(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, JUNE 24-26, 2016) — Politicizing murder and mayhem should not surprise anyone, not even Democrats, who pulled perhaps the cheapest stunt ever seen in the House of Erstwhile Representatives. A hundred people gunned down did not make a statement enough, not for the likes of a vampiric Nancy Pelosi, the ever-anticipated John Lewis, the vaginic and loathsome Debbie Wasserman Schultz, veep-to-be Granny Clampett Warren, and those of that ilk. Rhymes with “bilk.” Rhymes with “tit milk,” an expression from the streets referring to the kind of muthah’s sour mash that makes men and women of modest means and honest manners spew up the broken faith.
They sulked, they sat, they sang, them Dems. When the adult in the crowd, House Speaker Paul Ryan, tried to restore order to The People’s House, the petulant pro’gross’ives shouted him down. They are liberals, you see, and love divergent viewpoints — ONLY if they conform to theirs.
The anachronism that is John Lewis vowed to stay on the floor, literally, until he and his mamas make background checks tougher for those who want to buy a gun as well as prevent those in the “terror watch list” and the “no-fly list” from buying guns. Sounds good, except when you consider there are sufficient preventions and alerts in place. Omar Mateen got his guns, Annie, only because the FBI ignored multiple warnings, including those of the gun dealer, that this peace-loving lover of the all-loving Allah wanted an assault rifle for killing flies in his apartment.
The regs were in place. Perfection, however, took a holiday, the same one it’s been on since an Adam-less Eve bit the Apple. The plain and simple truth is that gun laws do not work. Gun regs look great on the whiteboard of fantasyland. They collapse upon implementation in real life.
The human heart kills. A Glock 9mm is as inert a piece of machinery as an AK-47 and the inanimate gears of a Rolex watch., and that’s the main flaw in the counterfeit arguments for more gun control. They don’t work. You can pass all the gun legislation you want. None of it will ever touch the human heart, where lives what The Divine Edgar called “The Imp of the Perverse.”
Who were these “representatives” wanting to pretend we live in a perfect world and camping on the House floor?
- Rep Emanuel “I’m Not Eldridge or Ward” Cleaver, who wore a pink suit and a pink pillow, which he hugged like a binky.
- Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who lost both her legs in Iraq, an unfortunate loss that she parlayed into election-by-sympathy.
- Lewis, a fossil revered for his stand with Martin King back in the day, who now blazes as a caricature of himself and his cause.
- House Minority Leader Pelosi, a lifer who can no longer blame PMSing for her irritability.
- Rep. John Yarmouth, who promised pizza, which instantly became the most significant move of his insufficiently anonymous House career.
- Rep. Scott Peters, who got a back rub — along with the hand job he gave to the Constitution.
As much as you may want to believe in unicorns and tea pots orbiting Jupiter, gun control doesn’t work. The world is not perfect but messy. Chicago banned gun sales. The murder rate skyrocketed, because the laws don’t apply to criminals. Take Pittsfield — please. Massachusetts has stringent controls, and yet this “renaissance” city has been plagued by nearly three dozen shootings this year. Gang members know how to get weapons as easily as you know how to buy orange juice. Banning guns only creates a lucrative black market. Finally, an infringement of any constitutional rights threatens all rights. Today, guns. Tomorrow, free speech, freedom of assembly, and a free press.
End of discussion.
In vain, the Dems deny
All passage save to those who won’t depart.
Not to the untruthful eye
Will we give in, nor to the broken heart.
The Comment Line is now open.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“I wanna be the one who walks in the sun. Girls just wanna have fun.” — Cyndi Lauper
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Some of the C C is crying how the taxpayer is suffering but in the end, they did nothing, zero to help the pain… ZE
Council Grades.
Ketti F
Rivers D
Morandi D
Simonelli A
Mazzeo D
Connell F
White F
Krol F
Tully F
Caccamo A
Amuso Recall
Most of them could care less about the people and are in it for themselves.
Why does caccamo get an A? For sitting and acting pretty??
Blaming this violence on guns is like blaming obesity on forks.
Do you think if they ban forks that fat people will get skinny?
Gun vilolence is down by 54% nationwide due to the fact that people are arming themselves at a record rate. Gun sales have skyrocketed under Obama to levels never seen before. Yet gun crimes have dropped significantly. An inconvienent truth “they” prefer you didn’t know. It does not fit their agenda to disarm law abiding citizens.
