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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2016) — When the City of Pittsfield wants you to think everything’s great, they trot out the artists or send the mayor or police chief to a third grade classroom to read to The Children. The artists and sweet innocent kids become propaganda pieces, human hostages of sorts, exploited for a cynical purpose then dumped.

Another ploy to make it look like we are living in a combination of Oz, Shangri-La, and Tribeca is to make a hero out of fly-by-nights and con artists — so-called “developers,” “entrepreneurs,” and “investors” — who come into town. These cads use little of their own money, get a fortune of the taxpayers’, and open “economic engines.” A few years later, after the businesses fold, they fold the tent and vanish to find the next community foolish enough to have them. The classic example is Nuclea.

In Pittsfield, you see, everything is great. The city has been in a “renaissance” for so many years we’ve lost count of the Raphaels and Da Vincis. Please, enough already. Save us from such “success.” Official Pittsfield will do almost anything to keep the truth from citizens, but there are times when veracity breaks.

Small City, Big Fun, Lots of Bull

Downtown Pittsfield Inc. (DPI) markets weekly events under the logo “Experience Pittsfield, Downtown and Beyond … Small City, Big Fun.” Neat slogan, eh? It ranks up there with “It’s Happening!” and “Pittsfield: W.T.F!”

Other organizations (Berkshire Chamber, 1Berkshire, PEDA, and the endless assorted of “make-job” organizations that eat up public money but create few jobs) make it sound as it they’ve just talked sunlit hours down from the Good Lord’s Throne. You and THE PLANET know better.

For example, we get empty words such as this monstrosity: “It’s through the support of our major donors, the City of Pittsfield, and our members that we have the privilege to continue the work that supports our mission to foster the ongoing growth and vitality of downtown Pittsfield, Massachusetts through vision, leadership[,] and advocacy and to position downtown as the creative and business hub of the Berkshires for the benefit of all.”

What on Palmer’s good earth does that slop of a sentence mean? Who is it fooling? Maybe you should ask its author, DPI executive director, the pretty, ravishing Kristine Hurley, or perhaps its board of directors. They include

Rebecca Barnini, Owner, Circa

Gloria Beraldi, AVP, Branch Mgr., Greylock Federal Credit Union

Michelle Butler, Project Manager, David J. Tierney, Jr. Inc.

David Carver, Partner/Real Estate Dev., Scarafoni Associates

Yuki Cohen, Owner, Methuselah Bar & Lounge, and VP & Financial Advisor, Alexandra Dest Capital Management

Lou Costi, Owner, Wholesale Auto

Warren Dews, VP of Audience Dev., New England Newspapers
Ken Green, Owner, Museum Facsimiles
Elie Hammerling, Downtown Resident
Adam Hinds, Exec. Dir., No. Berkshire Community Coalition
Sean Jennings, VP Support Services, Berkshire Health Systems
Gary Levante, Community Engagement Officer, Berkshire Bank
Joseph Lotano, Branch Manager, NBT Bank
Peter Marchetti, VP Branch Operations & Administration, Pittsfield Co-Operative Bank
William Mulholland, VP for Community Education & Workforce Development, Berkshire Community College
Tim O’Donnell, Manager Business Analytics, Finance – Individual Disability, Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Earl Persip III, Sr. Program Director, Pittsfield Family YMCA
Rachel Plaine, Owner, Berkshire Yoga Dance & Fitness
Ian Rasch, VP/Director of Dev., Allegrone Companies
June Roy-Martin, VP, Member Services, Berkshire Chamber of Commerce
Van Shields, Executive Director, Berkshire Museum
Kait Stinchcomb, General Manager, Berkshire Theatre Group
Lindsey Struck, General Manager, Hotel on North
Eddie Taylor, CEO & Founder, S.E.E.D NetworkF.U.L.L. Program & Director of Literacy, Big Head Books
Steven Valenti, Owner, Steven Valenti Clothing
George Whaling, President, Whaling Properties
Tristan Wilson, Managing Director, Barrington Stage Company.

What a list! Alphabetical order is cool, because it disguises The Suits. Yes, some of the names are way more equal than others, if you get our drift, and most of you know who They are.

