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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, ELECTION DAY, 2016) — THE PLANET‘s message is simple today. We phrase it in the imperative mode: VOTE!

That’s your job, your right, your privilege, and your duty. Do it! Just friggin’ do it! We exercised the franchise on Friday. Before we filled out the ballot, we paused, as we do each time we cast our choices, with this image: An 18-year-old soldier, scared to death, pouring out of a Higgins boat on D-Day. That kid risked his life so you could have a say today. Don’t waste his life. Be sure to vote.

With that, THE PLANET will be taking a much-needed R&R for the remainder of the week. We’ll be back on Monday, Nov. 14. Until then, you’re on your own. Your comments on the results are welcome below and all week. Please (he asked, futilely) be sharp, incisive, intelligent, and respectful.

Be well, with all peace of mind!


“Vote? Just do it!”Dan Valenti



The views expressed in the comment section or opinions published within the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment that violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.

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8 years ago

Meanwhile Pittsfield and Massachusetts hasTricia Farley Bouvier and pot. Happy days are here again!!!! I’m being sarcastic.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Stop walmart…pittsfield is going to be great.Business is coming Pat when will it be great or good or ok or when will it just stop getting worse.Pat you need to walk us through this greatness.Pat what’s about to be unleashed…is it the corporate tax rate

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Pat when will women start being punished?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

I’d say they would be punished if they were forced to read your posts.

Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

12 Gauge, Dan needs a like button. Well said.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Unis tress will build the wall…..PEDA can be the concentration camp

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

I thought PEDA was going to be a pot farm.

Lollipop Guild
Lollipop Guild
8 years ago

Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead

E Harburg / E.Y. Harburg / Harold Arlen


Once there was a wicked witch in the lovely land of Oz.
And a wickeder, wickeder, wickeder witch there never, never was
She filled the folks in Munchkin land with terror and with dread
‘Till one fine day from Kansas way a cyclone caught a house
That brought the wicked, wicked witch her doom
As she was flying on her broom
For the house fell on her head
. . . and the coroner pronounced her dead

And thru the town the joyous news was spread . . .

Ding-dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch
Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead
Wake up, you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed
Wake up, the wicked witch is dead!

She’s gone where the goblins go below, below, below. Yo ho.
Let’s open up and sing, and ring the bells out
Ding-dong! the merry-o, sing it high, sing it low
Let them know the wicked witch is dead.

[Play that sax]

She’s gone where the goblins go below, below, below. Yo ho.
Let’s open up and sing, and ring the bells out
Ding-dong! the merry-o sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know that wicked witch is dead.

8 years ago

The 2020 presidential campaign begins…….now.
Just joking.
Glad this one is finally over.
Everyone can rest now.

Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

not resting….waiting for the middle income/lower income dominoes to start falling

Is social security safe? Is medicare safe? What kind,if any,. health care system?

Will deporting Mexicans lead to riots in the streets?

Will stop and frisk tactics fire up the BLM groups?

If the wealthy are going to get tax cuts who is going to make up the lost money? Who is going to pay for the country wide road work and bridge work that needs to start now?

If trump irritates China will they call in the trillions of dollars we owe them?

Is Trump going to go after ISIS by sending over hundreds of thousands of our sons and daughters to die needlessly in that hell hole mid east?

You know Putin is going to test Trump on his first day of office. Will Trump go macho and do something stupid? Probably.

Reply to  dusty
8 years ago

You have no idea what pure misery the basket of deplorables have saved you from.

Trump is only man. He can only do so much. The alternative would have been disasterous. We came extremely close to ending our republic.

How about uniting behind Trump and working together to make this country great again?

Maybe instead of a free cell phone and a few bucks for groceries, we can have good paying jobs.

When Obama got elected (the first time), I sort of had some and change. Turns out it was change I cannot believe in.
We are not better off than we were 10 trillion dollars ago. There was no economic recovery. America is on the brink of economic collapse only far worse than when he started.

Trump took a loan out as s young man and turned it into s multi-billion dollar empire. He can fix this economy if we all band together and help him do it.

“All we are saying….is give Trump a chance”.

8 years ago

Wow Dusty, the sky is falling! Calm down and go to your safe place. You will still get your participation trophy

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Do you think president Trump will make fun of the handicapped children

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

No, but hopefully President Trump will put the Clinton’s in prison and end the whole PC non-sense.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

no but I remember when Obama did

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

When was that?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Poor taste. He really grabbed that one in the Pussy.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

can a pussy grab a pussy?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Funny coming from an internet pussy.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Do you think President Trump will stop making fun of over weight mothers.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Do you think Michelle Obama will stop nagging people about what they eat?

