(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE-ESSEX, THURSDAY AND THE WEEKEND, JULY 12-15, 2018) — The blueberries on the farm are the biggest and sweetest they’ve been in years. It’s the pollination from the hives. The plantain and mint have been superb, and the first tomato tasted — in the words of Peter and Paul Mounds — “indescribably delicious.”
We’ve had our fill of local amusement, too, with the wives of David Capeless and Paul Caccaviello chipping away for their “Sons of the Desert.” The ridiculous tale involved Otto’s on East and the Wendell Avenue Ext., Berkshire Money Management, and THE PLANET‘s Right Honorable Good Friend John Krol. We could not have contrived a more circuitous and serpentine rout, a tale that drips of caution, particularly with respect to the use of social media. Of course, in that arena, “use” is “misuse” — particularly for politicians, public figures, businesses, and their spouses.
Otto’s ought to stick to serving its greasy, overpriced eggs as wives to their kitchens. In the meanwhile, we will watch sunrises from mountaintops and collect dew for the morning joe. All the while, THE PLANET shall keep this public forum free, fearless, available, and in service of the First Amendment, a document that terrifies The Boring Broadsheet.
Life is good.
“The shadow of a wrinkled scent pursued by a string” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice, describing the Pittsfield “Renaissance.”
The Usual Disclaimer.
These wives have sent a stern message. DO NOT cross the man with the power lest he use that power to tamp down on your livelihood. There needs to be no dissent unless you are willing to risk the wrath.
And this could be Pittsfields motto as a supporting history suggests.
The free press has aggitate our president and he shows his discomfort at every embarrassing public event.His outbursts at how much he and the lemmings that follow he are disturbed at this agitation.Trump has been using the free press for 45 years as he would drop a dime on himself to tell where he would be dinning this most eligible bachelor
Don’t mess with The Real Housewives of Berkshire County DA’s Office
Just use the power of the voting booth
Enjoy the bees, berries and other fruits of these glorious summer days in New England! It’s good for the soul! Have a restful week!
Thanks, GIGI. Back at ye!
I guess Wifegate is a perfect illustration of why people post anonymously on The Planet.
Well said, Mike. That’s the exact reason why I don’t use my real name here.
Is Otto his real name?
My real name is Oughta, as in I oughta left Pittsfield a long time ago.
Touche, my good friend! And Wifegate — perfect moniker for this latest “you ain’t gonna believe this” from The City That Never Wakes Up.
Or boyfriend gate?
So the school committee refused to reinstate Columbus Day. I hope MANY new faces/parents, etc. will run for school committee seats and vote out these fools in charge of your childrens’ education.
Mr. Fritz
They are going to replace it with Hillary Clinton Day, where the students get to blame their failing grades on Russia.
So true NIB. I can’t believe they refused to reinstate Columbus Day. The inmates have definitely taken over the asylum. The schools in this area have been taken over by the same elite mob that is pushing other crazy ideas like we have at least 100 genders and we need to get rid of ICE because it’s a terrorist organization.
Another great book that all should read is “Outrage, Inc” by Derek Hunter. It’s about how the liberal mob has ruined science, journalism, academia, and Hollywood. It makes a great beach read and you actually learn some interesting facts about how liberals how turned everything upside down.
Pat, another book that explains the Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho bunch.
Le Bon’s works were influential to such disparate figures as Theodore Roosevelt and Benito Mussolini, Sigmund Freud and José Ortega y Gasset, Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin.
He figured out the moonbat mind…..wrote about and the criminals you mentioned used the information.
Sounds like interesting reading and I love anything psychological so I will check it out. Thanks!!
Liberals are good people!
Liberals are good people.
Making your morning joe from dew… it Dan V.
Thanks, PAT!
Last night’s SC mtg. was disgusting. Speakers brought in from out of town, a sham of a video by some students (I would have walked out at this point) but worse of all was the rhetoric coming from the members.
And finally, I hope the rumor is true that the mayor does not intend to run for a second term. She killed any chances of that happening. The Italian community is too vast in Pittsfield, AND THEY WILL NOT FORGET!
You are right, they will NOT forget.
A clean sweep of the school committee is needed. People have to get out and vote.
Would like to hear Jimmie Ruberto’s take on this.
Didn’t he want to change the name of Columbus Ave.?
I she runs she will win.
Trump is using Russian tactics to weaken the journalist reporting of the Mueller investigation .What is hard to understand is why Trump is trying to pre teach his lemmings of an outcome on he could know is out there.Trump understands his voters
This city has Tyer in charge of Spending,the schools have Behnke in charge of spending,The committee has Yon in charge of spending……the most inteligent thing we could teach our kids is that we must spend other people’s money in a very conservative way.These 3 administrators dont feel the pain a WW2 vet feels when he pays Pittsfield property taxes
The most important thing we can teach our young people is to flee, flee, flee the Pitts. There is no economy, not opportunity, no future.
