(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, OCT. 27, 2015) — THE PLANET has learned more about Gungate. It is, as we say in the business, a story “with legs.” Our probe is ongoing, and we must do more digging before we can report on information that, if it bears out, would ratchet up Gungate on the Scale of Consequence. The alarm, like that kid’s gun, is locked and loaded.
The story of a 13-year-boy bringing a loaded gun to school has already revealed two gravely serious aspects that Pittsfield authorities have tried to downplay from the get-go:
- What appears to be an attempted coverup by the school superintendent — When Jason “JIV” McCandless rushed a press release to publication, he did a couple of odd things. First, he went through the mayor’s office. Why would Dan Bianchi allow the school superintendent franking privileges on use of the mayor’s letterhead? It has not been explained. Second, JIV released false information, “assuring” the public the gun wasn’t loaded. The gun was loaded.
- The superintendent’s admission that other students were “involved.” Involved? How so? How many? JIV said the “involvement” was serious enough to warrant suspension but stopped short of details, again leaving a baffled and worried community guessing. That other students were “involved” suggests many things, including a conspiracy to commit mayhem.
Many questions remain:
- Who owns the gun in question?
- How did the student get access to the gun? Same with the bullets.
- Is this the first time this student has brought weapons to school?
- Has this student been involved in other troubling behavior? What was done about it?
- What kind of gun?
- What there a bullet in the chamber? As to this question, according to a local gun owner, if the answer is yes, it would “all but prove” the kid “meant business.” Our gun source devised a “Risk Scale” that rates the likelihood of mayhem:
- Gun loaded, bullet in the chamber — 95% chance the kid meant to kill people.
- Gun loaded, clip inserted but no bullet in chamber — 80% chance.
- Gun not loaded, loaded clip available but not in gun — 65-80%.
- Gun not loaded, clip present but without bullets —50% and under.
Did Politics, Not Criminal Justice, Drive the Investigation?
As for the response of city officials, more than one qualified source, including a couple in the criminal justice system, question the actions of the police, Mayor Dan Bianchi, ward 4 councilor Chris Connell, and the school superintendent while the incident was unfolding. Essentially, the concern boils down to the question of “Why were they allowed ‘in’ during the first stages of the investigation?”
A law enforcement officer not from Pittsfield said that during the incident itself, politicians and administrators should not have been on the scene. Police should have secured the scene to preserve the integrity of the probe. It should have been left to the police to secure the site, gather evidence, and do the initial investigation without the presence of politicians.
We can’t fault Connell. It’s his ward. He quickly went to the scene. We would have done the same thing. But did anyone from the police department tell Bianchi and McCandless they couldn’t be in the building while the probe was in its initial phase? If not, why not? Did politics, not criminal justice and public safety, become the driving force of the investigation? For example, if Bianchi and McCandless agreed the situation should be downplayed for PR purposes, would they lean on the investigating officers in any way? Did they? Was there obstruction of justice?
THE PLANET doesn’t know and neither does anyone else in the community, because Pittsfield officials do not trust Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski with the knowledge they need to “govern themselves” and to stay abreast of new developments so they can make informed choices — especially during an election season. In this information void, rumors will spread.
In our previous column, we asked if JIV’s actions in Gungate warranted a suspension or firing. We answered yes. But where on earth is the Pittsfield School Committee on this? Why isn’t chairwoman Kathy Yon out front? Why hasn’t she called for hearings?
It doesn’t take John LeCarre to come up with the plot: Yon and the rest of them have been bought out by The Suits. Pity is how cheap they come.
“He who cannot command himself should obey. And many can command themselves, but much is still lacking before they also obey themselves.” — Friedrich Nietzsche, from Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Third Part, #4, (1891).
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There may be more information AFTER the election. All possible politically damaging information is under LOCKDOWN until further notice.
…and the dog ate my homework
They don’t investigate each other because they look out for each other and that’s the problem with the city. They shouldn’t be protecting each other. They cover up each others mistakes and only care about protecting their own reputations. They have no respect for the general public and they demonstrate this over and over again. The school department, school unions, and local politicians are in a very dysfunctional relationship and there are no checks and balances on their actions.
