(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 17, 2020) — As Kenneth Clark brilliantly outlined in his epoch TV series Civilization, the word “civilization,” while hard to define, nonetheless can be characterized by five traits: reason, justice, and an appreciation of beauty, especially physical beauty. In addition, two more qualities define a civilized society. They are a sense of place (staying put, stability, solidity) and a forward outlook (embracing innovation and change).
According to these attributes, Pittsfield has become about as “civilized” as the Mundugumor tribe of Papua New Guinea. As the local institutional response to the corona virus demonstrates, the city has imploded, losing both the moral right to lead its citizens by virtue of the oaths of office taken by all city officials. Instead of sharing information calmly and with intelligence, local offices from mayor to city council president, school superintendent and school committee chair, non-profits to Berkshire Health Systems, have largely remained either (a) silent or (b) shared outdated data and guidelines.
You know it’s a chain collision when city officials blast BHS and BMC.
With respect to THE PLANET‘s recent coverage, a “most-inside” pair of city hall sources says we got it in reverse: It wasn’t the state that got in touch with the mayor but the mayor contacting the governor. Our insiders, Z-29 and Avid-1, say that “Linda was hot under the collar due to a lack of response from the MDPH (Massachusetts Department of Public Health). Your sources are wrong on this one.” Z-29 said that Tyer is “very much on top of the situation. It is the other agencies that are failing [the city], the hospital being #1.” Avid-1 adds that hospital officials “outright lied to [the mayor] about the situation as it was spiraling out of control.”
Privately, city hall sources tasked with COVID-19 duty tell THE PLANET that BHS and BMC “have been anything but transparent with us. We learned from your site [referencing THE PLANET] that the number of staff in isolation has topped 200. That’s unacceptable. I am shocked at their inability to deal with this situation.”
We accept the faint praise.
We share that concern. Berkshire Health Systems is the only medical institution in Berkshire County. If they are hiding something, we are all — all — in trouble.
THE PLANET‘s attempts to get official comment from BHS have been met with silence.
One gets the feeling, too, talking from reliable sources with city hall, that department heads have dropped the ball. Could it be that the poor appointments are finally catching up with the Administration? Task force members and councilors have mentioned in this respect “a police department whose response to being overwhelmed by crime is to say there is no crime problem … a school department whose response to academic failure has been to cry for more money to waste … a Department of Public Services whose contribution to the community has been to dim the street lights, let the roads deteriorate, and wreck just about everything it touches.” One was especially critical of council president Peter Marchetti, who has said nothing to the public: “As council president, he HAS AN OFFICE. He can’t lay on hands and cure, but he can be a voice of calm and reassurance. Instead, Marchetti has [a] jellied spine looking for support in oceans of beer.”
Strong stuff. You know things are becoming unglued when Administration sources speak with such frankness and honesty. THE PLANET will add in fairness that almost all of them praise Mayor Tyer for trying to lead in spite of these handicaps. One mentioned that she’s performing “heroically, but she doesn’t have a chance.”
That’s why the effect of COVID-19 in the Berkshires, the Bay State “hot spot,” must be measured not just by the number of cases but by the failure of leadership — city hall and hospital — to take proper precautions and, after the fact, continue to hide and obscure information.
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If you review our recent history with pandemics, you can get more of a perspective on the coronavirus. Doing that will help keep your powder dry while our institutions grapple and its people — all the dumb Colleens and Darrens of the general populace — rush out to buy more toilet paper.
- 1980s — AIDS
- 1990s — Mad Cow Disease.
- 2001 — Anthrax.
- 2002 — West Nile Virus.
- 2003 — SARS.
- 2005 — Bird Flu.
- 2006 — E-coli.
- 2009 Swine Flu.
- 2014 — Ebola.
- 2016 — Zika.
- These are just a few. Along with these outbreaks comes the annual flu season, with millions affected and tens of thousands dying, without so much as a back-page headline.
As is the case with COVID-19, each of these afflictions struck out of nowhere, expanded suddenly, and caused great concern because the world had no known antidote, didn’t understand the structure of the viruses, and didn’t know how they replicated or were transmitted. And yet —
— and yet. The human species survived.
What’s the difference this time?
Social media and the 24/7/365 news cycle.
As the President has said, we will win this war.
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Finally, THE PLANET shares this information from the Pittsfield Police Department:
As is the case with businesses, organizations, and government entities around the world, the Pittsfield Police Department has curtailed non-essential functions to the greatest practical extent. These adjustments are necessary in order to limit exposure between our staff, as well as between our staff and the public, so that we may continue to effectively respond to necessary calls for service 24/7/365. We are asking that the public refrain from entering our building for non-emergency services. Citizens are encouraged to call 413-448-9700 with questions regarding the availability of services not listed. Dispatch (option 1) and Patrol (option 4) continue to be staffed 24/7/365. DO NOT HESITATE TO DIAL 911 FOR EMERGENCIES.
The following offices/services have either suspended or greatly reduced their availability:
- Child Safety Seats – Installations or inspections will be limited to only safety seats that will be for those parents or guardians that are expecting or have a newborn.
- Finger printing services.
- Firearms License/Permit Processing – Applications are available online encourage applicant to mail hard copy applications. We will then contact you for further steps as the current situation allows.
- FleetMaintenance.
- Food Donations — Although we greatly appreciate outside food donations, we will not be accepting any during this pandemic.
- In-Person Sex Offender Registration (please call for partial registration).
- Medication disposal.
- Records Requests – Only time sensitive requests will be processed. Crash Reports should be mailed to our Records Department, 39 AllenStreet, Pittsfield, MA 01201.
- Station Tours.
THE PLANET‘s favorite is #6. The perverts get a break. In a side note, the Pocket Pool Hall of Fame located on Allen Street will be closed for the duration.
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As we try to keep up on all the latest of this unusual situation — made unprecedented because of social media — we are contemplating a temporary move back to five day a week coverage. Let us know: Do you want to see THE PLANET on a M-F schedule, or even a 7-day a week schedule. We can’t promise anything, but THE PLANET has become one of the standards for community communication. Our increase in traffic has caused us to make adjustments to the platform to allow the traffic.
You’ll recall, all other local media forbid instant, real-time communication. Let us know. Thanks.
