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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION SEPT. 8-10, 2017) — The Rosa Restaurant. The Busy Bee. Ida and John’s. The Highland. The Lantern — three once-seminal Pittsfield eateries now defunct, one still going, and one going, going, gone. The Lantern, a Pittsfield institution gracefully run by the Pappas family for more years than Peter Arlos sat at the foot of Zeus at heaven’s Acropolis, has been driven out of business not by the vagaries of the marketplace; not because of natural calamity; and not by an act of Bog. No, the evidence indicates that this lovely, jazzy bar and grille has seen the ghosts of hamburgers past because of official incompetence. Is that the case? Let’s explore.

You’ve heard of Frankenstein, Einstein, and Gertrude Stein, but could you conjure a mental image of Randy Stein?

Is Randy Stein, Pittsfield Fire Department‘s beer-gutted inspector, the real reason Lantern owner Mark Pappas has sought the downy pillow of premature retirement? Is Stein what happens when you give Barney Fife more than one bullet? You see this all too often in low-level public officials who let a thimble full of power go to the head. Fifeism is a disease striking mostly in the Podunks of the land, with occupational clusters occurring regularly in inspectors and meter maids.  The unfortunate carrier of Fifeism loves shaking down businesses and people for the same reason that a dog licks its balls. Yeah, the greatest punchline of all time: Because he can.

Well-informed sources say that in a series of visits, Stein put Pappas trough a slow-burn water torture of gratuitous gandering. Cruelty, apparently, came in a series of threes, each carrying out a philosophy peculiar to official Pittsfield, one, by the way, that our present mayor has robustly continued from her noble predecessor: “Do whatever you can to inconvenience, discourage, or piss off citizens, home owners, and small business owners.”

  • First, sources say, Stein ordered Pappas to get a new Fry-o-Lator. THE PLANET has had Lantern fries on numerous occasions, and we have invariably found the golden morsels of crisped exteriors and fluffy, snow-white insides to be perfect mates for Berkshire County’s best burgers. Nonetheless, Pappas, not ready to give up the toast, complied ad installed the new implement. We cannot say whether the new fry-baby produces a product equal to its predecessors, but our taste buds cannot imagine how.
  • Not content with the kitchen, Stein then commanded Pappas to make the restaurant’s phone-booth-sized bathrooms in the rear handicapped accessible. Accessibility has been a problem in The Lantern about as many times as you’ve seen Randy Stein winning the Boston Marathon — or for that matter the 10-yard Kids’ Romp on Walk a Mile in Her Shoes night. Still, the determined Pappas, as fine a fellow as you will ever meet, complied. Thus far, neither this correspondent nor our legions from The Secret Squadron, many of whom dine at The Lantern, have witnessed or heard about a stream of Jerry’s Kids looking to relieve themselves in the eatery’s toilets. As Rodney Dangerfield once said, always look out for No. 1, but when you’re doing it, don’t step in No. 2.
  • The final spit came when Stein told Pappas the restaurant needed a new ventilation system. Having to install this boneyard of snake piping would push Pappas’ investment in the changes anywhere from $60,000 to $80,000. Those familiar with such work say the figure would most likely be “in the $80,000-or-more range” to install new venting for the eatery. THE PLANET readily admits we are not competent to judge whether a restaurant needs upon pain of  death upgrades of this kind. Theoretically, and giving large benefit of an even larger doubt, Stein has such competence. We do know people, however, and we can vouch for Mark Pappas. This man knows how to run a restaurant, something Stein has comparatively little experience in doing, except, judging by his waistline, frequenting them. We would take Pappas’ “real world” testimony over Stein’s Fifeism any day. Perhaps, of course, we are fools. In adding to the understanding of Le’affaire Lantern, it must be for valid reasons that Stein is not liked or respected by many of his PFD colleagues — brothers, really — particularly the hard-working, dedicated professionals in a department largely composed of this admirable type.

