



(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE MONDAY JAN. 15, 2025) — Lavante Wiggins, Pittsfield High School’s Dancin’ Dean accused by the Feds of bring a major drug dealer, was placed on administrative leave “at least twice” since his hiring in 2021, a former high-ranking PSD administrator, who has direct knowledge, told THE PLANET. Those incidents were never made public.

“He was placed on administrative leave at least two times, maybe more, but two I know for sure. It was never explained why,” the source said, “all very mysterious and hushed up [internally]. It greatly bothered [the] staff and me, but everyone was afraid to speak out for fear of being called a ‘racist.’ That feeling of fear still exists in the building [PHS].” She spoke on condition of anonymity but for the record.

The source, familiar with the process, said Wiggins was hired despite being unqualified, even though three qualified staffers applied for the position and were turned down. Each possessed the required resumes for the job, including the most important: Experience plus a master’s degree in education administration. Each was white. Wiggins, the source said, received the job even though he possessed no certification. He attended college for dance, but “there was no evidence he ever earned a degree.”

The Dancin’ Dean, right, with friend, from Facebook page.



THE PLANET asked how could such a hire be possible.


The source said that despite their superior qualifications, the white applicants were turned down “because they were white and he was black.” She said that’s what no one wants to say publicly.


“You have to ask [Supt. Joe] Curtis and [PHS principal] Maggie Esko.”

The source said that despite their superior qualifications, the white applicants were turned down “because they were white and he was black.” She said that’s what no one wants to say publicly.  There it is, reverse racism, one of the many Third Rails that abound in “Official” Pittsfield.

The Dancin’ Dean’s Facebook page has a photos showing a dozen basketball players, one of them white, flashing hand signals and glaring into the camera. One comment reads: “Lucky I didn’t pull drop niggas off”–no end punctuation, of course. Is that the kind of “influencer” we want anywhere near school kids? A question, maybe, for PHS’s “Cultural Competency Coach?”

———- ooo ———-

Another problem with the Dancin’ Dean, the school administrator said, occurred at the start of the 2022-3 school year: Wiggins did not report for school on opening day and went missing until October. Despite that, the administration did not question him as to why, and let him essentially work when he felt like it, or not.

A man and his Maserati

“I made inquiries. I wanted to know where he was, because I was hearing a lot of grumbling [from faculty and staff]. They let him do whatever he wanted. He made his own schedule. Even now, it’s a joke that’s he’s on paid leave. Despite what the school committee said, they absolutely can place personnel on leave without pay.”

The sources also said Wiggins never attended mandatory workshop days conducted for staff to improve their skills. That is in violation of his contract. Anyone who regularly missed such days would be reprimanded, something they said never happened with Wiggins. The source alluded to “other incidents” involving Wiggins that took place on campus, including recruiting students to “beat up” other students.

With respect to Wiggins’ lack of certification, the source said that he “miraculously” produced a certification — in dance — three weeks after he was hired. “That doesn’t even relate to education. The dean of students is supposed to be an education leader. Wiggins doesn’t come close.”

In the cesspool run by Jumpin’ Joe Curtis, it’s all horse shoes and hand grenades. There, “doesn’t come close” be plenty close enough.


In Pedofield, slime is king” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



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