PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014) — Dan Bianchi — a.k.a. The Empty Suit, a.k.a. TES — sure knows how to pick ’em. If he went to Saratoga in August, which nag do you think he’s pick from the following field: Seabiscuit, War Admiral, Secretariat, Man o’ War, Citation, Kelso, Seattle Slew, Spectacular Bid, Affirmed, and … Retalc? Yes, we wrote, “Retalc.”
Right you are.
Losers love losers. The mayor would bet the house on Retalc not out of conviction but because he paid a consultant tons of taxpayers dollars to tell him what he wanted to hear. That way, when Retalc loses, he blames the consultant. Bianchi would also tell taxpayers: “I picked a horse so great it took nine other horses to beat him.” That’s what bullshitters so. They flee from the truth faster than Seabiscuit.

Mayor Bianchi, caught in the act of kissing Pat Muraca’s butt. Ah, but these were in better times. (Photo: Kayla Galway, The Berkshire Eagle)
For example, Bianchi’s the guy who plucked William Monterosso from an adrift state after his ship got shot out from under him for unknown and mysterious reasons in the Kentucky Ocean. TES give him John Barrett III‘s job at Berkshire Works, advertised for $94,000+bennies. That came on Jan. 21, 2014. Less than three months later, Monterosso was placed on “administrative leave with pay.” Translation: Free paid vacation at nearly two grand a week. Why? TES hasn’t said.
Despite his reluctance to take ownership of his mistakes, he’s the nominal “Buck Stops Here” guy, as he was when three stooges of DPW workers got caught pilfering from the city. There has been such a rash of stealing among city employees, apparently, that one city councilor cites and endorses what he called the views of Scanlon and Associates, Pittsfield’s auditor, who supposedly explained that low pay causes thievery.
THE PLANET agrees that theft is probably at an all-time high — official thievery, that is. For proof of legal stealing, you only have to look at Bianchi $148,142,572 budget request, about 70-75% of which comes from the Administration-led “Den of Thieves,” a.k.a., the Pittsfield School Department.
When Bianchi tried to push huge pay hike for the city side, he conveniently left out the workers — the grunts, secretaries, laborers, and such who do the actual work. The Empty Suit wants the rich to get richer, and so he requested the extra city-side dough for himself, department heads, and exempt (professional) employees. Doesn’t matter that they are the ones who need it the least. Bianchi’s only trying to buy votes, an indication that he’s planning to run for re-election, this time to a four-year term and therefore trying to grab a possible 40% pay hike for his own greedy little paws.
All of this leads to Pat Muraca, the head honcho at Nuclea, who last week told Bianchi “never mind.” Now forget how the mayor previously gushed over Muraca. Forget how the mayor shined Muraca’s shoes, fanned him in the shade when the sun got to hot, and lap-dogged in a way that made THE PLANET’s terrier blush.
At least we finally found the answer to the age-old philosophical conundrum: What happens when an $8 bill meets a $3 bill? Answer: The eight eventually walks away as a ten, and the three is left a one.
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The Empty Suit and Muraca exchange The Clasp. Too bad Bianchi didn’t know that Muraca would pull the ripchord and bail out of the plummeting city … after he got his. (Photo: Kayla Galway, The Berkshire Eagle)
A couple years ago and countless taxpayers dollars going to Muraca, Bianchi ejaculated verbal sperm on how great Nuclea was going to be for PEDA. It was going to be a “magnet” for attracting other businesses to the site. It would, TES said, create a “real future” for Pittsfield’s young professionals. TES told us that every job Muraca created would lead to “three to five ancillary jobs.”
Dare we say, “economic engine?”
Others among The Suits chimed in, great wise men and women who have sacrificed everything … for themselves. North Adams State Teachers College president Mary Grant talked in mystical tongues about “synergy.” PEDA’s Corydon Thurston said he was “excited.” The governor chirped likewise, and in February 2013, Bianchi praised Muraca, and we quoth: “He never gave up on Pittsfield.”
Right. Little more than a year later, Muraca ordered (“to go” of course) a couple Double King Chili Cheese Burgers, supersized fries, a 50-ounce Coke, and played “Aloha” on the steel guitar.
