(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 16-18, 2018) — As an uninterested observer might expect, city council president Peter Marchetti came up small Tuesday night when the problematic water-sewer upgrade came before the august body of Our Right Honorable Good Friends.
There are plenty of uninterested observers in Pittsfield. Most come from the neighborhoods and streets, homeowners and shop owners who through apathy have let the skunks run roughshod over representative government. Fortunately, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski had a few councilors come up big, losing Marchetti in the shadows, namely Chris Connell, Melissa Mazzeo, and Donna Todd Rivers. Connell raised a charter objection, successfully preventing a ram-rodding. This came after an attempt by Mazzeo to table the discussion that failed 4-7. That failure illustrates the bizarre rush-rush-rush the mayor and cronies have put on this issue. The issue now gets put off until the next meeting (Feb. 20).
THE PLANET dares question why this move is necessary, something The Tyer Administration seems afraid to do. In fact — BOMBSHELL ALERT!! — informed sources tell THE PLANET that the bullying letter from the EPA to Marchetti dated Feb. 12 came at the behest of Linda Tyer herself! You read that right. Sources say the EPA didn’t send the threatening letter of their own concern. Instead, the mayor urged the agency’s Boston office to send the shake-down letter to the city she professes to love and serve.
Why would a patriotic and loyal mayor, one who took a constitutionally binding oath, perform an action so evidently back-stabbing? Could it be to fabricate a document pretending to justify approval of an $80 million upgrade that under EPA fiduciary protocol might not be necessary. THE PLANET wonders if Tyer has committed an action to justify a recall petition or the equivalent of impeachment.
Councilors are now duty-bound at their next meeting to bring the mayor’s undermining letter to the glow of the Klein lights. Why did she contact the EPA? How did she do it (phone, e-mail, in-person, other)? Exactly what did she ask? Where are the records of this potentially treasonous action? Tyer must be called to the docket to explain.
Speaking of the shadowy darkness — where Marchetti and the mayor do most of their business except for the latter’s photo-ops with garbage cans and the former’s attendance at drag-queen balls — that’s where you find the “untouchable” Important Players leaning heavily on Marchetti, John Krol, Helen Moon, Pete White, Nick Caccamo, Ensign Persip, Linda Tyer, and others who have the power to enforce a dubious administrative order from the EPA releasing $80 million of taxpayer money to buy more caviar and champagne for the Special Interests (SI).
Caviar and champagne? The SI deserve caveats and shame-pain. They may get it, assuming the vote to add another $80 million in borrowing to Pittsfield’s already unsustainable debt load requires a supermajority to be approved. That would mean just three negative votes sinks this baby in the bath water … or sewer water, if you will?
ooo ——— ooo
At the federal level, the EPA is scrambling. President Trump sees the agency as overstaffed, overbudgeted, and underserving. It has become, in the President’s view, a case-in-point of Big Government Overreach into cities and towns.
Would the city have a case in appealing the agency’s 2015 order? The court threw out Pittsfield’s previous appeal and not even in summary. It appears the city’s initial presentation was so sloppy that it did not receive judgment on the merits. Interestingly, the council spent 90 minutes in executive session Tuesday night discussing that. Moreover, THE PLANET‘s flies on that wall tell us Marchetti fought against Connell’s charter maneuver, something he continued in open session.
Kudos to city attorney Rich Dohoney, who slapped Marchetti’s attempt to stifle legal procedure, ruling Connell’s objection proper. In the secret session (don’t tell anyone, because you’re not supposed to know), councilors pushing for the $80 million borrowing turned ashen (fitting enough, the night before Ash Wednesday). The prevailing legal opinion is that, yes, Pittsfield would have a STRONG case appealing this once more. The appeals process does not exhaust itself.
