(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 2, 2019) — While THE PLANET waits for reader reports of snowplow screwups, let’s look at the Democrats vying for the chance to take on President Trump in 2020, then a word on the House impeachment proceedings. We’ve kept our tongue on both, needing it first to taste and tattle on the plethora of pitiful Pittsfield proceedings that have placed Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski in the Bobby Sunshine iron lung.
DEM POLITICS — Despite a few dropouts, the jackass field still numbers 20, demonstrating that when the ambitious-but-insecure surround themselves with the compromise of money and the salivation of sycophants, outsize egos turn cancerous to goodness and clear thinking. We won’t go through this forgettable lineup, which makes the ’62 Mets look like the ’27 Yanks. The shorthand to this shortfall begins with subtracting 17 — all but Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, and Elizabeth Warren. THE PLANET saves Michael Bloomberg as a special case who will play role of spoiler come primary season.
The field reduces to Biden v. Buttigieg. Warren? She fried herself in her own oil, a sleazy ooze squeezed from the harvested husks of ripened lies:
- Did you read Warren’s book, The Two-Income Trap? In it, she championed school choice.
- She lied.
- Today she’s against choice and charters as she pushes her Big Government agenda (Green New Deal, Medicare for All).
- She lied.
- Speaking of schools, a week ago at a campaign event in Atlanta, she told a voter, “My children went to public schools.”
- She lied.
- Reports and yearbook photos show her son Alex attended private schools Austin, Texas, and Haverford, Pa.
- She lied.
- Granny for the longest time claimed to be a Native American.
- She lied.
- She’s no more Indian than Frank de Kova. He played Hakawi chief Wild Eagle on the TV show F Troop.
- She lied.
- Last year she ran again for Massachusetts senate. Reporters asked if she intended to fulfill her six-year term or would she run for president in 2020.
- She lied.
- Immediately after her senate win, she formed the dreaded “exploratory committee.” Soon after, she was lusting for Iowa.
- She lied.
All politicians are fibs and mountebanks, of corpse, but at least have the honesty to be truthful about your lying, a requirement of all Presidents.
Warren is in free fall. How low? Well, she’s definitely below cranky Bernie, who hospitalized himself out of the race.
IMPEACHMENT FUZZ — The first thing to strike THE PLANET was the House Intelligence Committee and not the House Judiciary Committee assuming the prosecutorial role. Impeachment is a legal consideration. This case (Russia-Ukraine meddling) has intelligence overtones, but keeping judiciary out of it proved the political nature of the proceedings. The rules give Intel a much broader ability to conduct secret, Star Chamber-type hearings, with no watchdog press.
The Democrats’ Big, Phat Impeachment Wedding has been a show running for three+ years. Mule party writers began writing the script the moment Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton for the Oval Office. THE PLANET offers that reminder to as the frame to this work of low-brow art. With that, we offer further musings:
- The witnesses have all been government officials with a history of being critical of and prejudiced against Trump.
- Not one witness testified to any crime.
- Every witness went on supposition, hearsay, and other “non-admissible” evidence. The evidence has consisted of 100% opinion and feelings.
- The charges keep changing, first “quid pro quo,” then “bribery,” then “obstruction.” Which is it?
- The claim that the President is at odds with “stated foreign policy” makes no sense. In America, the President — now Congress, not ambassadors, not the military — sets foreign policy.
- The hearings effectively shut down Congress for a month. The work of the people went ignored. Passing a budget? Fixing NAFTA for American workers? Addressing our broken immigration system? Lower the cost of healthcare? Nope. The Democrats think those trivialities can wait.
- Literally every time a House Republican or member of the press asked for actual evidence of a crime or of an impeachable offense, Democrats had none to offer.
- Testimony confirmed the accuracy of the transcript the White House released of the disputed July 25 phone call between the President and Ukraine President Zelensky.
- The hearings amounted to a set of TV infomercials for the Democrats.
- Finally, if and when it gets to the Senate, we’ll see the whole thing reversed. The Republicans will hold court, table-set as they wish, and in the end fail to convict.
