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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 2016) — You’ll recall how strongly Dan Bianchi campaigned for his first term on “transparency.” THE PLANET doesn’t have to remind how that turned out. Thus far, however, Linda Tyer has proven the opposite. While mentioning government openness in her campaign, it wasn’t part of her platform rhetoric. As mayor, it appears to be part of her action plan.

On Jan. 19, three city councilors requested Tyer form a “study group … to help determine if it is in the [c]ity’s best interest” to keep operating the Pittsfield Municipal Airport “as a [c]ity function.” Chris Connell (Ward 4), Donna Todd Rivers (5), and Melissa Mazzeo (at large) made the request.

Tyer replied Feb. 5 with a constituting memo. THE PLANET filed a public records request with the mayor’s office two days ago, and the mayor complied on the same day. Here is the councilors’ petition and the mayor’s memo:

Airport Study Committee (dragged) 1    Airport Study Committee (dragged) 2    Airport Study Committee (dragged)

Pay particular attention to the final section of the mayor’s letter, “Meeting Format.” Tyer says the Airport Study Committee (ASC) “must” follow the state’s Open Meeting Law: “You must post notices, keep records of your meetings, and meetings must be open the the public.” THE PLANET sees no wiggle room in “must.”

That wasn’t good enough for one of the ASC members. Can you guess which one?

Shortly after receipt of the mayoral memo, Mazzeo objected to opening the meetings to the public. THE PLANET requested comment to explain her reasoning. She, alone among those contacted, failed to respond to two requests. Did defense of the indefensible prove too challenging for MelMaz?

Legal Opinion Recommends Following the Law

Mazzeo sought a legal opinion from the city attorneys, Donovan and O’Connor. After THE PLANET‘s request, attorney Rich Dohoney sent us a copy of the opinion.

Dohoney wrote: “A body appointed by the Mayor solely for the purpose of advising the Mayor with regard to something the Mayor could do on her own is not subject to the Open Meeting Law See Connelly v. School Committee of Hanover 409 Mass. 232 (1991). The Mayor could study the airport herself. Therefore, I do not find that the Airport Study Committee is required to comply wit the Open Meeting Law.” Seems clear enough, eh?

And it is, until you get to the final sentence: “I do, however, recommend that the Airport Study Committee voluntarily comply with the Open Meeting Law.” Rich, so does THE PLANET. The memo, depending on your point of view, can be read as Solomon-like advice or CYA fence-sitting.

Clearly, the ASC’s work involves a public interest, as determined, for example, with one of the group’s initial findings. In its first meeting, the committee heard testimony from new airport manager Robert Snuck, who reported strange leases signed with the Westwood Business Park on airport property, leases done “under the table.”

The leases favored the businesses and screwed taxpayers — or do you think a 40-year lease at $1 a year is fair compensation? Property next to an airport should be getting at least $2,000 a month in rental. Also, such leases rarely, if ever, go beyond 20 years. We’re talking $40 over 40 years vs. $400,000 over 20. Who made out at whose doing? If nothing demonstrates the need for public oversight, this surely does.

Connell, Rivers Disagree with Mazzeo, Want OML Followed

Mazzeo’s ASC council colleagues, Connell and Rivers, agreed with Tyer that the group should follow the Open Meeting Law. Connell told THE PLANET, “I believe strongly that we should follow the OML. Originally, when we asked the mayor to form this group,  I was under the impression it would act as a … task force to examine the financials of the airport as well as possible options in operating it as a city function. The focus seems to have changed direction. Maybe that is a good thing but its still too early to say.”

Rivers also disagreed with Mazzeo: She called Dohoney’s  opinion too “narrow [an] interpretation of the scope of our duties as a group. … [T]he structure of the group and the depth of the charge before us does not fit the narrow definition of a study group, and as a result I disagree with his opinion and would find that the Committee is subject to the Open Meeting Law. All of this legal interpretation notwithstanding, I quite frankly think that we should always err on the side of following the Open Meeting Law, and I am not sure why the issue even surfaced.”

THE PLANET spoke with Mayor Tyer, who said she was surprised at Mazzeo’s objection.

