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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016) — Much has been made about protesters getting “roughed up” at rallies for GOP presidential candidate (and likely nominee) Donald Trump. [ED. NOTE: Trump had a big night last night on Super Tuesday II taking Florida and its 99 delegates; Totals as of last night: Trump 619, Ted Cruz 394, John Kasich 136 and virtually no path to the nomination; Marco Rubio dropped out of the race with 167 delegates; the first to 1,237 delegates becomes the GOP nominee. For the Democrats, Hillary Clinton came up large. After electors were counted, she will end up with an all-but-insurrmountable lead over Bernie Sanders].

The mainstream media (MM) shows the 20 seconds or so where a photographer gets pushed to the floor or a 78-year-old man elbows a howler as he’s being led out of the arena. What they won’t show are the provocative actions of the protesters that lead to these isolated cases.

What are we to make of the professional agitators, who show up at a Trump rally, intent on creating a disturbance? What of alleged “protesters.” Are we to express sympathy when they enter an opposition rally solely to disrupt?

A Trump supporter nailed it in the latest incident, after the candidate had to cancel an arena-sized rally inside the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion after protesters sardined the hall clearly intent on causing trouble: “It’s a shame,” said Bill Tail, 43, from Chicago’s Oaklawn suburb. “They scream about tolerance but are being intolerant themselves. That doesn’t make sense.”

Well, it does make sense in the politically correct of the Entitled Left. They believe in diversity, as long as you endorse everything they stand for, say, and do. Utter one polite but “discouraging word,” however, and they throw out the labels: “Hater, racist,” and worse.

Last week, the MM fell into wedded bliss with a short video clip of a North Carolina man punching a black protester that security had to escort from a Trump rally after his disruptive behavior. Trump called the protester “a real bad dude. He was a rough guy, and he was punching. And we had some people, and they started punching back. It was a beautiful thing.”

Trump’s right. When someone commits violence on a person, the victim has a right to defend himself — only you never see the provocation. At Trump rallies, you only see the MM’s 20 seconds of Trump supporters defending their First Amendment right to hear the candidate of their choice express his views. Protesters, though, received sympathetic coverage. After the canceled event in Chicago, many protesters admitted they were there specifically prevent Trump from going ahead with his speech. There’s the hate, ladies and gentlemen. There’s the dictatorial approach. There’s the thuggery.

After the canceled Illini event, Trump said he did it to prevent trouble. He said he didn’t “want to see people hurt or worse. I think we did the right thing [in calling off the event].” Trump displayed sound judgment in a situation that would have thrown many others. Yes, call it leadership.

From AP: “Trump said the anger on display in Chicago wasn’t directed at him or his campaign, but rather was a manifestation of the public’s deep frustration with economic conditions in the country. Our businesses are being taken away from us, our businesses are being moved out of the country. This is a demonstration against economic conditions on both sides.”

Trump’s enemies get angry when the candidate reacts to protesters and calls them out for their actions. THE PLANET loves it. At a recent St. Louis event, after repeated interruptions, Trump called the protesters “troublemakers. He told them to “go home to mommy” or “go home and get a job” because “they contribute nothing.” Sure, he’s painting with a wide brush, but when the paint sticks, you know you’re using the right medium.

After the cancelled Chicago event, a young Trump supporter expressed a sentiment heard many times on the campaign trail. Victoria Kowalkowsky, 18, said she bore no animosity over the protesters who had just taken away her rights as a citizen. Kowalkowsky, however, said she didn’t think the protesters felt the same way about her. “I feel a lot of hate,” she said. “I haven’t said anything bad to anyone.”

It doesn’t matter, Victoria. The “protesters” find it enough that you subscribe to a political point of view with which they disagree. That’s when they pull the Hitler thing and “black shirt” you into silence.


“We must try to keep our hearts continually, unshakeably serene throughout the vicissitudes of life”St. Francis de Sales.



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johnny dingo
johnny dingo
8 years ago

I was thinking that the professional protesters sent to disrupt Trumps rallies were encouraged by the republican party itself. They do not want Trump as their candidate under any circumstances. They also do not want Cruz. They have themselves a bit of a conundrum.