Did the Dems succeed with their impeachment trick, or have they soiled the bed? Early returns suggest this will turn into an exploded cigar in Joe Biden’s face.
What do you think?
“Whenever a man has cast a longing on office, a rottenness begin in his conduct” — Thomas Jefferson.
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An authoritarian/fascist U.S. President named Donald Trump broke many federal laws, including extorting a foreign government named Ukraine with the American peoples’ tax dollars for dirt on a political opponent named Joe Biden, calling on Russia to investigate Hillary Clinton’s missing emails while Putin ordered the meddling of the 2016 presidential election in Trump’s favor, hiding his tax returns from the American people because he received his business financing from Russian-backed Oligarchs, and the President did not pay his federal taxes, using his lawyers to do his dirty work in his public (obstructing justice: White House staff illegally saying to Congress that they have executive privilege and absolute immunity) and private dealings (porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal’s NDA’s that were illegal violations of campaign finance laws), human rights violations with his inhumane immigration policies, and his White Nationalist White House Staff that included Stephen Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller. I believe Trump is similar to Hitler. I hope Trump is both impeached and convicted, thereby removed from office. I believe Trump is a danger to both our country and our democratic system of government. If Trump is not removed from office in 2020, the U.S. Constitution is just another piece of paper and the rule of law is a lie.
Very fake information.
Spot on, Dan. Great analysis of the impeachment hoax.
And Warren is a liar & fraud. Mass. voters were foolish to vote her into office again. What has she done for us? A big fat NOTHING!
She’s a joke with all those gyrations. Her plan would cost five times what a Our President proposes.
No one is perfect, except you “Mr. Fritz”,
Elizabeth Warren has many flaws, but that makes her all the better to relate to us fellow imperfect human beings. Elizabeth Warren fights for working class families who have been screwed over by big business and big government. I understand that billionaires like Mike Bloomberg fear her, which is why Bloomberg is running for President to be a spoiler in favor of his fellow billionaire Donald Trump.
It would be nice if the American Dream was restored for the masses. Imagine an America with working class families owning a home with affordable transportation to work and school, having affordable healthcare insurance without preexisting conditions penalties, quality public schools, living wage jobs, and a secure retirement for our senior citizens. I believe it will all happen when Elizabeth Warren becomes our country’s 46th U.S. President.
Warren = one way ticket to Venezuela.
She has spent the majority of this term campaigning, not helping the residents of MA.
I think you ate some tainted Pow-Wow- Chow. Warren raised millions from Wall Street and others while running for her senate seat and transferred that money into her presidential run. The very money from the people she is now supposedly against on the presidential trail and claiming she is a small donations champion and won’t accept Wall Street $. The politicians are going to screw the people one way or another and it’s always after the election though.
I would still like to hear everyone’s opinion, especially blogger Dan Valenti’s opinion, as to why Pittsfield politics is going to raise municipal taxes tomorrow (Tuesday) night, 12/3/2019 when they have nearly $10 million in reserves, and the public school district is expected to receive millions of additional dollars in state education aid in 2020?
They are stupid or they are crooks or both. Any other questions?
Pssstttt…….John, they are ALL democrats.
That’s chump change compared to what Warren would do to the whole nation.
As Warren has stated many times that there are no social programs without the best capitalistic economy on earth.She believe in great businesses but not the deregulated corruption that Trump voters believe in. Im not voting for her. Biden is a conservative Democrat that will win.
Because they can. They are tax and spenders, plain and simple.
Last week, I went to the movies and I watched “The Irishman” about the Mafia and Jimmy Hoffa. It reminded me of Pittsfield politics. They mob went around shaking down all of the businesses, who gave the mob cash-filled envelopes. If the mob didn’t get their money, they would say that people were not “showing appreciation”. When Pittsfield politics predictably raises municipal taxes tomorrow night, they want Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski to “show appreciation”.
Well said, JON.
