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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MAY 17-9, 2024) — Our ideological, guilt-before-innocence times have the Devil’s Advocate working overtime. In short supply: reason and common sense. In surplus, irrationality and prejudice.

No, the sky isn’t falling; THE PLANET assures you despite the assertions of Chicken Little. However, “the roof is caving in.”

That independent clause resides in a headline to a story published this week in iBerkshires‘The Roof is Caving In;’ Mount Greylock School Committee Hears Details of Bias Incidents. The story bears the byline of Stephen Dravis. It also bears Dravis’ own bias.

The scribe wears his emotions on his keyboard. Check out his lede:

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Several parents in the Mount Greylock Regional School District on Thursday detailed disturbing racist incidents in the schools at a meeting of the School Committee.

This being Williamstown, the meeting was virtual. Masks optional.

———- ooo ———-

Actually, a couple of parents alleged “racist incidents” occurred. Maybe they did just as relayed, but maybe they didn’t. Nothing proven. Also, the word “disturbing” violates standards of third-person reporting. Dravis described the parents’ claims as “gut-wrenching.” To whom, precisely? Let the story itself allow readers to decide for themselves, lad.

The story quotes parent Andre Lynch: “Pretty often, my young, Black daughter, she’s in kindergarten, comes home asking me why her white counterparts don’t want to play with her or telling me that folks are specifically pointing her out — her peers and also some teachers and what have you — because of the color of her skin.”

“Pretty often. ” … “Some teachers.”

How often? … Which teachers?

And when did the generic adjective “black” become a proper noun? Yes, the question is rhetorical. The answer is since America lost its mind following the death-by-cops of a resisting, drug-fueled, career criminal a store owner said was trying to pass counterfeit money.

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET questions, since no one else will, if there are reasons other than skin color why children don’t want to play with Lynch’s daughter. Kids being kids, maybe she simply isn’t fun on the playground. Kids are funny that way. We don’t know, of course, but if it was skin color, might the cause be the very emphasis on race imposed on society by the extreme left? Might it be similar to the failed D.A.R.E. program? Innocent kids go in knowing nothing about drugs. They come out drug experts, knowing  how much “fun” (and tempting) they are.

Many questions before Berkshire County gets once again racially inflamed. Remember when a black student at Simon’s Rock said she had been the victim of racial violence? Remember how that turned out? Hoax.

  • Did the school determine the Lynch child was telling the truth?
  • Did the other child admit to the incident?
  • Has the incident been properly vetted?
  • Has it been blown out of proportion?
  • Kindergarteners have been known to fib. Even adults.
  • Could emphasis on skin color be fanned by DEI “values”? How else could kindergartner in an art class tell a classmate he didn’t want to partner with her because of skin color?
  • Where did the child learn this?

———- ooo ———-

Another parent, Twink Williams Burns (“Twink” … yes, “Twink” … not a typo) complained that her first-grade “Black child” was in an art class where the teacher “had decided” to teach first graders about slavery “with no notice to parents that this would be happening, with no follow up balancing curriculum about Black excellence, Black strength, Black love and all of the other things that humanize Black people …”

Excellence? Strength? Love? Such as the epidemic of black-on-black violence that plague large, Democrat-run cities? Culturally, that’s an unmentionable topic.

Damned if you do, damned if you do.

The last thing any school needs is a program that emphasizes skin color, gender, and other delimiters.

“Diversity” means sameness, “Inclusion” means exclusion, and Equity” means injustice.

And, please, may some veteran scribe give Dravis a few lessons in basic journalism.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”Martin Luther King.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
5 months ago

Thomas Sowell once said, ‘When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.’

5 months ago

Jesus Christ people!

Perhaps these little princesses should take an in depth look at what is going on in Gaza and thank their lucky stars for what they have. Some humans are assholes and there will always be plenty of them around. And almost all humans have biases and some of them for good reason. Stop trying to make you own little world perfect. Stop your whining over words and names and grow the hell up. Teaching children to get all bent out of shape by what someone else says is conditioning them to be a whiny little babies all their lives.

