Here, for your dining and dancing pleasure, THE PLANET presents our exclusive, the first mayoral debate of Campaign ’23. It runs just a bit more than 1 hour.
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, DATE, 2023) — After the feds indicted President Donald Trump, THE PLANET thought: What human could survive the unprecedented level of Orwellian investigation Trump has received since 2016? Even more to the point, what president or ex-president could?
Answer: Zero. And presidential history would have shown scandals that make what Trump allegedly did a game of “hippy hop to the barbershop.”
The Democrats are employing the Huey Long/Willie Stark tactic: (a) EVERYONE has dirt of some sort, (b) Probe hard and long enough and it can be discovered, (c) use it politically to influence and even throw elections. In 2020, the Democrats used a faked pandemic response and lax electoral oversight for that purpose.
In 2023 heading into the election year, the once-respectable party has borrowed from Uncle Joe Stalin and Mao. They have weaponized the justice system, making it a Star Chamber for political retribution, and the Mainstream Media, hooked to advertising revenues, has meekly enabled this fetid situation.
This is not America. It’s not even The United States of Amnesia. It’s now AmeriKa.
“K” for “Kangaroo Justice.”
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And consider the suspicious timing of the indictment’s announcement, coming as it did on the SAME DAY that specifics in the FD-1023 form, long requested by Congress, shows that Joe and Hunter Biden each received a $5 million payoff from the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma.
Ring a bell?
Yes, the very country that a short time later Uncle Sam propped up in war to the tune of more than $112 billion in 1922 alone.
Just a coincidence.
———- ooo ———-
As everyone was reading the scream headlines about Trump’s indictment, you probably missed this. If so, it’s because the mainstream media, propaganda wing of the Democrats, didn’t run it or buried it.
That’s where we are in America. News as propaganda.
Now, the story you likely missed.
FBI Informant: Biden Paid $5 Million by Burisma Executive as Vice President
The FD-1023 form finally handed over to the House Oversight Committee allegedly confirms that Joe Biden was paid at least $5 million by a Ukrainian business executive in exchange for the then-Vice President actively changing U.S. foreign policy.
As reported by Fox News, the official informant complaint was at last given to the committee on the request of Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) after he threatened to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress. The form, filed after an interview with the informant on June 30th, 2020, reveals that the payment came from an executive with Burisma Holdings, the shady Ukrainian energy company that infamously hired Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, for a position on the board.
The informant involved is a “highly credible” source who had been used for numerous other FBI investigations dating back to the Obama Administration. The informant also said that such complaints about Biden’s involvement in the bribery scheme had been made to the bureau twice before prior to the filing of the 1023 form.
According to the document, the Burisma executive in question sought “advice on the best way to go forward” in 2015 and 2016, specifically with regards to gaining access to U.S. oil rights and working with an American oil company. When the informant asked why the executive needed their advice when Hunter Biden, the son of the sitting Vice President, was already on the board, the executive simply described Hunter as “dumb.
The executive then admitted that Burisma had to “pay the Bidens” due to the then-ongoing investigation into Burisma by Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. When the informant suggested that the executive should pay the Bidens “$50,000 each,” the executive replied “not $50,000 … $5 million for one Biden, $5 million for the other Biden.”
The document also confirms that previous ambiguous references to “the Big Guy” in correspondence between Hunter Biden and his business partners was, in fact, a reference to Joe Biden.
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Meanwhile, Trump sent the following e-mail to THE PLANET:
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President Biden is now under investigation for the same thing that produced a federal indictment for President Trump. Think the FBI and the Justice Department will pursue with the same gusto?
“There’s a large difference between prosecution and persecution” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
How much for damages on this one?
Criminal charges were dropped against the Christian man who was arrested last Saturday for reciting a Bible verse at a pride event in Reading, Pennsylvania.”
I hope the guy sues the city of Reading and their Police Dept., and I mean a big time lawsuit, for violating his rights to free speech and peaceful protest!
Deceitful sadistic cops are an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven things which are abominations: “haughty eyes, you just know that’s what cops are hiding before those dark glasses, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness who utters lies, as in the usual fabricated police narratives, and one who spreads strife among brothers. Also included in a list of biblical abominations, cross-dressing, PRIDE, DISHONESTY, a Man “lying with a man as with woman, idolatry, Adultery.
wnyt.com / New adultery policy could be grounds for firing Saratoga Springs cops
Adultery is a crime in New York state, “Engaging in criminal conduct calls into question an officer’s credibility as a witness, it potentially jeopardizes prosecutions of offenders and it has a corrosive effect on the morale and reputation of all members of the service, whether uniformed or civilian.” any officer who commits adultery is subject to dismissal from employment.
Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor the idolaters, nor the adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality.
Reading, Pennsylvania was another Carnival of Sideshow Oddities complete with the dyke cop, the masculine white trash tattooed female cop, the porky cop, and pride filled demon lady serpent tongue Devil that comes marching down the street in celebration of LGBTQQIP2SAAFUCKU hedonistic debauchery. And they exposed children to this depraved obscenity.
