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PROGRAM NOTE: Tune in to PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION as we spend the hour with Mayor Linda Tyer and her director of administrative services, Roberta McCulloch-Dews. Join THE PLANET and Supercitizen Terry Kinnas for all the fun beginning at 7 p.m. Thursday night, Dec. 15, on PCTV Channel 16, Time Warner Cable

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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 12, 2016) — You can put an unwashed bum in a tuxedo, but he’s still going to reek. Similarly, you can clean up the look of a newspaper, but unless the content changes, it’s still going to read like a joke.

Welcome to the new, spiffed-up, newspaper once known as The Berkshire Eagle.

As THE PLANET has pointed out, The Boring Broadsheet is to investigative journalism what tee-ball is to hardball. Its readers — actually, its former readers, who now vastly outnumber their syllabic brethren — know this best of all, particularly as it pertains to the “see, hear, and speak no evil” local coverage. The BB might tell you of a near-fatal fire or shooting, but they leave out the vital details — left to remain hidden, unless THE PLANET finds time from a busy schedule to bother plying our sources.

Today’s continuation of Journalism 101 concerns the “telegraph” coverage, as national and international news is known as in the newspaper business. The BB suffers from a hallucinatory, liberal bias that not only embarrasses the flag and masthead but approaches the irrational. The prime example of this preposterous position is The BB’s post-election coverage of president-elect Donald Trump.

The paper obviously can’t handle Trump’s brilliant and decisive win. Instead of provided measured and complete coverage of the presidential transition, it searches the wires for the kinds of “Peter Pan” stories about Trump that have become commonplace in the wake of Nov. 8. These are stories that convey the belief that if one wishes hard enough, maybe Trump’s triumph will go away. It’s the newspaper equivalent of putting fingers in one’s ear and loudly singing “la la la la, na, na, na, na.”

Blaring the False Impression

The latest example of The BB’s amateurish coverage of Trump can be found above the fold on page 1 of the Saturday, Dec. 10, edition. The headlines blared the false impression that the CIA had declared that Russia had hacked the Democrats during the presidential campaign for the purposes of rigging the election against Hillary Clinton.

Right. And the National Enquirer space alien has been spotted selling shelled clams from an oxcart on Pennsylvania Avenue.

The CIA “report” that Moscow was working for a Trump win boils down to the opinion of an unnamed “senior U.S. official” — a report the CIA refuses to make public. In other words, it’s one of them “trust us” reports without portfolio. Come on, Alan English, new publisher of The BB. You’d better hold your editors to a much higher standard than that if you wish to stem the precipitous fall of your plunging circulation.

As Trump’s transition team pointed out in response, the report came from the same bad actors in the CIA who “said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.” These were people who, like The BB, were still fuming that their gal lost the election to a consummate showman.

Of course, the denatured Democrats called for an investigation.

The ‘Deep Dive’

The out-going Barack Obama, still clutching on to the presidential pillar with his scratching fingernails, called for a “full-scale review” of cyberattacks conducted during the campaign. He further directed that the review be concluded before he mercifully leaves office. This is the president, remember, who pledged to end America’s disastrous, $7 trillion-and-counting involvement in Afghanistan (16 years of war and counting), Iraq (13 years of war and counting), and environs.

Obama said the investigation will be a “deep dive” into the facts — you know, the kind of “deep dive” Hillary took as Secretary of State when she shook down foreign leaders for millions on behalf of the saintly Clinton Foundation.

THE PLANET wonders if Obama’s “deep dive” will include the information contained in the hacks of the Democratic National Committee, where the Wasserman bitch worked on behalf of Hillary to sink the wildfire campaign of Bernie Sanders.

We should also not forget what has happened to relations between Washington and Moscow in the eight years of the Obama presidency. The two countries went from cooperating allies to the brink of nuclear war. At least Trump has promised warmer relations with Russia, a country led by the best politician on the planet, if not THE PLANET. We speak of Vladimir Putin. We speak of Donald Trump, who, by the way, just announced he’s going to bring back “Merry Christmas” in favor of this “Happy Holiday” crap.