Can they still drag someone in from the outside using a brokered convention? I heard they are working behind the scenes to bring back Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan.

Reply to  johnny dingo
8 years ago

Rush Limbaugh thinks Jeb Bush will be the nominee.

Reply to  johnny dingo
8 years ago

Mitt Romney has never been a real Republican.
His mandatory health insurance is equal to Obama Care.
Romney’s Massachusetts first state homo marriage had nothing to do with Conservative values of Republicans.
Donald Trump described Romney as confused Politician.

8 years ago

Great piece Dan.

8 years ago

The agitators were far left liberals. They have only gotten started to use every trick in the book to bring down Trump, especially if he becomes the nominee. My candidate is Ted Cruz, but if the race comes down to Hillary and Trump, there is no question that I will not be voting for Hillary.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Shakes, he canceled the rally to stop people from both sides from getting hurt. Don’t understand why a group of people think there thoughts are more important than others. Get out and vote, and let the chips fall. Also find it funny that Trump is racist for wanting to enforce laws that are on the books.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

One of the organizers, a student named Asha Binbek, was on a talk show carried on WBEC last Wednesday. She is a Bernie Sanders supporter. She used social media and said anyone who supported he views of Trump to get as many of the free tickets so his supporters would not get in side. She said 10,000 people had said they would show up to “disrupt” trumps speech. Here is a quote from her.

“Just to disrupt him as much as we can. We want to make sure that what he’s saying, nobody is condoning it at our school. Our University prides itself on how diverse we are, so I think that it’s very important, we think that it’s very important for Trump to know that he is not welcome here.”

She says the university prides itself on diversity, but when someone has a different opinion than hers, diversity goes out the door. The university to its credit was being diverse and was not the one to cancel the event. It was the “diverse” students.

8 years ago

Wow…it’s the Jews. Damn liberal Jews are trying to bring Trump down and America down.

vote Trump
vote Trump
Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago

That’s a very racist comment Praxis. Noone is saying anything about the Jews. You are race baitng in your ugly comment.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago


Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Already Tyred
8 years ago

So you are not inclusive if you don’t want racist hate spewed in your face?

vote Trump
vote Trump
8 years ago

Yes Dan, you are exactly correct. Its the liberal democrats causing all the trouble at Trump rallies. It backfired on them because everyone sees this. Everyone is watching.

Ernst Zundel cries about how badly the Germans were treated at the end of WWII. Yet he leaves out the fact that the Germans started the war. A fact that everyone knows.

If someone defends themselves against an all out assalt you cannot paint them as violent. Once again “they” think you are stupid.

Cheech and Bong
Cheech and Bong
8 years ago

hey like wow man, all this stuff is groovy but there was a serious contact high to be had at onata lake boat dock area yesterday afternoon. dudes must of had a fan to attract customers. like dig it man

Red Shirt Brigade
Red Shirt Brigade
8 years ago

It is Soros, people. George Soros. Look him up.

Who do you think funds and funded the whole Occupy Wall Street agitprop?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Trump cancelled the rally to get press because he has nothing additional to offer as headlines.

I sense an overt racism veiled just under the surface of this article.

vote Trump
vote Trump
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago


MrG1188 aka Shakes his Head (and many other names he uses on here), is a perfect example of your article today. He is only here to disrupt and cause trouble with the Planet Valenti revolution.

He fits to a Tee, exactly the kind of progressive liberal democrat trouble maker you wrote about today.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

The new definition of racism is saying anything a libtard disagrees with

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Already Tyred
8 years ago

Sorry to ruffle your bigotry.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

There is absolutely NO racism in Dan’s piece today what-so-ever.

The only ones spewing racism are the antiTrump liberals on here.

You see Dan, they play the race card even when there is no racism. Imagine if they ever did try to impeach Obama? They won’t send Hillary to prison because why? She is a woman?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

The left has been using these Alinsky tactics for years. If you cannot find a way to confront them with reason , slander, namecall, lie, play the race/bigot cards, start a fight and blame the pacifist.

Worse part is the RNC is as bad as the leftist goons in their slanders and provocations.

