PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 2014) — First, in an effort to do what the mayor is afraid of doing for you, we get fully transparent and share this e-mail we sent to the corner office inhabitant.
We wrote to Hizzoner:
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In my reporting of your new press policy, I shared information from sources about how you issued the plan with hard copies (not by e-mail). I have also reported that when you learned that I had obtained a copy, you threw a “hissy screaming fit.” I would ask you to comment on this information. Are my sources correct, as I believe they are? If not, please correct the record. As you know, I am always interested in as much factual accuracy as I can obtain on any story.
On the sewage leakage, can you tell me when you were first aware of it? Have you been contacted by the state DEP? Will there be an internal investigation by the city? Will there be consequences? Feel free to add anything else you wish.
I need your comments no later than tomorrow, Wednesday (7/9) at 9 p.m.
In the interest of better presenting your p.o.v. on pertinent issues, I also invite you to book an appearance on my Thursday night TV show. Let me know if you wish to avail yourself of this opportunity.
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That is the full of it (and we mean full of it). When the mayor’s e-mail doesn’t arrive, THE PLANET will know that it’s him, not getting back to us.
Taxpayers, Hang on To Your Wallet; Politicians Approve Millions in (Ahem) Economic ‘Development’
Good Lord, save us from politicians! That is our perpetual prayer to The God Who Apparently Isn’t There.
Hang on to your wallets, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. We’ve got talk of more “economic engines” with ignitions made by taxpayer dollars for the advertised purpose of “promoting economic development and provide incentives to create jobs and stimulate the economy.” This being Pittsfield politics, there’s no truth in advertising.
“… promoting economic development and provide incentives to create jobs and stimulate the economy.”
That tired boilerplate language could have easily come from any of the countless and failed of Pittsfield’s such measures from its post-’80s past. Such talk stands as proof positive that the local economy — still failing “economic engine after economic engine” — can’t function unless given artificial respiration from public money. That’s the true significance of “economic engines,” to wallpaper over the economy systemic ills.
These public dollars make for good press releases and “feel good” stories for politicians and lazy journalists, but they are invariably bad news for citizens. These are dollars they can’t afford.
The Empty Suit, leading The Suits‘ propaganda for the unnecessary building of a new public school, has made the “economic engine” pitch for that boondoggle being sold by and for ‘The Children.’ EV Worldwide, WorkshopLive!, Spice, the Intermodal Transportation Center, Nuclea, PEDA — we could go on with the list of past and recent failures, “economic engines” all that have one thing in common. They fail to attract private investment and always, always, come a-knockin’ on the doors of in-cahoots politicians to raid the public treasury. Oh, and they also share the trait of little to no accountability when the deal inevitably collapses.
Thus, local politicians wet themselves recently with the 37-1 passage in the state Senate of legislation (Ben Downing voting in the affirmative) that will cost taxpayers at least $15 million dollars to be divvied up among the state’s 26 “Gateway Cities,” of which Pittsfield is one. It’s a lot of money meant for one purpose only: to give politicians what they and complicit media are spinning as “more good news.” No doubt the Chamber will want to feature this on the cover of its next work of periodical fiction.
Stop with the ‘Good News’ Already; It’s Killing Taxpayers
“This bill combines investments in emerging industries like advanced manufacturing and Big Data,” Downing said. “Advanced manufacturing?” In Pittsfield, that means turning out more clients for the methadone clinic and the manufacturing of crack and heroin. “Big Data” — a reference, no doubt, to the Pittsfield School Department’s love-in with the bureaucratic scheme of Common Core, also known as “Here we come a-dumbing down, dumbing down, dumbing down. Here we come a-dumbing down, early in the morning.”
Downing continues with the balderdash: “We are outlining a path to success for our residents by equipping them with the tools and necessary resources necessary to capitalize on our state’s existing and developing industries. Through this bill, we are not only supporting economic development across the state, but also making great strides in our efforts to promote ourselves as leaders in the world economy.”
Human beings don’t talk like this. These are lines, poor ones, scripted in “press-release-ese,” that variation of Speaking in Tongues that neither suggests the presence of the Holy Spirit nor any amount of charism.
The Senate talks of Pittsfield as a “Gateway City.” This is another mealy cliche The Suits love when referring to mismanaged cities on their way down and out. Another is “post-industrial city.” Both mean the same thing: A city down whose tense lies in the past, not the future. In Pittsfield’s case, it also means a city kept down in the dumps by the very measures that the “experts” propose will lift it up — such as the Senate’s infusion of more public money where private markets fear to tread.
