(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, NOV. 14, 2016) — THE PLANET is back, like McArthur wading ashore in the Philippines. We spent our down time helping Rosie O’Donnell and Ellen Degenerate pack. You recall they promised to move to Canada if Donald Trump won the presidency. Hoser, we can only hope.
Now that The New York Times has apologized in print for its poor coverage of Trump during the campaign, THE PLANET wonders: Will The Boring Broadsheet apologize for the same? We shall be kind to our media brethren and not insist that Berkshire County’s only daily apologize for abandoning its duty as The Fourth Estate, ever-present for and accountable to We The People for honest, tough coverage, especially of local events.
As recently as yesterday, The BB ran a huge page-one story about the ignorant protests that have followed in the wake of Trump’s stunning presidential win over a seriously compromised Hillary Clinton. THE PLANET calls the protesters ignorant because they apparently do not understand one of the fundamental premises of America’s political system, namely, the orderly transition of power.

The usual assortment of chumps, jugheads, and Millennials protest Trump’s Triumph. The ‘New” Boring Broadsheet, of course, loves such treason. (PHOTO: AP)
Trump has nine weeks before he assumes the responsibilities of the presidency. Nonetheless, the chumps hitting the streets against Trump have rainbowed their way into the corner, dunce caps firmly affixed. The BB, not content with campaign coverage so skewed that it embarrassed itself even by its new low standards, published an unsigned editorial inciting hatred of the president-elect. Now, after the fact, the sour grapes continue to be crushed. When will The Rutberg BB realize that acerbic fruit does not a classic vintage make?
In giving the cringe-worthy protests so much ink, The BB can justifiably be arrested for impersonating a newspaper. Look at the actions. First there are the actual street demonstrations, coordinated by paid rabble rousers hired by the losing side. Mislead followers, typically millennials to whom the world owes a living, brandish their cluelessness about the American system of checks and balances.
Second, again admitting an appalling lack of knowledge, these jugheads are pressuring the presidential electors to dump Trump and vote for Clinton. An online petition calls for the Electors to ignore the results of voting in their respective states and instead to vote for Clinton on Dec. 19. This stomach-turning request takes the Voice of the People puts it into a gargle of razor blades. Those political halfwits are incapable of appreciating the irony. They trample over free speech and the ballot box with “impulsivity, bullying, lying, … sexual assault, and utter lack of experience” — the very words they use in blind accusation of the president-elect.
If there is a hidden gem to emerge from Trump’s win, it would be the eventual abolition of the Electoral College. THE PLANET writes this even though the system gave Trump the victory, but two of the past five presidential elections have now been won by candidates who lost the popular vote. We’re not holding our breath for reform, however. The Constitution established the Electoral College. Jettisoning the college would therefore require a Constitutional amendment needing a two-thirds or more vote in both houses on Capital Hill and ratification by 38 states. Not likely.
Third, not content to merely protest, the anti-Trump hotheads advocate violence. At a recent gathering, someone held up a “RAPE MILENA” sign to great attention and fanfare. In addition, assassination threats against Trump have coalesced on social media into a veritable cottage industry. The Secret Service says it will investigate all threats, with special attention given to those deemed credible.
Aggrieved Clinton supporters have a choice: They can either deny reality through their protests or whines such as blaming FBI director James Comey for Trump’s win, or they can embrace a system that provides what so many other nations would love. The United States cannot sit idly by while a disgruntled mob of Hillary goons pisses on this country’s greatest electoral invention: the orderly transition of power.
Shame on The “new” Boring Broadsheet for journalistic treason. One would think that an ex-judge like Fred Rutberg would have greater respect for the United States as a Nation of Law. Rutberg, a man with zero newspaper experience, daily demonstrates the same. That would at least be excusable if only he had prudence and wise judgment in his tool kit.
“There shall never be one lost good.” — Robert Browning
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I think Hillary and Obama should denounce these continuing protests in no uncertain terms. Burning and hitting some kind of pinata made to look like Trump is really going above and beyond peaceful protesting. They are also planning to have a massive protest during the inauguration ceremony to disrupt it as much as possible. They want to deny the country a peaceful inauguration day.
Since I’m not female or a person of color, I can’t really tell those people whether they should be offended with Trump.
I’m pretty sure I’d be pissed off if I were though.
At this point, maybe Pittsfield could use some riots to help clean up the blight.
Seriously, not riots but a massive multicultural march on city hall. The mayor is still giving tax breaks to millionaires while raising the taxes on lower income people. She seems either incompetent or devoid of human decency. I suppose it could be both.