The future’s so bleak I don’t have to wear shades.
Pittsfield has a wonderful future behind her.
Yes,and the should go to the Norman Rockwell economy of Stockbridge the just lost 200 jobs and has not added 1
It’d be great if you could write an actual English sentence so we can figure out what the hell you’re saying.
Is there any chance that this (Columbus Day) question could be put on the ballot for the next election?
And if it passed (and I believe it would overwhelmingly), could the SC decision be overturned?
Better ballot question would be to abolish the school committee, they have lower IQs than the Council, and that is saying something. Wonder what redskins on the Rez make of these old white cows championing native history? Probably laughing even harder than the Latinos.
The two most whiny wives in Berkshire County are one Barry Clairmont and Andrea Harringbone’s wife, Timothy Walsh.
The Democrats are doing everything they can to disrupt the Peter Strzok hearings. It’s obvious they are afraid of what his testimony will reveal. It’s terrible what the Dems are doing.
So terrible. It is even worse than separating little children from their parents and not keeping track of either of them. Terrible…and oh my!
Stop playing the Lizzie Warren line over and over. Nobody truly believes it and doing DNA tests on the children is protecting the children. Parents can be held, but the children could not by law which is the reason for the separation which Obama did as well. When Obama did the same thing there were no cries of little children being separated from their mothers.
I hope you do not have children or grandchildren. Or are allowed near other peoples children
If I had a choice between letting you or Pat near my kids it sure as heck wouldn’t be you. And I could spot you from a mile away – your pussyhat would give you away.
Where were you when Obama was separating kids from their parents? You had no problem with it then.
thank you.
Republicans are showing blind ignorance.
And you, TSC, just plain ignorance.
The Democrat machine is equally ignorant as the GOP
The thing I don’t get about the Columbus Hokiday defection,is how we can celebrate former Presidents-who did the same to people of color, that were put in chains,whipped,enslaved to work all day for nothing. Where’s the outcry on that? Am I missing something?
Yes, you are missing what the current president is doing to immigrant children whose only mistake was being born. In case you were going to ask though, his own children and grand children are doing just fine. they are going to be OK…
If you missed Mr. Gaetani’s appearance at Tuesdays C C… Wow.Now I know why he is a Decorated Viet Veteran. You must see the streamed meeting,he minced no words. This guy is fearless and thank God he’s on taxpayers side.
He had plenty of words for the eight Councilors and Tyer. I would not want to be on his shit-list.
He so savagely attacked flip-flop,you could almost see tears in her eyes.Tyer deserved it as we all know.
Gaetani is as smart as a whip and he fully intends to flush the sewer and water project down the drain. I think he has been toying with the Council and Mayor, but Tuesday night it was plainly evident that he is stepping up his game
He, Mazzeo -Morandi-Connell, drafted a letter to Alexandra Dunn to come to Pittsfield ASAP to answer many questions, not a word about this appeared in the Berkshire Eagle. I can’t wait to see how Gaetani handles that episode. I hope she’s wearing a diaper when she comes to Pittsfield.
in what world do you think when city councilors in a shitty, 45k person city in a state with millions of people can demand the head of a federal division show up ASAP? Ms. Dunn has more important matters I’m sure.
Not only that, but the 45K is at least 5K+ too generous.
At least ten K off.
Dunn is nothing more than a flunky hack. If she was expects us to shell out 75 mil she can get her privileged lawyer ads here. She’s just regional not some origin queen.
dusty’s daily delusion.
What you are missing is your brain. Too much rewriting history – is what this is about. Don’t run for school committee because I won’t vote for you!
Great comeback. Now tell him you won’t eat at his restaurant either.
I do agree with the President on one thing. if you come here do it legal
Business was using illegals to break unions,if you put business owners in jail for 1 year if they hire illegals it would stop.
I’m sure there was collusion (would you expect anything less in the democratic stronghold of Pittsfield, MA/Western MA/Massachusetts?
However, It’s quite obvious Krol has a horse in this race. All his comments, doings and publicity stunts (and those of his posse) to sway voters is enough to declare a RICO case against him and his network.
Stroke is making Republicans look foolish.Trump will be impeached
Strzok & Page should be charged with sedition.