“I have an inherent right to my body, my property, and my production. Not government. Taxation is theft” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information, hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
More and more police stations having temporarily stopped accepting LTC and FID applications during this time. Unfortunately the way the law is written, in order to have a grace period if your license expires is to have applied for renewal before it expires. If you cannot reapply because the PD will not accept your renewal, this presents a problem resulting in you possessing guns without a valid license as well as the inability to purchase firearms and ammunition. Please contact your representatives and senators and ask them to address this issue by creating a grace period after expiration. It is understood that the PD is exposed in myriad ways to the virus but the lawful firearm owner must be legally protected especially when they are TRYING to comply with the law.
If you mail in the application even if incomplete (no fingerprints), I’d send it certified you will be fine. It is being addressed as we speak.
Complete the application, include payment, send it certified, keep a copy.
The Planet should publish when stories arise. Could be every day or a few times a week.
That sounds like a reasonable option to the work of a 7 day schedule.
I’m surprised that there was no big scare in 1791.
Just don’t burn out Dan! So much concerning this current crisis going on and changing daily. Add in all of your wonderful coverage on the regular issues and topics you cover and write about could cause an overload.
I suspect Corona had been going around Berkshires since late January.
I say sooner.
You may be right. I was laid up for weeks with some kind of virus and all the symptoms point to Corona.
I agree. I think the mortality rate may be lower as many never have symptoms – and so aren’t counted. It is probably much more contagious too. That said, the National news seems way too panicky – CNN has been on red alert for two months. It starts to take its toll.
Most likely if we follow precautions most of us and our loved ones will be ok.
I do wonder apart from airlines and some other industries why there is such a crisis. Maybe it’s the CNN induced PANIC. A month of bad business shouldn’t put all these firms under. An individual is expected to have 3 months savings in case of illness or injury. Maybe there will be a bit more consideration of what it means to be a working person going forward. Right now multinationals are held to lower standards than the people.
Absolutely sooner. I heard today that one estimate puts it back to October 2019, though I have nothing to back that. Except this: my husband and I traveled to northern Italy for 3 weeks, returning to Massachusetts on 6 Nov ’19. A short while later we were both stricken with a nasty upper respiratory condition. His lasted about 6 weeks and he ran a slight fever. Mine lasted 3 weeks. We pretty much stayed home thinking it was the flu. We had flu shots a couple of months prior. Really hit us hard. Who can say whether it was Covid-19? When possible, we’d like to get tested for antibodies, but that is such a low priority. I’m just happy we both recovered.
March 17, 2020
Hello Pat[rick Fennell],
I agree with your sentiments about retail stores that take advantage of shoppers during this tragic COVID-19 crisis. I would add to your list all of the self-serving and greedy politicians who shakedown us taxpayers while our elected officials take home their lucrative pay and Cadillac benefits.
Pittsfield’s State Rep. Tricia Farley Bouvier blocked me from sending her my political emails, again. Pittsfield’s State Senator Adam Hinds did the same as TFB. (sarcasm): Maybe I should have sent them campaign donations and kissed their dirty behinds first. (more sarcasm): I should have told TFB and Adam Hinds how they do such a good job raising our taxes and fees, voting for legislative pay raises, and being career politicians, too.
Pittsfield politics only works for people like us when you agree with their one (Democrat) political party agenda. If you dare speak out about how distressed and unfair the system is to the people/taxpayers, then you are blocked from their constituency. If you live in or near Pittsfield and want to tell them off, you will lose your job in a New York minute, and you will be blacklisted from employment. If you go on giving a damn, they will spread vicious rumors about you.
Whatever happened to the public good and grassroots democracy? Why are those in power always Exhibit A for the Iron Rule of Oligarchy? Why do politicians always retaliate and use retribution to suppress citizen participation in state and local government? Who the Hell do these top-down politician think they are? They are supposed to serve We the People! But, they are only in it for themselves and the political careers.
– Jonathan [Melle]
You have ruffled some feathers JM. They don’t like to hear anything that goes against their agenda and asking questions they don’t want to answer will get you blocked.
In a democracy, are we not supposed to ruffle the feathers of those in power? When Beacon Hill has billions of dollars in annual budget surpluses and its slush fund, are we not supposed to ask our State Representatives why they voted on March 4th (2020) to raise $600 million in new taxes and fees in the name of fixing our roads and bridges? When Capitol Hill voted to cut federal taxes for Corporate America, are we not supposed ask our Members of U.S. Congress why we have a budget deficit that will top $2 trillion this fiscal year? What about the growing economic inequality between the Haves and Have Nots? In Pittsfield (Mass.), are taxpayers there not supposed to ask why Matt Kerwood is building a $10.1 million slush fund, while their municipal taxes, fees and debts are always increasing to unsustainable levels? In Lee and Lenoxdale (Mass.), are the property owners there not supposed ask about the proposed toxic waste dump that will plummet the value of their residential properties? I think it is horrible that politicians block people like us who want answers to their issues! I think Pittsfield’s State Senator Adam Hinds and State Representative Tricia Farley Bouvier are terrible for not answering to the people! Instead, they answer to their big wheel Democratic Party bosses who only care about their wealthy campaign donors. That was the mistake Hillary Clinton made in 2016 when she lost to Donald Trump. She called Trump’s supporters a “Basket of deplorables” and did not campaign in the rust belt states. Instead, she played the same Democratic Party playbook as Adam Hinds and TFB by answering to her Democratic Party bosses that are more interested in money and power than grassroots democracy. I wonder who the Hell these elitists politicians think they are? What do people like us look like to the politicians who block us from communicating with them? No wonder we are left behind on Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill! The politicians are only in it for their careers, pay, benefits, and campaign donations. If we don’t kiss their dirty behinds or stay silent and accept all of the corruption, then we are targeted by them with retaliation and retribution. People who care or give a damn about their government and society are sent hidden message to fear those in power who often make things worse. In closing, I wish things were different for the proverbial little guy and/or gal, and everyone of us had a real voice in government and society.
– Jonathan Melle
Dan, always look forward to your columns and when comments/ replies get well over 100 it’s hard to keep going back and checking the thread for updates – there are more replies to comments than original comments often – with lively “discussions”, so with more frequent columns it may be easier to stay tuned so to speak, but I know it’s a labor of love with you and if I were you I’d pace myself.
Whether the mayor is trying real hard to lead or.not I guess I can’t say but she blew us Planeteers off and to place a robo call to me at 2pm on Tuesday telling me what I and everybody else knew Sunday prior is shameful.
Given how the roads were allowed to go to hell, both with potholes and being covered with trash, I have serious doubts. Also the handouts and tax forgiveness to the wealthy connected friends. Making zero effort to contain the runaway school budget. And so much more that it would be odd to me that all of a sudden she is trying hard. I will review her effort a month from now but for now I am not falling for it.
