(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY FEB. 20, 2017) — Late last month, THE PLANET aired as comment and reaction this blisteringly funny exchange between Ron Kitterman and Heh Heh (not to be confused with Lord Haw Haw).
Dan, I know you don’t allow advertising on your blog, but I’m currently looking for investors in the Pittsfield area for my “What’s New, Pussyhat?” pink line of knit hats – “What’s New, Pussyhat?” jingle plays over and over on the infomercial. The hats will go for just $19.95 plus shipping and handling and $5 off for a second Pussyhat. My attempts to get a stimulus incentive TIF were met with some resistance, but if you or your readers would like the opportunity to invest in a franchise, act now.
Your approach might need tweaking Ron. First, you need to promote it as an economic engine for the city of Pittsfield. Second, you need to whine about the need for reclining seats in your online store. Offer to set up a dummy store on the PEDA site. Then you might want to grease a few palms in the area of Allen street. I do think your product is going to be hot, and I might want to get in on the ground floor. The city of Pittsfield usually does not ask for business plan before doling out money, but I will need one. I would like to be an equal partner and in charge of overseas distribution. Have your people call my people.
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The exchange points to the futility of doing business with the City of Pittsfield. Ask most anyone who’s tried. It doesn’t matter who is mayor, although it has gotten worse in the past five years. Cheerleader-in-Chief Linda Tyer needs to come up big in her FY17 budget, otherwise she might as well be Dan Bianchi for all the good her economic plans have done for the city. Coming up big means cuts for the school department and lower taxes for homeowners and businesses.
For certain “players,” the city offers all kinds of assistance, tax breaks, and mani-pedis. If you’re like Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, one among of the many un-Connected, however, you are left to schlep for yourself.
And how dare the likes of Tyer and Tricia Farley-Bouvier hint that taxpayers will again have to re-hitch the belt buckles and brace for more hardship via higher taxes after TFB, the rest of the Berkshire delegation to Beacon Hill (Pignatelli, Mark, Cariddi and Hinds), and their crooked colleagues voted themselves millions in pay raises. TFB, that do-nothing blob of a blab, now takes home another $20,000 a year for … for doing what, exactly, other than what she’s told by the Dem leadership? She also gets $25,000 a year for “office expenses” and a free parking space on Beacon Hill. Is she being paid by the pound?
Tyer quietly accepted raises for the corner office that were tied into the hefty salary increases given to the police and fire chiefs. All this while the teachers are in their 16% to 18% pay hikes that this year will cost working stiffs $1.25 million just to keep the budget where it is. These hikes were done without proper airing, without debate, and with no public input. So when the “leaders” lecture you this budget season on the hardships being faced by the city and your need to sacrifice further, tell them all to stuff it. Get pitchforks and torches, storm city hall, and drive the fakers into the cold streets.
Tell the cadaverous Kathy “Lady Boots” Yon what she can do with her call for a “fair share amendment” that would allow Pittsfield to increases taxes beyond lawful limits to feed the porcine gluttony of the PSD. Apparently, the thought never occurred to Zombie Woman Yon to try the alternate approach of cutting expenses. For this reason, Yon must be put to political death this November.
Ladies and gentlemen, THE PLANET urges you to call Lady Boots and register your complaints. Express your displeasure with how she is helping to ruin your life by eroding your investment in what was once a great little city. You can reach Yon By mail: Kathy Yon, 83 Vista St., Pittsfield
By phone: cell 413-329-3275 … 413-499-1278
By e-mail
Let her, let them, know you’re pissed and in a firing mood.
“I believe that all government is evil and trying to improve it is a waste of time.” — H.L. Mencken
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I agree with Dan Valenti about the pay raises and other generous benefits Pittsfield area state and local politicians voted for themselves, while they will, once again, tell local taxpayers to make financial sacrifices when they hike taxes by 5% again next fiscal year, which begins this Summer on July 1st, 2017. It is total hypocrisy!
Dan Valenti is correct that the 5 Berkshire delegates to Beacon Hill’s State House all voted themselves a huge second pay raise this year of 2017 after they received their first pay raise in their base salary. They all voted to override Governor Baker’s veto!
