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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 2016) — THE PLANET “gets” the candidacy of Donald Trump? Let us explain why The Donald has taken this presidential campaign season by storm — and we mean storm.

TRUMP #1 — “That Individual”

As Steven Colbert revealed during his recent interview with Trump, GOP bosses want Trump to vanish. He’s a flamethrower without party allegiance. Trump’s all about Trump. He is the only candidate for either side who is running as himself. Whenever the Fat Cats get nervous about a candidate, there’s reason for We the People to examine more closely and with greater attention. As for the party elders, you know what kind of flying leap they may take out the window.

TRUMP #2 — Politically Incorrect

Trump tells it the way he sees it. How refreshing to see in a politician at that level. The electorate deserves candidates and office holders who bare their unscripted views. Trump alone has done that. Every other candidate running for president plays it safe, using lots of hollow, safe, scripted words to say nothing. Not Trump. Other candidate campaign in sound bites and bumper stickers. Trump campaigns in stream-of-conscious monologues.

TRUMP #3 — Populism

Donald Trump has dared to do what no viable American politician has dared since Eugene McCarthy in 1968, which is to articulate a vision for the nation that captures the tone, timbre, and temper of the times. Ordinary, hard-working members of the shrinking middle class recognize when a voice cries from the political wilderness, gives the finger to the mainstream politicians, and gives form to its frustrations and verbalizations to its hopes.

TRUMP #4 — Practicality and Pragmatism

THE PLANET admires the way Trump deals with issues without ambiguity or cuteness. Case in point: His call to for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country. The mainstream media and the tired hacks from mainstream parties branded Trump’s call as a mean-spirited, profiling insult to Islam. True, the move would blanket all Muslims with the taint of suspected ill-intent. Remember, though, that Trump’s extreme position exists within a context of global terrorism, instances of which we have all-too-recently witnessed. How is Trump’s call different from the “guilty until proven innocent” verdict placed on all Americans each time we wish to fly, to enter a stadium, or watch the skaters at Rockefeller Center?

TRUMP #5 — Money Matters

The Donald knows money. Trump’s critics love to bring up his multiple trips to federal bankruptcy court.  Filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy can be a great business strategy when operating with leveraged money. That being said, the four Trump bankruptcies (the Trump Taj Mahal, 1991; Trump Plaza Hotel, 1992; Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, 2004; and Trump Entertainment Resorts, 2009) resulted from enterprises in which Trump invested and licensed his name. These four instances “were not defining moments for Trump and shouldn’t color our view of him” (Adam Levine, law professor at Georgetown University). Trump had little control over the management of these investments, three of four of which involved casinos. Trump knows how to manage debt, a great qualification for someone who wants to head a country drowning in $18 trillion of red ink.

TRUMP #6 — The Alpha Male

Trump’s the Alpha Male most people want at the top, secretly or otherwise. The Alpha Male is a born leader. He keeps the pack together. He provides for the pack. He leads. He’s comfortable with who he is. For him, failure is an individual vision, the learning key to success. He’s self-disciplined and driven to succeed. He has un-ambivalent views, believes in them, and unequivocally expresses them. The Alpha Male solves problems, believes in progress, owns faults and virtues, and is optimistic. He inspires men. He fascinates women: “He is not chosen by women. He chooses women” (

Practice saying it: “President Trump.”


“Hey, you musclebound porcupine, go get me that board!”More Howard to Larry Fine, (whenever).



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Donald Trump has multiple marriages and divorces. He bankrupted a multiple number of his companies. He made money off of the real estate bubble and the most regressive (voluntary) tax of all: casino gambling. Yet, he still throws verbal criticisms at everyone who disagrees with his politics. He went after Bowe Bergdahl, who should have never been allowed to enlist in the U.S. Army due to his long standing mental illness. I thought everyone, including Sergeant Bergdahl, is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law! Donald Trump even criticized war hero John McCain, whild Donald Trump received multiple deferments and never served in the military when he was a young man. Donald Trump has alienated minorities and women, and he has caused harm to our foreign relations. The list goes on and on! Down with Donald Trump!
– Jonathan Melle
Disabled Veteran

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Sounds like success by overcoming failure. Good luck with Queen Hillary

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Talking about mental illness Mr. Melle……….

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Flogging Molly
9 years ago

No one is perfect; except Dan Valenti, of course.
I am very imperfect! Maybe that makes me a human being? Who knows?

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Flogging Molly
9 years ago

How brave of you Ms. Molly.

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
9 years ago

Trump will tap the talent in Pittsfeld and will make Guyer Secretary of Building Maintenance and Bruce Collingwood Secretary of Sewage. No Clew Lew will be Secretary of This City is Moving Forward.

