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Candidates Grilled, Well Done, Tonight at 7

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MAY 3, 2011) — Come one, come all, to The Planet’s Amazing Beer Hall Chat, held in the guise of a debate, at 7 p.m. at the Lenox Public Library tonight. Produced and sponsored by the recently formed political action committee, Berkshire Greens, The Planet will put on the grill the four candidates for Lenox select board — two incumbents and two challengers. We grill “well done,” of course, and we have advised candidates to bring their A game and game faces.

The beer hall chats aren’t your daddy’s debate. There are no desks or podiums. Candidates wear lapel mics and are seating in a semicircle in proximity to each other, guaranteeing plenty of eye contact. The moderator, Your Humble Servant, has a hand-held mic and doesn’t sit still but roams in and out. There will be no notes, cheat sheets, or stump speeches allowed. There will be aggressive followup. And don’t ask us what we intend to ask, because we won’t know until it gets going. This is a combo Theatre of the Absurd, Improv, and Street Politics.

The fun states at 7 p.m., Lenox Library, tonight.


Osama, Now Passed into Myth, the Col. Sanders of Al Caida

OK, a brief word on the death of Osama Bin Laden, which says much about the sorry state of “biparticisan” (truly, “antipartisan”) politics in America. The right gave the credit to President W for getting us into the $1 Trillion swap of Iraq and Afghanistan. The left gave credit to Obama, who has kept America in the swamp.

The death of Obama will have little to no impact on “winning” the “global war” against “terrorism.” The war is a fig leaf of imagination, hung upon the large sexual organs of the phallic Twin Towers crumbling in a heap in a manner than is inconsistent with the laws of physics. It is a “war” without an opponent, unless we are fighting an idea. All the weapons in the world will not defeat an idea, so that if there is such a “war,” America cannot win it. We still haven’t learned the lessons of Vietnam and straw men propped up by the government as “our enemy.”

Osama bin Laden had become the Col. Sanders of Al Caida — a revered figurehead who had little to do with the day-to-day operation of the organization.

Each Al-Caida cell operated bascially as a franchise, much the same as a local KFC franchise. The parent company provides the architecture, plans, and know how. The local store provides the product. Each is independelty owned and operated. And just as Col. Sanders became more valuable to the company as an image, so to with Bin Laden. He got the martyr’s death he wanted, and how his image can be used to plaster all over the operation, much the same as Col. Sanders’ mug. In death, Osama graduated into myth and immortality — like Che Guevara, like JFK, like MLK.


CEDS Riot Act

The Planet learned about (and informed our readers about) a riot-act communication from Mayor Jimmy Ruberto to the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission expressing his dissatisfaction with the draft copy of the 2011 Berkshire Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. He had good reason to complain. The draft is more of a “daft,” since it is neither comprehensive nor strategic.
The Planet has printed out all 169 pages of the “daft” plan, felling forests and depleting an oil field in ink in the process. The plan has lots of fancy charts and graphs in pretty colors, and if it were used as a prop in a stage play, it would admirably suffice. But this is no play. This is real life. Berkshire County doesn’t need props. It needs actuality. Unfortunately, the 2011 county CEDS “daft” plan looks like a mosh pit designed by committee.

