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  • Nyuk, Nyuk — When did former Green Bay Packers coach Mike Holmgren start looking like a double for Curley Joe De Rita, the last “third Stooge?” We are all getting old. Or are we? You’re “old” if your regrets outnumber your hopes. You’re “young” if it’s the reverse. Stay young, won’t you?
  • The Beacon Bomb I — Can someone explain why it’s Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski’s responsibility to bail out Richard Stanley’s Beacon Cinema when he owes the Kapanskis $2.5 million on the dud movie house, the one where “They” promised 250,000 customers a year? A Beacon insider tells THE PLANET that in 2017, under 20,000 attended — 16,060 to be exact (44 average a day, 365 days). That includes a “boatload” of freebies and subsidized tickets, our source said. Our source wouldn’t reveal actual PAID admissions. We’re guessing, what, half that? Our Spy in the House says even those paltry numbers are “way down” this year. Stanley and a succession of mayors and councils suckered the Kapanskis into the boat, and now they have the gall to expect Mary Jane and Joe to bail him out. Memo to the Pittsfield City Council: This CANNOT be allowed.
  • Beacon Bomb II — The Beacon bombed. Intelligent people saw it back in 2003. First kiss of death: The degree to which this project relied on public money. In economic terms, it had no “utility.” In economics, utility is the quality of a commodity or a service that provides value. If people perceive no value or, in this case, not-enough value, they won’t buy the product.
  • Beacon Bomb III — One final thought on the Beacon Bomb. That business is about fannies-in-seats. The Beacon didn’t have enough of them. The expensive lounge seating, bought by taxpayers who had no say in it, was a plan to hide dismal attendance. The idea was to reduce the number of seats so as to have a “better percentage of capacity,” a key industry measurement. With public money, such desperate schemes look good to developers. It’s not their dough on the line. But that Pittsfield has had a succession of mayors to fall for this suggests that either they are not smart enough to see through the slick talk or they are “in on it” and benefitted financially or otherwise from the deal. Another term for it is “on the take.”
  • Comic Relief — (From USA Today): “Bill Maher is in hot water after making comments that many are calling disrespectful toward the late Marvel Comics creator Stan Lee. In a blog post to his website Saturday, the late night host wrote, ‘America is in mourning. Deep,  deep mourning for a man who inspired millions to, I don’t know, watch a movie, I guess.’ Lee, a cultural icon responsible for many of Marvel’s most popular superheroes in comic books and movies, died Monday at the age of 95. Maher continued, saying he has nothing ‘against comic books,’ but that when he was growing up ‘comics were for kids, and when you grew up you moved on to big-boy books without the pictures. ‘But then twenty years or so ago, something happened – adults decided they didn’t have to give up kid stuff,’ he said. ‘And so they pretended comic books were actually sophisticated literature.'” Thank you, Bill Maher. THE PLANET couldn’t have said it better.
  • Wah-Wah — Is it just us, or is Linda Tyer starting to resemble the comedienne who played “Debbie Downer” on Saturday Night Live?
  • His Master’s Voice — After a recent speaking engagement, someone told THE PLANET we were the voice double for actor Ben Kingsley. We’ve also heard Dennis Miller. Funny. To us, we sound like ourselves.
  • Luxurious Loss — The “new” Yankee Stadium, opened in 2009, can’t touch the feel of the old Stadium, the House that Ruth Built. There’s no way NOT to enjoy a game from the comfort of a box that resembles a suite in a five-star hotel with room service, but when we think of the tone, tenor, and atmosphere of the old barn, we realize how much was lost in the present version’s sterility. Andy Roubestelli, Jim Katkavage, Rosey Greer, and Dick Mod were nowhere to be seen.
  • Mookie Mania — Speaking of spawtz, congratulations to the Mookster, Mookie Betts, on winning the A.L. MVP Award. It caps a dream season for Mookie (Gold Glove as well) and the 119-win World Champ Boston Red Sox, the team’s fourth world title in 14 years. That represents the most by any MLB team this century, topped only by the New England Patriots’ five world championships, the most by any pro team in any sport. Welcome to Boston, Titletown USA.
  • CC Rider — Speaking of tangerines and merit badges, kudos to Ward 4 councilor Chris Connell, who, alone, voiced the concerns of taxpayers and the bedraggled middle class when questioning the Administration during Tuesday’s tax classification discussion. Well done, CC, the council’s MVP.


It’s not a principle until it costs you money” — William Bernbach.



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6 years ago

The Beacon is an economic engine that is a downtown lynchpin that must be supported at all costs, and “created” 39 jobs and brought millions in people and cash downtown, and without it, the curtain will be pulled on the wizard and the renaissance will be exposed for the mirage it really is therefore city will give Stanley 2.5million more and local big shot bankers will see that it happens because they are the ones holding the notes. Over 15 million in government support for a movie theater when all others went belly up. How do you spell S T U P I D ????????????

This I Berkshire story tells you all you need to know.

6 years ago

This whole Beacon subterfuge suggests that Linda Tyer is not really the mayor but a puppet of her donor base. Is Stanley one of the real mayors? Did he influence iBerkshires to pull a story exposing this taxpayer screwing and if so can we take them seriously in the future?