Another “tribute” to free speech. Yes, there are bad cops. There are “bad everybodys” in every profession, though, the one who are cops (or military, or any armed profession that carries rank or badge) are especially troublesome in and for a free society. I’m wondering, though, if you are not cherrypicking Scripture to offer as “evidence” of your conclusions. That usually indicates “holier-than-thou” and righteousness, although I cannot definitively apply that judgment in your specific case, CITY. You make raw, naked statements that bear jagged, sharp teeth dipped in poison intended to hurt in a special way. Fine. A free society must be strong enough to take even the most extreme uses of language.
Regardless of holier than thou, that is a clear violation of 1st amendment.
Completely unlike your Traitor Joe and family need a rope and tree. Not that I disagree with you about that.
danvalenti, I’m not the author of Proverbs, and I’m not picking on kops. All by themselves, without any assistants from me, they’ve earned every bit of my righteous raw naked scornful free speech about them. Kops are an especially malignant insidious criminal, they hide in plain sight behind their deceitful badges of dishonor, and they get away with the most horrible of atrocities. They’re a necessary evil, and what can one say about that.
After rabid cops shot and killed her distraught boyfriend in the street like a dog, a Pittsfield woman has appeared before the city council to request that police officers wear badge numbers so the public can identify officers who engage in conduct unbecoming an officer of the law. Another regular at the city council meetings has attempted to make it unlawful for police officers who fail to report their own or their fellow officers’ acts of police brutality.
Linda Tyer and Michael Wynn devised their own corrupt version of a Police Advisory and Review Board as a distraction. From the get-go it was designed to shield and protect the guilty cops. And it was successful. It was never going to expose the wrongdoings of cops, no matter how unbecoming an officer’s egregious conduct. Tyer/Wynn’s specious moral attempt to hold “bad cops” in Pittsfield accountable have failed, as designed. Everything about kops is meant to deceive. Police vehicles display deceptive “to protect and serve” logos, unless its real meaning is to PROTECT AND SERVE THEMSELVES in their criminal endeavors.
Without any help from me, the Pittsfield Police Department, in their corrupt loyalty to themselves, have violated every one of their bogus core values of Professionalism, Ethics, Integrity, Sensitivity, Accountability, Honesty, Courtesy, Dignity, Respect, and Commitment to Excellence. Believe it, or don’t believe it, I really don’t care. If even just one “bad cop” is shielded by the entire corrupt rank and file, that, alone, successfully taints them all. And they only have themselves to thank for that. Good Job, BAD COPS!
I kind of like her insults. Ralph Steadman kind of caricature.
She is correct about the idolatry. She is incorrect about police officers. They are people stuck in crummy bureaucracies, like everyone else. In the Land of the Soviets, if you get stopped by a policeman, you need a passport and a pocket full of cash, dollars preferred. That isn’t true here.
You’re incorrect about police officers here. In the Land of Police officers here, they will kick down your door, here, invade the sanctuary of your home, here, pillage what they want from your home, here, while fingering your pantie drawers illegally searching for Jimmy Hoffa’s remains, here, falsify their own police reports, here, destroy their own evidence which incriminates police officers, here, and get away with, here. And you better have a big bank account full of cash and a federal crowbar to pry the truth away from corrupt police officers, here. And that is the truth, here. Oh, and then, if you can bring yourself to it, consider yourself lucky if you and your loved ones live through it, here, Komrad.
“Free speech”
Unless you disagree with DAN.
You hide behind the words of a God that doesn’t exist. “In the eyes of the lord” is meaningless. Quoting scripture is just because your own words can’t get the job done.
“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simple to appear worthy of it?” – Friedrich Nietzsche
The bible is one of the best and worst fantastical books of fiction I’ve ever read, cover to cover, and more than once.
Since you maintain you are a random collection of molecules with no soul, why do you care? Common Sense is proof of your fallacy.
We are not random collections of molecules. No soul, yes. I care because I’m here. It is vacuous to say that common sense is proof of fallacy here. Unless you have a very low bar for your standards of proof.
You may choose to be a random bag of atoms. Your choice. If you reject Common Sense, you become a skeptic – always looking for simple proof for that which exceeds human understanding (which is synthetic) and thereby forever erring in your conclusions.
If you maintain that you are simply matter, accidentally sentient, then you should feel that you have no Right to object when someone other than you, also only matter, decides what he wants to do with yours. What happens happens – your belief system dictates that Justice is Will of the Stronger.
If there is no necessity for your design, and there is no law governing morality, than you actually are a random collection of matter. That is a fact, a very stubborn one.
I maintain a very high standard for proof; I am not convinced that your standard is robust.
Your rhetorical arguments are flawed and nonsensical. Your logic contains non-sequiturs and does not flow. You use words like ‘random’ and ‘accident’ as if the only way to achieve non-randomness is by the actions of a sentient force. That is not a necessary fact.