CEDS No Show
We won’t bother at this point to analyze specifics, though we shall include a few examples a bit later. Right now, let’s take a look at the CEDS committee.
Let’s be clear. The way we heard the account of Mayor Ruberto’s disappointment with Nat Karns and the BRPC, the mayor made it clear: He was directing his ire at the BRPC and not the CEDS commission. The committee were operating under BRPC’s direction, in effect deputized to become ad hoc city employees for the purpose of serving to help develop. This document. The Planet has a problem with BRPC’s role, as does the mayor. We go one step further and do not exempt from blame the committee.
Let’s introduce the players. BRPC staff included Karns, executive director; Thomas Matuszko, assistant director; Daniel Sexton, planner; and Mark Maloy, data coordinator. The committee had 18 members, nine men and nine women:
  • Brenda Burdick, General Dynamics.
  • Deanna Ruffer, OCD director, city of Pittsfield.
  • Heather Boulger, county regional employment board.
  • Keith Girouard, county office, state small business development center.
  • Kristine Hazard, Berkshire United Way.
  • Laurily Epstein, Berkshire Grown.
  • Michael Hoffman, TD Bank.
  • Mike Supranowicz, Berkshire Chamber of Commerce.
  • Christine Ludwiszewski, Southern Berkshire Chamber of Commerce.
  • Eleanore Velez, member of public.
  • Helena Fruscio, Berkshire Creative.
  • Kevin O’Donnell, town of Great Barrington.
  • Lauri Klefos, Berkshire Visitors Bureau.
  • Mark Berman, MCLA.
  • Michael Nuvallie, city of North Adams.
  • Robert Wilson, IBEW Local 7 (electrical workers).
  • Roger Bolton, BRPC.
  • Tim Geller, Community Development Corporation.
As you can see, the lists can be split along gender lines perfectly, like a set of matched dueling pistols. Coincidence or a bow to political correctness? Only their hairdresser knows for sure. However, can you spot two things that are wrong with this list?
Give up. OK, let’s spell it out.

(1) The CEDS guidelines specify that a region’s committee should have heavy private sector representation and also include a healthy citizen component. The Berkshire committee has only two of the 18 that can be considered from the private sector: Burdick of GD and Hoffman of TD Bank. That’s 11% private sector makeup. And as you can see, we don’t count the two Chamber reps or Girouard as private sector, especially Supranowicz, given the way politics rules all in Shire City, the county seat. Burdick and Hoffman were basically overwhelmed by the “public” forces.

(2) One, just one, “member of public” was included on the committee, out of 18. Eleanore Velez, the token, also has her address listed on the “daft” report as “1350 West St., Pittsfield.” Now that’s odd, since that’s the address of BCC. Why have they hidden her address? Fishy fishy fishy.

If we look at attendance, you can just for yourselves how seriously or not the committee, including BRPC, took its CEDS work. There were eight meetings from October 2010 to April 2011. The Planet doesn’t not have information on the final, April 12, meeting. Thus, the first seven meetings produced (18 x 7) attendance opportunities for the committee — 18 possible attendees for seven meetings, for 126 attendance opps.

Some 37 times, members didn’t show up for the meetings. That’s a failure rate of 30%. In other words, the committee flushed 30% of the opportunity to meet and fashion a plan right down the porcelain kermode.

A closer look at the breakdown reveals something even more startling: the two biggest no-shows were arguably the two most important members: OCD director Deanna Ruffer for the city of Pittsfield and president Mike Supranowicz for the chamber of commerce. Ruffer failed to attend 5 of the 7 meetings. Supra ducked 4 of the 7. They 9 of 14 no-shows amounts to 64.2% or two-thirds of the time.

The mayor needs to direct some of his fire at Ruffer and Supranowicz. Meanwhile. The Planet salutes Tim Geller and Mark Berman for PERFECT ATTENDANCE. Bravo!!





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13 years ago

Mr. Valenti,
You write: “The war is a fig leaf of imagination, hung upon the large sexual organs of the phallic Twin Towers crumbling in a heap in a manner than is inconsistent with the laws of physics.”

What about the Twin Towers’ “crumbling in a heap” do you claim was “in a manner than is inconsistent with the laws of physics”?
Seems to me that the two Towers exhibited exactly the behavior one would expect of collapsing structures.
What is it you know that the rest of us are not able to perceive?

Kris Knutson
Kris Knutson
Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

If there is going to be a debate, maybe it should start with someone explaining why it was that building seven collapsed later that same day?

Reply to  Kris Knutson
13 years ago

I’m no physicist nor an expert in architectural forensics but maybe because Building 7 had been impacted by debris falling from Towers 1 & 2, plus its superstructure had been weakened by numerous fires within on various floors.
Or does that stuff not count?

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

Puhleeese, what hogwash.
Mr. Valenti, what would be the purpose for this grand conspiracy you allege?
Let me guess: To get Iraqi oil which we never got.
And to get all that oil underneath Afghanistan.