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Remember Kate when he wanted the stupid vote…
You got to hand it to Trump he just came right out and asked the stupids to vote for him and that’s when it became a landslide.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

School committee, please take your Meds. Hillary lost, get over it.

8 years ago

TSCommittee, everyone makes fun of overweight mothers. They just don’t do it in public. Trump has the guts to say what he thinks. He sure as hell won’t kiss ass to foreign leaders like the spineless twit did for the last 8 years. He embarrassed the USA at every turn. He didn’t even know what “draw a line in the sand” means. The video of him bowing down to President Putin went viral and was a huge embarrassment to the USA.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Correction: every asshole makes fun of overweight mothers.

8 years ago

The people complaining about Trump being our president should be complaining about the local school employees voting to elect terrible Tricia Bouvier back in and the new tax we will be getting thanks to those with money in the area not being bothered at paying more taxes. Again this would be mainly school personnel but also other upper income people who can afford the tax.

This area is out of control with these progressives who care nothing about anyone except school personnel who keep them in office. They have a dysfunctional relationship. School employees will keep the local pols in office if they deliver the goods to the school employees. It’s a sick system that needs to stop. Stop complaining about Trump and give him a chance and complain about these local people who are so corrupt.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Five corrupt people Pat? I will know who to keep an eye on.

Reply to  Halo
8 years ago

Pat, Tricia won 66% to 33%. I don’t think ALL those people are school employees. The same with CPA. Most people voted for it. So you are asking those who didn’t vote Trump to accept it. I have. I accept you accept the local results as well. It has got to be frustrating living in a town where you are a minority and a long couple years ahead for you.

Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

I meant to type… I suggest you accept the local results as well.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

It must be something in the water…..time to adjust the sandfloats.

Reply to  Halo
8 years ago

yeah, elections are hopeless here, seems the majority of voters are on the government payroll in one way or the other

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Pat can you be more specific as to who the local school employees are that are corrupt? I am sure they are there I just need to know there names. You do know who they are right?

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

Any school employee who pressures the politicians to increase the school budget each year is corrupt in my opinion. I’m sure that not all of them do, but many have been. We know the money isn’t going to the kids who are barely provided with any basic school supplies.

Big Don
Big Don
8 years ago

Not many people expected this back in July? You’ve got to give him credit.

8 years ago

Nice one Pat! All so true.
Thats why Trump got elected! People are sick of the progressives and their crap. The school depts across the State are a bunch of over paid failing look down your nose clowns that think they are educated. In reality, they know nothing about the real world because they suck off the public nipple.

Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

It was the school departments across the state that defeated Question 2. Massachusetts has allowed all of these school departments to get out of control, Pittsfield schools being one of the worst examples.

Knock Knock
Knock Knock
8 years ago

The Media and Pollsters are full of it. I knew that after the first debate as C N N had a poll that Killery won the debate by interview mostly DemocRATS. And she didn’t it was even at best. Voters remembered the bias.

Reply to  Knock Knock
8 years ago

I will never believe any of the pollsters again. They had Hillary ahead by 12 points a couple of weeks ago and even just a few days ago they said Trump had only a 25% chance of winning the presidency.

Demetrius T. Gladiator
Demetrius T. Gladiator
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Nope. The only pollster you can believe is THE PLANET and Dan Valenti. He called it all the way. Eerie. It’s like DV was working for Trump or something.

8 years ago

Trump will have three different kids from three seperate mothers living in the White House

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  h
8 years ago

All of Bill Clinton’s kids didn’t live there.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Again: benefitting from legalized weed.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

So, will illegal dealers now be legal?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

No, your homeboy will still be illegal.

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
8 years ago

Hope Covanta leaves town after we give them the five hundred thousand. Worse business practice in the last ten years here in Pittsfield.

8 years ago

All hell breaking loose in N Y and other Cities, a precursor to what will happen if Trump dosen’t support goodness and welfare for all , in the United States,

Bill Q
Bill Q
8 years ago

It will be the beginning of a Civil War with Trump. Bank on it. Pittsfield is getting close also. people like The great one be softies if certain factions in the city revolt against the Establishment that runs this City.

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
8 years ago

Anyone catch the live interview of a Latino in Mahattan protestng on Fox News, yup he said Grab Donald Trump by the P…y.

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

Was question 2 rigged? Well, let’s just say they took steps to ensure it got passed. Let’s just say it was disingenuous the way the school department slanted what would happened if it did not pass. Let’s just say there was no chance in hell the special interests were going to allow any more competition for the bloated money tit they suckle daily from. Let’s all look up the words selfish, greedy and self serving.