A day late and a dollar short, as they say
If you have a fever, call your Nurse. If you have trouble breathing, go the Emergency Room.
I am proven right about the Lovely Linda Tyer being a good Mayor of Pittsfield. During this time of COVID-19 crisis, she is a hero, while the Berkshire Medical Center is a big zero. The thing I admire most about Mayor Linda Tyer is that she cares about all of the people in the community she leads. Go Linda! Keep fighting the good fights!
Caring doesn’t mean competent! A hero????? Jeepers Wally, gimme a break.
Exactly. Please itemize the heroic deeds for me. And skip the fluff.
I read that our federal government’s budget deficit will exceed $2 trillion dollars at the end of this fiscal year on September 30, 2020. Over $1 trillion of the deficit will be due to emergency spending due to COVID-19. I believe it is time to raise taxes on the wealthy to lower our nation’s multi-trillion dollar unsustainable budget deficits.
A source from a Berkshire resort told me New Yorkers from the New Rochelle area (infection cluster), were trying to bug out, by renting rooms/condos in the Berkshires.
Will the new yokas still be coming here in droves this summer? Will Tanglewood run? Shakespeare? Colonial? Will Brady win another Supa bowl?
Yes, our “vibrant and dynamic” tourist based economy will tank out.
Real estate prices in Lenox, Stockbridge, Richmond,……will get back to “affordable”. The problem being people without ANY job at all, will still not be able to purchase a home there.
no,no,no, yes
There is a larger discussion needed.
These bulletpoints refer to Massachusetts, but we know the situation is similar across the country.
We are in a state of emergency.
The stock market has basically crashed.
All schools are closed.
Day cares are closed.
Pre-schools are closed.
Gyms are closed.
Supermarket shelves are wiped out.
Courthouses are closed.
The DMV has told people with expiring licenses to wait on renewals.
Public service agencies are closed (I.e. BCAC)
Hospitals have canceled all non-essential surgeries.
Police have limited their services.
Restaurants are closed.
Millions of industry-specific workers have lost their jobs.
Entertainment, concerts, casinos, etc. are closed.
Public gatherings are no longer allowed.
Did I miss anything?
The safety, health and well-being of millions of adults and children across our country have been jeopardized in the effort of save the health (prolong the inevitable) of a very few.
As the numbers are reported, we are learning that covid19 has less than a 2% death rate, all of the deceased being mostly old people who are already sick and who have already lived full lives.
In our attempts to prevent 100s (1000s?) of already-dying people from dying of complications related to the covid19 illness, we are destroying every inch of our country, on the path to leaving it in complete ruins for our children and future generations.
It won’t be long before those paycheck-to-paycheck, and cash income folks have no way to buy food. A couple weeks tops. Shoplifting will increase, looting will take place once a level of desperation is hit. We will descend into lawlessness and chaos. It is only a matter of time if we don’t make a sudden pivot in our approach to the Covid19 crisis.
I hope we don’t reach that point, but that is where this is heading. Complete and utter chaos. We aren’t talking about simple changes to the daily lives and routines of our people, we are talking about an awful change to society and America as we know it. A new world order.
And at some point, we have to consider the possibility that this is indeed the result of the infiltration of a foreign enemy.
Daycare and preschools aren’t closed unless they are part of a k-12 school.
In Pittsfield, several have closed including the largest organization serving the most at-risk children in our community, Head Start.
Which lends to my point – we have sacrificed (albeit temporarily for now) our children’s futures to save a population of already sick and dying folks.
Good points Phil. The police are the only thing separating you from your assets, your vehicles, your groceries, your toilet paper, your guns and ammo, when the bad guys come and they will if it gets bad enough, unless you are locked and loaded and willing to defend your home. How confident are you that Harrington will prosecute, versus Smolletting the cases, and how confident are you that if she does prosecute, it will be the bad guy, and not Joe Homeowner? China is the enemy. WWIII coming.
Gun and ammo sales are through the roof, record number of background checks, can’t keep ammo in stock
Supermarket shelves are not wiped out in Pittsfield. I haven’t been any place else.
Entire sections were bare at Pittsfield’s Stop and Shop yesterday.
The irony is, in this time of social distancing, people are traveling from store to store to find the items they need/want when the previous stop was sold out.
The economic damage done from this is more dangerous then anything this virus could do. Dan, I would also suggest that “news” headlines are doing far more damage then social media. In this day in age, clicks=more money. I read a headline a couple days ago that read “Soccer coach age 21 dies of Coronavirus” I thought to myself “holy shit” and clicked to read further. Turns out he also had Leukemia…
Whatever Z agent fed you the story that the Mayor reached out to the Governor, is feeding you a line of BS. It’s simply not true.
In the days, weeks, and month prior to the Governor showing up, where was the Mayor with her concern and expertise? The mayor had no substantive communication with the public prior to the Governor’s visit. She was absent and out to lunch as usual. If she was so “on top” of the situation why wasn’t it a joint conference with both parties speaking at the same single conference?
Because Baker didn’t want to associate himself with her piss poor performance.
Also I do not buy for one second that she was actively unaware of what was going on at BHS/BMC. At no point did she question them, bring any issues up with the public, sound any alarm. In fact if you look back at her offices response all they did was parrot BHS propaganda. First rule of being concerned, you don’t help push out the propaganda.
At any time prior to the Governor showing up, Tyer could have had her dog and pony show. She could have brought her A-team in and ignored the social distancing policies in effect at the time, and held that press conference. If she was concerned about the public she could have initiated policies in advance of the State to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
Lastly, where is the competence now? Why doesn’t the website work well? Why isn’t it updated? Where is her leadership and expertise now? You can’t manufacture something you don’t have and she simply lacks the intelligence to actually do an effective job.
No the reality is, she got her ass handed to her in a number of very terse and direct phone calls from the Governor’s office and was forced to act. Think about it this way, when has the mayor been effective at doing anything except giving away money to her cronies? Never. She can’t figure out trash cans, do you really think she was ahead of the curve on this. Absolutely not.
You make cogent points here. We are trying to present what “all sides” are telling us. The general impression is that there’s now a blame game going on involving the city, the hospital, and various municipal departments. I’m hearing that at least one department head tried in vain to “educate” the mayor about the impending crisis almost a month ago but was slammed down. The hospital needs to provide the community with more honest and open updates. The mayor and department heads need to be as well. There’s a lot of smoke being blown right now, and we’re trying our best to clear it to see what’s actually happening.
