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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 11, 2017) — The drone over the city of Pittsfield on Monday wasn’t the result of the NSA, the CIA, or the Berkshire Brigades. That infolded buzz capping the rising day leeched from mayor Linda Tyer, who for 50 minutes spoke about 11,000 words and said nothing.

Donald Trump at least had the good sense to hire THE PLANET on his way to winning the Presidency of the United States, so the rumor goes. For her speech, however, Tyer relied on Cliches ‘R Us for a stemwinder than not only failed to wind the stem but couldn’t even locate the watch.

To call Tyer’s unimaginative monolog a “vision” would be to strain credulity past the vaulted roof of the venerable Colonial Theater, where the mayor disappointed anyone who held out hope the city might be on the actual upswing. Not to be. A clueless Tyer delivered a slap in the face to everyone above 40 years old. Those over 80 got a boot in the ass, a slashed throat, a jigger of salt for the open wound, and more taxes.

Mayor: ‘City Doesn’t Need Jobs; It Need Millennials’

Unbelievably, Tyer came right out and said it: Pittsfield doesn’t care about those of mid-job age and older, the majority of citizens in this aging city. The goal isn’t to create good, well-paying jobs. On the contrary, the goal is about “creating a dynamic” in which millennials can live, work, and sip latte from sustainable acres. Sainted Homer made the gods engage and roused human breasts to passionate rage. Tyer kissed the fat butt of the local Democratic Machine.

“Let’s pivot from our past narrative that we need to create jobs first and then recruit the next generation to those newly created jobs,” Tyer said. THE PLANET shall follow our guideline of not editing speech and will let alone the tortured syntax. If not jobs, then what? Tyer had the response, but certainly not the answer. “Let’s do the kind of work that makes our city a vibrant, dynamic, interesting place to live so that the next generation chooses us.”

Tyer spelled it out. If you’re a millennial, you have a place in Pittsfield. If you’re older than 30, just shut up and pay. Tyer wanted to “bust the myth” that Pittsfield had no jobs. Of course, she trotted out the now-tired figure, slightly revised, claiming there are 1,264 open jobs in the county.

In Berkshire County.

Not Pittsfield.

Two-thirds of which are part-time and minimum wage.

Return of the Monster

Apparently, the next generation chooses Pittsfield after it blows $1.5 million for a Shot Spotter it doesn’t need, parking kiosks that violate citizens’ privacy, and a $500,000 giveaway to Covanta for lucrative garbage. In her address, the mayor laid an egg from which was hatched another Godzilla, Gorgo, Rodan, or Mothra, whichever destructive monster you prefer. It will swoop down again at budget time then make several return appearances in the city elections.

The best case scenario for Pittsfield is hospice care. This is true particularly after the March of the Penguins rally, where local Democrats sealed the city’s fate with the incoming presidential administration by desecrating America’s Four Freedoms.  Will there still be a pulse come 2019, when the overmatched Tyer’s term will come to an end? 8 to 5 says no.

Sources close to the mayor tell THE PLANET Tyer’s plan is to get one term, take the lucrative pension, and bail. The “secret” plan of the local Democrats and Suits will be to anoint John Krol for mayor. Don’t tell anyone you heard it here. Perhaps a fiscal adult such as Ken Ramsdell, Terry Kinnas, or Christine Canning will step forward by then.

Why the Speech?

Why did Tyer decide to deliver a “State of the City?” That’s for her to say. Certainly, it would guarantee a full-throated gush from The Boring Broadsheet, indentured as it is to the advertising the city throws its way. However, did she calculate the reaction from Mary Jane and Joe Kapsnaski, the ordinary citizens who each year bear more of the unjust load the heartless city lays on their backs? Maybe come November we will have a clearer picture.


“The power to tax is the power to destroy.” John Marshall



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The Dynamic Vibrator
The Dynamic Vibrator
7 years ago

I am pleased that the mayor chose the Colonial to deliver her epic speech. We should remember that the Three Stooges invented baseball on the stage of the Colonial in May of 1791. As long as the citizens of Pittsfield commit to dynamic collaboration and vibrancy how can we go wrong?

The Dynamic Vibrator
The Dynamic Vibrator
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

Even Hillary at a seance couldn’t figure it out.