It just makes me so sad when the very people that are put in charge of children’s education and futures care more about their own pocketbooks than the children who think they are there for them. And these people know who they are from the leaders on down.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

I dont Understand Trump is going to deliver status quo?I m thinking he was going to be the progressive candidate and Hillary was the status quo.I thought he was about to change Washington but pat says he ran against progressive change…Pat you have no idea what you voted for.That being said I can easily accept Trump as the new President.You will bring up a couple thousand people in big city protest which is nothing…..Trump ran on being the most progressive candidate to ever be elected.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago


Build a wall on the southern border to keep illegals out.
Progressive? or Progress?
Deport all illegals so they can apply to come legally.
Progressive? or Progress?
End NAFTA. Make conditions attractive so companies will bring jobs back.
Progressive? or Progress?
Appoint 3 new “Conservative” judges to the Supreme court.
End the murder of babies. Keep freedom of speech. Keep the second Amendment and the entire Constitution intact.
Progressive? or Progress?
Make peace with Putin and Russia. Stop threatening them.
Progressive? or Progress?
Stop the importation of military aged ISIS fighters and their families from Syria and spreading them all over the USA. Stop the immigration of Muslims until they can be fully vetted.
Progressive? or Progress?
Obamacare is collapsing on its own……….
On and on……

How is it you say Trump ran a progressive campaign Melissa?

This is a Revolution.
Trump won in a landslide.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

Join in the idiocy in Syria and get heavily involved fighting ISIS. Get thousands of more American troops killed needlessly and add thousands more wounded and maimed to the casualty list. Mouth off and start world war 3

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

Good one H, didn’t realize it,he had a child by Marla Maypole. I guess you could call this rich white trash.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

Trump is going to drain the Swamp…….and replace it with a Hippos like Chris Cristie.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Dilly Dally
8 years ago

That swamp he says he be going to drain harbors the same swamp creatures he used to get himself rich. He ain’t draining nuttin. He would have to go through congress and they are not going to kick themselves out of office. Believe it!

8 years ago

Trump has been elected to help middle class America. Middle class America is hurting BADLY. They were complaining today on Good Morning Joe that the media isn’t covering the REAL REASON why Donald Trump won this election which is that Middle Class America has been ignored for far too long. The New York Times runs an article on its front page that does nothing to express the pain in Middle Class America that caused Donald Trump to be elected.

Donald Trump went across the country and listened to the PAIN of the forgotten middle class America in the rural parts of this country. Their financial struggles that are NOT BEING LISTENED to by ANYONE until Donald Trump came on the scene. Middle Class America is ANGRY at BOTH parties and wanted an outsider to come in and stop the partisan bickering that was doing NOTHING to help their situation. Donald Trump is NOT a progressive thank God. Nor is he a far right conservative. He is in the middle and that is what this country needs right now. The newspapers in this country need to start reporting the TRUTH about why Donald Trump won this election. They need to report the TRUTH that there is real FINANCIAL suffering in this country RIGHT NOW and the media needs to STOP saying that the economy is great for everyone because half of the country KNOWS that it IS NOT great for them.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

And the other half of the Country disagrees with you. If Trump cannot create jobs, look for a War to replace the failure to relieve the Pain of the middle class. Just one question, where is Trump going to get the Funds to create all of his agenda items, especially the Military? Is he going to cancel the

Reply to  Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Well that’s because the other half of the country is either financially happy or because they want to stir up trouble because THEIR candidate didn’t get elected. That type of thinking isn’t good for this country.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Pat. They are protesting. You are using your right to protest 24/7 on this blog.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

oh those trouble stirrers.

Rusty Sabich
Rusty Sabich
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Hillary still received more votes than Trump: she won the popular vote.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Rusty Sabich
8 years ago
Reply to  Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Trump is a businessman. If anyone can figure out where to get the money, he can.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Well he likes to borrow. He likes bankruptcy. And he does not pay his bills. So there is always plenty left FOR HIM!

If Trump thought you would be impressed with his financial accumen he would have shown you his tax returns. But if he did he would probably not have gotten elected.

What he is good at is bullshit. And he found a receptive audience.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago


Reply to  Shelly Liver
8 years ago

“The other half?” seriously?

Its not up a President to create jobs.
What Trump can do is end the terrible NAFTA trade deal that drove all the jobs out of this country.
Squash the.TPP which would be even more damaging.
Give tax incentives to companies who give employment to the people. Stop countries who undervalue their currencies making conditions so we buy from them.
Things like that he can do.

