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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY FEB. 23, 2017) — Sometimes the city of Pittsfield sticks it to The Little Guy directly in his face, like hocking a loogie at eye-level. It does this each budget season when, after salary raises galore for department heads and everyone in the school department, your “leaders” call upon ordinary citizens to sacrifice for the common good. Other times, however, the hosing is done more secretively. Case in point, an enormous proposed increase — 200%, 400% or more — in permit taxes. They call them “fees,” but THE PLANET prefers to identify them for what they are: user taxes.

The Tyer Administration and the Department of Public Utilities want to raise permit taxes for water and sewer from the current $125 to the fees listed below. The proposal awaits action by the city council. Will the council act responsibly and reject this measure, or will it be a dais of stiffs and once more screw ordinary citizens?

“This is obscene,” says one citizen who brought THE PLANET‘s attention to this unconscionable money grab by your thriftless city government. “This is the fee a homeowner [or business] pays. This fee is simply for the piece of paper, the permit. It provides nothing — no time, no materials, no labor other than a standard mark-out — in the actual repair or replacement. Those are billed separately.”

You will pay the higher fees then have to pay the city $100 an hour or your private hire for the actual work.

The Details Are in the Devil

The present fee for these services costs $125. Here are the new proposed rates:


  • To connect or replace a water service line, per connection — $500. Note that connection rates are limited to that portion of service connection within the public way. If you want the city to do the hookup work, service charge rate for labor will be $100 per hour with a minimum charge of $100. If the repair takes two minutes, you still pay $100 for labor.
  • Replace water service permit, per connection — $550.
  • Repair water service permit, per connection — $400.
  • Emergency repair permit, per connection — Add $100 to permit fee.
  • Backflow device permit, cross-connection device — $200.
  • Water service termination permit — $400.
  • Final water meter reading — $75.
  • Water meter installation permit, new — $25.


  • Connection or service line replacement, per connection — $550 (again, $100 per hour for labor).
  • Replace sewer service permit, per connection — $550.
  • Repair sewer service permit, per connection — $400.
  • Emergency repair permit, per connection — Add $100 to permit fee.
  • Sewer service termination permit — $400.
  • Emergency repair permit — $400.
  • Sewer service termination permit — $400.
  • Industrial wastewater discharge permit — $1,000.
  • WWTP lab sampling and analysis — $400.
  • WWTP sampling and non-WWTP lab analysis, industrial pretreatment program — $200 plus cost.

What you’re seeing here is the product of unimaginative bureaucrats and timid politicians who don’t want to upset the special interests, specifically, the Big Three unions (teachers, fire, and police). The problem is simple: After a generation of spending more than it takes in, there’s little room left in the tax cap.

Consequently, we see in this proposed tax hike a desperate admission of the city’s financial fix, one that it refuses to publicly acknowledge. That the admission is tacit tells you all you need to know about political courage in Pittsfield. If this government were on the level, it would acknowledge this problem with a statement that in the upcoming budget (FY2018), there will be belt tightening, starting and mainly staying with the schools. Instead, through this ridiculous fee increase, the city is trying to raise money through back door by legal robbery.

This upcoming budget will be make-or-break for the City of Pittsfield, its citizens, their future, and that of the pusillanimous politicians — the mayor, the city council, and the school committee. Not that she wants THE PLANET’s advice, but the mayor should direct every department to come in with four “scenario budgets” that address the question, “How will you manage cuts of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%?”

This is especially true of the schools. One thing is certain. With irresponsible spendthrifts such as school superintendent Jason “Jake” JIV McCandless, school committee chair Kathy “Lady Boots” Yon, and the clueless head of the teachers’ union, there will not only not call for reductions, but instead, they’ll look to grow both in pay raises, number of staff, and increase in benefits.

The mayor and council, therefore, must say “no.” If they do not, it becomes incumbent of every citizen of Pittsfield to vote them out of office.


“Beware when government gives you half truths. It always gives you the wrong half.”Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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P Hewton
P Hewton
7 years ago

This must be Barry’s Big Surprise?

Not Matt Dorfmann
Not Matt Dorfmann
7 years ago

These fees are actually on the low end of what many communities charge.

Reply to  Not Matt Dorfmann
7 years ago

That is the ridiculous defense by local politicians. Did you factor in the average medium income of each community? I guess no. We are a “Gateway City “, a nice way of saying more poor people than most. We seem proud of it too because we get wonderful things like free lunches for the PSD. Your thinking is what got us here with not a lot of hope to fix the problem, but hopefully the 10×10 artsy fartsy festival will save us. I have heard more about that in 10 days than I have of the BIC in the last 10 months.

