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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, JAN. 12, 2015) — We’ve seen all kinds of protests last year and already this, after shootings, prior to war, and during looting. Here’s a protest that you may have missed that THE PLANET wishes to share with you, courtesy of The Associated Press:

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VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican has arrested the Femen activist who on Christmas Day bared her chest and snatched the statue of Baby Jesus in the life-size Nativity scene in the center of St. Peter’s Square, a spokesman said Friday, emphasizing that the protest insulted the faithful gathered to celebrate Christmas.

Ukrainian activist Yana Zhdanova was being held for questioning, with possible charges including carrying out obscene acts in public, insults and theft.

CAPE FEAR — What’s under the gendarme’s cape? Hint: There’s two of them. (AP Photo)

A topless Zhdanova grabbed the Baby Jesus statue about an hour after the pope offered his Christmas blessing. A Vatican guard immediately covered her with his cape and detained her, while Zhdanova, still clutching the figure, shouted “God is woman.”

He noted that three members of the Femen activist group had previously targeted the Vatican with another protest last month, baring their breasts, as is the Femen hallmark, in St. Peter’s Square to protest the pope’s visit to the European Parliament.

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THE PLANET wonders: Why can’t we get such unambiguous activism around these parts?


More Polluted Than You Realize?

THE PLANET received this report from the field from The Secret Squadron, working 24/7/365 in the relentless search for Truth, Justice, and The American Way:

[The] site of service station on Elm Street as well as Dentistry Office next door, part of Greylock Credit Union (formally Friendly Ice Cream ) and Car Wash are heavily polluted by Exxon Oil Company and will undergo major clean-up every summer for the next five years … Clean up can only be done in summer due to low water table at that site … this site on Elm Street is in very bad shape. I hope the neighborhood is aware of problem.

We thank Z-15 for the information. Just how aware is the Elm Street neighborhood of the problem or its apparently severe extent? Sure, they know some clean-up has been done, but do they realize the extent of the pollution or the required remediation?

The ongoing nature of the work suggests questions.

  • Has the extent of the pollution been publicly shared?
  • Has the remediation plan been been shared?
  • Has the city leadership been forthcoming and transparent on this issue?
  • Who is paying for the work?
  • How safe is the area?
  • What is the nature of the pollution? Airborne? Sedentary? Aquatic?
  • What role has the city played in the situation, if any?
  • What responsibility, if any, does local government share for this problem?

It’s just another example of poor communication and the abundance of secrecy that continues to plague the city of Pittsfield. The mayor’s office and city environmental offices should make the information available.



Council OKs Amuso’s Worthy Petition; Six Sigma Request in Mayor’s Hands

In December, Our Right Honorable Good Friends approved sending an important petition to the mayor. It’s a petition that, if the mayor approves and the city agrees to implement its findings, could finally address many of the duplications, administrative overhead issues, and quality/productivity problems that have long-plagues city government.

At-large councilor Kathy Amuso recently proposed the hiring of a consultant to put each city department under Six Sigma quality analysis as a way to reduce costs. Despite the short-sighted opposition of a few councilors, the council voted to send the measure to Mayor Dan Bianchi. There the matter stands. Or rests. Or sits, depending on how you look at it.

THE PLANET became aware of Six Sigma in the late 80s/early 90s, when one of our clients at the Media Services Group, General Electric, adopted the quality process developed by Motorola. From “[Six Sigma is] a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service.”

If you’re interested, here is more on Six Sigma.

  1. Six Sigma Q&A
  2. What Makes Six Sigma Work?

The application of a data-driven, quantified approach to improvement and quality could reap huge benefits, given the insane amount of duplication that the city forces taxpayers to fund, for example duplicate maintenance, purchasing, HR, and financing functions on both city side and school side.

No doubt a Six Sigma analysis would recommend cutting unnecessary duplication and unnecessary positions — and the political support that comes with funding jobs that aren’t needed at salaries taxpayers cannot afford. Will the mayor be willing to take that on? THE PLANET hopes so, and we would hope the city council — to say nothing of taxpayers — press him on the issue.


“Thus I pacified Psyche and kissed her, / And tempted her out of her gloom — / And conquered her scruples and gloom …”Edgar A. Poe, lines from his great poem, “Ulalume,” (1847).



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10 years ago

Would this include an analysis of the Mercer building and its abundance of make work jobs for those with high level connections?

If so, you can FORGETTABOUTIT!!

Any Elm trees left?
Any Elm trees left?
10 years ago

That Vatican guard does not seem unhappy with that predicament. The picture leaves to our imagination the statue of the baby.

Caped Crusader
Caped Crusader
10 years ago

Who said capes were useless?
SuperHeros and Vatican security guards find them quite handy.
Bella Lugosi was buried wearing his cape.

How does one get a job as a Vatican security guard?

Why does the Berkshire County district attorney choose to go Capeless?

