PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, JAN. 8, 2015) — It’s a cold day, but things heat up tonight on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION as we present two councilors squaring off live and in real time, with no notes, no retakes, and totally on the fly in the wise company of a moderator who does not like nor does he typically accept the dodges and evasions that typically characterize so called “debates.” Fortunately, councilors Chris Connell and Barry Clairmont are known for speaking their minds, and THE PLANET eagerly anticipates their courageous appearance tonight on PV-TV.
Our production will be further aided in that our scope will be narrowly focused. We shall probe exactly what happened and why when the city council let the clock run out on its ability to weigh in on the mayor’s proposed realignment of the Department of Public Works. The question will not be whether or not it is a good idea but how and why did the council leadership let the clock expire so that, according to the provisions of the new charter, the mayor’s measure automatically went into effect without We The People getting one shred of say.
Was this another of those Pittsfield coincidences? In other words, was this a planned evasion or simply a benign accident owing to not one councilor knowing or understanding the provisions of the new city charter? Either possibility is disconcerting.
Spread the word about our broadcast in what will be the first of many encounters in this municipal election year. We are guaranteed of a large audience and in turn can guarantee a splendid time for all.
Attack on Paris Magazine Reminds Us of Our Precious First Amendment
THE PLANET condemns in the strongest possible terms the cowardly attack the French satiric magazine Charlie Hebdo (Charlie Weekly), in which two gunmen shot and killed a dozen people in Paris yesterday.
A person nearby captured the two gunmen on film. One of them shouts “Allah” and then four shots ring out. Other video shows more shooting, and a third film depicts the two men shouting, “We have killed Charlie Hebdo. We have avenged the Prophet Mohammed.”

Police respond to terrorist attacks in Paris, France. Assault at a satirical magazine left 12 people dead. (Photo Agence France Presse)
Washington, France, Germany, and many other nations and heads of state condemned the attack. At this address, it makes THE PLANET give thanks that America still has a First Amendment, where the press is more or less allowed to write, publish, and broadcast as it sees fit. We don’t like the “more or less,” and we will strongly assert the right of any journalist, any citizen, to speak on without restraint on issues of concern. That includes the type of satire for which Charlie Hebdo was noted, particularly its savage lampooning of militant Islam, which, in the name of God, condones atrocity.
For this reason, Americans must be constantly wary of any attempts to bridle our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms at any level of government. No assault is too small and no defense of freedom is too much. THE PLANET fervently hopes that such attacks do not result in more knee-jerk over-reactions of the type we saw in this country after Nine-Eleven and the subsequent passage of horrendous “Homeland Security” legislation. That said, THE PLANET recognizes the vigilant caution and defensive reciprocation warranted by such terrorist acts. We simply advise to officials a most complicated balancing act: That in the name of “protecting” citizens, the government doesn’t use it as a rationale and license for enacting political erosions of our protected and cherished freedoms.
No one — not the government, not the threat of terrorism, and not anyone or anything — should ever restrict our rights or have the power over such restriction to speak up and out or just as bad frighten us into remaining silent.
‘Open, Wide, and Robust Debate’ is Necessary for Good Government, on Any Level
THE PLANET shares the wise words of Andrew Napolitano from a blog published July 16, 2014:
“The whole purpose of the First Amendment is to permit, encourage and even foment open, wide, robust debate about the policies and personnel of the government. That amendment presumes that individuals – not the government – will decide what language to read and hear. Because of that amendment, the marketplace of ideas – not the government – will determine which criticisms will sink in and sting and which will fall by the wayside and be forgotten.
“Surely, government officials can use words to defend themselves; in fact, one would hope they would. Yet, when the people fear exercising their expressive liberties because of how the governmental targets they criticize might use the power of the government to stifle them, we are no longer free.
“Expressing ideas, no matter how bold or brazen, is the personal exercise of a natural right that the government in a free society is powerless to touch, directly or indirectly. Yet, when the government succeeds in diminishing public discourse so that it only contains words and ideas of which the government approves, it will have succeeded in establishing tyranny. This tyranny – if it comes – will not come about overnight. It will begin in baby steps and triumph before we know it.
“Yet we do know that it already has begun.”
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These words remind THE PLANET of “the tyrranny” that exists Pittsfield — yes, that Pittsfield, little ol’ Podunk itself. You may not realize it, but fear constricts freedom of expression in local politics. It is a prime example of a government on its way to success in establishing tyranny over its citizens. Countless times, THE PLANET has run into sources who have things to say but remain silent, speak off-the-record, or only on the condition of anonymity because of the fear of political retribution. We have more than once met with sources in hidden, out-of-the-way places, and it’s not because we love the haunts of garages, alleys, and obscure landscapes.