The Dynamic Vibrator
The Dynamic Vibrator
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

Dan, thanks for the question. I’m so glad you asked it. Restorative Justice is a lot like Restorative Yoga. In the yoga version you stretch your joints and muscles and in the justice version you distort the truth and reality.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

The over 80 crowd are living on borrowed time and the public dollar. Maybe the city could just give them cash payments to stimulate the local lotto, tobacco, and takeout food economy?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

You need to learn more of Pittsfield history SHH. Actually the over-80 crowd pretty much has most of the discretionary income left in town. They are GE pensioners and retirees, mainly.

You can save the lottery tix, book, and EBT cards for the youthful bottom feeders… the ones too lazy to work.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  K-Man
7 years ago

You need to learn more of reality KM, those pensioners made money of poisoning the City and can stew in the filth and pay their fair share of taxes with their “discretionary income”.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  The Dynamic Vibrator
7 years ago

Unemployment down by a half, what a comeback, thanks Mayor!

Nine Juan Juan
Nine Juan Juan
7 years ago

When Barry says , “Linda could you pass the salt” does she respond “I’m glad you asked that question” or ” Thank you for the question”? Just wonderin’……..

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

The lovely Linda Tyer has her head in the clouds, not in reality. Pittsfield lost Sabic and with it hundreds of jobs averaging $70k per year. The poverty rate in Pittsfield is growing, as evidenced by all K – 6 Pittsfield public school children receiving free school lunches. As Dan Valenti rightfully points out, a majority of the jobs available are seasonal, part-time, and near minimum wage. Tourism, entertainment, and hospitality jobs won’t feed a family!
If I met the lovely Linda, I would ask her, “Who is your real constituency?” I believe she is talking to the well heeled and vested interests! The average Pittsfield resident is relying on hope, welfare, social services, charity, and hardships.
– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Keeping the school employees in the city happy seems to be the main goal of Mayor Tyer. Everyone else will just have to pick up the scraps from the table in order to survive in this city.

After one year under the leadership of Linda Tyer in this city, I think that we are once again heading down the wrong path that doesn’t lead to prosperity for all. As usual we have a political leader ONLY interested in her own financial future.

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

My gastroenterologist would call it “verbal diarrhea”.

A veritable cacophony of adverbs and adjectives tossed into a stew of inane mutterings and blathering. But isn’t that what politics is?

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

I want lower taxes.Just one dollar lower.I want nothing else.My 82 year old neighbor said could she raise taxes by 1 dollar I won’t have to move.We both voted for Mayor Tyer and feel she lied .She boldly raises my taxes and clearly won’t speak to taxes being cut.She is not a responsible person.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

If she can keep raising taxes maybe she can weed out the elderly and make this supposedly arsty farsty community more vibrant. You don’t see that many old people milling around the Louvre and so why would you want to see them in Pittsfield? Apparently they just don’t fit into the Pittsfield vibe anymore.

By escalating the tax increases she can give that little extra push that they apparently need to get the message that they really do need to pack their shit and hit the road.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

I never heard her say she wasn’t going to raise taxes. She just said she would allocate the money differently.
I knew all along she would raise taxes, anyone thinking otherwise was not paying attention or was detached from reality.
I did not vote for her or Bianchi because I knew either would continue to rape the taxpayer and give nothing back in return.

Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

Reply to Ghidora:
I see no hope in this village…
It feels like Lost World–surreal.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

I take it that this wasn’t a Sarah Bernhardt moment for Dan.She should have held the gig at the Beacon Theatre.

7 years ago

There we’re refreshments after the speech,,,,,for the millenials.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
7 years ago

Kool Aid?

7 years ago

Complete disregard for the elderly residents of the city. The over 75 crowd will be dying out soon anyway seems to be the message so why bother worrying about their problems. As for the young people under 30, that is the true age group that progressives care about because they are more easily recruited to the progressive cause. Most people over 30 have begun to figure out the progressive game of high taxes and no job growth is unsustainable. Most people over 30 have figured out that giving all the power to a large government that always knows what is best and doesn’t want to be questioned in its decisions isn’t wise.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Most native people over 30 in Pittsfield are not educated or trainable. Menial, low skill jobs are what they get, and a menial low skill lifestyle is the norm. Companies like Sabic and GD import talent.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Sounds like education snobbery to me Shakes.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Is Tyer ‘educated’?