Tyer is more incompetent than Gerry Doyle. Gerry was at least born and bred here. He was elected at the end, the very end of “The G.E.” era. While there is no excuse for his incompetence Gerry meant well. He just wasn’t that bright. Tyer on the other hand is a puppet of maybe even Evan Dobelle. The most corrupt mayor of Pittsfield and by the way Phelps the CEO of the Berkshire Murder Center was his Communications Director. Follow the money. Unfortunately, “We the People” all these years later are the victims of this incompetence. It is our senior citizens who are feeling the brunt of this. Just google in Evan Dobelle. He lives on Crofrut Steet. A republican turned democrat when it suited his needs.
With Jim Ruberto’s DNA not far behind (no pun intended). Remember, Ruberto served on the Westfield State Board of Trustee’s until 2014. When Dobelle got into hot water w/the AG’s Office for $100k missing. But as we all know, in Pittsfield, that’s pocket change. Ruberto resigned from the Board shortly after.
I might not be the well trained, well spoken, highly experienced detective Chief Wynn is, or at least thats what his thoughts/blogs tell me, but I’m betting some of that missing $100k dirtied good ole’ Jimmy Ruberto’s pockets.
You have to ask yourself, does this really surprise any of you? You elect incompetence, your not getting Rhodes Scholars in return.
But hey, I’m sure in the Eagle I’ll soon read about how this is all the President’s fault. If Biden was in office, with his one-trick pony as VP (Kamala “Your a racist if you disagree with me” Harris), it would be well in-hand. TSC swing away. I await your drivel..
Well Dan, what department exactly should be taking the lead, the health department? And what exactly is Tyers Unified Command Task Force doing?
I agree PR, and why didn’t she publicly announce the governor was coming? And why did she finally place a robo call on Tuesday, telling us what was already announced on Sunday – she added no new information.
I do think BHS and BMC lied and hid the severity. Actually I take that back, they didn’t hide it, their incompetence didn’t even allow them to see it until it was too late.
But none of that excuses the Mayor, she was purposefully ignorant of what was going on. She looked the other way.
As for the MADPH, they have been giving every city and town the same information, so where is the outrage from all the other cities and towns? What exactly was she upset about? What did she think MADPH wasn’t doing?
There’s a very simple way to figure this out. File a public records request for emails and call logs. You’ll see the emails and calls were intimated from the Governor’s side after calls from some connected politicians that live in the region. One should look to the former governor to see how the process got started.
I am trapped out in CA, met with a few medical researcher friends today.
You can take this for what you believe it is worth.
1. By far, the most at risk for/by Covid19 are the sick and the elderly. Everything we do should be with an eye toward keeping our parents or grandparents away from any possible means of transmission.
2. Covid19 is likely not as transmissible as people think but we should act as if it is. Again, it can be deadly and more easily spread among the old/compromised.
3. Wuhan China, a city of 11 million, tamed the disease in a few weeks. Yes, it was a Chinese city, but it was not a village in the countryside that could be “isolated” by the gov’t in any meaningful way. That’s not why they got better. They got better because they acted responsibly, just as we are doing now.
4. The number of cases will likely rise steeply for a few more weeks, but that shouldn’t cause alarm. The virus had speared all over the world before we even knew what it was. If cases are still rising 1-2 months from now, that’s the time to be worried. But looks highly unlikely.
4. As best we can, we need to shut everything down for 2 to 4 weeks. Afterward, one of the great ironies will be that people are more unified than ever, since for once we are fighting an enemy that nobody supports.
5. I am personally more bullish on America than ever. I think it’s good to be reminded of one’s mortality every once and again. Maybe this causes us all to remember the things we have in common a bit more than the things that divide us.
Any and all politics aside, I wish all well through these nerve-wracking times. Stay safe and let’s stop this thing in its tracks.
I don’t understand why all 50 states are not being ordered in place. Just do i! Instead of adding more and more grief.
It will probably happen at some point soon. and there will be no warning so be prepared.
Sorry to hear you are trapped in CA. Great post, I agree with all your points.
Stay healthy and I hope you are able to get home soon.
Be well and enjoy the CA oranges and what sunshine you can get.
Thanks BLARE. Great info. Take care, OK?
Thanks Blare, best wishes to you and yours.
My vote is 7 days a week for The Planet.
Without the Planet we’d be lost. What are the alternatives,a paper that continues to suck or the boob in the morning that you cannot watch. M talking local truth.
Do what you can do Dan. Your work has been invaluable.
Also, if you see a first responder give them a hand salute. They are our bridge to the future.,600148
The irresponsibility of BHS is endless.
The policy should be very very simple.
NO VISITORS except ONE approved adult family member. Can be from a list of 3-5.
Masks must be worn at all times
Scheduled visits only.
Prescreening prior to entry.
15 minute visits.
Close all the common areas, the cafeterias shouldn’t be open. Social distancing of 6 feet is not enough in confined and air conditioned spaces
Who believes the crooks running BHS? Or anything the Left Winged Parrot news spinner prints/squawks…..
The greedy BHS executives/management ought to be repurposed cleaning the door handles, floors and latrines at BMC and Fairview.
Police Report,
Where to start lets see first thank you for your posts I do enjoy reading both your and Mark Tullys posts very much. I apologize in advance if this gets a bit wordy. I also apologize in advance for any spelling / grammer mistakes but I am using a phone for this.
As a Healthcare Professional that travels both Nationally and internationally I as every other vendor MUST be registered with either Vendor Mate. Reptrax, symplr etc. ( ) or any other nationally recognized vendor credentialing service. The purpose of this is to ensure that a healthcare facility can be certain as to whom is gaining access to their facilities and further into the sensitive areas of the facility. The credentialing agencies perform background checks etc. a key component is they also ensure all who attempt to gain entry are properly vaccinated. It was about 4-6 weeks ago if not longer that all sorts of facilities and healthcare groups started demanding to know about flu-shots lot numbers types etc. I do not do business with BHS but I have seen a kiosk there for vendors to sign in so I am making the assumption that they started getting notice as well. (since they are the subscribers to the services). We were asked each time we need access to patient care areas even if we showed them proof the day before. we needed differing levels of proof for different items depending upon our business at that time. If I went and spoke to a cardiologist about our newest product yesterday and returned today to demonstrate a device in a patient for clinical trial I had a complete different set of required qualifications/ documents.