“When I say I’m in love, you best believe I’m in love, “L-U-V.”



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Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

Mr. Heller, my post was directed at the 2016. It seems to me that Democrats would like you to believe they are just interested in process or that the votes were legit . They would have a very hard time being opposed to clean voting, in my opinion because they have opposed at every turn efforts to clean up the voter rolls. For example requiring photo ID , or not permit or even getting anywhere near non citizens voting. The folks that are behind this had numerous opportunities over the years to show us their good faith efforts, they just care about clean elections, but they have never done it. Given the chance they have actually practiced the opposite, remember the Acorn voter recruitment efforts in 2004, the Black Panther intimidation from 2008- So, I’m just curious is the a quo thing, and if that sounds shocking to you or somehow inappropriate, just picture you are watching this play out in another country What would you think of the people leading the effort. This isn’t an effort to recount or audit votes or an effort to debate how we do elections in the future. It would be perfectly legitimate to propose these three things so that we could make the next election better. This is about the current results.This is about the results that already happened, this is something the left cannot and will not accept.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

Non citizens cannot vote. Period. They are not on the rolls.

8 years ago

Tyer’s attempt to circumvent the law for another political favor – DENIED. Even the Civil Service guys was hip to this one…looks like the secretary is out of her league again.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

The election fraud is Trumps accusation pulled from thin air.So democrats have fixed the system so they can control nothing.This is tough to buy into.

8 years ago

Off topic, after watching what is going on recently there will be a woman President and her name is Ivanka Trump.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Dave
8 years ago

I had this same thought a few days ago….Ivanka will run after her fathers terms are up and be the first female President…#MAGA

8 years ago

She can’t be President she had a Russian muddier.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
Reply to  tito
8 years ago

Don’t think so,t. I’ll have to check in with my man Bloom. On another note, Sunday, some dude riding a bike with a smile on his face and hand raised toward the sky dressed in a Rainbow of Colors is the attitude more people should emulate, either that or see what he’s smoking and roll it up.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
8 years ago

I believe our Russia Repis at the Council Meeting also known as the real deal.

What is the Peace and Justice at the City Council about, people are afraid.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
8 years ago

Still nothing on the shootings on BB front page….The top story is this “A terrific, relaxing holiday meal is all in the planning” The BB is full of so-called fake news aka propaganda!

8 years ago

One more note on the Tyer Civil Service joke…maybe if she is pro-law enforcement she should be able to comprehend the CS laws – maybe she got bad advice, but who, who could have provided a legal opinion on the issue ? Maybe a CPA ?

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

Sometimes Professor Valenti’s columns just seem to complete themselves

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Heard shots fired this past summer more than once, didn’t need a machine to tell me that. Riciculous proposal where tax taxpayer will end up funding. Right up there in bad ideas as Covanta, The Beacon, School Committee stipend, Property Assessment increases.

Knock Knock
Knock Knock
8 years ago

Star Wars comes to Pittsfield…..and the Judge release them, anyway.

8 years ago

The Lemon ain’t worth the Squeeze, wake up Councilor. This device is sad for the Ommunity. The system doesn’t work in some communities.

8 years ago

If you muffle the sound of the Gunfire, this system will not be able to pick it up, also, does the system.activate inside a dwelling where if not will be even more prevalent to avoid the system.Faxebook Pete is for it, with little question.

It was approved. Nothing in it at all for the taxpayer,zero The council dropped the ball again. it will be interesting to see come July through August.

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
8 years ago

Morandi is leading the charge to reduce speed on North Street to 25′. C R A W L I NG.

8 years ago

You’re stopped half the time in this City anyway.

May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

Cops chasing car on Linden. Fast. Crazy driver.

May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

Got em, good job fellas