Reply to  Levitan
7 years ago

Yes our mayor Linda has a college degree. She also has worked for a law firm and it wasn’t as a pencil pusher. She gave all her information to the people when she was running. The people of Pittsfield voted for her based on her ideas as to what to do for Pittsfield, and so far she has been doing that. She keeps us informed as to what is going on in Pittsfield and shows respect to all, something that our last mayor NEVER did. I think she is doing fine, maybe she just needs to put the school department on a tight budget and show us what the real cost of the school department is costing us. The pensions, school buses and any other cost that is school related needs to come off the city side and be put were it belongs, on the school side. The school department and the city of Pittsfield should know what the schools are really costing us. This has never been done in Pittsfield, it needs to be changed. If she can crack down on the school department I think that a lot of Pittsfield’s citizens will change their perception of our mayor. I could go on for hours about the school system, but I won’t today.

The School Committee
The School Committee
Reply to  B
7 years ago

There are 1600 high school student and yon Bouvier AMUSO and Kroll spent 120 million to educate only 900… that not the worst planning ever.We are shrinking but have 1/2 million square feet of high school…..Pittsfield will spend a quarter of 1 billion dollars to rebuilt PHS and Taconic for 1600 student.
They shrunk the gym and the auditorium to save money..sure….The only way to save money is to consolidate high schools and eliminate teachers.All the college kids left and not 1 person left behind can add.
Also Trump is nuts.

Reply to  B
7 years ago

A bit off topic… I just learned that Josh Cutler aka Grandpa Munster’s wife is a teacher in the Pittsfield Public School System.

HOW IS THIS NOT A CONFLICT OF INTEREST? Clearly he is going to vote to increase any benefits he can for teachers for this exact reason

This is a swamp that needs to be drained.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Before Mayor, she held down a desk job stamping papers.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Levitan
7 years ago

That’s an ignorant opinion of the City Clerk’s responsibilities.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Tyer doesn’t have a masters degree that I know of which is the progressives seal of approval for education attainment. Which means that you have received the maximum amount of liberal brain washing from a liberal college to make you acceptable. Anyone with anything less is considered unworthy of attaining any job position here in education snobby Berkshire County unless they are family members or friends of people associated with these same companies in which case not even graduating from high school will be more than sufficient.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Sure, Shakes, but even so, she is not a highly educated trained professional. At least, there is nothing on her resume to suggest that she is any if the above.

Her background is in filing and stamping papers. There is no shame in honest labor, please be repectful.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Yeah, sometimes they have to staple stuff and use paper clips.

Reply to  Levitan
7 years ago

While your response is somewhat hyperbole, it’s not that far off. He qualifications were simply knowing the right people and a “D” next to her name

Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

You guys have it all wrong. Wake up.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

What’s a menial low-skill lifestyle? Does it involve excessive blogging?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Levitan
7 years ago

You tell me?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Nope. It’s your property. But, for me, a menial life style is one stuck at a desk. No happiness is uncovered at the desks you find in Pittsfield.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

that is true – because the kids who want a future leave, not just Pittsfield, but the region as a whole. The EBT crowd, they don’t need to leave – you can be a sloth anywhere.

Reply to  southeast
7 years ago

the EBT crowd is disgusting at this point. I know firefighters making almost 50-60k that are on WIC/EBT because they can’t keep their you know what’s sheathed. I haven’t tried getting it myself, but if you are making that much and still qualify as impoverished something is wrong with you and the system itself

7 years ago

L.T. Said in her speech that unemployment was 6.6 % when she took office and as Nove it was 3.3% . Who dose. She think she is fooling we all know that is when business start hiring for the holidays. This will be the worse 4years Pittsfield has ever had. I don’t know what ever made people think she would be a good mayor after he time on the city count.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Painter
7 years ago

The unemployment numbers only include those collecting u.e. benefits……the real number is most likely over 20%. Your’re right L.T. is a trainwreck and her SJW Communism-lite views are dangerous will not help Pittsfield.