The credentialing agencies I mentioned above alerted/ guided (what ever adjective you like) not only our company but the facilities that subscribe to them as well. We have been hearing about this pandemic for some time the multitude of organizations and accrediting agencies have been telling us and providing guidance regarding this and other Pandemics which is what makes the action or inaction of that organization mind numbing. when this passes and it shall they must be held to account. The answer can not simply be one of funding either.
Thank you for this information. it supplies a much-needed piece of the puzzle. Since BHS has a vendor kiosk, we can reasonably assume they were getting this information, as you and your company were, for some time. This puts the hospital’s lack of response in a new light. While not conclusive, this supports other narratives that suggest massive indifference by BHS at a time when it could have acted. Please keep information coming our way, since it is THE PLANET, and not any other local medium, including the local daily, that is providing (a) such a two-way, real-time info portal and (b) trying as best we can to dig up information. There are officials out there who know a lot — much more than they’re willing to say. We have managed to make contact with a precious few. I hope to have more detail in The Weekend Edition, which shall be posted late Thursday night.
Excellent information.
Love the planet read you every day several times a day 7 days would be wonderful but you need to relax as well I’ll read anything, anytime you post Stay Healthy, stay safe
Thank you and everyone else who have expressed their thoughts. The preponderance is that we keep the current schedule over concerns that I don’t burn out. As for relaxation, I assure you, I am doing plenty of that.
W/ a capital S. H.
How many years have medical researchers been warning us that a global pandemic could be right around the corner? Indiscriminate use of antibiotics, no research into new antiviral or antibiotics, an elected Congress too busy pandering to their special interest and rich buddies to even care about the rest of us until reelection time. Take a look at Dan’s laundry list of diseases. Sure, we’ve survived. We survived the Black Death, but at what cost to our ability to move forward as a society?
First, we need to cut the finger pointing out. To me, Trump is a buffoon, but even an egomaniac has to face reality at some point, and he finally has. To want him to fail now is to want all of us to fail. That’s stupid. Yes, BHS dropped the ball. Sure, Pittsfield and other communities got caught with their pants down. But bitching about it isn’t going to fix the problems.
I fully agree with Dan that the 24/7/365, news in an instant, BS in a second, news cycle made this worse, especially the hoarding. News entertainers like Hannity and his buddies at Fox are in full back peddle mode now that Trump finally realizes the reality of what’s happening. The wife of a firefighter inflicted with Corona virus in another state has refused to be tested because “This is just another Democrat hoax to hurt Trump.” Good job Fox & Friends, her main news source!
Maybe this massive response to COVID-19 is going to be the wake up call that all of us knuckleheads need. It’s time to cut the right vs. left crap and fix what’s wrong with this country and world. Cuomo got it right. Right or left, Democrat or Republican, all are out the window. At the end of the day we are all Americans. Time to start thinking that way. Time to spend less on planes, tanks, ships, bullets, and guns and time to fund medical research. Factually, all of us old farts are at risk. So what do we do about? Well, we whine on social media platforms. Maybe Corona is meant to thin the idiot herd?
Points worth pondering
Please tell me who on FOX isn’t or hasn’t taken this seriously?
Anyone get their thousand yet? I hear many went out today. Thank You! President Trump!
It’s a bad idea.
It’s the young people not taking this seriously. They have heard they will get mild or no symptoms even though it just came out that if they do get it bad (and some young do) they will get lung scarring and lose 20% of their lung function. The young are partying down in Florida in very large groups. They have no school, they just want to go wild….not good for the spread of the virus.
If the young people do note vacate the beaches, declare martial law. If they still won’t budge, issue a stern warning that we mean business. If they still won’t go, shoot to kill, say, five or so. Then fire the next round in the air. Then declare that the rounds after that will be on target. That will clear the beaches fast. They won’t cooperate? “Shoot ’em.” Very simple, actually.
For messing up as bad as you say our president has, our country is doing much better than Italy and we have had more time to prepare. No, it’s not luck, our president had the intelligence to close travel to our country from China despite being called a racist by the far left. Other countries have realized what a good idea this is and are doing the same now. It seems Italy should have closed its borders to not only China, but also Germany, since their patient zero came from Germany.
We had the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918 and it was devastating. Did we learn nothing from that so that our hospitals and government were prepared for something like that happening again?
The President is handling the situation about text book, There will always be those who attempt to second guess. We as a country as well as an industry in healthcare have been modeling and preparing for just this type of event. I refer you to the Center for Healthcare security.
This group just ran an exercise in May of 2018 that went through this scenario. The group is run out of Johns Hopkins yes the same place Dr. Carson performed his surgeries at and one can only guess if he is being used to lean on his old contemporaries during this crisis. Please read through the site I was required Ironically enough to view this conference live but remotely.
I have attached a link to one of the findings from the last exercise the group went through ( There have been at least two other think tank type exercises from this group that I know of) the group pointed out in a finding the lack of both mechanical ventilators and of respiratory therapists maxing out capacity at about 135K patients being able to be ventilated with the need of approx. 745k in a pandemic like the one of 1918.
Keep in mind manufacturers were not properly incentivized to manufacture more over the past few years do to the unknown regarding the medical device manufacture tax that was part of the affordable care act but President Trump finally killed. The Congress wanted to impose a tax of 2.3% on any and all devices of the sort.
read the findings regarding the vents here
Please read through the site there is a section regarding how the “local” government and healthcare facility should respond their responsibilities etc. Ultimately each of us is going to decide whom responded correctly and in line with generally accepted norms and who did not. But before each of us decides we must become at least familiar with the guidance suggests.
Be well Pat and everyone we each owe a debt of gratitude to Dan for publishing the blog and we will each owe each other a larger community forum on this subject to strengthen what was done correctly and change what the community did incorrectly.
trust me there will be another pandemic in the future its the way things work
the Pinhead
Much appreciated, JP.
The 1918 Spanish flu killed mainly young people between 20 and 30 years of age. There are lots of reasons why the flu attacks different age groups because every virus is different.
President Trump is doing a great job. It’s the young people who are putting our country at risk because many are not taking this seriously enough. Many are partying down and will spread this virus.
Damn those party animals. By the way,schools out,dojiv or b n Tyred know it?
Valenti quote of the month. Kuffkinks stating ten Million-is not that much money. Are Voters stupid?
I think he meant “its not that much” after the connected folk slice off their share.
China is the enemy. We need a strong military or we’re toast.
We can’t figure out why on earth no one is telling county residents how many cases of Covid-19 have occurred to date. What is this, Russia, for God’s sake?