Think about it. Here we have an honest man whose family has been a bell-weather on the shady-sandy-seedy end of North Street forever, and what does the city do? It stands by idly and allows a man like Stein dictate the terms of his profitability. Finally, of course, Pappas said “Enough!” As a small businessman tryin to maintain profitability in the shrinking downtown, he wasn’t willing to build an $80,000 Temple to honor the god-man Stein by working for the next several years for nothing. Thus it came to pass that Pittsfield lost another large chunk of its past, polluted its present, and helped insure the destruction of its future.

We close with one final question: Why does Randy Stein still have a job with the city of Pitsfield? If there’s a good reason, we’d love to hear it.

Enjoy the weekend!


“Think I better wait until tomorrow.”Jimi Hendrix



The Usual Disclaimer.

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7 years ago

Has Mr. Stein done the same to certain Newell St. establishments that seem to avoid such oversight ? I think not.

Reply to  gocometti
7 years ago

gocometti -the Newell St. establishment you mention goes overlooked because its one of the mayors favorite places so its off-limits for code or health inspections unless they are drinking there ,, its not handicapped accessible , the men’s room is in the kitchen , , there is a trap door in the floor at the entrance that’s always open , has anyone ever fell into that liability nightmare ???? I think if the lantern is going to be subject to code enforcement then all restaurants must also comply ,, save the lantern and let the eternal flame continue to cook burgers or start inspecting all restaurants and shut down some more business ,

None Of The Above
None Of The Above
Reply to  lakeside
7 years ago

Amen, let’s knock the crap off and check them all out.

And write me in for school committee.

None Of The Above
None Of The Above
7 years ago

It makes one wonder who got pissed off and sent in the Steintrooper?

Reply to  None Of The Above
7 years ago
Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
7 years ago

Seems that Stein lives in Lanesboro .

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

Does Mona Lisa go u apposed in Ward race now?

7 years ago

And let’s not forget The Robinhood! And whatever happened to Spice and all the other saviors of North St (aka Titantic Street)?
I hear even the erstwhile Earnie The Hot Dog Man is throwing in the bun.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 years ago

Coming soon to a “progressive” city near you!……

Hartford Moves Closer to Bankruptcy, Soliciting Proposals From Law Firms

7 years ago

I wonder if Florida and Texas residents had any compassion for the people that left our Country and were displaced from living here in America. Are these Hurricanes bad Karma?

Reply to  h
7 years ago

Progressives can’t make up their minds. Global warming or bad karma for voting for Trump is causing the hurricanes? The blaming the hurricanes on bad karma theory is extremely insensitive and I thought progressives are all about compassion for everyone.

7 years ago

To give Planeteers a semblance of what this Hurricane will be. picture a bowling ball heading towards a rack of pins , where the bowling ball is bigger than the rack of pins. this will be one nasty Hurricane, it will be followed by another Hurricane and possibley another,pray for our East Coast friends.

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
7 years ago

God is pissed.

None Of The Above
None Of The Above
Reply to  Spagirl
7 years ago

Just at Texas and Florida?

Tim Bartini
Tim Bartini
7 years ago

Dan Just wondering if you knew that Lt Steins “Beer Gut” was caused by having a kidney transplant a few years back? You don’t have to like the guy, but you sound like your buddy Trump picking on people who don’t happen to look perfect. Your blog is getting more and more like Topix every day. SAD

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Tim Bartini
7 years ago

The point many of us took from today’s edition is that maybe everyone in Pittsfield doesn’t have to play by the same rules unless they too piss someone off. Maybe we can get another social service agency in the former lantern or an artsy fartsy shop.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Hoyt Clagwell
7 years ago

It is only a joke!
I think Dan Valenti is a half inch taller than Nuciforo.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Or is it that Nuciforo is a half inch taller than Dan Valenti?

Reply to  Hoyt Clagwell
7 years ago

Or more recreational pot stores. Pittsfield absolutely needs more pot shops. God knows we could use more people in Pittsfield abusing weed, drugs or alcohol. We need to keep all of these social service agencies in business.

