(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 16-18, 2018) — As an uninterested observer might expect, city council president Peter Marchetti came up small Tuesday night when the problematic water-sewer upgrade came before the august body of Our Right Honorable Good Friends.
There are plenty of uninterested observers in Pittsfield. Most come from the neighborhoods and streets, homeowners and shop owners who through apathy have let the skunks run roughshod over representative government. Fortunately, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski had a few councilors come up big, losing Marchetti in the shadows, namely Chris Connell, Melissa Mazzeo, and Donna Todd Rivers. Connell raised a charter objection, successfully preventing a ram-rodding. This came after an attempt by Mazzeo to table the discussion that failed 4-7. That failure illustrates the bizarre rush-rush-rush the mayor and cronies have put on this issue. The issue now gets put off until the next meeting (Feb. 20).
THE PLANET dares question why this move is necessary, something The Tyer Administration seems afraid to do. In fact — BOMBSHELL ALERT!! — informed sources tell THE PLANET that the bullying letter from the EPA to Marchetti dated Feb. 12 came at the behest of Linda Tyer herself! You read that right. Sources say the EPA didn’t send the threatening letter of their own concern. Instead, the mayor urged the agency’s Boston office to send the shake-down letter to the city she professes to love and serve.
Why would a patriotic and loyal mayor, one who took a constitutionally binding oath, perform an action so evidently back-stabbing? Could it be to fabricate a document pretending to justify approval of an $80 million upgrade that under EPA fiduciary protocol might not be necessary. THE PLANET wonders if Tyer has committed an action to justify a recall petition or the equivalent of impeachment.
Councilors are now duty-bound at their next meeting to bring the mayor’s undermining letter to the glow of the Klein lights. Why did she contact the EPA? How did she do it (phone, e-mail, in-person, other)? Exactly what did she ask? Where are the records of this potentially treasonous action? Tyer must be called to the docket to explain.
Speaking of the shadowy darkness — where Marchetti and the mayor do most of their business except for the latter’s photo-ops with garbage cans and the former’s attendance at drag-queen balls — that’s where you find the “untouchable” Important Players leaning heavily on Marchetti, John Krol, Helen Moon, Pete White, Nick Caccamo, Ensign Persip, Linda Tyer, and others who have the power to enforce a dubious administrative order from the EPA releasing $80 million of taxpayer money to buy more caviar and champagne for the Special Interests (SI).
Caviar and champagne? The SI deserve caveats and shame-pain. They may get it, assuming the vote to add another $80 million in borrowing to Pittsfield’s already unsustainable debt load requires a supermajority to be approved. That would mean just three negative votes sinks this baby in the bath water … or sewer water, if you will?
ooo ——— ooo
At the federal level, the EPA is scrambling. President Trump sees the agency as overstaffed, overbudgeted, and underserving. It has become, in the President’s view, a case-in-point of Big Government Overreach into cities and towns.
Would the city have a case in appealing the agency’s 2015 order? The court threw out Pittsfield’s previous appeal and not even in summary. It appears the city’s initial presentation was so sloppy that it did not receive judgment on the merits. Interestingly, the council spent 90 minutes in executive session Tuesday night discussing that. Moreover, THE PLANET‘s flies on that wall tell us Marchetti fought against Connell’s charter maneuver, something he continued in open session.
Kudos to city attorney Rich Dohoney, who slapped Marchetti’s attempt to stifle legal procedure, ruling Connell’s objection proper. In the secret session (don’t tell anyone, because you’re not supposed to know), councilors pushing for the $80 million borrowing turned ashen (fitting enough, the night before Ash Wednesday). The prevailing legal opinion is that, yes, Pittsfield would have a STRONG case appealing this once more. The appeals process does not exhaust itself.
Marchetti, Tyer and company are growing more nervous by the hour. Eighty million isn’t what it used to be, but Certain People will still get mad when they lose it. THE PLANET would remind one and all that the 80 million clams belong to taxpayers. No one else. That’s why they need representation on an issue that, if passed, will almost certainly hasten the financial demise of a once-great city.
Ironically, Krol provided one of the strongest reasons for an appeal. He called the EPA order an “unfunded mandate.” Of course it is. And that’s precisely President Trump’s view. However, Krol is too compromised by partisan politics to back an appeal. Why? Because he knows there’s a good chance the appeal would work. What then of the $80 million?
Oh what a tangled web. Ah, but it’s all water under the Lyman Street bridge.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“He’s all sail and no anchor” — Fred Allen.
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If shakes will help the city at 1.55 an hour, why should we even pay the Consultants millions,Mayor.
I believe shakes get 155.00 and 1.55 don’t know his profession.