Sorry – wrong link
Goot point. In Pittsfield, we are seeing a magnification of this. As I said in response to a report by PR, there seems to be a trend in Pittsfield for the city’s “leaders” to throw each other under the bus — especially what’s going on between City Hall and the hospital. The Dreaded Private Sector has largely been responsible in its handling, but government isn’t making it easier for them.
Nope. Russia CloviD free last time I checked.
With all due respect–and thank you, Mark Tully for a URL for MA stats on cases of Covid-19 (I had been checking that link often)–does anyone really believe that the numbers are this low? It seems to me “officials” (local, state-wide, and country-wide) are doing a terrible disservice in not coming clean. Perhaps real numbers will never be known because there haven’t been test kits. But let’s take the example of students who are arriving in Florida for spring break. Don’t you think if the truth was made available that people would act more responsibly?
How many of those spring breakers are coming back to Pittsfield? They should all be made to stay home and wear ankle bracelets.
Spring breakers get the grand also.
Young people have been told repeatedly that this is a crisis and how contagious this virus is and how it is spread. Even people without symptoms or mild symptoms are spreading it. People wouldn’t even be tested if they had no symptoms, but they can still be carriers and spread it so the availability of a test would make no difference. The tests are available to anyone who calls their doctor and explains their symptoms.
I was very surprised to see such low numbers too, but look at the number of tests performed. Massachusetts is way behind in testing and I have no idea why. As of last night only 1367 were tested, with 16% positive. Gov. Cuomo stated today that NY has tested over 14,000 people. How is it that NY has performed 10x more tests than MA?
Here’s another website that reports Covid-19 Massachusetts cases by counties (scroll way down to see the map; mouse-over for the numbers): To add to the confusion, there are 34 more cases listed here than on the site Mark T. shared. Perhaps it’s a matter of update timing. And I agree with Mark that our testing is woefully behind. Unsatisfactory. But that’s what we’ve got.
Here’s a list of what is opened/closed in Pittsfield
Thanks, BIRD.
If Cumbies stays open at 3am we’ll be fine.
Thanks. Best thing about the link is the photo. Every time I see something like this in photos or in person, I say, “Damn, we couldn’t do better with this spot we’ve got?”
The World Health Org. is saying do NOT use IBUPROFEN for the corona virus. It can cause complications. Read up on this as head and muscle aches are part of the deal.
Correct. Take Tylenol. I came across this information on another site. This is not bogus. Avoid Ibuprofen. Something about the anti-inflammatory isn’t good for COVID symptoms.
Local banks are now shuttering their lobbies, allowing drive thru services only.
I will continue to express the opinion that these measures will ultimately be remembered as extreme and unnecessary, in hindsight.
We are descending into a very dark and dangerous territory here, in the name of a virus that is no more deadly than the common flus.
How worried should we be about the banks? Do we need to withdraw our money at this point? In the post-apocalypse, will paper money even have any value?
I’m serious though, should anyone be concerned about liquid money in the bank?
What do you base this on.The entire world around you bases the shutdown on facts.
An elderly friend of ours decided to take advantage of Stop and Shops offer to open the store from 6 to 7:30 AM for those over 60 in a store cleaned over night. He got there shortly after 6. To his surprise they were out of eggs, little or no meat and OJ and of course no cleaning supplies or TP among other shortages.
So much for S&S planning ahead.
Actually that doesn’t start until tomorrow morning. I just received an email today saying that stop and shop will have this everyday from 6 to 7:30 AM for the elderly or those with conditions like diabetes, lung problems, etc. beginning tomorrow March 19th. Maybe that’s why they were not fully prepared today.
I talked to a manager at Stop & Shop, prior to the strike the store was a moderate performer, after the strike the store was not performing well at all. Due to its performance its allocation was changed as was the days trucks delivered.
In response to lowers profits Ahold Delhaize USA started shifting allocations to stores with higher greater sales and higher margins.
So our local stop and shops are on the low end of the totem pole / distribution chain when it comes to restocking.
I know the stuff ain’t great but I stocked up with bottled water,kool aid,beans,Mac and cheese,t v dinners,pot pies,oatmeal,and my favorite go to emergency food…,Ramens. Powdered milk also.
I think Stop n Drop’s goal is, and always has been, to lower the rate of registers open to customers wanting to check out. I guess the managers get bonuses based on that.
“Wow, see how much you saved the company by making more and more people wait. We don’t really need to pay more people to stand there and actually help customers.”
Meanwhile Market 32(Price Chopper) is hiring 2,000 part time workers for their many locations.
LOVE, just sayin
Trump will announce drug tomorrow to treat Corona- Chloroquine- standard Malaria cure.
Chloroquine has been reported effective in, in vitro studies and in China, by reputable science journals.
Problem is won’t fly here in good ole USA as BIG Pharma won’t be able to pocket a wooden nickle on it so they will inFLUence the politicians they have in their pockets.
If you’ve been a person limited to home for 10 years already, this pandemic is prob less alarming…. But let’s just say you’re on a Cruise Ship….. you’re “strollin” down the deck, you’ve got a Beeker of Hydrochloric Acid in one hand & a Martini in the other….. you forget which is which & glug glug glug @#!&* hot damn lemme show you somethin. Awww…. jus jokin around
& also, i bought tp from big y today….. they had plenty.
Big Y is doing a great job!
Thank God for food stamps cards. Plenty of mom and pop corner type stores would be done without em. Big Y gets half their revenue from my taxes paying for dead beats groceries.
Food stamps don’t buy diapers, nor t.p.
No but welfqremcash card does buddy
What no one in Berkshire media is mentioning is the very real possibility that, as a result of Wuhan-virus contagion, venues like Tanglewood, Jacob’s Pillow, et al. may have no choice but to cancel Summer 2020 performance calendars. The other day James Taylor announced cancellation of his 2020 world tour.
Beware: Lean times ahead for the Berkshire economy.
It’s been posted about here. Media is scart to mention it because think about what is going to happen to add sales with no arts and farts culture – the mirage is dead in Pittsfield. Who will go to Colonial or Beacon or North St? Less income for whole county big time. Hotels will go under, car dealerships will fail, maybe Eagle itself will go under.
We will need Dan more
Than ever when bird cage
Liner flys away.
Who do you want in charge of the country during a pandemic, Trump or Biden?
Biden can’t even remember the name of the virus we’re fighting.
Trump/Pence 2020!