Not Matt Dorfmann
Not Matt Dorfmann
Reply to  Dave
7 years ago

Water costs what it costs.

heh heh
heh heh
7 years ago

One more awesome reason to move to, or open a business in Pittsfield, Ma.

Does this mean that if the shut off valve for water coming into my cellar leaks I need to pay $550 just for a permit to have it fixed? If so it might be better for a fixed income person to just let their cellar flood and turn it over to the insurance company.

B. clairmont
B. clairmont
7 years ago


I acknowledge the % jump is big. But let’s look at some facts here.

First, the fees haven’t gone up in 37 years. That’s right, 37 years.

The new fee structure is in line with current fees being charged by other Berkshire County communities and other MA cities of Pittsfield’s size.

Any money raised from the fees CANNOT be used for general operations. The revenue stays in the enterprise fund from which it was raised. This is the law.

The Federal government has mandated around 60 million dollars of upgrades to the water and sewer plants. These fee increases will help pay for those upgrades. Although I’m sure they will only put a dent in the cost.

Lastly, can anyone tell me of a plumber that will come to your house, have a $100 per hour rate, work for two minutes and only charge you for two minutes of work, not a minimum of an hour? If you can, please send them my way. I hope they don’t have a trip charge either.


B. clairmont
B. clairmont
Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

One last thing, Mayor Tyer has publicly acknowledged the state of the City’s finances and challenges and continues to do so. There have been many stories by the Eagle, iberkshires, and the Gazzette on the subject. No one is hiding anything here. One just needs to pay attention. I know that is hard now a days with everyone’s busy lives.

Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

If the repair takes 2 minutes, you would not be solving it in your lawn, and the City would not be there. if it is determined your lawn needs digging up or the street needs opening – it is beyond a two minute fix, and you probably had a plumber or excavator or Mr Rooter there already to confirm the problem. You cannot mobilize, transport, and set up an excavation job in under two hours.

Be that as it may – you also can’t hire a private excavation company for twice that per hour – so the City is a bargain.

Most communities charge thousands for hook up fees. Pittsfield is the cheapest place around, even after these increases.

That said, i am a proponent of the little bit a year increase. Wages go up, fuel goes up, benefits increase – so the hourly rate should also increase.

My mom lived in her own house until she was 90. She could not always afford things – and sometimes we helped her out. But she had no mortgage, and even with increases – she could not live anywhere else as cheaply as she lived in her own home.

Just because folks may be on a fixed income does NOT mean that costs don’t rise. Grocery costs rise, auto and health insurance costs rise, and so does everything else. i work for many Joe and Jane Karpanski’s and all of them seem able to afford dinners out, newer cars, and a few months in Florida.

Being on a fixed income does not mean no money, and many of the senior homeowners i encounter in Pittsfield have more disposable income than i do. they don’t want to spend more – ad neither do i. But if i propose a cut in social security taxes or reigning in medicare – the hue and cry goes up. But when my share of my employer’s plan increases, i do not get similar support.

Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

To tie in with Mr. Clairmont’s comment – that rates have not changed in 37 years – okay, I understand that. Would everyone agree that in 30 years, the city’s population has drastically changed? So why aren’t we talking about closing 2 elementary schools to save money? The school committee should be discussing that NOW.

Reply to  Gigi
7 years ago

Gigi, time for High School to be 8-12 Middle 5-7. This would allow closing of at least 2 Elementary Schools.

Reply to  Gigi
7 years ago

This is the subject the City wont respond to…. the holy grail . Residents need to show more muscle.

Still Not Dorfmann
Still Not Dorfmann
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
7 years ago

The city could just get residents to fetch water from the Housatonic like they did when the region was originally settled by whites 300 years ago.

Barry is 100% correct. The tap fees and rate charges are not taxes… they are user fees. It sounds as if the City is still not requiring the property owners to pay the actual cost of the employee time, so actually the greater water service area is still subsidizing the permit holder’s cost.

We charge upwards of $10,000 in tap fees to buy into our water and sanitary sewer systems. The systems are very costly to install and maintain. Do people never think that all of these public services are free?

Then again, our overall government is much more efficient than Pittsfield’s, but we have a much larger pool of people to pull our staff from and we don’t get the PCB infected lead paint windowsill chewers that populate much of the center Berkshires.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Still Not Dorfmann
7 years ago

Dorff, the taxpayers do pay the full cost of whatever a city employee does. Fees are just added back door taxes.