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Caped Crusader
10 years ago

Thanks Caped Crusader, you saved my day 🙂

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

Pittsfield polluted? Wow. That is NOT a surprise!
Pittsfield politics corrupted? Wow. That is NOT a surprise!
I liked how Dan Valenti wrote about the “Six Sigma” management program proposal was shot down because it was too expensive, while the new Taconic High School is a done deal because it is worth every penny. What a double standard!
Maybe Governor Charlie Baker will save Massachusetts, including little old Pittsfield, from going bankrupt. I would bet for bankruptcy.

10 years ago

As a resident of one of the streets off of Elm in that vicinity, I had not realized this was such an extensive remediation. Troubling to say the least. Where is my councilor, Mr. Caccamo, on this?

Reply to  Gene
10 years ago

He may be just finding out about it like the rest of us

Reply to  Gene
10 years ago

He’s on the 8th hole.

Reply to  Gene
10 years ago

If your looking for information on any environmental work done on the property. Go to the Ma Department of Environmental website Search List enter the property address and you can view any reports submitted

10 years ago

He’ll probably be working on his golf game Gene.

10 years ago

Anyone who belives Six Sigma was nixed because it was too expensive has got to be dreaming. It was shot down because it would destroy city government as we know it. The status quo would be disrupted and quite possibly political careers destroyed. Crooked polititians would run for the hills because in cleaning things up, a lot of Pittsfields secrets would be exposed and names named. That might be exactly what this city needs.

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
10 years ago

Dan what was the vote on Six Sigma? Sounds like an excellent idea to me. Surprising the council was unwilling to at least look into it.
I do agree that the majority of the councilors have made up their minds that a new Taconic is needed regardless of cost and the dramatic impact on taxpayers.

Albert Prince
Albert Prince
10 years ago

It’s one thing to fund an efficiency study. It’s another to implement it. When Charlie Smith did this, the report came back (Kresap report?) recommending a lots of cuts that could be made that would actually improve city operations.

When that occurred the report became a doorstop. Other copies were literally destroyed.

I am familiar with Six Sigma having worked with a metals mfg company that follows Six Sig methods. It’s a fantasci quality tool. I urge that this petition be brought back. And implemented.

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
10 years ago

This is what worries me. Do most of our guys/gals (I know 4 do) understand what Six Sigma really is? It works folks, it really does. I am not sure it works in the political world. If it doesn’t it is only because politicians don’t want it to work and chose to ignore it.

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
10 years ago

lousy call he was robbed of a memorable catch and the Cowboys cheated of a victory. I agree, Dan. More bad refereeing.

Reply to  chuck garivaltis
10 years ago

Guys.. Bad rule, not refereeing . By how the dumb rule reads, pass was incomplete.

Reply to  Bball8
10 years ago

He made a football move when he reached out for the end zone. The ruling on the field was a catch, so the evidence most be over whelming.

10 years ago

Who were the councilors who voted against it and what were their reasons?

10 years ago

Dan, was it sent to the mayor to sit there lifeless forever or was there a request for a response from the council to know what he intends to do?

Reply to  Dave
10 years ago

And talk about passing the buck!!! Can’t the city council do this on their own?

10 years ago

There can’t be ANY Six Sigma until there is a consultant to tell us how to do it along with an out of towner to run the thing.

10 years ago

if Six Sigma worked so well, how come so many divisions at G E were disbanded?

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
Reply to  Nota
10 years ago

Nota, Your question was the answer. This is what Six Sigma does.

10 years ago

I already picked up what you dropped Chuck. One of the results for Six Sigma is to increase salary, do we want to go there?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

January 12, 2015

Re: Stan Rosenberg said: “All options are on the table”

I went to my gym in Nashua, NH, this evening to exercise, and on one of the televisions was Senate President Stan Rosenberg saying that “all options are on the table” to close an approximately one-half billion dollar budget deficit. I find his leadership to be unconscionable and the opposite of what I would do if I were a Beacon Hill powerbroker. Since the late-1990’s, politicians like Stan Rosenberg have made drastic cuts to local aid by about 40 percent! The state government in Massachusetts is balancing its financial books off of the backs of their municipalities. What is most striking is that a majority of western Massachusetts communities, which is where Stan Rosenberg comes from, depend on local aid to fund its basic public services. Stan Rosenberg also made an indirect swipe at former Governor Deval Patrick because Gov. Patrick didn’t have a positive relationship with the Legislature. I say: Good for Governor Deval Patrick! If I was Governor of Massachusetts, I would spend my days telling the Legislature that they are a bunch of insider, corrupt powerbrokers! The Boston Herald recently reported that Stan Rosenberg was upset with Governor Deval Patrick because Gov. Patrick didn’t give the Legislature/powerbrokers a pay raise (see below). Again, I say good for Governor Deval Patrick! If I was Governor of Massachusetts, I would never give the Legislature a pay raise. But, I would cut their pay every year to send them a message that they are a bunch of insider, corrupt powerbrokers! I wish powerbrokers like Stan Rosenberg took a long look in the proverbial mirror when looking at the approximately one-half billion dollar budget deficit they created. Stan Rosenberg has been in the Legislature for nearly 3 decades, and the state government he managed is in a financial mess!