Smitty Pignatelli takes the cake on this one. Pignatelli wrote Op-Ed’s in the Berkshire Eagle telling municipalities to make sacrifices by consolidating public services into regional compacts, and he also wrote about the tanked local economy, and how working families are struggling with their household finances, but he (a) did not offer to make any personal sacrifices, such as giving up his future state government pension or not taking 2 pay raises this year of 2017, and then he (b) voted for a second huge pay raise so far this year of 2017 for himself and legislative cronies.
Pittsfield politics stinks and it is part of the problem! Pittsfield area politicians like Smitty Pignatelli are total hypocrites!
– Jonathan Melle
P.S. Vote the bums out! Stop greedy career politicians like Smitty Pignatelli!
some people simply cannot manage a budget. and can you imagine what it is like to be able to spend till your hearts desire on someone else s credit card?
The swamp needs to be drained at the statehouse, from our RINO-in-chief Charlie Baker, to the blob Tricia F-B. Just a reminder that TFB tried to soak us with a “travel tax” this past summer, which fortunately failed. Little did we know at the time that the travel tax monies would be given to the legislators for THEIR travel expenses! TFB has also saddled the local taxpayers with the new Taconic albatross which she pushed through. I hope there will be many new financially-conservative candidates running against her for her seat!
Tricia Farley will be able to pay her bills and tax increases with the extra money she is receiving and this is all she cares about.
So sad that Charlie Baker, who I really like, had to turn into a Progressive in order to be acceptable in this state. What’s the point of having a Republican in office when this happens? Sad too that we probably will have a Democrat Governor next time because they will justify it by saying well we already had the obligatory Republican, time for a Democrat even though we know we never really had a true Republican Governor.
At times I wonder if puppet politicians like TFB get hidden tax breaks, one example being their homes are valued at much less then they should be so they don’t have to pay their fair share of property tax? Total speculation of course but if it turned out to be true it would not surprise me.
Why are you bashing the Governor on the pay raises? He didn’t want them and was willing to skip his to set an example.
I would like to correct one of your points.
The Mayor’s salary is no longer tied to the chief’s salary.
The salary is set at $95,000 a year with an annual increase tied to the Consumer Price Index.
Mayor Tyer was entitled to a pay increase last July 1. Without any fan fair or publicity, she declined the raise. I believe her intentions are to pass on the raise again this year.
Just wanted to make sure your readers have the facts here.
I happily stand corrected. We are always striving for factual accuracy. I was not aware that the indexing has stopped and also that Linda declined the raise. Both deserve commendations.
technically Planet is right if you compare her clerks pay with her Mayoral pay. A significant raise. You could also add the Adm. asst. automatic step increase?
Now you are just being unrealistic.
That is like saying that Mike Daly, who has grown Berkshire Bank from a small town bank to a regional power house should still be paid his teller position hourly wage because that is where he started.
You are stating that advancement should not be rewarded. Therefore, what ever position you started out in in life is all you should be paid now. You shouldn’t receive any reward for accomplishment for advancing and hard work. Or, is it okay for you because you worked in the private sector, and all those who serve in the public sector are just sucking off the system at your expense. Non e of them could be working hard and deserving of advancement, right?
Thank you the acknowledgement.
I’m glad Mayor Tyer did that. Very nice.
That’s nice of her…but the good does not wash out the bad. How much money will these “refugees” cost the city? The Mayor is a fool!
This decision is not one the city makes.
Whether she supports the decision or not has no bearing on whether or not it is going to happen.
And with that comment you revealed yourself to be in on the con, you people are as dumb as you are evil
Why do you hate the Constitution so much?
Matt (shakes) why do you hate America so much?
Unlike yourself, I am proud to live in these good ole United States.
I feel very conflicted about celebrating Presidents Day today. It just don’t seem right this time. Maybe we could combine presidents Day with April fools day this year. (or any other fools day)
The new Taconic High Schools will require 15 custodians maintaining the environment and not the current 6 .
Wait until you find out how many extra teachers and administrative staff are ‘needed’ to run it.
Why? New School will be the same size as the current one. Plus everything will be new.
Sadly, these politicians who voted themselves pay raises will likely get re-elected. You see, MA – especially Berk. County – is mostly a very left leaning progressive population and is likely to become even more so with all the illegals, drug addicts, welfare recipients, and refugees who will surely vote to keep their free rides going. They don’t pay taxes, or pay very little, so they couldn’t care less if taxes go up.