At least Bianchi’s magnet analogy proved true. Nuclea had an uncanny ability to suck dollars from taxpayers. In the end, though, like so many before him, Muraca said bon voyage to The Empty Suit — only after taking the public dollars, of course. Mister Muraca “gave up on Pittsfield” the same way a john suddenly loses interest in a hooker after the encounter. The only difference is that with the Muraca-Pittsfield relationship, the hooker paid the john.
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Okay, even with all this, you think that Bianchi would admit he picked the wrong nag? Nah. That would take character. That would take spine. As we demonstrated on PV-TV last Thursday, The Empty Suit can’t stand on his own.
We could be wrong, but when Bianchi spoke to The Boring Broadsheet following Muraca’s bombshell, he had to be lying through his gums. We can’t say for 100% sure, only 99.99999%. See, he doesn’t talk to THE PLANET any more! (SUNG LIKE BING CROSBY: “… and I go to sleep counting my blessings”).
The BB‘s business writer, our good friend Tony Dobrowolski, wrote, “Mayor Daniel L. Bianchi, who also is a PEDA board member, said Nuclea’s decision to withdraw from the project shouldn’t affect the city’s ability to obtain the state funding it needs to build the structure. … ‘It doesn’t affect it at all,’ Bianchi said Thursday. ‘We’re still moving forward with it. (Many) companies want to be part of the membership.'”
Yes, TES actually said, “It doesn’t affect [PEDA or the city] at all.”
“At all.”

Shit-eating grins galore. Truly, is THAT how little Bianchi thinks of taxpayers, citizens, and constituents? We wonder. (Photo: Kayla Galway, Berkshire Eagle)
Truly, does The Empty Suit think that little of citizens and taxpyers? When he presided over the multiple photo-op press conferences, he kissed Muraca’s ample butt up, down, sideways, over, and under. Now, after Muraca drops him like bubonic, “It doesn’t affect [us].”
“At all.”
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This, Mayor Bianchi, is why the public sees right through you. You are hollow, and they finally get it: That’s what you meant when you talked about “transparency” during the 2011 campaign. That’s also why, should you be stupid enough to seek re-election in 2015, voters shall be pleased to hand you your gluteus maximus.
That’s if you survive a possible and evermore likely recall effort.
As Queeg said, “We kid you not.”
“Bye bye blues. Bye bye blues. Bells ring, birds sing, sun is shining, no more pining. Just we two, smiling through. Don’t sigh, don’t cry, bye bye blues.” — Les Paul and Mary Ford, “Bye-Bye, Blues,” (1952).
I can think of 10,000 reasons Nuclea backed out.
Didn’t the article say the rent was $10,000 and not free!
Mary Grant is president of MCLA. It hasn’t been known as North Adams State Teacher’s College since 1960. You can be peeved with her platitudes for Nuclea but since you pride yourself on providing the facts to We The People, her employer should be properly identified. MCLA has been known as such since 1997.
DD, you have to realize that name calling is the planet’s forte. He was kind, he didn’t call it North Adams Normal School. Remember last week, he called Boston College a diploma mill.
Thomas, the Mayor has done a horrible job, Dan is merely pointing it out.
I wonder if the people who don’t like Dan Valenti spend more time here than the people who do like Dan Valenti? Like Howard Stern lovers/haters?
Joe, he’s not merely pointing it out. He’s referring to MCLA by a name it shed fifty years ago. You tell me why he does that. He called Boston College a diploma factory.
You know you got ’em riled DV when they come back at you with nonsense!
You’re winning and with you ‘we the peeps’ are too. I think your show has been a tipping point in our favor.
I don’t think suggesting that the correct name of the school Ms Grant is at is “nonsense”. I also don’t believe that I’m “riled up” simply because you don’t agree with me. I don’t agree with everything I read here whether written by Mr. Valenti or by others responding to him. Didn’t agree with everything he presented on the radio when he had his show nor his column in the Gazette. Didn’t like everything on the debut of his tv show. Disagreeing doesn’t make one riled up.