Sadly enough I think you have summed it up. And when you control who gets the municipal jobs and who doesn’t you expect loyalty. There is a multi tentacled stranglehold on the operational facet of Pittsfield govt and I can’t even guess how one could fix it.
If the act of living in Pittsfield was a poker hand I would fold it in a heartbeat.
The Pittsfield schools are in a privileged world of their own and they have an “us against them mentality”. Unfortunately the taxpayers who are paying their salaries are they ones they see as their enemies. This is why all major decisions are taken away from voters because they know that anyone with a brain would vote against all of their expensive projects. This is why they make sure they get the local pols in their pockets to insure the “gravy train” isn’t derailed by citizens worried about the tax and spend system.
The only solution to end their comfortable arrangement is by getting enough voters to the polls who want to stop the insanity by voting in politicians who answer to the taxpayers and not the schools. This will insure not only fiscal responsibility, but will also hold them morally responsible for their actions. Right now they do as they please without even a slap on the wrist to rein in their bad behavior.
Don’t know what the “gun source” is on about, of course a weapon should be ready to fire. The kid wasn’t trying to sell it or use it for a movie, he didn’t want to get whacked on the mean streets of Pittsfield.
There are many taxpayer checks written with low/no balances.
Now we learn that other students were involved to the point of “suspension”. Now this is really scary.
What big plan did they have?
And why haven’t we heard from our elected officials (School Comm. and City Council) calling for an investigation?
Hey guys….do something!
Very scary, Just how close were we to the mayhem?
Closer than you think dusty, closer than you think.
Even Albany, New York which is a place that is known to have dirty politics from time to time….even they will be holding a vote on renovations to Albany High School. So not even a new high school, but only renovations will be brought to the voters for their decision. Pittsfield prefers to keep its voters completely shut out of any decisions relating to the schools even though taxpayers are footing the bills. What does this tell us about the state of affairs regarding our local schools here in Pittsfield, Massachusetts? Our Pittsfield school system is held unaccountable in so many areas.
Off subject, but concerning the License Board, outside of Dana Doyle, wouldn’t it appropriate to just shut down Johhny’s Beach Club. This establishment has appeared before the Board more than any I can remember. It may not be the owners fault but seems to be a pattern of violence that gravitates toward that particular Venue, regardless of what measures are taken or not to make it a safe establishment, where is the Ward Councilor, people have complained on a weekly basis?
It’s a sad day for Ward 7 when it has come to metal detectors being installed in an establishment right in the heart of our Wahconah Street commercial and residential neighborhood. This status quo on tackling dangerous activity in our community cannot continue.
Kathy, wouldn’t it be a sadder day for a man to lose his livelihood as a result of his clientele’s behavior? I know that he has tried a bit of re-branding in recent years, changing the name to Johnny’s Beach Club and re-opening the kitchen—but the fact is, he runs a bar. The profit for him comes from the liquor, and from the younger clientele that goes there. I don’t believe he is thrilled by the metal detectors either, but it sure beats being unable to make a mortgage payment ( assuming he is a homeowner).
The Licensing Board needs to recognize that the appeal of Johnny’s Beach Club is that is still recognizably local, and offers a place to go that is not ostensibly “Hipster” and is not a “known associate” joint. The crowd spills over to Adrien’s, and that’s another business, another bottom line, that would be affected should Johnny’s have their license yanked.
I think that the owner is doing everything he can to be solution oriented, and to stay afloat during these hard times in our city. I don’t go to Johnny’s, nor do I know the owner, but I will support his decision to install metal detectors. It ain’t pretty, and I don’t like it, but we as a community do have to deal with the problems that are immediate while we look for long term solutions. You are leading by example in that area—so great to see how quickly that abandoned property was cleaned up after you drew attention to it, while pointing out that “we already have the tools in place to deal with many of our problems”, is how I think you said it. I am not in Ward 7, but I appreciate everything you are doing for Pittsfield. Looking forward to seeing you on City Council!
I do believe that everyone has the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness but not when the neighbors are in real and eminent danger. The was a full on riot where police were knocked around and abused last year, if the kid wasn’t shot in the foot by the bullet that came out of thevery 45 caliber casing found at the scene… where’s that bullet? I like johnnies beach club, especially late night for dancing or midnight afternoon for shooting the breeze with the oldtimers. On the other hand we have scores of local bars in Pittsfield that don’t have this number of issues. Something has got to give.
