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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY AUG. 14, 2024) — Recently canonized saint/taint Kamala Harris has had two major decisions that the voting public can use as a barometer for her Presidential fitness.

The two decisions:

  • Picking a running mate
  • Deciding how she would campaign.

She had done a face plant on each.


It came down to two Dem governors, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania and Tim Walz of Minnesota. The smart money predicted Shapiro. He’s from a critical swing state, he’s a moderate, and he’s pro-Israel. Party bosses, however, had a problem with second and third of those qualities. They gave the order: It’s Walz or two in the hat. Kamala obeyed.

This illustrates something that has dogged Harris throughout her career: She’s unable to make a decision her own. She needs the party’s old, white men to decide. She has a political “Daddy issue.”

The Bosses wanted Walz because they needed a stiff to assure Harris would not be upstaged. Had they picked Shapiro, it would have reminded THE PLANET of Black Sabbath in 1975 and 1978. During its American tours of those years, it selected as opening acts two unknown bar bands, Kiss and Van Halen, respectively. Soon after the Sabs fired Ozzy.

The Dems’ three-man committee (three white guys, including former Boston Mayor Marty Walsh), took two blips out of their busy schedules to vet the previously unknown Walz. You know the old proverb: Select in haste, mourn in leisure. Turns out that Walz is a liar. He said he was a combat vet. He wasn’t. When his unit was ready to ship out to Iraq, Walz went AWOL. On his resume, he claimed he retired at a higher rank than he actually did.

What about his turn as governor? We only have to look at his actions post-George Floyd. He let the “peaceful protesters” have carte blanche to torch downtown Minneapolis. Looters, terrorists, inner-city punks, and outside agitators made short work of the public institutions, including police stations and courts. The few who were arrested were quickly sprung by then-VP Harris.


The official Democrat handbook on How to “Win” and Election now becomes clear. Boil it down to two rules: 1. Find a gimmick. 2. Do not, under any circumstances, actually campaign.

Such formerly impossible tactics now become operative because of (a) social media and (b) blanket, mail-in balloting. The first has allowed a small number of Loon Liberals to hijack the party and impose draconian rule on all who show independence or dare to be centrist. The second has allowed rigged tallying of the vote, as occurred in 2020. It will happen again this year, since there is little chain-of-evidence monitoring of these ballots.

In 2020, Joe Biden, even then failing in his senses, didn’t campaign. He hid in his basement and rode a fraudulent “pandemic” to his Pyrrhic “victory.” He won on a gimmick.

In 2024, the Dems’ gimmick is clear.

  • Insist throughout primary season that Biden was in command of his senses.
    • He wasn’t and was shown up in his debate with President Trump.
  • Wail until Biden secured an overwhelming number of delegates, then force him out.
    • Biden promising not to pull out, then did. Wondered what they threatened him with?
  • Pressure delegates. Leave them with no other choice than pledging to Harris.
    • Harris tops the ticket without having competed in the primaries, without winning a single vote, and failing to earn a lone delegate. She faced no press, no competition, and no voters. She’s strictly DEI: Didn’t Earn It.
  • Do not allow Kamala to appear in ANY unvetted situation. Campaign by Teleprompter. DO NOT let her “free lance.” She hasn’t held a single press conference or appeared at a single event without teleprompters and vetted (friendly) audiences.

Harris is a lightweight, totally unfit to be on a major ticket, let alone head it. Nonetheless, you can see it now unfolding, another silent coup in November. One man stands in the way. They weaponized the criminal “justice” system against him and failed. They tried to assassinate him and failed.

America itself hangs in the balance.

THE PLANET‘s prayer: Bog help us all.


Slower gets you there faster” — Sir Chaz Kronick, Knight of the Thistle.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Kamala Inc fears the unscripted question and answer period so they will go for the alternative that can be staged. Speaking and answering questions are what led to her dropping out of the primaries in 2020. She’s an empty suit and the longer they can pretend she’s not, the longer they can fudge her as the one.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Little enthisiasm for Kamala so now she’s buying Latino supporters…..

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Nothing should surprise us anymore about Cackles McFraud and Timmy the feminine hygiene product. Such complete unaccomplished half wits like we have never seen before. No wonder they are paying people
to support them.

Dear Abby
Dear Abby
2 months ago

What is going on at Greylock Credit Union? Did they merge? Seems they have employee retention issues but anything else we need to know about?

Reply to  Dear Abby
2 months ago

They went woke a few years back. Just look at the employees and dress code.

Reply to  Dear Abby
2 months ago

I heard that General Dynamics is merging with General Vibrations and bringing on Linda Tyer to run the place.

Standard Procedure
Standard Procedure
Reply to  Dear Abby
2 months ago

Offices affected by the reductions, Bissell said, include information technology, loan services, asset quality and operations. Workers affected have been asked to sign nondisclosure agreements, as a “standard business procedure,” he said.