I am not a high income person, but high taxes impact everyone regardless of income. If you are a renter, landlords will raise rents if they get a tax increase. The meals tax effects everyone. Everyone should vote against higher taxes since we already have more than enough here in Taxachusetts.
Pat, you make good points but I wanted to mention that meal taxes as well as others such as sales tax don’t affect those on public assistance because they are not paying for them, the taxpayer is. Therefore they could not care less.
It’s baffling that fools in this city and state constantly vote to raise their own taxes. I bet that when the vote to override Prop 2.5 comes about, and it will, these same fools vote for that too.
It’s a losing battle and the special interests win every time.
We should do awY with Medicare. That will cut 25% of Federal income taxes.
Matt (shakes) as usual you make no sense.
Go back to topix, troll/Dick
Are You implying only the politically connected get tax incremental financing? Seems the norm. Whats your problem?
Also inclusive to the democrats is
The ability to walk away Scott free from injuring or killing people, while the courthouse looks the other way?
Three events last ten years.
Mostly automotive related and happens to coincide with Byp events, that the beautiful people attend. 🙂
my goodness Dan you should be careful with the truth.
There’s only so many sabics to extort for ransom you know!
Only cost them a cool 1,000,000$
Short money to escape
No manufacturer in their right mind would stay/move to Western mass , with the prohibitive tax climate and rampant corruption.
we have paid how much to Guernsey, kelly and the rest of the lousy Republican politicians we have elected, to get wealthy and accomplish nothing for Western mass.
Except further their governmental pensions and Government salaries. Shaun kelly really sucks.
Garbage in garbage out.
Or vice versa
Are You implying only the politically connected get tax incremental financing? Seems the norm. Whats your problem?
Also inclusive to the democrats is
The ability to walk away Scott free from injuring or killing people, while the courthouse looks the other way?
Three events last ten years.
Mostly automotive related and happens to coincide with Byp events, that the beautiful people attend. 🙂
my goodness Dan you should be careful with the truth.
There’s only so many sabics to extort for ransom you know!
Only cost them a cool 1,000,000$
Short money to escape
No manufacturer in their right mind would stay/move to Western mass , with the prohibitive tax climate and rampant corruption.
we have paid how much to Guernsey, kelly and the rest of the lousy Republican politicians we have elected, to get wealthy and accomplish nothing for Western mass.
Except further their governmental pensions and Government salaries.
Or vice versa
Humpty Trumpty sat on his Wall
Humpty Trumpty’s travel been had a great fall
All of Trumpty’s Horses
And all of his Billionaire friends
Couldn’t ban the Muslim Man
From going to and fro, again.
H, almost made it my little Snowflake. Going to be a long 4 years for you and Humpty.
Peter Larkin is looking into Broadband for the Citizenss of Pittsfield and beyond. Karen Polito gave him a few mentions during her visit here. Wouldn’t you rather have P T Barnum representing you instead of this phony politico,money sucking Lobbyist.
I believe she spells it Karyn.
So far, I have the impression that Tyer is setting the seeds fir changing how city business gets done. Letting employees go (with no immediate replacement), changing the school budget process both are good steps.
Pat: Gov. Baker, while preferable to the crook he ran against, is no friend of Western Mass constituents outside of the Democratic enclaves.
Barry: It’s reassuring the Mayor has no direct impact in the conversion of Pittsfield to the dumping ground for philantropic endeavors. But, shouldn’t a Mayor object to critters from beyond, be they from Stockbridge or Springfield, who propose yet another halfway house or srtylement
…settlement in a neighborhood far from their own?
Yes, our mayor should definitely object to having more and more low income people come into the city. We don’t have enough jobs for the people already here.
We keep hearing that in order to attract good leadership and the best candidates, we must pay them. and now we learn that the Mayor is declining a pay raise? Looks like the Mayor will forego a pay raise because she feels inferior to the next candidate for Mayor, who shall be compensated for his or her expertise.We all know to attract the best candidate they must be well compensated?
Why make absurd asertions? The message is clear: budgets count and the first to make sacrifices comes from the lead. I’m hoping it’s a signal that others on the City trough will be expected to follow.
yeah, like the state trough?
planet is fabulou !