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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 9, 2017) — Pittsfield held a Four Freedoms rally Saturday, a case of the bland leading the blind. Incongruously, Freedom never showed up.

Fueled by the bumper-sticker rants of ideologues, the rally featured the degenerate aspect of exclusion, supremely ironic given how easily the zealots tossed about the word “diversity.” By “diversity” they mean, “If you believe like we do, you’re welcome. If you have a differing view, “shut the f*%# up.” Don’t believe these freedom lovers could be so crude? Ask the guy who waving a huge TRUMP flag, who endured a torrent of epithetical “greetings.”

The Four Freedoms gig proved little more than a “bash Donald Trump” hate fest. In the name of “inclusion,” opposing viewpoints were crushed. Consider the case of citizen activist Alex Blumin, an emigre from Soviet Russia and Trump delegate. Blumin had petitioned to speak. Organizers responded by ribboning his mouth with duct tape.

In the USSR, Bumin experienced first hand the boot-heel oppression of totalitarianism. When a man like this asks to speak, we should honor that by allowing his participation. Freedom of Speech, right? Not so, say the moonbats of the Loon Left.

Lead organizer Frank Farkas told Blumin the following [ED NOTE: You’re not supposed to see this, so don’t let anyone know you read it here on THE PLANET]:

“Dear Mr. Blumin:

“The Four Freedoms Rally has been organized with invited speakers. No time has been set aside for public comment. No one in the audience will be asked or allowed to speak.

“This event is not a city council meeting or a public hearing of any governmental body.

“We urge you to unite with us in raising our voices against bigotry and prejudice. These are values that should unite us, not divide us.


Frank Farkas”

Of course, informal speakers of the correct ideological persuasion were allowed the soapbox. The Fifth Freedom, evidently, is the Freedom to Lie.

Bigotry and Discrimination on Full Display

When “unapologetic liberals” (words of union member and participant Elizabeth Recko Morrison) speak of “bigotry and prejudice,” you can bet your Black Lives Matter iron-ons they will practice both. Their “progressive values” boast equal access to the Four Freedoms without distinction to race, color, sex, and religion. They speak in code. They actually mean we must give unearned, unjust privilege to minorities, blacks, Hispanics, women, and Democrats — just because. The “non-partisan” rally, for instance, battered the National Rifle Association, Republicans, whites, and the president-elect. Stereotypes and targeting flew like the flurries of a Nor’easter. If hate is a candy, this rally was all Necco Wafers.

The cheap politicians were on hand to accept the mob’s cheaper praise. They included Sen. Edward Markey and Rep. Richie Neal, who wouldn’t know how to find Pittsfield unless they were dunked in Silver Lake; Mayor Linda Tyer, chanting on a bull horn lest her voice not be heard among the noisy silence; city council president Peter Marchetti, a worried man and wannabe who has yet to take a stand for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski; lawyer Tahirah Amatul-Wadud, a Muslim, the faith that inspires its followers to mass murder in the name of God; and The Dreaded Others. You can bet Peter White came with his kneepads on to help fill the crowded emptiness.

Panic in the Streets

This “progressive” mob has yet come to terms the presidential election of 2016.  Consequently, they march out of step with the rest of America. In Massachusetts such lost cadence resembles a marcher’s “Goose step.”  The rally-mongers have found themselves out of power, and they have panicked.

Trump won. Get over it.

THE PLANET invites everyone to join the effort to “make America great again.”


“Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone.”Ayn Rand



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8 years ago

Mr. Valenti,
Given the number of Democrat politicians in attendance at this rally — Ed Markey, Richard Neal, Farley-Bouvier, Pignatelli, Hinds, Tyer, Marchetti, and on and on — all breast-beating and preaching hard-Left Liberal Democrat talking points to the wildly cheering crowd, this event sure sounds like a warmed-over Clinton/Obama campaign event tailored to an audience angry at the outcome of the 2016 election.
Hypocrisy and hyperbole are plainly on parade here with the Democrat speakers whipping up the crowd over ‘Fear’ re the federal government taking steps to protect U.S. borders from persons who would seek to enter the country illegally.
According to Friday’s Washington Times:
“In 2006, under the George W. Bush administration, Congress passed a bill called the Secure Fence Act, which mandated double-layer fencing from San Diego to the southern tip of Texas. In 2007, through the appropriations process, the language was amended to certify 700 miles of fencing to be required, at the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security. Twenty-six Senate Democrats voted for the measure, including Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. ‘Democrats are solidly behind controlling the border, and we support the border fence,’ Ms. Feinstein, California Democrat, told the Los Angeles Daily News at the time. ‘We have to get tough on the border. There’s no question the border is a sieve.’ In a 2006 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Mrs. Clinton said: ‘There isn’t any sensible approach except to do what we need to do simultaneously: you know, secure our borders with technology and personnel, physical barriers if necessary in some places.’
And in pushing for comprehensive immigration reform in 2009, Mr. Schumer praised the Secure Fence Act for making the U.S.-Mexican border less porous….”

SEE: ‘GOP to use Democrats’ past votes against them; Feinstein, Schumer all voted to build wall’, By Kelly Riddell, The Washington Times, Friday, 01/06/2017.

Reply to  GMHeller
8 years ago

Would be interesting to know what taxpayer resources were illegally used for this Democrat Party rally, not that anyone would be held accountable in a state run by Democrat criminals. But such an event seems unprecedented in the city or state since it is more reminiscent of the Party rallies in Communist countries, and the Democrats try not to be so obvious about their single-party dictatorship ambitions.

Reply to  Wilson
8 years ago

Reply to Wilson: You are absolutely right. Indeed, they created
Democratic Party Dictatorship in Massachusetts.
it’s pretty scary–you can’t talk against them any more.
4 Freedoms they claimed?
#1 Freedom of Speech –for Dem/Progressive/Liberals only.
#2 Freedom of Religion— ONLY if Religion agrees with their Progressive/Liberal/LGBTs values, otherwise it’s discrimination according to Democratic view.
#3 Freedom from Fear–but not from Fear of Islamic Radicals,
because Dems don’t even use word “Islamic”.
#4 Freedom from Want—exact slogan of Communist Party of Soviet Union-“Everybody should give whatever he can and everybody should get whatever he wants!”

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  VillageKnight
8 years ago

So far this year 313 people in the US died with gun violence according to ,

None of the 8 police officers or 12 children under 12 that were shot or murdered SO FAR IN 2017 are by the hand of an Islamic radical. Your fear is not statistically viable

8 years ago

‘GOP to use Democrats’ past votes against them; Feinstein, Schumer all voted to build wall’

The School Committee
The School Committee
Reply to  GMHeller
8 years ago

The will say they have voted for a wall and will be correct in stating they don’t work.Your Trump wont build a wall he will continue doing what they are doing and tell his legions hes building a wall a amazing wall and no one will go under it or over it.He will tell you that Mexicans who go over his wall are amazing Mexicans and those a the type of Mexicans we want.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
8 years ago

With many of the local Councilors in attendance plus the Mayor and a heavy police presence marchers were allowed to carry signs on wooden boards. I thought Pittsfield had a City ordnance forbidding signs on boards and sticks? Maybe the rules only matter if the Mayor and Council dislike you.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

You have the perfect place to stick those boards.

Akbar Fukwad
Akbar Fukwad
8 years ago

I would love to ask Tahirah Amatul-Wadud is she believes that the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Law in general supersedes Sharia Law.

8 years ago

I agree Dan V. they are such a bunch of phonies. They preach against hate, but nobody does hate better than they do especially against Donald Trump and the Republicans or anyone for that matter who doesn’t believe the way they do.

Just curious Dan if it was you at the rally holding a Trump sign to test their level of tolerance for other points of view?

The School Committee
The School Committee
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Is there 1 example on this list of names who have expressed hate like Trump has.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Ed Markey

The School Committee
The School Committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 years ago

Trump is nuts ,please take notice.Tell Trump he won so he can stop tweeting he won.This nut job is about to be sworn in.Your obliged to keep an eye on this crazy bastard and wacky family.