It’s the got damn Chinese virus, or as I call it, the Wuhan virus and it almost killed me and there is nothing raciss about calling a spade a spade and Trump is right and the Chinese blames the US. They are our enemy and and more reporters accuse Trump of being raciss over this or asking stupid questions need a slap in the head. If the savages weren’t eating dogs or exotic animals this wouldn’t have happened, unless it was really caused by a Chinese lab, perhaps on purpose. Dogs are drowned and hung and skinned alive and brutally murdered and eaten daily in this world.
If I am the president of China, and my country produces much of the medicines and medical equipment for the United States, and that ungrateful country starts verbally shitting on us, I might just say “Fuck You” get your medical stuff somewhere else.
They already are threatening that very thing JA, and it’s high time we made our own products especially medicine and military.
Exactly. So, knowing they held things we desperately needed why in the hell would we be pissing them off? All the Fox news asshats like Hannity and Beck and Limbaugh were trashing China. OOPSI, guess that backfired big time. Can’t fix STUPID!!!
Stupid is as stupid does, sir
Trump “the buck stops over there” is not a leader. He is toast.
I work in retail on Tyler st….I had a regular customer say he got laid off the other day. I said “sorry to hear, are you a chef of waiter?” he said I work at BMC and they quarantined me”…….I was shocked!!!!! I was angry….feel like i should call someone…who? How many others are not following protocol? People like this guy are not helping!
You hold the Mayor more responsible than Trump.
Fake Mayor.
BMC/BHS has NOT been testing those workers exposed to the virus from patient zero et al.
I feel save and healthy now.
And they’re going back to work after a short quarantine!!?!?!?!?!!?
Word has it many of the nurses were constantly breaking quarantine. The whole thing was pointless
This government caused recession which may become a depression is unconstitutional
Tell it like it is, or try to with a garbled sentence structure . . .
Sturgeon, just gave wrong info about taking over the former St. Joe Dump. Saying it would be a place for the a Homeless? Wrong, again. It would be for quarantine purposes. Get your facts before you speak.
The C C President sounds sluggish. Clearly clueless Lew syndrome.
No Klew Lew if you don’t mind,
Garbled sentence structure. As Trumpie would say “perfect”. When you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger.
Problem is, no one knows what the hell you’re trying to say. So babble on, I guess.
You’re the only one that apparently can’t click on the link, which articulates the unconstitutionality of the governments actions.
Much better diction.
But I’ll let you know when the gov’t acts unconstitutionally.
Dan, wondering if you have heard any further information from your City Hall sources Z-29 and Avid 1? Do they know where Lovely Linda is? Do they know why, when she does TRY to inform the residents of Pittsfield, the information is about three days late and old news? Is she under some sort of gag order? During her campaign her face was everywhere.
I find it difficult to believe the information from sources Z-29 and Avid 1 about her anger at the Mass. Dept. Of Public Health. If she was that upset with them, why did she not speak up to us taxpayers that day and state she asked the Governor to speak to the City? Why did she hide this from the City? Why was she making Pelosi faces during the Governor’s Press Conference? Is there some reason that there seems to be a block of information between Lovely Linda and BHS? Was there some issue in the past that caused this relationship breakup? Since President Trump is saying crowds of 10 are allowed, wondering if Lovely Linda, Bare Bare, Gina, Pee Pee Petie, Moon, Dina, Yuki, JIV, Wynn & Andrea are all gathered at Lovely Linda’s mansion on the border of New York state? They certainly aren’t speaking to the folks that pay their salaries. Dan, thanks for keeping us updated. Wish we could divert their salaries to you. Be safe.
Fair, honest questions, MERRY. Thanks for your participation on this board. Communication is more important that ever.
Mayor Tom Bernard is showing Leadership, Williams alum. Linda Tyer no college degree. Their FB Mayor pages speaks volumes. That she is in the Corner office is frightening. Palookaville a city with a weak little girl as mayor is scary. I am a Mother of three and Grandmother of six. I am grateful that my children and grandchildren do not live here. She is an embarrassment to all the strong mothers, especially the single mothers struggling to support and raise their children in this economically deprived city. I know from experience. I did it and I made sure to get my kids “the hell ” out of Palookaville and all three of my children are successful. OUR CITY needs a MOTHER. She doesn’t fit the bill. She is pathetic.
Just drove down North Street, counted, there were twelve cars parked, eight of them had parking tickets on them. Turned the corner onto Fenn Street, there is the Meter Maid, she was finishing ticketing 4 cars in a row. Lovely Linda is more than pathetic, she should be removed from office. Once again the taxpayers are having it stuck up their butts by her. I also drove by the “tent set-up” by Berkshire Medical Center, just a small group of “white shirts” staring at each other. The area is roped off for a line of cars to be tested, no cars. Gee, everything must be fine in Pissfield. The homeless froze their buns off this winter, now they decide to create a shelter. Seriously, what in the hell is going on in this City? It is time for the Governor to step in and take over the City of Pittsfield.
I have seen the same. The city thinks parking tickets are an essential function.
They should suspend all paid parking
What is the problem with ticketing illegally parked cars?
I was saying that North Street was basically empty so why not give a little in this trying times. So you suggest it would be better to have no cars on North Street, fine guess you are correct.
It sounds like you need a MOTHER or a Kleenex. Easy to be a critic during these times.
No, I don’t need a mother or a kleenex. I just feel that the Mayor needs to up her communication skills and maybe be a bit lenient in these times. Sorry if I offended you.
Does anyone know if the taxpayers are paying the teachers and all school personnel for the whole rest of the school year that they will not be working? If so, Holy Moly Batman! And has someone turned the heat down in the schools to save money on oil? Can one of the councilors please check on that? How about the school bus drivers? Should be saving lots of money on gas from the buses. Do they get to keep that in their budget or return it to the taxpayers. Must be many other places where money is not being spent that should go back to the taxpayers and Kerwood needs to be on top of that (with oversight for sure)
Yea teacher will all have paid vacation until,at least September.
Pct is to Tyered as fox is to Trump
Whatabout the babysitters…. paras?
Ask yourselves. Do you actually miss the Mayor and City Council form of governing during this Time?
I don’t recall ever when money is ever returned to the taxpayers. They always come up with excuses on why they won’t return the money and will claim it will be used to benefit the citizens any how. Good questions JA.
Serious question. Does anyone know for sure…what happens if someone goes to the big white tent with a referral from their doctor and gets tested for the virus, AND tests positive? Do they just go home and hope to recuperate or are they quarantined or put in the hospital???? What could one expect to happen in Pittsfield if they test positive? Would love to hear a definitive answer not speculation please.
Just curious.Do colleges reimburse the now on line students removed from campus?