Kris Knutson
Kris Knutson
13 years ago

Because if building seven collapsed from light damage and relatively small isolated fires, someone needs to tell the demolition experts that their services are no longer needed in order to collapse a steel framed skyscraper perfectly into it’s own footprint.
This is good news for any entrepreneur looking for a gold mine. A modest investment in diesel fuel and sledge hammers will ensure that start up costs are kept reasonable.

Reply to  Kris Knutson
13 years ago

What’s your evidence that Building 7 underwent “light damage” that day?
The evidence would imply the absolute opposite: there were multiple fires on multiple floors, and thousands of gallons of diesel fuel stored in fuel tanks within Building 7 most likely also played a part in fueling those blazes.
Or does none of that count either in weakening a steel superstructure?
Please stop with the conspiracy crap, because it weakens the credibility of PlanetValenti.

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

Mr. Valenti, you are wandering into the realm of real and utter hogwash.
Recommend you stick to reporting on Pittsfield’s political culture about which you plainly do know a lot.

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

Mr. Valenti,
Until you have hard evidence that withstands the test of an adversarial proceeding, you are making yourself sound like a conspiracy-oriented crank.
Recommend you stick to your area of expertise.

13 years ago

Well Dan don’t expect the mayor to come down on Deanna Ruffer but maybe the next mayor will but her on the unemployment lines where she belongs.

Kris Knutson
Kris Knutson
13 years ago

I think when we look at a 47 foot steel framed skyscraper that falls in perfect symmetry and at free fall speed neatly into it’s own footprint, resembling a collapse that demolition experts get paid big money to duplicate, then it is fair game to question the exact nature of the collapse. These demolition experts spend weeks in preparing for such a perfect collapse. Building seven collapsed in a textbook demolition style. Are we to believe that this is possible due to isolated fires and relatively small structual damage? And in only seven hours time as opposed to weeks? Seems like these new laws of physics ought to be examined more carefully. If the demolition experts were smart, they would get right on this as they are already well connected in this area of “expertise”. They could lower their own costs signifigantly with a small amount of research and developement. They could perfect this new found technique.

Reply to  Kris Knutson
13 years ago

Kris Knutson,
You write:
“Are we to believe that this is possible due to isolated fires and relatively small structual damage?”

Isolated fires?
You call multiple floors on fire ‘isolated’?
How can you allege “relatively small structural damage” from fire likely suoerheated by burning diesel fuel?
Upon just what are you basing your plainly inaccurate assumptions?

Kris Knutson
Kris Knutson
13 years ago

As I sit and watch the collapse on you tube, I see NO damage whatsoever. Granted, it’s just one view of the building and I know there was damage. But unless the damage was the same all around, then it seems the building would be more likely to have preference to falling to one side or the other, not symmetrical. And not at free fall speed.

They said the steel got hot from the fires and caused the building to get weak. Again, in order for the collapse to occur like it did, the fires would have to be also symmetrical and occuring all at once which was not the case.

If the governments version of the story is true, then we are talking about the perfect storm scenario. Again, this new found knowledge pertaining to collapsing a building in perfect demolition stlye by way of fire and RELATIVELY small damage needs to be mastered and capitalized on.

Reply to  Kris Knutson
13 years ago

@Kris Knutson,
All speculation and plainly flawed.
Are you taking lessons in circular logic from Lides now?

Reply to  Kris Knutson
12 years ago

Kris put down the pipe

just saying
just saying
Reply to  Kris Knutson
12 years ago

Have seen any airplane debris @ the Pentagon? No, and neither has anyone else. Our government plays us for fools, thankfully many are waking up.
Many are starting to see that we are constantly lied to and manipulated to have certain thought processes that discourage free thought and reason. Yesterday we were told to celebrate the “death” of OBL. We were told that SEAL team 6 (which doesn’t exist, and never has, it is a name that was used to confuse the Soviets), was to be held in high regard (which I do), but I digress, during the 08 campaign these fine men were called killers by the left. Now they serve a political purpose so they are held up as heros by the left.
B. Bhutto named OBL’s murderer before she was killed, 2006 interview with British television I believe (its on you tube). As I said to Scott yesterday, there is LOT of info out there that’s not MSM. Is it true? Maybe, maybe not, draw your own conclusions, the info is there if you care to look. (If you bought the MSM BS, you wouldn’t be on THE PLANET site)
Well, as is said, believe none of what you read, and only half of what you see.