The working class in Pittsfield needs to march on city hall. The people of the working class are the forgotten ones in Pittsfield. Overtaxed, overworked, paying for a bloated overpaid school system, struggling to find work in an economy that has no diversity to meet the needs of all skill levels in the city particularly for jobs in the mid income range, that is the condition of the struggling working class in Pittsfield. The local politicians throw up their hands in defeat saying that government can’t solve these problems. I say we need new leadership that can solve these problems.
Maybe they can bring a company in that can build guided missile systems for non-college graduates.
Every few years we have the populace sick of the lack of integrity of their leader. And this facilitates the opportunity of just about anybody with the appearance of honesty to step in and make all kinds of hollow promises. Then as we see time and time again, we wind up with one more person whose hidden agenda was to feather their own nest and dance on the hopes of the people.
Just sad and demoralizing.
An example of Palookaville’s cost effective management: We were out of town the 1st week in November; we had not paid our precious quarterly property tax in advance, as we are a retired couple living on social security retirement and personal savings and it strains our budget,
The tax was due November 1st, a Tuesday. We returned the following weekend, on the 5th. We rushed to city hall and paid the tax at 1st opportunity on Monday, the 7th. Four (4) business days late. Sorry for our oversight,
In the mail, on the 12th, we get a tax balance due for $1.57. To generate this prioritized bill, it cost postage, a mailing envelope,an included return envelope, a paper copy of a computer print out, a return address sticker adhered to the return address, a typed message on the bill thanking for previous payments and labor costs to generate and mail this egregious delinquency.
The city only mails out tax bills twice a year, with the taxpayer holding on to the next quarter’s bill for months ostensibly to save the cost of “Postage”…Duh!
It is also well known that certain entrenched individuals and businesses, get serious personal property tax forgiveness, abatements, and low assessments. We must not be in with the in crowd.
What desperate straights is the Pitts really in ??
why couldn’t you have just paid your correct amount of taxes on time. The City should just have a $100 late charge. Then they would send out fewer envelopes for $1.57
This is why I’m for small government not big government because of all of the corruption. Small government is easier to keep under control. Do you hear that progressives?
I’m moving to Canada too…..I can’t live without the Rouge, eh.
Does the Secret Service share information with the Secret Squadron?
Both candidates campaigns were geared toward winning the EC. The EC is like match play. Popular vote is like stroke play. If you’re involved in a match play game that’s what you play. You can’t say I really won if we only played stroke play. It’s just whining.
When Bill Clinton was told he was to be involved in an inaugural ball, he said dam…..will penicillin fix it?
Trump named Steve Bannon his chief strategist. Who better to mend cultural differences in America. Already he is making America great again.
The liberal democrats keep saying that Hillary won the popular vote.
Hillary didn’t win shit.
When you subtract the dead people’s votes (always democrat), the Soros bought voting machine flips from Trump to Hillary and the illegal alien votes, it was truly a Trump landslide.
There is a reason why Hillary will not challenge the election. One very good rrason why she does not demand a recount.
The reason is that if she did, it would reveal massive election fraud, on a scale never before seen in this country.
The point is made moot, irrelevant, by the fact that Hillary CONCEDED the election.
Trump ran an honest campaign.
The media was viciously against him.
Hillary was all about rule or ruin.
She’s the one who sent in people to violently disrupt Trump’s rallies. She and Obama are behind these violent protests.
Obama has tried several times now to incite and start a race war.
Black lives Murder is a terrorist organization, sanctioned by the democratic party.
Take a look at this map where Hillary did win.
Overlay it with the crime areas in this country.
Yeah its eye opening.
May the second Amendment stand forever!
The republicans won The House, The Senate and The Presidency.
Fair and square.
The American people have spoken.
“I’ve got something to say that might cause you pain…………
Everybody’s GREEN……….
Because I’ve told you before
You can’t do that.”
– The Beatles
Shill shill democratic party shill shill dead voters shill shill illegal alien votes (debunked thoroughly)
Wait till they cut taxes for the wealthiest people yet again, and there ain’t money to give you one of the Bush II rebates this time around.
cry cry handouts shill shill racism shill shill our snowflake.
Another unprovoked by the shill Matt/Praxis33.
When Trump takes office will the George Soros shill money still be there?
The shill goes bezerk. But he has to earn his money and sleep at night.
All I ever ask is that you leave me alone Matt.
You won’t. You can’t.
Illegal aliens did vote for Hillary.
Obama told them to.
A proven fact. Praxis33. The resident shill liberal democrat.
Soros shill money, whine whine whine, conspiracy theory, illegal aliens didn’t vote, also fabricated and debunked, you are hilarious. You are the biggest tool in the toolbox of life.
It is not a proven fact you moron….
Somebody edited the tape and shills like you, paid by Trump, post it all over the internet.
Its even funnier you still think I am praxis.
Follow the link, reviews claims from both sides. Like the false one today that Melania was bailing on Trump.
And how am I attacking you if I am just repeating back to you what you say to me?