The skeptics retort!
All that you can argue is any hope for the absence of Truth that will confirm your doubt. A weak premise.
Absence of God does not entail absence of Truth.
“What struck Margarita was that Woland came out for this last great appearance at the ball looking just the same as he had looked in the bedroom.
The same dirty, patched shirt [18] hung on his shoulders, his feet were in worn-out bedroom slippers.
Woland had a sword, but he used this bare sword as a cane, leaning on it.
Limping, Woland stopped at his dais, and immediately Azazello was before him with a platter in his hands, and on this platter Margarita saw a man’s severed head with the front teeth knocked out.
Total silence continued to reign, broken only once by the far-off sound, inexplicable under the circumstances, of a doorbell, coming as if from the front hall.
“Mikhail Alexandrovich,’ Woland addressed the head in a low voice, and then the slain man’s eyelids rose, and on the dead face Margarita saw, with a shudder, living eyes filled with thought and suffering. ‘Everything came to pass, did it not?’ Woland went on, looking into the head’s eyes. “The head was cut off by a woman, the meeting did not take place, and I am living in your apartment.
That is a fact.
And fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.
But we are now interested in what follows, and not in this already accomplished fact.
You have always been an ardent preacher of the theory that, on the cutting off of his head, life ceases in a man, he turns to ashes and goes into non-being.
I have the pleasure of informing you, in the presence of my guests, though they serve as proof of quite a different theory, that your theory is both solid and clever.
However, one theory is as good as another.
There is also one which holds that it will be given to each according to his faith. Let it come true!
You go into non-being, and from the cup into which you are to be transformed, I will joyfully drink to being!'”
Woland raised his sword.
Straight away the flesh of the head turned dark and shrivelled, then fell off in pieces, the eyes disappeared, and soon Margarita saw on the platter a yellowish skull with emerald eyes, pearl teeth and a golden foot.”
-M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita
Some believe that you do get to make your choice. Review first books of Bereshit (Genesis). Man was given Free Will – the capacity to reject himself.
ROTFL. Make sure y’all RUBES send tRumpy a check today, poor guy needs your money. When Tucker Valenti is down sipping wine at the Red Lion Inn with his South County Elite buddies he laughs at what suckers his readers are ROTFL. Biden only got 10 million? Gosh Jarod got over 2 BILLION from the Saudis. Hmmmm, whatever was that for ROTFL. .tRumpy should be placed in front of a Firing Squad immediately for Treason Against the United States of America.
Semper Fi
Make mine a nice Medoc, preferably Chateau St. Esteph, nothing more recent than 1970.
And comments like this are why you will never be voted in as mayor.
How are your sheep doing?
Used by liberals for perversions
And remember Rubes, the Government is Not going after tRumpy, they are going after you. So please, Please, PLEASE, don’t hide your Top Secret Government Documents in your spare shitter. ROTFL
Our Top Secret docs are kept in Al Gore’s “lock box.”
not Joe’s garage?
George Soros appointed New York AG Leticia James wants camps in her state to hold political prisoners. All of the George Soros appointees are being activated now to take down a political rival, but Americans who don’t comply with the woke agenda will be next on their list. There are so many pictures of Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Obama, and others on the left laughing with George Soros’ son who is taking over for his father. The son says he is very political. The ties between the Soros family and the far left is undeniable.
Your docs are kept in the special room where you bring the sheep for fun times
Is a Prius OK? In the garage.
I love it when you do comedy Dan.
Do you have that same feeling when you go to the gas pumps, the grocery store, your heating bill arrives, or when you see bums begging for change at intersections?
I find ZERO humor, but that’s what you’re advocating for SS.
Have you not figured out how to add a Ukraine flag next to your name? TSC wants to know how to add it too.
I have great admiration for the Ukrainian people. Would not want to trade places with them though.
Another thing I am grateful for is that the far right psyhops people were not able to take over my brain. But I feel badly for those who did not make it.
Thank heaven, SNARK, you were spared. THE PLANET is happy for you for that … and for supplying the other side’s points. We truly appreciate your participation here.
He writes quite well. Good stuff there.
I might have to agree with you about your take on the “psyhops,” and the far right.
Is jumping rope or jumping over walls a prerequisite for “psyhops” brainwashing?
If so, at my age, I’ll have to pass on my far right psyhops training. Knees won’t allow anymore.
Do you admire the Ukrainian military units that wear a swastika ?
Like I said, I feel badly for those of you who did not make it.
Those bad feelings should ultimately come back to hatred for the person who caused the war in Ukraine: Joe Xiden.
Senator Grassley Says There Are Audio Recordings Between Burisma Executive and Bidens | C-SPAN.org
Open your eyes Snark. You might not like Orange Man, but he didn’t cause and/or commit, war, inflation, the southern border crisis, or ESPIONAGE, like Joe Xiden has.