The bill will also remove the ceiling on the number of liquor licenses Pittsfield can allocate. At last, a bit of truth in the boondoggle legislation disguised as a boon. Welcome to “economic development” Pittsfield style: More barrooms. More drunks. More fights. More stabbings. More shootings.
Have you ever wondered why, if such “investments” of the kind provisioned in and by this bill are so good, the private equity markets want nothing to do with them? Gee, perhaps they aren’t “investments” at all. Investments produce returns. Could it be they are more Band-Aids for The Suits to place over the severed financial artery created by out-of-touch pols such as The Empty Suit and the rest of the water-toting hegemonists and party loyalists paying homage to the local and state Democratic Party?
Make no mistake. All this bill does is give the politicians some very expensive PR, $15 million worth, paid for by those lovable suckers, The Taxpayers.
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THE PLANET now takes the time to print some letters that came in over the wire. They are published here for the first time.
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Several weeks ago I posted a note telling your readers that I had submitted a project for the Taconic High School Carpentry program. At the time I didn’t not think that my project would be accepted,, In yesterdays mail I received a letter advising that my project was not chosen. I will be paying very close attention as to whose was.
Thank you as always for your “” and have a happy and safe July 4 week end. — MAGIC
PLANET RESPONDS — Thank you, Magic, for the note. After the Frank “Free House” Cote disaster, which caught the authorities looking the other way (another of those odd Pittsfield coincidences, we’re sure!), many people will be interested in who wins the prize.
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Thank you for your efforts. Your [web]site and TV show are reliable sources of fresh, independent information. You are obviously an experienced hand.
We are new to the area and discovered your work through a neighbor. I am a retired newspaper executive, and I worked for most of my career in New York City and the Midwest. We are following the recent news involving your site and TV show and Mayor Bianchi’s press policy. You are correct. This plan is a gag order being imposed on public workers. My paper would have fought this tooth and nail.
Keep up the good work. — Mr. and Mrs. Ryan [name changed on request].
THE PLANET RESPONDS — It’s wonderful to receive a letter such as yours, which belies a certain level of awareness and insight into public affairs we don’t offer see. Glad you appreciate my work.
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While you are clever with words it’s a shame you waste them on “entertainment” which you hide with the fancy title of “journalism.” You rip apart good public servants doing their best especially Mayor Bianchi. You are a divider. It is unfair. — Bianchi Supporter
THE PLANET RESPONDS: Dear BS, thank you for your views. We are content to let your words speak for themselves! They express the situation beautifully, though not in the way you think.
“Deliberately buried?” — Dr. Heywood Floyd (William Sylvester), from Stanley Kubrick‘s “2001: A Space Odyssey,” (1968).
Is economic development money the same as kick back money?
No. Kickback money is handled more honestly and openly. Bribes are always called bribes.
More liquor licenses means making sure the BRIEN Center and other social service agencies stay in business. If people were able to stop the substance abuse these social service agencies would be out of business for the most part. Keeping people addicted is good for business. Pittsfield has tons of social service agencies because so many people are addicted to either alcohol or drugs.
Good point, PAT.
Economic Development?
Remember a time when gambling was illegal in Massachusetts?
“They” “The Suits” promised that if we the people would allow a lottery to be run by the State, it would pay for the schools and the roads. Remember that? Yet not one penny goes for what they promised.
Now casinos are the table again. Bet “they” promise free space shuttle rides to the moon if you let that in. Oh, wait, the space shuttle program has been scraped due to lack of money. “They” need that money for war.
Liquor licenses for all the friends of GOB’s. Because people like to drink. Keep the people drunk and broke. Those who choose not to drink can get “free” methadone at our fine clinic. Let the heroin flow out of Afghanistan onto the streets of Massachusetts, while the street gangs and thugs control the hood. “They” traded liquor (fire-water) to the Native American Indians for land and we see how well that worked out for them. Keep the remnant of them on reservations, drunk all the time because we are better stewards of their land. We are a civilized people, not savages.
“The futures’ so bright, I gotta wear shades”
– ZZTop
““The futures’ so bright, I gotta wear shades”
– ZZTop”
That’s actually Timbuk 3 not ZZ Top. Jus’ sayin’.
You are right.
I stand corrected.
I had my smoke signals crossed with “Cheap Sunglasses”.