We need to beat this subject to death until the mayor and council come forward with a believable explanation. And if this sort of thing can happen right out in the open what happens behind the scenes? Which is why I sometimes call for a forensic audit.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

Richard Stanley never gave a penny to the Mayor’s campaign. It’s public information on OCPF.

I’m her Treasurer, I guarantee it.


6 years ago

I never thought the Beacon would be successful. Parking is a real hassle. We went twice, the first time we had to park a mile away. The second time, parking still was a hassle and they ravaged though my wife’s purse and confiscated a half a roll of Life Savers. We never went back after that.
In addition the Beacon never delivered the movies promised. Mr Stanley did the old bait and switch. Those movies still only play at his theater in Gt Barrington.
We will continue to go to the mall for our movie viewing. Super nice employees, great seating, easy free parking, fair pricing and no strip searches. To top it off, I don’t have to subsidize it with my tax money.

Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

One wonders if the whole thing was set up to fail so that it could be sold at a huge profit down the line. Condos anyone?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Obama’s legacy is that he was the last American leader.Trump has inspired me to rake under my tree and take better care of my yard floor.Mayor Tyer and most of my councilors have inspired me to have a signed blank check ready to give a wealthy businessman so he can make a realestate deal…..Some people on this council should emerge to bring morality back in their decision making and they need to stop positioning themselves for future favors.

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago


As I posed this question once to Dusty, without a reply back. So, Obama is the “last American leader,” huh? Explain to me how the economy is doing good, their are plenty of jobs, people on subsidies are down, China is headed for a depression w/Trump imposed tariffs, so how exactly is this bad?

Should he have flown $150 Billion in the middle of the night without your (you know the TAXPAYERS) knowledge in the middle of the night to North Korea, like your “last American leader,” did with Iran?

I await for your, hopefully educated, response back and not the usual Trump bashing w/no substance.

Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago

Kate, I am sure I never said Obama was the “last American leader” whatever the hell that means. But wherever Obama is on the scale, Trump is no threat to his legacy.

As to the rest of your blather…well, I don’t comment on blather, unless I am in the mood to entertain myself by picking it apart and making the writer feel such a fool.

you are welcome

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago


I know Dan doesn’t want to turn this into Topix, but your reply was basically what I expected, nothing. Very Clintonesque.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago

I can’t have educated response to Fox News propaganda.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

It’s worse than I thought,I have just read in the Berkshire Eagle that Mayor Tyer and her friend Mr Stanley want her to forgive 2.5 million dollars.Our impoverished city will be watching as the already took the vote in secret as she would not propose this without knowing the outcome….this will be the most important vote in the History of Pittsfield as our councilors Moreland there ethics are to be on public view.Watch the excuses fly tomorrow at 7pm

6 years ago

The school committee, wouldn’t it be nice if they forgave 2.5 million for citizens. There are many seniors that struggle on fixed income. The city no longer offers tax breaks for seniors like they use to, they say they can’t afford it. However, they can keep giving giant tax breaks to millionaire’s.

6 years ago

Don’t be fooled, the 2.5 is unrealistic and the city knows this, and so does the businessman. This guy is P T Barnum, but has help, he’s getting favors sixth ways to sunday. He got his tif extension,and we should not get involved with this chicanery. Why did Ruffer come back? She works for the taxpayer period. She’s not the broker for Bea CON or the theatre wanting to take over. Private sale and private deal,city of fear should keep the hell out of it.

Mr. G
Mr. G
6 years ago

1) I know you are relying on one of your normally undeniably reliable sources for the attendance numbers for the Beacon, but to me they just don’t sound credible. Horribly under-attended? Certainly. 16k for a whole year though seems off by a factor of 10 or so. 160k would still be pretty awful but think about it. With 6 theaters running, say, 5 flicks a day each, that’s 30 showings a day. A daily average of 44 would make it approximately 1.5 people per screening and that can’t possibly be correct. 2) I have not been to the new ballyard in the Bronx, but your rundown echoes everything else I have heard, having spent a LOT of time in the old joint in the 80s and 90s. Tempus Fugit I guess. I was in the Fens yesterday for Irish hurling. Still pretty much the same yard I used to go to back in the 60s! Obscured seats and all. Great feel though but Boston is just god-awful to drive in. It’s train and walking from now on!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I think we need to see Stanley tax returns.

Maybe the mayors as well.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

The numbers seem a bit low until you factor in some of the following.

For a number of months two to three theaters were not operational on rotation. As they redid the interiors for the seats the theaters would be closed.
I’ve been to the theater and been one of two people to watch a movie. I’ve also been there when they are showing the same film in two theaters, and been asked to move to the other theater for the later show time. The most I’ve seen in the theater was 40 ish people, often less than 20.

I just looked at their schedule today, they are running 15 shows. On their “heaviest” days they seem to run 25-28 shows (weekends and holidays)
One is over a month old, one is weeks old, one is the same movie in two different theaters. One is only two shows.

They have two “kid type” movies now, grinch and fantastic beasts. I don’t think there are a lot of kids filling seats today.
That coupled with the new seats up at the mall, I think 44 a day is low but not that low. I could sort of see 6-10 people per show. As an average.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Those T directions are all I need to know! Thanks Dan.