I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people. They have Zelensky for president, who was installed like a toilet, same as Biden was 2020.
Article in Newsweek. Israeli sources report UkrInian crooks are selling our arms to Iran. That is the smoking gun that the war is a sham.
The USA NEVER won a war it did not formally declare. And I doubt the Ukraine military, as corrupt today as it was 2022 will set foot upon the Black Sea. I had hope for their success, but corrupt militaries lise their wars.
Unfortunately Dan your column will fall mostly on deaf ears as can be seen with all the dealings that the citizens know the Democrats have done to stay in power. Everyone has seen the video of Prid quo pro Joe stating to Ukraine you ain’t getting the money honey if you keep going after my son. All the brainwashed TDS citizens will still believe in their hearts that it was Trump stating those words. They are in complete denial about the involvement of the FBI in Hilary’s campaign spying on an innocent citizen because they didn’t like him. Obama even knew of it and did nothing to stop it. Why is Biden getting a pass on top secret materials he left ion 10 different places? He had papers from when he was a Senator and a VP without any possible legal reason to have them and he left them unsecured. As for his taxes it sounds like he wasn’t reporting these gifts from foreign lands, can someone say RICO? It does make sense this raid on Trumps house because he must have had this form showing the corruption of the Biden’s,,,,why Joe was mumbling where’s my money the other day. I could go on for ever but some have to work to pay the bills for all the democrats payoffs that are in my tax bills!
Crooked Joe Biden and his accomplices will be rewarded with a get out of jail free card because so many back his Marxist/globalist agenda. There has never been any punishment for all of the people behind the Russia/Trump collusion hoax, and Hillary walked after destroying classified emails and the creation of the fake dossier. We are in Russia style mode where any political rivals are destroyed so the Democrats can have complete control. Our country may never be the same after this massive corruption and that’s what the far left wants.
Doe’s Creepy Joe still shower with his daughter?
He’s so crooked he screws his socks on
What this country needs is a Republican canidate that can beat Biden. That sure as hell isn’t Trump. Desantis isn’t charming or good enough. Watching Chris Christie’s town hall tonight makes it look like he could be the one.
Love your act! Also nay K’s! Christie started strong in 2016 too. Just doesn’t have enough, though. Enough money, organization, or credibility. Burned too many bridges, too.
Trump is killing everyone left and right in the polls.
People are fed up with FJB/leftists/woke jokes and the RINOs too.
To call the installed regime in Washington a disaster would be too kind.
That may be the hope of the Uber-left, but “CANNOT” is an absolute term. Thing is, if the election were held today, The Donald probably takes it. This man is amazing. Who else could take an indictment and turn it into a campaign rally? He is unlike anything U.S. politics has ever seen, which is precisely why he is so popular. He’s not a politician. He’s a businessman with the skills of a showman. He speaks his mind, unlike the practiced “say nothing” politicians, who are sooooo “careful” with their words. Just a thought: Maybe your use of “CANNOT” might fit better in this statement: “He CANNOT be stopped.” Yeah?
As I said before and was censored, I would bet my estate that Trump will lose.
Truth may not ever die, but it lives a wretched life. Especially in politics. This old quote certainly applies today.
“Truth may not ever die, but it lives a wretched life.”
Nailed it there. Even in Mexico they preserved the infamous ballots from the 1988 election, each and every one along with the tally sheets, and yes, eventually that Truth was revealed. A grad student undertook to review the entire lot and analyze them because he had doubts. Yet here, if you even doubt the 2020 election, you get libeled and slandered. If you press the complaint it in courts, you get hounded in return. If you rally, you get charged with insurrection. And if you ask a question about the appearances of photoshopped artifacts on ballots and even discrepancies in the ballot paper, well, those questions just didn’t get asked.
That’s ‘Liberty’ for a modern man where Truth lives a wretched life.
*Even doubt any of the 2020 elections in any voting district.
Pittsfield has a big problem with truth decay
More Americans than ever before are permanently relocating to Mexico. According to a report from moving company HireAHelper, Mexico is the number one destination for Americans moving abroad. In 2021, some 16,000 Americans moved to Mexico, and that number just continues to rise year over year.
Not surprised! Given the millions who came here from South of Border, I bet that real estate is now cheap there.
Bones of Crows
Joe needs a tree and a rope
That’s a bit too far, Trap.
A couple observations from the Mayoral Debate. Of course Mr Krol doesn’t want to show his taxes. Too many gaps in employment. Mr Marchetti willing to take a pay cut to become Mayor says it all! This won’t be much of a race as only one is actually qualified.
John Krol is “Candidate Unemployed”. Peter Marchetti is “Candidate Banker”. Craig Gaetani is “Candidate Fringe”. Please vote for NONE of the ABOVE!
Magnificent Melle 4 Mayor
Step up from last several crooks.
Pay cut? Marchetti wants to be mayor for several years to build up his pension and retire on 80% while you, the taxpayer fund him sucking on the public’s teats.