Connell can suspend his bid base on the fact he s become kroll.Mazzeo feeds pasta to teachers. Pete White can say Yes with the best of them
MASIMIANO…Eberwien…Amuso are to blame.Nobody wants to say no to except to janitors…everybody hates and disrespects janitors.
According to Mother Jones there are already 300 million guns in America right now. I am all for a 3 day waiting period and background checks but I think anyone who really wants a gun could probably get one on the black market without too much trouble. I imagine your local drug dealer could hooked you up with the gun of your choice if you give him/her a few days. Where do you think they get theirs?
Look for the mass killings to increase because the nut cases are increasing. Many of these little kids on prescription drugs for one perceived issue or another will have their brains fried by the time they are in their late teens. In 2014 there were 43,000 suicides in America and I blame many of these on doctor prescribed drugs as well. The human brain was not designed to be soaked in chemicals and when you start with a child’s brain you alter it forever. But I digress.
The “different” have always been with us. Now they are lost in cyberspace and play “Call of Duty/Halo” 24/7. Is it any wonder mass murders are increasing? Yet, no one is “calling out” the tech companies for their role in “lighting the fuse” for this carnage. Massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary–autistic teenager, isolated in his affulent home, playing violent video games, what could ever go wrong?
So Sad, You make a valid point. What about violent rap music? They all start this stuff in elementary school. Big surprise some go off the deep end.
Prescription drugs kill over 100,000 people every year. This ia fact admitted to by the AMA. That’s a million people every 10 years.
Yet the problem is guns?
A disarmed society is a controlled society. 1984 is running 32 years behind schedule.
An average 31 people are killed each day by guns and 95 people a day by automobiles and trucks. You only have to be 16 1/2 years old to legally get behind the wheel (no background check). And if our state rep., who is up for re-election has her way, you won’t even have to be a legal citizen to get a license to drive.
Getting control of battlefield guns is a very good thing to do.I dont understand not wanting control of how they are sold.
Every kind of gun has been used on the battlefield, war is self-defense. Don’t hear you say anything about the heavily armed government, Orlando terrorist trained and worked for the government as a professional gunman
There is tons of evidence that we are being lied to about this shooting. It is mathematically impossible for one man to kill as many as he did with an AR-15 in the timeframe he did. Strong evidence shows there were at least 3 shooters, possibly 4. Eyewitness testimony is being purged from the media. Many have tried to explain that the exit doors were held shut. Crisis actors have been deployed. The “official” story is bogus.
But the government would never lie to us right?
I agree. I heard one of the people who was shot say that there was more than one shooter, but she was quickly silenced. She was there so I believe her.
Get real, although I did see some black helicopters flying around Orlando.
He didn’t use an AR-15. He used a Sig Sauer. They keep saying an AR-15 was used because according to the ATF, there are 3.7 million registered AR-15’s in the USA. If they can get the AR-15 banned they can get 3.7 million legally owned guns out of the rule abiding citizens. Also Ignint, the AR-15 is not a battlefield gun. It is a .22 caliber and not automatic. Its automatic battlefield brother is the M-16.
I didn’t say the ar 15 was a battlefield gun
Acheshirecat, you are completely correct. The problem is that facts get in the way when it comes to the press and the anti-gun people..
Civilians can NOT buy battlefield guns.
Sorry Ignint misread your comment.
The criminals would love for guns to be banned. They would have a very lucrative business in selling illegal firearms. The terrorists too would love nothing better than for Americans to not have guns because then we would be the perfect victims. They wouldn’t have to scope out their attack site beforehand to make sure nobody was armed since they would already know.
One of the cartoon politicians was asked during the sit-in (during which gourmet food was served) if politicians should also not be protected by guns. He just laughed and said, “We need them here.” What about these Hollywood stars who are armed to the teeth, but want to take guns away from regular law abiding citizens? The politicians and Hollywood stars think they are above the rest of us.
Having Richie Neal sit down and do nothing is what he does best
Hillary Clinton and Lizzie (Fanatic) Warren have made gun control their mantra. It’s all about the weapons to these people and they will have no problem with taking guns from everyone except themselves and the “special” people.
Just as wealthy progressives are in a different category than you and me. The have created a social revolution which seems to have only made the poor even poorer than they already were. The wealthy progressives in positions of power are raking it in. Whey don’t the wealthy progressives give more tax money of their own to the government? They can do that anytime. Nobody is stopping them.