6 years ago

Dan Please watch I think a whole column could be written on this. I have a senior… so basically like I thought 3 years ago they are NOW trying to clean up the schools instead of when all of this started many moons ago. It was a when the new school is built attitude.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

and the Berkshire Eagle did award winning coverage of the Berkshire museum escapade in fascinating detail. I would love to see them peel this onion down to the seeds. Might even boost their audience.

the reason many of the people who do not buy the Eagle don’t buy it is because they see it as a friend of city hall and an enemy of the taxpaying citizen. People see the paper as being in bed with the very people who are trying to rob them blind. they could change a few minds if they broke away from city hall and walked us through the birth and life of the Beacon theater and its adjoining offices.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

There isn’t an iota of doubt that the eagle and Amanda Crane of the eagle is in bed with tyer and her administration. Watch a city council meeting and read about it in the eagle the following day. Any good comments regarding the secretary and her band of dwarfs are played up. Any negative comments from some of those speaking in the public session are never mentioned. This beacon fiasco is nothing more than taking taxpayer dollars and insuring that regardless of poor management or good management the investors will come out smelling like a rose. With this type of non accountability it is no wonder that outside sources want to get in on this feeding frenzy. The city should file a law suit immediately to recuop the taxpayers dollars and stop this nonsense that it is needed for the city’s rennaissainance. There is no rennannaisance going on nor will there be one. The city is in the final throws of massive mismanagement from past and present administrations. The city must go to a city manager type government where by we can put former corporate executives who have a background in successful corporate management. We can no longer put people like Linda tyer in an executive position who haven’t had a scintilla of corporate financial or management experience. We must all look to do what we can in the interim to make sure people like her and her ilk are not given what amounts to a 100 thousand dollar a year prize for simply wining an election. Remember even elmer fudd could be elected here in pittsfield. There is enough stupid people in pittsfield to make it happen We need to change Pittsfield’s governing structure.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Media is there to aggitate the elected leaders.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
6 years ago

I here that a new video news org. is being formed here in Berkshire County. It’s far past time for the protected elected have their feet held to the fire.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Finland’s President said Trump and he never had a conversation about raking the forest floor.Chauncey Gardner said it to Trump but he was not all there.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Finland and its very funny people raked Trump over the coals. He is a laughing stock in Europe (as well as the USA)

He and his spawn have provided more hilarious material to comics world wide than all the presidents before him.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Dont worry johnny. This sob has one foot in the grave and will be fully lowered and interned soon. Mueller’s been sharpening his claws on carbon impregnated sandpaper and he is chomping on the bit to test them out. Once he sinks them into scumps butt it will be game over for this orange haired stupid ignorant ball of lard. Down with scump.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I hope so but my people in the justice dept. are saying Trump is going to fire Mueller Wednesday night just before Thanksgiving. Hope they are wrong

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Johnny. Again dont worry. Even if Scump fires Mueller it is inconsequential. Mueller has farmed out all of his evidence to many states attorneys generals offices. The investigation is like an octopus with many tentacles. All these AG-s have to do is submit their reports to congress and we will see all we need to see. I doubt scump would try to fire Mueller because it would be akin to committing suicide but he is stupid enough to try it. In any event scump is a wounded foaming at the mouth mad dog and he will be caged soon.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Not true Johnny Absurd. LOTS Of Europeans love President Trump….Mexico does too. They are saying President Trump is absolutely right about saying the illegal immigrant caravan is an invasion.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat I asked you about those 6500 lies. Anyone who would print anything positive about scump knowing he has lied this often has a nut loose. Do you have a nut loose?

6 years ago

Dow down 400

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Our own intelligence agency says khashoggi was killed by MBS. Scump says MBS says he didn’t do it. Scump says he believes him. Scump is indeed the laughing stock of the world. What kind of people follow and believe a criminal who has told over 6500 confirmed lies? I wouldn’t trust this AH to take the garbage out. My question is and has been. What are we going to do with these 800 thousand people who have no brains and support an idiot who has told over 6500 confirmed lies? I know some of them and believe me I wouldn’t trust them to pick up after my dog. We are going to have big problems dealing with these half wits once we sink scump. Never the less we will coral them and repatriot them.

6 years ago

I know everyone is all nostalgic about movie houses, but it seemed like a bad investment from the beginning, and especially now. I would rather wait a couple months and stream in the comfort of my home where I don’t get frisked, don’t listen to people noshing on gallon size popcorn, and don’t get interrupted by “oh sorry” cell phone calls. It’s ludicrous to ask the tax payers to support these outdated endeavors. A previous poster was correct. This was supposed to be an art/indy type of venue. Maybe that would have worked.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Harrison. This situation is not about a movie house it is about leveraging small money into a public backed scam operation which is a no lose situation for the backers but a sure loser for the public. You just saw the last scam work out handsomely for the city’s investors and now another group wants to come in and fleece the city a second time. These savy investors look for stooges like tyer and the bulk of the council as they know these types are clueless and can be pluckedntime after time. With a city manager type of govt. This type of scam wouldn’t we the light of day. What do you expect from tyer. She is a brainless clueless gobsig elected puppet without the brains to find herself a way out of a room with a thousand doors. Dont expect this to get better in pittsfield until we change the government structure. Tyer the ultimate panderer will get electedbagain and Pittsfield will continue to decline. After all what do you expect from an idiot.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago


All that will do is force the banks to foreclose. When they do, the city will be offered to buy out the bank debt at face value, which they won’t, as the city can’t own a movie theatre. And, I don’t think your readers would want the city to invest more into the theatre.

