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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015) — We will save “Kumbaya” for the Bible thumpers, the progressives, and The Berkshire Eagle. THE PLANET gives it to you straight: the “Rally Against Violence” conducted this past Friday at The Christian Center won’t change a damned thing.

The rally did make the streets of Pittsfield momentarily safer, however. For a couple hours, it kept the complicit, “see no evil” officials of the city from being anywhere else, making a mess of your life and charging you evermore for the privilege. The mayor was mayoring, councilors counciling, candidates candidating, the district attorney DA-ing, cops copping, carpet baggers carping, preachers preaching, the press pressing (though not in the way one would want), and the do-gooders do-gooding. They all meant well, all “good guys.”

Stop the presses! The mayor speaks at the rally … in the proximity of colored people! (PHOTO BY EDDIE TAYLOR)

This swell show for the cameras allowed a reasonable excuse for gettin’ down and partying. After the celebration ended and the jets turned off on the grill, though, not a thing had changed in the city of Pittsfield.

— There was still no economy.

— There were still no decent jobs.

— There was still welfare for the gimme-groups, who think the world owes them a living.

— There was still an abysmal public school system.

— There was still no relief for taxpayers.

Later that night, the streets were turned over to their proper owners: Not We The People but the gangstas and dregs.

Another Coalition from the Adults, Another Laff for the Hood 

The rally and the evening’s earlier “Walk to Save Our Youth” won’t stop the violence, particularly on the West Side.  Speakers at the rally droned the usual bromides of how “we” need to stop the guns and drugs and give young people more things to do to get them off the streets.

We” need to do something, not the punks. Talk about putting the carriage in front of Mr. Ed.

We need to do something? Okay. How about starting with a dress code at the schools that will be strictly enforced and a meaningful curriculum that demands quality performance? How about putting a halt to issuing meaningless diplomas to “scholars” who can’t read, write, or do math?  How about electing a school board instead of a cheerleading squad? How about a nighttime curfew for the West Side?

Instead, the rally announced formation of a new “leadership coalition.” Seriously. It will give the self-proclaimed “leaders” an opportunity to gather — with all good intentions — to create the illusion that they are doing something. It will give the gang-bangers in the ‘hood another reason to laugh.

Cameras and Brilliant Antitheses

THE PLANET appeared at the rally, sifting through the crowd like ribbons of ticker. Small talk here, probing there, assiduous cultivation everywhere. The most unmerited of oddities could be seen, none greater than the failed but wonderfully caucasian mayor of Pittsfield in a suit, starched shirt, and tie condescending in his whiteness to be photographed and mingling with — are you sitting down? — colored people. Cameras will make for the the most brilliant of antitheses, won’t they?

You will recall that last year, this mayor was accused of racism by a Medford businessewoman. The charges were dismissed. You will also recall that his then-director of administrative services, Mary McGinness, quit over what she called the mayor’s stance on race and affirmative action.

Blacks Killing Blacks and Other Things You Can’t Mention

After the rally’s last platitudes faded into the early evening, not one speaker had addressed what was perhaps the most obvious fact in response (and, sadly, in repose) to the five shootings. No one dared confront the issue of black-on-black crime.

According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, homicide is the leading cause of death of black men between the ages of 15 and 34 (accidents and suicide are second and third). According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 93% of these murders were committed by other black men (2011 statistics). About 40% of black men between those ages were murder victims. This compares to 3.8% for white men in the same age range.

Where is personal responsibility in all this? Where is the blame when a young person drops out of high school, runs with a bad crowd, and fathers multiple children with different women?

What of the “Black Code,” an attitude among blacks, especially young males, that disrespects education, the work ethic, and other so-called “white” institutions. The Code punishes blacks who get to close to “white society.” They are somehow “less black.”

Leadership coalitions, marches, rallies — these things don’t work. They look good while they’re taking place, but when “all the jacks have been put back in their boxes,” (Jimi Hendrix) the problems return like the incoming tide.

That’s when the good citizens of Pittsfield shudder in fear of what’s become of their once-proud city. That’s when they can thank “leaders” like their grandstanding mayor for failing to admit there’s a problem.


“War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.”Edwin Starr, “War,” (1969).



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9 years ago

Excellent article. Top tier.

