PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015) — The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre occurred in Pittsfield when a snowstorm blew in and the city “brain trust” did nothing to prepare or treat the roads. They were barely plowed.
The roads, that is.
70 Accidents, Two Days = ‘Where the Hell Are You Guys?’
Compared to snows of the past and given typical conditions, where two feet and more have fallen and competent personnel on hand to deal with it, such a storm would hardly have registered notice. The Massacre, though, did not occur under “typical” conditions. It occurred during an Administration brain drain, one in which the mayor and the Public Services commissioner evidently do not care and the Highway Department director is in way over his head.
During The Massacre, nearly 70 reported accidents occurred in a little more than two days. That does not include the countless cases of cars sliding into snowbanks, vehicles skating through intersections, and other incidents and accidents that were shrugged off and simply weren’t reported. It got so bad that the Police Department placed a frantic call into Highway, asking, “What the hell’s going on over there? Are you guys working? Why aren’t you on top of the storm?” The pity is that Highway and Public Services have efficient, dedicated workers, but they have to take the heat because of mismanagement from the “leaders,” a word impossible to use these days in Pittsfield without the quote marks.
In The Bumstead Administration, the atmosphere among city workers in general is one of intimidation and fear of speaking up. Keep that in mind this coming election — That’s what your taxes are buying.
That is not right.
The Bride Wears White
It’s not like the storm came in unannounced. Anyone with a TV or any form of technology higher than two cans linked by string knew Pittsfield would be getting done over in white. When the bride wear’s snow white in this kind of mismatch, you know it’s a shotgun wedding.
The city “brain trust” for roads consists of Mayor Daniel Bumstead, Public Works Director Bruce Colonwood, and Highway director Kevin Fail (rhymes with Swail). The latter two are, according to one informed source, “fishing buddies.” Could that explain how and why Fail succeeded the ever-capable Peter Bruneau as Highway chief when the latter retired after 40 years service to the city in May, even though he, Fail, knows as much about highways as Broderick Crawford, who’s now dead? And could the colossal incompetence of these three political lug nuts explain the huge raises each received courtesy of Bumstead and an acquiescent city council? In most cities, incompetence leads to the sack. In Pittsfield, it brings giant pay hikes.
The Intelligence Keeps Coming into THE PLANET, Where Other Media fear to Tread
THE PLANET has continued to hear from sources familiar with the operations inside City Hall and Public Works.
During the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, Fail unilaterally made the decision not to put down either salt or sand. That’s nothing new. Anyone who was on the roads realized as much. Outside of directly involved, however, only THE PLANET knows why.
Would you believe it’s because the mayor has placed politics over public safety?
This is FY16 budget time. Sources say Bumstead recently beat up the defenseless Fail over the Highway Department spending. The mayor wants to keep the Highway number as low as possible for the FY16 budget follies. He put so much pressure on Fail to lower his number, sources say, that the Highway manager panicked when the St. Valentine’s snows came. Instead of doing the right thing by citizens and with neither the mayor nor Colonwood available, Fail ordered workers not to treat the roads. He did this, sources say, to save precious dollars for the mayor and his FY16 budget. In other words, his fear of Mayor Bumstead overrode his sworn duty to citizens and taxpayers.
Bumstead and Colonwood bailed out on St. Valentine’s Weekend, leaving the overmatched Fail on his own. Swail had his orders from the mayor: “Don’t spend money,” which translates as “Don’t treat the roads.” Thus, the ultimate cause for the hazardous roads lies not with Swail, not even with Collingwood, but with the mayor.
The flat-out truth is that the mayor put people’s lives at risk for political reasons. Does that not fit the definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors?”
“Come here, sister. Papa’s in the swing. / He ain’t too hip about that new breed, babe. / He ain’t no drag. / Papa’s got a brand new bag.” — James Brown, “Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag,” (1965).
I bet Tes will find a way to weasel out of it. In my opinion our mayor is not a trustworthy person.
That explanation is quite believable. I think, at least to some extent, Mr Swail was the sacrificial lamb. He was put in a no win situation. One needs to be careful what they wish for when they take a job working for this mayor.
The mayor seems to be throwing taxpayer money into the wind for pet projects that benefit himself directly but hoarding it when it comes to public services.
Can any of those who have hooked their wagons to his be sleeping well at night?
Mr. Swail was given a position that he is unqualified for, along with a pay raise for incompetence. I cannot feel anything for him or the other two stooges, except complete outrage.
What an unacceptable Mess. This is when the Councilors need to step up for the Citizens. This train wreck is out of control. He needs to be reigned in and stopped. THIS Mayor is No Good …morally or otherwise.
I think I’ve asked this twice already and the silence is deafening.
Where did Mayor Bianchi take the money for the move to 100 North Street from?
The $140,000.00.
Did he take it from the public works department which would explain why the roads were not properly taken care of this winter?
There must be an accounting entry somewhere for this.
Can a private citizen request an audit of Pittsfield’s books to see where our money is being spent?
The silence is deafening, apparently it is none of our business. I for one would like to know. Seems to me that where our tax dollars go is our business.
Time to ask why this accountant guy has quit….didn’t even made his probation period. I’m sure that he know where’s the money.
sorry “knows”
This administration is getting desperate to find money any where they can. Haven’t you notice that fees have been increased all through the departments? How are they going to pay for all the money they are giving away? Tax the people to death because increasing fees is the same.