Marchetti, Tyer and company are growing more nervous by the hour. Eighty million isn’t what it used to be, but Certain People will still get mad when they lose it. THE PLANET would remind one and all that the 80 million clams belong to taxpayers. No one else. That’s why they need representation on an issue that, if passed, will almost certainly hasten the financial demise of a once-great city.
Ironically, Krol provided one of the strongest reasons for an appeal. He called the EPA order an “unfunded mandate.” Of course it is. And that’s precisely President Trump’s view. However, Krol is too compromised by partisan politics to back an appeal. Why? Because he knows there’s a good chance the appeal would work. What then of the $80 million?
Oh what a tangled web. Ah, but it’s all water under the Lyman Street bridge.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“He’s all sail and no anchor” — Fred Allen.
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Who on this board can live without a A15 as a retail item.Sick
It is all the fault of the lovely Linda Tyer! She allegedly committed treason. She further indebted the municipal taxpayers. She wants to limit chemical pollution from the city’s sewer plant instead of appealing the EPA’s order in court.
Pittsfield politics’ financial and environmental resources are being mismanaged by the lovely Linda Tyer. She will cause the municipality to go insolvent by raising taxes, increasing debts, and giving tax breaks to businesses.
Prior to January of 2016, when the lovely Linda Tyer was sworn in as Mayor of Pittsfield, the city’s finances and environmental resources were already grossly mismanaged by the Bianchi bust, the Ruberto regime, the Hathaway hack, and the Doyle debacle! The lovely Linda Tyer inherited a mess!
and is bending over backwards to make it worse…
One of the forgotten fundamentals of being elected to government is that the people elected you. You work for them. And you are supposed to have their best interests at heart. NOT your own. NOT your friends. Not special interests.
ff this is the dynamic that is ruining the whole damn country.
Didn’t she run on Pittsfield affairs were a mess and she would right the sinking ship and set sail on a new course if elected? She knew the ship was taking on water and had her bucket in hand to help clean up the mess. Show me a politician who runs because everything is going great and doesn’t expect to have some sort of mess to clean up. She accepted the good with the bad when she asked the voters to put her in the corner office.
Jonathan get your head out of your butt and your hand off of your….and stop being a brain-washed apologist for your Linda..who by the way is not that lovely. None of us here are expecting great strides from the administration. We are only hoping to see a single step forward..but instead, only see a dodge and weave while falling backwards. Soon it will be a once “lovely” city with its head on the canvass with no hope of revival. But at least you’ll have the sp### bank memory of Linda Tyer while with mom and dad in New Hampshire.
Hey, Two Cents,
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Tyer has continued to spend money like a drunken sailor, with the councilors’ consent, give tax breaks left and right, hike our water rates and property taxes thru the roof, and wants to spend a cool million on garbage cans, not to mention the city office lease renewal on north street. Then she says we have to be fiscally responsible. How about she put the effing budget back where it was before she jacked it up several million, for starters?
Mr. Melle is out to lunch, on more than one count.
I support the lovely Linda Tyer as Mayor of Pittsfield! I am not out of touch! According to her critics, it is all her fault. That should be prefaced with the fact she inherited a mess a little over 2 years ago. I agree with her critics that she has not changed anything for the better.
– Jonathan Melle
“shadowey darkness” eh Dan? Sounds like a soap opera from the 70’s, and sounds about right for this administration. First thing I thought when I read about the letter from the EPA was that Tyer was behind it. An 80 million dollar mess that smells like little Johnnies’ blow fart on the way to Pomeroy School back in the day, and “they” are trying to shove it down our throats quicker than a toter rolling down hill on an icy afternoon. Why? How much will rates go up? Why won’t they say? When is part 2 coming? Follow the money.
Follow the debt.
Absolutely Follow the Money Trail. From the First St, parking lot to the “necessary” new high school to the next construction project, Pittsfield’s chosen vendors must upgrade their corporate jet and keep the extended in-law in state office. The tangled web is well concealed.