Take back your country America before you are stripped of all rights in the name of “making you safe”.
Guns were introduced as neighborhood weapons back in the Wild West, many were killed during the Gold Rush,weapons were used back then to kill each other. Hell, the most violent show using weapons is Gunsmoke, an old western T V show starring James Arness. It’s funny, the other day watching a rerun of the show, some guy witnesses a hanging, a murder and shoots someone himself, and Kitty the bar owner says welcome to Dodge, our quiet little town.
I used to watch that show. Loved James Arness in that role.
It was, and still is, one of THE PLANET’s favorites. It was a “can’t miss” in our household.
Gun sales do not need to be regulated…all citizens should be able to get whatever they need.
Soooo… if I want a 50 cal. and surface to air missiles to defend myself against, what I believe, is a tyrannical gov’t .. I should be able to purchase them ? If u say no, then why not ? Then apply ur reasoning to semi-automatic weapons designed to kill as many humans in a short time as possible ..
If you want such weapons see your friendly West side or Morning side drug dealers. They are undocumented gun dealers as well.
In Switzerland everyone is required to own a gun.
I don’t know who the city council thinks they are representing but it is not the people of PITTSFIELD. So far they have not listen to one thing the people have said unless it from someone that has a lot of money.
In 2014, 248 people in the US were murdered with ‘rifles’, 1567 with knives, 435 with hammers, and 650 with fists…….
Heart Disease kills aprox. 614,348 people per year
… Cancer kills aprox. 591,699 per year
Medical Error kills aprox. 251,454 per year
Respiratory Disease kills aprox. 147,101 people per year.
I think you’re a little low on the medical errors…..closer to half a million Patrick. Hold down the fort.
And 100 % of people eventually die so why do anything at all… why do we bother with trying to cure a disease because its a waste of money ……everybody is going to die anyways…..
As usual (the libel mindset) the point went right over your head.
Please …. the point is too obvious … ur missing my point . So if I frame an argument to show no gain then I’m right by ur standard…. U all want to live like Somali’s, then go ahead,,, it seems to be working well for that country.
Well 251,454 people per year would agree with you.
Ask them if they would rather die by a doctor’s medIcal mistakes or have no medical treatment at all.
Oh wait….. you can’t ask them.
Comparing the gang violence in Chicago to the mass shootings in Orlando, Columbine, Sandy Hook and far too many other places is like comparing apples to cauliflower. The gangs who use illegally obtained firearms are not walking into our schools shooting dozens of people at random. They are shooting at each other, and the ultimate answer to that, unfortunately, is far from anyone’s reach right now until law enforcement finds a way to break up the gangs. The lone wolves are the ones who have done the mass shootings, often with legally purchased weapons that make no sense in the hands of the average person. Why does a hunter need an AR-15 or an AK-47? Why does anyone outside of the military?
Agree with Bull on the AK-47, no need in civilian life for any purpose. Im OK with a ban on AK but otherwise agree with DV on how the Democrats (and I’m one!) politicized this issue. I feel as if there’s nowhere for me to turn in this election. Certainly not the ego-man Trump but not Hillary.
On CC, I am disgusted once again. Tyer and CC can all go “confetti” in their hats as far as I’m concered. And I’m “joe kapanski” that hard working guy, once middle class, pay my taxes and keep my yard looking clean and neat…and being taxed to death. Thank you Tyer and CC… for nothing.
The U.S. military does not and never did issue the AR-15.
That wasn’t my point 12 gauge, and you should have been smart enough to know that. ANY assault rifle is not needed by a hunter or any other person outside of the military or law enforcement. Would you bring an M-16 to hunt deer?
First of all the M 16 is not available to civilians. Second of all the round it fires is not powerful enough for deer and most states that allow rifles for deer prohibit the 5.56 cartridge for anything bigger than a coyote. I would however consider an AR platform rifle for deer as AR rifles are available with cartridges suitable to humanely kill a deer.
Secondly the second amendment has nothing to do with deer hunting.
That’s how it starts though especially in these times in which we live. Take that rifle away, then soon others are added to the list and we are on that slippery slope to taking gun rights away from all Americans which is what many Democrats want.
Agree about the AK. But the AR-15 makes an excellent hunting gun. Its .22 caliber and very accurate. It is not automatic and not GI issued. I would be more worried about the 9mm Glock that can be concealed very easily and do just as much or more damage than the AR-15. Like I said in an above comment they are picking the AR-15 because it is the most popular legally registered gun in the USA and if banned would get a lot of guns out of good law abiding citizens hands and liberal politicians could gloat.
