(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 11-13, 2016) — BIC was the name of my first ballpoint pen. BIC then became the Berkshire Innovation Center. Now there’s another BIC in town.
THE PLANET has long known that food and classrooms are not a good fit, if, that is, the object is teaching and learning. Food is rivaled only by smart phones and tardiness as a distraction of focus and a certain reduction of classroom quality. Of course, this is Pittsfield. Most anywhere else, this would be cited and noted. In the city, though, the PSD embraces anything that can justify their existence, particularly if if erodes classroom performance. Classroom failure allows the PSD to demand more money. We all know how that has worked out for Pittsfield’s youngsters, parents, citizens, and taxpayers.
Breakfast in Bed at Crosby
Kids at Crosy Elementary School are now getting the equivalent of breakfast in bed. Each of Crosby’s 440 students can get breakfast in their classrooms — that’s 29 rooms for students in pre-K through 5th grade. Every kid enrolled in a Pittsfield elementary school received breakfast and lunches at what the department calls “at no cost” through the CEP — Community Eligible Program. These “free” meals aren’t free at all. They are bought and paid for by beleaguered Pittsfield taxpayers, the vast majority of whom have no children in the system. Crosby has taken the next step: Pancaked and Poptarts replacing lessons.
Sylvana Bryan told Susan Guerrero of The Pittsfield Gazette that the BIC program (Breakfast in Class) “allows for a healthy breakfast to be available to every child and is served after the school day begins.”
Notice, she said “after the school day begins.” This means that breakfast — now the responsibility of the school and not parents, families, or households — easts into academic time. How can that be good? What happens when these kids get into classrooms that do not start with breakfast? Have you ever heard of Pavlov‘s dog?
Bryan claims that BIC “makes it easier for all children to participate. The idea is that students eat together in their classrooms at the start of the day.” Fine. Teachers now become waiters, waitresses, maitre ds. The funniest part of BIC is that officials say it takes “10 to 15 minutes.” In other words, kids must wolf down their meals. No word on the prep or the cleanup, not that grammar school children stuffing their faces as fast as they can are messy.
Bryan claims that “Schools who [sic] have been participating in BIC have seen improvement in academic performance, improvement in student behavior, and improvement in student attendance.” That’s a whole lot of improvement for a few stacks of pancakes. But is it so? She cited no data. What of food waste? Clean-up? What of students who are late for class? How much teacher and custodial time is consumed? Do bathroom needs increase? Since the academic part of the school day is delayed, how smooth is the transition from feeding to learning?
Teachers Weigh In
What do teachers think? THE PLANET presents these comments, without names, natch:
From Crockpot Queen: “I find that kids that bring breakfast to the classroom find it to be a big distraction. They don’t complete their morning work and then the little trash cans are overflowing and it’s not even 8:15 am. I wish they would keep them in the cafeteria during announcements and just send them after… or insist that they come earlier if they want breakfast. I know some kids really need it but it does influence what should be going on the classroom.”
Full and Fed Up: “It is supposed to help with attendance, mainly tardies. In the beginning, it did. Now, not so much! … It was crazy, stressful, and annoying.”
Green Bunny: “I’m sure there are children who are poverty stricken and don’t have enough food for breakfast. I’m sure many children are not eating healthy breakfasts but eating sugar or fat laden foods for breakfast. I’m sure that the school is a logical place to make sure that children have enough food to eat. I’m NOT sure, however, that teachers should be the ones to make sure they’re eating a healthy breakfast. This is yet another parental responsibility that’s pushed onto us. When are we as teachers going to say “STOP!! This is NOT OUR JOB!!” When there are so many complaints about children not passing the almighty test, why why why are they (the ubiquitous they) pushing more and more extraneous stuff at us?!? If I could just TEACH (there’s a novel idea–insert symphony of sarcasm!) fripperies like math skills, reading, writing, the children would pass the infernal tests easily. Maybe, just maybe, we wouldn’t need to prove ourselves with the stupid time-wasting tests. Sorry, OP, this makes me a little hot under the collar. It’s lucky you didn’t ask about Daily Physical Activity or I might have had an aneurysm.”
What do you think, taxpayers.
You’re the ones who’s paying for these flapjacks?
While you’re looking in the mirror for the answer, THE PLANET opens The Comment Line. Please, please, please: Keep the intelligence quotient high. Give us your best. Have a great weekend, everybody.
“The child of the mountain lies unaware of the clarion call.” — Simon & Garfunkel, from “Scarborough Fair,” (1968).
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Perhaps once the school bus is fully loaded it could just stop at McDonalds and everyone could eat there on the way to school.