And, no, I’m not a Bianchi fan nor supporter. Didn’t vote for him the first time around and voted for my dog the second time around. She couldn’t do any worse. And, if the mayor is only working part of the time at City Hall I think he should reimburse the city for accepting full-time pay for part-time work.
DD et al, many thanks for your input.
Nuclea is a sham. Has been from the start. I must admit that MurCa has managed to “baffle them with bullshit” for longer than most people are able to sustain…but have they ever paid anybody anything? More and more it seems like there’s no there there; not for Muraca, not for Nuclea, not for the mayor and, unfortunately, not for Pittsfield.
Pittsfield has seen a long history of this: So-called “private enterprise” (or worse, the dreaded “public.private partnership”) that loves to eat up taxpayer dollars and then, when the jig is up, simply packs up and moves out.
Oh, suck it up. relax and head on down to Silver Lake, it’s open to fishing and relaxation. Breathe, take in the fresh air, get away from the Linden street atmosphere, things to do, places to explore, life is good!
Great advice, Amanda. Our day included some business, but also a long hike through Canoe Meadows as well as a picnic and quiet time at Onota Lake. Nature is the great restorer.
OMG ! Isn’t PEDA’s executive director’s (Corydon Thurston) son still employed by Nuclea ?
Please don’t denigrate Pittsfield nepotism.
He is not.
Just curious as to the expansion of The Pittsfield Airport, which I was against. What has been the benefit, if any, as to the lure for Corporate big wigs to land their Jet$ so to induce new Bu$iness growth for the City of Pittsfield, in particular? I see monies are budgeted for grub control.
Excellent question. I would love someone to answer.
My guess would be that the only benefactor, so far, would be Lyon Aviation.
For some time now, I have heard from several reliable sources that Muraca and his company were “questionable”.
I was hoping for Pittsfield’s sake that they were wrong.
Don’t forget everyone, you’ll be noticing and increase in the water and sewer rates,the elderly must love that one?
The issue is the mayor’s decision making ability – whether it’s personnel or business partners. His administration has been marked by choices which have backfired or failed to help the citizens of Pittsfield.
Attention Planet Valenti:
As you’re hack reporter for Planet Valenti (and part time traffic and weather updater, we have an off the table and quite signifcant development….an old friend of the Planet is back. A not so uncommon entity is back on Wahconah st. You got it, the W O G is back, and at the same location as the infamous sighting years ago by the Planet as host of the Dan Valenti Show. It looks like Palookaville is doing a one eighty again! In an unrelated story, a skunk ( deceased) has been marking it’s turf over on Onota st. near the Pittsfield Cemetary. Earn your pay cousin Brucie and get that critter outta there!
The WOG (The Wall of Garbage)? Back again? Truly? Guess that’s what passes for a blast from the past in Podunk.
Retalc? Oh no you didn’t!
Retalc: One of the immortal horses of all time!
If by immortal you mean for about 20 seconds until he found his natural racing zone… dead last.
Well, BULL, that one man’s definition of “immortal” if I ever heard one. The other definition is that, after all these years, neither you nor I have forgotten, and will never forget, that memorable “Mr. Ed.”
Pittsfield politics will never get another Fortune 500 corporation like GE. It is game over for Pittsfield. Instead of GE, you get scam artists who start doomed businesses on North Street and at PEDA.
Having watched Pittsfield politics for many years you have to be appalled at the goings on recently. First, you have quackamo who has to leave the room on any school related issue, and the other three left outs, either because of spite or intimidation, have been rendered basically ineffective.
Not a fan of Muraca or Nuclea. Didn’t like how he handled the whole Bousquet deal, the late night music at Sullivan Station in Lee.
Yes, it did have a rather unsavory and insalubrious element to it.
Pittsfield’s history of loosing out because of pure ignorance has been around a long time….
Back in1979 when Arlo Guthrie wanted to put a major performance center in the old Palace Theater to make pay-per-view performances to sell world wide and asked for the city’s help…it was the City Council who just could not believe that this ” pay-per-view ” thing would ever work…so it was turned down and now everybody does pay-per-view and Pittsfield missed the boat.
…….yeah who would ever believe anyone would want to
” Pay-per-view ” ?