FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, CHRISTMAS EVE, 2015) — There’s probably not a soul out there who has escaped the shadow of cancer, either directly or by watching a family member, loved one, or friend go through it. THE PLANET? Count us in this not-so-select number.
Over the past 100 years, the numbers display an alarming trend. In
1915, 1 person in 20 developed cancer. In 1950, it jumped to 1 in 16. In 1970, 1 in 10. In 2015, it’s 1 in 3. This is both expected and unanticipated. One would expect a negative effect from the prevalence of chemicals in our foods and environment (a sad adjunct of “progress”). On the other hand, with the astounding leaps in computers and biotechnology, you have to wonder that we haven’t found a cure. What role does money play in the suppression of cancer treatment, when it is more profitable for Big Pharma and Big Medicine to keep the The Cancer Industry alive and well?
That’s not THE PLANET‘s quest today. On this day before Christmas, we present the story of Eric Vincelette. Eric, 42, is the son of The Man from Mensa, Chuck Vincelette. For years, we have counted Eric and his lovely wife as friends. Less than two months ago, this otherwise healthy lad, husband, and father of four received a diagnosis of multiple myeloma.
Eric has chosen an alternate path in fighting his dis-ease, and he needs your help. Please consider making a donation today. Here is the story, in Eric’s own words:
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First we would like to thank you for taking the time to read OUR story. We did not come to the decision to set up this page without a lot of thought. Our intention through telling Our story is to share with you the awareness of alternative choices you have.
My name is Eric Vincelette and on October 30, 2015, my daughter’s 12th birthday, at 42 years old, married to my beautiful wife Bindu, with our beloved children Oliver, Shanti, Trinity and Jacoby, and otherwise in perfect health, I was diagnosed out of the blue with multiple myeloma, which is a rare form of Cancer of the bones and bone marrow.
Thanks to the loving support of my wife, our children and families, I’ve been able to make clear headed choices and decisions about my treatment plan, daily protocol’s, and how best to heal my body and bones. During the current phase of my healing path, which is based on many prayers, much listening, some tears, solid information and taking decisive, well thought out action, we have not been fearful of OUR choice of choosing a different healing path.
As such, some of our treatments may be ones that my private health insurance will not cover. Also, during this current phase, I will not be able to continue to work at my job in the insurance industry. In addition, my wife has sold her children’s boutique due to the circumstances. So that we can truly come together and focus on healing. We will be doing our core treatments, diet, juicing, body work, supplements, etc. right at home in the beautiful Berkshires Hills of Massachusetts.
However, some of our treatments will not be local and we will need to travel. Our research and experience has already opened our eyes to treatments designed to truly HEAL ME, that may be outside of the United States.
We hope our blessing to You in donating your hard earned money is Our story. Which, we hope you will also share with your family and friends, for All to know that there is available information, inspiration and CHOICES for people to learn from and use when having to heal themselves from disease.
Any money donated will be used to cover treatments and medicines that my Health insurance provider will not pay for and our income and savings will be unable to cover. For someone like myself who is choosing an alternative path of healing to chemotherapy and radiation, this may be expensive. On another note, chemotherapy and radiation were the ONLY treatments offered by both my doctors and covered by my health insurance. Which, we KNOW is not a coincidence.
Your money will go towards medicines, treatments and massive amounts of organic foods, fruits and vegetables, vitamins, supplements and specific body work modalities. Along with an emerging medicine in today’s world of disease treatment, that has been used successfully for centuries in treating disease and is now being reborn, Medical Grade Dispensary Cannabis. Both CBD and THC, oils, tinctures, salves and extracts. All of which help heal the Cannabinoid system in the human body for deep physical, emotional and spiritual healing. As a registered medical marijuana patient and medical card holder in MA, Cannabis will be part of our overall daily protocol.
Also, Your contributions will go towards any additional medical equipment or modifications needed. As well as travel expenses to and from both local and potentially global treatments, clinical trials or appointments with other providers. In our journey for true healing we have learned that it can take some time to look for and find the correct doctors and treatments for one’s particular disease.
Our short term plan is to heal from and usher out The disease from my bones and body. With that in mind we have set up an initial fundraising goal of $50,000 to give us a good foundation to operate from. Our long term plan is to continue to bring awareness of choices and funding for other people searching for answers. We hope to add our little part to the way that future Cancer and degenerative disease patients are treated, viewed and God willing, hopefully healed.
Cancer is a disease that is created internally and as such can and in my case ABSOLUTELY WILL, be completely cured from my insides out.
If you believe and share in our heart’s beliefs and prayers, that we as humans beings can heal ourselves, then please feel free to donate to the#Vincestrong fund. Either way we hope you take away something beneficial from Our story to help yourself or a loved one. If I may share my honest opinion in the most respectful way that I know, the fact that there are medicines and treatments available to heal The People, that have been suppressed and instead The People have and continue to suffer is a crime against of All Humanity. And I am grateful that I have been blessed to be made aware that there are higher powers than me and Us at work here, both Light and Dark, and We are choosing the PATH OF LOVE AND LIGHT.
Through the blessing of the process of discovering the gift of this disease, which has been first actually recognizing it as a blessing of needed change in my life, it has given me a greater understanding of and Real acceptance of my own Earthly mortality. No matter how long my Earthly life lasts, I will be growing closer to, more in love and wiser with, myself, my beautiful wife, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. We are confident beyond the shadow of a doubt that we have chosen the correct healing path for Us, one which is in perfect alignment and harmony with Our thoughts and beliefs. And Our absolute conscious decision to leave a legacy HERE ON EARTH, of first helping myself and my family in my own healing and then setting about in methodically helping others. We hope with Us sharing Our story, we are able to help The People who want to know, that they have Choices, Proven Successful Protocols, Love and Funding options, should they also have the courage to choose a different path to heal. Until This Path becomes well worn from successful use and no longer is a different path, but rather the new normal path to successful healing, We all have much work to do.