There are people in GAza right now trying to identify their loved ones by finding enough of their body parts so they can recognize them. But you are all upset because someone hurt you with words? If so, you are destined to a life of failure because you are a whiny needy little baby with no idea how hard the real world is out there.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Waaahhhh
4 months ago

Hamas surrenders war is iver

Reply to  12 Gauge
4 months ago

Sounds like you have an in depth understanding of mid-east history. Would you be interested in taking a teaching position?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Waaahhh
4 months ago


The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Waaahhhh
4 months ago

Genocide is also unexceptable

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Waaahhhh
4 months ago

“There are people in GAza right now trying to identify their loved ones by finding enough of their body parts so they can recognize them.” – Waaahhhh

Lots of nice people in GAZA………..

“Body of German-Israeli Woman Shani Louk Recovered in Gaza – Palestinian Barbarians Kidnapped Her from Music Festival, Raped Her, Broke Her Legs, Murdered Her, Then Paraded Her Body Through the Streets of Gaza as Civilians Cheered” -TGP

In Da Know
In Da Know
5 months ago

Wow Tucker, you nailed this one.

Reply to  In Da Know
5 months ago

Did you nail a sheep yet today?

Reply to  In Da Know
5 months ago

He sure did. Maybe I’ll mail the whiners a Hurt Feelings Report and they can file it with the Woke Police Department. Come On Man!

5 months ago

In my time on the planet and living in the Shires it has been a well known secret that Williamstown is very parochial and racist. For such a progressive town you would think otherwise or maybe the Democrats platform that they follow is actually a racist one. If you look nationally you could make a great argument that they (Democrats) are quite racist. For anyone who wants to debate this issue I will let you know I have acquaintances from Williamstown at different ages that have told similar tales.

5 months ago

Society and the press especially use race to describe a person almost in every story that involves a crime. Why? If Jerome allegedly robbed a liquor store and has been arrested, why does the story have to include Jerome’s skin color? If it were Patrick Oshanohan who was accused of doing it I’m quite sure they wouldn’t describe him using his pale white skin color. Using a color to describe a person will always emphasize the importance of the color to the person or society that uses that description of a person. If skin color is that important then it must matter to that person but then they preach equality and DEI. You can’t offer services to people based solely on skin color and then tell Those same people that skin color doesn’t matter.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pothole
5 months ago

Is it racist that I do think Patrick Oshannahan might be prone to robbing liquor stores given that he comes from a land of alcoholics? If Irish people have their own special day to showcase their penchant for downing alcohol and then behaving badly they should not be surprised to find themselves suspects when a liquor store is held up in broad daylight. Do the math people.

Reply to  snark shark
5 months ago

You and TSC don’t seem to need a special day to get drunk and post dumb stuff.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Gobsig
4 months ago

You are very observant. There is an old fire tower on West st. mountain looking for someone with keen eyes. Are you available?

Reply to  snark shark
4 months ago

Ony if I can see Pheasnt Way.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gobsig
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gobsig
4 months ago

You MAGAs are easy pickens

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Yeah, we’re the ones driving to work to support leeches like you TSC.

Did you read about all the missing storm drains in Dalton, Washington, or Hinsdale, in the Eagle today?

NEVER had this problem until illegal aliens invaded the Berkshires.

Diversity, huh TFCB?

Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Build back beter buffoon

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
5 months ago

Do some research on black on black crime, then come back with another, “Snarky remarkey”!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

That’s full of mularky

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Have you spent you whole life out in left field Mad Trapper?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
4 months ago

In good company with Ted Williams and Yaz.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Two of the best Trap.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

More like Alfred E. Neuman.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
4 months ago

Did You take a knee today? Just because, You are an ASSHOLE?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
4 months ago

Alfred is a nice guy, ….

Not like the guy, that showers with his underage daughter, Joe Biden . Whom YOU voted for,


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Reality is the new racism

Reply to  snark shark
5 months ago

Yea, and black males commit 8 times the homicides as all other races, and an astronomical amount of the violent crime in this country. Do the math. This is why police are interacting with them more than the Average Joe.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  snark shark
4 months ago

I saw him dancing with Yuki on her bar.

