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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY JAN. 10, 2017) — The folks who desecrated the Four Freedoms over the weekend speak of “scary trends” in America. Translate: “We hate the president-elect and will not give him a chance.” They believe in “solidarity,” which means “if you don’t believe as we do, we hate you.” They cherish “diversity” = “only us.” They love “community” = the poor and marginalized, whom we can can politically exploit. They wear self-righteousness like ermine, unaware of the garment’s stink.

Unlike the Four Freedom organizers, who mock free speech and denied alternate speakers, THE PLANET invites any of the organizers or marchers who want to debate the merits of their rally to be our guests on TV. We start with Frank Farkas, lead organizer. All you have to do, Mr. Farkas, is to contact our producer, Terry Kinnas. When Terry’s phone doesn’t ring, THE PLANET will know it’s Farkas not getting back to us.

Rally Documents Most Revealing

4FreedomsPage1THE PLANET has dug into documents of the rally. The “Special Event Permit Application” dated Oct. 19, 2016 lists Farkas as primary contact. His day phone is 413-443-2508, cell 347-313-7023, e-mail If you think Farkas should join the panel on an upcoming edition of PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION, hail him at any of those contacts. To make sure he knows he’s invited, THE PLANET has sent Farkas a personal invitation to appear with us on TV along with a guest of his choosing to debate the rally’s merits.

4FreedomsPage2In the permit, Farkas claims that the rally “is the initial public activity of the newly-formed [sic], non-partisan Four Freedoms Coalition [THE PLANET‘s italics]. “[T]he initial public activity” — Hmmmm. Apparently, others are planned. It also implies there will be secret activities the public will never know about. With the elections later this year … do we have to draw you a map?

The Oct. 12 date confirms the moonbats were already sensing their gal Hillary was on the ropes against the brilliant stump tactics of Donald Trump, Master Campaigner. Funny how the left jumped Clinton’s sinking ship before the rats hogged all the lifeboats.

“Non-partisan.” Farkas must have channeled Bob Hope and threw that in for yucks.

The application lists as “lead organizations” the Berkshire County Branch of the NAACP, the Berkshire Central Labor Council, and the Berkshire Brigades. Non-partisan, remember? It further states that “Many of our elected officials have already endorsed the event.” Non-partisan! Interestingly, Farkas didn’t (or wouldn’t) sign the indemnity portion of the permit. Instead, he had local NCAAP chief Dennis Powell take the rap should any question of liability result. That sounds too much like “back of the bus” to these ears. We wonder if Powell might want to file a complaint against Farkas with the Human Rights Commission (HRC).

Straight Faces, Crooked Intentions

City officials didn’t sign off until just before Christmas and New Year’s. They did this to keep the event off the public agenda, stifling transparency and opposition from counterpoint. Police chief Mike Wynn, fire chief Bob Czerwinski, the health department, and public utilities signed on 12-22. The building inspector and city clerk Jody Phillips signed 12-28 despite having the application for nearly seven weeks.

Perhaps the funniest part of this exercise against the Four Freedoms comes from the taut faces of organizers and participants — the linear “straight face” — in calling the inclusive and non-partisan. Many examples abound. Our favorite is when mayor Linda Tyer told The Boring Broadsheet‘s Jenn Smith, “Most of us would agree that there may be some challenges ahead with the national attitude that may exist among some people.”

Taxpayers, you yearly pay the mayor a hundred grand plus bennies for such gems.

Fact is, there were more violations of civil rights and Massachusetts law in the hate-driven rally than the HRC could handle in 28 lifetimes. As Trump delegate  Alex Blumin points out, “The Four Freedoms march was organized by the Boston-Democratic-Left Wing progressive liberals against Donald Trump, his supporters, and the federal government.” You’ll recall that Farkas denied Blumin an opportunity to speak at the rally.

To make their desecration of the Four Freedoms complete, organizers doctored Norman Rockwell‘s iconic paintings for their event flyer. For Freedom of Speech, one sees a woman (think “warmed-over Bess Myerson“) in place of the working man. For Freedom from Fear, we see a black couple tucking their kids in bed. He looks like he just got off the set of Soul Train.

This is not Freedom, ladies and gents. This is genocide.


“A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.”Ayn Rand



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Fugimoto Hockaloogie
Fugimoto Hockaloogie
7 years ago

Is there any way to see the police overtime cost for this march of the moonbats? There were a heck of a lot of our local police on hand and I don’t think they were the regular shift.

Boris Badenov
Boris Badenov
7 years ago

Linda, are the 20 or so Pittsfield citizens who voted for Trump “some people”?

Boris Badenov
Boris Badenov
Reply to  Boris Badenov
7 years ago

2000 I mean

Reply to  Boris Badenov
7 years ago


I kept getting emails from Team Trump telling me to vote for him. Each time I did, so that means he got at least 20 from me.