If there ever was an organization that needed a Rico investigation it’s Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. Somehow the board members for life always see their businesses benefit – which in most charities would be a conflict of interest but not here in Berkshires with museum graft and all the rest …
More like tax and stealers, when it comes to services they are really cheap, no money to fix the roads, no money to pick up trash, no money for school buses, no money for fire hydrants, no money for police training, because it’s all been moved to NYC investment banks and foreign real estate
“Because they can.” The punchline to my all-time favorite joke!
And what is the joke Dan?
Why does a dog
This additional money should be treated as tax payer relief but pittsfield schools just adds 35 more people to help with discipline policy.
Biden announced that people enjoyed playing with his hairy legs.
Lieawatha Warren went to the Cherokee Reservation one night, stripped down naked, and ran far a wide until morning.
She still does not have, any Native American/Indian DNA in her…….. But, She is, more full of crap than a Thanksgiving Turkey.
Biden and his Son, are the ones that need to be investigated for Ukraine corruption. Is his Son going to pay off all the paternity suits, for his basturd spawn? Joe is so brain addled , he can’t remember what state he is campaigning in.
I won’t comment on the “wife”, from South Bend Over……….
Obama, Biden, and Hildebeast, have a lot more to be worried about concerning Russia/Ukraine than the POTUS…..
BTW, the FBI just came up with another load of Hildebeast “deleted” emails, 4 YEARS after Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request. Why did it take so long?
Liz Warren is a disaster. She wants illegal immigrants to pour into the country to be given free healthcare so the trillions of dollars her healthcare plan will cost will far exceed that outrageous amount. Liz has few math skills and unfortunately anyone relying on big government to “take care of their health needs” will be left out in the cold when the whole system crashes down under a Liz Warren presidency. President Trump 2020!!!!!
If you work for city state fed you get healthcare for 20 cents on the dollar. Subsidized by taxpayers who pay real healthcare rates.A lot of republicans love socialism for them….Pat how much does your healthcare cost per week
Dan, every bullet point you cited above is not true. I am still completely baffled by why people with some level of intellect say this lying sack of crap in the oval office has done nothing wrong. And to accuse any Democrat candidates of lying, after the daily, even hourly, barrage of untruths from Trump is just disingenuous. Your credibility really suffers when you wander from your Pittsfield focus.
Globalists like yourself would love nothing more than to destroy this country in order to usher in one world government. I am baffled that you choose globalism over nationalism.
Hey Mr. Fritz, the connotations of “nationalism” are not good. You seem to be laboring under yet another false narrative purveyed by the right that says that anyone not buying in to “nationalism” is a globalist seeking to overthrow our government and install a one world government instead. Again, none of that is true. I am deeply worried about the constitution and its perversion into a dictatorial government with an unchecked, omnipotent “executive” at the top. The first casualty on the road to that has always been “the truth.” Controlling truth is power. Lying to people flat out/boldfaced and watching them lap it up as truth like cream is the ultimate dominant power trip. Your boy Donnie does this hourly. It is dangerous. He has committed many crimes already. Anyone still supporting him should be embarrassed.
I agree with MR G on “nationalism,” a philosophical approach to government that buries the Individual. Nationalism = political + intellectual poison.
Poor “nationalism” is going the way of “populism.”
Perfectly fine words and concepts before the Left decided that they were bad and a way to attack Trump and his supporters.
The Left employs a team of eggheads to redefine words, make them into “bad” words, and then paint Republicans with them.
Now, “white nationalism” isn’t good, of course, nor is “fascist populism.”
If by “nation” you mean “race” or “ethnicity”–Greek root–“ethnos”–in there somewhere meaning a specific group of people, then you have the problems of the 19th century right through to WWI and into WWII. Thanks, Jean-Jacques.
But no prob a’tall with wanting the best for your country (nation as a political/geographic entity), as has every single country since the beginning of such things.
Oh, but I forget their (il)logic:
Prop. 1: Hitler and the Nazis perpetrated unspeakable horrors.
Prop. 2: Trump beat Hillary.