5 months ago

Williamstown parents are so sensitive to racism, but ignore the racism in their own backyard. Williams College encampments for Palestine were set up right where graduation would take place, but most of the local media failed to mention the defacement of the pictures of Jewish hostages at Williams College and the tearing down of the pictures of Jewish hostages, some of them Americans. The Williamstown newspaper did mention the incidents. It shows the level of racism at our local prestigious college. Why aren’t Williamstown residents speaking out about the racism at Williams College? Christopher Reeve would not be happy if he was still alive, but so few people, famous or otherwise, speak out against the racism on college campuses across the country because it doesn’t reflect well on the educational system in this country. Williams College has since had the students take down the tents so presumably graduation will go on as planned. Protesters could still interrupt the proceedings as they have done in many colleges.

Reply to  Pat
5 months ago

Couldn’t agree more. Progressives have their own sets of laws and rules. They can change them according to their agendas. These private Colleges need to start paying taxes too.

5 months ago

Even if what was reported actually happened, so effing what?

By the way, no kindergartens are excluding other kids due to skin color. Clearly, the adults are the problem here.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  JustSaying
5 months ago

With the Drag Queen shows, DIE and woke joke indoctrinations, LGBTXYZ agendas…

How will the children ever learn, to read and write?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
5 months ago

Have you noticed it always seems to be the “black” kindergarteners or “black” students of an early grade level that “experience” this racial hatred. Never the older students, Hispanic students or Asian students, experience this racial hatred. It ALWAYS seems to be the “black” students.

For the younger students, more than likely, it’s because the parents can easily “influence” their child to “say” or “see things” that might not have happened. Most adults are not going to interrogate a young child like their Ted Bundy, trying to decern if their telling the truth or not.

The Hispanic and Asian students don’t ever seem to experience this hatred at such levels as “black” students. Why not?

Because to steal a former Bitchfield proclamation, “It’s NOT Happening.”

Not to mention, Twink claims the first-grade teacher taught a class of first graders about slavery in the US. Think about that for a minute. First graders. I was still learning my ABC’s and basic math, but a first-grade class was already discussing late junior high level class work.

I’ll take $1000 Alex for things that NEVER happened.

It makes you wonder what the nexus to the Cultural Competency Coach, Shirley “the taxpayer funded travel expert” Edgerton, that Andre Lynch and/or Twink Williams Burns has to her? We all watched Shirley criminally and lavishly play the racial grift to the fullest.

Don’t forget about this article. Shirley needs to drum of “racial incidents” to justify her need to spread her racial hatred…..I mean “teachings.” Low and behold he come Andre and Twink to the rescue.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
5 months ago

May 17, 2024

Re: They used HARSH words and he/she played the racism, sexism….card(s) in Pittsfield politics aka RETRIBUTION

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

How did Earl Persip the dumpster play the race card versus blogger Dan Valenti? Answer: By using the harsh word RACIST against him.

How did Voltron Pete White the pork-chop play the snub card versus blogger Dan Valenti? By saying that he is an extremist instead of a legitimate journalist and blogger anymore.

How did the “90 day grace period” openly gay Peter Marchetti play the denial card versus his accuser Victoria May’s sex discrimination and sexual harassment federal lawsuit that names him? By having Tricia Farley-Bouvier the Country Buffet, Sara Hathaway the Aberration, and other liberal women Pittsfield politicians write letters and op-ed’s supporting his 2023 mayoral campaign.

How much money did Sara Hathaway walk away with from the City of Pittsfield in the settlement of her sex and age discrimination legal complaints in the mid-2010’s? By gosh, we never were told how many “Kapanski Kash” bills she received back then.

Will Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior win a settlement in his $440,000 plus interest, unspecified damages, etc., pot permits HCAs from many years ago now lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield? What about his 2nd pot anti-union lawsuit that Nuciforo filed in Boston? By gosh, how greedy and stinky can one 4-foot-tall piece of poop who exists in the form of a man be?! They don’t call him “LUCIFORO: The Pittsfield Pot King of lawsuits” for nothing.