I’m not party affiliated, and when I was I was Republican.
there was no massive election fraud and Trump is the president. how could there be some huge conspiracy that involved 100’s of thousands of people yet not one reputable source steps forward. no physical evidence? you do realize that each vote has a paper record….
No of course you don’t.
Thor is nuts. He thinks about eight different people who post here are the same.
Hillary is on track to garner 2 million more votes than Trump. He is the biggest loser ever to assume the Presidency.
For the final time, SHH is not Matt nor is he this Prax dude. THE PLANET never reveals the identity of our commentators, and we respect their wish to contribute anonymously. We can say, however, that SHH is known personally to us and that we can vouch for his integrity. Please, try to keep the dialogue civil. If you do, he will follow, and so will others. We want to keep this comment section as lively and knuckle-bruising as possible, but in letting go, do so within the restraints of fair play and common decent standards. Thanks.
Dan you didn’t get the memo from Rosie and Ellen? Those were just jokes. I get a kick out of it, how comedy is coming back into fashion now.
For some reason Ron he calls her Ellen Degenerate. I wish he would explain why he uses that name.
I wondered the same thing Thomas. All and all she is not a bad person.
What Vinnie used to say
I would like to go on record in protest of the less than spectacular Super Moon. One more case of the media hyping up non events. And if it came to pass that Obama had something to do with it I would not be surprised.
The Donald knows more than the Generals.
Yes he said it twice and said it on 60 minutes last night. If I am a general who has been involved in the fighting and brainstorming in the middle east for the last ten years I am not appreciating that smack down.
I cannot think of a more offensive insult to our military.
So far the generals have failed in their fight against ISIS. Either it’s from poor leadership, or maybe they really don’t know enough, or perhaps a combo of both. That will change under Trump.
It will change under Trump. He will send in thousands of troops only to find out that the reason Obama did not do that was because he knew ISIS was waiting for them with chemical weapons.
The people who make and sell stuff for the republican war machine are dancing in the streets. Hope you do not have anyone in the army or marines or even of draft age because that will be coming back once Trump starts world war 3. Oh yeah…it’s true. It really is.
Actually, HRC’s idea of a no fly zone over Syria would be more likely to cause WW3 than anything Trump will do. Add that fact that Obama and HRC allowed ISIS to grow into what it is today…
How long will it before we see Comey’s resignation?
Hillary blames him for losing the election.
The nation blames him for not doing the right thing.
At one time revered as the best director of the FBI, now not so much.
Maybe after he resigns he can teach an online email speed reading course and show everyone how its done.
The justice department has been proved beyond any shadow of doubt to be totally corrupt. Trump will drain that section of the swamp. Whew! What a relief.
When Rudy Juliani or Trey Gowdy oversee the department, just watch how things will change for the better. The rule of law will be restored to the Republic.
Are they going to tie up the whole justice department and spend millions of dollars to go after Hillary? Awesome way to bring America together. Is he also going after Chris Christie?
Hillary and Bill are toast.
This may shock you, but you can search electronic files for keywords.
Thor still uses an abacus, apparently.
It’s clear the Eagle has a Liberal Left view to offset the Republican Right and will try to make some money at it, we are stuck with the democratic philosophy which the Eagle will pander to. High local taxes is a priority here in Pittsfield.
The Question is how can Priebus and Bannon co exist? Wasn’t that the theme of Trump’s T V Show? Pitting one against the other,where Trump puts himself in a win-win situation all the time? while his lacky’s take the Fall. Ingenious concept Mr. Trump. There seems to be a continual theme with Trump’s promises also, saying one thing to get elected and backing off, we’ll see.
I will admit that the results were a shock..what cracked me up was Her Honorableness Tyer complaining about Trump’s campaign tactics, when HHT hired numerous slugs (Durwin, Guyer, Ward, Sosa) to wage the sleaziest campaign in years..the similarities are striking – let’s hope that Trump can come through with 1 promise – unlike HHT who has failed on each – DV great points on the Rutbeg BB – you are dead on !!
I would like to complain about Tyers campaign tactics. She promised to do right by the people but she is only doing right by the people who are her friends and campaign donors. She and Trump are actually quite alike if you ask me. They both talk out of both sides of their mouths.
yup – it’s all about me…love, Linda T.
Wrong. I criticized Mayor Bianchi’s job performance on social media during an election year. That’s called participating. No one paid me to do it, and unlike you, I owned my words. Just keep eating those sour grapes.
No sour grapes – I voted for LT – but she is failing us – still think the tactics in the election were sleazy – your bed fellow Guyer is the first to fall…there will be more –
Chris Cross, I thought Bianchi’s campaign tactics were worse than Tyer’s. Regardless, did you really think anything would change under Mayor Tyer? I am sure she’s easier to get along with than Bianchi, but their political views are really the same, extremely to the left. They both believe it’s the gov’t’s duty to create jobs and continually increase revenue by raising taxes in every way.