The President does not start up a company and employ people. He can only remove the obstacles that caused the massive unemployment that exists in the United States right now.

The progressive democrat agenda is to get everyone dependant on the government in some way. This is done to control the people. The way they have chosen is to strip the country of employment. Roughly 1/3 of this entire nation is not in the work force.

Trump wants people to be independant. Stand on your own two feet. Work to provide for yourself. Get government out of your life.

What if Pittsfield were to allow a large corporation in – lets say even tax free. In exchange they would employ 30 – 50,000 people. Would that not be far superior to the way it is now?

In the 1950’s & 60’s when GE was humming, the economy in Pittsfield was booming. The effect on all businesses large and small was great. Resturants, clothing stores, furniture, banks, etc., all were doing great. Because everyone was working.

Now GE can run their ops from Mexico at 1/1000th of the cost.
Cheap labor and no environmental laws with zero taxes.

Let Trump shake the tree and see how much fruit comes out.

The House, the Senate and the Presidency will all be Republican starting Jan 20, 2017. This is what this nation voted for. We tried it the progressive liberal way. Nobody likes where we are and where we are headed. If they did, Hillary would have won in a landslide.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

NAFTA had awful timing, and it was a GOP plank. Jobs left because of technology and modernization.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

So its time for “technology” and “modernization” to bring the jobs back.

People are willing to work. People want to earn a living. There are no jobs. Welfare, EBT cards, Unemployment and free cell phones are not the answer.

End NAFTA. It failed.

Reward people who start companies and provide jobs.
Remove all the obstacles.

Dunkin Donuts wanted to invest their money in Pittsfield. Plunket school or an old abandoned church.
This city council denies them. What a joke.
A business who employs 10 – 15 part-time minimum wage jobs with no benefits. Denied.

God forbid a real employer ever try to set up in Pittsfield. It will never happen because the progressive liberal democrat mindset is mental illness.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Go get your degree in mechanical/electrical engineering and you can have a job. Manual industrial manufacturing is never coming back.

The days of working 40 hours at whatever you do and providing for a family are over. The failures and destitutes now are not going to change now anymore than they were before. Corporations make profits for shareholders – they are not responsible for their employees’ quality of life.

GE did not move transformer building to Mexico… the technology and the industry became obsolete. like an Industrial “blockbuster video.”

10-15 part time minimum wage jobs were going to move from one side of the street to another.

I’m not anti-Trump, but your posts are incompetent and ill-informed.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

The days of working 40 work weeks to provide for your family are NOT over.
It U who are misinformed Matt.

Pittsfield liberals who run the city will stay the course and run the city right into bankruptcy. The progressive liberal agenda is folly. Its doomed to fail.

People don’t need to become electrical or mechanical engineers to earn a living or provide for their families.

You are barking up the wrong tree. We are in this mess because of your faulty thinking. Progressive liberal democrat thinking of tax and spend, welfare and making people depend on government is a disaster.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

I am not a tax and spend liberal progressive. Never have been, never will be. I am all for getting rid of the government freeloaders like the poor, the elderly, veterans, and children. “pay as you go”

You are hilarious that as soon as somebody disagrees with you, in my case a socially tolerant person that is an extreme financial conservative, you go back to this made up stereotype of the “Progressive liberal democrat”.

How do you even look in the mirror and take yourself seriously? I don’t. And for the last time, you don’t know me, you never will, so stop trying to guess my name.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Not guessing Matt.

Up above you say “a GOP plank”.
You always support the democratic agenda.
You always support city of Pittsfield politics.

You are a shill.
Stop the Charade!

What have you got maybe two more months of shilling checks left Praxis33? The Trump administration sure won’t pay you for the shilling.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

You should pay Carl the $500 you bet on the election.
You’d be demanding payment if Hillary won.

8 years ago

As I watch these disgraceful protests on TV, I cannot help but think, who is really filled with hate and violence? Who is guilty of fear mongering and promoting divisiveness in this country? Turns out it was the party that hired people to disrupt and create violence at Trump rallies. It was the party that gave HRC the questions ahead of time for the first debate. It was the party that colluded so that Bernie Sanders would not be their nominee. It was the party whose candidate was so dishonest, arrogant, aloof, and unpopular she could not defeat Donald Trump of all people.

8 years ago

Ooops! Newsweek pulls 125,000 mags with ‘President Clinton’ on front from newsstands:

Main Stream Media RIP:

You had a good run. Its over now.