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  Roberto Del Halitoso
9 years ago

Lisa Tully will be appointed secretary of slumber.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
9 years ago

Based on Bianchi working for Global Mondello, Trump will probably make him secretary of energy.

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
9 years ago

Irvin, one thing for sure Tully won’t get that job.

9 years ago

In a country slowly being taken over by a progressive philosophy of big government and a two class system of rich and poor, Donald Trump offers a compelling opposing vision especially to people stuck in the middle of rich and poor who are slowly becoming poor due largely to the progressive ideology. The progressive philosophy is all about big taxation to keep big government in power. Big government employs lots of people who are being kept financially happy by big government so they won’t vote against their own interests and so continue to feed the monster that is big government. Mr. Trump is giving a voice to those not employed by or being cared for by big government who can’t find work because progressives are not job creators. All they know how to grow is more government. It’s easy to see the appeal of Donald Trump under these terrible circumstances.

Not to mention the fact that Mr. Trump is not politically correct at all and we have suffered under the restraints of the PC police for far too long.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

Wonder if the PSC hope and change poster will be replaced with making America great again next year ?

9 years ago

Big business won when reagain won,he started huge deficit s and deregulation. When you start to hear phrases like we have a weak military, make America great again ,sheep will follow these stupid statements
Big business want 3rd world countries to build their products, how has big business been to this town.

9 years ago

I do think Trump has some good points and I like that he does not worry so much about political correctness. On the other hand I worry that if they pissed him off he might bomb one of his own states in a knee jerk response.

9 years ago

Trump is a train wreck.

Ed Check
Ed Check
9 years ago

I just hope when he is elected that all those good liberals in the press and elsewhere that threatened to escape to Mexico make good on their threat. Then they can see what a country that actually follows its immigration policy does. I don’t think they are going to like the prisons there.

The problem with non-liberals is they want the candidate to be perfect on all issues with their beliefs. Progressives long ago realized it is a multi generational process. Get what you can, when you can. And they have been successful.

Trump may not be everything to everyone, but at least he is not the typical wimp that defines most politicians.

He at least expresses a vision.

Reply to  Ed Check
9 years ago

Anyone wanting yo leave this country when Trump becomes President……………

I’ll help you pack.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  mover
9 years ago

What is new, empty Liberal/Socialist promises.

9 years ago

Jakes mccanless.makes said teachers pay is cheaper here than in the regional schools….odd to say that

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

McCandless is presenting skewered and self serving statistics. Various educational watch dog groups cite otherwise,
This is one time Terry Kinnas and Gaetani are spot on. Is McCandless pandering to the teacher/municipal unions under acquiesence of those that continually gain from that controlled voting block ?
We have immediate family who are teachers in the midwest and southeast. They are jealous over the Pittsfield schools compensation package. McCandless, you’re full of more spit than a Christmas turkey.

Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

I imagine when he interviewed for the job he mentioned that teachers need a lot more money and the schools need more money and oh yes, golly gee we do need a new high school. There is no way a fiscally responsible candidate was getting this job and risk killing or even wounding the golden goose.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

Thank god someone is looking out for the taxpayers

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

Change, read article in Iberk. site. Threw up in my mouth a little. Hope Dan can go through the false numbers he was spewing. I have a feeling they manipulated them.

9 years ago

Crazy Annie was ahead of her time.

9 years ago

Trump is not a politician, never held office. Good enough for me.

9 years ago

Tell me how he can be any worse than what we have now or the last couple.

9 years ago


I agree. Trump all the way.
We finally have a candidate that needs no money from any special interests and will not have to pay anyone back.
A man for the people.

His opting out of the last of the last debate is a good decision. He holds the Trump card. Ronald Regan did the same thing and skipped the final debate before Iowa and went on to win the primaries by a landslide.

We finally have a man willing to reverse the course America had been on for the last 16 years.

I don’t believe they will ever let him into the White House.
JFK, RFK, MLK ring a bell?
Will it be a plane crash? Sudden illness?

Donald Trump is who the people want to be President of the United States. His popularity is way beyond what the polls are showing. He is drawing standing room only record crowds where ever he speaks.

People have had enough of Obama, George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton. Every single thing they have tried to discredit Donald Trump has backfired. He is thee strongest candidate in history.

9 years ago

there is no training program for Presidents. Only 44 men have ever held the job, and they never train their successor.

Holding political office is not a qualifier – since not every elected job is equal nor is it done the same by any two people. Obama is a one term Senator (less than one term I believe), Carter was a one plus term Governor and both have been miserable failures. LBJ was the master of the Senate and got a lot done, much of it wrong, Lincoln was a lawyer and State Senator yet he figured out how to hold the Union together.