Progressives want to take away gun rights, but their Hollywood cheerleaders push aggressive gun violence movies and TV shows while Hollywood stars have beefy body guards packing heat to protect them. Hypocrisy anyone? Or has Hollywood now “seen the light” on this issue like they have supposedly done with their mistreatment of women throughout their history?
Pat,there are estimates that there may be closer to 750 million guns.This is nothing more than asking regressives can you live you life without this military weapon being a retail item ?So a nuclear accident is not about fusion .Its not about PCBs it about Jack Welch disposing of PCBs….
School committee which military uses the AR15?
Pat, Trump received 30.3 million from the NRA, so good news for you. Not much will be changing anytime soon.
You’re so right Pat. You always seem able to logically cut through the chaff and get to the heart of every issue. Surely the Hollywood stars have not seen the light. We all must defend the second amendment to our last breath. If those nasty Progressives can destroy that what’s next?
The other nine. Progressive of both Clinton and Bush families made inroads against other admendments. Taking out the one that”shall not be infringed ” is a significant milestone.
Permanent truths pertaining to rights are anathema to subscribers of a “Living Constitution”.
How is it that we have millions to fix up the common and other little parks on North st. Millions for all kinds of feel good projects, tens of thousands of dollars for tax breaks for special interest associates, and yet one of the things needed most, the ROADS, are going to hell? seriously…how does that happen?
Did somebody just forget about the roads? Did some people just ignore the warnings when told the roads need work before they disintegrate? If there is no specific funds set aside for major road repair at this time then it needs to be diverted from the fancy smancy pork projects that seem to pop up like dandelions.
To the mayor in particular and the city council as well….DO YOUR JOBS!!!!!
Tyer wants this sewer upgrade project pushed through so her special interest connections can make millions off the taxpayer. Same thing goes for the toter system. These are both Go Green initiatives being shoved down the taxpayers throats so she and her progressive buddies can make money.
The system of appeals in not some Perry Mason – Law and Order fantasy courtroom litigation. There won’t be some sort of dramatic plea that the Clean Water Act is unfair and the court will set aside the sewage treatment facility upgrade requirement. That is not how the system works.
Mister allegedly calls in threats to city employees will not have an opportunity to tell the EPA region office how dumb they allegedly are. The City does not have merit to factually challenge the NPDES permit and it will be predominantly upheld.
The water/wastewater system should convert to an independent authority to separate it from the City’s inept management. This entire circus is ridiculous.
If you would like a more recent presentation on the NPDES process, please check out:
Your otherwise insightful comment fails to factor in to key aspects of another appeal by the city to EPA: (1) The appeals process needs to be competently handled. First time around, it wasn’t. The appeal was dismissed out of hand and never tried on the merits. (2) The present EPA, as reconstituted by President Trump, will favor cities and towns over the Long Arm of Big Govt imposing unfounded mandates. This will produce a favorable result on appeal.
EPA is gone.
If City fails to re-do proper appeal,then may be the Superior Court lawsuit with Preliminary injunction against $74Mills Sewer upgrade be the way to go.
But who is brave enough to file it in Court?
Mr. G–Lone Wolf, probably?
Why do you think you can sue the Federal Government in state court?
Dan is right, the appeals process was not correctly handled. And i am sure nobody will be crying in front of judge. Your President Trump is doing a great job with the EPA
So if the appeal was dismissed out of had because it had no merit, then what would the supposed merits be? That it costs too much? There is absolutely no way Congress will allow the EAB to be tampered with. There are duly adopted rules to enforce the Clean Water Act and they are litigated and established in Federal courts. The administrative laws that govern NPDES can be found @ 40 C.F.R. Part 124 Subpart A, and in particular 40 C.F.R. § 124.19.
Why is it okay for the City of Pittsfield to disregard the law and continue polluting the Housatonic? What if all the downstream communities sued Pittsfield for its intentional criminal conduct? Why aren’t public officials that were part of the problem being investigated for nonfeasence or malfeasence?
