(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, NOV. 14, 2016) — THE PLANET is back, like McArthur wading ashore in the Philippines. We spent our down time helping Rosie O’Donnell and Ellen Degenerate pack. You recall they promised to move to Canada if Donald Trump won the presidency. Hoser, we can only hope.
Now that The New York Times has apologized in print for its poor coverage of Trump during the campaign, THE PLANET wonders: Will The Boring Broadsheet apologize for the same? We shall be kind to our media brethren and not insist that Berkshire County’s only daily apologize for abandoning its duty as The Fourth Estate, ever-present for and accountable to We The People for honest, tough coverage, especially of local events.
As recently as yesterday, The BB ran a huge page-one story about the ignorant protests that have followed in the wake of Trump’s stunning presidential win over a seriously compromised Hillary Clinton. THE PLANET calls the protesters ignorant because they apparently do not understand one of the fundamental premises of America’s political system, namely, the orderly transition of power.

The usual assortment of chumps, jugheads, and Millennials protest Trump’s Triumph. The ‘New” Boring Broadsheet, of course, loves such treason. (PHOTO: AP)
Trump has nine weeks before he assumes the responsibilities of the presidency. Nonetheless, the chumps hitting the streets against Trump have rainbowed their way into the corner, dunce caps firmly affixed. The BB, not content with campaign coverage so skewed that it embarrassed itself even by its new low standards, published an unsigned editorial inciting hatred of the president-elect. Now, after the fact, the sour grapes continue to be crushed. When will The Rutberg BB realize that acerbic fruit does not a classic vintage make?
In giving the cringe-worthy protests so much ink, The BB can justifiably be arrested for impersonating a newspaper. Look at the actions. First there are the actual street demonstrations, coordinated by paid rabble rousers hired by the losing side. Mislead followers, typically millennials to whom the world owes a living, brandish their cluelessness about the American system of checks and balances.
Second, again admitting an appalling lack of knowledge, these jugheads are pressuring the presidential electors to dump Trump and vote for Clinton. An online petition calls for the Electors to ignore the results of voting in their respective states and instead to vote for Clinton on Dec. 19. This stomach-turning request takes the Voice of the People puts it into a gargle of razor blades. Those political halfwits are incapable of appreciating the irony. They trample over free speech and the ballot box with “impulsivity, bullying, lying, … sexual assault, and utter lack of experience” — the very words they use in blind accusation of the president-elect.
If there is a hidden gem to emerge from Trump’s win, it would be the eventual abolition of the Electoral College. THE PLANET writes this even though the system gave Trump the victory, but two of the past five presidential elections have now been won by candidates who lost the popular vote. We’re not holding our breath for reform, however. The Constitution established the Electoral College. Jettisoning the college would therefore require a Constitutional amendment needing a two-thirds or more vote in both houses on Capital Hill and ratification by 38 states. Not likely.
Third, not content to merely protest, the anti-Trump hotheads advocate violence. At a recent gathering, someone held up a “RAPE MILENA” sign to great attention and fanfare. In addition, assassination threats against Trump have coalesced on social media into a veritable cottage industry. The Secret Service says it will investigate all threats, with special attention given to those deemed credible.
Aggrieved Clinton supporters have a choice: They can either deny reality through their protests or whines such as blaming FBI director James Comey for Trump’s win, or they can embrace a system that provides what so many other nations would love. The United States cannot sit idly by while a disgruntled mob of Hillary goons pisses on this country’s greatest electoral invention: the orderly transition of power.
Shame on The “new” Boring Broadsheet for journalistic treason. One would think that an ex-judge like Fred Rutberg would have greater respect for the United States as a Nation of Law. Rutberg, a man with zero newspaper experience, daily demonstrates the same. That would at least be excusable if only he had prudence and wise judgment in his tool kit.
“There shall never be one lost good.” — Robert Browning
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I find it hard to believe that Inance members aren’t questioning the new rates. Councilor Connell of all people should know assessment are way to high, very surprised.
Don’tbe worried, we’re covered on on that Committee, Tully, Marchetti and Amuso got your back.
Homes in Pittsfield of less than two hundred thousand have gone up in value? Show us?
My problem isn’t how much my home has been increased in value, my problem is that my home has not been able to sell. The only remedy is to drop the price drastically or let the bank take it. Jobs are leaving, people are selling cheap. This is a scam by the City to acquire more revenue, it’s ridiculously flagrant I crease against the homeowner as well as commercial.
Mr. Connell wants to decrease the Commercial rate and then says it’s painful blah blah… And I’m. Not just singling him out. The facts are, you had the chance to cut the budget, and since it didn’t happen last July the Mayor has given the store away on top of that. If here next election cycle, all of these Councilors are going that I can vote on.
The ultimate insult is that the citidots of Pittsfield voted through Q5 to raise their own taxes.
Excellent comments Fuji. This vote really shows how naive the taxpayer is in this City.
Councilor Simonelli has a major problem with Hancock Rd. it s only a matter of time before their is a major accident, it’s inevitable. It’s just a very dangerous road at any speed.
I bet there will be a major accident and sin on Hancock Road. Maybe some coveting of neighbors or gluttony.
Try 86 Ventura. This is the house where Linda Tyer lived before she moved to 3 Pheasant Way. She’s finally dumping 86 Ventura for 110,000, yet she’s telling you that real estate is going up in value. 3 Pheasant is Zillow estimate at $620,000, yet the last buyer stole it for $615.000. The last buyer was 3 Pheasant Way NT, Lori Robbins.
Says on Assessors site someone different Thomas?
Thomas excellent, you ‘ve made up for your Trump no go prediction.
You get a home in the ghetto for 110″
You get a home in the ghetto for 110..Yer moved up.
I want to thank mayor Tyer for raising my taxes 165 plus 140 less than a year ago….that’s 300 plus …in no time….im begging the mayor to bankrupt the city….her financial advisors don’t know anything about budgets
Me too. 177
They know that when your head hits the ceiling, you don’t paint it. I feel for commercial, no Stanley deals there,,,,,,,,,,
Guyer was fired and then allowed to resign. I hope the Mayor gives this chance to all future “victims”.
All criminals loved going in front of the lenient jugde. Perhaps we all owe him a favor now? Low bail reduced sentences