(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY NOV. 27, 2019) — Thanksgiving dawns tomorrow, and THE PLANET gives thanks for a Havana boatload of blessings — for loved ones, family, friends, and foes who don’t know they are friends and perhaps never will. Our thanks include gratitude for our readers, who have made THE PLANET the area’s #1 site for news and commentary by producing the most accurate, truthful accounts of local, regional, national, and international happenings — especially local.
They love us, they hate us; it’s all good because controversy becomes coin of the realm when slinging a provocateur’s alphabet like a master builder, millions of words published in a professional lifetime that’s still flying Mach III. The point isn’t what readers or audiences think but that they think, and the verdict’s in: No one get more brain cells in overdrive than We Truly. Which reminds us to extend blessings to the bizarre, dysfunctional politics of the city of Pittsfield, a city that keeps getting in its own way and tripping over the hassock.
Where else to do you see plow jockeys out in force pushing H2O? The city blades plowed and salted water at double-time-and-a-half. No word of the cost, but rumor has it the city has already topped the winter budget by $2.5 million, also known as 3M — the Mayor’s Monopoly Money. Nothing to see at the Department of Public Works, though, a department whose poster girl still is Madame Corruption, a distant-but-disinherited cousin of Lady Willpower.
Where but Pittsfield else could you see the Hatfield and McCoys, Blue and Grey, Montagues and Capulets, Masterpiece Theater and 90-Day Fiancee gathering to break not bread but ballots? THE PLANET refers, of course, to Linda Tyer and Melissa Mazzeo “kumbaya-ing” Monday at city halitosis. One wants to continue as mayor. The other wants to be mayor despite the election being more than two weeks cold. Typically, the last living cells in the clammy body politick, Election Day version, get laid to rest the day after. It follows a respectful graveside service in which all candidates pretend graciousness and feign a sisterly spirit whose soul is made from the dripping spikes of an Iron Maiden. The bloody corpse then gets laid in the vaulted chambers, not to be seen again. Ashes-to-ashes, chad-to-chad, and all the rest of it. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski walk away grieved, with The Suits once again telling them that they are dust and unto dust they shall return.
This year, however, the corpse didn’t die as expected, and on Monday in city council chambers — that sarcophagus usually containing more “living dead” than a zombie fest — the exhumation began. After the day-long tally shook off the worms and vermin, the mayor picked up two additional votes, bringing her official (we might call it “technical”) win over Mazzeo to 531. THE PLANET had Prof. Fingleheimer crush the numbers. Do you realize that if Pittsfield kept recounting, after the 2,829th re-tally ballot minders would declare that not one person had voted for Mazzeo and that Tyer won every vote cast, “fair and square,” save the write-ins for Dan Valenti. Final tally: Linda Tyer 11,842, Melissa Mazzeo 0. What a city!
As you know from THE PLANET‘s exclusive coverage, Team Mazzeo expected this. They took the recount to preserve their legal options.
After the Monday Madness, Tyer called the process “nonsense.”
“I don’t have any preliminary thoughts about it,” she said, “because I can’t possibly anticipate what those legal actions will be. But I can tell you that I and my team and my campaign will vigorously defend this election as far as it relates to our work, and I know that the city solicitor will work to represent the city clerk’s office and the city of Pittsfield.”
Mazzeo mouthpiece Andrew Hochberg said the recount produced several “irregularities.” Attorney Hochberg said several ballot boxes were not locked and sealed in violation of the law. Lack of seals on multiple boxes could easily affect hundreds of votes. Also, transfer bags that move ballots from polling station to city hall were missing tags and numbers, again, leaving open the possibility of abuse. He also noted the presence of what Mazzeo called “an [unauthorized] individual closely related to the Tyer campaign” being in the allegedly-secure ballot area in the Registrar of Voters office. Sources identified that person as the mayor’s husband, Barry Clairmont. We had earlier asked Clairmont about a specific incident in which sources quoted assistant Registrar of Voters Heather Gregory-Brazeau saying she saw him in the registrar’s office after hours, when she was working late one night. Clairmont told THE PLANET that this particular incident “NEVER” (his caps) happened and that he would take a lie detector test to prove it. The Mazzeo camp says they have eyewitness testimony to the contrary.
Hochberg wouldn’t discuss these anomalies except to say if the challenge goes to court, they would be fully explored, exposed, and exploded.
All this may not allow your turkey to go down easier, but it provides tasty stuffing.
Have a great day tomorrow, brothers and sisters.
“If somebody got a broken nose, that means they didn’t duck fast enough” — Leo Gorcey
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In December of 2019, Pittsfield politics will see a lawsuit in Superior Court brought by Melissa Mazzeo alleging a fraudulent election due to vote tampering, a recurring debate about how much so-called “free cash” out of the city government’s slush fund of $10 million should be used to offset a predictable tax hike on Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, and the Good Old Boys celebrating the holiday season in sunny Naples, Florida.
