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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, DEC. 3, 2012) — Now that we have awarded the Turkey of the Year Award (Joe Pinhead‘s nomination and application for Judge Bethsaida Sanabria-Vega), THE PLANET wishes to satisfy the voices of many who called for a runner-up.

No. 2, which appropriately enough can also refer to a cedar-colored excremental bodily function, tries harder. The second-place finisher has the satisfaction of knowing his status is exalted while at the same time not having to accept the pressures  of first place, for remember, it is always lonely at the top.

THE PLANET announces assistant superintendent of schools, Pittsfield director of vocational education Frank Cote, as the No. 2 Turkey of the Year, or Vice Turkey.

A Free House, Paid for by Taxpayers

This man came mighty close to topping Da Judge, and that took some doing. One would think that running roughshod over the First Amendment would have allowed Judge B S-V to breathe easy. However, Cote gave her a run, and not in her nylons, for having the unmitigated gall to rig the building of a free house (paid for by taxpayers) by Taconic High School vocational students for his own secretary, Lynn Whitney. Cote counted on the old standby that enables most of the corruption to be found in the cesspool of Pittsfield politics, namely, a toothless, fat, lazy, and compliant Body Politic, a corpulence collectively known in this instance as the School Committee (Cote’s prime enabler) and the City Council (which had a chance to stop this outrage in its tracks but didn’t).

Consider Cote invited to lunch when THE PLANET dines at the fabulous, famous Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, Mass., with Mr. Pinhead and Ms. Sanabria-Vega. He will not be seated at the main table, but he will be most welcome to dine on any of the scraps and leftovers of our lunch.

Congratulations, Frank Cote.



A philosopher posed this question: What would you rather be, a fiscal cliff or Cliff Nilan? Since THE PLANET took our one-and-only undergraduate philosophy course Pass-Fail (we passed), we would not be qualified to weigh in on such a Question for the Ages. We would guess without knowing, of course, that most intelligent people would choose a fiscal cliff, for at least while free-falling the long way down, the person would at least keep saying, “So far, so good.” With Mr. Nilan, dealings do not afford even that small comfort.

What is the Fiscal Cliff?

We have heard much of late about the so-called “fiscal cliff.” We shall continue to hear even more, much more, in this month of December. What is the fiscal cliff?

Oddly enough, it is at once an international, national, state, and local issue, for it has to do with money, that dirty stuff that more than oil, gas, hydro, wind, sun, coal, shale, and anything else you can name provides the energy that drives post-post-modern industrialized “first-world” life. it also lets you live in your home, put groceries on the table, and, if you’re on the dole, but cigarettes, booze and Scratch tickets.

THE PLANET presents this brief primer on the fiscal cliff, to help our readers understand the fuss. We shall follow with a few thoughts of our own.

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By Peter Gorenstein

Yahoo! Finance

Special to PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

Lawmakers in Washington appear to be making little to no progress in avoiding the impending so-called fiscal cliff.  House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Friday the negotiations are “almost nowhere.” On Thursday Boehner rejected a proposal from the Obama administration saying that the Democrats need to “get serious about real spending cuts.”

President Obama’s offer continues to call for higher taxes on the wealthy and an extension of the payroll tax cut.   But Republicans say they will not agree to a plan that raises taxes.

As the country continues to head toward the fiscal cliff, this Just Explain It helps to make sense of what it is.

On December 31st, most of us would like to be thinking about a prosperous new year ahead…drinking bubbly and singing Auld Lang Syne with friends.  But there’s a chance we could be singing a different tune if President Obama and Congress don’t agree on measures to avoid the fiscal cliff.

First, let me explain what the fiscal cliff is.

The fiscal cliff refers to the potentially disastrous situation the U-S faces at the end of this year.  At midnight on December 31st, a number of laws are set to expire.  If the President and the Republicans don’t reach an agreement before then, Americans could face broad government spending cuts and tax increases on January 1st.   The combined amount would total over 500 billion dollars. Those 500 billion dollars equal about three to four percent of the nation’s entire gross domestic product.  This is what’s referred to as the fiscal cliff.

If there isn’t a resolution, here are the specifics of what will happen.

Taxes would go up for almost every taxpayer and many businesses. The Bush-era tax cuts, which tax relief for middle and upper-class tax payers, would be a thing of the past.  So would President Obama’s payroll tax cut which added about a thousand dollars a year to the average worker’s income.

Government spending would be slashed.  That means less money for most military, domestic and federal programs.  $26 billion in emergency unemployment-compensation would be gone. Medicare payments to doctors would be reduced by $11 billion. Federal programs would take the biggest hit.  They stand to lose a total of $65 billion.