Ergo: Trump is evil. Trump is a “nationalist,” ergo “nationalism” is evil.
And, hey, kids, get this one: lots of “people” voted for Trump, which gives us “populism,” and ergo “populism” is evil.
I guess the people that voted for Hilary, or Obama, or Billy-Bob, or . . . weren’t you’re, whatchacall there, populist “people.”
Yeah, so that’s cool.
Whatever, man. Trump sucks and if you don’t agree you’re a fascist. QED.
I agree, Edward.
In the words of George Orwell, “Political language ….. is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
Whoa Dan, I disagree. Nationalism is love of country, putting America first.
I accept your definition of nationalism. Unfortunately, in practice, today and historically, nationalism has been and is a political maladaptation of that love. That is the nationalism I reject.
Which bullet points? For both Warren and Trump? Just Warren? Just Trump? Thanks for the feedback. I realize that saying anything in support of the Presidency, given the current occupant, will draw lightning. It also leads to wildly incorrect assumptions as to my feelings about Donald Trump. I will take it, though. Coin of the realm when you “put it out there,” as I do.
I believe what Dan, and I, are saying is that the Dems got nothing. There MAY be something that has been done, as you say, by “this lying sack of crap in the oval office,” but we ain’t seen it yet.
But perhaps you can help us see the light, Mr. G. What exactly has Trump done that is so bad, so criminal, and so worth of Chucky getting his ass burnt off in the fireplace?
We’ve heard all the generalities, so how about some specifics (FINALLY)? How exactly is he criminal, obstructed justice, committed bribery, etc.?
I mean, geez, if it is so bad, how is he still in office? He still hasn’t been impeached by the majority-Dem House?
What’s the hold-up?
Edward, the wheels of justicengrind slowly, as any legal practitioner will tell you, but they do grind. This one is actually moving lightning fast. And the bribery, plain and simple, was holding $495 million in congressionally allotted funds up until he got the Ukranians to SAY they would investigate Biden. Obstruction of justice, how about defying legally issued subpoenas? Witness intimidation? He does that I’m plain sight every day. What about stealing $2 million from his charity? That too is criminal. The list goes on and on. I am not a big fan of any politician but this guy is a swindler, crook and criminal and has to go.
And Dan, I was referring to your Trump bullet points. I do find it amusing though that any “supporter” of or apologist for Trump would use an opponent’s cavalier attitude toward the truth as a cudgel. She may have lied, or in a couple of cases may have changed her mind, as everyone of us, except perhaps Pat and Mr. Fritz has done hundreds of times.
Mr. G, the guy who hasn’t even read the full published unredacted transcript of the call.
:”transcript” lololol
There is a Globe article today on Suffolk DA Rollins. One comment (below) rings true for Berkshire DA Harrington. It’s ironic how supposedly do-good progressive prosecutors turn out to be such shameless self promoters.
I question Rollins’ judgement and maturity not just for this headline-grabbing prosecution here but for actions she’s taken in the past. Her soft on crime approach, including letting the assailant of a Charlestown woman (left with permanent brain damage) off with no jail time, is hardly “reformist” – it’s cavalier with the lives of the people of the Commonwealth.
I contrast that dereliction of duty with her fervent attention to the Globe-promoted MFA “watermelon” incident where she passionately declared her desire to be a “co-conspirator” with the alleged victims even before the dubious facts were all in place.
These are the actions of someone whose political and personal agenda comes before her sworn duties.
Boston deserves better. Rollins needs to go.
Your last sentence sums it up perfectly!
I have been thinking about writing a commentary to The Eagle asking DA Harrington to either accept or reject Rollins diatribe on what not to prosecute.
Harrington put out a statement saying she is following the lead of U.S. Rep. Pressley’s and Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins directive to decline to criminally prosecute certain low-level offenses like theft of “necessity goods.” It can be found on her office facebook page. The Eagle hasn’t followed up to interview local business owners. It certainly would make a nice “small business” story for the holiday season.