8 years ago

President Trump puts his cabinet together:

by Pamela Williams

“I think it will be very interesting to observe as President Trumps puts together his Cabinet. Our new President is a very fair and wise man, and he will repay many of those who stood by him through this difficult Election.
Some of those outstanding supporters are:
1. Newt Gingrich
2. Rudy Giuliani
3. Chris Christie
4. Senator Jeff Sessions
5. Senator Bob Corker
6. Sarah Palin
7. Ben Carson, among others…
The Trump Transition Team has been very tight-lipped about the Cabinet choices, and they have refused to make any comments. But many close to Trump have speculated about his choices.
Newt Gingrich, Senator Bob Corker, or possibly John Bolton
Senator Jeff Sessions, Stephen Hadley, former Senator Jim Talent, or possibly Rep. Duncan Hunter
Trump has said himself that he would like to give this position to his own finance advisor, Mnuchin, who has his own private investment firm. According to the way Trump has financed his campaign, Mnuchin sounds like a perfect choice to me.
Sounds like Rudy Giuliani is the prime candidate for this position. I agree with this choice. Also, Chris Christie, and Pam Bondi have been mentioned.
Lucas of Lucas Oil, Robert Grady, Donald Trump, Jr. (MY CHOICE), or possibly Sarah Palin. Other possible candidates include former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer; Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin; Wyoming Rep. Cynthia Lummis; and Oklahoma oilman Harold Hamm.
Sid Miller, Agriculture Secretary of Texas, or others mentioned are Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback; former Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman; former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue; and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry; as well as Charles Herbster, and Mike McCloskey, a major dairy executive in Indiana.
Trump has many choices in this group…still more:
Bruce Rastetter, a major Republican donor in Iowa, and Kip Tom, a farmer who ran for Congress in Indiana this year but was defeated in the primary, are also among those being considered.

Other top Republican insiders expect that Chuck Connor, president and CEO of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives; Don Villwock, president of the Indiana Farm Bureau; and Ted McKinney, current director of the Indiana Department of Agriculture in administration of Gov. Mike Pence, are also likely to be in the running for the post.

COMMERCE SECRETAY: Trump is looking at the business community for these possible choices: Wilbur Ross, a Trump economic adviser, Dan DiMicco, former CEO of steelmaker Nucor Corp and a Trump trade adviser, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, and even Christie.

HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: David Clarke, the conservative sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, is a possible candidate for Homeland Security secretary. Clarke has cultivated a devoted following on the right, and he spoke at the Republican National Convention in Ohio, declaring, “Blue lives matter.” Christie is also seen as a possible DHS secretary. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE DAVID CLARKE IN THIS POSITION.

Of course, the honorable and wise Dr. Ben Carson is being considered for HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SECRETARY. There could not be a better choice. Dr. Carson has been the voice of reason throughout the entire Election.

Labor secretary As with many Cabinet posts under Trump, the campaign and transition staff have been looking for a CEO or executive to lead the Labor Department. One name being bandied about is Victoria Lipnic, commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission since 2010. She also served as an assistant secretary of labor for employment standards from 2002 until 2009. The Mitt Romney transition team reportedly also considered her for a top labor post in 2012.

Veterans Affairs secretary The name most commonly mentioned for Veterans Affairs secretary is House Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Jeff Miller, who’s retiring from the House and was an early Trump backer.

Environmental Protection Agency administrator While Trump has called for eliminating the EPA, he has more recently modified that position, saying in September that he’ll “refocus the EPA on its core mission of ensuring clean air, and clean, safe drinking water for all Americans.”

Myron Ebell, a climate skeptic who is running the EPA working group on Trump’s transition team, is seen as a top candidate to lead the agency. Ebell, an official at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, has come under fire from environmental groups for his stances on global warming. Venture capitalist Robert Grady is also a contender.

Other potential candidates: Joe Aiello, director of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Environmental Safety and Quality Assurance; Carol Comer, the commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, who was appointed by Pence; and Leslie Rutledge, attorney general of Arkansas and a lead challenger of EPA regulations in the state.

President Trump and his new Cabinet will make America great again, and Americans will have the right to be proud again…at last.”

Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

The Democrats have demanded in the past that Republicans “reach across the isle”. They did. They gave Obama everything he wanted … including Obamacare.

That obviously was the wrong thing to do.

Now the American people have given full control of the government to Republicans. No more reaching across the isle.

See how things are now.
See how things are 4 years from now.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

So the political outsider that is going to drain the swamp is filling the swamp back up with political hacks and donors?