Cut the Funding

For all the good it has not done actually helping the brave merchants of North Street, DPI has been a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars. What is its mission? THE PLANET lets you decipher this for yourself. Download a digital version. We could be interested in your comments. We shall offer these quick thoughts:

  1. Beware of any official pamphlets that talk about “creating an overall vision.” There is no vision.
  2. It lists as its first priority “Public safety.” An epic fail, or do the break-ins, stabbings, shootings, and the like not concern you?
  3. Another big DPI goal is “Increasing Foot Traffic” — Walk downtown. Notice the empty sidewalks and how nicely they contrast with the heavy vehicular traffic.
  4. DPI also lists “Quality of Life” as a major mission. Walk the street with an honest, open eye and tell me: Do you feel it? Are trash and graffiti part of “quality of life?”

Of course, these problems are chronic following a generation of economic degradation, a fleeing and fleecing of the middle class, and an influx of degenerates, drugs, and dependents who suck city resources and contribute nothing in return. This immediately suggests eliminating DPI’s public funding. It serves no useful purpose. The savings will be piddling and utterly symbolic, but then again, that’s the point. In tackling an enormous problem of a broken economy and an egregious spending problem, you start with the achievable.

We close with this appeal to mayor Linda Tyer and our Right Honorable Good Friends on the city council. Cut the funding of DPI. No brainer. Let the merchants create their own private guild. It will be more effective and cost-efficient.


 “Take, read! And be the faults of your Poet makes / Or many or few, / He rests content if his young music wakes / A wish in you.”Alfred Lord Tennyson, Stanza 16, “To Mary Boyle,” (1889),

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8 years ago

Thank you for this article!
Fresh air of truth in village of Pittsfield!

johnny dingo
johnny dingo
8 years ago

Cut the funding. Cut some funding somewhere. Be a mayor of ALL the people. Some mayors are stooges. Pawns of the players who promoted and funded them. Don’t have this on your conscience. Be true to thine own principles. Godspeed. Endeavor to make all the people appreciate your efforts. Break away from the mold of Pittsfield mayors who have been selfish and working in back rooms.

Do so and the people will support you and revere you.

8 years ago

Don’t hold your breath. Remember Mayor Tyer’s campaign promises included, Culturally Appropriate Outreach Programs, Problem Properties Task Forces and a new West Side Community Center.

8 years ago

Our community would be better off without most of these organizations. They do very little good and their main unwritten mission seems to be centered around their own salaries.

8 years ago

Downtown Inc is the perfect example of how government grows. When it was created it was given $50,000 “seed money” to help it get started, with a promise of being self sufficient from then on. It has been a line item in the budget ever since.

8 years ago

it all starts with “seed” money. Then, each year, they appear to “tell their story” of positive gains, and how indispensable they have come in “moving Downtown forward”.

Downtown Pittsfield, like most others experiences up’s and downs. As a most visible part of any community, we really do want and need it to be healthy.

But, the overall health depends more on investments made by property owners themselves. I would have fewer qualms with tax breaks or even DPI in the budget if I knew it was the last dollar in – not a major component – of any investment or spending to be made. it’s not like the City does not take a role in Downtown. Every festival or event requires police presence, DPW participation, and even trash pick up. If the City cut all of its DPI funding – we’d still spend a significant amount to make sure the events (parade, third Thursday, first Friday, and the farmer’s market to name but a few) went off with minimal hiccups.

Mike Ward
Mike Ward
Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

Totally agree with you about the “last dollar”. I tried to cut DPI from the city budget a couple times because their membership support from North Street merchants was so anemic. If downtown businesses don’t value DPI why should City Hall?

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  Mike Ward
8 years ago

What’s the chance that the mayor will do a top to bottom review ?

8 years ago

If DPI disappeared in the morning……no one would even notice. That’s how relevant they are!

K L Stevens
K L Stevens
8 years ago

Letter to editor, another poor me letter from CG about being a Vet. He thinks that he was the only person to serve in military.
Stop sending the same letter about yourself — and stop crying.

Clarence Fantasy
Clarence Fantasy
Reply to  K L Stevens
8 years ago

You really aren’t very smart K L. There are a lot of people suffering fro depression. Most don’t know help is available. You aren’t helping family and friends who might be suffering from clinical depression. You really need to get educated in this area.