They pick AR rifles because those are the ones the media makes popular
They do way more than shoot each other! Look into the collateral damage….innocent women and children.
The brexit vote was epic. The overwhelming shear power of the people has overtaken a would be rigged election. The people have taken back their country.
Hillary/Warren are hell bent on taking your right to own a firearm.
The people will overwhelmingly sweep in Donald Trump as the next President of the United States. Overtaking a would be rigged election for Hillary, just as she stold the nomination from Bernie.
Vote for Trump and keep your right to own arms.
The reason is they all want to be part of this very cool political clique …you will get a walmart and higher teacher hires and wages and nobody really cares.
I never voted for Tyer to increase budget by 6 million…if she was honest she would not be mayor..move out of pittsfield and stop chasing the budget.We are just a awful city of liars and wannabe s.What else is Kroll…Amuso Mazzeo White Caccamo doing there…they can not say no…they are popular with each other….Marchetti is impossible to figure out….nothing will change….Pittsfield people are stuck and afraid
Why doesn’t the city sell the old Taconic to Walmart and let them make it a super store? Then we don’t have to demolish the damn thing and all the kids at the new school can train to be cashiers and shelf stockers and just walked to their job after school. It could be an extra credit course.
I have a lot more of these awesome economic engine ideas if you care to hear about them. And I was not even a business major. It just seems like God came down and blessed me with awesome economic engine ideas. How cool is that?
That’s super cool dusty. Love your posts here.
Dusty, thats a better idea than anything city hall has come up with.
Would lady boots and mccandless be greeters
Rhis was stated on a previous post. Mayor Linda Tyer is going to make Gerry Doyle and Evan Dobelle look like Mother Tersea and Clara Barton respectively.
Those with a window to the inner sanctum know you ain’t seen nuttin yet. More to come. And there’s going to be sand in the vaseline.
Knock off the PC crap moron
She’s been mayor for almost 6 months. Once a mayor is in office for 6 months the city charter says citizens may start the process for a recall election. What the F— are we waiting for??????????
Schools have budgeted money for 3 phantom custodial positions they already laid off…..councilors believe everyone is being hired back….no they are not….mccandless is going to redirect all this money and not tell Marchetti who mccandless just scolded…..over 100 k
The best idea for you dusty is to get on an ecconomic engine an drive out of here.
I will keep an open mind and please keep the gems coming.
Reduce spending? I think you meant reduced?
Bill Gates is the new Roads Maintenance Commissioner?
Colingwood just got promoted for road superintendent for the road to perdition.
Relative to this, yesterday the local DPW was working on the never ending hump bump on Newell Street, and told the homeowner that they have worked on this several times and can’t fix it. Told the homeowner to hire someone. The issue is in the road!! The issue IS their problem.!! This is the most incompetent bunch of imbasals. You can’t fix Stupid is more like it!
L Y …..See the similarity, but it’s about 75 billion or more off.
It’s only a matter of time before someone gets smashed into on Hancock Road speedway and Demolition.
Can you blame anyone for wanting to get out of Pittsfield as fast as possible?
Does anyone know why our local radio news station said today that Britain leaving the European union will be bad for tourism here in Berkshire County? I’m not getting the connection.
The dollar has gotten more expensive for now, though tourists are gouged anyway, and it’s hard to believe anyone crosses an ocean to visit Berkshire County anyway
Thank you.
Who said that Pat?
It was our local radio station WBEC. They repeated it several times today, but gave no explanation of why.
Probably has something to do with economy Pat. Maybeour resident Economist Sir Barold ClearMount can shed some light on this.
He’s probably in Boston at the Sox game.
Hey lets make bazookas and RPG launchers available to the public as well
They already are available to Muslim terrorists. Don’t be surprised if one of the Allah Akbar crowd uses one on U.S. soil.
Excellent article Dan about the House “sit-in” for gun control. Granny “Liawatha” Warren is an embarrassment to our state. Our City Council is also an embarrassment with their refusal to face the fiscal challenges to our city – by actually INCREASING the mayor’s budget! Unbelievable. Each and every one of them should be voted out at the next election. Connell is actually running for higher office – he has been ineffective at reducing the city’s spending and will be ineffective at the statehouse as well. Keep this in mind during the next election cycle.