If the fiscal cliff isn’t avoided, some investors will be hit hard.  Those who receive qualified dividends could see the tax rate on those dividends go from 15% to almost 40% in 2013.

Many business owners believe going over the fiscal cliff will cripple the economy, triggering a deep recession.  They fear demand for their products or services will decrease because consumers will have less money to spend.  It also means that they won’t be able to afford new hires or expand their businesses.   Since most Americans would be paying more in taxes, they’d be less inclined to make big purchases, like a home or a new car.

None of this is set in stone, but that’s part of the problem.  Markets, businesses and people in general hate uncertainty. The fear of the unknown facing us at the beginning of next year is exactly why so many people are so worked up over the fiscal cliff.

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Would falling Over Really Be That Bad?

OK, there you have it. Now, let us suggest the unthinkable. Could falling over the cliff be good in the long run for America? Let us make several points:

* The “fiscal cliff” is a cheap, bumper-sticker summary designed to induce fear and hysteria. The latter, and not sound, bipartisan reason and logic drive politics today in this country. The “cliff” analogy does not describe the nature of what will happen if nothing is done by midnight, Dec. 31.

* Politicians count on Americans believing the frightening headlines so they (We The People) will be less inclined to get active in their taking back their government.

* Virtually no one in charge of “solving” the problem understands the economy. America’s economy, a tarpit of horrific debt, has long since entered into such complication that there isn’t one person alive who truly knows what’s happening, beyond the fact that the insane American addiction to debt will one day come to roost. The fiscal cliff is scaring the bejeezus out of Washington, D.C., because a lot of them jerks are wondering: Will this be the reckoning? It’s a reckoning long overdue, and the sooner it comes, the better off we will be in the long run. Problem is, with pols worried only about re-election, there is no “long run.”

* The “reckoning,” an economic equivalenti of Dec. 21, 2012 on the Mayan calendar, will arrive, one day or another. The sooner it comes, the better our chances to recover.

* Here’s a reality almost no one has talked about: In economics of as grand and complex a scale as the U.S. economy (and with it, the global economy), things don’t happen in the flick of a light switch. That’s why the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (generally regarded as the most credible source of analysis and explanation of the federal budget) says “there will be little immediate effect of the tax increases and cuts” that will go into effect on Jan. 2. That is why the “cliff” analogy isn’t accurate.

* The CBPP analysis point out that the cuts in spending will not occur all at once but over a period of several years. The image of “falling off a fiscal cliff”  belies this reality.

* Taxpayers, too, will not see an immediate reduction in cash flow. The same is true of most of the fiscal cliff tax changes. “The CBPP points out — again quite correctly — that the individual income tax increases will not immediately reduce taxpayers’ cash flow by the total but rather by a very small amount. And the increase in the alternative minimum tax for those who become subject to it for the first time in 2012 because it isn’t fixed by Dec. 31 won’t be felt at all until each taxpayer files her, his, or their tax return for the year. Given that a taxpayer doesn’t typically receive the W-2s they need to file until later in January, that means that there will be plenty of time to deal with this retroactively before it starts to bite.” (Stan Collender, “Campaign for America’s Future.”

* Most of the dire scenarios politicians like to paint about the consequences of the “fiscal cliff” are vague, general, and unspecified. That’s the best way, of course, to frighten people and give hysteria reign. Pols love that.

* The debate over the “fiscal cliff” has been almost ENTIRELY along ideological lines. This tell us that little if anything can be believed from the mouths of mainstream politicians, economists, or anyone else who has “chosen sides,” from the rabid right to the looney left.

* The “cliff” actually offers a great opportunity to once-and-for-all reform the tax code and install a flat 15% tax.

* The cliff offers an even better opportunity, a golden one, to finally confront the right-smar-bastard that got us into the mess in the first place: Deficit spending.

* Higher taxes and excessive debt on any level — national, state, local — crush economic growth and prosperity, as Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski of the city of Pittsfield only too well know. Mayor Dan Bianchi and a compliant city council once against decided to raise taxes on homeowners and business, assuring an even harder time of making ends meet for both.

Ladies and gentleman, rather than have the clowns in Washington “fix” things and prevent the fiscal cliff, THE PLANET says, “Let’s take the plunge.”





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Still wondering
Still wondering
12 years ago

Yes, I had come to the same conclusion. This is the perfect time of year for the politicians and the lapdog media to pull a fast one because no one wants to pay attention during the holiday season.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
12 years ago

According to Ruth Bass taxes create our trust in daily life……….

