(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY AUG. 24, 2016) — As THE PLANET exclusively revealed last week, Hinds on the Roof, a.k.a. The Rooftop Concert, took place last Friday night (8/19) on

THROUGH THE ROOF — The “usual suspects” are among those who attended “Hinds on the Roof.” From left, city councilor “Sweet” Pete White; long-time Dem political spear carrier, Del Gallo Machine, Chris Farrell; Hinds; school committee chair Kathy “Lady Boots” Yon; Brendan Sheran, president, Pittsfield teachers’ union. Nuff ced. (PHOTO: Facebook)
top of the Greystone Building as illegally promoted on the city’s home page. In the name of transparency, THE PLANET shares our communication with the Adam Hinds campaign. He is running as the favorite to win the Democratic nomination for state senator against challengers Rinaldo Del Gallo III and Andrea Harrington. If he wins, he will face Republican Chris Canning in November.
We sent the following inquiry to Hinds on Saturday, Aug. 20, at 10:21 a.m., the day after the boozy festivities on the roof.
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As you may know, I have written on THE PLANET about the posting of the HINDS ON THE ROOF found on the city of Pittsfield’s official calendar, the one on the website’s home page.
I have a number of questions about it.
— Who from the campaign authorized the posting?
— Who from the city posted it?
— Whose idea was it to post it there, yours or the city’s?
— When was the listing for on the calendar.
— I know it was taken down on Thursday Aug. 18 in the afternoon, shortly after a comment on THE PLANET mentioned it. Who took it down?
— On whose authority was it taken down?
— Do you agree with critics who say that such a posting was legal?
Feel free to add any comments you’d like.
——– 000 ——–
We received the following reply an hour later. It wasn’t from “Adam Hinds.” It was from the “Committee to Elect Adam Hinds,” a distinction either with or without a difference. THE PLANET isn’t sure at this point . Here it is, unvarnished, so you can read it yourself.
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Neither campaign staff nor the event organizers posted to the city calendar. We did not know it was on the calendar until yesterday, and we agree that it should not have been on the calendar. We have confirmed with those in attendance that they did not find out about the event through the City listing and are happy to share that information. We continue to work to find out how this happened, in order to ensure it does not occur in the future.
Committee to Elect Adam Hinds
——– 000 ——–
The response said a little, but not enough. It seemed to be cautiously worded.Let’s examine this a tad closer.
— “Neither campaign staff nor the event organizers posted to the city calendar” = We guess it just kind of “miracled” is ass on the city’s official home page. Notice also the distinction between “campaign staff” and “event organizers.” That’s puzzling, since the city page listed the “producer” as the “Adam Hinds Campaign.”
— “We did not know it was on the calendar until yesterday, and we agree that it should not have been on the calendar.” — Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law, which the campaign acknowledges. What does this say about the campaign that it fails to monitor the official website of the city it wishes to represent in Boston?
— “We have confirmed with those in attendance that they did not find out about the event through the City listing and are happy to share that information.” — Taken at face value, this means the campaign checked with every single attendee at the $50-a-head function. Is this true? Can it be true?
— “We continue to work to find out how this happened, in order to ensure it does not occur in the future.” — The crux. This sentence promised an investigation. THE PLANET therefore waited a judicious length then followed up with these unanswered questions:
——– 000 ——–
Thanks for your response. I shall post it on THE PLANET.
As you continue to work on how this happened, do you plan to inquire with the city who was responsible? I’m glad the campaign sees that it was improper. Followup questions:
— In your investigation, if you find out how it got on the city’s site and who put it there, can you let me know?
— Do you have any idea of when it first got posted?
— Did you (the campaign) ask the city to have it taken down?
——– 000 ——–
As of press time today, THE PLANET still has yet to hear back. These were questions the campaign avoided the first time when it had a chance to respond. It didn’t — hence, the follow-up. Last night we asked a third time.
When key inquiries like this go ignored, it sends the message that the campaign is hiding something. Is that the case? If not, we invite Hinds himself, not “Committee to Elect Adam Hinds,” to respond. That latter manner of signature for a local campaign strikes us as simultaneously peculiar, pedantic, and self-inflated.