Yes lemmings that hearing was embarrassing for Americans ….made for good Russian TV tonight,good Fox propaganda and Puttin is the republican party’s Daddy…..we are in trouble just read Pats russian talking points right here on the planet….right here Puttin is winning
here here
Slime ball Strozk and Horse face Page.
I hope they are going to teach the Russian language at the new Taconic because with all the Russian operatives in Trumps cabinet we are going to be a colony of that country sooner rather than later.
WRONG….FDR was the pres with all the Russian agents.
yes our kids will benefit if they learn Russian
Putinnese could be our third language. Anyone hear about multiple hirings by the Mayor?
Strzok gave Trump the election,never said a word about Russian influence in Trump vote.
PMSNBC delusion.
The Trumps still love cheap China labor.Ivanka will said Daddy my proffit s could be hurt with all this tariff talk.The Trumps refuse to make it in America and the Trumps dont pay American workers when they do.No one knew what Trump was rambling about with the pipeline,mumbles the president.
The only domino left to fall is the justice dept. Once Trump dismantles that he owns the government and will be our dictator. Could happen very soon. So sad for the coming generation.
Very fake information
A king with royal pronouncements (tweets).
I’m afraid I agree.
You might want to look into why “Otto” doesn’t like the DA’s office and was trashing them on social media in the first place. Just an opinion? I think not. And Mr. Krol is hardly honorable if he is name calling repeatedly on social media. It is the sure sign of a very weak communicator at best and a toxic city counselor at worst. How does that type of behavior help Pittsfield?
SARA makes a most astute point. It’s not the norm by any stretch by a business owner to publicly trash the DA and his office. That what THE PLANET means when we say there’s more to this story than has thus far surfaced. As in the old journalistic saw “follow the money,” in such cases, one needs to “follow the motivations.”
Could the possible motivation be the Communication Director’s position in the DA’s office if Ms Harrington were successful.
The job pays around a hundred grand not counting benefits and he could still keep his city council job.His years of service on the council would count towards a great pension when he turns 55. And the beat goes on!!
Olga- I really think you’re onto something. In fact, I would bet that is exactly the case. But, there’s no reason to expect Kroll would last that long on the job. His work history shows that he has never kept a job over 6 months, except as Ruberto’s aid. And even Jim himself told me that he had to keep on Jon Jon just to get him into the office. Why work, when you can use your part time position to exploit money out of the wealthy for favors under the guise of a media company?
Interesting comments about Krol from Olga & Two Cents – I agree 100%. Especially interesting is the possible Comm Director’s job under Harrington. But I think he is backing the wrong horse, as Caccaviello Should win easily.
Otto is on Krol’s friend list on Facebook if that’ll help ya
As Dan says, follow the money…..Otto’s is a client of Kroll’s so called media company….Kroll did their website. A WordPress site, that a 2nd grader could build.
the other guy is squeaky clean….trust me
Two Cents is correct! Baby’s first website was bad but for some reason, as of June 1st. The Ottos have dumped the site and everything redirects to their facebook.
Something is afoot!
Anyone see fox at 12:30 discussion. Here was a tort from the brunette. Quote….and the stupid democratic leaders…..nice leggy woman though.
Repubs Struck out at the hearing yesterday, admit it trump ‘Will’ be Impeached soon.
You didn’t watch them and if you did you are delusional.
uh oh fun time at Crane and North ntersection
1. Boris(ovich) and Natasha indicted again–Rocky and Bullwinkle named as co-indictees.
Again with non-US citizens being indicted.
Which means what? It don’t mean d**k.
2. That Harrington lass is one in search of a constituency–Daddy can only buy you so much, honey. Don’t you have a day job?
3. Got some serious attitude at Otto’s one morning. You know, the typical County customer service–not! And so nice and attentive.
4. Medical care still sucks in this town. Pretty soon each office will have only one MD and the rest will be PA’s or NP’s, who know . . . wait for it . . . d**k.
5. Speed Racer tells me that some serious props are way overdue for PPD and the Crosby art students for the speed limit signs on Barker Rd. Great, great job.
Now, can we just extend that to the whole city.
Olga has come up with a savvy idea on the motivation for Krol. Now what about “Otto?” My money is on Dan to unearth it. Also, Mr. Harris has had some serious issues including shady decisions that cost him millions. Why would he invest 25k in a facebook radio show?
Harris appears to have money to burn – considering the full-page love letters to his wife which have appeared at least 3 times in the birdcage liner. Wouldn’t want him handling my hard-earned dough!
Trump is going down. Mueller is almost there.
Great Britain had three hundred thousand people in the streets today protesting Baby Trump.
And the other 66 million who live in England didn’t.
Putin is not our friend, Trump is his friend. This means Trump and Pukin are not the US friends.