Then take it to court and we will see what’s exposed and exploded. My guess is that it will be the credibility of a great many people, Tyer not among them. The grasping-at-straws nature of all this is becoming more evident with each piece you write, Dan.
More “shoot the messenger,” BLARE? I’m simply reporting on developments in the case and offering commentary when needed to help people clarify the issues. I let readers make up their own minds. Isn’t that the real essence of what’s bugging you?
Mazzeo has the right to pursue this regardless of the outcome. And if it proves fruitless and there’s nothing there, it will just cement Tyer’s win as legitimate. If Tyer is of the mindset nothing untoward occurred, then there’s nothing to worry about. Conspiracy theories are de rigueur these days on all sides. It’s the penalty we pay when technology touches everything and is so easily manipulated for both good and bad.
Have a good Thanksgiving.
Great reading Dan. I would like to thank the Mazzeo team for having the courage to pursue the irregularities of this election. Even if nothing changes this administration and the people who comprise it need to know there are eyes on them. Way too much incompetence and weird stuff going on in Pittsfield. Pittsfield residents and taxpayers deserve better. Much better.
It would seem that those in power will do anything to stay in power no matter how sneaky or dirty the tricks that must be pulled. Pittsfield and Berkshire County has its Good Old Boys/Girls club of Progressives and Democrats, whose recent successes include Harrington, Tyer, Farley-Bouvier, Moon, and the list goes on. Dedicated to their own personal agendas and never to the good of us poor voting slobs. Apart from all that’s been mentioned the past week or so, whatever happened to the story about Tyer and hubby showing up after hours in the Registrar’s office and being surprised to find the assistant registrar there?
What about the absentee ballots? Weren’t there allegedly a huge number of them, this time around? Was there an orchestrated effort to get the nursing home votes and assistance in filling out the ballots? I thought an inordinately high number of absentee ballots was one of the things Mazzeo is griping about. How are the absentee ballots handled and is there room for manipulation or fraud there?
If your a grandparent bring your parents. Yes,heard that while flipping channels on T B R. Swear to the Planet. I guess it’s possible if your in your seventies and the great grand parents are ninety. The two girls he’s interviewing must be scared to death of this guy.
My, my
Good for Mazzeo for conducting a thorough investigation.
This is also the first time I have seen a poll sitter, behind the check-in table, with her own voter roll to keep track of who has voted. Anyone voting in ward 4 at Williams School around 8 am would have witnessed the same scene. In some previous elections, there have been poll sitters, but not with their own voter roll.
as usual DV great coverage. Ms. Mazzeo is entitled to vet these issues. She has 5,000 supporters and they deserve this process as well. all the screaming by the fake FB “personalities” mean nothing.
Mazzeo wants the election process to be professional and follow procedures that will keep the election results out of the hands of the desperate. Thank You Mrs.Mazzeo…..I will be in absolute shock if Barry Clairmont was in a unauthorized area pre election results.If he was then this election is tainted,Why? Because he knew better and was there for a purpose.
Just a thank you Dan for this forum and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours
Maybe nothing irregular happened because this is how elections are handled in Pittsfield all the time…
I do find it amusing how all of the Tyer supporters on social media have all of a sudden decided to start caring about the cost to the taxpayer.
It’s ironic considering they are in favor of NOT lessening the burden of the property tax increase on the taxpayer.
Look at the recent CC discussion over using free cash to lessen the burden on taxpayers. The usual Tyer tools won’t allow more than $750,000 of YOUR tax dollars to offset the tax burden. Simonelli quote, “We work for the taxpayer, we don’t work for the mayor.” Well said Anthony. Email Marchetti, Parsnip, Caccamo & White and urge them to support $1 mil to offset the tax burden. Even Krol supported this!
Yea, to bad Krol and Simonelli were not like this before they were short timers. Better late than never.
Yes the Tyer “supporters” on FB 411 come across like an angry mob. Did Tyer serve Romaine lettuce at her victory party?