Shill Shill blah blah, cut and paste, cry cry, have somebody else think for me.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

and not exactly the cream of the crop political hacks either. Christie comes across as a mafia don and may be headed to prison. Not to mention he has not showed up for his governor job more than twice in the last four years.

Juliani is acting like a raving lunatic and wants to reach across the aisle by first indicting Hillary

Don’t forget Ailes who is another sexual predator. Or Banner who is just plain kuckoo.

No more abortions? That will go over well

No more wind power or solar power? Good boy Donald.

Sarah Palin can do Donnys taxes from now on. She is a genius ya know.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

I wasn’t even getting into the batshit crazy of these people, but this is the soul Trump sold to the GOP to become president.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

To hell with Julliana for AG, Trey Gowdy!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Who the F is Carl? I wouldn’t bet money I don’t have. there are 23 letters in my full name, and not a single one of them are an M or a T. I am not party affiliated, but was always registered republican prior to 2009.

And yes, NAFTA was a GOP goal that began under Bush I. I do not support City of Pittsfield politics although I was involved in a mayoral campaign several years ago.

I’m not praxis, and you are a moron.

Let me guess your response:

Blah Blah Blah shill Blah Blah Blah Trumo Blah Blah Blah tax incentives Blah Blah Blah shill Blah Blah Blah shill Blah Blah Blah shill Blah Blah Blah liberal progressive Blah Blah Blah shill
Blah Blah Blah shill Blah Blah Blah cry cry cry Blah Blah Blah praxis33 Blah Blah Blah shill.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Funny …you are Matt.

Look, I’ve asked nicely for you to stop attacking me.
I’ve asked nicely for you to leave my posts alone. You won’t. You can’t. You are a sociopath who cannot sleep at night unless you cause trouble. You do this all over the internet in this area.

Does not matter what you say because you are a pathological liar Praxis, blah, blah.

Rusty Sabich
Rusty Sabich
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Again, Thor thinks I’m you. He’s way too invested in this, don’t you think?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Rusty Sabich
8 years ago

Thor is a standard millennial. Angry at the world, angry at women, angry at his friends, finding identity in this election instead of making a reason to be proud of himself.

What are you going to do if (I am not Praxis) we don’t stop poking holes in your silliness? Cry to the Planet again? Sue us like Trump?

Rusty Sabich
Rusty Sabich
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

He is a very angry fellow; he’s like a sports fan that lives and dies over a team’s victory. I’ll bet he says, when wondering whether the Red Sox or the Patriots won, “Did we win last night?”

He’s so powerless that he seeks false representations of power in political victories that really have no appreciable affect on his day to day existence.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Shaky, the Blah, Blahs were by far the best things you ever posted. Keep up the good work.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Blah blah Torch blah blah John blah blah blah blah whining

8 years ago

Chris Cristie will be Bridge and Tunnells coordinator.

Knock Knock
Knock Knock
8 years ago

Could Thor,Shakes,et al……be the same person?

8 years ago

Rusty arrives….
Right on cue.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

shill shill cry cry little man.

8 years ago

Wondering if Massachusetts is going to pay because Baker thought Trump was bat crap crazy and didn’t vote for him.

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

UH OHHH Did I hear on the radio that the mayor has given another tax break to another local millionaire? Did Scarafoni donate to her campaign and now the taxpayers have to pay her fee?

when will it ever end?

Alexander Waverly
Alexander Waverly
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

7/20/2015 Gary Scarafoni Pittsfield MA 01201 $100.00 Tyer, Linda M.

Lou Brown
Lou Brown
Reply to  Alexander Waverly
8 years ago

wrong Scarafoni..

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Dan, HELP!!!! Please come back ASAP, the morons and dimwits are getting uppity!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Dan: Please help! This is turning into Topix!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Cry cry little snowflake.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Like I said Dan…..

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

How about you start your own blog and then you can decide who can post and who can’t? Not everybody in the world agrees with you. Get over yourself.

8 years ago

SOMEONE OUGHT TO TELL Bernie Flanders that he lost the election and should let Big Don to do his thing.

Also, Trump sould go after Killery like he promised and prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law.

P Hewton
P Hewton
8 years ago

Congrats toi Trump on great victory, let bygones be bygones, we will work together ?

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
8 years ago

Let’s take a poll…should shakes his head find another hobby and leave us alone?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
8 years ago

hahahaha. You need a helicopter parent to come rescue you? If you can’t take criticism, get out the kitchen.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

you get out of the kitchen,,,,you just don’t kno ho to cook without making people sick.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
8 years ago

That doesn’t even make sense.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

I’ll try to dumb it down next time just for you Shaky.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

How many people are you posting as?