“I feel strongly about transparency in government,” Tyer said. “I wanted to respect [the three councilors’ interest] in this problem. That’s why I formed the study group.” Tyer called Mazzeo’s objection to an open process “a contradiction.” On the one hand, Tyer says, Mazzeo calls for a public investigation into the airport management but on the other objects to her group’s compliance with the law that would ensure a greater protection of the public’s interest.

THE PLANET agrees. We can see no reasonable objection to the group keeping its deliberations open. Mazzeo’s objection casts suspicion that there is something she wants hidden. If not, then why did Mazzeo object? We asked, but she’s not talking.

Is this the first inevitable official “push back” from “the other side” in Pittsfield never-ending War of the Machines. THE PLANET refers, of course, to the Ruberto-Del Gallo Machine, which includes Tyer, and the Bianchi-Wotjkowski Machine, which counts Mazzeo among its Believers. Is that what’s really behind Mazzeo’s rumpus?


“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.”Dalai Lama



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Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
9 years ago

Interesting subject. I like that Linda Tyer believes in open government. That will surely be a breath of fresh air in Pittsfield. I am copying the paragraph where she states her feelings on the matter and will be saving it to see if it applies all of the time or part of the time.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

Right off the bat Attorney Rivers is in conflict with the Solicitor, so much for that. Mazzeo must have something up her sleeve as it applys to the open meeting law? Of course with the name snuck being associated with this debocle, this should enhance the controversy even more.

9 years ago

Good for Linda Tyer. I like her thinking. It made good logical sense. That is rare here in Pittsfield. Mazzeo wants to run for mayor next time?

9 years ago

This is why nothing gets done, controversy before anything can be accomplished, now they’ll have to go to the Council and discuss what to do about procedure, then take up more time resolving this issue. In the end, does the 40 years contract with Westwood hold?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  mi
9 years ago

A contract is a contract. Unless it was improperly executed, which I doubt, it isn’t invalid because the City screwed up.

Distressed Cat
Distressed Cat
9 years ago

Poor little Missy. Shrinking from the sunlight like a vampire.

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
9 years ago

Nothing like Free Air!

9 years ago

I think you never go wrong by holding your standards as high as they can go. MM probably has some friendship interests either at Westwood or with the FBO and items revealed in open meeting may be embarrassing to them.

As for Atty Rivers disagreement with the Solicitor, I have yet to meet an attorney who just agrees with another one. in this instance, it seems as if the disagreement is about the shade of gray rather than whether the color is gray or chartreuse.

Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

Yes, and remember that Mr. Dohoney has presented an opinion not a ruling. Donna is an attorney, which is great for the city and the council and she interprets the law differently.

I agree with you SE. Follow the law when there’s any doubt. Can’t go wrong that way.

9 years ago

I think you never go wrong by holding your standards as high as they can go. MM probably has some friendship interests either at Westwood or with the FBO and items revealed in open meeting may be embarrassing to them.

As for Atty Rivers disagreement with the Solicitor, I have yet to meet an attorney who just agrees with another one. in this instance, it seems as if the disagreement is about the shade of gray rather than whether the color is gray or chartreuse.

In the end, she loses and looks bad.

Donna M
Donna M
9 years ago

Can someone tell me what the Sturgeon Show was all about last night? I forced myself to watch it and honestly I have no clue what I saw. Can someone explain?

Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
Reply to  Donna M
9 years ago

The Seinfeld show was also about nothing but was nevertheless very popular.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Johnny Dingo
9 years ago

It was very funny

Russell Moody
Russell Moody
Reply to  Johnny Dingo
9 years ago

ha ha ha

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Oh Donna..How can we answer the question when the host probably doesn’t know?

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Shelly Liver
9 years ago

At least there are a few few good shows on PCTV that aren’t GOB rump swab shows. when I watch the weaker shows I either laugh at them but more often roll my eyes and yawn at these circle jerk shows.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Being a man of the arts, the host wanted to dramatically portray the passage of a person into senility. Look for his one man show coming to the Colonial soon after being promoted on “Good Morning Pittsfield”

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

The lovely Linda Tyer is very lovely. So is the lovely Melissa Mazzeo! I like it when lovely ladies fight each other!
Pittsfield politics rulz!

Distressed Cat
Distressed Cat
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Simmer down now.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Take 2 cold showers and call me in the morning Jon

Henry LaMere'
Henry LaMere'
9 years ago

Poor Mellissa she is so far over her head. So this is the person who accused her fellow councillors of violating open meeting laws. Now she does not want to follow the open meeting laws when discussing the airport operation. Can you say double standard? How does this woman keep getting elected?