These people kill me. They say no one saw the posting. It makes no difference. The OCPF could make them forfeit all proceeds from the event and impose a hefty fine. This campaign must be run by rookies, just like our city is.
They are killing us, Sanitized.
With taxes.
I’m voting Chris Canning and Chris Connell
Tax and Spend Connell? No thanks. He had his chance. Let’s give the Bloomberg kid a shot.
Acually it is run by several of the Bianchi/Mazzeo cronies. Good example of there cheap politics is the endorsement by John Oliver. The poor men has alzhiemer’s disease yet they make it look like he gave Hinds this glowing endorsement. The work of the Guachione clan, who Hinds worked with….. Shameful
The City of Pittsfield web-site should post the following items:
* Pittsfield politics a corrupt, insiders one party China-like political system ran by the Good Old Boys who serve the vested interests instead of the people
* Pittsfield politics support Tricia Farley Bouvier and Adam Hinds for high political office on Beacon Hill’s State House and Senate
* Pittsfield politics increased it operational budget by $6 million and its capital budget by nearly $12 million for fiscal year 2017
* Pittsfield politics has an 18 year old industrial park called PEDA that has had 0 manufacturing firms and is polluted with toxic waste chemicals called PCBs
* Pittsfield is one of the most economically and financially unequal communities in the state and nation. There a few wealthy households, a shrinking middle class, and about 70% of the local population living in or near poverty who rely on welfare assistance and social services programs. All K – 6 Pittsfield public school students receive a free school lunch due to Pittsfield’s economic demise and high per capita poverty rate.
* Pittsfield politics strong-arms its citizens by suppressing citizen participation in state and local government. Pittsfield politics depends on low voter turnout and non-competitive “elections”.
* You have to be related to one of the low gene pool, multi-generational Good Old Boys families to get a full time, living wage job in Pittsfield. If you speak out against political hacks such as William “Smitty” Pignatelli, you will be retaliated against on blog pages such as Topix.
* Pittsfield public schools are overpriced and underperforming. They rank near the bottom 10% in the state and nation.
* The new Taconic High School project is being built on polluted land. Allendale Elementary School abuts Hill 78, which is full of cancer-causing PCBs that may impact the health of children and others.
* Pittsfield politics will never change! Pittsfield is in a 4 decade long downward spiral!
Springfield Ma – just broke ground on a new school for 400 students – cost: 55 million – why are we paying double or maybe triple that amount
Could be higher kickback rates, pcbs in the ground, gravy train, lotsa stuff we did not need in the school we did not need. Who knows? Maybe Springfield has some kind of oversight board that Pittsfield does not.
Hard to believe but true Pittsfield has more corruption than Springfield. Kickbacks bribes cost-overruns, “workk orders” they all add up $$$$$$$.
How else do you move on up to the $637,ooo gated community?
They’re not used to followups or presses DV. These are fair questions. Why is he dodging?
The photo is a beauty..some of the bums who have allowed public schools to degenerate into dunce hood and getting huge raises for the crime. White, Yon, head of teachers union, gimme a break.
With low turnout of the primary the school hacks will ensure Hinds advancement.
The mayor could find out who posted it if she wanted to. But I am pretty sure she has been told that she does not want to.
Generally this blog moves on to a new subject every day or two. Well aware of this City Hall mumbles “ho hum” and waits for the day to pass and they then continue down their merry road of obfuscation.
the site probably has one person who is authorized to make changes – either an in house webmaster or the service provider who hosts it.
either way, in order to funnel all the change and update requests, there is probably an e-form that goes to this person. the folks with authority to initiate the change probably can do so directly, with others needing to go thru their bosses.
but however the request gets to the change agent, one thing is clear: this is the internet. nothing disappears.
wouldn’t a FOIA request of the change request both to add and delete be appropriate? After all, the website is a city run function, even if outsourced.
Someone in City Hall connected to someone on the Campaign Committee?
connections up the yinyang
For your safety do not attend discover Tyler street,just ask White and Marchetti why.