Scott – both sides were gross – I agree – tax and spend…tax and spend…
Dan you did not approach this election or any topic as a journalist are a opinionated advocate of a position you like or a person you want to elect….you are what you say others are but certainly not a reporter of the news.What is wrong with reporting the total votes count it is the very reason to vote is to count them….Its important information that majority voted different than the winner….it means no mandate.
Pull-eeze, mr. school committee. Dan was the ONLY journalist who covered the campaign locally. He is a “newspaperman” of the highest order. If the BB was smart, they’d work out a deal with DV.
Sure makes one wonder why BB’s new owners decided to shut off reader comments in the weeks leading up to the election.
Alas, new format; same old attempt to control the flow of information to Berkshire readers.
On 60 Minutes Trump asked his followers to stop any violent acts. When will Obama or HRC ask their followers to do the same? Guess they are OK with vandalism, assault, racism, and violence as long as it’s done in their name.
Hillary, call off your goons.
Women’s march on Washington Jan 21. It’s going to be HUGE. Pat, are you going? There’s one more seat on the bus.
Why are the women marching? Are they doing it to complain about Trump? Count me out. Are they still feeling sour grapes over Hillary losing. Truly, I think the women need to face reality and stop with the hysteria over Hillary losing this election. As a woman, I think this is over the top ridiculous behavior. It’s time to grow up.
They should be marching to complain about the poor children across this country especially in rural areas who don’t have enough to eat because their families earn too much money to qualify for help, but not enough to feed their families thanks to being ignored by Washington. I could get behind that cause. This is just theatrical.
These woman should grow up and stop worrying about Donald grabbing their pussys. That is what stars do and they need to accept the reality of it all. What a bunch of babies.
Right Pat?
Why didn’t they march for women after Clinton was accused of rape or after he did the Monica Lewinsky affair? That was all negative against women? Why do Democrat women only get upset about Republican men saying or doing bad things? Seems very hypocritical to me.
Trumps recent picks
1) Reince Priebus named Trump’s chief of staff
The lowdown on Priebus-
Will help negotiate with the remaining RINO establishment. One of the few RINOs who was backing Trump all along.
The RINO dogs will surely bring their fleas (and worse) along with them.
Trump should keep one or two loyal “lap dogs”, have a doghouse for most, and keep the feral canine/donkey crossbreeds out in the pasture with the rest of the jackasses.
2) Trump names Bannon (Breitbart News) as Chief Strategist
10 year Navel Officer, Head of Briebart news. Excellent ANTI establishment dude
The lowdown on Bannon-
Bannon is like having a combination Patton and William F. Buckley, Jr. at his side.
If anyone starts to question anything Trump does…just know that he has a reason. Having Bannon at a top level proves this.
Bannon is probably the main reason Trump won.
Andrew (Breitbart) is looking down with a smile on his face.
Americans should be happy with Bannon. Lets hope no RINOs get to infest/infect Trumps cabinet, nor even get considered for SCOTUS.
P.S. anyone Trump picks that annoys/infuriates the MSM/Jackasses/Progessives can’t be all bad
Sometimes you have to let people have what they want.
The Eagle is a truly useless and disgusting bird-cage liner. Period.
I could go on and on here about these “Sorosabteilungen,” but just check out the Drudge Report, on this and on everything else.
That is THE place to start if you want to begin to see what’s really going on in this world.
Note: “Sturmabteilung,” “storm (detachment) troopers,” “Brownshirts,” were the PRIVATE army of the Nazi Party, eventually numbering close to 4 million!! They and Hitler and the whole party depended on rich capitalist business interests for just about all of their money before Hitler became chancellor, if not beyond. Their purpose was to get on buses and cause trouble on behalf of the party in places like Chicago, Ferguson, Portland, LA, and so on.
So what we have now is what we can term the “Sorosabteilung,” “Soros troopers,” financed by the billionaire himself.
Have a nice day.
Soros is meeting with Nazi Pelosi as we speak about how to burn down the the Reichstag and blame it on the communists.
If you missed it, do a search for the Dem operative/fixer named Robert Creamer, married to Rep. Jan S. from Illinois. A convicted felon (Nazis had lots of convicts and various assorted sexual deviants in prominent positions in the party), Mr. Creamer went to Obama’s White House 300+ times, about 40 or so for meetings with Obama himself.
Yeah, remember this pervert back in 2006? Democrats always are such deviant sexual predators.
Not to mention Dennis Hastert himself.
lolz, beat me to it
Thing about Republicans who break the law is that they are removed from office, prosecuted, and put in prison, rightly.
Democrats are usually promoted.
Any politicians you mean.