Boris Badenov
Boris Badenov
Reply to  Levitan
7 years ago

Good Job

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

This Fearsome Foursome is just that, it’s to sell fear, sell fear when you have less power and are unable to concede the fact that for the next four, you’ll be outside looking in.

Russ Toleum
Russ Toleum
Reply to  Dilly Dally
7 years ago

It’s really just a crock of cranberries. No one is looking to take anyone’s rights. The economy will improve and you’ll have a job and no want to fear.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Donald Trump is a fascist! He persecutes peoples, such as immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, and Women. He is a demagogue. Many prominent Republicans did not support his candidacy for the presidency last year. Democrats must resist Trump’s political agenda. I am proud of the Pittsfield marchers who protested against Donald Trump. He is NOT my President! Down with Trump!
– Jonathan Melle

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Blah,blah .blah

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

@jonathonmelle. *TRIGGERED*. And out comes the AntiTrumpets. Sounding before the event has even occurred

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

I think I already saw that before somewhere.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

Need no material Jonathan.

7 years ago

Get over it. Your candidate LOST. 8 years of Obama was ENOUGH. Worry about real issues instead of getting offended about everything. I guess living in a snow globe “hoping for jobs” that will never appear is a lot more beneficial than a President-elect actually getting large companies on the defensive and bringing jobs back to the US instead of letting NAFTA destroy what’s left here. If you don’t like it here, please leave. Take all your illegal buddies with you and go somewhere else.

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

The Mexicans are going to pay for the wall, says Mr Trump. Then the Mexican president says ” TRUMP, when will you understand that I am not paying for that ficken wall. Be clear with US tax payers.”

Gee, I wonder who will pay for that wall.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Who cares who pays, getter done. Savings and security well worth it.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Anybody see Tricia Farley around anymore.Trisha said Mexico would pay for Taconic.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

They should as more and more students were born there.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

Considering you are barred from 500′ of schools and playgrounds, how would you know?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

I’ll get your number of a men’s room stall and call and explain.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

I’m sure you have a’wide’ stance:

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

Bad accident near BJs 5am. wires down on a car…road may be blocked

Knock Knock
Knock Knock
7 years ago

Axxisents everywhere in this area, cops need to start giving out citations, other states you drive like a jack ass you get ticketed and you eventually Getty suspended license. Aside..We don’t need no stinking wall, and we’re certainly not paying for one.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
7 years ago

More Coffee K K?

7 years ago

I like what someone called this Four Freedoms march yesterday, “The March of the Penguins”. Of all of the issues Berkshire County is facing and we should march for, we get this ridiculous rally. It was just a put down of Trump with their full hatred of the man on display. All the progressive Democratic party cares about is calling people haters and bigots. The progressive Democrats do not care about anything else except dividing people.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Be patient. God is good. Trump is God. Soon it will all be smiles and rainbows and laughing children.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Unlike Obama supporters who thought Obama was their savior, Trump supporters do not think Trump will be our savior. He is just a man. Nothing more. We just want him to create jobs and get the economy moving again. No one man should have too much power in this country. This is why we have a constitution and we need to follow it so that neither party has TOO MUCH POWER. Nobody should be afraid when we have a change of leadership and if we obey the laws of the land and maintain the balance of power, we will NEVER have a dictator in this country.

The School Committee
The School Committee
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Not true.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Pat! Bravo!

7 years ago

The City is off the tracks, having your taxes raised to NY Levels, don’t laugh, giving a successful private sector company a half million??? Building a new school, without input at the ballot box by the taxpayer? Paying school contracts out of free cash, water rates go up,crime is up even with the new cops, think about it, when you’re out and about do you ever not see some sort of crime or car accident? Who goes to North Street, nowadays, the lemon isn’t worth the squeeze. The other day I actually was using a business in downtown, circled the. Lock three times to get a parking spot in front of Liberty near the Shoe Shop, got out of the car and fell on the ice in front of the shop, no shoveling, no sand, pure ice, probably still like that

7 years ago

Dan, just read the non sense spewed in the state of the city address by the mayor. It is enough to make me puke! I hope you plan a proper dissection and analyis, which is what you are so good at, to shed some reality on this bs. “Restorative justice” magically resolving disciplinary issues in the schools, “cultural competency”, “serious incidents” instead of tons of shooting and homicides, mostly unsolved. Please Dan parse this nonsense – slice it and dice it and set the record straight.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
7 years ago

Yeah, it seemed like she had her own personal audience.

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

My electric bill has jumped big time in the last two months. What the hell happened? The delivery charge is almost twice the cost of the electricity. Does anybody have any solar panels I can hook up to?