So, when the banks foreclose, ALL THE DEBT will be reduced to zero immediately, instead of forgiving it over 10 years only if they remain open.

Approving this is a no brainer, unless you want it all forgiven right away.


Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Barry are you the spokesman for the Mayors office? The beacon dug it’s own grave when they started confiscating carrots and celery from senior citizens purses. Also they didn’t bring the jobs they promised. How many people are actually working there?? Hint…’s not many!! I have a great business I want to start, how does one get the city to fund it? It would cost $2.5 million and I promise to create hundreds of culturally vibrant,diverse and forward thinking jobs.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Joe Blow
6 years ago


No, I’m not.

If it bothers you that I have a view point and happen to know something about foreclosures, i’ll Stop posting. God forbid some rational thinking take place. I’ll allow you to be pissed off, which I understand, and outraged, then not like the result of it fails.

If the board wants me to stop posting because of who I’m married to, i’ll Stop. Some here I thought appreciated it when I chimed in. Maybe not.

Reply to  Joe Blow
6 years ago

Yes B. Clairmont please keep posting. Everybody has a right to free speech.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

That is not correct – taxes must ge paid on foreclosure.

Secondly – someone then takes the title to the building, the bank usually.

The bank would be required to pay the taxes and they could sell the building.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Taxes are not forgiven on foreclosure, that is wrong. Debt is not forgiven unless it’s a non recourse loan. The bank also takes the building which they would sell and then must pay the taxes. What you are saying is wrong, just wrong.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Who said anything about forgiving taxes?

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Does B Con have booze?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Just took a peek at fox news Chris Wallace called Scump a beacon of oppression. Their finally getting it right.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Re: Open letter to Dan Valenti 19Nov2018

Dear Dan Valenti,

I read your blog post about downtown Pittsfield’s Beacon Cinema being in financial difficulties and their request for addition tax breaks from the municipal government. The lovely Linda Tyer has long been a supporter of taxpayer dollars for the arts and cultural venues. She has also raised local taxes very close to the levy ceiling under Proposition 2.5. Her latest budget will give the average homeowner a savings of 2.5-cents per day.

Pittsfield politics represents a failure of local planning! Berkshire Community College should have been left downtown instead of being put in West Pittsfield. The Berkshire Mall should have been placed downtown instead of in Lanesboro. A new minor league baseball park should have been placed downtown instead of being left in the flood plain historic Wahconah Park. Pittsfield never put in a regional bypass road. Indeed, time after time, Pittsfield shot itself in its own feet by letting the downtown decay over the past decades!

Along came Good Old Boy Jimmy Ruberto from Texas who said he would revitalize Pittsfield’s economy by focusing on a downtown “renaissance”. Mayor Jim Ruberto spent millions of dollars from GE’s economic development fund on the arts instead of job creation. He went along with the trend that when GE cut most of its jobs in Pittsfield 30 years ago, nothing replaced it since, except PEDA, which is over 2 decades old with zero investments and industrial toxic waste problems. During Ruberto’s 8 years as chief Good Old Boy, Pittsfield lost thousands of residents and hundreds of living wage jobs! Spice went bankrupt. The Beacon Cinema under-performed. Downtown Pittsfield saw a sharp rise in violent crime, drugs, gangs, and poverty. In Pittsfield, teen pregnancies and welfare caseloads doubled the statewide average, and the only growth in Pittsfield was in its underclass. The only people who did well in Pittsfield were the politically-connected and vested interest, which are known as the “Big 3” labor unions. With all of its population and job loss, Pittsfield became one of the most economically unequal communities in the state and nation!

In my opinion, Jimmy Ruberto was the worst thing to happen to Pittsfield since Jack Welch! His legacy of spending taxpayer and other money on the arts resulted in an inequitable local economy with little real opportunities for social mobility. If you live in Pittsfield, you are either on welfare or disability, or you are politically-connected, or you are part of the vested interests (labor unions), or you work at the Hospital, or you are wealthy. I believe that Ruberto’s Good Old Boys club never cared about the common citizen or average taxpayer. The G.O.B.’s consolidated their political power at the expense of the people. So-called “elections” were always pre-determined with low voter turnout. Indeed, the G.O.B.’s, including Jimmy Ruberto, sadly still runs the show in Pittsfield!

– Jonathan Melle

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Under Ruberto tax revenue for the city doubled, then tripled. Captain Ahab behind the bar tells me that a significant portion is specifically taxed for pork to be distributed to keep the gears of government control greased and turning freely and has nothing whatsoever to do with running the city.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Back to scump. He has never been accountable to anyone in his lifetime. He failed time and time again and had his father to bail him out. He has filed for bankruptcy many times leaving blue collar workers holding the bag. For the first time in his life he will be held accountable by a democratically controlled house. He is already becoming unhinged and will not be able to run roughshod over the congress as he has in his two years as president. He is like the class bully but his days of having his way are over and this is what is going to do him in. After all how much longer do you expect the american public to take this bull shit from this miscreant. Look for his swift undoing in the early days of 2019…

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

They really need to change the name PEDA for obvious reasons.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Obama was no leader–his only qualification was that he could give a speech, but that ability ended the second he took the oath of office.