Oh and remember how Clinton’s old buddy Denny Hastert bailed slimy Democrat Mark Foley out of his page scandal and now is in Federal Prison?
Sheldon Silver, Jesse Jackson, Jr, and Bill Clinton would probably disagree with you.
They were only punished because they were too obvious to ignore and the Dems couldn’t sweep it under the rug like they do with the rest of them.
Like whom, exactly?
Pat, you continue to vote against your own self interest.
Trump’s probable nominee for Treasury Secretary used to work for George Soros, and was a banker at Goldman Sachs.
Comparing these protesters to Nazi sympathizers is lazy and intellectually dishonest.
No one condones violence, but last I checked, the Constitution allows “the right of the people peaceably to assemble.” So long as these protesters are peaceful, they have every right to protest.
I find the parallels in William Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” uncanny.
One main parallel is that everything is a lie.
We also clearly have a Ministry of Propaganda in the main-stream media, most of Hollywood, schools, colleges, etc.
I’ll look for the “peaceably” but I haven’t seen it yet.
I’ve read Shirer’s excellent book. Its lessons are more appropriate for the nascent Trump administration.
And, that a few idiots commit violent acts does not mean that all these protests are illegal.
And as someone who’s family’s belongings and many of my not so far off relatives’ lives were shattered by the war in eastern Europe from 1939 to 1948, I find your “parallels” pathetic and not worthy of interpreting as satire, but even your hate speech is your protected right.
Wouldn’t it just be easier to get a Viagra prescription?
Trump is called a Nazi while the radical left are currently acting like Nazis funded by a Nazi collaborator (George Soros).
Soros is not a Nazi collaborator. He was 14 when he fled Hungary.
Trump is about to nominate a guy for Treasury secretary who worked for George Soros.
Do you even bother to follow the news?
Anything g yet on Gutser?
You’d think Barry would shed a smidgen of light on the Guyer situation. Throw us a bone Barry.
Where does this fascination with Guyer’s employment come from? The City can’t comment on personnel matters. And, how exactly does the employment status of Dennis Guyer affect your life on a day to day basis?
Rusty makes a good point but I would add that the mayor appointed him to a position of trust and now it looks like he has done something to betray that trust. The ones betrayed would be ordinary citizens.
This is a serious matter and I hope DV can address it. Right now govt on any level but especially local does not need any more reason to get people to lose their faith in it.
Right Rusty. The taxpayers who fund everything in this city should stop asking questions about how their money is spent and on who. I wish Pittsfield taxpayers would just shut the hell up, walk in a straight line and look at the back of the neck of the man in front of them. It is not that hard.
I’m not saying the issue is unimportant. But, to be frank, people are looking for grist for the gossip mill.
Only a few people know the truth about why he’s no longer with the City.
Speculating about it is a waste of time.
Sum Beach, as a taxpayer I am enthralled at all positions of management and where and whom my tax dollars are divvy’d up.
Then show up at a council meeting and complain. Ranting about it on the internet accomplishes nothing.
R U in the click
Yon did a great job before and was canned for no reason. he would be my choice to replace.It can’t be any worse than the Former Mayor’s hires.
The BB story on the business conflicts of the president-elect is being repeated elsewhere. See for example the CNBC story at
If the president-elect does not eliminate the conflicts of interest it will undermine his policy initiatives just as much as the Clinton Foundation undermine Hillary’s campaign. There is no time for business in government– put it in a trust.
Sage advice, Dr. T
Here it is.
This the 60 minuete story on George Soros that he tried to have buried:
Its very informative on who this man really is and what he’s capable of.
good thing Soros didn’t get any votes. You do realize that they are trying to make money, just like the rest of Manhattan, but I don’t know anybody that live in MidTown and is involved in politics.
Truimps promised me a job building the wall, 9 hr.
He told me 8.50.
I just talked to Donald himself, he said don’t worry, he will pay for a dollar an ur more than he pays Thor to post his pre-programmed statements and messages on here.
Didn’t Madonna promise a job to any man who would vote for Hillary?
Most people won’t take a disease, even if it’s free.
Bill promised Monica a job, but she blew it.
Chris Cross: Who the hell is HHT? And what is this all about?
I’m seeing reports that over 3 million illegal aliens voted on the 8th. How many illegals voted in Berkshire County?
Don’t forget the dead vote’
Those reports are false.
Trump wants Top Secret Clearance for His Children. W D F
Trump now wants security clearance for his kids.
At least Trump is asking for clearance!
The H-beast just passed on classified stuff to Chelsey, Chelsey’s Husband, The Clintoon Crime Network, and Slick Willie.
Then there is Huma on unsecured severs too, with her whole family part of the Muslum Brotherhood, except her pervert Hubby Little Wiener.
