(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 10-2, 2025) — Once again, THE PLANET called it, and we have the witnesses to prove it in any kangaroo court.
Prior to Wednesday’s Pittsfield School Committee meeting, we predicted that supt. Jumpin’ Joe Curtis, with his bag lady PHS principal Maggie Esko, would compel at least a couple students to address the dais. You know, The Children for The Children. Sure enough, 10th grader Benjamin Glockner and fellow student Jessmirac Perry touted the Exalted Greatness of the school. Yes, it must be great, given the surplus of allegations against staff members and administrators — running a drug empire and pimping students.
It was an orchestration worthy of Lawrence Welk … or even the Dorsey Brothers.
Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the bedraggled taxpayers on whom “Official” Bitchfield keeps spitting, knew they were in the bonus situation when one of the kids, Perry, was (a) black and (b) female (gender self-identification notwithstanding).
Using kids as human shields to divert the attention away from the serious nature of this growing scandal–great look for the school department, one that we’re sure will bring comfort and closure to the Kapanskis.
Glockner and Perry did a fine job reciting prose poems about their beloved alma mater (and THE PLANET‘s, by the way). The kids obediently memorized and recited the talking points. A little robotized, but overall, not bad.
The chittluns chided the adults for being “negative” about the scandalized school. These are the same adults, mind you, who only pay for the entire freak show, north of $150 million a year, not that we can expect them to understand how taxation works in the shell game known as “public education.”
Truth is, Glocker, Perry, and every other PHS student has been given a fat lie by Curtis and his henchmen and women. What has been passed off to them as “an education” has instead been a fake, a farce, and a transgression, one so bad that it easily has passed from education and politics into the territory of morals. Religion calls it “sin.”
———- ooo ———-
This week, THE PLANET spoke on the record but not for attribution to several “stakeholders.” School committee members we spoke to basically are treading water at this point, kept afloat by the decision to shove the mess off their plates and onto the Springfield law firm of Bulkey et al. Nice move. That way, they can avoid comment on “an ongoing investigation.” Others were equally as bland.
You’ll recall that School committee chair Bill Cameron, in an exclusive interview with THE PLANET, assured citizens that Bulkey had no ties or business with the city. Terrific, but how do we square that with the law firm appointing a retired judge who worked as an attorney in Pittsfield back in the early 1980s. Those with good memory know that was Bernie Baran Time. Nuff ced.
The eye-roll highlight of the meeting was when Perry said PHS was “an amazing school filled with amazing people … I hope it’s not my color you see but my voice you hear.”
THE PLANET to Jessmirc: Honey, by your self-reference to “my color,” you forced people to see … your color.
The remark brought the race card into the room, and it didn’t take The Amazing Kreskin to know that we would hear that Lavante Wiggins was singled out because he’s black.
We get the feeling powerful forces are working overtime behind the scenes to see that the excreta dished out by clueless Pedofield “Officials” will be sanitized and then forgotten, to eventually disappear into the Angelo mists so that the extracurricular fun and games can continue. …
… but only after the “independent investigation,” mind you.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“I’ll be black” — Scatman Crothers, whenever he would leave a room.
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Smoke screens and muddying of the water. Using children to help with clouding the issue was probably first thought up by the city’s legal counsel folk. It is classic lawyering 101.
Do not be too surprised if you see these students on the school committee a few years from now because obviously they really care about problems their fellow students are facing. Or not.
The playing of the race card maneuver was the saddest part though, as it pretty much ruined any credibility the speaker may have had.
“It’s Happening!!” Now we understand what that slogan really meant
So what is the normal course of action when something fails??
The Eagle is working fulltime to try and push the “racist” narrative and take away from the real issues: drug dealing, non-POC students being bullied by POC students, and pedophilia by school administrators.
In their opinion piece today, the Eagle once again rolls out the photo of Jessmirac Perry and mentions her speech again at length and then issues a “subtle reminder” for all of us to not let our personal bias (racist feelings) predetermine the “investigation” results.
The Eagle then ends the opinion piece by reminding us of the “horrible” comments by Debroah Simonetta (2nd link), in which she stated that the Dancin’ Dean’s only qualification for the job is that he, “looked like Earl Persip.” She wasn’t wrong and Earl has stated before he wants to see “people who look like him,” employed in Bitchfield.
Why hasn’t the Eagle done a front-page story about how underqualified people like the Dancin’ Dean was able to land a $90,000 a year job as a school administrator, with a dancing certificate? Are their others like the Dancin’ Dean? I’d certainly like to know.
I’ve also noticed The Eagle has never done a front-page story with Elliott Loverin. Elliott was the white student who was repeatedly BULLIED by students of color and dismissed by the Dancin’ Dean and Maggie Esko.
Why not? Doesn’t quite fit the narrative, does it.
Our Opinion: What a trying moment demands amid Pittsfield High School investigation | Editorials |
Pittsfield City Council united in support for School Committee in PHS investigation, but nerves are frayed | Central Berkshires |
If the paper had a serious investigative team, that’s the net story: How does someone like the Dancin’ Dean get hired in the first place? An expose’ piece is in order, but don’t expect any local legacies to do it.
Appeal to emotions (manipulating children) needs to answered with concrete logical argument.
Children by definition are not capable of contracts or self representation.