Hinds is tight with Amuso and the President of the Pittsfield Teachers Union, that can’t be good. These two people alone are promoting him because Hinds will be school “friendly” meaning just like McCandless, who these people can’t get enough of, Hinds will send lots of money toward the Pittsfield school employee salaries. All of the candidates may end up being Pittsfield school employee “friendly”, but this one is being up front about that fact and it doesn’t bode well for taxpayers.
Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.
The Planet pretty much broke the Son of Sam case in the seventies, this should be easy.
Mayor’s web and she doesn’t know what is going on it? Nice.
Adams Hinds campaign will investigate and find the guilty party. Isn’t that the same thing O.J. said after he was acquitted in the criminal trial. At least he got some jail time, albeit for his other crimes and stupidity.
We need jail time for political crimes, then maybe some other people will think twice about doing similar illegal things.
Hillary for Prison 2016
Moral incompetence is the theme of our society.
O J looked for the killers while on the golf course, Adam will do his searching from the roof tops.Of course, the Mare, has no idea how it got on the site.
If anyone reports this to OCPF they will have to come clean.
I’ve got nice bridge off East Street for sale if anyone, who believes any of this nonsense, would like to buy it. Adam is a frequent visitor to City Hall and well connected there – as Bugs says what a gull a BULL.
You can tell who the hacks are in Pittsfield. They are the ones who have campaign signs on the city property in front of their homes. Hacks don’t need no stinkin’ rules.
Is this really an issue? Seems like your fishing hard and coming up empty.
Yes, it is an issue and a violation of Massachusetts law.
This is an issue larry. Clearly against the law. It shows a mode of behavior.
When are you people going to get it through your heads that Pittsfield city hall has its own set of rules?
I am curious why discussions about female politicians on this site are cast as incompetent, failures, way over their heads, or fat and unattractive. Men in these discussions are cast as crafty, sneaky, connected, or good ol’ boys. Are we really to the point of name calling or shallowness. Can we get back on substantive issues like comparing platforms?
Shakes, it would be nice if any of these political hacks had a platform.
Then take the discourse to them and make them develop something. Pittsfield runs on over a third Commonwealth funding and North Adams half. The ‘bacon’ is brought, but it ain’t solving problems.
the platform is raise taxes and spend
you’re making all that up……Bouvier and Tyer are every bit a part of the GOB network and both will continue to push stupid policies like all the other demohacks
The Berkshires are in the crapper due to years and years of democrat good ole boys
Because they are in way over their heads
Sounds like the old Mission Impossiple beginning:
“As always, should you or any of your Election Committee be caught, the Mayor and her IT force will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Mr. Hinds!”
Mr. Hinds, your Mission if you decide to accept, is to solicit donations on Facebook And pretend from a roof top of your choice, deny any the knowledge or current goings on at City Hall. Remember Adam, if you are caught with your clear monts down, disavow any previous or current knowledge. If none of this works revert to the old Sgt. Schultz philosophy….you got it, you know nutttthing.
Discover Tyler street….wear a bulletproof vest…do not come over 2nd Street hood to get there…..being shot is part of the fun….good idea holding it at the future hood mart parking lot where you can see the shooter coming at you
Tyler is a shooters paradise….why do these people have to pay taxes to live in this horrible hood……ask Marchetti and White why. They would not pay taxes there
Marchetti didn’t live in Morningside,
sure did, he lived on one o the streets near Dairy Cone. That’s Morningside.
Shut down 2nd street…very dangerous street..
If you can move do so
When the president of the city council is afraid of living there it time to move..does anyone know the salary of white and Marchetti
White knocks down about $175,000……Marchetti about $475,000.
White made $58,153 in 2015
Marchetti upgraded to a bigger house. He had always planned to do so. It was always a starter house. Ask why Tyer is moving out past BCC and check into her finances
Stay off of:
North st.
Tyler st.
Lincoln st.
First st.
Second st.
Linden st.
Dewey ave
Cherry st.
Burbank st.
Kent ave
Madison ave
And Seymour st.
And you might survive.
Any active politician brought you this….vote for anyone other than that the guy in office…lets cut off their political future tO’Day for good
Wait till next year…why can’t the street lights be brighter in the hood for child safety reasons….is Marchetti waiting for little children to be shot…light up the hood rally
If he knocks down 175 the world is coming to an end.