Don’t blame the city council. They are only doing what the mayor tells them to do. I know I know, they are supposed to represent the people. But unfortunately in the bizzaro world that Pittsfield exists in the council and the mayor are one and the same. Nobody told them about the checks and balance reason for their very existence.
They won’t be voted out though because all of the school employees and their friends and family will storm the voting booth and vote in politicians who will keep voting for sending more money toward the school system.
With all due respect Dusty, I do blame the city council, and the apathetic Pittsfield citizens that voted them in. The CC has the final say on the budget……and they caved. The end result is – a higher budget than submitted by the mayor. In a perfect world there would be no pensions for public servants, no stipends, and term limits which I believe would root out some of the people who use their office for personal gain.
I guess what i am saying is that many on the city council are more afraid of upsetting the mayor than they are of upsetting the taxpayers. If they have to choose between the two the people will always lose. The mayor and most of the council are a package unto themselves. They have a mission and it has little to do with the taxpayers. Well, little good to do with the taxpayers.
You can tell the council hates DPW because connell came out swinging with accusations of slush funds…..Chris please grill MrsBehnke about her slush funds…
110k for custodians they said would be hired back…..they are not hiring them back and you need to reduce her slush fund ….The white elephant in the room nobody will cut is school dept
Mazzeo made Kerwood look like a fool. And Tyer looked unprepared. nd we got screwed…..again.
We here on the board are placing all of the blame on our local politicians and we are right to do so, but we are also forgetting where they get their marching orders from and a lot of it comes from the state government. The far left crazies in Boston are dictating a lot of what happens in this area. You see how Bouvier and Pignatelli are completely under the control of Boston politicians. They make sure they follow the party agenda to the letter.
Pat. You do realize Govenor Baker is a Republican right?
The Mayor’s budget was actually increased. the ouncil did nothing.
I can’t believe the city council can increase the proposed budget or spending plan. It use to be they could approve, decrease or deny. When did this new spending plan come into fashion? Oh I know I should have been keeping up with the changes, but common sense is out the window.
They came they asked some got what they wanted and some got more. this Council and Mayor increased the Budget. capiche?
I believe the speed limit is twenty five on Hancock Road speedway. If you go faster than that, please stay on your side of the road, that is the least you can do. Just a matter of time. Remember you’ve been warned.
Free cash isn’t free, neither are grants,, Tif’s, or any other funding. Tyer and the Councilors should be recalled as fast as humanly possible.
this character from the Licensing Board is full of shit.
Stockwell needs to adjust his sitting posture while on t v. it’s Obvious Dick!
Is it me or does Connell appear to doze off while asking questions?
The mayor was talking about a seven step process with the city solicitor???? Why wouldn’t she start them at the highest step as he was hired for that purpose because of the more experienced hire?
Ms. Dews got it?
The bow ties are cute huh?
I was told that Walmart is going to have a renovation in the store where they are located now. So what is it that the City counsel is not telling us. It doesn’t seem to me like Walmart would be doing a renovation in their present store if they were planning on moving.
Yeah that phuckin counsel.
Come on Vito you never make mistakes,huh?
On the Airport, plain and simple, it’s not de plane……It’s de FUEL.
This Council could cut in line to see an Elvis Oncert.
Glenn Beck Shaun Hannity Rush Limbaugh get you school choice and Donald Trump….school choice will go away someday….school choice cost about 6 mil
recall the Muse…
I really don’t understand why pointing out vulgar and bigoted comments is offensive enough to redact?. The Planet wields a mighty pen, and many of the other posters here do too. No need to degrade the discussion into cheap innuendo. It is the Planet’s site, posts are all the Planet’s discretion.
we’ll let you know when you actually point them out.
Meanwhile Linda Tyer moves into her McMansion in the wealthy area of Pittsfield just as all the local politicians and GOB’s do in this area. There they are protected from crime just as their wealth protects them from feeling the high taxes which they impose on the rest of us. They live in a protected world and this is why they are completely out of touch and could care less about the needs of the average citizen.
You got that right. Fro her humble home on Venture avenue then the split, the election and all of a sudden she’s Mrs Vanderbuilt. McMansion bought for $637,000. Now how does she all of a sudden come into that kind of money?
Theres three ways, marry it, rob a bank, or go into politics in pittsfield and play along.
A theory on the City Budge is, there seems to be a lot of transfers’ to pay for other obligated funding, which says to me they could have done without the original program to begin with.