If you want to see what the EAB response looks like on the merits (and still denied review) examine Taunton, MA’s :$File/Denying%20Review%20Vol-17.pdf
Lastly, do you really think that this federal administration is going to put much effort into a dying town in the middle of Nowheresville Massachusetts, that happens to have ZERO republican US representatives or senators? TRUMP’s political advisers are going to laugh at the idea of helping anything in Massachusetts.
If the City would like time to actually stop polluting in as efficient a way as possible, then they should talk with Rep. Neal and Senator Warren. They may actually have sway with the EPA to reengage the NPDES process.
Stop prenending you are a good lawyer. You arent. Stop blaming YOUR president
I didn’t claim to be a lawyer. I am experienced in navigating state and federal regulations. This is an administrative law case. A Federal court can only review if the EPA followed its rules, which it very clearly did.
I don’t blame anyone for protecting the environment.
Whoever you are under a different name, insulting me does not change the facts.
No idea what you are talking about
The standards being imposed by the EPA will result in millions being spent with a miniscule reduction in the target elements
Steven, after that SHE doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Just a self declared blowhard “expert”.
Shakes,we are broke, and we currently meet the interim standards at the sewage plant and we meet all standards at the water plant. What’s needed is a competent City Official who will go to the E P A and tell them that we the City of Pittsdield are broke, do not try to send us any threatening letters because I stated that we are broke.
no, you aren’t broke, there is no excuse, as I said before, the City should explore all alternatives but time was wasted by the Ruberto Administration fumble followed by subsequent glossing over of the issue and now the interim standards are expiring.
Water and sewer is enterprise, not a part of other city departments. at least it isn’t supposed to be. Changes won’t be cheap, but maybe they can be less expensive.
Maybe Pittsfield should rob a bank and just say “we are broke” so there isn’t really a robbery?
The Lord made the Oceans to clean up all garbage that is created all over te world,and can certainly take some waste of human beings. The Oceans Eco-systems actually utilize some of these wastes, although it’s probably not the best situation to add waste to our Oceans, we have to ask ourselves, is it really worth us spending hundreds of millions of dollars like the E P A is asking us and other communities to do. Pernaps that Trump is right that we’re over-regulated by the E P A. These standards of parts per million and parts per billion is becoming ridiculous. This is what Gaetani has been talking about right along. Who on this site wants to spend the 83 million dollars at the sewer plant and another seventy four million at the water plant. Anyone are to guess what the water-sewer rates are going to bef this folly occur.
Trump cleared. Mueller indicts 13 Russians, Direct quote: “There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said, adding there “there is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”
I think shakes could be our spokesman,as he stated his experience and only charges a dollar fifty five and hour, doesn’t get any cheaper than that.
Carl, You get what you pay for, beware of that.the consultants seemed to have done to much, why do we need three? Anyway, but at shakes fee go with it!
Your decimal needs to go a couple spaces to the right…
155.00 ….oops,sorry shakes. Is a super
I thought that you stood to the Left.
Muellers getting real close. Sleep easy Donald.
Getting close to what. Again AND I QUOTE ““There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said, adding there “there is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”
Mueller’s buffoons can’t even stop a school shooting even when a picture is drawn for them. Fire the entire TH I and start from scratch.
But trump passed a law saying he wants people with mental issues to have guns. He probably would pass them out himself but he is busy (not really) trump has lots of blood on his hands…so do his kids (the ones that like to kill helpless endangered animals for sport) justify that
Yes, but there is admittance by the President who has stated several hundred times that he had no knowledge of the Russians rigging anything. The problem for Trump will be when they interrogate the players involved, including Stevie Wonder Bannon facing down the barrel of a lengthy prison sentence, what do you thing our Russian friends are going to do, wake up, why do you think Bannon left Trump?
Your comment makes no sense. Bannon was involved. Again no Americans willingly participated. I hate to let all you left wing nuts down, but all us real Americans told you so.