Or, consider that the Senior Center delivers lunches to the elderly. Perhaps this model could be used to deliver breakfast to each home of a hungry needy child. And a second person could ride along to clean up the table and do the dishes. A third person could come along to then bathe and dress the child. A fourth person could stand over the parent while they sat in a lounge chair watching TV and cool them by waving a fan in their face.
This has Economic Engine written all over it. I am surprised McCandless has not implemented it already.
And feed them grapes while fanning them with a fig leaf
Just when you think they can’t come up with any more ridiculous things to make our schools waste time and money. My first thought was that this can’t be real. However, its not April 1st.
It’s all too real, PAUL.
Did anybody hear about the home invasion in Pittsfield on Sunday night? It didn’t appear in the local news until Wednesday. No information is given at all in the very short article except that the police want help in finding the attackers. Did the victims know their attackers? Is the public in danger? The usual lack of information that has become all too common here in Pittsfield. Apparently the 5 residents of the house were assaulted, robbed and tied up by four armed men, but that’s the only information they will give to the public.
Good point Pat. And there was a shooting, one juvenile on another, the week before. And that got scant coverage as well. Are we still trying to hide the violence within the city from the public or just trying to tamp it down for the tourist season. Is someone leaning on the Eagle to scrub stories about the dangers in Pittsfield? Because if they are we may have to discuss them here with all the details citizens know about.
And might I add that the Eagle is going out of its way to drag in stories about violent crimes in surrounding cities that have nothing to do with Pittsfield. So we know they like titillating stories but apparently not if they happen in Pittsfield.
How curious is that?
I agree. I think the Eagle is running stories about crime in other cities for two reasons. First because they want to take our minds off local crimes and secondly because they are trying to send the message that crime is terrible all over not just in the Berkshires. They give more coverage to crimes that happen in other cities and they hide local crimes in tiny articles that are easy to miss.
A crime that was a home invasion that was as terrible as this was should have been on the front page of the Berkshire Eagle. Even Channel 10 news gave the story a lot more coverage.
PAT and JOHNNY, excellent points. The crime wave is not only continuing by accelerating, and all we hear from city officials and The Boring Broadsheet is “Nothing happening here, folks. Go home now.”
allegedly, every single stabbing and shooting since last summer is related to the Pellot murder. Of course that kid was just hours away from turning his life around and the murder was over the shooter dating the victim’s sister. Couldn’t have been about drugs or gang activity could it have been?
One murder spawned how many shootings and stabbings?
Gothcha G Man. I think I have immunity.
The very first thing you learn in economics 101 is:
There is no such thing as a free lunch.
or in this case, a free breakfast.
Free laptops, free food, free transportation on brand new busses, a free education. Sounds like a free for all.
A free indoctrination in political correctness. Free vaccines.
In the world of the progressive liberalism it is all free.
In the world of a conservative thinktank, none of this is “free”. Someone has to pay for it all. Who? As the Planet always says, “got a mirror”.
Studies show that if you give the children a wad of cash in the morning to buy cigarettes, booze and drugs, their academic learning skills soar.
A huge tax increase with money put into a fund for this, brings a whole new meaning to “free cash”.
Dinner is next. And after that, we will pick them up Monday at 6 AM- feed them and keep them until Friday at 6 PM. Some day, we will have them on weekends and vacations as well.
Because, if we know that time spent in school being fed by the school rather than the parents, sleeping, bathing, and other non-educational time spent in school will result in even greater gains in performance, behavior will be modified, and the students will be more compliant.
Or – is it training for jail:? East in groups at prescribed times and have all of your movements overseen by those “in charge”?
Well L .T- T. F. B when you were on you tour of down town did you tell the Governors man how many times the hotel north had been done over and business failed . Did you take him were we are going to loose 500 jobs. Or maybe a tour of the little business that have been rob lately and gave him a true picture of drugs and crime . Did you give a true picture of Pittsfield I think not.
I was surprised to read that they took him on the west end of North Street. The police must of cleared out the homeless and the drug addicts that hang out on that end.
You know they wanted to look good.
Excellent report, Dan. 15 years ago they used to serve breakfast to QUALIFYING low-income students at Morningside, BEFORE class, in the school cafeteria. Students had to arrive early in order to be served. Thank you for exposing the issue at Crosby- our school committee needs to make some adjustments to this program – food should not interfere with instructional time. If low-income parents are receiving welfare benefits, EBT cards, etc. – should they not be able to provide breakfast for their children? In addition, we should bring back a Home Economics curriculum in the high schools, which would include parenting, basic cooking & nutrition, and home management instruction. The breakdown in the family leads to a breakdown in society and it is destroying our nation!
Gigi, don’t forget that they all get free food once a week at the food pantry.