Kind of funny how Killeray’s ship got sunk, from a torpedo from a little Wiener. Thanks Huma!
they’ll need Learance, they already have security.
What’s the deal with Guyser?
Maybe he is going to work for Ben Downing at Downing’s next job as a vice president of new market development for Boston based solar energy company Nextamp Inc.. What a coincidence that he was Senate chairman of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy that pushed for more solar energy. What are the odds of that?
Why didn’t they march on Washington for women after Clinton was accused of rape or after he did the Monica Lewinsky affair? That was all negative against women? Why do Democrat women only get upset about Republican men saying or doing bad things? Seems very hypocritical to me.
Dick Lindsay,
PITTSFIELD – A typical city homeowner is expected to see an increase of about 4.6 percent on their property tax bill next year.
Thanks to a boost in property values, the real estate tax rates for residential and commercial properties are a tad lower than what was projected when the City Council approved the fiscal 2017 budget.
“We saw an increase in valuation this [fiscal] year and we gained more value than we expected when we put the budget together in January,” said Pittsfield’s finance director/treasurer Matthew Kerwood.
The City Council on Tuesday night will likely vote to keep a split tax rate for fiscal 2017, which would maintain roughly the same shift differential between the commercial and residential rates since 2013, according to city officials. The council’s regular meeting is 7 p.m. at City Hall.
The residential tax rate would rise 87 cents, to $19.63 per $1,000 of assessed property value, under the tax rate proposed by Mayor Linda M. Tyer’s administration. The increase would cost the average single-family homeowner an additional $151 more in real estate taxes. The commercial rate will go up $1.72 to $39.78 per $1,000, a 4.5 percent increase.
The city’s assessed property value is up $17 million for fiscal 2017, compared to an $11 million increase the previous fiscal year.
“We are starting to see, ever so slowly, total value of property rising,” said Board of Assessors Chairwoman Paula King.
She noted Pittsfield has 18,000 parcels assessed at $3.36 billion, with more than 11,000 single-family homes accounting for just under $2 billion of that assessed value.
The better-than-expected hike in property valuation is good news for a municipality getting closer to its taxing capacity.
In all, the city needs to raise $81 million toward financing the fiscal 2017 budget – $3 million below the tax levy limit under Proposition 2 1/2.
The fiscal 2016 budget required $76.8 million in taxes, leaving nearly $6.8 million on the table. A voter-approved tax override would be needed to spend beyond the tax levy limit, otherwise, the city would have to make significant budget cuts to stay within its means.
Back in the spring, the Tyer administration cited stagnant property values at the time as one of several reasons Pittsfield was nearing its taxing capacity.
She also pointed the finger at small increases in recent years in state aid and local receipts, such as motor vehicle excise taxes, Medicaid reimbursement, rooms and meal taxes.
When the city closed the books on fiscal 2016, local receipts were healthier than expected, as Pittsfield had raked in nearly $900,000 more in local revenue than what was budgeted.
Despite the good revenue news, the Tyer administration stayed conservative using the same $11.67 million figure for the second consecutive fiscal year.
Five months into fiscal 2017, indications are local revenue will surpass expectations.
“What we’ve seen, so far, room taxes are trending higher, but we won’t know what [motor vehicle] excise tax will be until after the first of the year,” Kerwood said.
And if it exceeds expectations, why not give it back to. The taxpayer?
What wonderful news. Is this the highest ever single year jump? Boy you sure gotta hand it to this mayor… she really is looking out for everyone in her city. Of course, she is looking out for her millionaire friends a lot more because their taxes are being cut while the poorer peoples are being jacked up. I cannot remember her telling us that this is how it would be when she was begging for votes. Guess she forgot to tell us about that insignificant part of her plan. Ooppsie!
I reject this. Properties are selling below their assessed value and my fathers house alone lost almost $30k in valuation. There is a reason so many homes are on the market and not selling.
Great, more property taxes. Just what we need. Wait until the THS project is finished, they will increase so much Lanesborough will look like its tax free
Pittsfield homes aren’t selling or are selling below assessed values after being on the market for long periods of time. Yet they say property values have increased? All sounds very fishy to me.
Tyer is fiscally to Pittsfield what Trump will be to the country.She like he is insulated from the homeowner down on second Street with street lights turned down so low you might just turn them off paying 2 k a year.
Concerning the biased MSM and the local rag, the LEFT WINGED PARROT; I hope Brietbart starts some local news coverage, they already do several states.
Who needs Brietbart? We have the Planet! But Brietbart would be welcome.
Great covereage Planet on the reality of the “new” BB. The redesign looks “empty” and un-imaginative. But the content? Still the Pitts.
Its clear da Judge knows nothing about the business. BB is either too stupid or too stubborn to boost its circulation by double overnight? How? Get Dan Valenti on board.