It looks like Harrington’s office won the case against the police officer, oh wait, they brought in another outside prosecutor. Seems to me the previous DA’s office successfully prosecuted plenty of police. So what gives?
What cases are you thinking of?
There was the chief in Hinsdale and most of the department. There was that road rager cop in Pittsfield who assaulted someone with his pistol. Then there was the cop from Dalton who assaulted some teenagers and another cop who was shot while running away after he threatened to burn his house down. Google it.
I believe it’s called integrity. I believe it was a conflict so Harrington recused her office. You know like no favors something new in that office.
That makes no sense. All the officers mentioned were convicted by the previous DA’s office. I doubt you can make a case for favors since they were convictions. So how come Harrington has to use budget and outside expertise?
I don’t think the anti Trump message is going to work in November (assuming he doesn’t have any major blunders). The economy is doing well, 401K/retirement accounts are doing great, and if you want a job, you can find one easily enough.
I like Tulsi and would seriously consider voting for her if she got through the primary. However, she seems like the most reasonable, level headed Democrat, which means she has no chance.
The economy. The economy. The economy. These are the top three reasons why Trump has so much support. Of the Dems, I like Buttigieg.
For God sakes she’s worse than. Hillary
Dan, you’re dead wrong about Trump. Abuse of power is a broad term. Trump’s entire career has been based on slimy backroom deals with some poor sap ready to take the fall for him, and if they’re not ready, he’ll find a bus to toss them under. FYI, in a court of law – WHICH THIS ISN’T SO THE RULES OF A COURT DO NOT APPLY, WHICH IS PATHETIC THAT YOU RIGHT-WING BEANIE WEARING TRUMPSTERS DON’T SEEM TO GET – hearsay can be admitted as evidence especially when enough people tell the same story. Your dog would be a better president that this Cheetoes colored clown.
Well, I deliberately left out the obvious point that the House forums were not a court of law and would not rise to that standard. Most of us know that, so I didn’t belabor that point. Hearsay will not be enough to result in a conviction during the Senate phase.
A smoking gun and the bodies would not convict Trump in the Senate, not with all the right-wing-nut-job swamp critters making sure they keep their place at the government filled slop-trough.
The other point about “abuse of power” being, as you correctly state, a broad term: That’s precisely the problem. If “abuse of power” is an impeachable offense, then we could have, and should have, impeached every president going back to FDR. Starting with him would be a good place to begin.
Interesting that AT&T phone records were obtained, Rudy’s buddies are turning on him with electronic records and documents, and Nunes (?), well Devin is just the most disgusting human being possible, I don’t know many people that like an ass-kissing stooge even if you support Trump. Hang on! The mention of Nunes made me throw up in my mouth a little…
Think the no malarkey bus needs to be brought in for service,
Biden Described Allowing Children To Play With His Wet Leg Hair In Resurfaced Clip: ‘I’ve Loved Kids Jumping On My Lap’
I haven’t seen the clip. If it is as described, it would be disturbing.
Lyman st.not-plowed yet almost mid afternoon
Biden is one sick puppy.
Only if your of a mindset that you think Biden is a pedophile
Regardless of his sexual,gratification, letting Radom 7 year olds sit on your lap and rub your leg is wrong. Period. Period. Period. As Joe would say. I was first to announce here that Biden was done, that he just did;t know it yet. That was the day the news broke of his stupid run.
Just curious, what do you make of the hairy leg clip.
To me it’s another indication that he needs to drop out and
let someone younger try.
He’s a train wreck.
It was a bizarre statement, to say the least. Does that disqualify him for the presidency? No. It does come as manna from heaven for Pete Buttigieg, a man whose positions I find the most tenable on the Dem side.
I love it Dan….Trump did not do it.Do you believe it was the Eukraine that meddled in the 2016 elections?
Agreed. Our
PResident is innocent of all charges.
It was the DNC and the Clinton Crime Cartel.
The DNC/Hildebeast admitted they screwed over Bernie; they fixed the debates and the D-primary.
I guess that’s O.K. as long as your a liberal.