13 years ago

2 110-story buildings on the same block collapsed spewing un-known tons and tons of debris. A little more than a few guys with sledge how do you rig a 55 story building without being noticed? It takes weeks to set all the charges…people who believe this conspiracy bs really make me sick. Your saying betty ong is a liar? Google betty ong…she’s a f@#%# hero!

Kris Knutson
Kris Knutson
Reply to  edconnect
13 years ago

What does this have to do with capitalizing on the new found laws of physics? Why spend weeks and much money to bring down a building into it’s own footprint, when it can clearly be done in less than seven hours?

13 years ago

Kris how many people do you think were involved in this 9/11 conspiracy?

Kris how come the ppd can not keep their internal strife a “secret” from the rest of the city?

Please answer those 2 questions

Kris Knutson
Kris Knutson
Reply to  edconnect
13 years ago

Did I say I thought that there was a conspiracy? I have questions pertaining to things that make absolutely no sense to me concerning that day. Is it a crime to have questions?

I’m not going to answer the second question because it does not matter one bit why they can’t keep a lid on it.

Reply to  Kris Knutson
13 years ago

Why do you wear 9/11 WAS AN SIDE JOB. Shirts. If you don’t think there was a conspiracy? Kinda like me wearing” the moon landings never happened” shirt..even though I believe they did

13 years ago

Oh yeah one more question.

Please tell me what were the results of a boeing 747, full with jet fuel, flying at upwards of 500 mph and slamming into the 70th floor of a 110 story building BEFORE 9/11? How do those results differ from what happened on 9/11/01? Thanks for your reply.

Kris Knutson
Kris Knutson
Reply to  edconnect
13 years ago

What results are you talking about? Are you saying that because it had never happened before, that when it did happen, what we saw was the result, is all there was to see?

Reply to  Kris Knutson
12 years ago

You seem to be missing the point,this has never happened before and hopefully never again.You donot have anything to compare this too.Not really buying what some egg head eng. and sceintists have to say.Just like global warming you can always get a group of them to say what you want.Whats your take on JFK?

Reply to  edconnect
13 years ago

This mind-set is all affiliated with Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Both Valenti and Knutson appear to have caught BDS a long time ago.
Too bad.
Both should stick to subjects with which they have personal experience.

Kris Knutson
Kris Knutson
13 years ago

Looks like the thought police are out in force today. Good to know.

13 years ago

Maybe we will never know why!

13 years ago

If the Bush admin was behind the 911 attacks/building collapses then Obama was born in Kenya. Both ideas are utterly ridiculous. Congrats to Obama and our military for taking this scumbag out. If it is proven that torture helped get information that led to Bin Laden’s location then my stance on that changes to ‘all for it’.
Mr. Valenti, if we do not fight terrorism abroad then we will be struck again. And again. But we do have to change the ideal too. Unless both avenues are followed we cannot succeed.

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

Like I said above, Dan Valenti should stick to subjects in which he has personal expertise and knowledge.

Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago


Reply to  danvalenti
12 years ago

The “Mission Accomplished” banner that was hung on that ship was stating that THOSE SAILORS who had returned to THEIR home port in California had accomplished THEIR mission.

Such as when our local national guard troops come back home. THEIR mission is accomplished.

BUSH was not saying “THE WAR IS OVER”

Reply to  danvalenti
12 years ago

Constitutional rights should only extend to legal American citizens and if enhanced interrogation techniques (“Torture”) produces nothing more then gratification for the interrogator so be it. Also I heard on GB today that some guy with links to Osama’s source had info on his location and that info was obtained by by these means.