Timothy Bartini
Timothy Bartini
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

I’m sure like any good journalist you called Lt Stein to get his version of the story. My sources tell a different story. Please tell us what Lt Stein had to say.

Timothy Bartini
Timothy Bartini
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

So you ran this story without getting both sides story? Very impressive. Who do you write for Fox News? Fake news SAD!

War Pigs
War Pigs
Reply to  Tim Bartini
7 years ago

Hi Tim,
I am informing you that by sharing information about Lt. Stein’s medical condition, especially in a public format like this blog, you are likely violating HIPAA laws.

7 years ago

I wish the health dept was as aggressive as this guy. Plenty of diarrhea inducing eateries in Pittsfield. And tiny bathrooms as well. But if you “know a guy” then the health dept will not bother your establishment.

The school committee
The school committee
7 years ago

The progressives will save Trumps presidency

Reply to  The school committee
7 years ago

You mean just like the progressives have saved Berkshire County? God forbid the entire country should become like Berkshire County. We shouldn’t wish that on the rest of the country. Where would anyone go to escape this area?

One deal with the Dems doesn’t mean Trump is turning into a Progressive.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

You state the Trump’s failed agenda. he,of great deal making can only make a deal with Progressives, his own party, not so much. Methinks he’s after one thing, and one thing only, we’ll see. It hasn’t arrived on the table yet, want to guess what is is?

7 years ago

A small but popular eatery on Tyler St. had to close not long ago for the same reason as The Lantern.

I don’t like the sound of this. Something is definitely wrong with this “inspection system”. Who will be next?

I hope one of our esteemed council members will do some investigating and find out what is going on.

7 years ago

I hate to see places closing due to the regulatory bull, so either change the rules so businesses can survive or treat everybody the same. The current way breeds negativity and corruption.

Thomas More
Thomas More
7 years ago

Spot on on this one Dan. Its not just the restaurants, ask the realtors, small business people who may in one way or another have to deal with him or any place where he can get his nose under the tent, Mark has to close his doors. A counter girl who worked very hard and made a decent living there plus a few others who we never see are also out of work. But as Randy might say, “What good is power if you can’t abuse it?”

7 years ago

I was told the State made him do all this. Randy was just was doing his job. Tim?

Reply to  mi
7 years ago

Dr. Lector? Dr. Lector? Dr. Lector?

None Of The Above
None Of The Above
Reply to  mi
7 years ago

I guess the state doesn’t care about Newell St.

The school committee
The school committee
7 years ago

If the planet had this gentleman inspecting you kids school for problems with fire you could feel very secrure they were safe.He is one of the few people in the berkshires who does his job.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
7 years ago

When the hell was inspecting THS? It’s supposedly beyond repair. Shouldn’t someone has noticed that something was wrong?

The school committee
The school committee
7 years ago

How do the volunteer stockbridge firemen get protected from potential fires.Pittsfield does not have many fires because we have people like him protecting people from themselves

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
7 years ago

When was the last fire at the Lantern?

Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

The last fire doesn’t matter. The next one is important. Wasn’t Stein trying to prevent the next one?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  RobEM
7 years ago

Then let’s prevent fires in all buildings in Pittsfield not just the ones the chosen few select.

None Of The Above
None Of The Above
Reply to  RobEM
7 years ago

Were the restrooms about to burst into flames?

Norm Fernordner
Norm Fernordner
Reply to  RobEM
7 years ago

I never even got a burnt burger or burnt fries there.

7 years ago

Ithinkimgon a cry. What a beautiful sermon s c

7 years ago

Yes, post of the day s c . See Randy,Tim, the Planet is a free wheeling transparent enterprise. That’s why he’s Number One. Don’t ever compare him to Slopix.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
7 years ago

Randy Stein for Mayor!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shelly Liver
7 years ago

Of Lanesboro.

7 years ago

Pray for Florida. Don’t have a good feeling on this one..