He could only rally the Alinskyites in opposition to something, but he could not lead anyone for something.

Still today his favorite words are “I,” “me,” and “my.” Just count ’em up every time he gives a speech.

“The “new” Yankee Stadium, opened in 2009.”

Make that the “new, new”–first “new” was 1975/76. I think I went to the old in 1974 and then back to the new in 1976. 1975 they played at Shea?

Not that I care if any Yankees die or not.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Murrow Obama is history get over it. There is plenty of negatives you could mention regarding scump. Start with the over 6500 confirmed lies your guru has told. That should keep you busy until scump is Impeached. Where do you people come from. You see the sliver in someone’s eye but you dont see the telephone poll sticking out of your own eye. Sad very sad.

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
6 years ago

In relation to the Beacon theatre I would think the city is out the money period. If we do not restructure, or forgive the debt, what happens is that lenders in a superior collateral position will forclose, sell the property pay off their debts, take their losses and move on. In this scenario the city gets nothing.
If we allow the restructuring, or debt forgiveness, the lenders in a superior collateral position, do not have to foreclose, will get the sale proceeds, take their losses and move on. In this scenario the city gets nothing but will keep the theatre open.
A few questions that need to be answered: 1) has Stanley personally guaranteed any thing? 2) what is the exact collateral hierarchy? 3) what will the buyer be paying in personal and property taxes? and 4) if the theatre is not open 10 years what happens?

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
6 years ago


Thanks for chiming in.

Some of your answers are in the Council packet. Others I’ll comment on based on my knowledge of the original deal as I followed it closely at the time.

1. Stanley did not guarantee the City debt. Not sure about the bank debt. I kind of remember a limited guarantee.

2. The City is in last position, as they always are in any economic development deal.

3. The TIFF’s are transferable to the buyer, so they are in the same tax position as Stanley.

4. They would have to pay back to the city any portion of the debt that was unforgiving at the time of the closure.

I believe the Mayor (I get it, she is also my wife) negotiated the best deal or doing two things. 1. keeping the theatre open and 2. Protecting the city’s economic development fund investment.


Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Barry I always appreciate your input.

Here are my concerns.
Does Stanley come out ahead on the deal and if so by how much? and not a wild guess number…not a number given by him but a more verifiable number from a more independent source. And exactly how much does the taxpayer get screwed? I think it is fair to use the term “screwed” because the taxpayer gets nothing from the investment.

It seem to me that Stanley was given a very cherry deal and that politicians bent over backward to help him further line his ample pockets. I believe he should feel morally obligated to reimburse the taxpayers. This kind of reminds me of the guy walking his dog and it shits in your yard and he just pulls the dogs strap and walks away down the street smirking.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Ivanka scump used personal account to send hundreds of govt. Emails. This is what scump blamed Hillary for and called for her to be locked up. Turn on the news it is all over the place. Stupid scumps. All idiots.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Can’t wait to see what trey gowdy thinks about ivankscump’s emails. He tried to crucify the Clinton’s for two years over Benghazi emails. The plot thickens. Blumenthal says no way that scump can kill the Mueller probe. Says Whitaker not senate confirmed and has filed suit and expects to win. The scumps all of them are liars criminals and thieves. Scump says he did not know that Whitaker was so anti Mueller. Just another lie number 6505. Bye Bye scumps.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago


He is walking away with nothing. The banks aren’t getting all their money back. I believe they are taking a bigger hit than the city.

As for what the taxpayer gets screwed, one could argue 2.55 million. I’ll argue zero (not a popular position).

The first million was meant to be a grant, $500k from the city and 500k from the state. The company that bought the tax credits wou;don’t accept a grant because it would have caused them to have taxable income, which they didn’t want. These deals are very complicated, I’ve audited them before.

The second 1.5 mill was economic development money. Under every deal done since 2004, other than this one, the funds were forgiven when certain milestones were met. The Beacon met all the milestones and the debt would have been forgiven years ago. Again, the tax credit investors wouldn’t allow it and insisted on loans. Hence this has reared it head, on my wife’s watch.


Earl Parsnip
Earl Parsnip
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

These deals are designed to screw the taxpayer and provide an escape hatch with a parachute for the business / con man. How many times have our mayor’s and city councilors been huckstered?

Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Mr. Clairmont, did I miss the election that made you co-mayor?

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Italia
6 years ago

Didn’t you hear? I’m the D.A. now.

I can’t wait to hear I’m going to be next.

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
6 years ago

Reward for failure,now that’s hindsight. Time for a City Manager.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Thanks Barry. All good, cogent information. I think the most telling thing is The iBerkshires article today whjch had a mind boggling amount of numbers. Mr. Stanley “paid” $150k for the old Kresge building. I figure that number is real out-of-pocket. After that it seems to become fuzzy, and the “money” seems virtual/on paper, not real. I am sure he has invested above the initial $150k, but I am just as sure he has lost nowhere near as much actual money of his own as he claims. The financing for this whole thing seems like a deliberately created quagmire which will forever obfuscate who gained or lost what.