Not Matt Dorfmann
Not Matt Dorfmann
Reply to  Still Not Dorfmann
7 years ago

In this case, the utility funds paid by the utility user pay the labor cost, not the ‘taxpayers’

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Still Not Dorfmann
7 years ago

Dorff, does our water and sewer bill fully fund all salaries, benefits and expenses of the water and sewer operations?

Not Matt Dorfmann
Not Matt Dorfmann
Reply to  Still Not Dorfmann
7 years ago

I can’t answer that question. But it should.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Gigi
7 years ago

Exactly! It is always about raising taxes and fees. It is never about cutting excessive waste or duplicated services. If any politicians says they cannot find waste or excessive spending in the Pittsfield school system I think they are lying through their teeth.

To all Pittsfield politicians. DO YOUR JOBS!!!

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Couldn’t have said it better, heh heh. The school dept. is the worse culprit. Don’t tell me there are not substantial cuts that could be made in administrative staff alone. But our elected officials are scared to death of the ‘teacher’s union”.

And if sewer charges are higher in other cities, that doesn’t make it right. Those fees DV listed are totally outrageous.

Reply to  Gigi
7 years ago

This has nothing to do with the issue. The water and sewer rates are self supporting of the water and sewer system. They have been the cheapest in the State for many years. meanwhile, the infrastructure is now 37 years older – and the pipes need to reach every house no matter how many or how few people live in the community.

Taxes support the schools. Fees support the water system. I have a meter, i use less, i pay less – before that i had no meter. i got a meter and now pay less in a year than i used to in one quarter.

Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

Mr. Clairmont, a few points I’d like to make:
“The new fee structure is in line with current fees being charged by other Berkshire County communities and other MA cities of Pittsfield’s size.” That’s the same old lame excuse we always hear from those proposing tax increases. It’s like saying that person murdered someone so it’s OK for me to do it. Wrong is wrong no matter how many other towns or people are doing it. And raping the taxpayer is wrong.
You are correct in that the city’s financial issues have been well publicized. The issue is the wrong approach is being taken to fix them. I’ve seen no proposals from our Mayor, the School Dept., Department Heads, or the Council to run the gov’t more efficiently and significantly reduce costs. I only see proposals to increase taxes and fees, and increase the budget every single year.
And we all know the movement to override Prop 2.5 is in the works which I’m sure you’ll be on board with, as well our esteemed Mayor. You have the wrong answer to Pittsfield’s financial issues.

Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

And please notice that even though I disagree with alot of what Mayor Tyer does, I still consider her my mayor. Unlike moronic radical progressives I would never consider someone ‘Not my president’ or ‘Not my mayor’ and would never partake in thuggery like they do.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Ghidora
7 years ago

What a positively awful, horrible thing to say. “He is not my president” . Absolutely blasphemous. We need to draw a red line on free speech because obviously some people are way out of line.

Not Matt Dorfmann
Not Matt Dorfmann
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Are you wearing your Trump branded knee pads?

Rocky Creed
Rocky Creed
7 years ago


If you need a plumber for your $Million house that your girlfriend/Mayor shares with you then you need a new real estate agent. But then again you can afford to pay anything. I love the way you always ride in on your white horse and shining armor to explain moves made by your girlfriend. You 2 need to come down from la la land into reality, please. She needs to reel in the PPS budget which is and has been out of control for a very long time. Pittsfield is a poor community, please realize that fact.

Reply to  Rocky Creed
7 years ago


Rocky I appreciate BC chiming in now and then to tell us what he knows. At least we get some information out of him.

Where are the councilors? The Mayor? The Superintendent?

I don’t always agree with him or like what he has to say, but at least he is talking.

Please don’t chase him off the site.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Really?
7 years ago

I too appreciate Barry adding in. Some explanation is better than none at all. There may actually be a few things that have logical, believable explanations. Due to all the self serving moves made in the last 20 years in Pittsfield by politicians my default mindset is that everything they do involves graft, cronyism and needlessly screwing the taxpayer.

So if someone takes the time to explain that that is not the case I may change my mind on a particular project. If not, then I am going to continue with my profiling mindset that pretty much all politicians are in place to take care of each other and themselves at the expense of the general population.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

Relay that info to the empty suit.

B. clairmont
B. clairmont
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

Thanks, Dan. Those are nice words.

Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

We agree about Barry, and thank him as well. We also agree, we need to see some action regarding the School Budget. Not one City Official will stand for whats right. They need to.

7 years ago

Raise taxes….just because, now that’s fiscal management! Bottom line is, the more money raised, the more squandered, it’s never enough. Rock hit the nail on the head, if we raised taxes because it’s been awhile, then why do we have over burden in our school departments. And even if we close schools to save money,we’ll still be taxed and the money will be absorbed with more pay increases.