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Yes, my Electric Bill for December and January also rose higher than all the years Ive been in my home.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Yes, my Electric Bill for December and January also rose higher than all the years Ive been in my home.

Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
7 years ago

I guess it just doubled. LOL…

The School Committee
The School Committee
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

State reps Bouvier…pignitally….Ben gave them the raise

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Get your own panels and go with your own batteries. You can run DC devices right off them. I recommend Ewing’s Power With Nature.

7 years ago

This, coupled with Mayor Blight Face’s “state of the city” was nothing more than a bunch of progressive PR stunts so the city elites can pat themselves on the back and pretend they made a difference.

The only freedom you don’t get in this left-wing city is the freedom to have an opinion that differs from the majority. I can’t fathom how much money was wasted on this crap. I didn’t realize people needed to be told they can say what they want, worship what they want, fear what they want and want what they want. I’m glad I was updated

Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

It’s all about priming the pump (of a dry well) for the municipal elections. Freedom rally, mayor’s address: diversions meant to keep us apathetic and numb.

Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

Hi so agree

Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

I so agree

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

The good news is enough people left Pittsfield that the unemployment rate fell to 3.3%.

7 years ago

These marches and the liberal over reach created Trump – BTW he will be elected again in 4 years – b/c most of us feel the pendulum has swung too far…time for a correction – and it’s gonna be ugly

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Republicans have thought only of tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

TIF Tyer must be a republican.

Fugimoto Hockaloogie
Fugimoto Hockaloogie
7 years ago

It killed me how Marchetti spoke about the Orlando murders and no mention of how the murderer was a Muslim who thought he was doing what Allah commanded. Islam is not a friend of the gay community.

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
Reply to  Fugimoto Hockaloogie
7 years ago

On Orlando, they put out a man hunt with a big reward, yet when this scum bag murdered the first time, no nothing?

Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Secret Tapes From Baltimore
7 years ago

Sports fans. I have good news for you. Starting at noon on the 20th of this month descent will cease to be racist and once again it will be patriotic. So feel free to adorn your Volvo or Prius accordingly.

maxwell edison
maxwell edison
Reply to  Secret Tapes From Baltimore
7 years ago

descent indeed

The Secret Tapes From Baltimore
The Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Reply to  maxwell edison
7 years ago

Forgive the misspell

Reply to  Secret Tapes From Baltimore
7 years ago

Also on Jan. 20th we can finally get rid of the worst President of all-time.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

Meryl Streep can go to her $5,000 per day spa to sweat out her angst over Trump winning the election. The rest of Hollywood can join Streep at her expensive spa and they can rattle their jewelry together against Trump and those pesky deplorable working Americans and unemployed Americans who voted for him.

Obama will be setting himself up in crime ridden Chicago so he can be a thorn in Trumps side during his presidency. Shouldn’t ex-presidents just go away quietly after their time in office is over?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

You realize Trump s*its on a golden throne, don’t you?

7 years ago

PeDA Board is the biggest joke.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  AlaskanBushClowns
7 years ago

It is a joke for sure…..they have done nothing to bring jobs here. They should also stop calling it PEDA,it’s kind of a creepy and off-putting name.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 years ago

Dan, does freedom of information act allow us to see the city council,city boards and mayors emails?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Joe Blow
7 years ago

Did the city pay to rent out the Colonial for the mayors state of the city speech? If so how much?

Reply to  Joe Blow
7 years ago

Reply to Joe Blow:
You asked a brilliant question about Official emails!
People should know what their “heroes” are up to.

7 years ago

A guy is saying the fire dept didn’t take care of the previous tower truck, instead they go to the big y and such.

7 years ago

So let’s get another unkept truck,and give Cocanta a half million.The police station needs two boilers, but….Maybe we should have given Sabic a half million, who know’s?

7 years ago

Lets budget money for one purpose, and we will just move money around and take it for another. Then we will come back and ask for twice as much for the original allocation. What the hell. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes. That was easy.

7 years ago

Good one SPa. We don’t now, want to I vest in Boilers at PPD cuz we won’t be there long, yet Covanta gets a half million for a new boiler, which is insane to begin with annnnd, we really don’t know if they’ll renew their contract.

Bill Q
Bill Q
7 years ago

The Boilers now work but not perfectly,ha? this sounds like a 600 g gizmo we just signed on for

Bill Q
Bill Q
7 years ago

Thank gawd Lisa is there tonight, we’d be totally out of the loop.

7 years ago

Council Grades: Krol A
Caccamo A
White C
Mazzeo A
Connell A
Morandi B
Tully A
Simonelli A
Amuso C
Marchetti A
Rivers A

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

I will give Morandi credit about cars parked on streets during snow storms. It’s not a joke, stop being lazy Commisioner, tell the drivers to call in when cars are in the road, there is an Ordinance you know.