What did former Mayor Linda Tyer’s 3rd husband Barry Clairmont do with his 6-figure settlement versus Melissa Mazzeo in his defamation of character lawsuit that stemmed from him allegedly being too close to the ballots in City Hall close to the 2019 mayoral election that his 2nd wife, Linda Tyer, won? By him asking me why I wrote and blogged about him on the Planet Valenti blog, as well as my own blog, but him never telling us about how he used the settlement dollars.

Why do so many people say and write that I – Jon Melle – always play the victim card in Pittsfield politics, especially with my never-ending sad stories of me being persecuted by “Luciforo” over the past 28 years now since I was 20 years old in the Spring 1996 (when my dad, Bob, began his successful campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner; 1997 – mid-2000)? By me writing that Pittsfield politics other name: RETRIBUTION.

In summary, people like to say they used HARSH WORDS by saying that: he played the RACISM card, she played the SEXISM card, he played the “Women write letters supporting me” card, he played the he SNUBBED blogger Dan Valenti card, as well as the he is an extremist and not a legitimate journalist and blogger anymore cards, she played the sex and age discrimination cards, he played the city allegedly acted FRAUDULENTLY card with my multi-million-dollar Pittsfield Pot Kingdom fees, he played the she defamed my character card, he – Jon Melle – always plays the victim card, especially when it comes to Nuciforo and his conspiratorial network of bullies, and Pittsfield politics is really a system of RETRIBUTION instead of a real democracy card.

Jon Melle

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
5 months ago

Jonathan you really do play the victim card to its fullest. You blog about all the answers to Pittsfield’s problems and Mayor Pete is your cousin. Mayor Pete could really use your help. If you do a good job you could be mayor one day and not CC President Pete White. You can then politically and legally fight Andy Nuciforo instead of blog about. If you won’t even help family you can forget about that LBGTQ clothing friendly store on North Street you wanna open. Mayor Pete won’t let it happen.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Eric Swansin
4 months ago

The “victim” groups constantly see themselves as oppressed groups that advocate for everything under the sun to appease their claims of oppression. Only later to find that no matter what you do they are
never appeased.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
5 months ago

Didn’t Barry donate a good portion of that settlement to the wellbeing of the less fortunate people of Pittsfield?

Reply to  Gobsig
5 months ago

Maybe he can buy all the house less new shiny and colorful tents to make them easier to spot in the parks so the city can’t pretend it’s not happening. Any mayor with balls would personally remove all the tents if necessary and have the cops enforce the park laws. This city is a joke, between the effing bike lanes, the bums, and the beggars, not to mention taxes.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Gobsig
5 months ago


Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
5 months ago

Dravis is a left wing hack and has done these kinds of things to numerous people. He only investigates with his one good eye. The other is watching his own ass off to the side to make sure no one is actually paying attention.

He’s also got Julie Bowden’s crotch at face level. His shoddy reporting has ruined many careers based on speculation

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
5 months ago

McCandless, who admits his thought process is slow and non-existent until Shirley tells him how to think on her half day a week gig, feels that cell phones are now an issue in schools not because of distractions, etc.

But… because of racism online. You can’t make this crap up. Where’s a good round of cancer when you need it?

Last edited 5 months ago by Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
5 months ago

Dan, it’s the perks, all costs included vacations to Africa. To see her relations in the wild herds, of Cape Buffalo.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 months ago

The same award as TSC and Voltron.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
5 months ago

It’s funny McCandless “inner racism” never takes him to the Westside or Morningside on a Friday or Saturday, anytime after 1AM, to request forgiveness from those he’s been “racist” towards. You know, make amends?

I’ve got a crisp $100 bill, that much like disgraced DA Andrea “Wrong Way” Harington, he (McCandless) has as many “black friends” outside of the job, as there were there at WW’s Lenox “white’s (only) party.”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
5 months ago

I think we have to acknowledge the news, most of the news we get anyway , is little more than narrative based propaganda news. In America, I call this MVM – Martha’s Vineyard Media.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Optimus Prime
5 months ago

Migrant’s Vineyard. All are welcome, unless You are a CRIMINAL ALIEN.