He already has the years and a great retirement coming from the bank. He already vested by the city. Not sure where you get your information. But it’s incorrect!
His years on the council count toward his pension. The pension is calculated on age, length of service and the three highest salary years. That’s the fact Jack.
That is completely correct.
His 80% will be based on his 3 highest years of income.Mayor pay is 110 so he will recieve 88k retirement from his part time job
Our only salvation is that he’s reunited with his dearly departed husband sooner than later. Thus, permanently severing that malignant gluttonous grip he has on the public’s teats.
Classy comment. It furthers the conversation and is it’s a tribute to free speech.
Well, it is THAT, what you said as your last thought. It IS a back-door “tribute” to free speech. I also appreciate the irony and sardonic deflection in your statement. Well done! Seriously. It brilliantly makes your point and it “furthers the conversation.”
And it is no deep secret that higher level politicians are courted with perks galore. Lots of free dinners and discounts. Lots of personal stuff that can be billed to the office if it even comes close. i.e. gasoline, dry cleaning, “business” related vacations.
Cut the bullshit. He will be well taken care of as always. And like Tyer he will never be able to identify with “regular” truly hardworking blue collar people who will have to come up with over 200 million dollars in taxes every year to feed the hungry monster that is his Pittsfield One. If he never did while on the council he is not going to start now.
I’d love to see what gavel boy took for charitable deductions all these years. Probably nothing. He loves to tax your ass so YOU can provide for the folks he claims his heart bleeds for. No more Tyerchetti.
Sorry to say but both are complete inept candidates. Pittsfield needs major help to pull it out of this nosedive it may be too late. Peter has had his chance and failed miserably and Krol is even worse.
The question on crime and the overall filth of the city came up.
both totally dodge this question why? because there is no help never has been and probably never will be. Try getting a doctor’s appointment now try getting into a drug rehab program or a mental institution in the Berkshires. Bowler, Clown shoes or Wynn all know it’s not happening.
Now these two are going to solve this problem and the other numerous ones that plague this city?
I think you know the answer.
Actually if you watch and listen to the debate I think both candidates addressed these issues. Dan asked the questions!
Thanks. We did ask. They did answer.
Eye roll
Krol, what a tool.
Terrible idea asking for tax returns. We already have a problem getting good people to run for mayor and now you want to make it less attractive?
Agree. I think the issue of tax returns needs to be turned towards what specific information does the public deserve to know. I believe that candidates ought to make financial disclosures regarding their assets and connections that cover the range of conflict of interests. I don’t know what that list would be, but there are models for disclosure. Tax Returns, which are of course the minimal amount of info needed to report are irrelevant, unless you are interested in guessing the overhead rate of a marketing firm.
Tax returns present a fishing expedition for political opponents and the curious.
I’d like to think that most people have nothing to hide. I mean tax returns really don’t show much!
True. There are all kinds of deductions and write offs and tax dodges that can effect a tax return. And both of these guys can afford the CPA to find them.
Suffice it to say that both of these guys are living quite comfortably, most likely better off than most of the city. Once passed the baby kissing, and glad handing phase they will float above the general populace much like Tyer does.
“EWWWW!, who are those people down there?”
For a brief moment this morning I thought I heard a glimmer of hope. A jet flew over, and just for a moment I thought Donny Trump was coming to save us. But the jet flew on, but I still cling to TRUMP 2024 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hope. Here’s hoping the democrats don’t get away with stealing the election, again.
But back to the sewer PITTS. I couldn’t force myself to watch that entire BS. I could barely get through the first 30 seconds of that krolchetti crap. Less than 30 seconds into that Web of Deceit perpetrated by Exhibit a, krolchetti, and exhibit a chettikrol, because you can’t tell those two hyenas apart, made me want to vomit. Someone needs to wipe that perpetual sardonic shit eating grin of the face of that krolchetti puke. I did catch the part where krolchetti admitted that under the reign of Pittsfield’s corrupt city officials, Pittsfield has now officially been turned in a chaotic bedlam of unwashed madmen/madwomen, lunatics, degenerates, bums, beggars, dope fiends, crackwhores, schizoids, headbangers, nutjobs, screwballs, wingnuts, psychopaths, arsonists, and the most dangerous of all, the malignant narcissists/sociopaths, the dreadful elected city officials.
You missed the hostile orangutans and the zombies one of which stole the honda seal off my car and ran off with it, but the rest matches my observations too.
Must have been a Honda taker . Was he dressed in black?
Half was ragged sweats. Top half was hard to describe. Kind of falling apart like and had a covid mask barely holding its jaw in place.
Saturday, in a busy downtown parking lot, one of tyerkrolchetti’s filthy, disheveled vagabonds, with his entire bare ass exposed, crossed in front of my vehicle, on his way to King Kone. An obvious prospect for the tyerkrolchetti Discover Downtown PITTSFIELD Ambassador program.