7 years ago

The city essentially elected a woman who’s only job up until this point was secretary and homewrecker. What did you expect? some sort of genius economic planning? Without sounding too perverse… you wanted the D, you got the D

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

The nation elected a scammer and a slut for president, what’s your point?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Still had more business acumen than our esteemed Mayor Blight Face. You can argue his demeanor all you want. He understands business, tax codes, regulations, etc. and has decades of experience in it. Mayor Blight Face has pretty much next to none and you are all confused how she city continues to falter. Go back to your safe zone

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Good to see your out of the denial stage Shakes. The Dems nominated a Clinton, most vile human every to run for President.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

SHH, you are mistaken. Hillary Clinton wasn’t elected. And calling her names like that is uncouth.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Donald is not going to like being called a slut. He may hit you with a personalized tweet by nightfall.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

How many kids by how many wives?

then again Newt is a man-whore himself.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

At least he acknowledges and supports his children. Danney Williams-Clinton for the win!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

You’re babbling some Clonton-tucky mob bullshit. Slick Willy strayed from Hillary. Don’t think for once that those hick losers are democrats. Trump just out-snakeoed them.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Purple rain becomes golden rain!!! Hahaha! Trump believed the National Enquirer article about Ted Cruz’s Dad, why shouldn’t we believe Buzzfeed?? Way to start your presidency!!!!

Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

Woah ! Where is her knight in shining armor to defend her ? anyone ? anyone ?

Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

You need to get your facts right, I’m sorry I got that wrong. You are not listing any facts just hot air.

Reply to  B
7 years ago

Enlighten us Barry

7 years ago

i guess you could define duh mayor / comment,don’t come here to work, But to live and raise a family, did I hear that right? Dan, can you help with that one?

Two Cents
Two Cents
7 years ago

What’s interesting about the mayor’s city lying in state speech is that it was never really intended for the citizens of Pittsfield; Only the Kool-aid drinking, sucking off the public troth sycophants of the administration. Tyer made sure that all of the above mentioned out of touch VIPs were personally invited to ensure that the deck would be stacked with an attentive and appreciative audience. Only after those RSVPs were received, did she even mention to the media that such an event would be taking place. According to my sources, the press were not notified until 5pm on Friday. Typically, the media is informed of such events at least a week or 2 in advance so reporter assignments can determined and research and advance stories can be done. That’s why the media was on Governor Baker’s case for not announcing the date of the state of the state address before the holidays.

Reply to  Two Cents
7 years ago

I had no idea the speech was happening until the day it happened and I follow all of the local news. You are right, this speech wasn’t intended to speak to the general public only the progressive inner circle.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
7 years ago

you really expect your Berkshire media to research and produce advance stories?

Reply to  Shakes His Head
7 years ago

Speaking of our Berkshire media, our not ready for prime time Eagle printed a picture of an ” apple orchid” today. They thought it was nice.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
7 years ago

You heard it here first, unemployed went from over 6 percent to 3.3 and if that is true, that would be the highest turn around rate in the Country, right here in our area. maybe Matt the Shuffler…gave her that info?

Reply to  Shelly Liver
7 years ago

There is no way those numbers are correct. 3.3%???. What about all of those sitting at home not working who they usually count when the unemployment numbers rise? Whenever the unemployment numbers go up we hear from the progressive media that it’s because people are feeling more confident to look for work again, but when the numbers supposedly go down, those same people sitting at home not working are forgotten.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

120 million for a high school that hold 900 kids.Gym was downsized and auditorium downsized.Poor planning….yon Farley AMUSO

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

with those three clucks what did you expect?

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Yon and Amuso need a tour behind the woodshed

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Just so taxpayers know what’s up next in pittsfield it’s a PHS 150 million renovation…the building has never been taken care of.New Taconic will not be maintained..Mrs Yon and Mccandless will run this school into the ground in 5 years.They only have 6 custodians taking care of 250 thousand square feet.They need to have 14 positions

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Don’t forget about the Police station. I think that’s gonna get done before Pittsfield High. If I heard Mr Kerwood correctly Tuesday night he said 30 million for a new station. He said they had $250,000 already put aside for the engineering and architect in 2011 . Its part of the money he was talking about shuffling around that were for projects never done or never completed. But that’s not sufficient according to acting Chief Wynn. The chief stated “I can’t do what I need to do with $250,000 so we’ll be back for $3 million.” That’s 3,000,000 for the engineering and architect only. Maybe they should look at St. Joe High School and repurpose the building or maybe the old jail on Second St.. Not many more places downtown available.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

150? might as well build a new one. What will they call it? Taj Majal 2?