There should be consequences for what happened. Yet there never are any in Pittsfield. It seems that you can FAIL miserably ,as long as you give BOLD FACE LIES for an excuse . All we get here is BLAH Blah Blah, you lie and we will swear to it. The three stooges I’m sure practiced for hours, yet they still couldn’t make a case for what happened. Barry Clairmont seemed to be the only one that really wanted to know what happened. He Knew they were lying through there teeth. Also, I don’t think we all have STUPID on our forehead. If you think were going to believe that the cold month of February has caused more potholes than ever in the last 50 years. Mayor you are loosing it more and more everyday!!!
More proof that the democrats have run out of other peoples money. The well has dried up. There is nothing left.
These guys gave three separate versions of what happened and never got the story straight. The lies were evident. The best way to handle this would have been for the mayor to take responsibility, apoloigize and vow to make it better in the future.
Will SOMEONE, ANYONE, PLEEEEEEEZZZZ run against this lying, manipulating, do-for-myself, screw-the-residents mayor?!? There are a couple clowns on the CC that I wouldn’t vote for, but other than that, I’ll vote for anyone who received their daily dose of methadone from our fair city today before I cast a vote for that swindler ever again. His bold-faced lies to the city council were a complete joke. “Downtown merchants are extremely happy with the snow removal”. He really IS an idiot. There is no money in the till for important things like MORE POLICE, but lets work a back room deal to move part of City Hall.
Furthermore, the in-bed-with-the-mayor daily-rag says that the city is RAMPING UP SNOW REMOVAL & POTHOLE PATCHING…
One simple question…..WHERE is this happening in Pittsfield???
All we know is the potholes right now are probably the worst in the History of Pittsfield. Keep filling them Tes, eventually it’ll stick!
When is Cool Hand going to start throwing dirt for Tes into Boss Canes ditch?
Must admit, Council President Mazzeo kicked Councilors Not so Clairmont’s ass tonight. It was the then then then that got Barry.
Saw something very interesting this past Sun. night on tv…at 730 on Mayor Bianchi Reports his guests were the fishing buddies and they talked about the recent snowstorm plowing issues and problems…then at 8 on the replay of the Feb. 24th city council meeting, where the Mayor and the fishing buddies sat 3 abreast to address the council’s questions about the recent snowstorm plowing issues…amazingly the threesome was wearing the exact same clothes as on the Mayor’s show…how sly and slick of the Mayor to rehearse and practice what they were going to say about the plowing issues using his show right before facing the city council
Who is this Kate bird?
Planet brothers and sista’s you’ve gotta check out the snow bank on Fenn Street near First…What the Heck is THAT TES? WOODY? FAIL?
Awful. That’s what I see when looking at this council and mayor. Council president in way over her head. Mayor lamest lame duck.
Barry, Kate is doing NOTHING. Stop glorifying mediocrity.
I agree with NOTA THE Council is cow towing to double dipper Katy. She seems in way over her head. I guess the council will latch onto anything at this point to make themselves look good. But, I’m sorry, this is just another reason why Pittsfield is going backwards managers and Mayor’s and presidents of this and that have no clue how to lead…Period.
Is that a Smily Face on the wall behind President Mazzeo?
The City Council is discussing how many feet there should be around parking within a fire hydrant. Are you kidding? Just decided to do this now? WOW!
“Vote on Taconic High School Project Postponed”
By Jim Vasil, TWC news, March 9, 2015
PITTSFIELD, Massachusetts — A vote on the Taconic High School project that was expected to made before Pittsfield City Council Monday has been pushed back.
Representatives from the Massachusetts School Building Authority were expected to vote to approve the final figures and floor plans for the new high school.
But, the group could not agree on figures on the school’s alternate plan, which includes $3.5 million on classroom clusters and air conditioning.
Pittsfield Schools Superintendent Jake McCandless said a delay in this vote shouldn’t impact their timeline.
“I think that’s a win for the community that people are taking this very seriously and we’re not jumping to decisions, really trying to think this through and get the best project for kids and for the city that we can get,” said Pittsfield Schools Superintendent Jake McCandless.
The group will reconvene next Monday [March 16th] to vote on the alternate plan figures.
The City Council’s vote is still scheduled for April 14, [2015].
I have an issue with trash pickup. Out on Merriam Street there were at least five trash barrells in the road. The collectors need not throw them all all the place, that’s a job you can be replaced. Potholes.That’s another issue, just awful.
I guess some snow was removed from somewhere. Unfortunately a bunch of it, full of dirt, sand, salt, and other debris, was brought over to Clapp Park. This will be enough of a mess, but a good deal of it was placed directly into the wetland bordering this branch of the Housatonic River. Some may have gone into the river itself. We certainly have other, legal places to put this stuff.
Can the Conservation Commission do anything about this?
I have informed Conservation Agent Rob Van Der Kar, of course. He will look in to it. The state DEP put out some emergency regulations regarding snow disposal due to the big storms. Snow could be dumped into ocean and moving rivers.
However, this stuff was put into a wetland and it looked to me as though some serious damage was done. They could have dumped more of it across the parking lot from the river. Instead it was pushed well into the bordering vegetated wetland.
It did not have to be done this way. There are a lot of city properties that are not resource areas.
Anyone else noticing the big dump trucks doing the occasional late night snow removal are beautifully lettered on their doors with the name D. Swail? Was there bidding on the snow removal job?? The snow banks at the corner of Clinton and South are too high; I’m surprised nobody has been t-boned there—-even the right hand turn onto South is a death defying proposition. Elizabeth St. between Henry and W. Housy should be re-named Lake Elizabeth. Worthington is glare ice. Snow job anyway you look at it.
Seriously? It bears looking into. Thanks for the tip.
Very seriously, DV.
I got a place for the salt- sand …..Silva Lake, where clean water meets the road.