For the love of Pete White’s pronouns please stop.
Porkchop Pete’s pronouns are: Free/Loader
‘Stop writing City, it’s a filthy habit!’ Hunter Thompson’s last words before the hail of insults.
Fear and Loathing in Pittsfield, MA inclusive of the depraved undesirables of this new ameriKa.
Fear and Loathing – Hunter S. Thompson
Never trust a cop.
If ever asked to look at yourself, don’t look.
The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuck-offs and misfits-a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.
We’d be fools not to ride this strange torpedo all the way out to the end.
Shoot the pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull-dyke and win a cotton-candy goat.
You should read Scoop by E Waugh. He has similar thoughts.
I was 12 when I read my first Evelyn Waugh book, Decline and Fall, next on the list was The Loved One. I saw the movie before I read the book, but both were fun.
Well, I say there are plenty more of his to read then!
I didn’t stop at just those two.
The tale of Seth?
“We, Seth, Emperor of Azania, Chief of the Chiefs of Sakuyu, Lord of Wanda and Tyrant of the Seas, Bachelor of the Arts of Oxford University”
Peter Marchetti is quoted as saying that the water and sewer rate hikes are “small” compared to past water and sewer rate hikes. Peter Marchetti is out of touch with the financial realities that so many homeowners are facing during this trying time of 40-year high U.S. inflation.
Pittsfield Council Preliminarily Approves Water, Sewer Hikes / iBerkshires.com – The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.
Also, Peter Marchetti’s pay cut from his big wheel banker job is a tradeoff for a would-be future city public pension plus perks worth 6-figures that over several decades would cost taxpayers a couple million dollars.
It would be small to people like him. He has zero ability to identify with the middle class. If he thinks that raise was small you can just imagine what HIS budgets will be like. Scary home owner stuff right there.
That statement you just mentioned in the post is going to be used against him during his campaign. He said that with a smile while laughing.
He is a dirty joke on the taxpayers, and that is neither a smile nor laughter, it’s his inbred sardonic krolchetti grimace.
Just finished reading iberkshire’s account of the water/sewer monstrous increase and how the councilor’s couldn’t do anything about it. That is total BS. They raised rates to pay for the new plant they are building, did they forget that? Again I will ask why they didn’t use the ARPA money for the project? If they had the tax rate would not have to be raised 25%!! I still remember before 2 1/2 how the water and sewer was part of the regular tax. To get their grubby hands on the Kapanski’s money they separated the tax out from the property tax. Why does the city keep elected a bunch of losers????
I tried my hardest to defeat the 160 million dollar updates and do the job for between 40 and 50 million . No one other than Alex blumin aided me in my quest to keep sewer and water rates low. The media is to blame also in that they never wrote about what I was trying to do for the rate payers of this city. Also every one of you who are reading this are responsible for the exorbitant rates because you never came to the CC meetings to support my efforts
You reap what you sow. You haven’t seen
They used the ARPA money for woke symbolism over substance crap that makes hacks rich and does nothing for the citizens of Pittsfield. It’s Tyer’s feel good slush fund.
And gave much away to out of district institutions that do not need Pittsfield ARPA funds.
And Marchetti voted for every single giveaway. EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! Can you just imagine what he will be like when he gets his hands on the purse strings? OMG
The short answer is because only losers apply. The truth is that they’re really not elected in the sense that voters approve of them. Grubby Losers are responsible for running Pittsfield into a multimillion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ sewer of corruption. It’s not that there aren’t good moral citizens outraged by the corruption of these grubby losers, who are actually only in office by default, its that good moral citizens are unwilling to sell their souls to the Devil. And yes, every $$$$$$$$$$ of that ARPA money should have been delegated to the water and sewer projects. In a fair and just city, overseen by moral and ethical citizens, that’s what would have happened. But that’s not who official Gotham Pittsfield City is.
This should be the city motto. Put up an obelisk in Park Square and put City’s message on it for all to read. It is our heritage now and we really should honor it.
How many other surrounding towns used ARPA funds for infrastructure/tax payer relief?
Then look at Pittsfield… we virtue signaled it into the hands of low life grifters. Good job Linda, Deanna and Council.
awful jackasses
Keep your family in Pittsfield if you like this sort of thing because that train has been running through Pittsfield for some time now and the caboose is still out in Indiana somewhere.
If you are feeling used and abused and even humiliated by your city government you are picking up what they are putting down.
Regarding reporting on water sewer hike. Polito neglected to present my proposal. So did the Eagle. But it’s there on the tape.
This is what I propose:
1) Reject the Rate Hike
2) Fund deficit from Free Cash
3) Allow the city to return to the council for a rate hike AFTER they implement a plan to convert all to water metering.
