(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY AUG. 31, 2016) — Let’s start with three political notes.
(1) Christine Canning, Republican nominee in the state senate race, opened her campaign headquarters Monday night on North Street. If anyone doubted Canning’s seriousness, the highly visible HQ serves as evidence to the contrary. She’s in it to win.
(2) Signs of the Time — The six illegal signs on public property on Wahconah Street in front of the stadium — three for Tricia Farley-Bouvier and three for Adam Hinds, Dem Machine candidates for state house and senate, respectively — were taken down Monday. The public first learned of the signs on THE PLANET. By Monday night — poof! — gone. Someone got religion. Candidates must learn and respect the law with regard to signs everything else about campaigning.
(3) Revolving guest-co-hosts on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION tomorrow include Supercitizen Terry Kinnas, Dem state senate candidate Andrea Harrington, and city council president Pete Marchetti.
And Now for Something ‘Different’
One of THE PLANET’s favorite pieces of classical music has long been Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, orchestration by Ravel. In honor of that timeless piece, let us share a few pictures.
These first three provide followup to our column (“The Amateur Hour,” July 28) about the painting of downtown electrical boxes. The “art” produced a series of embarrassing works that have at best been ignored and at worst mocked. Jury is in on the “art”: Guilty as charged. It did n-o-t-h-i-n-g to brighten or help North Street, during which time at least three more businesses closed or moved.
Picture 1

Alex Reczkowski with hands up in the air during a stick up. Woman at right hold gun shaped like “free” taxpayer-provided salad. Her dress was later used as a circus tent. (PHOTO: iBERKSHIRES)
This is Alex Reczkowski, director of the Berkshire Athenaeum who tries to hog more face time than TFB, announcing the “winners” of the paint-by-numbers contest.
As you can see, A-Rec did so from the offices of that Extremely Vital Taxpayer-Funded Waste of Money, Downtown Pittsfield Inc. (DPI). Here, A-Rec does his killer impression of Johnny Ray in drag singing Abide With Me.
The specs were stolen from an unemployed Ben Franklin impersonator.
Picture 2
This is what the box at North and Depot looked like before desecration. The sea-foam green had, for years, been known to calm colic, ease anxiety, and otherwise go unnoticed by motorists — which was the whole idea in the first place.
Picture 3
You can find this gorgeous box at North and Maplewood. This beauty — by one of the street “artists” who scum-up the downtown with their worthless presence — perfectly captures the zeitgeist of downtown Pittsfield. The marvelously rendered three-line script roughly translates as “He Hate Me.” The slogan has so moved city officials and the apologists for “misguided” youth that “He Hate Me” shall replace Benigno Numine as Pittsfield’s new motto.
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Finally, we move to the rooftop. As readers may recall, THE PLANET brought your attention to the illegal posting on the city of Pittsfield’s official website of a political fundraiser for Adam Hinds, fair-haired boy of the local Dem Machine (except he’s bald). The promotion touted Hinds on the Roof Friday night Aug. 19, a $5-per event. Put it together. Booze + Rooftops. THE PLANET’s secret photographer was there:
Since that time, Hinds has ducked three invitations to sit down with THE PLANET, either live in front of a TV camera or informally over a cuppa Joe. He ducked an appearance on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION Aug. 25 and for tomorrow night. The third invitation went ignored by The Committee to Elect Adam Hinds. Actually, we don’t know if Hinds has personally seen any of them. His staff seems to try to isolate him from harsh reality as much as possible.
Maybe “The Committee” is sore at us for catching them in multiple illegalities thus far (two and counting). Maybe they can’t handle criticism. God save the queen if he takes every little brush back pitch personally. So Adam, if you’re reading, get in touch, person-to-person. You don’t need a Committee to contact a PLANET.
“She was common, flirty. She looked about 30. She said she liked the way I held the microphone.” — The Rolling Stones, “Spider to the Fly”
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A Republican politician in Berkshire County has zero chance of winning a local, state, and/or federal office.
The one thing that has always bothered me about Pittsfield politics is that everyone says they are a Democrat, despite the fact that they are really Republicans. If you want to win an “election”, you have to be a registered Democrat!
If the political machine was Republican instead of Democrat in Pittsfield politics, then it would be everyone saying they were Republicans if they wanted to win their “election”.
My point is that most of the politicians are complete phonies!
I voted for Jack Fitzpatrick, Peter Webber and Jane Swift. I’d take any of those three again over who wee are choosing from today.
Do not forget Sil Conte !
yup, a few times. I also voted fro Ed Brooke once and Bill Weld (and Baker)
And pray tell how are they really Republicans? Joathan, you often makes good points but now I worry you fell and hit your head.
With that being said Jon, the dynamics allow a better chance for a Republican Governor.
Definitely going to consider voting republican. Seriously, this democrat monopoly has only benefited special interests.
I am not a Marchetti fan but I do respect him a bit more for appearing on your show. Any truth to the rumor that he will be taking over for Tyer?
If Hinds can’t handle your show my guess is he does not have what it takes to play in the big leagues in Boston.