Then Gov Healey will call in the National Guard it’s an emergency, thenkick out some homeless veterans/citizens to make room for criminals, in “the rest” of mASSachusetts

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 months ago

Most citizens are welcome on MV. The Obama’s chef, Tafari Campbell, found out differently.

Seems Tafari was going to write a tell all, but somehow drowned in 8 feet of water, paddle boarding with Hussein.

Oh, BTW, Tafari was found nude and was an excellent swimmer to boot.

Nothing suspicious. It’s normal for people to die under Clinton’s or Obama’s.

It happens in my family all the time. A relative disagrees with me, they end up dead.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Texas or Fla. gov should send a bunch more illegals to MV at peak tourists season. What a show that would be.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago

Bad idea, because then they wind up in Pittsfield where we taxpayers fund their housing, food, education and medical. Us seniors on fixed incomes love supporting people we do not even know without having any say whatsoever.

Thanks Petes! Thank you for putting us at the bottom of your list of free stuff.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
4 months ago

Great point! Cancel those flights Gov’s.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
4 months ago

YOU , voted for this , YOU DUMBASS LIBERAL DEMOCRAT!!!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
4 months ago

YOU voted for this! democRAT!!!


Share a bed, with YOUR daughter too?

100 percent
100 percent
5 months ago


Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
5 months ago

A nice online photo of Tricia Farley-Bouvier; I am proud of her for advocating for children in Boston’s Statehouse:

Jon Melle

P.S. I still disagree with her vote – along with Smitty Pignatelli and John Barrett III – against giving Homeless Veterans priority over illegal immigrants for Emergency Shelter in Massachusetts.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago


“State moved migrant families to hotels with sex offenders”
By Deirdre Fernandes and Stephanie Ebbert Globe Staff,Updated May 17, 2024

Governor Maura Healey’s administration has placed hundreds of homeless families, many of them migrants with young children, in hotels with registered sex offenders, suggesting the state failed to properly vet the sites in its haste to shelter a surge of families arriving from the US southern border, a Boston Globe investigation found.

At least five of the hotels and one dormitory that the state has tapped as homeless shelters also housed or employed sex offenders who have been convicted of crimes against children, including child rape, indecent assault and battery on children, and child pornography.

The Massachusetts state agency is in the process of removing the individuals: The aforementioned sex offenders. Advocates were shocked that the state placed vulnerable children among sex offenders

Did Governor Maura Healey LIE to the public? She stated back in March 2024: “Everybody, including him, who enters our shelter locations is vetted.” She was referring to the adult sex offenders who allegedly raped a 15-year-old Haitian immigrant girl.

The hotels where the Globe identified sex offenders include the Comfort Inn in Rockland where a 26-year-old man allegedly raped a 15-year-old girl in March. Both are Haitian migrants who were living in the hotel. At the time, Healey sought to reassure the public that the state was screening migrants for criminal backgrounds.


The deepening migrant crisis has led the state to expand the family shelter system — at a total cost of nearly $1 billion this year — and block out rooms at area hotels, some of which were already partially occupied.

Lastly, should Governor Maura Healey resign over her alleged lying and mismanagement of the the state’s emergency shelter system that fed vulnerable children to the wolves – registered sex offenders? If she does not resign, then should Governor Maura Healey give us an explanation of why she allegedly lied to the public?

Jon Melle

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

JM why are you shocked?

These are democRAT policies. Illegal aliens over Veterans.

Just remember these four words:


Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

Exactly MA,
Those who claim to be shocked now knew full well when they voted for Biden that his declaration while campaigning was to open the borders far and wide with the backing of his fellow democrats would lead to problems and they didn’t care.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Maura Healey should resign for so many reasons. The Democrats never had any plans for the invasion of Illegal migrants. They still don’t. Just pour them all in and they thought they would all stay in the southern part of the country away from the big liberal sanctuary cities because they really didn’t mean for them to be sanctuary cities. When Governor Abbott and then DeSantis started bussing them up to the Northeast, that changed everything.

Last edited 4 months ago by Pat
No Balance Sneakrs
No Balance Sneakrs
4 months ago

What percentage of the NBA is black?