7 years ago

Anyone see the kiosk commercial, the lady explaining everything has a big smile on her face the whole time, like she’s giving us something. Absolutetly useless, first of all I have no intention of even going downtown.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  AlaskanBushClowns
7 years ago

she thinks she is at a slot machine and is waiting for the payout….so far she has lost at several other machines and was told that this one was “hot”

Reply to  AlaskanBushClowns
7 years ago

I think we should boycott downtown and not use the parking meters only use parking lots that are free

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Walmart will save Tyler street.Cant wait to see that orange building from park square or while staying at the Hilton.Tourist will be so impressed knowing they can walk to walmart.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Tyler Street and Springside Avenue residents will be so impressed knowing they can walk to Walmart. I can’t wait.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Orange is Home Depot.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
7 years ago

The needle exchange program is a great concept, afford needles so that the heroine user can continue to use, ever hear of overdoses? On the other hand, take a cigarette license away from a prospective gasoline salesman, who needs cigs for his business to be successful and was willing, is, willing,to take on enormous enviormental costs from the previous owner,something is miscue skews here.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
7 years ago

Needle exchanges are tampering with natural selection. I say let the weed themselves out. You open a needle exchange you’re going to see many more needles around town, in parks, schools, etc.

It’s amazing how fast stuff like this can get approved, yet a marijuana dispensary took jumping through hoops of fire

Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

Will the needle exchange program only be available to millennials in the city?
Is this program and proposed drug dispensaries “creating a dynamic” in which millennials can live and work ?

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  acheshirecat
7 years ago

If you look at the needle exchange program from the corner office it looks a lot like an economic engine doesn’t it? Just use your imagination.

Example one: The taxpayers ponied up millions of dollars for the Beacon theater and its adjoining eateries,bars and offices. And, lo and behold it became an economic engine which in turn fueled the Renaissance that is North street in Pittsfield, Ma. And you just cannot argue with that kind of ostentatious success

In the case of needles for drug users you encourage drug use…..which causes the need for more police, more ambulance services, more hospital care, more drug clinics, more drug counselors, more coroners and on and on. There is a whole economy built around the drug culture and if you were to pull that out from under Pittsfield what else do you really have? Do we want to not give out needles to our drug users and risk having them go to another community??? HUH??? So as you can see the needle thing is another “tool” in the toolbox of Pittsfields’ economic engine factory.


Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

I totally agree. People are making money off of the drug epidemic. Pittsfield is one big social service agency. Where is the motivation to help these people get better or for the drug addicts themselves to improve. To me it sounds a lot like enabling them to keep taking drugs.

Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

Lone, I am all for natural selection. But here is the truth: they do not all die!! many live as addicts for years. Along the way, they pick up Hep C. Then, they throw a needle in your bushes as they walk by your house, or in a trash can where a friend of yours works and when emptying the trash or cleaning out the leaves – gets a needle stick.

And then, a good, productive, and non-drug using part of society gets Hep C too.

I will compromise some principals to keep good people from getting hurt.

maxwell edison
maxwell edison
Reply to  southeast
7 years ago


Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
7 years ago

Who peed in B’s Wheaties?

Reply to  Shelly Liver
7 years ago

Maybe he likes that. To each their own

maxwell edison
maxwell edison
Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

get a life

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

Trump certainly does.

7 years ago

I’m gonna bring up the big fat elephant in the Pitts. So the PFD has not had a ladder truck since late November, the Tahiti Takeout fire was in December (on the second floor) and the person who is acting as a chief was quoted by IBerkshires as saying “It doesn’t get any better than this” about the rescue of the man that ended up dying soon after. After reading the letter to the Editor in today’s BB from a former PFD lieutenant on the importance of having a ladder truck one must wonder if this is why the civil service process is in place- to stop the friends and family hiring to actually get the most qualified person for the job.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

There is only one response to that Dave,,,,…..Where the heck have you been? Welcome Back!