Mid-afternoon 🙂
That riot was over the top. And yes, the fact that there are possibly two bullets at the scene is disturbing, too. I do not have answers…I wonder too, how would Johnny’s go about removing patrons who are already in the establishment at midnight if it goes to members only at midnight?
Something does have to give, that’s true. I fear the problem of gun violence to is systemic, and we have to start addressing it with the young people, who can be impetuous and impulsive in their decision making, and perhaps offer them activities like midnight basketball, which has reduced violence in other communities.
The recent handling of the gun gate issue is extremely troubling. This mayor and two of the special interest groups, the police and school system, along with the fire dept and all other city workers always work in lock step because the polititions owe their allegiance to them for electing them, This is all the the more reason why we should vote all new people into city govt. Having watched just about all of Gaetani’s tv shows, i feel that everyone should get behind him as a write in candidate for mayor. He stated on his last show that there were over 23000 registered voters who didn’t vote in the primary. He further stated that if just 5000 of those registered voters were to vote for him as a write in candidate for mayor, he could win the election. The mayors position is the most important position in this election. I certainly will not vote for Tyer or Bianchi as either will continue to feed the Gobs and Sigs. I like dan’s classifications as the suit’s. Indeed these suits need to be swept out. This is the only chance for Pittsfield to survive. I hope everyone votes for all new faces on election day.
If this child brought it to school for protection, fearing for his safety from what he constantly hears in the news, knowing schools are gun free zones where nobody is there that can stop a crazed2 gunman………
Having the gun loaded for “self defense” = 100%
Every single one of these school mass murders has one thing in common. The shooters were all on psychotropic mind damaging drugs. None were stopped because not even faculty is allowed to carry. The police in every single incident arrived only after the fact, to pick up the bodies.
Perhaps we have a child here who can think for himself. That is dangerous in an indoctrination environment. And no I do not advocate children carry guns. However, some adults on campus need to. I know of individuals who will not eat at fast food resturants for fear of being sitting ducks.
Once they do suceed in banning guns (and they will), nobody will be safe.
Many of them are on the autism spectrum as well
I spoke to Mr Gaetani and indeed he is ok. Sore but ok
Mr Gaetani also invited my wife Tammy to do a segment on his show regarding her campaign. I encourage everyone to watch whether you love or hate her.
She will be addressing Tully’s actions at the debate Monday night as well as her views on different issues in the city.
I don’t know what happened to the H20 genius, but hope he has a speedy recovery. I got the warm and fuzzies reading his op-ed letter in the BB. It was enlightening as he pontificated all new material which he hasn’t said before.
Glad to here that he is ok……I saw on yesterday’s Planet that he was in a car wreck.
Tully got tactical advantage the other night with her comments about Tammies fence (F U ) unfortunately she was blindsided as Tully got her comment in after her opponent,leaving poor Tammy holding the bag. Years ago Joe Breault was just about to defeat Jon Lothrop when Lothrop made a statement about Joe’s promotion of the titty bar, which did him in also. Ah, se la vie.
Its sad thats all she has but no comparison to 2 yrs of being a worthless councilor.
She may have won the battle but Tammy will win the war whether she gets in or not.
Keep your eyes out in the eagle and iberkshires in the upcoming days.
There’s already one (titty bar) at City Hall. The place is loaded with boobs.
Anyone see the council meeting the other night. gully put in a petition and read it to the Clerk. he clerk couldn’t make heads or tails about it.
Did anyone else notice Simonelli proudly boast that he was asst. principal for 20+ years at THS? Didn’t he notice any maintenance problems during his career there? Did he ever raise the issue with anyone?
That’s why he was an assistant principal for twenty years.
Great reply Nota. I’m the mom of a THS student. What you say is true. I’m voting for Kathy Lloyd all the way. Go Kathy!!!
Kathy Lloyd is a stand alone, standout. I hope she is successful. This is the kind of Candidate we should have for Mayor.
Thanks! I promise to work hard 🙂
On the surface, Kathy seems intelligent, hard working and most of all, very sincere, good luck Kathy!
Thanks Notable 🙂