7 years ago

A recent Youtube site from Dickson,Texas shows the huge amount of trash on every street in town. It seems every homeowner there is throwing out everything they own. It really looks like a war zone. It
is mind boggling to see that much water logged trash in just one town destroyed by Hurricane Harvey. SAD

Don T
Don T
Reply to  gocometti
7 years ago

They bulldoze it, did it in Louisiana one year.

7 years ago

Tim B – Don’t try to take on Fox News supporters. Hardly “fake news”!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Spider
7 years ago

Bartini doesn’t even watch FOX news. Just parroting some crap he saw on MSLSD.

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
7 years ago

Enforcing every rule at all costs is a quick way to drive local businesses away and bring in the chain stores. The handicapped requirement is particularly offensive since the law does exempt small businesses who are burdened with large expenses to comply. Pittsfield’s Mayor should have stepped in and said that the health code and fire safety code rules are important but handicapped people need to be accommodated at a reasonable cost but not to the letter of the law.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  C. Trzcinka
7 years ago

The real business in Pittsfield is welfare and social services programs!

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  C. Trzcinka
7 years ago

Pittsfield is a tough city Chuck. If you own a small business here you keep your mouth shut and never look to either side. Pay your taxes and if you make a political contribution do it in a plain white envelop, cash only. The politicos, from mayor to school committee like it that way.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Thomas More
7 years ago

That is why thousands of people fled Pittsfield over the past 4 decades.
That is why there are no living wage jobs left in Pittsfield.
You have to kiss the dirty behinds of the inbred, multi-generational Good Old Boys families who run Pittsfield politics to work a living wage job or run a small business.
I was told that all small towns are like Pittsfield. There are Good Old Boys everywhere. But, in Pittsfield, the Good Old Boys love to run people and small businesses into the proverbial ditch!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

The Berkshires are losing rooftops and average earnings are stagnant. National chains are not going to invest more. I find in confusing that fewer haven’t closed.

Wild in the Streets
Wild in the Streets
7 years ago

Jon. Could you give us at least twenty multi-generational types you speak of? I’m kind of new in town and would like to know some of those players. Also, could you list the streets to stay off ?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Wild in the Streets
7 years ago

A post by “Eric”, on August 22, 2008:

“The problem with local politics isn’t partisanship. We have a mayor [Jimmy Ruberto] whose brother was DA [the late-Anthony Ruberto]. We have a DA [David Capeless] whose father was Mayor. How many votes did Jerry Doyle Sr. buy [Mayor] Jerry Doyle Jr. with driveway aprons and apartments in public housing? [William] Smitty Pignatelli’s father was County Commissioner. [Chris] Speranzo’s grandfather was a Democrat mover and shaker and union [boss]. Ben Downing’s father [Gerard Downing] was DA and his father enough of a political hack to have an industrial park named after him. [Andrea] Nuciforo’s [II] [late] father [Andrea Nuciforo I] was a [State] Senator [and then a Judge], Uncle [Tom Wojtkowski] was a State Rep and Aunt a Mayor [Anne E. Wojtkowski]. [Kevin] Sherman’s mother is a Del Gallo. The problem around here isn’t partisanship so much as nepotism and incest.”

September 10, 2017

The following is my, Jonathan Melle’s, opinions about Pittsfield politics:

Dan Valenti stated that there are two political factions in Pittsfield politics. The first political faction is the “Del Gallo” faction. It is named after former Mayor Remo Del Gallo. His proteges include Mayors Gerry Doyle, Jimmy Ruberto, and the Lovely Linda Tyer. The second political faction is the “Wojtkowski” faction, which is named after Pittsfield’s first woman Mayor, Anne Everest Wojtkowski. Her proteges include Mayors Sara Hathaway and Dan Bianchi. Both the “Del Gallo” and “Wojtkowski” political factions serve the same political bosses in Democratic Party controlled Boston or Beacon Hill politics. The rub is that the two Pittsfield politics factions immensely dislike each other. They undermine each other’s mayoral administrations to gain political power in Pittsfield politics.