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  danvalenti
12 years ago

Ruth and Milton…. but the Eagle loves them because of the leftist rants invariable contained in each column.

Reply to  Still wondering
12 years ago

Are they husband and wife? The columns are well written and delusional.

Reply to  Joe Blow
12 years ago

Joe, did you read my letter last week? One thing these people fail to realize is that it’s OUR money and the gov’t is just managing it. Poorly I might add to say the least. I say let let it crash we’ll all survive it’s the gov’t employees that will have a tough time especially if we decide to not pay tax at all anymore! Tax and gov’t are wonderful things when managed properly. Gov’t is way too big we need a cleanse and or purge of the useless mooches who are no better then the welfare rats who by no hard times find themselves on assistance for no other reason then they are lazy and partake in recreational drug and alcohol use way too much!

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Scott
12 years ago

Scott, I must disagree with your statement regarding government and taxes you state “Tax and gov’t are wonderful things when managed properly.”. Please rethink that statement read some of Jefferson’s and the other founding fathers thoughts on taxes and government, “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” And in dealing with the fiscal cliff or whatever you might like to call it-I simply ask are you changing the ownership of the earth over from the living to the dead? “I say, the earth belongs to each of these generations during its course, fully and in its own right. The second generation receives it clear of the debts and incumbrances of the first, the third of the second, and so on. For if the first could charge it with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not to the living generation. Then, no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence.”
This was Jefferson in a letter to Madison; the entire letter is available online.
Just sayin

Reply to  Joe Pinhead
12 years ago

When managed properly the money can be used to keep our country safe and productive while providing services for those who need them. That’s not what’s happening. I agree the debt is bad and we should let it crash and start over.

Reply to  Scott
12 years ago

Also, I bet that particular statement (taken out of context.) made a lot of sense to those that opposed abolishing slavery and giving woman the right to vote.
I will however research and read though thank you.

12 years ago

You refer to the Pittsifled school committee as a toothless, fat, lazy, and compliant Body Politic, and I could not agree more. But I think the buck stops with their leader, Mr Barbalunga. And he deserves the most credit for the achievement of getting that poor woman a new house. Perhaps he could dress up like Santa Clause and get a house built for a real needy person instead of someone who does quite well on her own.

I am putting oatmeal cookies with raisins out for him in case he shows up at my house.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
12 years ago

Somehow, I can’t imagine Pittsfield buying into this, even if it’s for the Children ?

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
12 years ago

The teachers refused to work extra for the last grant right wasn’t that part of the issue? I bet they would be game for some liposuction and a nose job perk in their next contract though.

12 years ago

Funny, Still wondering, Joe Blow, Dan, Still, Scott, Scott, dusty, Ron (Pittsfield’s laziest cop), Scott. You guy’s used to talk to each other, now you talk to yourselves. Next will be Joe Pinhead (Dan), Then FPR (Dan) Now I’ll tighten my seatbelt and wait for the namecalling

Reply to  ambrose
12 years ago

I thought you went away and weren’t coming back? What was the suspense killing you so you broke the ice by calling Ron a name right out the gate? You’re your own worst enemy. Are you a government employee?

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  ambrose
12 years ago

Mr. Ambrose,
How much courage is required to hide behind a phony name and insult Mr. Kitterman and others who use their real names? Just curious.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
12 years ago

My feelings about Turkey of the Year points to Andrea Nuciforo, who burned a lot of bridges over the past 3 years running a failed campaign for U.S. Congress. Before that, in 2006, Nuciforo strong-armed 2 women candidates out of the state government election for Pittsfield Registry of Deeds. There names are Sharon Henault and Sara Hathaway. Nuciforo is no good!

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
12 years ago

Give it up, Jonathan. New Hampshire politics is calling you.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Still wondering
12 years ago

I am happy with my new Member of Congress in New Hampshire. Her name is Ann Mclane Kuster and she is a liberal Democrat who will stand up for the people on Capitol Hill. Unlike Nuciforo, I would not have run against Richard Neal for U.S. Congress. I am for Neal & Kuster!

Hurdygurdy Man
Hurdygurdy Man
12 years ago

Great column on the fiscal cliff, DV. You told it like it is.

12 years ago

They actually have someone on WMAC right now saying the “fiscal cliff” is a created crisis.

Blind Justice
Blind Justice
12 years ago

Well let us not forget many States have THE RIGHT to Secede .

It would benefit Texas, who has a strong economy and gets NO SUPPORT TO STEM THE CRIMINALS coming from south of the border, nor the CRIME coming with them, from the ineffectual FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

Now do not call me RACIST, if the problem was from Canada, I’d suggest keeping the Canucks at bay too.