Going back to Teddy Roosevelt is the last time we had a BMOC who was raised with a silver spoon, had a big mouth and in the end, did great things for this country., That is the model Trump should follow. Big thoughts and big actions are what this country needs again. TR was not who we think he was – and neither is Trump. But it does not matter – we need a vision and a goal. He is the only one providing it.

Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

19 trillion in debt, I guess there is no training.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

We as a Country, are struggling and searching for a better path a better life. One that upholds our Constitution, our Freedoms, our rights. All of these have been taken down, causing division, desperation.and anger. The choices in front of us are bleak. We have a divided Congress between the two parties. We have a warring Republican Party among themselves., and all of them beholden to Big Business. Donald Trump is a loose Cannon, and not anyone I want representing The United States of America.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

TR and WW were destructive of the Constitution and both were huge racists.

Reply to  Benigno Fiasconi
9 years ago

TR and WW may have been racists – but that was a part of the times they lived in. That was not the entirety of their contributions to society. Although, TR’s contributions are more long-lasting (Panama Canal;, National Parks) and WW – well he was just another guy who held the office along the way. Though, by keeping us out of WW 1 until we were ready to enter meant that we were there with both feet, and our entrance to the war proved vital to ending it.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  southeast
9 years ago

Wilson set the stage for WWII and the Mid East trouble that we have today………

Reply to  Benigno Fiasconi
9 years ago

Ahhh…so Trump will fit right in with them then; loudmouth racists.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

Lincoln was a dictator

9 years ago

They have much smaller footprint in their communities most with just 2 or 3 building doing the education service s….I don’t mind the pay as much as the amount of people we pay………the real question is he for consolidation of buildings to provide the services

Hilllary for Prison
Hilllary for Prison
9 years ago

The big money special interests have dumped litterally 100’s of millions of dollars into the Hillary and Jeb Bush campaigns. They don’t like to see this money wasted.


Watch for rigged elections all accross the fruited plain.

9 years ago

Councilor Amuso said she was getting phone calls about plows clearing dry roads and Mayor Tyer alleged on the Clewless Show the massive fleet were treating the roads? So, which one of these two is out of tune? You can’t have it both ways.

Faceless Doll
Faceless Doll
9 years ago

Did the Mayor address the murder Tuesday? Unacceptable!

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Faceless Doll
9 years ago

I’m pretty sure that she is anti murder.

9 years ago

I saw them plowing snowless roads.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

So what new

9 years ago

Beez, excellent. They could work for saying either they were plowing or for treating…nice. more bureaucrcy, just make sure you don’t have any funds left at the end of winter.

Bill Q
Bill Q
9 years ago

I saw sparks.

Reply to  Bill Q
9 years ago

I witnessed plowing puddles same road over and over….and it was one of the big city snow fighters

9 years ago

And the winner of tonight’s presidential debate


Donald Trump

Without even being there.
Watch Fox ratings drop.

9 years ago

Small potatoes, the real waste is in the schools,the dog and pony show from a group of people who all make 90,000 to 160,000 dollar….amuso wasted millions at school dept because eberwien would smile….don’t let mazzeo and amuso divert your attention from the school budget. ..amuso never asked eberwien 1 question about millions of wasted dollars…….does yon or mccanless. know sabic left town macys left town,best buy left town,bubba louies left town,

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

Amuso should get grilled about the School Budget fraternization, the way she grilled Mr. Turozcy on Tuesday Night. Someone better start pushing back on this out of control party. I agree it’s not how much we are paying the teachers……. There are too many levels at the top…..and the Fat needs to get cut.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Agree spa, Councilors like Amuso, Marchetti, ect. should look to cut out as much fat as possible.

Thomas More
Thomas More
9 years ago

spagirl, Change and Pat write like very intelligent women who are well versed on local issues and finances. Hopefully at least one of them will get involved with one of the commissions and next time around run for office. All would have my vote. Dusty also sounds like a lady that is on top of things.

9 years ago

Joe curtis was so consumed by a desire to be assist super he payed no attention to new teachers to help them through their 1st year, screwed 1 guy over

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

You are 100% right on this guy. Accurate!!

9 years ago

Joe curtis is in charge of harassment of low level employees, he can not communicate at a level of professionalism the job needs….mccanless needs a math class

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

Why does the Pittsfield School Department need a Deputy Superintendent? The Superintendent Salary is enormous. Both of these guys are tricky dicks.
Curtis is the henchman and a bully.

Amica Fiasconi
Amica Fiasconi
Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago


9 years ago

Right on change!

Local Yocal
Local Yocal
9 years ago

Trump will never make it to the White House, unless he buys it. He still has time to say something so totally ridiculous, that they’ll have to can him. I think he’s working with the Clinton’s. Personally, would rather see Trump before Ted ( Haney ) Cruz, the gaul of the man, he just got a loan from Goldman Sachs.