8 years ago

Did the church that held this political rally endanger it’s tax exempt status by hosting this event? Who would we report this to? The IRS?

Reply to  Baculum
8 years ago

Reply to Baculum:
By using Church property Dem/Progressive/ Liberals violated Federal law about Separation of State and Church.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Donald Trump is a fascist! He is similar to Adolf Hitler! Donald Trump persecutes peoples (i.e., Mexicans, Muslims, Immigrants, Women, and other minorities) and he is a demagogue. Donald Trump will use military and police force tactics to enforce his racist policies. Donald Trump’s government is full of billionaires, bigots, and bankers, especially from Goldman Sachs. His tagline “Make America Great Again” will mean huge federal budget deficits, trade wars, and geopolitical conflicts. Donald Trump unfairly targets the news media and he cannot tolerate their criticisms against his public record. Donald Trump still won’t release his tax returns. What is he hiding? Donald Trump’s business interests will present conflict of interests while he serves as U.S. President. Donald Trump will present many “ethical” issues as both a businessman and a head of state.
I am proud of the Pittsfield community for marching for Freedom and against Donald Trump. If I still lived in my native hometown, I would have marched, too. I fully support the resistance movement against Donald Trump. I proudly state: “Down with Trump!”
– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Jonathon please tell me you can’t possess a gun or weapon.

Still Wondering
Still Wondering
Reply to  joetaxpayer
8 years ago

As a matter of fact, he cannot. Jonathan is a mentally disabled Pittsfield ex-pat now living in New Hampshire. And he lives on the public dole.

Reply to  Still Wondering
8 years ago

Reply to Still Wondering–Bravo! Nicely said!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Dear Jonathan Melle!
Last time I checked- it is absolutely LEGAL
to be rich, to be a Billionaire, to be a successful businessman and participate in Government,
unlike in Socialist and Totalitarian countries such as
Venezuela, Cuba and Iran. Moreover, people who run against Donald Trump basically encourage riots and hate against
Federal Government, against Republicans, against white working class people. Hillary Not coming! Sorry!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

For those unfamiliar with the term ‘The Big Lie’, it was introduced by Adolf Hitler in ‘Mein Kampf’ and reiterated by Saul Alinksy in ‘Rules for Radicals’ (the book Alinksy dedicated to Lucifer, the biggest radical of all and the topic of Hillary Clinton’s college thesis). Basically, it’s a propaganda technique used by individuals to create an issue, repeat it often and with as many people as possible and eventually, it becomes fact in the minds of the populace. I.E. ‘Fake News’ and ‘Russian Hacking’. Look it up and read about it. It’s fascinating. Pass this info around.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Joe Blow
8 years ago

just like Obamacare and Benghazi.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Reply to Jonathan Melle:
There is a Brian Center in Pittsfield.
My tenants said– it is very nice place to visit. Professional and friendly for any patient. They accept Medicaid gladly.
Have you tried?

heh heh
heh heh
8 years ago

By June the headlines will read…….America….country in turmoil

believe me

Reply to  heh heh
8 years ago

The media will finally start telling the truth about the lousy economy once Trump is elected. The media will no longer sugar coat the job numbers by saying the unemployment numbers have risen only because more people are confident enough to begin looking for work again. The media will rediscover being a “watchdog” for the American public, a term they claimed they had no knowledge of during the last 8 years of coddling the progressive Democrats.

The School Committee
The School Committee
8 years ago

If your a minority or a woman could someone including DV give a date in history within 10 years that Trump thought was great.

Reply to  The School Committee
8 years ago

Progressives are worried because for the past 8 years they have ignored the rights and freedoms of Americans and are now fearful that Republicans will do the same.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

Hypocrisy was on parade more than anything. Seems like a short time ago the left was coming unhinged over the Tea Party and responded with OWS . In a way both sides didn’t learn anything from the election,normal people don’t need Hollywood, the press, or progressives. We can figure it out on our own who to vote for.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
8 years ago

So true. Hollywood had a giant hissy fit last night at the Golden Globes awards. The Hollywood elites who are loaded with money think they speak for all Americans. For the Hollywood elites politics is a hobby. They have the leisure time to take up a cause and unfortunately for America the cause they get behind is promoting progressive Democrats. Most Americans, however, have learned to ignore their political far left rantings.