I have a friend who has tried for the last 5 years to sell his property, he can’t. The assessment has now gone higher and since the value of the property is at its highest, he tells me he’ll still have to lower his asking price. Who’s kidding who, the only way to get the funds to the coffers is to raise residential and commercial to the moon. Where are City Councilors on this? It’s time for a March at City Hall, this Mayor and Administration have gone to far.
that is exactly how it works, if you cannot sell your property for your asking price, you may have to lower the expectation.
The campaign to override Proposition 2 1/2 is already in the works. You can count on it. And seeing how Pittsfield residents voted to raise their own property taxes 1-3 percent for the CPA it may just go through.
I hope not to hear the word override uttered from any elected official. However, in anticipation that it happens, I am now literally getting my house in order to sell. It would be too bad, because I like living here. I don’t mind paying my way, but there are many other nice communities with a lot lower tax rates.
So a racist and a homophobe will have key White House positions. That should unite the country.
Uh huh. BLM is meeting in dark rooms all across the country making plans. It gets scarier by the day.
Is that much different than the racist homosexuals there now?
See comment. I said homophobe, not homosexuals. Thanks for validating the point though.
did you see”different”?
A racist homophobe and a racist homosexual, ARE STILL BOTH RACISTS.
BTW, homophobe is a misnomer. People who do not agree with homosexual lifestyles are not afraid, they just see it as a most deviant lifestyle. Much like liberalism.
Ok, yea no use even arguing. I get it.
Good. it’s tough educating the ignorant, but there is hope….
Morons and Idiots however are a lost cause
What is Treasurer doing explaining how Parking tickets are accrued? Shouldn’t the Mayor be explaining this at Finance Committee especially when it entails enforcement procedure.. the Mayor should resign and just let Matt run the show, anyone can raise taxes!
He’ll get you the answer, but always later, or he doesn’t have them on hand, pullllllease!
There is only ONE WAY to increase tax revenue and that is to increase all assessments. With that being said, please Mayor, do. NOTconfuse paying for SERVICES as the reason to RAISE TAXES. The reason for the increase is all of the bloated increases from give aways and increases.
They mayor gets $3,500+ cost of living increase every year, she doesn’t care
You are incorrect. A Mayor is now entitled to an annual Cost of living increase tied to the Consumer Price Index.
Mayor Tyer didn’t take the raise, even though she could have. She could have pointed that fact out at budget time, but she didn’t, so I will.
If the money is not in her paycheck I’m guessing it was moved back to her office slush fund. CPI has also been pretty small, so that “tying” must be very generous, no doubt because Pittsfield economy is hot like NYC’s
The prior year was 50% old pay rate and 50% new. If she took the raise, the new rate would have been 50% of 95k and 50% of 95k + CPI adjustment.
Pittsdield’s new name will be Quick Fix City, so it is said and be written.
I speak for myself and likely Dan too when I say that Quick Fox City has a better ring to it!!!
Local politians are crying about being scared of the new President-elect, yet raising my proterty tax 4.6 percent to give themselves payraises. Bringing no new buisnesses, sabic left town and their scared!? They are the reason Trump got elected. This kind of thing is happening nationwide, so the people spoke.
When a City provides upwards of 500 thousand for Covantaand pays teacher contracts with Free Cash, it is a recipe for disaster.
Pittsfield should not be in the business of supplementing infrastructure for mega corporations.,agree.
Does anyone here remember the Berkshire Eagle?
You’d have to be old enough to be drafted for Vietnam
It was a great award winning, family run, local newspaper.
Local coverage with no biases, and no purposeful omissions/lack of coverage.
It didn’t cost much if any to announce a birth or death.
State and world news was covered with a local flavor mixed in. Never a copied story from another source without proper attribution, or spins to influence the readers. Although I would say they could have foreseen the looming debacle of the GE plant.
The sports section covered all major league teams , every day; Bobby Orr, Bill Russel, Carl Yastremski and Jim Plunkett . Even, the Yankees! Local school sports, and those successful Fshermen and Nimrods roaming our woods and waters; those who harvested a deer in December with their names, the deer’s vitals and place taken listed.
There was no fluff news filler imported to fill the pages, nor very slanted coverage of politics.
The classifieds had real paying full time jobs, not service economy slavery. Ads for a bustling North Street business district with specials for the Thursday “late” night shopping, along with the offerings for 4-5 cinemas.
I lament those days.
The sale of the Berkshire Eagle resulted in a steady decline of quality reporting in the 1990s, this free fall has become exponential, with successive changes of ownership. The last being perhaps the worse. The promises of “local” ownership ring empty. with new higher levels of tabloid and slanted news.
What now purports to be a “newspaper” now, is merely propaganda and news of the master puppeteers liking. Hence, why not call it what it is?
Why read it then?