We’ll see Mr. Dean, we will see.p, admit it, you’re boy is in trouble.
Admit it? Trouble? He was just fully vindicated. Sorry leftie, you lose again
oh, is the investigation over? then Trump will stop whining about it? thank god…such a baby he has been.
The Russian investigation continues,Trump called on the Russians to hack Clintons email…..Struck by the fact that Trump acknowledged the investigation but seemed very unpresidential in that he does not want to sau anything about how he Trump will defend our country against these Russians…..Acting like he knows they got him
omg he did not called on them to hack Clintons emails. That is fake news.
There is video evidence of his remarks……
Do you think Mueller is going to tell everything he has as come up with?Even Fox is getting question’s unanswered as we speak, stay tuned Mr. Dean, please don’t come to conclusions because you’re a red neck Trump supporter. My guess is that his own Kids and son in law were collusionist’s and tying it to the President should be pretty easy.
Your guess is all it is libtard. Your president did nothing wrong and continues to make America great again
“Information warfare”??
Heck the Left and the media do that every . . . single . . . day.
So, what, they indicted Boris and Natasha and 11 other Ruskies?
Did anyone catch if Rocky and Bullwinkle are in there too?
But next should be Comey, Ohr, Rosenstein himself, McCabe, Strzok, Ms. Page.
Then on to the big fish: Hillary and Barry.
All of whom are actually US CITIZENS.
What the hell do you think Fusion GPS was paid for, Bob?
And don’t forget Mr. Steele.
But, yeah, don’t worry about that psycho kid with the AR.
Can Israel indict Obama for meddling in one of their elections?
How about all our CIA operatives over the last 70 years?
A foreign power trying to influence an election in another country?
“I find that despicable, unconscionable–outrageous!”
(Thanks, Jackie)
Joe McCarthy had the goods on Russian operatives in the state department and he was the one who was in trouble.
Obama’s meddling didn’t pan out. I wonder why….
Fatso Steve is key, he’s the conductor,Trump owns the orchestrtra. Isn’t is amazing that the former Trumpites Guiliani and Christie both former prosecutors have dissolved themselves from the President.
More fake news. They have not
Deans clueless.
Clearly you are. You cannot point to anything i have said that is factually incorrect
Fake news.
Yes Trump Up is fake news
There are no leaders in pittsfield, the Superintendant supports spending unlimited amounts of money because so many of our children are from families living in poverty.We must tap into that povert to pay for the education .The Superintendant always acknowledges this problem but has no intention of consolidation.He is of course unaffected as 160k a year is soft landing for him.Im asking that he provide education at the highest levels and cut his budget.Lead dont excuse yourself.
Let it play out. Do you think Mueller doesn’tt have ore?
Read the indictment of Boris and Natasha here:
OK, the very first sentence of the indictment leads me to ask what the purpose of the Clinton Crime Foundation was.
Er, you think the king of Morocco gave $13 mill to Hill and Bill for charity?
If no sactions imposed tomorrow then he is not defending our country and we were infiltraded by russians why no sactions….why is trump ok with all this….why no sactions….even a Trumptard wants sanctions
Are you still waiting for your naked Trump pictures to show up in the mail? The FBI is too busy trying to find naked Trump pictures .They don’t have time to investigate potential school shooters. But this makes school committee very happy.
On this water issue, if the Pulic isn’t allowed to vote yes or no then we should come out to support different ways of eliminating the project, because if it goes forward and the consultants- Mayor-Marchetti have their way, this could put us a billion dollars in debt, and more importantly as Gaetani said p,would eliminate the possibility to reduce the threshold limits imposed by the letter the Mayor sent to Marchetti. We must do all we can that at the next City Council Meeting show up to tell these inept officials who want to ram rod this paid proposal down our throats to not comply with the project until all avenues are examined. Congressman Neal would Boone, but not the most important one.