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
6 years ago

There is nor pending for closure as none of the lenders want to own the building. Let the commercial lenders renegotiate terms and cut rates first. I can’t beleive you are actually trying to make a “superior collateral position” argument.
The folks with the least to lose are in the best position to let the big boys work it out. EVERYONE knows taking the building would be a DISASTER.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Stop,let this dog go and get out even at 2.5 and the legacy here is that these deal never die or go away.Lets never do this again.We need to let the market do what it will as this is what welfare for rich guys .Let’s learn a lesson.Pittsfield morally must deal with a terrible Roberto problem.Welfare for rich guys.

Earl Parsnip
Earl Parsnip
6 years ago

Let Stanley be exposed for the crook that he is. NO MORE STUPID DEALS PLEASE.

Earl Parsnip
Earl Parsnip
Reply to  Earl Parsnip
6 years ago

How many of these stupid deals has Pittsfield been sucked into? How many more before our mayors start to wise up before the citizens have to rise up?

6 years ago

Mexican citizens are saying that President Trump is right and the caravan is an invasion. They wish they had a president Like President Trump who cared enough about their country to enforce the law.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat stop lying your just like scump. There is no invasion. It is a group of individuals escaping persecution. An invasion is an armed assault by individuals trying to over run others. Please we need to repatriate you . you have been thoroughly scump indoctrinated. I pray there is hope for you. Remember a great number of us have problems with liars. Scump has told over 6500 of them. Care to tell us why you have no problem with those lies?

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Very fake information.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Fake News
6 years ago

Fake news: Yes pat’s post is indeed fake news and so is yours. Try to justify those 6500 lies pea brain. Where do you people come from?

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

BOZO, wake up.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

If they are just being persecuted Art, then why are they waving their country’s flags? You have been indoctrinated by main stream news. Turn off CNN.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat,it is not an invasion. These people will never get through our border end of story.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  RobEM
6 years ago

Very interesting article. Is this the new Beacon theater? Seems to me I recall Lawrence, Ma. going through a baseball stadium thingy about the same time Pittsfield’s civic authority was trying to jam one down our throats. The Massery team could tell you more about that.
So is this another pork project to be used to spin off taxpayer money? Can we make a list of Pittsfield’s successful ventures and juxtapose them with its boondoggles?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
6 years ago


1. an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
2. the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
3. entrance as if to take possession or overrun:

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

The invading individuals are at least 90% young males of military age. They are not being persecuted. They are mostly uneducated. They march with the flag of the country they are being “persecuted” by. There are none so blind as they who will not see and none so stupid as those who will not think.

Goodbye Krol World
Goodbye Krol World
6 years ago

Many Mexican protestors agree with President Trump’s assessment of the caravan as an “invasion.”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Goodbye Krol World
6 years ago

Why did Mexico not stop this invasion into their country

Non Essere Uno Stronzo
Non Essere Uno Stronzo
6 years ago

TIJUANA, Mexico — Tensions rose Sunday as hundreds of residents protested the arrival of thousands of Central American migrants who are expected to linger in this border city for months as they try to claim asylum in the United States.

A group opposed to the “chaos” of the so-called migrant caravans protested outside the largest makeshift shelter as Mexican police in riot gear formed a perimeter. The demonstrators sang the Mexican national anthem and waved flags as they urged the migrants to go home.

The protesters said they had no problem with legal immigration, but they were strongly opposed to what they called an “illegal invasion.”

Some protesters said the Mexican government should follow President Donald Trump’s lead and adopt tougher border policies.

“He’s defending his border, unlike our president,” said protester Elvia Vijeras. “Now there will be more violence in Tijuana.”

On Friday, Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum called the influx of migrants an “avalanche” that could wind up staying in the city for at least six months.

On Sunday, President Trump tweeted about Gastelum saying the city was “ill-prepared” for the migrants.

“Likewise, the U.S. is ill-prepared for this invasion, and will not stand for it,” Trump tweeted. “They are causing crime and big problems in Mexico. Go home!”

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Non Essere Uno Stronzo
6 years ago

Mexico has been sending us their worst citizens for years. Let them deal with these idiots.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hell Toupee
6 years ago

All four of the above posts: lies there is no invading forces. No matter what you try to spin your posts are in your words fake news. Why dont one of you einsteins try to justify those 6500 lies. That’s NOT fake n3ws it is the truth. But because you can’t tell the difference between the truth and a lie you ma6 have problems responding. Give it a try!!!!!

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

fake info from a delusional individual

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

True Gigi. I also saw many pictures of the people in the caravan and the majority are young men.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Maybe Art can get some weed at Northampton for his glaucoma. It might help his blindness problem.

Maybe it will help him see reality also.

6 years ago

Another great article by this McKeever fellow over at iberkshires that dives into the money matters of The Beacon Bombshell, except he forgot to mention all the other business that came and went under the so called renaissance, -Spice, Crowne Plaza, Hudpuckers, Brewery, Joe’s Lunch Box, Two general stores, On A Roll Cafe and a bunch of other coffe shops, Bagels Too, and on and on, and on. The whole thing was nothing more than a mirage.