Reply to  Local Yocal
9 years ago

I have never seen such an embarrassment and dysfunction in a Presidential Race. What the hell is going to become of the United States of America? It sickens me to watch these idiots.

9 years ago

This just in…….Jeb Bush has a plan to take out Isis…..stay tuned.

Amica Fiasconi
Amica Fiasconi
Reply to  mi
9 years ago

He’s going to move them to Pittsfield where they will quickly go out of business.

9 years ago

Joe curtis has a plan to take clerks kitchen staff and custodian s answer paraprofessional…he wants to drug test the kitchen cooks and bakers

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

He needs to be the first cut in the 2017 School Department Budget.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Change
9 years ago

If they drug tested the Mercer staff they’ed all test positive for preparation H because they all sit on their fat axes all day.

9 years ago

Drug test superintendent, assissuperintendent principles and community coordinances not cooks

Faceless Doll
Faceless Doll
9 years ago

Drug test them all you want, they’ll walk either way.

9 years ago

Pretty much every employee of the school dept. gets drug tested. Except the teachers, they have a strong union. Time for a change, for the children’s safety of course.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

If you drug tested the teachers you wouldn’t have very many left. Except maybe the alkies. No one ever tests them and we all see then at the bars and on FB once that bell rings for summer. Flocking like salmon of the Capistrano

Faceless Doll
Faceless Doll
9 years ago

Jethro is on right now before the Planet. Don’t watch any shows but the Planet and Gaetani News Hour, but caught it anyway.

Kathy Yawn
Kathy Yawn
Reply to  Faceless Doll
9 years ago

Who s Jethro and what show are you talking about?

9 years ago

S U P E R C I T I Z E N ! !

9 years ago

Heir is a suggestion L T why didn’t you publish that there were some job openings and what qualifications one would need for the job and have open bids for those jobs instead appointing some political friends that would have shown a real change for a mayor

9 years ago

If she didn’t take care of her friends she wouldn’t have been elected. Give her a couple of more months.

9 years ago

The good news is that Tricia Farley Bouvier will not be running for Senate. The bad news is that she will seek re-election to the House of Representatives under the false assumption that she is actually doing something to help the Berkshires. I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m not seeing it. The only issues I ever hear her promote are liberal progressive issues that have little to do with the financial health of our area. Since she has held her current position the Berkshires have gone downhill when it comes to jobs and poverty has increased to levels that are higher than ever. Since poverty and crime go together, we have seen crime become out of control. Not to mention the increased drug dealing and drug use. I can’t imagine Ms. Bouvier being elected again to continue to do nothing for the Berkshires.

9 years ago

More nonsense coming from McCandless and the school committee trying to justify Pittsfield teachers earning in the top ten with places like Williamstown and Lenox, all wealthy communities whose residents can afford higher taxation as compared to Pittsfield with a majority of residents living in poverty or near poverty conditions. Pittsfield also pays less per student according to McCandless, but this is because they give more money to salaries and hiring more people than in giving more money to the education of each student. More money is put toward growing the school system than in educating students.

9 years ago

Pat, you get it, that is why mc Careless get’s the big bucks, he’s a dancer, dodger,advocate, as are all politicians. You guys were given a statement by someone on here concerning the Mayor saying treating the roads as opposed to Mooso’s plowing the bare pavement, sometimes they contradict and have no idea what they say, we do though….The Taxpayer!

9 years ago

Young people are voting for bernie,Republicans are unelectable going down the path they are going,,your candidates are goofy…normal people don’t want to run with the platform of be afraid of minorities, no one believes Democrats want your gun s ,the constitution won’t allow that,and you are not going to reverse roe vrs wade because that will end your party just like taking guns will end democratic party’s all just jive

Kathy Yawn
Kathy Yawn
Reply to  Change
9 years ago

You must be a PMSNBC fan

Bill Sturgeon
Bill Sturgeon
9 years ago

If Donnie Trump thinks a Fox News anchor was mean to him, he should have met my basic training Drill Sgts. Now, those guy were really mean and said hateful things to all of us and they would have had great fun with that hair style.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Bill Sturgeon
9 years ago

How would a jackwagon like Obama done in basic

9 years ago

How would Hillary & Bernie do?

9 years ago

I remember Obama being included by President Bush in the white house because 2 months before Obama took over as president the world went to within hours of a financial collapse …..Obama brought all of us out of this,you can revise history to those that don’t read ,saying otherwise is ignorant.

Kathy Yawn
Kathy Yawn
Reply to  Change
9 years ago

Ever since they put wi-fi in at Lach’s lounge we get posts like this:(

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

Change, put down the pipe. Obama worst President ever. Don’t let the facts get in the way of your story.

9 years ago

You can give miss yon an extra 5 million this year and she will seek 6 million next year and wanot to drug test librarian s