1) Reject the hike. I argued in 2022 and continue to believe that proper balance of revenue and expense is critically important in public utilities. Not doing that endangers the enterprise and becomes a source for corruption. However, the path to efficiency is in metering – it’s fair and it provides monitoring for waste. The city broke its promise to implement a plan to provide meters ($1200 cost each) from ARPA to target the fixed income residents. Council can exert its limited authority and drive this policy home.
2) Use Free Cash. Freezing rates will lead to a deficit in the Retained Earnings (reserve funds.) The reponsible and practical solution will fund the the deficit from Free Cash. Kerwood ‘disasterizes’ the deficit claiming the city would have to resort to extraordinary acts of taxation and state intervention if the reserves drop. That is a strawman argument. The Truth is, the State does not care how we fund our enterprise fund, so long as we get it done. We may use Free Cash.
3) Rate Hikes are considered after we address the inequity and waste. The Mayor is implementing a policy to not use any Free Cash to reduce burdens on the taxpayer. Kerwood is highly protective of the reserves. Therefore, the Council should use the Mayor’s abhorrence of using Free Cash as leverage to both manage the Enterprise Fund in the short term, and address the metering and controls for the long term. Freeze the rate hike, or better reduce them, and when the Mayor comes back with the meters in hand, paid for by ARPA and other sources, and the contract to install them set, we could then debate the hike.
What is the deal with Free Cash, the product of unspent taxes, and using it to intervene on behalf of struggling rate payers? The Mayor’s Free Cash policy is stated in print in the 2024 Budget book, page 34:
“Free Cash has also been used to fund certain deficits in the City’s operating budget such as Winter Operations, and police overtime as well as to fund certain one-time capital expenses. The use of Free Cash for operating purposes is not a recommended practice and the City’s leadership seeks to eliminate using it [free cash] for this purpose in the future.”
This policy is a radical shift from the Bianchi Administration that had often allocated $3,000,000 to reduce taxes. That old number is possibly too high given the unfunded liabilities, but $1,000,000 is too low. Councilors today need to forget about being politicians and start leading. I argued in 2022 that ARPA allowed us to apply $10,000,000 of ARPA to fund departments directly where there are revenue losses without the need to itemize the losses. The Council to a man rejected that proposal 10-1. Each one of them had opposed using ARPA to manage underfunded Enterprise expenses. By not taking that approach, the City essentially reports to the Treasury that there was no COVID revenue loss to the Water Enterprise and thus we lost permanently that opportunity to assist Fixed Income residents. Outside of governments, we call that a colossal blunder.
To get this Water Rate Hike right today, the Council must reject the hike, if nothing else is done. The rest should follow: the City will ask for money to fund the deficit, and we permit the Free Cash, and press for meter conversions. It’s practical, and it is good policy.
This is a reasonable, well-thought-out proposal. Of course, that’s why it had no chance with the corner office or council. Thanks for sharing. A PLANET exclusive.
Use ARPA money to fund department loses. Are you out of your mind Sir Chaz?
If Flat Tyer had used $10M of ARPA money to help the taxpayer, how could the Cultural Competency Coach, have taken her family and friends to Africa, off the ROPES grift? She used that ARPA money to “explore her roots.”
Don’t take my word for it, The Eagle did a full expose, complete with pictures, of the exploration trip on the taxpayer dime.
FOX has been running the Biden story 24/7 for 4 years and they are now re- running the Hillary email story when the FBI put Trump in as President 2016 to 2020.There is a much bigger story today as our xxxPresident and retired citizen golfer and World Class lying thief Trump is charged with espionage and obstruction of justi
Biden’s treasonous deeds go back to his days in senate and while in Obama’s crime cartel/administration whom he collaborated with.
No statute of limitations on treason, a capital offense.
Good morning cuckoo man
H-Beast and Biden should have been in prison more than 4 years ago TSC, that is only for sedition.
Treason is capital offense, trying to overthrow a sitting president.
The only evidence the DOJ has on POTUS Trump, was manufactured by THE FIB. THE FIB knew Trump had evidence of THE FIB’s attempts to frame him in collusion with the DNC/H-Beast and Obama administration.
Read the Durham report. Unfortunately, THE FIB/DOJ won’t prosecute their own.
This blogg passes on those lies and beliefs to each other.This is why you gather here to lie to each other about weird Don Trump.Im here to help you all see your stupid
You are a poster child for the mentally unhinged and undermedicated
I have a doll and I need you to show me where Trump touched you. I’d ask where Biden sniffed you, but clearly you wouldn’t mind that at all
FOX propaganda has its long reach right into white man’s Pittsfield blogging.You miss Rush.Beck and Hannity..their message of hate is in your soul.Its depressing and you are now completely crying out for more whit powerful men…You guys are amazing at your lack of confidence needing media to help you think clearly….
Sil Conte would be a far left liberal today.This should help you understand how far right to Authoritarian rule you have sunk.
I bet you aren’t allowed within 500 ft of a school zone and have to update your address periodically for the registry.
I can assure you, despite my vagina and what your liberal loon left considers “the norm”, I still do not identify as a white male.