This mayor is in the middle of a financial crisis. Does she even know it? And if she knows it does she even care? Why won’t she let Kerwood go before the city council and explain where the city is financially? (without spin) The people have a right to know. It is THEIR city. The financial debt and ensuing problems it causes deeply effect them and their children’s future.
Why would anyone encourage their children to stay in Pittsfield, Ma and take on the debt left to them by greedy inept self serving politicians? Why should your children burden themselves with other peoples debt? Trying to survive financially in Pittsfield, Ma is like running a three legged race in that you are handicapped from the start. If Pittsfield pols did not invent the tax and spend mentality they sure are turning it into an art form.
And if you live in Pittsfield the growing city debt problem is also partially your debt problem. But if you were managing it you never would have let it get so far out of hand. And you will be paying dearly for the rest of your life in ever increasing amounts to try to pay it off. No sane financial adviser would recommend living in Pittsfield as a great investment on your part. Picture a burro over packed with bundles struggling to make it up the mountain. You or I may not have a choice but your children may. Talk to them about options.
Tyer,Eberwien,Marchetti,Yon,Curtis,Elias,Behnke,Kroll,Masimiano Bouvier,and Amuso….If you handed this group 1 billion dollars they would have no free cash and would be raising taxes….Point is they cant handle budgets,they cant change and will never consolidate the schools for quality efficient education of our kids.Why did Pittsfield not build 1 brand new High school for our 1600 students.This is now the Biggest mistake in our history.Taconic is built for 900… other city that is broke would have made this decision
Consolidation does not work for unions? Like the unions that run the city?
Pittsfield has more experience with consolidation and closing of plants ,stores and manufacturers than most .They all left and its the names above that cant do it a very small group of people that use students to justify their irresponsible spending in a town of poverty..Lets offer learn from home to Seniors,and Juniors.less brick and mortar needed.And this will be great for college
Correct you are.
Agree, we are a hip place to be. And what is that Barrington Stage logo doing on a building in then middle of north st? It’s the equivalent of miss kitty’s whorehouse on gunsmoke.
A kakistocracy is a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
Unbelievable story by mad reporter Mandy Drain concerning the upgrades at the water plant. In one sentence fear seems to be the operative word. Shouldn’t she be writing about the Letter sent to Marchetti rather than trying to figure out why we should proceed with the nonsensical upgrade? Krol, Persip and others clearly were out of their league when Gaetani, a private citizen spoke and Marchetti seemed to just want to vote to appropriate. Did the E PA even send a letter? And do you really believe the E P A could fine a bankrupt City, because our current plants are fine and actually need zero upgrades. Algae in the Housatonic, when, where how much? No, on toters and no on these projects.
Drane and the Eagle promoting the project is clearly nepotism and one sided, this is a no brainier to save the City 160 p.lus million,challenge this letter and if the EPA or what’s leff a d explain how we’re going to get any funding from the taxpayers who simply do not need an upgrade. Trumps cutting E P A by fifty percent, do you think that matters? In this case it does.
The Eagle will promote whatever city hall tells them to promote. The Eagle gets a ton of money from city hall for all kinds of notices etc. One hand washes the other and oddly while both should be friends of the citizenry…neither is. How sad is that? How sad that Pittsfield is so up side down like a turtle on its back with almost zero chance of ever walking upright again.
I read that article, a couple of disturbing things, and I agree the upgrades are not 160 million, but doesn’t Turocy and Kufflinks know what the project will actually cost, they are studying the rates cost? Are you kidding? Then you have Silver Spoon Johnny K saying we must do what’s right and support the funding? Does he even care what it cost? This project cost is akin to going to a bank, asking for a car loan and telling the loan officer I’ll get back to you on how much I’ll need, but approve it now anyway. Klei fielder and Co. doesn’t know what the project will cost. Our Councilors cannot be this stupid? Fix the roads!
The questions councilors ask never generate 6 or 7 follow up questions75 to 100 question easily so taxpayers understand
Please,Drano doesn’t know anything about finance and even less about water or procedure. Looks like she has marching orders and is told what to do and what to write. I don’t think the has ever had a transparent independent journalist, unless Valenti worked their. Can you imagine Trump getting a call for something like this…..uh, Mr. President, Sir, we have a city ( Palookaville) in Western Ma. The EPA wants to fine them. what for? For being in compliance, and for having some of the best drinking water in the U S, supposedly the algae will grow and grow and grow also in the already PCB polluted water than G E owned? Yes, Sir, I will tell them that you are ordering the EPA to be fined and a couple City Councilors for wanting to bankrupt a city for what amounts to zero reasons.
Trump could care less
I like it when Drano chews gum at the city council meetings.
So does GE