Oh, no, the Russians used social media?
“Stole identities of real U.S. persons?” You mean not just dead ones, voting for Democrats over the past century or so?
Is it a crime to dupe idiots who think social media is real?
“Hide Russian origin”? It is called a VPN, duh.
“Sow discord in the U.S. political system”? Oh, like George Soros and the 200 organizations he funds to stir up discord?
“Posted derogatory information about a number of candidates”? This is already getting laughable. “Mommy, Jimmy took my lollipop.”
Oh, I see, these sneaky little folks’ comments supported Trump and disparaged Clinton. What’s wrong with that? Media disparages Republicans every . . . single . . . hour . . . of . . . every . . . single . . . day.
“Staged political rallies . . . posing as U.S. grassroots entities . . . without revealing their Russian identities”?
Right, just like Occupy Wall Street without revealing their Soros funding?
“Communicated with unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign”? FISA warrant caught these conversations, right?
I love this one: “conspired to obstruct the lawful functions of the United States government through fraud and deceit”?
Like obtaining a FISA warrant to spy on a US citizen based almost solely on a totally fraudulent and deceitful, Clinton-campaign-bought Russian dossier facilitated by a foreign agent with the complicity of FBI and DOJ agents?
“Conspired to defraud”–but they did not change one vote, did they?
The ORGANIZATION reminds me of Fakebook, or any other lying media outlet.
Wow, spent a whole $1.25 mil on one project.
Oh, now this is something: “On May 29, 2016, . . . arranged for a real U.S. person [apparently not a fetus] to stand in front of the White House . . . to hold held a sign that read ‘Happy 55th Birthday Dear Boss.'”
Are you freaking kidding me?
Seems the Ruskies know how to manipulate social media. And so does the 13-year-old next door (or in your own house) to you right now.
“. . . regularly evaluated the content posted by specialists . . . to ensure they appeared authentic–as if operated by U.S. persons.
Just substitute “Democratic Party hacks” for “specialists” and “journalists” for “U.S. persons” and you get what we’ve dealt with for years.
Well, gol dern it, they used them there VPNs, don’t you know?
” . . . contacted media outlets to promote activities inside the United States”? Like Christopher Steele planting a tall tale with Yahoo!News–and then that tale used with the FISA court?
Stole identities and SSNs? Why do we need a special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute these crimes? Regular ol’ US attorney ought to suffice? That’s what we have them for, right?
2016 election, get this: derogatory about Clinton (makes sense), but to denigrate other candidates Cruz and Rubio and to support BERNIE SANDERS and Trump.
Wait, their preferences were for Sanders and Trump? Mine were for Sanders and Ted Cruz. I’m sorry, what’s the problem here?
But the Russian bosses got on operatives who didn’t post enough negative things on Clinton. Damn right, Boris.
Holy Mary, mother of God, they even had hashtags! . . . and fed info to Trump campaign, who . . . retweeted it–blahhhhhhhhhhh, the sky is falling.
“. . . encouraged minority groups not to vote . . . or to vote for a third-party candidate.” See, all you people that didn’t vote or voted for Jill Stein were duped, duped, I tell ya.
And who encouraged conservatives to vote for the guy from Utah?
“. . . began to promote allegations of voter fraud by the Democratic Party”? They ain’t just allegations, Sally.
“. . . alleged that ‘Clinton has already committed voter fraud during the Iowa Democratic caucus.'” Gotta give ’em credit for being correct on this one. Widely acknowledged now that Clinton rigged the primaries, not just one caucus.
Oh, whhaaaa, advocated Trump, opposed Clinton–but the big thing throughout this whole indictment is that they did not disclose their Russian identity.
OK, fine, then a brief political resume should appear below the name of every media person, outlet, byline, website, etc.–and how much money they have given to political candidates.
#HillaryforPrison2016–brilliant! Can we make that 2018 now? Or ever?
“Hillary Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote”–right again, Boris.