Reply to  Dear Abby
1 month ago

You should be asking why is the board going to Hawaii every year on the credit unions dime? I believe that is where they all are currently as the news of then creating a shell corporation is coming out

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

No, they went to Hawaii a couple of months ago.

2 months ago

I find it curious that the Democrats have yet to say what they stand/kneel for? The only policy mentioned was Trumps no taxes on tips, unfortunately the Democrat weaponized the IRS and passed the tax on tips under Kamala. Is her platform going to be we will get rid of all the disastrous laws we passed the last four years and follow Trumps ideas??? If JM. Snark, TSC or the rest of the TDS crowd can list the Democrats platform I would love to see it(also please write down where you found it because it’s not on their website), Also please list the accomplishments of Kamala the last 4 years

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

She cast the deciding vote on the taxes on tips law.

She allowed >20 MILLION CRIMINAL ALIENS TO invade. And the associated murders and crime, and looting the treasury to house and feed them.

She owns both.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Funny how she can’t campaign on tax reform for service workers as VP.

2 months ago

I agree with everything you say Dan. The fix was in to coronate Kamala. They had a lot to threaten Biden with including the 25th Amendment and exposing his shady business deals with Hunter that they have been keeping hidden. Biden has been unfit for president for a long time and they refused to acknowledge it until it was politically convenient for them to do so. Biden was interviewed yesterday and asked if there would be a peaceful transfer of power in 2025 and he said, “No, not if Trump is elected”. Was Biden revealing the truth?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

And democrats want the American citizens to believe they are the champions of democracy for them.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

“Bog” help us all?
Who is Bog? Why pray to him?
At least spell Him G-d with some reverence, like Sir Charles does.
In God We Trust – it’s even written on the cash in your wallet.
Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for his own inheritance.”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago


Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

Blessed is he who understands that there is no boogy man in the sky watching over us. Stupid is the man who believes that there is a made up boogy man in the sky watching over us and gives their money up to the scammers pushing the story.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

I even commented on this over the weekend. Kamala has NO PLATFORM, other than copycat Trump’s “no taxes on tip-earners.”

The problem with this, the Build Back (nothing) Better, hired 87,000 IRS agents to go after ride-share drivers and other tip based-workers.

Fact Check: Hell-bent on Supercharging IRS Against Middle Class, Democrats Once Again Mislead Public – Ways and Means (

Kindergarden/Chelsea replied that Kamala did have a platform.

Of course, he/she/it never posted her platform. He/she/it just graded my post, as if I turned my final paper for English 101.

So, I’ll ask again, can any of you ultra-left leaning posters, JM/Snark/TSC/Mr.WW, share with us a link to view Kamala’s platform?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Agree with the above comments. Kamala has no qualifications to be President or even a Dog Catcher. Unfortunately, there enough uninformed voters, like Oxenhatter to get her in MassHolechusets. Have faith in the rest of our Country to do the right thing .I’m worried about the early voting and the voting by mail. They tried to kill him, cheating again is definitely a option.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

She could catch the dogs and 0bama could eat them

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

She also said that Mohel’s can keep tips tax free

Chelsea Grammar
Chelsea Grammar
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

Plural is not marked with an apostrophe.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Chelsea Grammar
1 month ago

From August of 2020?

Really, because it’s working so well now.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Poverty has been abolished! Native Nations restored to their ancestral lands! Environental pollution eradicated! Disease abolished! Everyone is 100% happy!!

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Chelsea Grammar
1 month ago

It is completely modeled after the Soviet Constitution, drafted by demagogues, bank robbers, and killers, which promised equality, dignity, and wealth for every Soviet citizen. It even sports what resembles the Soviet star. That’s the spirit!

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

comment image?s=612×612&w=0&k=20&c=ul-smf8TcFVmsY5t1dv4Mzq1LIVWltHm__kdlcTQFqE=

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Now why would you say it is modeled after the Soviet Constitution? You must indeed be smoking something other than cheap cigars.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Empty promises and sweet words singing sweetly in your ears
Just as promised by this poster, a Soviey representation of its Constitution.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

comment image?s=612×612&w=0&k=20&c=ul-smf8TcFVmsY5t1dv4Mzq1LIVWltHm__kdlcTQFqE=

alle mpty promises and lies singing sweetly in your ear. That’s why.

2 months ago

True to his right-wing MAGA-blog, Dan-O provides the ultra-skewed far right truisms harvested from the alt-right feeds.

It is common for a service retiree to retire at a lower rank than they served, or vice-versa – it is a point of retirement negotiation. Walz retired before he knew of his unit’s planned deployment to the war zone. Walz did serve in combat – you don’t have to carry a weapon to get combat pay, as JD Vance well knows.