Reply to  danvalenti
12 years ago

Unfortunatly the war on terrorism,will never end.It will go on forever.The locations will change but the west will always be under attack.Wish we could just pull-out and make a peace treaty that would be honored.Cannot see that happening, Mission will never be Accomplished under Dems.or Rep.

just saying
just saying
Reply to  danvalenti
12 years ago


I’m a Conservative, never voted for liberal Bush, his policy was terrible.
I recall when the “mission” banner was seen behind him. At that time I worked with a Navy veteran. She had worked as a machinist mate in the Navy. She told me that the banner in question was typical of a US. Navy ship returning to its home port, Mr. Bush had zero to do with that banner or the statement made on it.
Too much has been made of this, it is simple tradition, not a political statement by the President.

just saying
just saying
Reply to  Randy
12 years ago

Congrats to obama? He signed a document and took credit for the entire op. While I do question what actually happened, giving obumbler credit for this is akin to giving the guy who approved my mortgage credit for my saving and handling of money, he didn’t do shit, just affirmed that I did right. Really what the F did he do? He used all the things he criticized Bush for to accomplish the same goal (if, that is, OBL was in fact killed on 1 May, 2011).
Quite amusing how the libs use the men and women in the military, when the RIGHT is in power the military is a bunch of thugs to the left. When the military does its duty and a weak lefty is in control, we are told to respect their actions and look up to them as American heros.
I may not always like what the military does, however I always always always respect them for their sacrifices.
Sad to see them played by an administration, that at its core really hates these bringers of justice.

Reply to  just saying
12 years ago

I totally agree with you and I support our troops one hundred percent and I do not hold any decisions or actions taken by them in combat. we all have to do jobs we hate sometimes. It is the administration that should be held responsible.

just saying
just saying
Reply to  danvalenti
12 years ago

Thank for your forum.
There had been talk of removing the comment portion of this site.
Don’t do it. The comments shed much light on the darkness of Berkshire county happenings.

Reply to  danvalenti
12 years ago

That’s a fine analogy if I may say so.

13 years ago

I’m for the Greens’ agenda, let’s tax the rich 90% of their total worth; free medical care for everyone; compact fluorescent light bulbs in every light socket; no coal-fired power plants, nor oil-powered vehicles, and get rid of all SUV’s.
And Obama in 2012!

Reply to  GMHeller
12 years ago

It’s one extreme or the other with you!

Reply to  scott
12 years ago

I asked you questions earlier about the Greens’ agenda, but you did not answer nor give me reason to believe that the Greens’ agenda was anything different than what I just stated.
If the Greens’ ideal tax rate is not 90% of total worth, what exactly is it?

Reply to  GMHeller
12 years ago

GM I don’t know because I’m not a member nor am I familiar with their entire policy. Just because I care about humanity and the environment doesn’t mean I’m close circuited to one group and set of beliefs. Now answer my question what do the republicans do thats any different? I see no difference from when Bush was in office. (I already know the answer, NOTHING.)

Reply to  scott
12 years ago

Vote GREEN! So we can ALL be poor & miserable ..EQUALLY!

fan Dan Go
fan Dan Go
Reply to  scott
12 years ago

yes, scott, extremists such as heller are incapable of nuance and the sublties of complex issues. thats what destroys their positions!

Reply to  fan Dan Go
12 years ago

Yes he’s a regurgitating really thats all.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
13 years ago

Pittsfield’s CEDs plan:
* Teen pregnancies
* Welfare caseloads
* Job loss
* Poorly performing public schools
* Insider, corrupt politicians
* Violent crimes & drugs
* Elitist Nat Karns (BRPC)
* PCBs cancer causing pollutants
* Angelo Stracuzzi’s alleged sexual deviance
* Carmen Massimiano’s alleged homosexuality
* Hack jobs for Mayor John Barrett III

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
12 years ago

Carmen’s alleged homosexuality has been a long-standing cause for speculation and it is no secret!

Reply to  scott
12 years ago

and there is nothing wrong with homosexuality is there? are you prejudiced or something?