And now Barry tells us (thank you for being upfront and honest and you have every right to post) that city would have just given away the 2.5 mill back in the day if they could have gotten away with it.

Values are up sell your house while you can get out now.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
6 years ago

I berkshire’s just put out a really comprehensive article on the Beacon. Skip to the end for the conclusion, it’s really long.

But you should take the time to read the whole article to understand the complexities of the project.


Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

I would trust a used car salesman over Jimmy Ruberto! All he did as Mayor was raise taxes and municipal debts, while spending a lot of money on a failed downtown “renaissance”.
The lovely Linda Tyer inherited a mess! I believe Mayor Linda Tyer is a good public manager who knows what she is doing.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Complexities of the project? Stanley had a good lawyer and Pittsfield is run by suckers. When will they stop falling for these schemes?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

This movie company is not about to enter a losing business but they will take the extra 2.5 million just for running a cinema inside the Ring Of Poverty surrounding City hall

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

If your a pickup truck and you drive on Williams street are you required to drive 60 mph the honk at residents who want to turn in their driveway.Police have never been seen pulling over a pickup truck.Kids live on Williams street.Slow down and pretend you have a brain

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Sorry if this appears three times – I had trouble posting

I can’t imagine anyone would offer millions of dollars to the Beacon without being secured in the property – which means on foreclosure their interest does not go away – it stays with title until Sale, no?

Tax liabilities do not disappear.

The buyer of the property assumes tax liability – or the past owner if it’s a recourse loan. I can’t imagie why any lender would lend any money of this amount to a business without being a recourse loan.

Also, we still don’t know what the Beacon Owner is walking away with.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

I should add, I dont know about the voodoo of economic development – a tax lien is a legal judgement and a property interest that would require being settled on sale.
I do not know how this ‘dissapears’ on foreclosure. It would not ona residential property – the sale would settle up the tax lien.
In almost all cases tax liens have priority provided they were recorded. Maybe these ‘tax incentives’ never were recorded this way.

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
6 years ago

In a statement, Peter Mirijanian, a spokesman for Lowell, acknowledged that the president’s daughter occasionally used her private email before she was briefed on the rules, but he said none of her messages contained classified information.

Ivanka Trump often discussed or relayed official White House business last year using a private email account with a domain that she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
“While transitioning into government, after she was given an official account but until the White House provided her the same guidance they had given others who started before she did, Ms. Trump sometimes used her personal account, almost always for logistics and scheduling concerning her family,” he said in a statement.

Mirijanian said Ivanka Trump turned over all her government-related emails months ago so they could be stored permanently with other White House records.

And he stressed that her email use was different from that of Clinton, who had a private email server in the basement of her Chappaqua, N.Y., home. At one point, an archive of thousands of Clinton’s emails was deleted by a computer specialist amid a congressional investigation.

“Ms. Trump did not create a private server in her house or office, no classified information was ever included, the account was never transferred at Trump Organization, and no emails were ever deleted,” Mirijanian said.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

I read the article. Holy Cow. The City agreed to subordinate their loan. Holy friggin cow. It’s more free money from the GE pot.

It still seems like magic that somewhere between 5-10 million was sunk in when Stanley paid 150k – surely he’s walking away with something. Where did 5-10 million dollars go?

Talk about cookie monsters —- oh my word.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Stanley had a good lawyer and Pittsfield is run by suckers.

Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

Wonder who did do the legwork for the city. Would that person or those people like to step forward and explain to the taxpayers what their mindset was at the time? Are they the same people who guided Mr. Doyle through the consent decrement?

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Kermit, exactly right! Initial investment of $150k allowed all the grease to start flowing. It looks like not 5-10 million but closer to $22 millikn was the ultimate pot. Some of that had to find its way into Mr. Stanley’s pocket, no?

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Are those condos occupied. How did he go broke.

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
6 years ago

Definition of confidence game

: a dishonest trick that is done to get someone’s money

Pittsfield would be the perfect place for a CONFIDENCE GAME museum.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Economic Injun
6 years ago

What exactly does the prospective buyer of the theater plan to do with it? Seems unlikely that he can make a theater work and he must know that. So what is his real plan.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

What does it say about the Pittsfield power structure that it failed miserably with the massive PEDA fantasy and a movie theater complex/economic engine that was propped up from every possible source? Add in the North street renovation black hole and you have 3 huge money gobblers that benefitted mostly contractors. This assumes there were no kickbacks.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The way we have used the GE fund I think has Gorton in the way of real development. Anyone interested in cheap downtown dirt is always distracted by how do I get that Pittsfield money.Remember the investment to the internet music lessons that came here for cash and left with 1million.How about 450k to Hankcock shaker village that was the big scam with all the heavy hitters.And the Museum took 600k to put air condit ironing in so that better pieces could be on display.I want that money back now that they have 55million

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Tonight you will hear how we have come to far to turn back now and this is not easy and we are suck between a rock and a hard place,I wish we had more options .This cant happen again.The are all rehearsing.their speech today.Rivers is the key here.Will she give them 2.5 million as the city forces Senior to sell homes to save money.Nobody has brought 1 job to pittsfield.Private business has done it on their own even as Trump stalled Obamas growing economy handing 1.5 trillion to the 1%……Im going to rake leaves on my yard floor….Chauncey Gardner Trump

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
6 years ago

After reading the iBerkshires article and other research it is obvious:

The project from the start was a horrible idea and never had the potential as a viable business model.