The RNC AND the DNC should BOTH go down in flames this year.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

No, I’m not calling you a bigot to bully you, I’m indicating that through behavior and plausible causation, the behavior is identifiable as such. Let us be crystal clear.

Reply to  Already Tyred
8 years ago

You nailed it.

Brockton West
Brockton West
8 years ago

The operative quote from yesterday’s PV:

“When the economy fell in 2008 . . . They’ve since taken off with a long client list of celebrities and corporate executives, turning Epic Jet into a high flying success.”

In other words:

“Hey, we got $22.5 mil for the airport expansion coming. We can clean up using a facility funded with public money. And we don’t have to disclose what we’re doing because we’re a private company.”

Put that together with what PMAC chair Pedersen said about how “we need to meet the needs of a growing business.”

Why, exactly?

It is very clear now that only Lyon, their rich clients, and some high-end resorts and restaurants have benefited from the expansion at PMA.

James the Great
James the Great
Reply to  Brockton West
8 years ago

That is correct, Mr West, only the ultra high-end spots in South county, Lyon Avi, and some rich fat cats have made out with the airport expansion which cost Pittsfield taxpayers $23 million, almost $4 of which came directly from the city’s money.

As for Trump I don’t agree with him at all, I support Bernie but I thought he made a totally CEO type decision to cancel the rally. It’s the first thing hes done in the campaign that I fully supported.

Brockton West
Brockton West
Reply to  James the Great
8 years ago

Let’s be clear. As far as I can tell, Pittsfield initially put in about $1 mil. but was on the hook for another $2.1 mil., which I think did come about–but since you can’t a straight answer around here . . .

So, I think Pittsfield taxpayers put up $3.1 mil., not the entire $22.5 mil. (but I’ve also heard $25 mil. for the total).

Ask about how much the expansion cost the city, and all you get is the 90/5/5 mantra–90% feds, 5% state, 5% city.

But, again, I’ve heard about 45% feds, 45% state (much of that from feds anyway), and ultimately 10% city.

But the entire amount was public money.

Also, I work hard to avoid listening to NPR, but this morning they said Pittsfield spent $1.3 last year on snow removal.

This year it is “well under half that.”


What does that mean? 100K? 200K? 300K?

How much, already?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Brockton West
8 years ago

the airport was not expanded in capacity, it was made safer. The phrase “Airport Expansion” is misleading.

Brockton West
Brockton West
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

It is always referred to as the “expansion project,” no?

Brockton West
Brockton West
Reply to  Brockton West
8 years ago

Yup. See “Airport Safety Improvements and Expansion” on the city’s website:

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Brockton West
8 years ago

The City should not have described the improvements as an expansion because that is a literal, and misleading statement. The only capacity expansion in terms of service to air traffic is that it expanded the facility’s capacity to NOT have aircraft fly into the ground, trees, or other objects.

Brockton West
Brockton West
Reply to  Brockton West
8 years ago

The main runway was extended 1,000 feet. The literal, physical space of the airport was expanded.

This is this. It’s not something else.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Brockton West
8 years ago

The ‘expansion’ was to maintain safe operations, not to grow Or increase landings.

Brockton West
Brockton West
Reply to  Brockton West
8 years ago

Totally off the thread, but as long as we’re talking about special favors.

Can anyone tell me why they made Tamarack Rd. into a dead-end coming from S. Mountain Rd.? When was it done?

8 years ago

Kasich wins Ohio?
Do you believe that even for a minuete?
Do you really think that Ohio voters are that stupid to throw away their votes on a candidate they all know cannot possibly become President?
All the polls showed Trump way ahead in Ohio before the election.
Then suddenly Kasich wins. Come on now.
Ohio has a rich history of election fraud.

Reply to  Denmark
8 years ago

I believe the Ohio voters did in fact vote for Kasich. He has turned that state around for the better and there is no reason they wouldn’t support him. He has savior like status there. They also know that if he took Ohio (which is a very important state in the electorate) The nominee is more apt to place him on the ticket in order to rake in those votes.