Dan Bianchi: A Record of Tyranny
We have covered a lot of mayors for a lot of years, and we can say that THE PLANET has never found fear of speaking out at such a high level than it is now after three-plus years with Dan Bianchi in the corner office. This, our good friends, is tyranny.
As a councilor in Ward 6 for 10 years, Bianchi came off as a Friend of The Little Guy. Was it a decade-long act? THE PLANET doesn’t know, but Bianchi’s actions as mayor raise the inquiry as a fair question. For more than three years now, Bianchi has by his policies, words, and actions put a damper on precious freedom, inducing in the electorate and the body politick an anxiety bordering on paranoia. Examples abound:
- His numerous dodges to requests for comments
- His criticisms of anyone who utters what the mayor thinks is a discouraging word about his Dystopian Home on the Range
- His administration’s penchant for secrecy
- His unilateral actions that fly in the face of the collegiality required by democracy (100gate, health insurance switch, departmental restructuring, etc.)
There are many more examples, but one does not need more than a spoonful to judge the quality of the stew.
In the end, when government goes the way repression, it affects the lives of actual, flesh-and-blood people. In this election year, the city will have what may be its final chance to right a gigantic wrong. It can only do so by electing to office citizens, not politicians … outsiders, not insiders.
The old blood is tired and cannot keep the body alive another four years. Only new blood can do that. Short of a transfusion, however, the city will in effect open its veins over a white carpet.
“Say it loud, and there’s music playing. Say it soft, and it’s almost like praying.” — Various artists, “Maria,” from the musical West Side Story, Leonard Bernstein composer.
Dan you might want to give the time and channel for those not familiar. Those who cannot watch it may want to tape it for later.
Make sure you lock the doors in case someone who does not like public discussion of such things, wants to shut you down. I am sure it has gone through his mind.
Did either Connell or Clairmont vote for Tes’s bloated budget, if yes, got no use for them.
I know you are joking, about “locking the doors”, but I have received threats and I am sure Dan has also received threats.
It should be a good show tonight. Both Councilors are known for expressing their opinions.
Ch. 16 PCTV 7:00 PM, Dick.
Actually Bill, I was not joking. I have heard about the temper tantrums and vindictive behavior. I hope PCTV is non profit …else-wise they may see some kind of tax or fee increase coming their way just for allowing Dan public access. Stranger things have happened in Pittsfield.
The Mayor (TES) is a member of the Board of Directors of PCTV, but that never stopped PCTV from allowing access to their channels as long as you can qualify as a member.
Thanks for weighing in on DUSTY’s comments. OLGA has it right in terms of allowing access. The station has been fair and equitable in that respect. NOT to allow access would risk a lot of legal trouble and lots of bad publicity. As for “locking the doors,” like BILL, I took that as hyperbolae. I have never done my job with fear of any kind and never will. My issues with the mayor are strictly professional and political, related to policy. Speaking for myself, it is not personal at all. I still consider Dan Bianchi a friend, though I’m not sure he would return that designation. Nonetheless, if he wanted to watch NFL playoff football this weekend over scotch and beer, no politics, of course the answer would be yes. I wish him all the best. Even my criticisms of his performance in office can be viewed as tough love.
Dan, A class response.
Thanks, EM.
PCTV is non profit. DV’s show is the best thing on either of thr three local access channels by far. Lively informative entertaining and funny!
FL, thank you for your comments. Our little show has definitely found its niche. Glad you enjoy the product.
I enjoyed how you took a world issue and showed it’s relevance locally.
Can the shows be put up on YouTube? The videos on the PCTV website barely stream at all and are very low quality.
Some of our shows ARE on YouTube, most of the ones through October.
If the scope of the show is how you stated “narrowly focused” and on the issue of the realignment, then I feel sorry for Mr. Connell, the proverbial sacrificial lamb, as there is no defense to the chicanery. Granted, Mr. Clairmont has been getting spanked lately on his many attempts to sway the council in his recent petitions, but in this case I believe he has the facts on his side, and more importantly the fact that the services that the city provides have gotten worse in recent years. This is coming from someone who was 100% against paying Barrett III consultant money. Please ask their stance on the 4.1 % increase that the school department is already pining for! Has the money we now pay for a crime analyst paid dividends? THE SWITCH OF THE CITY’S INSURANCE!
oops must have hit submit by mistake…. more below
Connell should be asked if Tes was paid for officiating at his wedding? If not, why not? it would have made Tes a threepeat income! Also, why did he ask Tes to officiate, what was the quid pro quo for that, didn’t know these two were that close of friends?