9 years ago

Seeing the Eagle has Downsized! They should just give the Planet a mega deal, fire everyone except the press employees and delivery crew and Dan can cover sports, city hall, and the arts because it doesn’t seem the reporting team they have now can compete with the little ol’ one man gang,Planet. Excellent Scroll again, Planet..YOU knocked it out of the Park…AGAIN!

9 years ago

Great article Dan V. I wonder if the Boston Globe will feel the need to mention this story? Steve Nikitas said much of what you have said in his BB article and was criticized very harshly by progressives throughout the state for his opinions. A “Leadership Coalition” will be totally useless and doesn’t address any of the issues and will therefore offer no real solutions to the problems. Dancing around the problems and not confronting them is what the city leaders are doing. I like your ideas for the school system of uniforms and not continuing to graduate students who are lacking basic skills. This is a school system that is underperforming despite the massive amount of money that taxpayers continue to feed it.

9 years ago

Ha,Ha,Ha…Can’t believe you threw in a term like personal responsibility…get with the new century!

9 years ago

If what I hear is true….that this was a feud between two gangs….and supposedly there will be retaliation from those shot……my feelings are let them kill each other. It will be once less worry for our police and public.

Reply to  Spider
9 years ago

Unfortunately they usually end up killing innocent people along with themselves.

9 years ago

Mayor Bianchi nominated Pat Muraca, CEO of Nuclea Biotechnologies to the newly expanded police advisory committee.
This may stem from Nuclea’s local job creation. I live near the Kellogg St. office PEDA created for Nuclea and there is never anyone there. How many employees does Nuclea have in Pittsfield ? It seems whenever the local politicians need to publically display their economic and job creation successes they rally around Mr. Muraca.

Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

Nuclea without a doubt is the biggest scam since the electric battery factory. Go to the room at Peda and you will see a bunch of play stations. No joke play stantions just sitting there createing jobs.

Pummelin Pam
Pummelin Pam
Reply to  Henry
9 years ago

You are correct about the Playstations. They call it a computer lab, when in reality it I a bunch of Playstations hooked together. I’ve seen them with my own eyes.

No wonder they have a sign out side that reads no photography beyond this point. No one should know the truth.

silence dogood
silence dogood
9 years ago

Careful Dan, the truth is now racist.

9 years ago

Muraca was also a BIG pipeline advocate as was this Mayor. Pete (lobbyist) Larkin is a buddy of Muraca. Connect the dots.

9 years ago

Glancing through the pictures on of the rally, I spotted many elected office holders and many candidates for office. I had to wonder, how many would had been there as private citizens and not there pandering for votes and acting like they cared? Phoney Bastards.

Reply to  pemetina
9 years ago

Phoney Bastards is right.

9 years ago

I read the FBI detained an ISIS terrorist from Adams Ma. Scheduled to appear in Springfield District Court. That is why they took evidence from the house on July 4.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Arrested and charged in a plot to perform terrorism in ISIL

9 years ago

Adams Ma. terrorist trending in all main steam media. Son of a Boston police captain.

9 years ago

terrorists think they can either hide in big cities or go inconspicuous in small towns – hate to admit it, but the monitoring of calls/e-mails may not be the worst thing to help ensure our security.

this is coming from the guy who won’t pay at the pump or use e-z pass!!

Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

Of course that will happen. If terrorist attacks ever became common in this country the public would be begging for more and more police protection and monitoring to catch the perpetrators and who could blame us for wanting protection. The public would make safety their first priority and we would lose many of our freedoms that we have taken for granted.

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
9 years ago

Check out Noa Crapola’s comments on the facebook page:” Craig C. Gaetani for mayor of Pittsfield, MA”, Interesting.

Reply to  Ed McClelland
9 years ago

Speaking of Mr. Gaetani was he at the rally in his neighborhood? I know he mentioned he lived there once. Just curious.

Silence Dogppd
Silence Dogppd
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
9 years ago

Yes, he was there. I saw him.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Ed McClelland
9 years ago

Very interesting indeed…what happened to him?

9 years ago

people who throw cig butts on property are scum.

K E Double L
K E Double L
9 years ago

Planet this one is 5 stars out of 4.

May Hemm
May Hemm
9 years ago

I collect Geological Artifacts, can someone lead me to the Hess Forest?

9 years ago

It’s about a mile or so east of Lake Wahconah. If that’ll help you? May.

9 years ago

It’s also near Louie Lent’s old apartment, near the corner of Cherry St.