Great article Dan! Have to admit this whole election mess is sickening. After reading the BB about Barry going behind the counter at Michelle’s request I can’t help but wonder how many other folks she invited back? So she didn’t want people around where absentee voters were filling out their ballots. If she was so concerned, why did she not move the voting to another area? That office is very busy, would she have invited me back or was she just kissing her bosses husband butt? Whatever the reason was, she was wrong and Barry should have known better. In reading during the recount about ballots not being in the correct box, ballots being set aside, boxes not being secured properly it just adds up to one more department under Tyer’s Administration that is a mess! Speaking of messes, in watching last night’s CC meeting it was beyond pathetic. Paula King was just throwing numbers from the top of her head not at the least prepared, PeePeePete was beyond lucid, all he did was scream when asked a question, nothing made any sense. CacaMoMo was patting himself on the back about a spreadsheet that no one could see which he had just sent to the other councilors two hours before, alot of time to look over it. It would be a great comedy show if not for the seriousness of using taxpayer monies. The best act of the night was when they were talking about the “rainy day fund” and Bowtie Kerwood announced the amount available and the whole CC said “What”, then Bowtie said “Oh I gave you the wrong amount the last time we talked”. After that I thought I was going to lose my supper so I changed the channel. Really Bowtie, do you even know how much money the City has? Now does anyone know why Moonbat took Donna Todd River’s name plate down and moved her seat? Is Donna done? Very strange behavior!
Hope everyone has a nice peaceful Thanksgiving and I especially want to wish the Pittsfield Police Officer that has been sleeping two out of the three days this week around 10a.m, on New York Avenue by the deer a nice holiday, hopefully he/she can get some rest.
But it’s okay for the firefighters to sleep all night right?
Totally two different jobs. The cop has only been in work for two hours, why does he/she need a nap? A police officers job is to keep the streets safe. Wouldn’t he/she be of better use stopping the speeders and red light blasters on Merrill Road?
Perhaps cop was just resting his eyes. Or perhaps saying her morning prayers. Most people pray with eyes closed.
Whatever, have a nice Thanksgiving. Sorry my comment bugs you.
Merry & Bright,
I had a nice Thanksgiving and I hope you did too. You’re comment doesn’t really bug me as much as I’m always amused at how cops get crucified for taking a nap on the job, when our mayor put firemen on a 24 hours straight shift, and it’s lights out at 10pm, and many nights they get a good nights sleep, while the cops are out where the rubber meets the road, and get to the fire first.
I never realized how painful it was to watch Caccamo. His data analysis was futile.
I think Moon moved so as to get a better spot in front of the camera. Better angle.
And Peter Marchetti needs a course in professionalism and diplomacy. His obviously emotional reactions were embarrassing. That meeting was cringeworthy.
Fair comments, PHIL, especially about Marchetti. He seems to have lost “it” — assuming he had “it” in the first place.
Rumor has it that they found 999 more votes for Dan Bianchi from the last election that were never counted. This was quickly dismissed as “nonsense” and the votes were discarded.
Why do you think Ruberto put Tyer in as City Clerk?
I think the Attorney General should be called in on this administration. The mayor, DPW Comissioner, Kerwood and whoever else blatantly stole or misused millions of dollars from the snow + ice fund. Then to have the audacity to even have spent $1 this year on plows is to say F You to the taxpayers. Losing Mazzeo + Tony S will truly make this a rubber stamp council. What amounts to grand Larceny has occurred by Mayor Tyer or under her so called Leadership leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. Serious consequences result from living in One party state for the people paying the bills
I hope Moon and her fellow rubber stampers on the council think wisely as they project into their futures if they are going to stay attached to the mayors hip. May be more judicious options.
How about calling The Generalissimo?
Ah, the Chosen One…Thee Generaaaal!
From last night’s council meeting:
Whoever is in charge of the books in inept. Kerwood, that Allie woman, the other not-there woman who didn’t know how to reconcile the bank statement…WOW. And people wonder why there are so many questions regarding this administration’s handling of finances.
Speaking of Kerwood, he looked like he was going to pop a vessel. Did anyone else notice is extreme agitation. Dangerously so, he looked on the verge of an aneurysm or something.
Meanwhile, it turns out the info they were given at the Nov 12th meeting was also wrong. When a little thing like “the formula picked up the wrong cell” on the spreadsheet they used to present the numbers…that’s a major problem. How often does that happen, how many spreadsheets…?
It was an embarrassment.
Close to a strong finish though, with Councilor Simonelli’s remarks. His contribution is going to be sorely missed next year. It’s very unfortunate for the people of Pittsfield that he is retiring.
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Planeteers. I’m very thankful I can afford some KY Jelly because the big screwin is a comin when the mayor and council get done jacking taxes and assessments go up 4 percent on top of that. We’re talking hundreds more per year for the average homeowner. City needs an intervention. Mazzeo was right about that. City has a spending problem.
Maybe a KY station is in order for the taxpayers just outside of city hall. They could have Dr. Jelly Finger administer it safely.
Yes, I’m sure Harrington would support a safe space to apply the lube.
Any tax breaks to open one up?
Where were the tax breaks for Jim’s?