A more charitable, and accurate account of Harris is that she is a smart, talented political operative who by-and-large sticks to true facts when speaking from the podium. Contrast this to DJT, who literally speaks whatever comes into his head independent of its truth value. Trump does this because he literally cannot discriminate between truth and fiction, a clear diagnostic for clinical psychosis.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Right Wing??? Are we in 1920’s Europe? Was Washington a Right Winger and Jefferson a Leftist?

Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

“Right-wing agitator” has become the new buzz word for the Democrats. Anyone who disagrees with the Democrats is now an “agitator”. In the UK this has reached unbelievable levels where anyone showing intolerance toward the hoards of illegal immigrants is now being called a “right-wing agitator” and they are being jailed. People are living in squalor in the UK, but are being forced to share their dwindling resources with massive numbers of illegal immigrants. They are also enduring violence from the illegal immigrants just like we are seeing here in America, but it’s worse there because they are years ahead of us with illegal immigration. They are even calling the right wing agitators “white boys”. These “white boys” are not happy with their lives so they are lashing out according to the UK media. Elon Musk has called out what is happening in the UK by saying that the illegal immigration is responsible for the tension in the UK. The British leaders are saying that Musk should stay out of what doesn’t concern him. America is heading in this same direction especially if Kamala is elected and continues to keep our borders open.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Benedict Arnold must have been a democrat

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

A label for everyman.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

My mistake: History, in the world of OH, begins in 1929. He is a Creationist.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

You know this, do you?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Not certain of the absolute beginning of Time for you, 1929 is obviously an approximation.

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

All politicians are liars, but not all politicians are morons. Kamela is what we call a “twofer” !

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

“To believe all men honest is folly. To believe none is something worse.”
― John Adams

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

What a humorous post Ox.
Kamalights’ handlers won’t let her hold pressers or speak without a script or teleprompter. Why you ask? Because she’s a radical left-wing dingbat! Per Michael Savage, “liberalism is a mental disorder.”
Meanwhile, who’s running the country? Certainly not Dementia Joe, he’s snoozing on the beach in Delaware. Team Obama is the power behind these sock puppets Walz & Kamalight. Wake up Ox!

Flip Yolidd
Flip Yolidd
Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Why did her agents commit breaking and entering at the Wendell Ave hair salon?

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

I thought it was in Allendale.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 month ago

Right behind the Colonial.

They got caught on video.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

ToxinClatter- Would you be so kind as to explain the basis on which you determine the validity of the following ludicrous statement
“ she is a smart, talented political operative who by-and-large sticks to true facts when speaking from the podium. I am flabbergasted that you could make such of an erroneous statement about such a fabulist fraud.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 month ago

I am flabbergasted that you can’t see her credentials.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Your compliments of Kamala rival a bag of rocks praising a bag of

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 month ago

Ya, that makes sense.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

August 14, 2024

I don’t like how Kamala Harris was anointed by the Democrat Party as their nominee for U.S. President. I don’t understand why Sherwood Guernsey is currently supporting one liberal prosecutor: Kamala, while only 2 years ago, Sherwood openly criticized another liberal prosecutor: then Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington. It may be that the latte limousine liberal establishment’s big MONEY is all in for Kamala.

Donald Trump represents the Republican Party’s WEIRD legacy of MORAL HYPOCRISY. Donald Trump is the ultimate MORAL HYPOCRITE. Donald Trump’s campaign is about the racist White Christian Nationalist political movement. Donald Trump is basically telling the U.S.A. that he will represent Jesus Christ in the White House. Does 2 + 2 = 5?

Let me let everyone out there in on an obvious secret, please. Nobody’s military record is perfect. When I go to my VA groups, it is an unwritten rule that Veterans do not judge each other’s military records. Tim Walz is a Veteran who has a mixed military record like everyone else out there. He could have deployed to Iraq, but he chose to retire. Sarcasm: Big deal.

The Republican Party’s Project 2025 will abolish VA benefits. I am a 100% service connected p/t disabled Veteran. If Trump implements the aforementioned far right’s WEIRD political agenda, then I will be at-risk of being a homeless Veteran (again) like I was many years ago; I am now 49. The Republican Party is pro-war, but now they are proposing feeding disabled Veterans to the wolves. Part of voting for war is paying for the VA benefits for disabled Veterans. Volunteering to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces includes receiving VA benefits.

Jon Melle

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Oof! How insulting.

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Jonathan is right we are just a group of gaymers who talk about sexy guys poop decks and game. Someone might get wild and brag about a soldier or sailors stool they pushed in after a good date but no talk about military service or politics here.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

A great example of believing in a gargantuan glob of Goebbeliized gibberish generated by the communist spews media outlets. A day is coming when either these communist news outlets go bankrupt or they are indicted as Co-CONspiRATors for Treason and High crimes of pre-meditated indoctrination of the populace and and the destruction of our Republic.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

This sentence you wrote you your post above, sums you up in a nutshell: QUITTER

“He (Walz) could have deployed to Iraq, but he chose to retire. Sarcasm: Big deal.”