What is the “Eukraine?”
It’s Уkraine, not Юkraine. That is, Oookraiin, not yoookraiin.
And Trump did not strong arm anyone there either. He was; however, interested in who in the Ookraiiinian government was supplying fictitious material to the Clinton people during the early part of his campaign resulting in enabling the non-Bill Of Rights compliant Patriot Act to be weaponized against a political outsider. Making those sorts of requests is actually mandated by Congress, even it does serve a personal complaint.
I will tell this board that every crazy democrat knows that it was not the Eukraine that meddled in the 2016 presidential election. Every single nut job dem knows it was Trumps Russia his Daddy Putin who did it.I know there is not 1 republican that will be quoted saying the Eukraine did it.Trump has never said Russia did it….Lets see if the average Trump supporter believes everything Don Trump needs them to believe.Who believes Trump?
TSC, it’s the D-Rats who had nefarious dealings with Putin; the H-Beast, Barry Sotero, the corrupt gun runner Holder…………
“Russia tables turn, roping Clinton, Obama, Holder, not Trump”
……”Better to dig deeper into this, as reported by The Hill: “Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States.”………..
Is there one Trump supporter who believes Trump that it was the Eukraine who helped him in the 2016 election.Stand up and say you believe Trump…..I did not think anyone who has common sense believe the lie.If you dont believe the lie you support this deception of Americsns who dont know better.
Eukraine ????????
Can anyone pull the plug on the Stooge with these repeat Shows?. Live is bad enough. Yut,cool,yut,oh wow,yut.
You can. Just turn the damn show off.
I think TSC has been living on Eukanuba pet food for too long. It’s confusing TSC
If I spell it correctly will you answer?Ukraine…Come on somebody.Do it for Trump or ignore the question.Which one of you is buying this lie.I know you all do.Its a Trump mandate.Hitler admired Mussolini. Trump admires Putin and nationalism is a disaster.
President Trump has done more to help Ukraine and has even given them weapons to fight against Russia. Obama refused to do that and was having secret conversations in which he promised to tell Putin “I will have more flexibility after the elections”. Flexibility for what? Nobody was even the tiniest bit curious back then because the media thought everything Obama did was beautiful and do did all the Democrats. Russia attempting to disrupt our elections goes back to the leniency Obama was giving Russia to get away with anything. All roads lead back to the Obama administration when it comes to enabling Russia. This plan to frame President Trump for Russian collusion, while the Obama administration was encouraging Russian misbehavior all along, will be revealed soon.
I’m wondering had the Taconic School if it were known the size of the Gym / Auditorium was known if voted on would have been built. I think taxpayers were duped on the lack of information concerning the small size and it-cannot hold a graduation either. Why would you want a doensized facility where the numbers to pay for it are dictated by the state. This should have been vetted.
There was never even a chance of it being voted on. As the planet posted earlier, the powers that be learned their lesson with the Civic Authority.
True dat. The main effect of the Special Interests losing the Civic Authority vote was to vow never to let it happen again. We saw that on the $121 million boondoggle that is the “new” THS.
Russia did not work to elect Obama Pat….Fox news is killing you
Hopefully this photo will post. Dynamic and vibrant Pittsfield cannot plow its sidewalk leading to Columbus Street parking lot or the access road to the diagonal parking behind the stores. This photo was taken at 4pm. Those of us that went to work slogged our way through.
Ukraine helped elect Donald Trump in 2016.Who is with me.
Explain exactly how please.
That question is a good place to start.
The CC should use 2.5 million of free cash to lower Taxes.People are losing their homes under Tyer Marchetti White Moon Caccamo and Yon.The state sent 5 million in tax relief and we had taxes go up.
Agreed. The assignment of “free” cash for tax relief is necessary.
There is no such thing as Free cash.
Tyer knows if we get snow she needs that cash for snow removal in July next year.Highway is underfunded this past year by 2.3 so that she could tell people she cut taxes.Her cocktail crowd can afford everything.Shes the Don Trump of Pittsfield.