Did you read Howie Carr’s op-ed in The Boston Herald asking why marijuana is legal in Massachusetts, but menthol cigarettes won’t be on June 1, 2020 if Governor Charlie Baker signs the bill passed in the state Legislature? Howie Carr says the proposed ban will increase sales of menthol cigarettes in New Hampshire. Howie Carr stated: “most vaping is apparently okay again, now that a 75% excise tax has been imposed, kinda like even after the referendum approval, marijuana legalization was still … stalled, until the tax could be jacked up for the benefit of the hackerama.” Howie Carr goes on to argue: “How does it make any sense to ban one kind of cigarette, but not any other types? It’s like banning, say, bourbon, but not vodka or Scotch.”
Lets bring back the NG helicopters, DEA, State Police, …….. and raid the Nuciforo Weed Establisment on Dalton Ave!
Just say no. Nancy was right. Just say no to pot, cocaine, meth, pills, heroin. If there was no demand for all this crap, there would be no war on drugs in America?
Howie Carr is a moron.Has spent his life denigrating the Kennedys who he was clearly jealous of as he lived a parallel life and wanted to be one of them.
He was right about every damn thing he said about the criminal Kennedy’s.
Who were the best and worst mayors in the last 50 years, and why?
So this site could become a monitor on the mayor that the city council refuses to be. A huge part of the governing problem in Pittsfield is that the two bodies that are supposed to cross-check each other have melded together and seem to be working at odds to why they were elected. And so it looks like we may have a forum to call these people out when they veer off the path of elected responsibility.
So if you see a city councilor do something that seems self serving or not good for the overall city, speak out. If you see something, say something. Your tax dollars pay them and provide health insurance for most of them. And of course there is always the perks of having connections.
They need to stop working for the mayor and start working for the people who elected them. OR get called out and asked to explain why they did something that seems suspicious. Lap dogs hate to have to explain why they went along with something obviously stupid.
Barry reported that he was not at city hall and would take a lie detector about that.The radio reported yesterday that he said they did nothing wrong.
It sounds like hes moved away from the original to a more generalized if I was there I did nothing wrong…..it means you have already lied.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I’d suggest you find a copy of George Will’s piece (today’s BEagle). Williams College is featured prominently and not in a good way. In essence, the students at Williams want racial tolerance and acceptance by creating segregated dorms. This was attempted in the early 1970’s in the eastern part of the state, and it was a mighty failure. It just shows that when it comes to stupidity and political correctness, what’s old and failed is new enough to want to try again.
Tyer White Moon Caccamo Marchetti Yon Mccandless Behnke are on a mission to solve problems by raising your taxes.Go back 4 year and ask yourself how many problems did they solve in the last 4 years.How many problems did Yon solve at the schools department.A 170 million dollar budget can not even change a behavior policy at Herberg school. Kathy Yon still wont admit that students of Herberg school are not allowed a uninterrupted school day…….Pittsfields School budgets need a 10 year audit……..Tyer is still not involved in department spending.Tyer said she heard the 6000 voters who want her to spend the next 5 months staying within the budget she set for snow removal and she needs to publicly tell the taxpayer the day that highway budget is out of money.
Saturday Night Live did a great segment on all of the Democratic candidates. The Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders impressions are especially good, but all of them are hilarious. President Trump has been impersonated so many times on SNL. So glad they are not afraid to make fun of the Democrats especially in this political climate.
How hard can it be to seal the ballot box in the mandated way..How hard can it be to keep the Mayors husband out of her workplace.The mayor should tell us how much it cost taxpayers Sunday because it rained out.Would Tim Kushi ask the most efficient mayor to report where this budget stands right now.That department should report every council meeting all winter.When your 2.3 million over Tyers okd budget in 5 months of snow removal there is a HUGE problem……Tyer wont even mention it.What does DATA man Caccamo think about those numbers he OKd for highway.Every CC member is pretending theres nothing wrong with that budget.If they report every meeting they will not be able to deny.Tyer has a huge budget problem
Great question: “How hard can that be?” In Pittsfield, apparently, the answer is “very very.”
The Pittsfield Sieve…..Mayor
And it is stuff like that that makes many of us want an election overview. We simply do not trust these people. And they continue to do things to make us doubt them. We may need to babysit this administration from our keyboards.
Best comment since I’ve been on this blog. And the truth!
Imagine the comments by the former Mayor,”we had no choice,it was the best deal for the City of Pittsfield” and the former Rep. who was the biggest lobbyist in Massachusetts,another phony ass cash grabber. And Hicee,he wasn’t far from that C D decision.
I agree 100% with those posters that feel the last CC meeting was not their finest hour . The administration also seemed very uninformed and flat out wrong. Basically it was a horror show, or a comedy show or a poop show. Take your pick. You can chose more than one.