At this point you make Dennis Powell look like a pillar of the community
Thanks TSC I totally agree.
“Last week Reps. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) disclosed that Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly told an FBI source that he paid $5 million apiece to Hunter and then-Vice President Joe Biden in an attempt to shake off a corruption investigation.
On Saturday America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Rita Cosby on Newsmax that he has a high-level witness who is the former chief accountant at Burisma who is willing to testify on the Biden crimes. She even has the Biden bank account transactions. She has the receipts!”
“Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) made a Senate floor speech Monday afternoon on the controversy about the FD-1023 FBI document that contains credible allegation that Joe Biden received a $5 million bribe from an executive with the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma while vice president. In the speech Grassley said the the version of the FD-1023 shown the House Oversight Committee last week was heavily redacted, but that Grassley had seen one with far fewer redactions. He then revealed that the foreign national behind the bribe said he kept audio recordings of conversations with Joe Biden (2) and Hunter Biden (15). There is also an allegation that Joe was involved in Burisma hiring Hunter. Grassley is calling for the public release of the FD-1023 “without unnecessary redactions.”
This is besides the Durham report, TSC
LOL get up to speed
It has been wondered by many on The Planet why Dirty Barry Clairmont, aka-Mr. Worldwide, has not worked any overnight Cumby’s parking lot shifts recently.
I believe we have the answer:
Five Berkshire County Cumberland Farms stores change hands as part of billion dollar deal | Business | berkshireeagle.com
Cumby’s on First Street is part of this group. The new owners allegedly put an end to Dirty Barry treating the candy aisle and Slurpee machine, like it was his own personal buffet line. In protest, Dirty Barry quit patrolling.
Could low blood sugar have caused DB not to think clearly on election night and show up at City Hall, in which his wife was running in the mayoral race?
He picked up a form that could have been easily emailed to him, scanned/texted to him, read to aloud over the phone to him by Michelle, or DB could have had someone else pick up the form and avoid the appearance of impropriety?
Just spit balling here….
#1 on itunes
“81 millon votes my ass”
Trump left the courthouse today and went straight to Miami International where it is said he picked up a pre-purchased ticket to Moscow. Putin is waiting for him with a limo at Domodedovo International Airport.
The weird thing about it is that the FBI just let him get on the plane and said “good riddance sir”. “Don’t try to come back here” “Ever”.
Thanks for the exclusive! I believe we are the first to report this breaking news!!
That’s all schools, everywhere in Pittsfield.
The Russia, Russia hoax was created by crooked Hillary. Hunter got millions from the mayor of Moscow’s wife. Big guy sleepy Joe got his 10%
You wrote that like Trump says it.Awesome
Trump got beat by Hillary by 8 million and you want me to believe he got an extra 10 million to 73 million after Covid disaster
Traitor Joe and family need a rope and a tree.
Lock down in dynamic city this morning @ Reid.
Isn’t that the school where almost everyone make the honor roll?
That is the bully abuse Lenox High where everything is a cover up
Who is this Pittsfield politician?
He weighs 300 pounds. He dislikes citizens who speak to the City Council at Open Mic. He acted like Mayor Linda Tyer’s loyal Lieutenant on the City Council since early-2016. He ran for Mayor in 2011, but he lost to Dan Bianchi. 12 years later in present time in 2023, he is running for Mayor for the second time. He calls double digit water and sewer rate hikes “small” compared to past years. He said he would take a pay cut from his position at a bank if he is elected to Mayor, but he would also gain many years of lucrative public pay plus perks. He doesn’t connect to the financial constraints that most households are dealing with during this difficult time of 40-year high U.S. inflation. If he is elected Mayor, one wonders what a non-small municipal tax and rate increase would look like over at least the next 4 years. When tax- and rate- payers send their hard-earned money to City Hall, in return they receive Level 5 public schools, Pittsfield always being in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for violent crime going back decades, 15 empty storefronts on North Street’s Social Services Alley, and substandard public services.
Answer: Peter Marchetti
He’ll continue to manage the decline of Pittsfield. Maybe the death of the city.
I asked my dad, Bob, who was a Berkshire County Commissioner many years ago – 1997 to mid-2000 – if he would have called the two double digit water and sewer rate hikes “small” compared to past years, as well as if he would have said he would be taking a pay cut to serve in an elected position; in fy2024, the Mayor’s pay is $115,725 – Mayor’s Office | Fiscal Year 2024 (cleargov.com) – plus public perks. My dad, Bob, said to me that he would not have said the out-of-touch statements that Peter Marchetti spoke to the news reporter at iBerkshires.com and blogger Dan Valenti during this past week. How on Earth could anyone put their good faith into Peter Marchetti for Mayor of Pittsfield politics when he is totally disconnected from the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski who are struggling to stay financially afloat during this difficult time of 40-year high U.S. inflation?
Highly recommend watching tonight’s council meeting. Parts of it are actually pretty funny!