Ichabod Mudd
Ichabod Mudd
Reply to  K L Stevens
8 years ago

KL you’re the one who needs to stop crying. Your whining about people who take an interest in public affairs is truly pathetic. Stop sending the same b.s. to the Planet. —and stop crying.

Thomas More
Thomas More
8 years ago
Get a load of this one from oneBerkshire – I found it through my DPI email. B.I.G. has got an event that you can get into for 25 bucks on April 13. That’s on top of the $285 you spent to belong to 1Berkshires and $150 to DPI. The next day if your young enough you can join the BYP at forum teaching you how to relieve stress, Their promo picture shows four people standing with one on each end with a beer in their hand. Back in the day that’s how we relieved stress and before that my fathers generation did the same. At least their catching on. If you’ve had a tough day, have a beer. With 27 board members plus Kris they should be able to come up with an event for every day.

Ichabod Mudd
Ichabod Mudd
Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

Love this comment Thomas. We dont always agree but usually and when we do its like were twins!!

8 years ago

If you combine the majority of the titles of this esteemed group you have: the AVP of Ownership, Project management,Real Estate. Audience, and Workforce Development and Executive Director & VP of Support Services, Community Engagement and Education, Member Services, Literacy, Branch Operations, Administration, Programs, and Manager of Analylitics, Branches, and Financial Advisors, etc., etc,, etc.
What a Business Card !!! So much, brain power, prestige, and political and community clout ! Awesome “Collaboration” and “Economic Engineers”. Just like the little choo-choo (economic engine), I think I can, I think I can. Wow, ImmmPressive !!!
They did forget the Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, however.
BTW, what is it that a Community Engagement Officer does ?

Reply to  Wolfman
8 years ago

And some of them have managed to get tax breaks from the city. Imagine that in a city of equal opportunity and no GOBSIGS. Don’t expect any special treatment just because you hang with the insiders.

heh heh

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Wolfman
8 years ago

There is not any representation from Persip Park, Sottile Park, Palace Park or the folks who gather on the benches in front of St. Joe. A ton of money was spent on those parks and if it weren’t for these citizens no one would use those parks.

Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

I think it is great that these parks were built for the homeless and downtrodden. They need these spaces more than regular folk. It gives them social interaction and helps with their self worth.

Of course now if they had just taken the millions of dollars they spent on the parks for these down trodden folks and used it in a different fashion perhaps these people would not need the parks in the first place. They could have all had nice homes with servants for Gods sake.

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
8 years ago

Pittsfield — On Thursday, April 7, at 10:45 a.m., the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires will present Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer, who will deliver a presentation called “Pittsfield: A City on the Move,” a free program at Congregation Knesset Israel.

“The City of Pittsfield has evolved,” said Tyer. “My vision for Pittsfield reflects a place where small businesses thrive, strategic collaborations are nurtured, and the creative economy flourishes. I am committed to the exciting work ahead to ensure that Pittsfield seizes every opportunity to ensure this vision.”

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Ed Shepardson
8 years ago

The thing that Tyer should do now- is to contact Gaetani and get
educated- from a corporate executive who knows how to deal with saving
big bucks for his clients There is no one like Gaetani- that she could
go to for advise. HE should educate her about his 7/28% plan. He could
teach her about spotting phonies like those in the School Dept. and
how to deal with them with a stern hand. The Wiz is easy to deal with
if you are not a phony. If you are a phony- the Wiz will tell you to
your face- that you are. Going to the council for advise is like going
to the desert and looking for whales. God help the taxpayers with
these characters running this city.

Reply to  Donna M
8 years ago

“Pittsfield: A Cityon the Move” or “What happens when a city has a munisipal version of constipation.”

Cmon Mayor, don’t give us more bull.

Student Council
Student Council
8 years ago

The city hasn’t plowed my road yet?I’can’t shovel because it’ll be pushed back in. Welcome to Pittsfield weather commishi?

8 years ago

Where are the plows? So much for treatment? The sun is the g..damn treatment!

Bar Coll
Bar Coll
8 years ago

Snow is very heavy, be careful shoveling people. Plows aren’t doing it on my street and one next to us?