Thank you mayor Tyer for the common sense…

Reply to  Henry LaMere'
9 years ago

She has lots of friends who keep voting her in.

9 years ago

This isn’t executive session.

vote Trump
vote Trump
9 years ago

The Pope has attacked Donald Trump as being unchristian because he opposes ILLEGAL immigration.

Yet, the Vatican itself is walled in and accepts no illegal immigrants.

“Here’s another clue for you all”:

Popes never resign. The always remain Pope until they die. The previous Pope was made to resign to make way for this puppet Pope. This installed Pope has sway over a billion people. He is a new world order globalist. He was installed to influence the masses. His attack on private citizen Donald Trump’s faith is a dead give away.

Reply to  vote Trump
9 years ago

To stand by while children are raped is not Christian. The Pope should serve God, and only talk about his own religion, not another one ( global warming)

9 years ago

Be sure L. T. has things going on that she doesn’t want the public to know until she is ready. The skateboard park was a mistake. Bad location should not be used for any reason during school hours. Put cameras up if you want but the kids will be long gong before the police can get there.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  painter
9 years ago

A functional and well loved park in the City of Pittsfield that people that don’t use it don’t like is not a mistake. I am amazed at how the contributors on this blog develop their opinions of the skateboard park without using it, without visiting it, without offering to support any alternative. No wonder kids leave and don’t come back.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Shakes, we do not always agree – but on this one you are pretty dead on. The skate park is popular and 99% of the folks using it are good kids, having a good time and not being delinquent. I work not too far away, I walk by it often and the kids are respectful and hate the chaos seekers more than any poster on this blog.

I doubt there is one person on this blog who is perfect – but it is easy to throw spears at these kids because they like a sport you may not have grown up with or been good at.

I think no trespass notices and surveillance cameras will help keep the 1% out of the park. The kids involved in the stabbing were not skating and probably never do.

Kathy Yawn
Kathy Yawn
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Yeah, a kid with a good job is going to leave town because he doesn’t have a special place to play with his dopey skateboard. GD just added 100 jobs because we have a skate park.

Reply to  Kathy Yawn
9 years ago

No, GD is adding 100 jobs because they secured a contract that supports it. You have parks so people can enjoy them. Parks make cities more livable. A skate park is a park that has features which allow kids to practice something they like or love.

Me, I never saw the fun of it – but I know many kids who enjoy it. I love hiking, XC skiing and snowshoeing – and do it in the many city or state parks around here.

Kathy, I imagine there are things you like doing, and some of it is on public property.

There seems to be an element on here who just want to shut everything down because it either uses tax dollars or they don’t make use of it. That’s great – if you want to live a luddite’s life, go to the northern Yukon or somewhere, but I prefer to live and enjoy life. That is WHY I want safe streets, a vibrant downtown, an economy providing for good jobs so folks have discretionary money to spend on leisure.

Geez, there are a lot of folks who post here who are so damned unhappy and it seems as if nothing will satisfy you. If someone is for it, you are against it and if they are against it – you suddenly want it. We could have Christ and all of the Apostles running this City and you’d comment on their sandals.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  southgeast
9 years ago

Great discussion.

knows the truth
knows the truth
9 years ago

Poor Melmaz. Without being led by the empty suite and two boots degnan, with oversight of pummelin pam, she is a rudderless ship with zero direction or common sense.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

No common sense is in! these days.

Donna M
Donna M
9 years ago

Analytical equipment is getting better and better. In the pas,t we
identified problem chemicals in drinking water in parts per million.
Today, we can identfy problem chemicals in parts per billion and
recently -parts per trillion. We may be getting the public all riled
up over nothing. In the country’s oceans, we can find any potential
contaminates in the parts per billion range . Should we shut down all
the water sources in the US which show contaminate levels at parts per
trillion?? SOON we will be able to identify contaminates at parts per
quadrillion. DO you think we are making a mountain out of a mole

Bill Q
Bill Q
9 years ago

Gimme a ticket for an airplane, ain’t got time to take a fast train…..

9 years ago

Howdy Doody Jeb. Nice Boots!