If the scope of the show is how you stated “narrowly focused” and on the issue of the realignment, then I feel sorry for Mr. Connell, the proverbial sacrificial lamb, as there is no defense to the chicanery. Granted, Mr. Clairmont has been getting spanked lately on his many attempts to sway the council in his recent petitions, but in this case I believe he has the facts on his side, and more importantly the fact that the services that the city provides have gotten worse in recent years. This is coming from someone who was 100% against paying Barrett III consultant money. Please ask their stance on the 4.1 % increase that the school department is already pining for! Has the money we now pay for a crime analyst paid dividends? THE SWITCH OF THE CITY’S INSURANCE! If it is going to save the employees and the city money, why do we need a $250,000 slush fund in case it costs the employees more out of pocket?? If it costs more, doesn’t that mean you are not saving? If the Superintendent of schools has to go to the doctor and BC/BS costs more than the GIC do the taxpayers have to foot that bill—-a person making $130,000+? Dan you are going to need a 24/7 channel to ask all the questions this election season!!
Not like Dave to ot bring his A Game!
I dunno, turned to channel 16, and the Planet seems to replaced by a Duck Dynasty Episode?
It’s on 116 for me now,time warner changed something last fall and people with basic cable were affected.
Barry seemed to think the voter should let the big boys take care of the new school vote. Disagree Sir!
That’s just because they know us tax payers will vote NO!
Excellent show DV. I have great respect for the fact that both councilors took responsibility for their mistake. As DV said we all learned a lot.
Thanks, LINDA.
Yes, we need to make sure we remain a free society in the face of terror attacks, but we also need to use common sense. Our borders should be closed in order to allow our society to keep our freedoms. Unless we close our borders the bad people will come in here, create chaos, and we will lose our ability to remain a free society because it will be all about survival.
Look how France was repaid by letting these extremist take root and set up shop. Would we get the same hospitality if we wanted to set up a Christian church in Iraq? This is the problem with these people. They enjoy freedoms of the US and Europe for their own benefit to exploit, kill an terrorize people who don’t believe what they believe. Every last one of them should be dealt with as enemy combatants and shown the same compassion as that cop who was executed in cold blood at point blank range with an AK. And I’m not talking about peaceful Muslims. I’m talking about terrorist. I was wondering how they got the identity of the shooters so quickly. Turns out the idiots left their id’s in the first car they fled in. So much for the highly trained and organized theory.
There are Christian churches in Iraq.
Was Mr Connell taking the fall for Mazzeo?
Mr Connell seemed to think Bianchi would be running for reelection. He should know. Thanks for the warning.
Would love to know the details and excuses for other councilors who were not citizen minded enough to do your show Dan. That is really lame and telling of their seriousness about their jobs. Give them a second chance and we will know for sure.
Great idea. I shall re-issue invitations to Councilors Mazzeo, J-LO, and Krol at some point. In fact, all 11 will receive the invite, this being an election year. I shall also invite the city solicitor and the mayor and shall do so using every means and forum available. And let’s be clear. I do NONE OF THIS for myself. I do it as a public service for We The People. I take no ads, unlike every other medium in Berkshire County that attempts to present in a reasonably serious way news and commentary. THE PLANET alone is unbought and unbossed.
One issue brought up on the show was the citizen’s right to vote on a new Taconic high school. Connell was in favor of a citizen’s referendum.
Clairmont was not ! He feels that the voters elected him to make their decisions for them as he is more educated, learned, and cognizant regarding want is good for the city, than they are. This he overtly stated. He also cited historically low (25%) voter turn out as justification to exclude the vote.
As far as the Monument Mountain school vote he mentioned proposition 21/2 as their concern, not Pittsfield’s.
Please check out the show.
Yes, it was an interesting exchange. As you point out, EM, Connell wanted people to have a vote and he talked about the steps he took to at least inquire about it. Clairmont did not favor a vote, that it should be left to the electors, not The People. He did say, though, if the measure had required an override of Prop. 2.5, as it did in South County, he would want The People to vote on that. The show will be re-broadcast today at 11:30 p.m., 3 p.m., 6:30 p.m., and 11 p.m. on PCTV, Channel 16. Hope to get it on YouTube at some point as well.
Politicians, local, state, national are cut from the same cloth. They can write about the great things they do, go on t.v. and tell us how bad they feel because mistakes were made, but in the end, their true colors come to the surface…They know better, no need for anyone worry because they have your best interest at heart. Maybe we’re all at fault…We believe the BS every election cycle.