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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2015) — What are we to say about the aftermath of the death of Freddie Gray while in custody of the Baltimore police? The curfew has been lifted, and the city has conducted “victory” celebrations. Victory for what? Who won anything?

In a rush to judgment driven by political pressure, that city’s chief prosecutor pressed charges against six city cops with the ink still wet on the police commissioner’s report. Three of those officers are black and presumably understand that “black lives do matter.” Since they are also innocent, THE PLANET presumes the three white officers understand the same thing.

Given the violent protests following Gray’s death while in police custody,  Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby’s quick decision comes off as premature. Mosby has been on the job less than four months. Less than 24 hours after receiving the results of the investigation led by Baltimore police commissioner Anthony Batts (he’s black, too), Mosby brought the charges.

The indictments surprised many and shocked some. It helped release the steam building up on Baltimore streets, which had been victims to mob rule and the violence of young thugs, but it calls to mind a pressing fact: In this “nation of laws,” everyone must be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Mosby, Lynch: Black and Green

Mosby is a black woman green in the job. Watching over her shoulder is U.S. attorney general Loretta Lynch, a black woman barely two weeks on the job. Lynch heads the Department of Justice’s probe into Gray’s death. She follows a black man, Eric Holder, who at AG helped demonize all police, everywhere, leaving police departments across the country feeling that they would receive scant help from Washington in the polarizing issue of race.

Lynch has sent DOJ officers to Baltimore to meet with citizens, activists, community organizers, and other similar constituencies. She has yet reach-out to police officers there. It makes for a fair question: Whose “side” is she on? Has there been a rush to judgment? THE PLANET raises the questions. We don’t presume to offer an answer.

Caesar Goodson Jr., the black policeman who drove the police van that transported Gray to the station after his arrest on April 12, faces charges of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. Three of the officers — Sgt. Alicia White, patrolman William Porter, and Lt. Brian Rice — were also indicted on charges of involuntary manslaughter. All six officers, including patrolmen Edward Nero and Garrett Miller, face lesser charges?

Is ‘Thug’ the new ‘Nigger’?

In the midst of all this, a new debate has emerged over a word many have used to described the behavior of the “protesters” who rioted, looted, burned, and pillaged, a mob consisting mostly of young black males who used Gray’s death as an excuse to have a little “street fun.” None of their actions helped Freddie Gray, his family, legitimate protesters, or anyone else.

Many, including President Barack Obama and Lynch, called these hoodlums “thugs.”

Enter the “N word.” THE PLANET hates expressions like “the N word” or “the R word.” Words are crafted by plucking from the infinite combinations possible from our 26-character alphabet. We have no need to fear words or the abstractions of language. Words like “nigger” and “retarded” exist, and words exist for a purpose. “Nigger,” in fact, when used in the black community, usually denotes affection and fraternal inclusion.

Within the black community,  the word “thug” connotes a certain type of “heroism.” So said the “expert” commentator on NPR. To be a “thug” there seems to be an admirable thing, something not surprising given the most pervasive, affective cultural paradigm for young people, black and white — hip hop, a homophobic, anti-women musical form of Ebonics that glorifies violence and lauds gansterism.

Revisionist Lexiconography a PC Fad

THE PLANET rejects revisionist lexiconography. We will not have a perfectly good word, “thug,” appropriated by linguistic degeneration. Words have precise meanings, and since the word “thug” came into the English language in the 19th century as an Asian import, we have been clear what it means. We remain clear. A “thug” is a thug, skin color notwithstanding.

As for race relations, it’s a time to jettison the emotions for reason, dispassion, and logic. That, of course, won’t happen. Patience and pace have been shredded to bits — and bytes. Everything must happen now or yesterday, even the rush to judgment in the indictment of six police officers who have been found guilty in the first second of their prosecution.

Meanwhile Brian Moore, a 25-year-old NYC police officer, lies dead from a bullet in the face. Demetrius Blackwell, owner of a long criminal record who was wanted on a weapons charge, has been charged with Moore’s murder. The gun Blackwell used had been stolen in Georgia. He’s black. Moore was white. Does it matter?