Nobody goes to the movies anymore. The fact that there is limited attendance SPLIT between two theaters (Beacon & Regal), makes chances of success worse.

Regal has better parking. Let’s face it. No one wants to park in a garage or chance a street spot several blocks away to walk to the Beacon. Just wasn’t a good idea in our vehicle-centric city to start.

The money the city spent was not a loan. It was a public investment in a private venture with very little ROI. We can’t even re-coup the original loan. Now we’re stuck with a failed business.

The Phoenix Theater deal seems awfully familiar to the tune of “Renaissance of the Berkshire Mall.” Obviously no public money was spent on the mall purchase but my crystal ball shows me in ten years an aging, deteriorating, poorly attended movie house. I’ll bet the lights go dim way before that though. Just like all the other ones before it.

We are not trending in the direction of movie goer-ship rising in the future. That’s not the world we live in. If it doesn’t close this week, bets are on it closing within five years.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Auto Phil
6 years ago

I don’t blame the current Mayor for this but I believe Mr Clairmont (god bless him for writing here) is just wrong that tax liens dissapear or are at the bottom in foreclosure – they are usually a priority lien – unless it’s free money like in Pittsfield. The city probably refuses to put a lien on the property. Why bother with the game of collecting at all?

Also, it sounds like over 20 million was ‘invested’ and maybe Mr Stanley put in 2 million. Where did 18 million dollars go in the last 10 years? That is a lot of ziti.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Barry is wrong a lot. The liens don’t go away, some leins/debt becomes unserviceable if they are not actively collected or renewed (if there is an expiring date).
But Barry would know that too IF he knew what he was talking about.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago


They aren’t tax liens. They are mortgages for money lent to the project. They are subordinated to the banks. They will get erased.

And Agent, I do know what I’m talking about.


The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

How about the Carousel fiasco and him trying to play everyone against the other.He wanted the common park with a liquor liscense and entertainment,,,Bianchi did not bite….this guy was doing all this for the city he loved.Arent they ALL

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

That is nutso info and quite disingenuous.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

It was a real request by the Carousel find a home.Tried in Dalton,Lanesborough for the people he loved in those towns.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

You don’t have to believe me that tax liens haveva priority – just use the power of google. They absolutely do not dosssapear.

Also, if the foreclosure happened the city would have a priority lien (if they placed one for unpaid taxes which they should have) and then they would force a sale to be repaid. This is how it works all over the city for Residential foreclosure but apparently not for commercial foreclosure.

Use le power of the web and vet the information you are told as it does not sound correct. Something still stinks.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Residential mortgages are foreclosed for tax liens in Pittsfield or other cities and then the city is paid back tax on Sale. The lien stays with the property.

So why bother foreclosing – you get paid back if you think you can sell the property. I guess the politicians confirm they don’t think they can recoup the bad investment. That is harrowing as it was 20 odd million.

Quick sell to these Michigan people is probably what they think – take this floater off our hands.

18 million dollars into the atmosphere …

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Yes something is being left out of the story. And up until this sale thingy the Story was that Stanley had only invested a few thousand of his own money. Now of course it makes him look better to inflate his investment so he does not look like so much of a smuck taking the city for a long ride on a short pier.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

I want to make a silly ‘taxes dissapear’on foreclosure-/ Poof!’ gif but I have to go to work.
Holy macaroni – don’t take my word for it that he is wrong – use the power of the inter web and you will see tax liens force sales of property and are repaid on sale. No magic whoopsy dissapesr-u debt is zero.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Mr Stanley had the mayor count the votes.She knows it will pass,he is excitedly waiting for the deal.Nothing and I mean nothing goes well for this city.We are a very nieve small city .What will Rivers do for her 90k job.We will see who is ethical. This is immoral to hand millionaires and corporations more of Seniors cash

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Keep in mind that Hillary is the smartest woman on the planet, and was first lady, US senator, and secretary of state.

Ivanka, not.

People attacking Ivanka must be sexist. Only possible explanation for it.

DOW down 450+. Trump is all done–again.

Never mind that the DOW rose 8,000-ish points since his election.

6 years ago

This just in, someone REALLY REALLY needs to look at the books.

Mr. Stanley has been debt shifting for years. All the consumables for BOTH theaters, have been booked to the Beacon. Same for many other expenses. Also there seems to be payouts to Mr. Stanley that have already made him whole. He effectively has zero invested in the theater.

6 years ago

Thanks, Dan, for reminding us of the city’s generosity to Workshop Live, EV World Wide, Nuclea along with Hancock Shaker Village, the Beacon and the museum.

In spite of all the rhetoric we hear from supporters of this administration to justify these boondoggles, as “Dusty” said earlier, the taxpayers are being “screwed”.

I also agree with “TSC” that the city should require the museum to repay the $600,000 we gave them for air conditioning, now that they have 55 million. What’s fair is fair!

In fairness, these hand outs started with past administrations, but unfortunately it is continuing with Mayor Tyer.

6 years ago

The more I see those trash cans, the more I see oblivion. It’s quite comical when you see weeds and garbage on the ground next to these eyesores