Trump will indeed be indicted of obstruction of justice,collusionand treason.
The Strozk hearing yesterday was a joke. All the Republicans did was put on a side show to try to discredit the Mueller probe, it failed miserably.
Today, we found out that the Russians aided Trump to win the Presidency.
Trump has stated, time and time again that they didn’t. Our own intelligence say they did. Trump, you liar, you are finished, we need to have a President when he says something, we can believe it, you’re a Traitor, you asshole.
Sunday at a private meeting, Trump will assure Putin that America is his for the taking. The republican congress, though seeing this coming will do nothing to stop it but rather, will help Trump make America a colony of Russia. We are almost there. MAGA
A dusty delusion.
Dusty, when will you wake up to the fact that Progressives are the ones trying to turn us into a country like Russia. They have control of the media just like Putin has control of the media in Russia. They want government control over us just like in Russia by getting everybody dependent on government handouts rather than worrying about job creation which would make people independent of government.
Pat,do you believe Russia went after Clintons 32k emails and exposed them after a request by Trump to have Russia steal Secratary of States communications and Mueller should not investigate and indict the Russians who broke the law.Pure coincidence You believe .As the planet says..follow the evidence.Democrats and independence want to know what went on and republican are trying to save Trumps ass
There was Russian collusion School Committee. Nobody denies that. It’s trying to tie it in with President Trump that we have a big problem with. Also trying to say that it had an effect on the election results is just not true. There is not any evidence of voter tampering by Russia so that Trump was elected instead of Hillary. The FBI said so yesterday. I want all those Russians indicted. Everybody does.
This isn’t about saving Trump. It’s about saving our country from this paranoia and intentional witch hunt and fishing expedition by Democrats.
Pat knows the media controls everything because the media told her.
And what will they have him on?CLD?
Treason you fool.
I’f our Brittish friends hate trump, do you think they’re wrong?
The marchers in Britain are the same crazies we have over here. They are not the poor and downtrodden. They attend upscale colleges with high tuition. They have been brainwashed to have liberal values so they have no idea that President Trump is a great president. Just as an example they had a real Turkish dictator visiting in England just recently and he only had a few hundred protesters while Trump had supposedly thousands. This shows that these marchers are really not very intelligent if they think that President Trump is comparable to Turkish president Erdogan.
Very well said
Crazy is to follow your false God Trump.I do believe there are more of you than us.I do believe the US with Pat and Trump create a alliance for control of the middle east.I am not hopeful for this country……we have never seen anything like this crazy man in America……Lie after lie,after lie…..Trump has lied in the press in New York for 40 years
Everybody is wrong. Mexico is wrong as well as Canada, Germany, England and France. Also China and most Muslim countries. Also Cuba and Venezuela and Iran and oopsie almost forgot North Korea.
Immigrants are bad as well as Amazon and captured veterans. NATO is bad. NAFTA is bad. Environmental protection is bad. Banking oversight is bad. Health care is bad.
All the republicans that Trump hired for his cabinet and then fired are bad. The FBI is very, very bad. Almost all media except for FOX news is bad. Woman who lie about being assaulted by Trump are bad.
Russia, even though they interfered with an American election is GOOD. Russia wants good things for America. Russia is our friend. Rinse and repeat….Russia good….NATO bad
Thank you for your fake information delusion. You should get a job at Idol’s fake company.
Trump God is pulling it of .There are more lemmings than readers.It has been very important to tear down public education for the right wing to destroy this country,mission accomplished …who hates Unions,Who hates healthcare,Who hates education,Who hates the court system,Who hates lawyers ,who hates minorities,…..Corp. power and wealthy greed are in charge and with pats help are never again giving up the power……it almost slipped away with the Kennedy’s and MLK forming a great alliance….what happened there?
The ones destroying public education are the democrats. Their only concern is the financial well being of teachers.
Drain the swamp – impeach Rosenstein!
The devil from Mass. is starting his campaign for President in 2020. One of many Democratic losers!
I will NEVER vote for Deval. He did a bad job as governor of Massachusetts. Run Herman Cain for president. Mr. Cain is an extremely intelligent man.
Ma..economy today is the Obama Patrick economy….Trump owns economy after March obg2018
The marchers in Britain had the nerve to call President Trump his royal highness when Britain still has kings and queens. They should worry about their own country and what it looks like to other countries to have kings and queens in this day and age even if they are simply figureheads. A LOT of money goes into the upkeep of the royalty in England. More hypocrisy.