“Get up in the morning slaving for bread, sir, so that every mouth can be fed.”Desmond Dekker & The Aces, “Israelite,” (1969).



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poor boy
poor boy
9 years ago

The rush to judgement was to put a bandaide on the rioting. We see clearly from this what happens when communities break down. Can you even imagine what will happen the dollar goes Weimar and totally collapses?

The violence and looting in the inner cities all over America will be unimagineable. We are getting very close to this catastrophic event.

Going from a rock solid Constitutional precious metal based dollar to a debt driven fiat currency has resulted in an unpayable 18 trillion debt and derivatives believed to be sitting at over 200 trillion dollars. The whole house of cards is about to collapse.

Richard Nixon’s suspension of the gold standard was supposed to be temporary. We are still waiting. The massive stockpile of ammo by the Federal government and the militarization of police…gee…you think they already know the massive unrest that is coming?

Baltimore is just a sampling of the breakdown of society. What is coming is a time of tribulation unlike anything ever experienced in this world. The “THUGS” are those who gutted our economy to live in shameless luxury…a pyramid scheme that is about to end badly.

9 years ago

There are anarchists in the country who are stirring up these race and police divisions. They are evil people who want to create chaos in American cities. I wonder if they are also working behind the scenes with terrorists to weaken this country. After the Baltimore riots terrorists such as ISIS were also urging people to kill police. If we had strong leadership from President Obama or should I call him our celebrity in chief then we would have some hope of stopping this insanity, but Obama spends more time on talk shows and golfing than he does attempting to lessen tensions in this country. Climate change is our most pressing issue as far as President Obama is concerned as our country continues to be weakened.

9 years ago

America is in a State of disgrace regarding morality in all classes. From Corruption to Racism. The hierarchy from Big Government, Big Corporations, on down has systematically destroyed our Country…..

9 years ago

We confuse racism with humans inate desire to be with their own kind. It doesn’t always mean hatred of the the others, but sometimes there is conflict. It will never stop. Then we focus on a problem (racism) we can’t “solve” – b/c there is no real solution. People that look different or have different beliefs will at times be at odds, and people of like looks and beliefs will always help each other over the “others”. Go to a park or the lake, it looks like a prison yard. Blacks in one section, whites in another and perhaps Latino’s elswhere. And IMO all races have a chance to succeed in the country, but if they wait until it is handed to them, it will never happen, because those who “have” aren’t letting go without a fight. Gotta go get it.

Reply to  UAlbany
9 years ago


If you are black or white or red or tall or short or fat or catholic or Jewish or Protestant or old or rich or poor or handicapped there are going to be peoples who don’t like you. It is life. Get over it and stop blaming peoples prejudices for your failure to succeed. There are other more legitimate reasons you can cite for that.

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

America was made up of Rich, Middle Class, and Poor. Ask yourself why you think the disparity in America? Look at your own City of Pittsfield. How do you feel? Where do you stand? Where do you fit in?……..The answers are clear as day. America is downtrodden, Trampled. There is no Opportunity, Jobs, Business. The Rich get Richer…the Rest can’t survive paycheck to paycheck.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Pittsfield is a two class system now…the wealthy and the poor. It used to have a middle class, but lack of jobs and opportunity not to mention corrupt politicians have destroyed the middle class.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Two specific equations ruined Ma economy. NAFTA and the Big DIg.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
9 years ago

True and now Pittsfield is having it’s own big dig in the new Taconic High School which will be the final straw to bring down the city.

Jimmy Gee
Jimmy Gee
9 years ago

Off Topic. I want to congratulate the citizens of Dalton for voting down the anti circus bylaw last night by a over whelming margine ! See you all at the circus!

Reply to  Jimmy Gee
9 years ago

I was happy about it. The circus cares for the animals. Next they would be trying to stop horse racing. I just saw the Kentucky Derby this past weekend and loved it!!