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
8 years ago

The March is a public outcry, sour grapes approach to the disdain of Trump being elected, it’s to tell the bedraggled taxpayer that jobs in the schools and state will not be funded unless the government bails out the state with programs about to be cut, programs that generate income for these part time full paid for the year workers, mostly teachers-administrators on all levels. Using of course, the children and the poor me can’t help myself, please bleed the taxpayer some more and burn the tax candle on both ends.

Knock Knock
Knock Knock
8 years ago

Trump will have the most microscopic tenure in the History of politics. He created it himself, it will unravel, has already started. You don’t make promises you canmt keep and diss the Media at the same time.

Reply to  Knock Knock
8 years ago

The media needs to be dissed and most Americans know it. Until the media stops the partisan reporting of every subject, the media should be under heavy criticism.

Reply to  Knock Knock
8 years ago

Thousands of real jobs created, before he is even in office, with a couple of tweets: Trump has already surpassed Obama’s 8-year tenure

Reply to  Knock Knock
8 years ago

Knock, why wouldn’t you diss the media. They have shown Time and time again they can’t be trusted. Journalisms dead, time for people to get the real facts themselves.

8 years ago

GREAT article Dan! Thank you for your real coverage of the “Anti-Trump Rally.” The BB devoted too many pages and pictures to this march of the penguins. Isn’t it amazing how so many people can be so deceived?!

Reply to  Gigi
8 years ago

On the subject of the Berkshire Eagle and deceiving the public:
The Eagle is claiming that one of the ‘big’ news stories locally of 2016 was transfer of New England Newspapers, Inc. — parent company of The Berkshire Eagle, Bennington Banner, The Brattleboro Reformer, and the weekly Manchester Journal — to a group of local investors.
It’s now been eight months since the deal closed, yet the public remains in the dark, and The Eagle’s new owners have yet to divulge, any details of that transaction.
For example, what was the purchase price? And how much of seller Digital First Media’s outstanding debt was assumed by buyer Birdland Acquisition LLC?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  GMHeller
8 years ago

and how many additional customers have they lost since the acquisition?

8 years ago

Just saying
The TSA will take your Lotion…but you can put through a gun and ammunition.. The hard truth is a gunman can pull off mass murder anywhere in the USA. After the fact, they look for answers.

Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
8 years ago

You know what could have stopped that gunman? A law abiding, patriotic American… with a gun.

8 years ago

The State of the CIty Adress is at noon today,at The Colonial….The Main Theme should read: Taxes are going UP.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

Cos, I believe the Planet has a composition class at B C C maybe you ought to look into it?

That's not niceSpagirlfrommass
That's not niceSpagirlfrommass
Reply to  Miss Vito
8 years ago

That’s not nice

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  That's not niceSpagirlfrommass
8 years ago

Dan could teach the local press a thing or two about writing, not just investigating.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
8 years ago

A march in Downtown Pittsfield isn’t complete without a phalanx of Rascal scooters.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
8 years ago

The mayor is a idiot….instead marching down N. St. and preaching to the choir, she should be trying to get in touch with The President-Elect about bring JOBS to Pittsfield. Also who paid for this silly march…was any city money used?

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
Reply to  Joe Blow
8 years ago

Now, that isn’t,nice!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Miss Vito
8 years ago

Just so you are well aware, no jobs are coming to Pittsfield, period.

Reply to  Joe Blow
8 years ago

Actually that’s a great idea. A Democrat mayor reaching out to President Trump. It’s completely totally worth a shot.

Reply to  Joe Blow
8 years ago

Will there be any reaching out by ANY politician in Berkshire County to the new administration in Washington or will they arrogantly decline to speak with anyone who isn’t a fellow progressive? They could try to work together to create jobs for this area and bring back prosperity, but that doesn’t seem to be a priority for them. It’s all about the social engineering and dividing people against each other by calling them haters and bigots. Sad but true that this is what has happened to the Democratic party.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

The Liberal Democrat boobs who run Great Barrington have already reached out to the incoming Donald Trump Administration by putting policies into effect which make GB a ‘sanctuary city’.
Is there any doubt that similarly-minded Lib Dem boobs who run Pittsfield will proclaim the same?