Jim Gleasen
Jim Gleasen
Reply to  Dusty
12 years ago

No homosexualty is not a bad thing (not my thing either), but when your an adult man and your sexual pleasures are with underage boys (allegedly), that’s the problem. Being a card carrying member of NAMBLA.

Reply to  Dusty
12 years ago

No and I’d trust my kids around a self admitted homosexual before Carmen or Angelo (Both married claiming to be heterosexual.) that’s for sure.

Reply to  scott
12 years ago

That is not the comment I made what’s up with that planet?

Reply to  danvalenti
12 years ago

Jesus how much more proof to you need?

Reply to  danvalenti
12 years ago

You added a lot more then that just delete it if it’s that big of a deal I understand the sensitivity of the issue.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
12 years ago

Knutson,Melle and Heller O my!!

12 years ago

I Wonder where Mayor Barrett is working know? Has someone got him another lucrative job? Dan can you put your spies on this one.

12 years ago

mayor barret took over the reigns at berkshireworks on monday morning

12 years ago

Heres a nasty little trick the right likes to play. Listening to GB this morning he was crying about regulation and how the left likes to regulate and is making the Amish stop production of their milk because they don’t pasteurize it. Deregulation is good in this sense yet when it gives companies like Monsanto the green light it is not.

just saying
just saying
12 years ago

Momsanto= satan, funded by YOUR tax dollars. Amish milk producer not so much. Your lefties support all the same shit that rinos support.
The true RIGHT is small government conservatives that take care of themselves. Please don’t put Conservatives in the same mold as republicans.

Reply to  just saying
12 years ago

Please don’t put me in any group they’re all corrupt!

12 years ago

Based on the linked news article, it would appear Barack Hussein Obama had Usama Bin Laden murdered in cold blood.

Does anyone here deny that had George W. Bush had Bin Laden murdered like this, that Liberals would have accused Bush of war crimes?

Reply to  GMHeller
12 years ago

Who cares we used enhanced interrogation techniques (torture in some peoples eyes.) and we killed an evil man who deserved to die. We have to break away from the left versus right crap and just do what is right and makes the most sense. I think we should give the order to our military to find these terrorist cells and take them all out one by one.

Reply to  scott
12 years ago

Scott, you and other lIberals on PlanetValenti get all incensed when Pittsfield’s Police Chief shows the slightest bit of hypocrisy in administering PPD, but when the Liberal hero Barack Obama exhibits far more blatant hypocrisy, you are claiming here we have to “break away from the left versus right crap”.
Suggest you apply the same ground rules to the inept Obama as you seek to apply to Pittsfield’s inept leaders.

Reply to  GMHeller
12 years ago

I’m not a f*****g liberal Glen what part of that don;t you get?

Reply to  scott
12 years ago

Then why are you always taking off against thinkers on the right?

Reply to  GMHeller
12 years ago

Heller, if Obama saved six children from a burning building you would find fault with him for it. Admit it, you just cannot think objectively when it come to politics.

Reply to  Dusty
12 years ago

If Obama saved six children from a burning building, it was his press handlers who started the fire and the put the kids on the front stoop so Obama could be photographed ‘saving’ them.

T Truran
T Truran
12 years ago

At the Lenox debate, did: 1) the question of squandering > $300K in tax funds for a “slogan” that only benefits “tourist trap” businesses come up?., 2) Why do sqeaky wheel tourist traps ,deserve better treatment/service from the town manager, than it’s citizens?, 3) Is the town manager biased?

12 years ago

The death of Obama will have little to no impact on “winning” the “global war” against “terrorism.” They had a thing on GB today talking about this don’t worry Dan everyone is doing it I have even caught myself they’re so similar.

12 years ago

I like some of the things they are about but I will not sit by while they let corporations take control with no respect for human rights or the environment all in the name of profit and growth.

12 years ago

Yeah Glenn, stop the liberal weeny-always right, right. Your objective thinking is getting in the way, o(Ops, i’m sorry, you don’t know how to be objective.