I’ve not paid for it for many years now. Although my parents did and the Miller families paper was worth a read.
The online USED to get you some local news. Now just BS.
Even the “editors” are ashamed to pen their name to the offal they print, and have silenced any and all comments they cannot censor. That is both online and in print. Write”a letter to the “EDITOR””? Read the “terms”. That is CENSORSHIP!!!
My GF still buys it, for the crossword puzzle, the kitty won’t even pee on it anymore, and the stench it emits from a woodstove gets the neighbors rightly thinking I’m burning garbage.
It’s just hazardous waste.
Well, a newspaper can refuse to print whatever letters it wishes to. And, it’s not obligated to allow people to post on its website. It’s not censorship. The First Amendment constrains the government from restricting speech. A newspaper can print whatever it sees fit.
Nope, I’m talking LEFT WINGED PARROT terms , where the sleazy anonymous Editors pick parts of letters/comments out of context, while censoring the rest. Just to push their agenda and spins.
That’s just like the MSM did this election cycle. You know CNN (Clinton News Network) MSNBC et. al.
I take it You approve of biASSED news and censorship.
Now be a good liberal troll, and incite a violent protest in the name of the 1st amendment .
The Editors aren’t anonymous. And, no one forces you read the editorials. It’s no secret that the Eagle’s editorial page is liberal.
People have the right to peaceably assemble and shout down their elected leaders.
Here’s a newsflash – not everyone agrees with you.
The Left Winged Parrots Editors are nebulous and unknown, who are the real “Authors”? Left Winged Parrot won’t tell. Why is that?
Concerning original work is just that, CENSORSHIP! Got that or you a little, Rusty ,on the truth?
Free speech applies to all, just like the SECOND AMENDMENT, WE THE PEOPLE.
But inciting violence is a crime and it’s free speech or covered in the 1st amendment. The riotous looting criminals in Portland , LA , and other cities are what they are, CRIMINALS.
The Liberal tool STOOGES at Park Square I have no problem with
Thank God Jesus for The Planet
What is this God Jesus you speak of, because they are not the same.
Reminiscing about 40 years ago is great. Time to move forward.
I’ll keep my religion, the constitution, and morals………
You can keep the Change
No one is taking those away.
Obummer took all my change, I’m broke!
I am sure you are so ultimately perfect that no one will ever compare to your greatness. The rest of us scum, that work and think for ourselves well, let’s just see what tax cuts to the millionaires like you do for us.
The only perfect one is God which the liberals have thrown under the bus, until they die and regret it.
I’ve worked hard and long to see my efforts squandered and given to the sloth criminals and loafers.
I’ve worked, thought, and also comprehended things You could not even conceive.
As far as being rich, I have morals scruples and ethics. Better to sleep well and be happy on judgement day, than ripe with monetary goods which will be wanted by lesser devils than the foul one, before I see St Peter
St. Peter will love your charity and hubris, and admit thee promptly through those pearly gates, into the waiting arms of the cherubs.
Trap is correct, back in the day delivering those bundles were precious, a delivery boy carrying something important, it felt worth while to deliver it. And the customers back then wanted thier Eagle. I’sd like to see it revived, but if tou’re under staffed like sports department and living off non profit usinesses and real estate ads, it’s tough.
We did that as kids on bicycles, or walking in the snow.
Yes back then people REALLY wanted to see the Berkshire Eagle, and we didn’t dump the current garbage on the end of your driveway, but we placed into the mailbox or at your door.
Yes that is another thing that is gone, the paperboy and assured delivery.
Now kids can’t ride a bike as their attention span from a little black tabloid takes up all day. Wonder why they are fat/obese?
Was there an article about Scarfoni getting a new tax break for some thing he is building? I heard something on the radio but perhaps the Eagle was told to keep quiet on it. The mayor must be red faced about all the tax breaks she gives to her millionaire friends while at the same time screwing the older fixed income home owners. And she should be…not that she gives a shit.
Lol at Trap.
Are all you trump supporters done crying about winning.Give you candidate a chance to get it together… are winners.Very paranoid winners but enjoy it my God you don’t seem to know how to get over the Finnish line with the donald.It’s been a week….you won.Move on and keep a keen eye on your president.Your now in charge make sure he’s watching out for you.
Hey , Finnish line is in Finland. They were with Hitler/Nazis in WWII, remember that, or have a bad history teach at PHS/THS?
Moveon is a corrupt liberal organization that promotes things like voter fraud and teenage prostitution. See Project Veritas/James O’Keefe.
I’ve been watching my back since the reign of Emperor Soretro. He he the worst of the worst ,and hope he answers to his many crimes, and treason.
Can he pardon himself before 1/20/17?
You are so fascinated with sin. Ultimately it consumes you.
School Committee, could you sat that in English?