Reply to  h
7 years ago

It’s desperation……without changing old ways. Not one elected official will stand up and take a hard line on the school budget.

7 years ago

I think he takes good care of the plumbing. No problem there.

Reply to  mi
7 years ago

Lol….but how do you know?

John Grogan
John Grogan
7 years ago

Silence on the Collingwood termination so far Dan? I’m surprised.

Reply to  John Grogan
7 years ago

Hi Matt (John G)

7 years ago

Humpty Trumpty still sits on the Wall
Humpty Trumpty wants to eclipse the Transgender Law
All of his Ex Wives and all of his children
Want Trumpty to keep predators
From going into his Gold Laden Bathrooms,ever again

Reply to  H
7 years ago

Trump has stopped the bathroom bill set up by the Obama administration. MSNBC and CNN reporting that transgender rights have been taken away.

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions, while rescinding that requirement, said federal laws would still protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students from discrimination.”

The media is lying again.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Lying again. Terrible. Sad.

Not Matt Dorfmann
Not Matt Dorfmann
Reply to  Thomas More
7 years ago

What bill are you talking about? There was no federal law. You don’t even understand what you are talking about.

Reply to  H
7 years ago

H, as usual you are wrong. He gave the decision back to the states, he didn’t “eclipse the law”. Don’t worry though, I’m betting that if you feel like a woman in Massachusetts you will still be able to sit down and pee.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  H
7 years ago

Reply to H. Who are you, darling? Henry VIII?
Dem/Liberal/Progressives never even gave a definition of
Transgender person–NONE!
I attended LGBT Meeting last year–date was April02,2016 at
Berkshire Community College—LGBTs activists called security on me simply because I asked to speak!
Finally, seeing I do nothing wrong –their Boss allowed me to have a conversation with a woman who believed she was a man…
99% of LGBT’s are simply mental issues–nothing sexual at all.

7 years ago

So,at the Airport Commission a request wants to put a hire to maintain the Airport, it never ends.

7 years ago

I’m not blaming Mayor Tyler, but it’s time to make some serious cuts. Bottom line is past Mayors and Councilors have been kicking the can down the road. They like to get up there and propose a cut, knowing there won’t be enough votes to carry it out. Usually go around the room, without anything being cut.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

Don’t you just love it when a councilor proposes a few thousand dollars cut in a particular budget; a drop in the bucket. And we are suppose to praise him/her for trying to cut spending.

They really think we are all stupid!

Reply to  joetaxpayer
7 years ago

You’re wrong again joe, her name is Tyer.

Reply to  H
7 years ago

Close enough my snowflake friend.

12 Guage
12 Guage
7 years ago

All this pick pocketing is just so Pittsfield can transfer more money to the fat bloated idiots in the school department .

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
Reply to  12 Guage
7 years ago

And make zero cuts,Isn’t it the job of the Mayor Assistant, not Barry to share mayoral Info?

B. clairmont
B. clairmont
Reply to  Local Yokel
7 years ago

It’s not my job. I just pay attention by watching meetings, reading articles and talking to people when I don’t understand something.

I post MY opinions and the facts as I understand them. I speak for myself and no one else. What I posted this morning I did not learn from the Mayor.

Call me a Government Geek.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

Who filled out the application for Pittsfield to become a “resettlement community” ?

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  B. clairmont
7 years ago

Barry! I still like you while disagree with you!
You are Honest person and that is very rare in this Village.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

We have and always have point of view from the top down.I believe we reached the point that to get control of our budgets we look at it from the bottom up because we know B Clairmont does not worry as to how he will handle a 6% hike but thousands in Pittsfield do

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
7 years ago

Columbus near North, someone ought to clean the side of that gutter, it’s littered and filthy. Time for the General to make an annual Spring appearance.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Trumped Up
7 years ago

The guy that hands out all the parking tickets goes by there ten times a day. They should give him a broom and shovel so he can find out what real work is like.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Nobody wants to close school…..We have to get rid of some brick and mortar. People are going broke…..Mccandless needs a lesson in reality as how much can his neighbor afford……I don’t want to hear one more time about how much higher they should be……sheran…yon….Entire council needs to think in millions so these people start a new thinking of their next door neighbor.

P Hewton
P Hewton
7 years ago

Dear Comrades, without the Planet, I would be a refugee of transparent news. the Planet has given me a new lease and outlook to the future. It’s baby steps, but might be enough to carry me through the winter, that and my 50ooo ingots of Vitamin D

As I was watching the great Bill Sturgeon T V Show last night, the lovely City Councilor Mazzeo said she might entertain examining the Consent Decree for possible change or improvement.