All of these Pittsfield politicians, except Sara Hathaway, are from multi-generational, low gene pool, inbred families who see Pittsfield as their political fiefdom. They all say they are “Democrats”, but some of them are nothing of the sort. In order to be elected to local, state, and federal political office in Berkshire County, you have to be a registered Democrat or else you don’t stand a chance. Peter J. Larkin is my favorite example. He served multiple terms as a Pittsfield State Representative as a Democrat. But then he went onto become a GE Lobbyist! Nothing is more Republican Party than being a GE Lobbyist! Peter Larkin even told the news media that he couldn’t raise his family on a public salary as a Massachusetts State Representative!

My experience in Pittsfield politics is that it is a China-like one political party system controlled by the two-headed factions who demand loyalty above integrity. To illustrate, if I wanted a full time, living wage job in Pittsfield / Berkshire County, I would have to kiss the Good Old Boys’ dirty behinds, remain silent about all of the machine politics and corruption, and be a pawn in their provincial politics. If I spoke out about what really went on in City Hall or Beacon Hill, I would lose my job in a New York minute. I would be blacklisted from employment, and they would spread vicious rumors against me. Well, that is what happened to me in Pittsfield politics. They can have it because I see it for what it really is!

– Jonathan Melle

Tommy Boggs
Tommy Boggs
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

You’re so right, Jonathan. The Democrats have no lobbyists at all–never have, never will. They just count on the average Joe and Mary and their union to come out and elect them year after year.

But, I’m confused, who are all these folks in the Hamptons, Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Jackson Hole, going to Davos every winter, upper east side Manhattan, upper west side Manhattan, D.C., Vail, Wall Street, hedge funds, Silicon Valley–I mean, who are all these 1 percenters voting and lobbying for?

7 years ago

Linden Onota Dewey Francis Bartlett Orchard Wahconah Alcove Burbank North Second Bradford Columbus Union Tyler entire Ward 2 6 7 those are a few.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  mi
7 years ago

Stay off of:
North st.
Tyler st.
Lincoln st.
First st.
Second st.
Linden st.
Dewey ave
Cherry st.
Burbank st.
Kent ave
Madison ave
And Seymour st.
And you might survive.

7 years ago

Everyone understands that there has to be an investigation of the latest police event Of the facts, but the fact that the Mayor has said nothing on the issue is irresponsible.

7 years ago


Do you mean the mayor that stood on the decrepit KFC property on East Street and said she would take on blight, even though it is worse now than when she stood there? Or the mayor that campaigned on crime and went to where the 4th of July shooting was in 2015, and criticized Bianchi for not being there, and then was silent and absent when she had a 4th of July homicide as mayor? Or the mayor that says the city is vibrant and crime is down 18 percent since she took over? Only an idiot would believe that. She was like mayor hideaway all summer long.

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
7 years ago

Don’t look now Goldiee Locks, but there was another shooting last night.

War Pigs
War Pigs
Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
7 years ago

She did take on blight. Her own yard is immaculate.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
7 years ago

Maybe Mr. Papas could tap into a grant from the newly installed meters, or was that revenue stream committed to the shot spotter technology.

Silent Cal
Silent Cal
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
7 years ago

I doubt there is much kiosk revenue when you subtratthe cost of buying them and maintaining them plus the expense and benifits of employees I doubt the revenue pays the expenses of the parking dept

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
7 years ago

If he moves to Tyler street (and he knows a guy who knows a guy), he may be able to tap into grant money and tax incentives and get himself a whole new setup.

….as long as he does not compete with a business friendly with city hall.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
7 years ago

Pittsfield is the City I once loved.

7 years ago

Yet another Pittsfield shooting. Multiple shots fired and victim hit several times. This happened across the street from city hall and so close to PPD headquarters that they didn’t need shot spotter to hear the shots close to or in the Fenn St, parking lot.
Did someone take officer Colello’s parking space ?