It is a big deal JM. Our country’s forefathers most be rolling over in the graves to read that bullsh!t.

In case you are unaware, the military is designed to defend a country, up to and including war. War means fighting JM. War sucks. People die.

Tim Walz SIGNED his military contract for a set amount of time. Just like you did. When things got tough for Tampon Tim, he (like you) QUIT on his fellow soldiers.

His unit was about to deploy to Iraq. Was your unit headed to combat when you quit? I’m trying to rationalize your post.

**BTW-my military career was not a “mixed record like everyone else.”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Unfortunately, MA, military service today is designed to serve as mercenaries to wealthy patrons pawned off on the public as ‘allies.’ Since when did the USA have allies in Europe?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Are Kamala Harris and Alien Harris cousins?

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Trump is pro war machine?

John boy time to take your meds, your delusional .

I’ll explain your lack of facts , to support your obvious delusions , and indicate my diagnosis.

1) didnt start any conflicts
2) picked an anti war vp ?

Please include your factual information, to support your opinions.


Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Biden-Harris green energy program results in pollution on Nantucket beaches from broken wind turbine….

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

No such thing as ‘green energy’. All energy is environmentally destructive. Even without the water, nuclear power boils rivers rendering them uninhabitable.

Last edited 2 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago


Free Bird
Free Bird
2 months ago

I received this email from the Kennedy campaign.

“People have been asking about the New York case to remove me from the ballot, so let me tell you what it means.

I’ll still be on the ballot, don’t worry about that. We will appeal this decision and win.

The worry here isn’t about my campaign for President. The worry is about the state of our country. Basically what this case says is, “We don’t want you to choose.”

Our campaign took on the 45,000 ballot signature requirement in New York and blew it out of the water. We collected over 135,000 signatures – more than any candidate in history.

But instead of bending to the will of the people, the DNC went behind their back to invalidate their choice.

Did you know that Iran and China have elections? Even the Soviet Union had them. But you could only vote for state-approved candidates. Well, it’s turning into that here too.

As a result, the top 1% now owns more wealth than the 60% in the middle, our entire middle class. And hard working Americans can no longer afford life in America.

We have Kamala Harris – the hand-picked candidate of DNC insiders – now their presidential nominee without having received a single vote. But I’m not an approved candidate, so they’re trying to remove me from the ballot.

The Democratic Party is trying to silence your voice and restrict your choice in our democracy.

They are weaponizing the courts to take away your right to vote for the candidate you like best and choose the kind of America you want to live in.

They don’t believe in democracy or trust the voters anymore. They think they are entitled to choose who you are allowed to vote for. They think they should be the judge of what is best for you and your family.

That says something about the DNC’s contempt for democracy. Instead of fighting for voters’ rights, the DNC has a multi-million dollar army of lawyers devoted to reducing your choice.”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Free Bird
2 months ago

These words are almost the same as Buddy Roemer circa 2016. You hear it once, keep it in mind. Hear it twice, write it down.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Free Bird
1 month ago

Not only do China and the Soviets have elections, they even get 99.99% turnout! A perfect democracy. (I marvel at the notion that a democracy even wants 100% turnout when there is a significant number of people who object to the ballot.)

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 months ago
snark shark
snark shark
2 months ago

What I get from reading all this is a sense of fear, dread and panic amoung Trump supporters. I can sense their trembling hands as they type. I can sense their sweaty brows and clenching teeth as they view the huge crowds Harris is drawing. Her VP choice is picking Trump apart and as they say about Humpty Dumpty, Trump will not be able to be pieced together again. He is done. He is toast. He is irrelevant. Old and fading like well worn crosswalk paint.

And I don’t think he really wants to be president anyway. He just wants the huge money he is making from selling hats and flags and self aggrandizing pictures of himself at his rally’s. No one loves fools more than Trump. He loves being their king and master.

Due to what I expect to be wholesale agreement with me, there should be no thumbs down to my sincere, informative and incredibly accurate overview of Mr Trumps chances in the upcoming election, although I do agree with his supporters that he will not go down peacefully and will probably stage a Putin backed takeover of the White House the day after he loses the election.

You are welcome for this opposing view.

Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

If Trump wanted money from being president, he would take the presidential salary which he didn’t do last time. With all the phony lawsuits against him, who could blame him for taking the salary if he wins in November. If Harris wins in November, this country will be toast. School personnel will be happy as will uninformed voters, but her agenda is toxic to our freedom and prosperity in this country. Harris will soon be putting down supermarkets for raising prices while not mentioning that her attack on energy has forced supermarkets to raise prices. Drill baby drill would solve that problem. That is just one example of so many in which Harris doesn’t tell the truth to the American people.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

If Trump wanted money????? The guy dreams about money every time he closes his eyes. Like Midas, he would turn his favorite daughter into gold if he could which is why she has been avoiding him for the last several years.

If he wanted money…..too funny Pat.

Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Bravo, snark shark. Well spoken, and right on the money. The mindless bloggers on this site will give it thumbs-down indeed, but you can just consider that an index of its veracity. Thanks for taking the time to script it out so nicely.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Good grief.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

Ok, Lucy.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Last I checked there were 6 thumbs down and my guess is that they all feel pretty bad for having done so. They did not want to but their hands just reached out and clicked it as if being controlled by some cult leader or sumptin. Go figger.

Reply to  snark shark
1 month ago

This is the wont of the MAGA cabal.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Wait – we are all Jews now? What happened to the Right wing and left wing?

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 month ago

What the f are you talking about? We need a translation.

Flip Yolidd
Flip Yolidd
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

So I went to the dentist a couple weeks ago. And I have insurance. Bam. 100 dollar co- pay ? So as I’m leaving there is another person paying his bill. Not. He had an advocate of some sort with him and turns out he got his procedures done FREE ? He was an illegal.Something wrong with that.

Reply to  Flip Yolidd
2 months ago

Waa wa wa…. immigrants are taking $$$ I deserve….wa wa wa….MAGAs are in the minority ….wa wa wa…. I have to work harder now that more people are trying to take my job ….wa wa wa….a black woman is about to be elected president ….wa wa wa….the playing field is level now so I have to work to keep my job ….wa wa wa….minorities have been given help finding jobs but not me ….wa wa wa….if a black person got a job there must have been more qualified candidates ….wa wa wa….i don’t want my tax $$ to go to people who need assistance ….wa wa wa….women sleep their way to the top but I can’t ….wa wa wa….Kamala was a state attorney general and us senator but could not have been qualified to do that ….wa wa wa….my groceries are expensive ….wa wa wa….my gas is expensive ….wa wa wa….Democrats are all commies ….wa wa wa….Trump’s lawsuits are all phony ….wa wa wa….Harris is drawing large crowds ….wa wa wa….the democrats are going to win so the election can’t possibly be fair…wa wa wa wa

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Wawa
1 month ago

May I suggest you seek another hobby? Your TDS is slowly sinking to the depths of TSC level of stupidity. You’ve reached the boiling point, if that helps.

*How many more aliases are you going to use Snark?

*Creating a fake alias to answer YOUR OWN POST is next level idiocy…wa wa wa….

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

It’s not my The Daily Show.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Wawa
1 month ago

I once worked at a Wawa decades ago.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Wawa
1 month ago

I see You are starting to understand all the problems caused by the liberals/leftists!!!

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Flip Yolidd
2 months ago

Wish I could help you with that. I have no dental insurance and my dentists wants cash at the time of the appointment. He is very good at what he does at least.

But the situation you describe is maddening. Guessing his kids got taken care of as well and my understanding is that of the 30 million that have come in the last ten years only one million are actually working. Despite there being 8.2 million job openings in America as of July.

Reply to  Flip Yolidd
1 month ago

So you have shitty insurance. So what?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Kamala’s platform will be based on Emotions and the left will eat it up.You can’t pay your bills w/Emotion.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

So tell us what Biden/Harris has done the last 4 years? Name ONE good thing for Americans, just ONE?

Who is running the country, right now? It’s sure not either of the above.

2 months ago

What has Kamala done to show she is a serious candidate for President?
First she chooses a VP candidate who is friends with a IMAN who loves Hitler
She allows Fentenyl to flow over the border she is the Czarina of, increasing the death rate of 18-24 year olds astronomically to now be the leading killer of that age group 110,000 annually
She helped increase prices in all goods so gas is 50% more expensive, groceries 30% more expensive, house costs 40% more expensive
Her party has allowed wars to break out using weapons that were left behind in Afghanistan
Has allowed kidnapped Americans to remain hostage overseas
Run the most corrupt and dangerous executive branch in American history whose DOJ is weaponized
was a participant in the J6 hoax as new video shows she was part of the so called pipe bomb at the DNC
Can’t talk in front of people and has yet to tell anyone what her platform is except to copy her opponents plan
Has continually lied in her stories, very similar to Biden which is crazy and even has lied about her race as she is 50% Indian and only 25% black and white
Has never won a national election
Continues to pollute the environment by taking a 747 instead of a car to go short distances
Has an anti-semetic leaning in what she has said
Constantly getting voting interference from the media and hi tech
Oh and let us not be unburdened by what has been???????
Not someone I can trust or vote for, I feel anyone who votes for this Democrat ticket are very similar to the sheeps of Germany in th 1920’s – 30’s.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

Pat’s fractured fairy tales. Next you’ll tell us she makes Tobacco Leaf Pie.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

100% accurate TRUTH Oxy.

What part of it was not? Name ONE part.