You message to Mayor Bianchi is reasonable and open. It shows DV that you have and are extending the invitation for dialog. The more he hides, the worse he looks.
We agree.
Your negative evaluation of economic development “projects” is as lazy as the “suits” promotion of their successes. Let’s have some metrics to discuss rather than applying whatever shade of lip gloss to each case that fits the moment from either perspective.
EV Worldwide job creation for approx. $4million
Marketing consultant $65grand developing slogan “It’s happening”
Connected billboard company 2 guys 1 day of work putting up “It’s happening” billboard
Sherman and Peabody developing “way back machine” $0
Radio Shack clerk selling to Mr. Armitage assorted leds, buzzers switches and hobby box to dazzle the current Mayor with as a counselor $ 6.00 1 clerk 20 minutes
Now for the real money jobs US attorney Generals task force to investigate Millions
Trial lawyers hundreds of thousands
Bailiff, guards, court reporters, and Judge tens of thousands of dollars
Auctioneer to dispose of ill-gotten Cars, houses office equipment, furs and other things consistent with “the good life at taxpayers’ expense” thousands
Guards at Federal pen ongoing total unknown.
See Dan don’t be so negative in the end once in a while the economic stimulus does in fact work.
just sayin
So true. After all those millions wasted, and no “1,000” jobs The Suits were quick to exclaim.
Appreciate the feedback, SHH. I will only add one pertinent addition: Metrics are available for anyone who wants to look them up. Joe Pinhead did just that with EV Worldwide. The essential point is that THE PLANET’s assessments of past “economic engines” are based on history, with its track record (i.e., metrics). The Suits apply the lip gloss. We apply the cold cream to take it off … all off.
So this mayor issues a new nazi press policy designed to control information from city hall. He wanted it to be private and hushed up. Its very existence was initially denied. Since you have exposed it Dan, the Eagle saw fit to do a whitewashed propaganda release. Then the mayor writes an editorial which the Eagle publishes. Again remembering this was not supposed to be public knowledge.
You have repeatedly and scholarly asked him for comment in open public view and he continues to ignore you to his own demise.
Dan, this website and your TV show is making a huge difference. I commend you on your honesty and courage to get the truth out there. All free of charge with absolutely no advertising. It shows there is hope.
The Dr. Goebbels Press Plan has backfired in a big way on the perpetrator. The sad and inept hilarity of the situation came with the denial — even as I held the actual plan in my two mitts! As for the difference this site and PV-TV are making, as John Paul Jones said, “We’ve only just begun to fight.”
Loved the letter from BS.
Dan, if you start sugar coating your words you would have to change your name to The Planet Eagle. God Forbid!!!
Thanks, J2S.
There are NO jobs in Pittsfield.
I know from personal experience!
Over one decade ago, I was a young man looking for a job in Pittsfield for over one year of my life. No one offered me a job in Pittsfield.
What a nice community!
If the Good Old Boy network doesn’t like you, then you are screwed.
I guess it is the same everywhere, though.
I have been screwed over by people in other places than Pittsfield.
Pittsfield politics is interesting to me because all of the politicians say the same things about economic development and jobs. Their words are worth NOTHING!
Mayor Jimmy Ruberto spent a couple of million dollars from the GE fund on downtown revitalization. That tanked!
Mayor Dan Bianchi is raising taxes faster than Ruberto did.
If economic development means future financial insolvency, then Pittsfield is driving off of a cliff (nilan).
Hey Dan, Just some hopefully constructive criticism here. In your zeal to trash the economic development bill that passed, you sort of neglect to tell us what it is! We’re all relying on this here increasingly for real news so you have to fill in the blanks with the story before you offer the opinion/editorializing. Thanks.
Thanks, MRG. We are grateful for the feedback.
What is going on in our local media today? We lost the Dan Valenti Show years ago and the stuff that is on PCTV and local radio outlets is bland at best. The Diva, is she even on anymore? Discussions from the Berkshires with the softball team, was just awful. The Farm Report on BRK is ridiculously unfunny. Consider This is like watching paint dry. Many others have tried, but none compare to the Master, Generalissimo, Author, and my current favorite, who puts everyone to shame…Dan Valenti!
Many thanks, POP. We will (sadly) let the rest of the media do “just awful,” which they do to perfection. THE PLANET and PV-TV will continue with Big-Boy journalism and material. We’ll even throw a few laughs in along the way, just to show that while you take your work seriously, you can’t take “life,” especially Pittsfield politics (if we can call that “life”) seriously.