Reply to  GMHeller
8 years ago

I have no doubt that will happen.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Maybe that guy that “runs’ PEDA will try and call the Trump transition team…….nah to hard.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

I find it more than a bit ironic that on January 6 1941 the four freedoms were spoken about in the state of the union address by FDR. We celebrated this with a hate fest this year. How about January 14th 1942? Roughly a year later that same President pushes Proclamation No. 2537, requiring aliens from World War II-enemy countries–Italy, Germany and Japan–to register with the United States Department of Justice.
Each person was issued a certificate of identification a “list” was then established does any of this sound even vaguely familiar? Isn’t this why they so hate Trump? For the mere suggestion of vetting Muslims? I have to assume that internment of Japanese is allowed and hell even celebrated, but vetting of Muslims who are killing us is completely insane? Shortly after the Proclamation Japanese Americans were gathered up brought to camps far from their American homes property was in essence taken some of it still in dispute did they not want their four freedoms? Or were they not progressive enough to deserve them? Was ancestry the only litmus test?
Was this discussed at all by any of the speakers? What happened to the property they owned? The discrimination and out right assaults upon the liberties of these people less than a year after the four freedoms speech is out right pathetic. What the Progressives need isn’t a march but a history lesson.

just sayin

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

Well said!

Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

History isn’t a subject they excel at unfortunately. They prefer courses on green energy, climate change, and other progressive courses. The basics are no longer a priority of liberal schools. Instead they pick and choose what they will teach from actual history and hide the rest.

maxwell edison
maxwell edison
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Sounds like green energy is bad. What do you like, Pat, dirty energy? Tell us how you’d do it if you were the boss.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
8 years ago
Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

And if you love Obamacare you love executing Americans by drone with no trial.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Really? SHH we are comparing freedoms the four freedoms to that were spoken by FDR
On his words “In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.” Human freedoms he says that would mean available to all. His freedoms were stated by FDR to be goals. How does one reconcile the goal of these four freedoms with internment based upon race?
SHH I apologize I now see how Obama uttered if you like you plan you can keep your plan. All the while knowing it was a false statement with value only in appeasing the masses. And sad to say the four freedoms were nothing more than an uttering of words to those who were in a years’ time interred

just sayin

8 years ago

I just read the comments in iberkshires under the article about the Four Freedoms march. One female is calling everyone a “hater” if they say anything positive about Donald Trump trying to help the country. These people have gone off the deep end.

The School Committee
The School Committee
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Trump is nuts ,please take notice.Tell Trump he won so he can stop tweeting he won.This nut job is about to be sworn in.Your obliged to keep an eye on this crazy bastard and wacky family.

P Hewton
P Hewton
8 years ago

Do not buy any more books.

The Dynamic Vibrator
The Dynamic Vibrator
8 years ago

I was do happy to hear Tyer call for making Pittsfield dynamic and vibrant.

Her slogan is” Let’s Make Pittsfield Vibrate Again.” Way to go Linda.

P Hewton
P Hewton
8 years ago

What is the crap we use on the roads that cause literal dust clouds that cause multiple car washings because of it, not just this year, been quite a few years, did we change the formula? it’s pretty sickenening when these eighteen wheelers and bigger trucks leave a trail of cloud dust all over the place.

Fugimoto Hockaloogie
Fugimoto Hockaloogie
Reply to  P Hewton
8 years ago

Radioactive dust….really melts the ice.

Reply to  P Hewton
8 years ago

Don’t drive where there are 18 wheelers. That’s my trick.

8 years ago

Something about the nineties converted the Democratic Party to fascism. They are done.

Reply to  Levitan
8 years ago

These days, even a Democrat’s use of the word ‘fascist’ sounds fascist. Utter condemnation for, at worst, a dirty thought.