And because Black players make up 70% of the league, the NBA—more than any other sport—is an extension of Black culture. That’s highest among professional sports leagues: 56% of the athletes in the NFL are Black, 22% in Major League Soccer, 6% in Major League Baseball and 4% in the National Hockey League.Jan 12, 2024

Does Shirely think this is discrimination? Should some white players, perhaps not as talented, be allowed on professional basketball teams in an effort to create equality? Exactly what is the criteria for equality? Is it only necessary in some places and not others?

The school committee
The school committee
4 months ago

FOX states there is no racism in small towns its the urban democratic cities that have all the problems….lol

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

. If you expose a lie, it’s where did you get that info from-Fox News. If it’s not on a major news network, besides Fox, then it’s not
true to them.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

The Thorazine doesn’t seem to be working. Give X-Lax a try.

Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

The biggest racism in the country is in these far left liberal colleges. We have all seen how they treat Jewish people. Our so-called future leaders are extremely racist.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Dewey, 2 AM, go hangout at TSC

4 months ago

Gabriel Rios-Leon, accused of identity theft, chased by Lenox police, apprehended and released on $1,000 bail – failed to appear for his pre-trial hearing last Thursday morning.
Why was he allowed to get away? Illegal alien? All that effort by Greylock employees and the police in catching him and he was released for a paltry sum of money. The crime rate in Berkshire County continues to soar……

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Lenny
4 months ago

Heck Lenny,
Didn’t surprise me at all letting him walk expecting a return. Across the country they let just about everyone who has committed violent crimes walk within hours because of the social justice crap that has infected the justice system.

No Papers
No Papers
Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago

What would happen if the police set up a roadside check and asked drivers for their license and registration as well as proof of insurance? Would not surprise me that thirty percent of all Mass. drivers do not have all of these as required by law. Also believe the state registry knows this but feels the problem is to political to address. If you know a police officer ask him or her on the QT their opinion or experience with responding to accidents. Your insurance agent might secretly tell you as well. Or a lawyer trying to find compensation for you after you have been hit by an unlicensed, uninsured, unregistered driver. Good luck out there.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Lenny
4 months ago

I got “apprehenerd” 5 times at PRICE CHOPPERR this week.

For defective carts.

Want to get in on the CLASS ACT suit vs PRICECNOPPER ?

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
4 months ago

How dare you apply logic and good journalistic practice to the cry for validation from an oppressed minority? Obviously you are beset with white privilege, no wait, it should be White privilege since we are making skin color a proper noun.

4 months ago

Again more City Parks Property are being vandalized. No more money should be spent on any City parks until cameras are installed. Stop the investment of our Parks until we can protect them. Stop bitching about not having the money.How much are the repairs?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

May 18, 2024

A letter writer questioned Pittsfield politics’ city budget with its excessively high municipal taxes, fees, debts and unfunded liabilities that in return deliver substandard municipal services and level 5 public schools.

My answer to Pittsfield politics financial management is that the city budget is really a financial shell game with the state bureaucrats in Boston with the end being the city receiving as much state aid funding as possible. To be clear, it is NOT about municipal services and public education because every fiscal year since the early-1980’s when the misguided state law named Proposition 2.5 went into effect in Massachusetts, the city government has increased its operational budget spending by a predictable margin of at least 5 percent per fiscal year.

The state government in Boston also plays financial shell games. The Governor and Legislature are in the process of passing a $58 billion fiscal year 2025 state budget. What they don’t tell us is that they give away somewhere around $20 billion per fiscal year in state tax breaks to the big business campaign donors in the Boston area. Without enriching their big campaign donors and greedy lobbyists who serve them on Beacon Hill, the state budget would be somewhere closer to $38 billion in fiscal year 2025. In 1997, the state budget was under $20 billion for fiscal year 1998. Adjusted for inflation, the aforementioned fiscal year 1998 state budget would be closer to the aforementioned $38 billion figure.

The state government systemically underfunds state aid to local governments and public school districts. They talk about revenue shortfalls to pseudo-justify either cuts or level-funded state aid funding in the state budget. Do they think that we are stupid?