Have You heard they are asking for a Pentagon investigation of Walz? Besides stolen valor, he was a frequent flyer to China while in the NG.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

You ass. It is patently obvious.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

truth hurts you so.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

Excellent. Agree with the last statement. Wish you’d put your name to it.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
2 months ago

Voting this year is really quite simple and elementary to the sane and truly informed voter. Imagine hiring a contractor whom you believed would completely renovate and restore your home, only to find out later that you’ve hired a demolition expert to destroy it. Harris/Walz are the US Demolition Team who( no matter what you think or believe) WILL, if elected, destroy our nation and transform it into a communist hell hole on earth. Do not be duped into voting for these denizens of doom.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

What about the freak democrat who was getting corn holed in the Senate building and was filming it? Now that was WEIRD. I want to know where Transportation Pete bought that awesome fake bosom that he breast fed with? I mean, I had to rely on the mother myself. I guess I am a weirdo. So many other WEIRD things given a pass by you clowns.

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

If want this MAGA crowd to think something is weird tell them on Election Day you are going on a date with a woman and you are voting for Trump. They will think hell froze over Jonathan.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

You definitely know weird

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

JM, c’mon man. You’re citing the “Daily Show,” as a source for your information? Was MSDNC or CNN-Clinton News Network not available to use?

How about trying to find a real credible source, like The View, and post Whoopi-Cushion thoughts on Trump?

How about this for CSPAN, of Trump DISAOWING Project 2025:

**Disavow-means he’s against it JM, not for it.

Project 2025 is the democRATS newest “Steele Dossier,” headline.

Flip Yolidd
Flip Yolidd
Reply to  Festus Feeney
2 months ago

overdose awareness day proclaimed by the mayor received no,zero,Notta applause. It wasn’t a good look.

Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble
Reply to  Flip Yolidd
2 months ago

How about over eating? Did he talk about that at any length? Or was that Whites topic?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Festus Feeney
2 months ago

How dare you inject some common sense on what damage this country will realize if Harris and Walz get in.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
2 months ago

Well folks, election time is here. Get your masks and rubber gloves out. Mpox is the next pandemic that will scare the hell out of folks, this will cause them to be afraid to go out in public causing more mail in ballots, causing another rigged election. Unbelievable, or is it?

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 months ago

Agreed. Dr. Faucinstein is creating another monster with the same coordinates. This arrogant aberration of acute apostasy believes he can get away with his newly created con job a second time hiwever, he’s highly mistaken. Only a fool would follow the advice of this feckless fraud a second time. The mask/vax mandates are over.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Merry & Bright
1 month ago

Depends diapers will prevent monkey pox, as it’s spread by anal sex.

2 months ago

Why the hell can’t Curtis make decisions about how to fix the failing level 5 Pittsfield Schools? Formerly he hired consultants to research under-populated elementary schools and, instead of closing 1 or 2 – voila, build a new mega school on Crosby property!
Now he needs a committee to figure out how to align middle school age students – perhaps having 5th & 6th at one school and 7th & 8th at another, complicating transportation issues. If he can’t make the big decisions, why is he Superintendent?
He is treating the symptoms instead of fixing the root problem of lack of discipline of school students.
It’s the “look over here, not over there” smoke & mirrors approach.
Take the damn cell phones out of student hands and have a firmly administered discipline plan in place!

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

I wonder how the boiler project is going at PHS. Will the school be ready to accommodate students when school starts?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago

The new “woke” joke DIE Biden /Harris run SS/DHS.

Mind you, this a few weeks after an assassination attempt. They don’t care/want Trump assassinated!!!

EXCLUSIVE and BREAKING: During a Donald Trump visit to North Carolina yesterday, a woman Secret Service special agent abandoned her post to breastfeed with no permission/warning to the event site agent, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.

Shortly before Trump’s motorcade arrival — I’m told five minutes beforehand — the site agent was getting ready for the arrival. (The site agent is the person in charge of the entire event’s security.)

The site agent went to do one final sweep of the walking route and found the agent breast-feeding her child in a room that is supposed to be set aside for important Secret Service official work, i.e. a potential emergency related to the president.

A working agent on duty cannot bring a child to a protective assignment. The woman was out of the Atlanta Field Office.

The woman agent was in the room with two other family members.

The agent and her family members bypassed the Uniformed Division checkpoint and were escorted by an unpinned event staff into the room to breastfeed, the sources said. Unpinned means they have not been cleared by the Secret Service to be there.

When contacted about the incident, Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the incident did not have an impact on the event. and it’s under review.

“All employees of the U.S. Secret Service are held to the highest standards,” he said. “While there was no impact to the North Carolina event, the specifics of this incident are being examined. Given this is a personnel matter, we are not in a position to comment further.”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

The agent is unfit for her job and inappropriately matched for the
profession. POINT The SS does not have control over its logistical hubs and unscreened people can access them. More evidence of intentional quiescence- potentially sleeping at the wheel.