8 years ago

The reason why the elites have no idea what is happening in rural America is because they stay in Manhattan sipping their $30.00 lattes talking to their progressive friends who think just like they do. They need to expand their circle of friends. The elites need to talk to people around the country, real people, to find out their struggles so maybe then they will have a clue why rural America has had no part in the so-called economic recovery and nobody in Washington does anything but ignore them. This is why they are so angry at the powers that be in Washington and even in their local governments. Maybe then they will understand why Trump won this election.

These are struggling poor people for the most part and now they have a voice because they took on the big money of Washington. Just think of all of the millions of dollars spent on this election only to have the poorest of the poor people in this country take them down. It’s mind boggling and I believe it is heroic. Trump may or may not get them everything they want, but their actions alone make them so much better than all of the people in Washington of both parties.

8 years ago

I need to update. Clinton and the Democratic party spent 1.3 billion dollars as of October 19th only to be knocked down by the poorest of the poor in this country on election day. Regardless of what party you identify with, you have to admit that it is astonishing. Trump spent far less money.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Thank god we didn’t elect somebody that lives in Manhattan. You think any of these jokers are going to stand up for you?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Trump isn’t a progressive. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Trump also made the effort to find out what is happening with the real people of this country by literally going all over the place to talk to everyday people. He didn’t just live in the “bubble” of his little group of people.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Okay, so clearly as he takes dumps on his gold plated toilet, he’s looking out for the little guy.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

You cab get a job cleaning it Shakesy

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Says the beggar.

P Hewton
P Hewton
8 years ago

Moving the Country forward is
Regressive. Have not heardMr. Trump say that.

May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

supporters, red necks et al please leave our Muslim men and woman alone.

Donald please speak to the Nation and address the concerns of the people that are being intimidated.

Go after the idiot in North Korea, send the elite from our Military and end this Tyrant’s destruction of human rights and fear and put to rest the little bully’s tactics of threats and intimidation around the region and beyond.

Lighter side : Who is Bigger, Mr. Bigger or Mr. Bigger’s Baby
Answer: Mr. Bigger’s Baby, he’s a little Bigger.

Reply to  May Hemm
8 years ago

You really are being played by these progressives. They try to get power by dividing people against each other. Calling poor people red necks is beyond disgraceful. They are trying to survive in a harsh world. In the progressives world that makes them bigots. Unbelievable!!!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

No, it’s their bigotry that makes them bigots

8 years ago

Great info on potential Trump cabinet members, Thor. Keep us posted!

May Hemm
May Hemm
Reply to  Gigi
8 years ago

Yes,Thor always keep us in tune to the latest Cabinet proceedings.

8 years ago

Very nasty editorials by the Berkshire Eagle…worse than usual even for them encouraging everyone to hate Donald Trump and to prepare for the 2018 elections. What a piece of work this newspaper has become. The progressives in this area are like a cult I’m convinced of it.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

I hope the Trump supporter hold his feet to the fire. He made a ton of promises, many of which seem ludicrous and impossible to come through on. He basically promised everything to everybody.

He is going to get rid of Obamacare? Great, what is he going to replace it with? Health care cost will get much worse I guarantee that and many will have no insurance at all. If he had any idea how to make it better he would have told us.

I hope he goes after fraud in welfare and social security disability and food stamps. But I am afraid he wants to cut social security and medicaid.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

Maybe he can get the criminal aliens off the welfare teat? Isn’t that fraud?

Like Obama’s Auntie Zetuni, remember her? Did Barry help auntie out financially, with his OWN pocket? Nope, he let the US taxpayer put her up illegally for many years. She is still bilking Americans for all she’s worth.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

60 million voters did not think Trump will help the little guy .He should soon be announcing how the lower middle class will be getting higher wages.I hope he does .He can do everything he wants.Let’s see what he wants 1st thing and that will tell all.

8 years ago

Donald Trump owes a huge debt of gratitude to Ron Paul supporters.

During the 2012 Presidential campaign, Ron Paul was also drawing huge crowds of support in every state of the union.
A movement was underway.

Why he even won Massachusetts in a lanslide primary victory.
Then the Republican national committee refused to even seat his delegates at the Republican National Convention.
As well as many other states.
The Republicans simply took/stold Ron’s delegates and gave them to Mitt Romney.

As a result, most of Ron Paul’s supporters either sat out that election or refused to give Romney support. This got Obama a second term which Ron’s supporters have suffered through.