I’m just wondering if classrooms are subject to the same sanitary and health inspections as resturants. Is there a board of health inspection done? Are the children permitted to wash up before handling food? Bathroom privileges? Do they use disposable tableware? Dishwashers? Sanitary disposal of waste? How long is a child permitted to eat before instruction begins? Who cleans up spills? Is there a possibility of food poisoning? Isn’t it the parents responsibilty to feed their children or must the State assume complete control? Are teachers required to be waiters and waitresses?
According to the test results, the teachers aren’t successfully teaching, maybe if they worked a little harder they would have to do things like clean up some disposable dishes.
well, since the schools no longer provide textbooks, and this new program is during the school day – one wonders how test scores will improve now that LESS time is devoted to teaching and learning.
Of course, test scores as we all know do not fully indicate the quality of learning going on in a school. We only need to ask Lenox, Williamstown, or Richmond if the consistently HIGH scores in their communities are just an aberration and have no bearing on the allegedly high quality schools folks pay a premium to buy houses to ensure their kids can enroll in – or choice out of Pittsfield and make sacrifices to take advantage of.
Where do Lenox kids eat breakfast?
Probably the huki lau.
or maybe at home?
It wasn’t enough to provide free breakfast to students in the cafeteria before home room?
Watched GG on open mike at CC meeting, what a jerk. He does not care to follow rules, but he thinks he has all the answers. He just can not accept the fact that 137 people voted for him.
Who the FLICK is GG?
Keep watching, you might learn something.
We’ve been asked several times, what was the outcome of CG’s well self publcizied jury trial was. Was it dismissed or continued ?
giving credit where its due, Linda Tyre has improved the pothole problem 100% over what it was last year while DB was mayor. a year ago at this time there were snow banks 6 feet high on north st. this year, none. the new mayor got on the store owners and city workers to clean things up. she is truly a remarkable woman.
Kinda helped that we only got about 6 inches of snow for the whole winter though. That was a bit of a factor.
And I do hope she has a paving plan for the city roads which over all get an F grade. Bianchi and Ruberto forgot roads were important to a city. No idea what happened to the tax money that we paid in for road improvements for those 12 years.
You are kidding right. The city just saved a good deal of money with the lack of snow . No plowing needed but we still browed 2 mill.
Thomas, you are today’s winner. Congratulations.
I think it was Dan Bianchi who said, “Take credit when the sun shine, ’cause they’ll blame you when it reigns.” Baddest bumpy street between East St. and the police station – Allen St.
If you have nothing to do today there’s an open house at 86 Ventura Ave. today You might see a bit of history. According to Spokeo it’s last owner was L***** Romeo. “Where for art thou”, perhaps on Federal.
‘wherefore’ means ‘why’
And lets not for get the unexpected streets that don’t get patched or blacked top. I guess those people who live on those streets don’t pay taxes.
Don’t expect unexpected streets to be taken care of.
My street in Pittsfield continues to look like a war zone with pot holes everywhere.
Think it’s unaccepted?streets.
I’ve seen a few unexpected streets in this town.
Trumps got a major prDallySmells at his rally tonight.
Which dept. is responsible for elevator inspections in the city?
I know of at least one that is 9 months overdue since last June.
Who is responsible if it fails with riders aboard?
Which one is it? I want to make sure I don’t ride it! Seriously.
Allendale Underground.
Thanks Eddie.
This is simply violation of State laws, since taxpayers
are responsible for education, not feeding.
Poor families always covered by Foodstamps.
This is funded through a federal program. I don’t feel poorly for teachers on average making $65k a year over 200 days. And if we wanted to go back to the glory days when most of you were growing up we’d use leaded has and throw out the computers.
Tricia Farley Bouvier is pushing for giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. They don’t need to be eligible for a social security number, but they can still get a drivers license. She has done nothing for Berkshire County residents and all the financial and job related problems we have in this area, but she goes out of her way to promote progressive causes.
She is just looking to coast to an election win by intensifying her progressive agenda.
Totally against this measure. They are illegal. They broke the law. They don’t deserve such rights.
Pat agree, TFB cares more about illegals than taxpayers. Why not stop the fleecing of tax dollars in the EBT system. Why not try to get transportation money for the regional school districts in Berkshire County. If they care about the opioid problem, the state should stop being enablers to the addicts. Just a few things TFB should be working on, instead of giving driver licenses to criminals.
In the paper today a school district is going to save 18m on there school budget. Why is it that Pittsfield cant seam to save on there school budget even while the population keeps on going down and we loose jobs. Over the years the senor class at the high school keeps on getting smaller and smaller and yet they cant seam to find ways to save money yet when taxes keep on going up the people of this city half to find ways to save to pay those taxes but the people in charge cant not even find a little way to save. Something for you to work on L T beside getting your picture in the paper.
