anti-immigration and anti-Muslim policies that Mr Trump has enacted.

However, as their name indicates, Antifa focuses more on fighting far-right ideology than encouraging pro-left policy.

Unlike the mainstream left, they do not seek to gain power through traditional channels – winning elections and passing bills into law.

Antifa is anti-government and anti-capitalist, and their methodologies are often perceived as more closely aligned with anarchists than the mainstream left.

Antifa does not shy away from militant protest methods, including the destruction of property and sometimes physical violence.

They were present at the 2017 Berkeley protests of far-right speaker Milo Yiannopoulos and at violent protests against Donald Trump’s inauguration; they were also present at Charlottesville.

Antifa’s roots go back almost as far as Nazis

Much like the far-right, Antifa members around the world comprise a patchwork of groups, though the most active appear to be based in the US, the UK (under the name Anti-Fascist Action) and Germany (Antifaschistische Aktion).

The German movement was founded in 1932 to provide a militant far-left group to counter the fast-rising Nazi party.

They were disbanded in 1933 after Hitler took control of parliament and resurrected in the 1980s as a response to neo-Nazism after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

President Trump’s election seems to have been something of a touchstone for the Antifa movement, which has links with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and various anarchist groups.

According to James Anderson, one of a group of people who run the popular anti-fascist and anarchist news site, It’s Going Down, interest has spiked since Mr Trump’s election.

The It’s Going Down website, which received around 300 hits daily in 2015, now garners between 10-20,000 hits a day.

Since the events in Charlottesville on Saturday, the It’s Going Down Twitter handle has gained 2,000 new followers.

While interest may have spiked since Mr Trump’s election, it is all but impossible to quantify how many people are active members of Antifa.

Much like the far-right, chapters of Antifa are loosely connected and highly secretive, and organise mostly on message boards such as Reddit and over social networks like Twitter and Facebook.

Calls to label Antifa a terror organisation

Antifa has become a popular topic for right-leaning websites and among conservative pundits.

Fox News commentator and conservative speaker Erick Erickson says in The Resurgent, a conservative blog, that “Antifa and the white supremacists are two sides of a common coin. The people dead in Charlottesville died because of one neo-Nazi, but there were dozen [sic] of people left bleeding in the streets because of Antifa”.

Meanwhile, a petition lobbying Mr Trump to declare Antifa a domestic terror organisation has garnered nearly 100,000 supporters.

While Antifa has gained relatively little attention in the mainstream media, that may soon change.

According to Mr Anderson, the events in Charlottesville over the weekend represent a “sea change” in how Antifa is perceived.

“This is a huge turning point and vindication for our movement,” he said.

“We are working with Black Lives Matter, local clergy, this is not a movement that wants to be a lone group of militants,” he said.

“This is about popular power. Sometimes that looks controversial – but this is a broad movement, and we are looking to engage a wide variety of people.”

7 years ago

This is all fun and games to you people but what if someone gets poked in the eye with a stick during this eclipse?

7 years ago

Let’s hope it ain’t Wiggy’s.

7 years ago

Cities everywhere are opening the old civil defense shelters so the snowflakes have a safe space to protect them from today’s eclipse.

Reply to  Paul
7 years ago

I guess all the poor people who cannot flee to the shelter will just have to look down for a few minutes. I can see a class action lawsuit coming from a bunch of low IQ bozos who manage to go blind from this historic event. And then they will apply for social Security disability en masse.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Paul
7 years ago

Why do regressive snowflakes need to hide.Dems believe in science.We know when it will start and when it will end,we even know the path it will take…regressives are sfraid of North street

Linden Tyler
Linden Tyler
Reply to  The school committee
7 years ago

Nothing to fear North St. is vibrant.

Reply to  Linden Tyler
7 years ago

Reply to Linden Tyler:–You are right! North St. is vibrant! Pittsfield is a wonderful city of software developers and engineers –just read Berkshire Distric Court Reports:))

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  VillageKnight
7 years ago

Regressives destryed Pittsfield ma.Profits and poison.

Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Reply to  The school committee
7 years ago

What kind of science says a man can be a woman and still have his weiner ? And a white woman like Rachel Dolezal can be black, Try again Lintard.

Make Pittsfield Great Again
Make Pittsfield Great Again
7 years ago

If you need a permit in a hurry see Linda and tell her Angelo sent ya.

The rally in Pittsfield lasted slightly longer than an hour. Mayor Linda Tyer had helped expedite the permit for the event, which was organized in a short period of time.

Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Reply to  Make Pittsfield Great Again
7 years ago

Yeah, the show your love. Y hating Trump rally. Wha a joke.

Larson E. Mercer
Larson E. Mercer
Reply to  Secret Tapes From Baltimore
7 years ago

Mayor Linda hater.

Don T
Don T
7 years ago

Just an Asideb this Fight between McGregor and Merriweather is a joke. The Planet would do better than McGregor. Merriweather easily wins this. Merriweather is getting upwards of 399 million for his appearance and basically is fighting what a ounts to a sparring partner.

7 years ago

The American solar eclipse – just a coincidence that it falls on the 1st day of the Jewish month of Elul, known as the “month of

“There will be signs in the sun, moon & stars.” Luke 21:25

7 years ago

Blinded by the Light,revved up like a deuce,another runner in the night….Manfred Mann

7 years ago

Here we go back to Afghanistan. 16 effing years of misery and death and not one good thing to show for the effort. Supposedly we are there to fight terrorism but terrorism does not need Afghanistan to exist. They will just set up somewhere else. Russia fought in Afghanistan for 10 years before we put in out 16 and they were able to gain nothing and left. We need to get out and put the resources to good use somewhere else.

Reply to  dusty
7 years ago

It’s gonna be great!

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
7 years ago

Great for the defense contractors and their huge Washington lobby which is probably what is driving the whole surge. Is Haliburton lurking in the background? Dick Cheney hiding under the bed? Probably.

Reply to  dusty
7 years ago

The legacy of the Bush presidency is 911, lies about WMD, and 2 totally unnecessary and poorly run wars in the Middle East. But some people got rich off all that and that’s all that counts.

Wild in the Streets
Wild in the Streets
7 years ago

I can’t stand that hippo critical sob on PCTV probably the biggest boot licker in the state.

7 years ago

Well, this leads back to a comment made on the Planet where candidates are beholden or have their (ear) so to speak,after doing an interview. These Public radio and other Shows, save the Planet, Gaetani News Hour,for instance. One talk show host had a complaint with Collingwood on a property issue years ago, and publicly mentioned it several times on many of his shows. Now, Chris Connell is clearly,carrying water for the same host as the issue in question, handicap parking. Did Connell ever care about handicap parking as his original idea? Or was it the said host, in question prompting him to do it?

7 years ago

Looks like Chris Canning is on the Verterans and third world countries bandwagon,next,

7 years ago

As an Eye Person, can tell you what Trump did yesterday was incredebily stupid. Now, he’s going to Arizona to speak, what a goof.

Reply to  H
7 years ago

Trump hates it when people tell him what to do. So when there were 1000 people warning everyone NOT TO LOOK AT THE SUN DURING THE ECLIPSE, of course Trump was going to look at the sun.

And it was effing hilarious to watch him on national TV looking up at the sun just to let everyone know he takes orders from no one. Ya gotta love this guy. He makes Gomer Pyle look like a genius.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  dusty
7 years ago

That was incredible he did that, doesn’t say much for his common sense And that is the genius who’ll get to push all the buttons.

Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago

Yep, same guy that has all the nuclear codes.

Donald…please don’t walk into the blades of Marine one. Please don’t.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  dusty
7 years ago

Suck it up buttercup.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

He’s deploying as we speak.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
7 years ago

It’s all Hillary’s fault !

Harlan RinkleNutts
Harlan RinkleNutts
7 years ago

Check out who gets the defense contracts, who Trump tried to get back door tax breaks for? Make the rich Wealthier afpdain.