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
8 years ago

Does anyone know what the cost to the
Pittsfield tax payer is regarding all these smoke and mirror feel good organizations?

Reply to  Already Tyred
8 years ago

a fortune

Reply to  Already Tyred
8 years ago

Well it may not have a direct correlation to the Panamanian Papers

Weekend at Bernies
Weekend at Bernies
8 years ago

When will the Dewey Housy be open for a paddle, or is that launch site been deep sided like the Vhicken Ajoint?

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

Weekend of partying eh Bern?

Silent Cal
Silent Cal
8 years ago

All the democrats are bragging on face book about being on the
Pittsfield democrat city committee. In fact it’s really the democrat GOB SIG city committee. The same bunch of self interested characters who have been screwing up Pittsfield for sixty years.

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Silent Cal
8 years ago

But I’m only 41! Can’t win. If a body does nothing, you catch flack, if a body gets involved, you catch flack.

Where is the love?

Warren Gee Harding
Warren Gee Harding
Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
8 years ago

If you want the respect of the vast majority of taxpayers in this city break away from your GOB buddies

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
8 years ago

Kathy-don’t look for approval on this site. You are definitely GOBSIG
and a TYER boot licker. No question about it. Look to the Wiz and
Canning for guidance. They Definitely are not GOBSIG OR BOOT LICKERS
LIKE YOU. You sit next to the Wiz at CC Meetings but you clearly are
not in his league. Study his style -you too can become great like the
Wiz. Incidentally, are you going to join the Wiz at the April 13th SC
Meeting? We will compare what you say there to what the G man will say
there and I will post it on the Planet. WE AWAIT YOUR COMMENTS- THERE.

Warren Gee Harding
Warren Gee Harding
8 years ago

You are so right Cal.All the GOB’s in Pittsfield are democrats. Let’s call it like it is.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Warren Gee Harding
8 years ago

Some “Democrats” in Pittsfield politics only say they are “Democrats” because that is where the power is in Massachusetts politics.
If the power structure favored “Republicans”, these same phonies would call themselves “Republicans” in Pittsfield politics.
My point is that they don’t give “2 cents” about party politics, but rather, they only care about being in favor with the powerful.
My #1 example is one Peter J. Larkin, who is as Republican as Republican can be, but he has always called himself a Democrat. Lobbyist Larkin gets paid very well to do GE’s bidding in Pittsfield politics, while thousands of local people continue to suffer from GE’s cancer causing PCBs.
My #2 example is Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr., who is not as Republican as Peter Larkin, but he is a Republican fiscal conservative in favor of Boston area big banks and especially wealthy insurance companies, which he continues to represent as a corporate Attorney in Boston.
As much as I like Rinaldo Del Gallo, III, and I wish him well in his campaign for Berkshire State Senator, his legal writing come across as Republican, especially on social issues dealing with probate and family law. Rinaldo Del Gallo has an unfavorable view of women in family conflict when he supports shared parenting. Like Nuciforo, Rinaldo has a long family history rooted in Pittsfield politics.

Warren Gee Harding
Warren Gee Harding
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Larkin and Nuciforo always voted with the democrat Speaker…..Rinaldo is a big Bernie fan. When one party dominates as it does in Pittsfield the citizens get screwed.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Warren Gee Harding
8 years ago

Oh yeah….they left Pittsfied….worse off…..than ever!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Downtown Pittsfield has consumed millions of taxpayer dollars, including several million from GE’s economic development fund. I never understood Jimmy Ruberto’s huge public investments in the arts and cultural ventures from the Colonial Theater on South Street through North Street, while the rest of the city went downhill. There were net job & population losses since Pittsfield’s so-called renaissance of its downtown area!

8 years ago

Do you not have anything better to bash people who try to make a difference. Must b pretty lonely out there. Say something positive at some point

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
8 years ago

In addition to PEDA and DPI, didn’t we have at least one of our “civic leaders,” a champion for NAMBLA? Tell ‘um……sent you!

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  danvalenti
8 years ago

Yeah, it certainly makes one pause (or question) the meaning of PEDA. Hats off Dan, nice return volley.

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
8 years ago

W t f is the Parks Commision talking about, all talk at once. Bring back Jimmy Brown’s worse nightmare.