You are not going to find ways to save money if you are not looking to do so. The school budget is akin to an Easter egg hunt. There are goodies for everyone and nobody is going to stop the kiddies (aka benefactors) from grabbing their share. It is a free for all among giddy school dept employees and administrators and they make the rules so don’t look for help from them.
And their population elects the mayor so you probably won’t get any help there either.
I see that Pittsfield is going to replace the “ageing” parking garage on Columbus Ave. I was at Unistress when the garage was built. It was designed to add an additional deck above what is there now. The plates are already in the columns to accept the new risers. Now they say the garage is falling apart and is unsafe. It makes me wonder if pre-cast concrete is a safe material to use on any construction project. If a concrete structure has a useful life of 40 to 50 years, why use it knowing it will be useless down the road.
So, in 40 years they will be back looking for another one. Who is responsible for the present structural flaws? Petricca, Unistress? Is there liability there? Can someone sue them for injuries?
If Desman Assoc. recommends demolition and is working on the design and construction drawings, does that not raise a red flag? The city would be smart to get a second opinion unless, as they say, the fix is in. Again, it will be a lot cheaper to repair it and build that top deck with a walkway over Columbus Ave. to the Intermodal than to remove and replace. But then, this is Pittsfield.
The question is do we really need a bigger parking deck and who is going to make sure repairs will be made as needed If we do get a bigger parking deck then I guess there are more shoppers than I see in down Pittsfield.
The city’s lack of preventative maintenance exacerbated deteriorating parking structures.
Same old scam. Build it and they will let it fall aprt so they can build it again. The Connected gets the contracts and the sucker taxpayers pay through the nose and roof.
Right on Shakey schools apply also!
Not unlike the Show about Nothing, Seinfeld. The next President of the United States will be an agenda…About Nothing..Entertaining though!
Pittsfield politics is in a downward spiral. A majority of residents live in or near the poverty level. There are no living wage jobs. The tax base is shrinking, while taxes are increasing. Dan Valenti points out all of this on his blog.
Still waiting to hear more in local newspapers about the home invasion that happened a week ago here in Pittsfield. There was only a tiny mention of it in the BB late Wednesday even though the incident happened last Sunday night.
In any other city this horrific incident would have been and should have been front page news. Shouldn’t city residents be warned that three armed men are in the city breaking into homes and assaulting and robbing? Shouldn’t the people involved in the assault have their names mentioned? Shouldn’t the public have basic information such as did the residents know their attackers? The tiny article that did appear asked for public help in finding the suspects, but shouldn’t we be given more information in order to properly assist the authorities? How were the people assaulted? How did the attackers gain access to the home?
The public really needs to complain about how we are not given enough info from the local media and law enforcement about crime in this city.
I see in the paper today that T F B is trying to get people a driver license. I am surprise she r amblers how to get to work she spends so much time getting her picture taken. The only picture I want to see of her is her at work.Doing over north street is not going to help Pittsfield getting some manufacturing jobs will . That should be one of your priorities L T.
True. Read the comments further back. We were discussing her ridiculous ideas. Progressive ideas are all she is interested in. Trying to do something about our local troubled economy isn’t something she is interested in doing. She is either worried about this ridiculous issue or bathroom usage for special interest groups. Helping struggling families find jobs and feed their families is way down on her list of priorities if its on her list at all.
It’s unlikely the Planet went to Crosby himself to see what is going on. If it’s true that every kid is eating breakfast in the classroom then I would think the teachers would be protesting. The teachers who are complaining don’t make sense. Crockpot says the little trash cans are overflowing and its not even 8:15. Classwork doesn’t start until 8:45. Children who are eating school breakfast are fed at 8:15. Those who are not having breakfast are not allowed in the school until 8:30. Full & Fed seems to be talking past tense and Green Bunny is totally unhappy with everything. Elementary teachers have very difficult jobs and people like Bunny should get out and find another job. The Planet, for its part should talk to some of the teachers who enjoy their work and see how they feel about the breakfast program. I’m not suggesting that they might say that they like it. FYO Planet, the breakfast program was initiated almost 40 years ago by your hero, Chuck Garivaltis.
I’m hoping next year they can get a grant for brunch.
Someone ought to look To see if the quality of product used for these massive projects was what we asked and signed off on for?if you use the cheap stuff, you get to do it all over again…and what was the cost for these projects? Seems like we didn’t get what we paid for, set up to fail. If you skim on quality you make more. Now take Mr. Gaetani’s Product, that was built cheaper and lasted longer, with great quality.
No matter the quality of the initial product, preventative maintenance is important.
Bait and switch on this issue, you make a couple million on the front and back ends.