The Vincelette family Thanks you from the bottom of Our hearts for reading and hopefully sharing Our story. At some point in the near future we will have personalized #Vincestrong bracelets made and sent to you with your generous donation. Blessings from Our family to You and Your family.
Eric and Bindu Vincelette
Feel free to follow or Our story via Facebook.
#Vincestrong #Unbreakable #413 #theBerkshires
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This Christmas season, please consider helping Eric. In doing so, you will give four lovely children the gift of their father and extend to a lovely wife the radiance of her life’s companion.
Godspeed, Eric.
“You brought the sunshine to my life.” — Uriah Heep, “High Priestess” from the album Salisbury, (1971).
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There is something worth trying. A little known cure has been found. Doctors who prescribe this have been jailed. This information has been agressively surpressed. I am surprised I found the video on youtube.
Here is the link:
Interestingly it is the medical profession that found the cure and then surpressed it. Vitamin B17 or laetrile has litterally been wiped out in our food supply. The sale of this can bring some pretty harsh penalties. However, it can be found.
Watch the video from 1974 and see what you think. It can quite litterally save your life.
Hot link:
I also question why there isn’t more progress being made in the cure for cancer. I am a big believer in food being a cure for so many of the diseases that we suffer from. Chemo and radiation may have their place, but alternative medicine needs to be offered to the public and at a price we can afford.
Too much money in the business of keeping us sick. BMC is not alone in being the largest employer in a region, so where is the incentive to “cure” anything. Godspeed to Eric and his family – hopefully this journey will end in restored health.
Wishing you all the best in health and fulfillment this Christmas season. From my family to yours.
AWWC, Laetrile has been proven to be nothing more than snake oil. There has been many cases of desperate people abandoning conventional treatment to try Laetrile only to succumb to an early demise.Steve McQueen is one example of this.
Laetrile is not snake oil. It wipes cancer out of your body. I believe in it 110%. There are 1000’s of documented cases proving it works. When presented with factual evidence of its sucess, doctors respond by saying the patient never had cancer to begin with and they were misdiagnosed.
Eric has already decided not to go with conventional radiation, chemotherapy or surgery. He has nothing to lose by trying laetrile. In fact it will save his very life. I would megadose on this stuff. It can do no harm.
You sir are part of the problem in the aggressive surpression of this information. It works and they know it works. Steve McQueen may have had other causes where his medical records to be analyzed.
Radiation is very aggressive. Chemotherapy is toxic and surgery is totally not the answer. God has designed out bodies to heal. The human body always strives toward health. You just have to give it what it needs. The testimonies of people cured with B17 never get to see the light of day.
Scurvy is easily cured by taking vitamin C. Thats a well known documented fact. Cancer is easily cured by taking vitamin B17. Thats a little known, surpressed documented fact. It really is as simple as that.
You should let Eric watch the video above and decide for himself if he wants to give it a try. Doctors who know the truth are not permitted to recommed this information. They risk losing their license and even prison. If you choose not to agree, fine. Its not you who has cancer.
It’s truly tragic when a young person develops cancer. But as far as the cancer rate in the population goes lets not forget as we live longer lives we are all going to develop so disease eventually.
Our thought and prayers for complete healing go to Eric and his family. We shall be donating. To Eric and family, be strong and fight, it can be licked.
Dan, Thank you for your show of public support for myself and my family and especially your unwavering support behind the scenes that you have always shown the whole Vince letter the above B17 Laetrile discussion I wanted to share that during my time in clinic we had 14 IV b17s drips administered over 3 weeks and have tablets that we will be doing at home…As a medicine it is a huge toxins flush…after the IV was done we did a 105 degree deep hot tub for 20 minutes to accelerate the flush…please go to my Facebook page for a more thorough understanding of our protocol or follow our story via and either way gain knowledge before saying or doing anything cause there is a ton of documented cases of success as referenced above…Above All Happy Holidays to All the Planet and it’s Orbit…#vincestrong
It’s our pleasure to help in this small way. Your journey has touched a lot of hearts, and your determination in facing this situation has been an inspiration.
Thanks for sharing this, Dan!
A Priest over the border in NY was caught filming a semi nude women changing her clothes in a Salvation Army Store. What is wrong with people today? Driving in the city of Pittsfield is like the wild wild west, I’m talking everything from running red lights and stop signs to speeding many miles over the speed limit. Where are the patrol cars?The Jay Walkers on North Street out out of control.
No alter boy involved?
AWWC, i agree with you on two points. (1)A person has the right to choose whatever course of treatment they want. (2)vitamin C prevents scurvy, this has been documented by sailors for centuries. Other than that we will have to agree to disagree. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Agreed. Peace.
Have a happy new year.
Yokel is correct, wish we could issue citations. Tonight is busy with speeders, must be the Holidays, but keep off the bu per dudes.
Merry Christmas to all. To Eric and the Vincelette family, special prayers for a total cure.
AWWC, isn’t it nice when people can have a discussion and remain civil to one another?
It is indeed nice — and needed. If we can begin doing more of this and less of yelling at each other, we’ll be the better for it.