Last edited 1 month ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

The shooter was a registered Republican. A dem wouldn’t have missed.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Mitt Romney, Bill Weld and Liz Cheney are registered rinos too

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

So are countless Democrats who changed parties to try to upset GOP primaries.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

Good point Azz, democRATS usually stage things to con the weak-minded sheep.

Take J6 for example. If you can believe it, there are fools who post on here that believe it was real to this day.

Pipe bombs left behind/no suspects, an “unknown amount” of Federal Agents in the crowd (FIB Director Christopher Wray to US House), ANTIFA changing into Trump gear, just before the “fedsurrection” occurred, and J6 Selection Committee destroyed exculpatory evidence exonerating Trump/J6er’s, all confirmed as FACT, but “Trump is weird.”

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Markus-Doofus, 30% of US citizens believe, like you, that J6 wasn’t real. The rest of us know what we saw with our own eyes. Only you MAGA-fools believe that J6 wasn’t real.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Oxenhatter
1 month ago

How can you have an insurrection when none of the J6ers had guns?!
How can you have an insurrection when the Capitol Police led the J6ers into the building and waved them thru?!
CNN Brain!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 month ago

Oxy don’t like THE TRUTH

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 month ago

Very true Trap.

I guess in his defense, he believes a man who puts on a dress, an obscene amount of makeup, and tapes and tucks up his junk, and calls himself a woman is actually a woman, tends to bend the truth a little.

You know, “the border is secure,” “Putin caused this inflation,” and on and on.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

I received criticism for my post defending Tim Walz. My line of defense is that at least Tim Walz has the backs of disabled Veterans. Secondly, Trump’s Project 2025 would take away VA benefits, which would destroy my life as I now know it. If Trump’s Project 2025 takes effect, I would lose everything and I could finally call my homelessness sidewalk on the corner of First Street and Fenn Street in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, my forever home. If that nightmare happens, then maybe Nuciforo could finally take an ounce of pity on me and give me one of his pot products to ease my pain. I am all in for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz because they will put’s Trump’s Project 2025 in the trash bin of U.S. history.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Project 2025 is NOT Trump’s Project. Please get better informed. That is NOT his agenda. The media keeps spreading this lie to fool people and so many people don’t bother to investigate what is the truth. The media in this country CAN’T be TRUSTED because they are in collusion with the Democrats.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
1 month ago

You do know that 26 of the 29 Project 2925 board members worked in his cabinet or campaign right? What a coincidence that is huh? All of these people who just happened to work for him, come up with a plot to take over the country, (just like Trumps insurrection) and Trump has NOOOOO idea who they are or what Project 2025 is.

He loves his fools…he sure does.

p.s. Have you sent your monthly tithe in yet. Better get on it. He don’t like you guys being late. How about the latest glow in the dark MAGA hat? They are going fast and you would look so so cool in one.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Did your mom drop you on your head when you were a baby, or did you used to get locked in a closet for weeks at a time with no human contact?

Let me remind you of Tampon Tim’s party affiliation JM-democRAT.

Now, with that information I just taught you, guess what party affiliation Gov. Maura Healey is? She too is a democRAT.

Now, with that information, I want you to read the links I post and see if YOU can spot the connection between VETERANS GETTING KICKED OUT of housing and PARTY AFFILIATION.

**In the second article, a 94-year-old Veteran was kicked out of housing and made homeless by democRATS.

If a 94-year-old can be homeless at the hands of democRATS choosing Illegal Aliens over US Veterans, why can ‘t you be JM? Are you better than him?


Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

You own your home. Cut the crap!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

These individuals view themselves as perpetual victims of an oppressive society. They believe that the world is unfair and that they are constantly being wronged by some unseen, oppressive force. They yearn for a sense of the belonging and justice, and unfortunately, the woke ideology offers them a simple solution: blame the so-called “oppressors.”
“It is easier to spot a hero than a coward, why?
Because cowards hide.”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Democrats are already giving away all the $$$, that could and should help Veterans and Americans, to the > 20 MILLION CRIMINAL ALIENS BIDEN/HARRIS imported.

Not to mention all the unaccounted loot given to Ukraine/Zelinsky

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

John boy please stop idolizing tampon tim , your naked trolling for his affection, is repulsive.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Don’t be an idiot. The Heritage Foundation is not Trump. Stop consuming fake news.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

Give me a break! Walz didn’t even have the backs of the soldiers whose lives he was responsible for. He’s a coward and a liar!

Free Bird
Free Bird
2 months ago

Former liberal Brandon Straka has a new video out…

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
1 month ago


Are you going to do a story on the former Republican Senator, Ben Sasse, who in a little over a year scammed millions of dollars from the University of Florida as it’s President and gave it to his GOP allies?

That would be an interesting read.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 month ago

Not as interesting as Biden Burisma Bribes

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
1 month ago

Plausible deniability.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 month ago

Why should Dan bother with low-hanging fruit like that?

Are you paying attention to what’s going on in the world?