Democrats of years ago helped put a man on the moon. One of the highest goals of modern progressive Democrats is to put a man in the ladies room. Liberalism in the past had many flaws if you read the recent books “Liars” and “Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men Into Whiners, Weenies, and Wimps”. Both books are excellent for showing the shocking history of liberalism, but progressives run the Democratic party almost like a cult.
They pass laws like the bathroom bill and want us to believe this its normal. The poor have become even poorer under their watch. They stir up racial tensions and blame in on racism rather than treating the root causes of the discontent of African Americans like poverty and lack of access to education. If you disagree with them you are an outsider because they have no interest in diversity when it comes to their ideology.
Let’s make America Great Again……which America is that? Corrupt is alive and well…….No one is going to Make America Great Again!……….
it should be normal for people to be allowed to go to a restroom without somebody worrying about the equipment. I’m not a whiner, weenie, or whimp because I expect people to mind their own business.
However, just because some things should be done for the just reason, many times that justice is not readily apparent and whoever is Pittsfield’s state rep should do a more through job of communicating the issues back to their constituents. At least an effort.
Could not agree more on this issue. It’s ridiculous!
Shakes, I have learned if you need help navigating State Government – TFB is NOT the go-to person. She’s never returned a call or an e-mail. I will miss Ben Downing, not because he and I saw eye to eye on issues, but because when I needed help, he directed his staff to get me where I needed to be.
She tells us what she supports, how she is this powerhouse of information and how she gets things done. I don’t see any of that, and since I am not “connected” – I can’t get her ear.
After all, what do I know?
then she is failing in her responsibilities to you as a representative. That said, I don’t know that the other candidates will do a better job across the board, but hopefully any of them will be more responsive to you individually.
Given how the Statehouse runs – a few folks on top making all the calls, the only value your rep has is constituent service.
I’m sure you enjoy the sound of little girls tinkling in the stall next to you pervert.
Pat, I agree with you on this. The new breed of Democrat is nothing like it was during my fathers generation.
Democrat means that whining wimp, not the stand-up men of a previous generation. Democrat women are…well, look at the hysterical shrieking of Hillary. Locally look at the dumb sleepwalker of Bouvier.
My Sept votes Bloomberg and Harrington.
Woman hating post of the day goes to R & R. Good job!
And you get the PC pussy award of the day Shakes.
SHH is what is wrong with men today.
He must have issues with his mommy.
I think your comments and your aggressions are beyond out of control. Being a successful man, husband, father or any other version is not contingent on insulting and degrading women or anybody else.
While I am not a Hillary supporter, I am also not intimidated as you are by a strong female personality. The constant misogynistic attack on females is vile and reprehensible.
To many c-hounds out there 12 gauge and now woman want men to empower there miserable home lives, which never works out either.
SHH is just not normal. Whiny liberal toadie
Shh is just a whiny liberal toad
I think SHH is gonna cry
Bouvier needs a new tailor. Or maybe she thinks the high water hem is in style these days.
The Hairdo…The Hairdo. Donna Reed look is out.
At the BCC debate TFB looked awful. Bags packed, gray roots clashing with bad red dye job. Her ideas were the rhetorical equivalent of this mess. Cant take her seriously.
Go Mike Bloomberg.
Who dresses worse, TFB or the ex solicitor Degnan?
It’s a close race.
Not only is a tough question,,,double really, but a dangerous one as well.
They both shop at the Emmet Kelly factory outlet.
Why all this praise for Bloomberg knocking on doors against Tricia? We could also knock on 7,000 doors if we had no job and lived with their parents. Really someone who will be take seriously down in Boston for sure.
I’ve voting Connell. At least he’s not trying to kiss everyone’s behind like the other two.
Tax and Spend Connell? No thanks.
What will haters say about Hillary? Tramp says there might be a stamina issue, he could be on to something.
The mini – me outfits are ridiculous.
Being fair, Trumps wife looked anything like a First Lady with her waist-line blouse cutout. Tramp looks like a truck driver in a Clint Eastwood movie, ridiculous.
Degnan carried a side arm,she’s pass for Elliot Ness.
Off topic..Anyone know how to obtain old court records?
Can we imagine what the conservative would say if Hillary marries a 35 year old runway model
They might say their suspicions were correct.
Trumps a foolish fat man who can’t walk up 2 flights of stairs with the billionaire babe.
Would think better of her than marrying a serial rapist. I guess there a perfect couple though.
Can anyone answer what all the large black poles are that line the city streets? I know my dog likes them but I seem to remember they cost a lot and had some flags on them last year.
I am republican and I am a state Senate candidate More and more people from different parties have joined my team My education expertise and work experience trumps any of the current Democrats running I have a track record of getting things done and being extremely successful Party labels have sailed and if they don’t vote me and you’re going to see a lot of bankruptcy happening amongst the towns and cities within the next three years I have a really deep economic plan to try to salvage the mess that the Democrats have left. If you think negative you’ll get that result , i’m a positive person and it’s in people’s best interests to vote me into office