Well Ron Paul supporters never forgot.
When Donald Trump entered the race this time, Ron Paul’s supporters were still out there in sleeper mode.
They watched the meltdown of Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, and Mitt Romney. Why all Trump had to do is mention 911 and knocked Jeb Bush (the chosen one) right out of the race.

The movement grew. Exponentially.
Yes the movement grew into a revolution.
The massive support behind Trump overwhelmed the system and despite Hillary’s efforts to cheat, they swept Trump into office.

I’d like to see Trump appoint Ron Paul as head the Treasury Department and end the fed.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

You just love revising history.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Ron Paul had 118 delegates going into the RNC convention. Good for 4th place.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

No changing history here Matt.

I never said Ron Paul won all the delegates.
He did win Massachusetts and they refused to seat his delegates a the RNC. That is verifyable and true.

No need to twist what I say Praxis you shill.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thor
8 years ago

That’s right shill shill shill. You had one true statement in a diatribe of impotence.

8 years ago

Terrible riots last night fueled no doubt by the media and move Are they trying to start a civil war? These are no doubt professional agitators many of them. The same ones who stirred up trouble at Trump rallies and after police shootings. The rest are college students who have been brain washed in the colleges to resort to violence if they don’t get what they want.

May Hemm
May Hemm
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

It’s going to be a long 4 Pat. First thing is, Trump’s not going to be able to please everyone and heavenforbid some of his policies flop, it’s a recipe for disaster.

Reply to  May Hemm
8 years ago

May: Are you for real? Whatever Trump does, it’s got to be better than what we have had for the last 8 yrs.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Is Pat still protesting the protesters?

Reply to  Zylonite
8 years ago

Most all the protesting is peaceful. There is a small percentage of violence, but those are the ones that are going to be reported on, and they should be dealt with.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

George Soros funded mayhem.

Soros should be labeled a terrorist, assets seized, and sent to Gitmo.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

You are obviously enjoying the new legalized weed.

Rusty Sabich
Rusty Sabich
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 years ago

Trump’s likely nominee for Treasury used to work for Soros and was a manager at Goldman Sachs.

When are you going to wake up?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Rusty Sabich
8 years ago

There are several high level parts of Trumps campaign I appreciated- and zero of the Clinton campaign I did.

– reevaluating trade positions
– fixing Obamacare so it made sense and throw out the penalty tax.
– funding our existing gun control measures in the face of GOP opposition.
– extending Medicare to veterans instead of the arcane VA system.
– discontinuing our foreign policy of regieme change in the Middle East.

And more.

But that’s not what won him the election. Hate did.

So we elect a man that never worked a hard day in his life. Never had to earn a check. Probably hasn’t driven a car in 30 years. I get it. The message connected. He goes to Washington to drain the swamp.

Then every single appointment is a career politician, career public official, or a donor to his campaign.

First 100 days? Give the banks all the power they had in 2007. Secure the border (overblown issue but fine). What else?

There is always a different administration than how the campaign promises. I’m not getting any good feelings that this is for the Kapinsky.

Let me guess response: shill blah cry cry liberal democrat progressive.

Rusty Sabich
Rusty Sabich
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Well, I think it’s too simplistic to call every Trump supporter a dumb redneck who hates blacks, Muslims, and women, and chalk up his victory to “hate.”

There are undoubtedly fair minded people who voted for Trump, despite his reprehensible character, to send a message to Washington that its policies aren’t helping people in large swaths of this country.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Rusty Sabich
8 years ago

Ron Paul

Audit the Fed!

May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

Trump won’t pick Paul, simply because he to old.

Chris Cross
Chris Cross
8 years ago

protest is what this country is founded upon…it’s okay. we have a lot to learn about ourselves and maybe the loudest of us ought to listen a little to what over 50 million people said on Tuesday.

Reply to  Chris Cross
8 years ago

OK, unless it’s your city getting burned down?

Chris Cross
Chris Cross
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

4,000 youngins pooping on a sign or burning a flag from the dollar store is hardly a city burning down – if and it is a big if the leftists, left of left could listen and consider the outside chance that they are not correct on everything – we may get somewhere –

Reply to  Chris Cross
8 years ago

I’m willing to listen. I watch Good Morning Joe now and find that I can actually agree with some of the stuff they are saying. I think we all need to go outside of our comfort zones and listen to the other side though it may be painful at times. We need to do this to be one country again.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

Pat…these riots as you call them are nothing…Now the 60s and 70s had real riots burning down every major city in the country with the national Guard and tanks in the streets…..these are picnics compared to what trumps generation did

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Idiot high school kids looking for a reason not to be in school.