A couple of active wars raging. Sky high inflation, grocery and gas prices, unaffordable housing for first time homebuyers (aka-young Americans), but a guy who scammed a college and gave it to the GOP should take priority.

I think the black female student who escaped criminal punishment when she tried to frame every white male student at Simon’s Rock College, by staging a racial-kidnapping hoax, would be better time spent researching and reading.

You damn well know if the roles were reversed, as the late great Keith Jackson used to say, “Whoa Nellie.”

1 month ago

Why couldn’t the Democrats hold a primary where the Democrats could vote in who they felt was the best candidate to pursue the democrat platform. Instead the DNC just kicked to the side the person all the democrats voted for with Biden getting over 90% of the votes, In his place the DNC selected Commie Kamalite and Nazi Sharia Law Waltz. What??? Who in good conscious could ever vote for this ticket? They will sell the American Way down the river as soon as they are in office. Is this what all the Democrats want? TSC, Snark, Oxenhater and all the other American haters you do realize that your standard of living currently will be a pipe dream. You think you are scrapping by now wait until this DIE candidate is ever in charge your standard of living will go down the toilet and you will be standing in lines for the simple staples of everyday living. There is a definite choice this year you either vote for freedom with laws being followed and the American way (Republican) or a Fascist Marxist Communist system of government(Democrat). Personally I choose Freedom and the American Way where you get by on merit. Funny in that system racism was almost extinguished until Barry, Joe and the Commie came around!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

The Twilight Zone. Starring – Pat. Come, enter the world of the fantabulous, where you will be treated to stories that stretch your ability to believe, and yet 100 million take it as God’s honest truth.

Illegit Maree
Illegit Maree
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 month ago

I think Kamall is going Blonde.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 month ago

The anguish of John Adams has come of age.

Letter to Abigail Adams, Saturday evening, 26 April, 1777

I have been lately more remiss, than usual in Writing to you. There has been a great Dearth of News. Nothing from England, nothing from France, Spain, or any other Part of Europe, nothing from the West Indies. Nothing from Howe, and his Banditti, nothing from General Washington.

There are various Conjectures that Lord How is dead, sick, or gone to England, as the Proclamations run in the Name of Will. Howe only, and nobody from New York can tell any Thing of his Lordship.

I am wearied out, with Expectations that the Massachusetts Troops would have arrived, e’er now, at Head Quarters.—Do our People intend to leave the Continent in the Lurch? Do they mean to submit? or what Fatality attends them? With the noblest Prize in View, that ever Mortals contended for, and with the fairest Prospect of obtaining it upon easy Terms, The People of the Massachusetts Bay, are dead.

Does our State intend to send only half, or a third of their Quota? Do they wish to see another, crippled, disastrous and disgracefull Campaign for Want of an Army?—I am more sick and more ashamed of my own Countrymen, than ever I was before. The Spleen, the Vapours, the Dismals, the Horrors, seem to have seized our whole State.
More Wrath than Terror, has seized me. I am very mad. The gloomy Cowardice of the Times, is intollerable in N. England.

Indeed I feel not a little out of Humour, from Indisposition of Body. You know, I cannot pass a Spring, or fall, without an ill Turn—and I have had one these four or five Weeks—a Cold, as usual. Warm Weather, and a little Exercise, with a little Medicine, I suppose will cure me as usual. I am not confined, but moap about and drudge as usual, like a Gally Slave. I am a Fool if ever there was one to be such a Slave. I wont be much longer. I will be more free, in some World or other.

Is it not intollerable, that the opening Spring, which I should enjoy with my Wife and Children upon my little Farm, should pass away, and laugh at me, for labouring, Day after Day, and Month after Month, in a Conclave, Where neither Taste, nor Fancy, nor Reason, nor Passion, nor Appetite can be gratified?

Posterity! You will never know, how much it cost the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
1 month ago

As of Nov. 1, 2024 the Harris Biden regime will force states to pay health care costs for illegal aliens, while U.S. citizens pay out the nose! Of course MA has NOT joined the lawsuit many states have filed against this mandate!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 month ago

On the blog named Planet Valenti, posters are saying that you, Governor Maura Healey, are causing Veterans in Massachusetts to be at-risk homeless. I do NOT believe the posters for one minute. I believe that you stand for good causes, including providing social services for at-risk homeless Veterans in Massachusetts. I support Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for U.S. President ticket in 2024. If I lived in Massachusetts, I would proudly support and vote for you, Maura. The Republican Party’s Project 2025 is the agenda that will destroy the lives of Veterans because it would take away VA benefits that Veterans rely on for our survival in society. You, Maura Healey, are on the right side of U.S. history.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
1 month ago

Harris is nothing more than a hapless hologram, she looks real, she sounds real but everything about her is unreal, a fraudulent fabrication and a capricious canard that quickly disappears or remains  undercover when the validity of her statements are challenged by her adversaries. Why someone( who knows her personage and record) would vote for this candidate, is way beyond the pale.