Let’s call Wifegate what it really is—I mean, we all know drunk dialing when we see it: late night calls made after coming into your liquid courage, having someone else sweep up your mess the morning after. Courthouse drunks, especially the ones with legacy last names, are the best kept secret in this town. No surprise that the county has a substance abuse problem when the men in power can’t even deal with it in their own families.
As for Cacca’s response to his wife’s phone call, notice how he flipped the script and made it about social media rather than what his wife did? Classic enabler behavior. That he says he says he is a social media Luddite in an era when we live and breathe it, when business empires rise and fall based on a tweet, well. This voter does not want a DA that is that out of touch.
Knight is in the race to throw it. She’s just phoning it in, campaign wise. If she really wanted the office, it’s there for the taking, and has been every time she ran. I think “has been” (or “doesn’t want to be”) is the operative word there.
Harrington is out here busting her ass and mobilizing people. She went door to door in the middle of a beastly heatwave to engage voters while the other two are sitting on their thigh bones. Her drive in her campaign, coupled with the fact that as the newbie DA she’ll have to prove herself— if she runs the DA’s office with even half of the drive and dedication she’s bringing to her campaign, we’ll be in good hands.
The last few days races, I’ve written in Bernie Baran’s as my choice. It’s refreshing to finally have a race where our votes will mean something.
Nice to try Barry. Try the truth sometime.
I agree with 12 gauge. When Krol endorses a candidate – that’s the kiss of death.
Neither woman in the DAs race has the brains or experience to match Caccaviello. And for you to insinuate drunkenness was involved in the calls – prove it. Hats off to the wives for supporting their mates.
Good God, she’s good at lawn signs and going door knocking so she should be DA? This woman is claiming police and DAs are going after people based on race. Good luck working with PPD after that. And why does her sign say democrat? Will she not be the independent or republican people’s lawyer too? Im betting Caccaviello takes it 60% or more.
The other two have to make a living Harrington’s wife, Tim has a successful store to support the family while Harrington tilts at windmills.
Can’t have a female as mayor or d a .they represent weakness to criminals, it’s?been that way for many decades, criminals laugh at them. I will be writing in Tim Shugrue, who would have won this easily if entered.
He hasn’t been the same since Behnke fed hi. His lunch.
The least that the King could do is to hold regular, open press conferences. This has been the standard in our country for many, many years. The fact that the King won’t do this (or release his tax returns) is a sign of cowardice.
Careful about pronouncing your name rightward.
Fox news propaganda wants Mueller to stop investigation because Trump is clear of colluding with Him.Why do Trump supporter not want to find out about the Russia influence on this election……Trump is clear
If you read between the lines you might see why Mitch McConnell does not want this investigation to proceed right now. The Russians have promised him that they will guarantee a huge republican victory in the November elections. They already have their propaganda in the can to slander key democratic candidates. All kind of bots and malware will be shot out on youtube, facebook and many other internet venues to confuse and influence voters.
Please be aware that this will happen just before the election and is pure propaganda. Do not fall for it.
And ask yourself why Trump and the republicans have not appropriated one dime to combat for voter security even though there is undeniable proof of Russian interference. WHY WHY WHY ? There can only be one answer.
Dusty – you are a fool.
Lenny…answer my last question. Why isn’t Trump or the republicans doing anything to protect us in the next election? Please do not pivot again… makes you look, well, like Hannity.
Another dusty delusion.
Dusty – perpetual purveyor of false info – did you not hear Rosenstein’s press conference on Friday?? It was announced that Russian hackers were charged with breaking into the DNC system. Which, by the way the Anwam brothers had done back in 2016 – the FBI investigated – but Debbie Wasserman Schultz (head of DNC) refused to turn over her computer so the investigation could continue. The Russians hacked into the DNC before Trump took office – so why didn’t Obama do something? He was President and it was his party’s computer system! What is wrong with you??
When Trump speaks you can tell that Stormy Daniels info on how small Trump is come through as he speaks of big,big ,things great big things wearing his high heels and tall big great hair Stormy said it is a problem for him and she did not want to make fun of Donald Trumps small tiny problem
You’re a nitwit
You are disgusting!
Three things we can digest, trump is small, trump is a liar and trump is a racist. And trump has children from three different wives running around the white house.
You have a problem if you’re worried about another guy’s junk
Just streamed the G-Mans Show, good Info for everyone and a nice plug for Mr. Valenti. Dan, if you can streamline the G-Mans Show,he talks about many things that need to be done in Pittsfield.
We thank our good friend, the G-Man.
Putin was asked if he wanted Trump President and he said yes- Trump reply was supposed to be why would he.They mess up during a private convo before the event and got it ass backwards.
They have something on Don Jr. and JarrodKushner, just feel it. They’ve been awful quiet.