You want corruption? go look at the “Superdelegates” on the democratic side. What a joke/Fix

Reply to  LoneGunMan
8 years ago

I know right?
Super delegates override the will and votes of the people.
Even States where Bernie won, Hillary walks away with the delegates. What a farce. She belongs in prison yet they want to put her in the White House?

Your vote does not matter unless you vote for the candidate they want in there. Vote for Hillary and flush down the toilet what is left of this country after Bush/Obama got through with it.

Reply to  LoneGunMan
8 years ago

Only because of fraking has Ohio turned around. If he is so great was does Ohio want to lose him. Return to sender, you son of a mailman.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  joetaxpayer
8 years ago

I don’t think you’ve been to Ohio.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Yes I have.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  LoneGunMan
8 years ago

Kasich is a no good RINO. The Ohio economy has suffered because of him and he is gung ho pro criminal illegal immigrant and grab good Americans 2nd amendment rights.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

No, the Ohio economy is pretty strong. And believe me, there are plenty of rednecks toting guns still, so I think their second amendment rights remain intact.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Gun grabber Governor Kasich ,was personally thanked by Slick Willie Clintoon , for supporting his ineffectual ASSault weapon ban .

Kasish is no friend of the the constitution or the right to bear arms.

P.S. I am offended in your bigoted caricature of country folk as “rednecks”, you flatlander gun grabbing city slicker.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

I’m sorry you needs bushmaster AR to guard your meth cook.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Donald Trump is fascist! Adolf Hitler was a fascist!
The people are right to protest both Trump and Hitler!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Under Obama:
Too big to fail………100’s of billions to Wall St…… a failed economic recovery……… Make every purchase health insurance = socialism…………

Has taken many millions from special interests and promises to pay them back 10 fold. Lots of big money behind her, controlling her.

Has openly stated he wants to make the USA a socialist country.

Paying for his own campaign out of his own pocket.
Has not taken any money from any bankers or business.
A true patriot.
Fascism? I think not.
News Flash Jonathan: Hitler is dead. He committed suicide in an underground bunker where he hid like a sewer rat. Trump is not Hitler. Trump will truly make this country great once again.
The people know it too.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Denmark
8 years ago

There is no way that Trump can pay far a general election. The 2012 election topped the two billion dollar mark and more than half of that amount was spent by Romney. Trump will have to take $ from the super pacs, special interests and super wealthy if he hopes to be competitive.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

Did you vote for Twit?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

The protesters are fascist.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  joetaxpayer
8 years ago

Donald Trump is a hypocrite!

Donald Trump dodged the draft! He criticized John McCain while he was playing the role of a spoiled rich young adult brat.

Donald Trump has been married 3 times! He cheated on his first two wives. He had a daughter out of wedlock.

Donald Trump made his money off of real estate and casino gambling! Gambling is regressive finance because it hits the poor the hardest and benefits the wealthy the most.

Donald Trump disparages people, including the disabled, women, immigrants, Mexicans, and Muslims. His policy proposals have no standing in existing laws. He is using similar tactics, including violence and hate groups, that extremist “leaders” like Hitler used.

I have been a victim of conflict and bullying in my life, and I say with full certainty that Donald Trump scares me.

Down with Donald Trump!

Love Fest
Love Fest
8 years ago

Trump is getting ten’s of millions in advertisement for his empire while fooling people into believing his candidacy is self funded.

Reply to  Love Fest
8 years ago

Typical lib response. When presented with the facts; deny; lie; make it up.

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Denmark
8 years ago

Not a lib response from me but a truthful one.

“A Google search on Donald Trump now shows that he’s raised $27.4 million so far from January 2015 to February 2016 with 93% of the money stemming from campaign donations and 7% coming from Super PACs.”

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ed Shepardson
8 years ago

and he’s going to loan his campaign money, then apply for public match that will pay himself back, and he will be able to gather donations for a long period after the end of campaigning to continue to repay his loans to his candidacy.

Reply to  Love Fest
8 years ago

$10 bucks says Trump writes all of this off his taxes and ends up paying less than you or I. By the way why hasn’t he shown his tax returns yet? All the other candidates have.