Well, this is why (tired) is not an effective mouth piece? How many people have already asked that question? On a local and national scale, I would pay anyone who wants to give blood and be tested for the virus while giving. Supply will be in demand.
Did you guys know c n n news anchor Jake Tapper’s Sister is a Doctor at B M C?
Good questions. I suppose I kinda understand why they want a Drs referral for testing but that is still a bad idea. Loads of local people don’t have a GP. The state should have a 1-800 number where you can speak to a nurse practitioner and that person can give you a ‘referral’ based on symptoms. If you lie to get tested then you are just going in a tent with people at risk for the virus which isn’t super smart or tempting for the hypochondriac.
It looks good for the China cases.. Thank god for them. And thanks for their offers of masks and doctors. We will need them.
The poor Italians and their elderly population are taking a beating. They will be encouraging all the young Italians to have lots of children soon. Italy had a birth rate decline as it was.
I am not sure public or private health care in this virus pandemic is going to make a difference to quality of care. It will be interesting to see when the dust lies how each does.
This site says 10% dying. I am sure it is not perfect but interesting data.
Good job Johnny!
Harvey got 23. When he’s tried in L A that will secure his future for some time. That’s the problem, ie Bill Clinton,Cosby…don’t let the little head tell the big head what to do. Then you will be fine.
BHS and BMC are failing the population and putting lives at risk again.
They have untrained staff doing COVID testing.
The test they are using is a deep nasal swab, the best way to describe it is like a theist culture but via your nasal passage. Unless you are trained, have a good bit of experience, and are used to people’s gag reflex, you shouldn’t be on the front line of testing.
Who do they have doing testing? Certificate school CNA’s new to the job and with no experience.
One CNA was crying and asked to stop because she’s never worked with patients and had only just started doing administrative and office work. Another is a pharmacy CNA who’s only job prior was to hand out pain meds.
They are putting staff lives at risk by putting untrained staff on the front line of testing. The are putting the public at risk by not doing proper testing, if a person who is positive tests negative because of a bad swab, they can easily infect others.
Oh and BTW, where is Mayor Linda Tyer? She had so much to say through her “z-agents” where is her care and expertise now?
PR, as usual thank you for the information. Unbelievable that this is being allowed. Just wondering if they are prepared if they injure a patient in performing this swab, say even a nose bleed? From what little I have read and heard the test is not the most comfortable test to have. Even Trump said it was not fun. Scary that this is being allowed. Where is the City’s Health department in all this? Just as a warning, the Tyer trolls are out in full force on this site, they want Lovely Linda to be portrayed as being dynamic, vibrant, collaborative and innovative in her addressing the virus. Thank again for your update.
I have noticed the trolls! An innocuous comments gets a bunch of thumbs down for no apparent reason apart from maybe the speaker once spoke badly about the mayor. It’s childish but expected given the iq.
Thank PR for your participation on this board. The testing situation at BMC is SNAFU times 10. Unfortunately, they have the monopoly in the county.
Maybe the National Guard can test. You can’t fix stupid and the leadership of BHS – well maybe they can someday demonstrate something other than base incompetence.
There is a fine line between concern and panic. We don’t want to accelerate fear and in order to do that we need to be competent and effective. A measured tone in reporting is responsible – that is why I don’t like CNN – not that I don’t think events are serious.
What is up with the torpor of all the big wig local officials? Rango/Hinds sent out a message Monday saying all congregations over 25 were not recommended. That seems pretty dumb – was the fundraiser 25 people? – is that why he said something contrary to EVERY other public health source.
We are stuck with the garbage we put in office. Maybe that 150k for the brewery could help all the unemployed hospitality people in Berkshire county? Our officials prop up an industry that treats their workers as expendable and enriches a few people at the top. Most of these employees were probably manipulated into being ‘contractors’ so they can’t get unemployment. Maybe someone can ask what is happening with the current Brewery staff? Are they being paid to stay home?
Eagle doing better with subscriptions. Web traffic up 50%. Is that do to lifting the paywall on site concerning the Chinese Virus? I’m glad that people can get the information on the virus at no cost right now.
Kevin Moran, The Berkshire Eagle
Dear readers:
Thank you. Thank you for your continued support during this time.
Last week, I wrote a column called “Coronavirus, the news, our newspaper and you,” and since then, scores of new readers have joined us by signing up for subscriptions, and our website traffic has increased by 50 percent. That keeps us going, literally, and it puts wind in our sails that the news and information our journalists are providing — especially during the new coronavirus crisis — matters.
From, B Eagle. Com
Good. Then they won’t need-charity for that reporting position.
I will tell you with great experience. Tomorrow’s DOW will be down,way down. Just the announcement by the President to stay home. Who’s making money?
Journalism and Berkshire Eagle is an oxymoron
I’m reading from the computer and national media that as we test more virus cases surface. No kidding! Wow, what a surprise. Are you serious? As if we didn’t know this. Testing more cases produces more positive cases. As if we didn’t know this, you clowns. There was minor testing before, now testing is major and we have a problem. We’re not stupid, you know. Although you think so.
Dan, thanks for giving us the opportunity to express our concerns. Your information helps me and others how to try to understand this thing and what positive information we’re getting, if any, we give to our children and grandchildren.
I remember all the other disasters we have experienced. I remember World War 2 and when teachers trained us to hide under our desks. Same with cold war, too. Now that was scary. Now we have a virus, we think, and we are acting like an atomic bomb is dropping on us. It is not the end of the world. Though many think so. We’ll be okay. We’ll still be number 1 when this blows over.
Chuck, great comment. You brought back a memory and a smile of those yellow signs in the basement of the elementary schools and practicing hiding under our desks. I was thinking today about when 9-11 occurred, for many days after everyone seemed to slow down and treat each other with kindness and respect. There was a feeling of coming together. Fortunately some folks are doing the same during this virus break out, but unfortunately there are many many people that have turned mean, angry. and spiteful. We are all in this together, people need to calm down and think of the feelings of others. A smile is so much nicer than a snide remark. Thanks again for your comment and be safe!
Thanks for sharing your wisdom, CHUCK!
NY has suspended the plastic bag ban, it’s time local municipalities did the same
Yes, I agree. The discussion centers around the disgustingly filthy reuseable bags and how unsanitary they are, especially in light of the current corona outbreak. Hopefully the CC will revisit this issue and let us return to single use grocery bags!
Well folks, now we know what the New Green Deal would feel like – no plane travel, businesses shut down, people out of work, food shortages.
Down with AOC and the Squad!