Yes, indeed, the state government thinks that we are financial fools. To illustrate, less than one year ago during the Summer 2023, the state government officials bragged about the Massachusetts State Lottery’s record profits due to its then new $50 scratch ticket to mark the state lottery’s 50th birthday. The fact is that the state lottery is a SCAM that is really regressive taxation. The state uses the lottery’s profits to give away even larger state tax breaks to the career politicians’ big business campaign donors that see some super-greedy lobbyists in Boston reporting 7-figure per year salaries.

Career politicians are nothing more than SCAM ARTISTS who play financial shell games with our taxpayer dollars and then lie to us because they think that we are their financial fools. It is time for us to vote out all of the career politicians because they only do DISSERVICES to us, but they still take our money to enrich themselves and their wealthy campaign donors and their greedy lobbyists at the public trough.

From Pittsfield to Boston, it is state and local government at its WORST!

Jon Melle


Letter: “What are our taxes paying for in Pittsfield?”
The Berkshire Eagle, May 18, 2024

To the editor: I work so that I can pay bills and provide for my family and loved ones and of course pay taxes.

The vehicle I drive is one that I pay excise tax on, even though that has never realistically been explained to me as not being double taxation, which is supposedly illegal. I must dodge enormous, car-swallowing potholes just to get out of my street and across town.

I pay real estate taxes, too — you know, the ones that increase almost yearly with no real explanation. Why is the city in complete tatters? Why does it seem as though the only attention to maintenance is focused on the areas that are government and grant-funded? For those of us that don’t live off the system and continue to make our own living while forking over our hard-earned money at every turn, there is no investment, upkeep or reward.

Every day as I look around myself this area looks more and more dreary, desolate and run down, from the panhandlers at every major intersection to the empty store fronts and lack of opportunity. The more this place falls under ruin, the less chance there will ever be to save what is here and those of us that call it our home.

The “easy” thing is rarely the right thing to do. Allocate funds appropriately for once and give back to the real community that keeps this city alive in the first place. Without us, what little is left here would surely crumble.

Josh Liccardi, Pittsfield


C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
4 months ago

How dare you apply logic and good editing to the cry of an oppressed minority! It shows your white privilege or rather, White privilege since skin color is now a proper noun.

Nice job picking this apart.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  C. Trzcinka
4 months ago

The Big 3 forms of CONFLICT/VIOLENCE:
1. Personal: Verbal/Physical Assaults
2. Structural: Homelessness, Joblessness, Uninsured, Unemployed, etc.
3. Cultural: One or more people/group(s) saying that they are superior to one or more “other” people/group(s) based on class, status, race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, creed, etc.

How do we stop the Big 3 forms of CONFLICT/VIOLENCE?
We need to advocate for kindness, compassion, mental health, equitable public policies, investing in people and communities, tolerance, and the like.

Why is the above not happening in our society beset by bullying, homeless families, and cultural wars that claim so many innocent lives?

My personal opinion is because human nature and behavior is based on dominance with most of the non-dominant people and groups fighting each other instead of the non-dominant people and groups working together to stop the financial, corporate and ruling elites from manipulating us with the age old “Divide and Conquer” politics. We should stand for Human Rights for Everyone.

Jon Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

That’s another of the problems with the invasion. A large majority of the illegal immigrants are homeless and jobless. That does lead to frustration and desperation and finally to crime. Since there was never a plan for all of the people coming into this country, we have to believe that the lack of a plan to integrate these people is intentional. The current administration in Washington wants chaos across the country.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
4 months ago

Of course it is intentional.They see future voters and democrats are already pushing for them to legally vote in local elections. Next step is to make it legal for them to vote in all elections. Democrats always play the long game.

4 months ago

“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.”
— George Bernard Shaw

Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Reply to  Info
4 months ago

George Bernard Shaw is full of shit, starting at his brain.

Village Knight
Village Knight
4 months ago

America First Legal team proved many times in Federal Courts that DEI practice violates
the U.S. Constitution and Equal Employment Opportunity Act. All people are equal.
No preference to any Race, gender, sex, mental capacity.
No money for Black Economic development! No boys in girls bathrooms!
No hiring and retaining policies for any Race, sex, gender or ethnicity!