I would like to thank Dan for a great site. Thanks Dan.
Park St (at 11 am), Clinton Ave (at 1 pm), and Wendell Ave (at 2:15 pm), all unacceptable for lack of adequate plowing.
Hospital/Crane center/employee parking? Courthouse???!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
Well at least the New Yorkers Condos on west street get their joints plowed? Salisbury?
Councilor White does not know 1 person surviving his budget whos on Social Security. White will not give the elderly a very tiny tax break .Lets watch him tonight say how Tyer has given us a very responsible budget.He cant possibly do any financial work.Do all the CC live in their parents basement? Seniors will not survive without Mazzeo.Our budgets are being run by Trumpers
Tyer has stated through the rag that she will give the million. On the Mazzeo clam,if true,sentence for election fraud is a ten year prison term if found guilty,no conviction compromise.
Tyer better get serious about crime and roads.
The Ukraine did it.The liar Trump will get beat not by 3 million but 15 million votes.
Chad Shade is the winner the prestigious Jerry Nason Award given out by the New England Football Writers. His excellent exploits as a Springfield College football player and courageous comeback from serious injuries was a well deserved honor for Chad. He is a former PHS three sport star athlete who is deserving of a spot in the pantheon of Berkshire County great three sport athletes. I hope Chad’s past injuries do not interfere with his baseball abilities. He has all the makings of a fine professional athlete.
Agree Chuck,what would you couldn’t expect anything less coming from the great Bob Shades loins! The other brother was dealt a bad hand also with injury. Who knows what he might have become. Both good young men who happen to be athletes. Let’s hope Chad is healthy,he will make pro,no doubt.
Never heard of him….Nason.
If anyone sees Low tell him we saw some good deals on BlackFriday on cell phones-apps. Someone told us that Lows phone was toasted after receiving so many, many calls for him to run in Ward Five. Unfortunately poor Low was reduced to a celery stalk when Pat Kavey smothered him by almost 500 votes anyway Yes,I said Five Hundred Votes !
Again? What are you his Agent Chuck?
Thanks for the note. Proud of Chad and my old radio partner, Bullet Bob Shade!
So according to the BB Lovely Linda is totally P.O.’d because the CC is trying to help the taxpayers lighten their financial load of paying taxes! Has Lovely Linda forgotten that the Pittsfield taxpayers pay her salary? A salary which was raised by her last year! Does she even realize that half the voters don’t want her in office? Or, she just figures that she is in for four more years so no one can touch her now! She was the one that set up the ploy last year to lower taxes so she could use it in her campaign! Did she not notice that Paula King and Bowtie Kerwood have not been prepared at the CC and both have been basically pulling numbers out of their butts? Has anyone ever heard Lovely Linda speak out about the million dollar over expenditure of salt last year? Would she ever admit that she lost control of her departments budgets? From the looks of the city plows driving around my neighborhood today without their plows down, she once again has lost control. She acts like she could care less if the CC existed. Seems like her biggest worry is to get her ex-boyfriend a new police station at any cost. Also heard that there was a major screw-up in the flooring of the BIC building and now they have to re-tile the whole place. Are the taxpayers paying for that mess up? Oh, wait a minute the City of Pittsfield doesn’t have to secure Occupancy Permits, so why worry! Meanwhile everyone just sit back and watch Pittsfield go deeper and deeper into the black hole.
Corrupt Adam Schiff has his hands in Ukraine.
Look,I’m neutral.if the economy and the China tariffs becomes a success nobody will beat our President. He’s making the media a fortune.
So many on the left were involved in Ukraine which we now all know is a very corrupt place.
Nunez is now headed to jail.Pence headed to jail Giuliani headed to jail.Biggest conspiracy in American history
Pence is not headed to jail and neither is Nunez. The left has been up to no good in Ukraine and in Russia. They are trying to blame it all on President Trump.
Get off the right wing BS websites and start dealing in facts. I simply can’t believe that you fish the web for rubbish that supports fantasies. You’re better than that.