– Jonathan Melle


“Senate prez blasts Deval Patrick on pay raises”
By Matt Stout, The Boston Herald, January 9, 2015

Ex-Gov. Deval Patrick’s parting decision to freeze legislative salaries had Senate President Stanley Rosenberg steaming yesterday and raised the potential that lawmakers could try to push a still-undetermined package aimed at state official salaries.

Rosenberg said he “vehemently” disagreed with Patrick’s decision, after a special commission’s recent recommendation of a new method it said would have scored the Legislature its first raise in six years.

“I’m extremely disappointed with that decision,” Rosenberg said. “We have a commission that he helped name that contained economists, academic economists, a former head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and they looked to identify a fair way of determining what the increase or decrease in median family income was. They came up with an answer, and it was ignored.

“So when a new idea comes to the table and it conflicts with the old idea, that means you dismiss it?” he said. “I don’t understand that thinking. … I disagree vehemently with his decision.”

Lawmakers haven’t received a raise since 2009, and Patrick ordered cuts of one-half percent and 1.8 percent the last two legislative cycles. Patrick said he made his decision with “regret” and said he did not want to change the biennial adjustment process without the Legislature approving the newly recommended methodology.

House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo said it was Patrick’s “prerogative,” but added compensation is “going to be one of the topics that members are going to talk about.” DeLeo said he is concerned about losing talented lawmakers.

Thomas More
Thomas More
10 years ago

Six Sigma was developed by Bill Smith who worked at GE Pittsfield for a short time, 1977-1978. He’s known as the father of Six Sigma. He left Pittsfield that year to join Motorola in Illinois. His step daughter, Marjorie Hook who was twelve at the time graduated sixth grade at Dawes School. She later went on to the University of Texas and then became a Six Sigma black belt and is universally recognized as Six Sigma instructor. She’s 49 now and either still in Austin or perhaps relocated to CA.

Sillence Dogood
Sillence Dogood
10 years ago

Was it fuel only that leaked from the Elm St station? Any estimate of how long it was leaking and how much?

Sheriff Dawg
Sheriff Dawg
Reply to  Sillence Dogood
10 years ago

Yeah that’s my questions to and DV raised it in the column, what is the exact nature of the pollution? Why won’t the city tell us? Councilor Caccamo please find out for us!!!

Reply to  Sheriff Dawg
10 years ago

gas oil maybe pcb’s mobil wants epa to clean it under consent decree . check with the H.R.I website.

Sillence Dogood
Sillence Dogood
Reply to  DAVE G
10 years ago

why would the gas station have pcb’s?

10 years ago

Six Sigma is a great quality tool but it’s only as good as the people implementing it. I doubt there is the talent in city hall or the political backing. it will just be more money wasted unfortunately.

Can you imagine if the Six Sigma effort was taken seriously and it recommended no new high school, eliminating half the jobs in school administration, closing a fire station.,. that stuff wold make all the sense in the world for taxpayrs but not those who have benefitted so long from these cushy deals … they’d be howling bloody murder ..just saying

Reply to  Kevin
10 years ago

and who gets to pick the people?? if the mayor gets to pick his own people then why even bother?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

January 13, 2015

Re: Where are Obama Democrats on Social Security?

When Wall Street collapsed and wrecked our economy in 2008, both political parties and Bush and Obama administrations borrowed trillions of dollars that was added to our national debt, which now stands at over $18 trillion, to bail out our nation’s big banks. Moreover, we spent billions of dollars bailing out foreign banks, such as UBS, which is headquartered in Switzerland. The trillions of dollars borrowed to bail out Wall Street was on top of trillions of dollars spent on our wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. Moreover, the Bush II administration cut taxes three times, which favored, you guessed it, Wall Street.

Next year, the fund for Social Security Disability is going to be insolvent. After many decades of the federal government spending our Social Security dollars on special interests that benefited Wall Street, Congress wants to cut Social Security benefits for the disabled (including me) by nearly 20 percent.

The public record clearly shows that the federal government works well for Wall Street, while the poor and middle class gets screwed.

Where is the top Democrat, U.S. President Barack Obama, on protecting Social Security benefits for the disabled? I am disappointed not only with Obama, but also, most members of U.S. Congress!

– Jonathan Melle

10 years ago

Memo to Tes..PEDA is a failure and all of the administration initiates have very little R O I for the taxpayer.

10 years ago

Chuck, next time Dez heads toward the end zone, he needs to do these three things. 1- hold on to the ball 2- give the ball to Wang Tailors, have the ball cleaned and pressed, but hold the ball while doing that. 3- take the ball from the tailors and hand it to the ref. This will eliminate all doubt of whether it is a completed pass.