Love Fest
Love Fest
8 years ago

Trumps gets all monies back from his donations to is own campaign, everything pays for itself through this Realty T V Show. When you want info on candidates CNN is right there with a Trump Speech or interview, who the hell do you think voters want to see? Bernie?Cruz?Hillary??? No, Trump, he’s a mastermind, whether or not he’ll be able to pull it off is the question?

Reply to  Love Fest
8 years ago

So CNN is cashing in on Trump’s populatity, getting ratings, selling advertising and somehow that translates to funding Trump?
Now there is some twisted logic.

You are right about one thing though:
Nobody wants to see Hillary, Cruz or Bernie.

Trump is packing stadiums with 1000’s of people being turned away due to lack of room for them while Hillary struggles to draw a crowd of 500 people. Nobody wants to listen to her.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Denmark
8 years ago

Bernie gets plenty of love.

Reply to  Love Fest
8 years ago

Trump I-S a mastermind. He dominated TV, Internet and press coverage and pays not one cent for the coverage.

8 years ago

Never quite thought of it that way L F? Super Bowl Commercials prime time command 4-5 millions. Trump is on prime time every day, every minute lately, what an ingenious move on his part, campaign funds itself, gets to put his market brand out, continues to be a Billionaire and people seeing that he funds his own campaign, which is a primary reason voters are out there for him because he certainly hasn’t any details on how he will get things done.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

Wall Street controls everything.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Miss Vito
8 years ago

They have Mz Clintoon by the gonads

8 years ago

Sanford Weill a banker initially with Bear Stearns was President of American Express and created Travelers Group, he then merged with Citicorp in 98′ when along with Bob Rubin, Alan Greenspan convinced Bill Clinton to repeal the Glass Steagall Act, the legislation that protects against Judaic financial agression.

The merger empowered Weill to create the World’s largest financial institution, renamed Citigroup where Weill continues to rule as chairman emeritus. ( good ol boy)

Through his strong-arming of the pawn in the White House, Weill was soon tagged as the banker who bought Bill Clinton and shattered Glass-Steagall.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

well, Trump just said something really stupid, this one is the best yet.

Love Fest
Love Fest
8 years ago

No Demmark, Trump is benefiting, CNN is also.

Student Clown
Student Clown
8 years ago

Trump is marketing himself beyond belief,for free, it’s pure entertainment, love him or not. What did he say outlandish today?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 years ago


Does it bother ANY of you the way the DNC runs the primary?

That is brought out “superdelegates” control the outcome before a vote is cast.

I’m no fan of socialism nor Mr Sanders but he has been screwed!

That being said how can anyone follow/support a habitual liar, criminal, etc……… That is the HildeBeast?

My hope is that she is indited and in the crowbar hotel before November.

8 years ago

She might get indicted, but will most likely be immediately pardoned. They like to call Trump “Teflon Donald” but really its the Clintons who have had nothing stick.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
8 years ago

She’s not going to be indicted she’s a freaking Clinton,and above the law. Break out the pictures of the framed glasses and law book in hand from the 70’s.

8 years ago

the talking heads are agreeing with Love Fest? Who knew?

phil mccracken
phil mccracken
8 years ago

Hey Dan, the guy that’s in charge of the highway dept.has a gambling addiction…thus,he invents overtime…he’s a vindictive slob…,Dan Ostrander is his nam…and he should be in prison

phil mccracken
phil mccracken
8 years ago

If you think I don’t know.
..I work close…he’s a thief

phil mccracken
phil mccracken
8 years ago

If you think I don’t know.
..I work close…he’s a thief

phil mccracken
phil mccracken
8 years ago

Dan Ostrander is his name

phil mccracken
phil mccracken
8 years ago

Dan Ostrander is wasting the Taxpayers money

phil mccracken
phil mccracken
8 years ago

Dan Ostrander is an abusive, vindictive person

phil mccracken
phil mccracken
8 years ago

Dan Ostrander is an abuser

phil mccracken
phil mccracken
8 years ago

Dan Ostrander is the superintendent of the highway dept.and he’s an abuser of his employees

phil mccracken
phil mccracken
8 years ago

Dan Ostrander I a liar