“Hillary is Satan . . .” Well, OK, should have said “spawn of.”
OK, now, you “journalists” and other Dem Party hacks, just be sure to register and foreign entities with the US Gov’t.
Yeah, “organized political rallies . . .” How’s about US DOJ investigating and prosecuting the Antifa thugs, for one example?
They asked the Trump campaign for pro-Trump signs–and they gave them! wow. Hey, can I get a yard sign? Sure.
While I’m thinking about it, did they ever investigate all the money Obama got from the Mideast in 2008? And contributions from Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy? (not kidding)
After the election, Boris and company organized pro and anti Trump rallies. Just having fun now.
And “Trump Is Not My President” signs! Hey, county moonbats, how do you like me now?
And can it get any better? ” . . . to avoid detection and impede investigation by US authorities . . .” What did they do? Wait for it. Wait.
They “deleted and destroyed data, including EMAILS [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!], social media accounts, and other evidence.” (servers, anyone?)
Fakebook et al. figure out the fakeness in September 2017, 2017!!!
Yup, sure did use and abuse that Fakebook. Wait, Zuckerberg is one of the smartest people on the planet, isn’t he?
Fakebook, Fakebook, Fakebook.
Even paid a fake Clinton to appear at rallies—yup, that’ll fool ‘em (unfortunately).
Wire and bank fraud. Used PayPal. And identity theft—all from real, live US persons, at least. I don’t see any dead ones named.
Wow, Bob, how you gonna prosecute these foreign citizens in US courts?
Do paid bloggers get to cut and paste? Or do they have to make crap up on their own?
I think they’ve got him this time. There is more Mr. Murrow, so don’t get Into a furrow just yet, Fast Eddie. Prediction, on the water plant, those who think this project is dead are the ones that will be left standing I’m hoping Council Woman Moon votes against the project, someone ought to tell the tablers that the project if not scaled down will bankrupt the city and this can be done, on this project many have come forward seeking the publics backing against this project, the Planet in specific, should be our eyes and ears, on the professional side, Councilors Rivers,Connell,Morandi, Mazzeo and I’m not sure why Simonelli wanted to vote the other night?maybe he’s bluffing, no one can be that stupid, it would be political suicide, especially with the conditions of the roads in his Ward and the looming debt the project would bring. I would use Gaetani also, this man knows his business, I light of the letter, so called letter, can can really trust Jiv type leaders anymore?
If Progressives weren’t spending so much time using the FBI to get dirt on Trump, FBI agents would have more time to pursue social media whackos. Instead their witch hunt is taking away manpower from finding the real dangers that are killing people. As usual Progressives don’t know what they are talking about.
What this Russian report showed today is that Russia was trying to create chaos in this country and in the election. They didn’t care who won. The Liberal media did the dirty work for Russia by promoting JUST WHAT Russia wanted them to do which is to divide the country and create mistrust. The STUPID Liberal media did Russia’s dirty work for them. It’s our in bed with the liberals media that is the problem in this country and they are helping Russia to destroy this country.
There is nothing on Trump except his bizzar no reaction to 13 Russian indictments into meddling into his election…why is he not interested Y y y
And why no sanctions. And why no tax returns. Sounds like much more to come.
The liberal media did not do this part of the Russian infiltration into our Presidental election,they have matched Russian goverment Puttin agent faces…identified Russian agents OKd by Puttin….Fake news is on Fox .It fun to watch fake news
another great column-expose, planet. DV is one of nations to investigative journalists. Tyer needs to be grilled on her letter, councilors.
It used to be “Blame GE”. Now, it is blame the lovely Linda.
Re: Wolves versus Sheeps = Iron rule of Oligarchy
Alan Chartock’s column on the unethical selling of priceless artwork by the Berkshire Museum shows his surprise by Pittsfield’s power elite supporting this multimillion-dollar done deal.
Unlike Alan Chartock, I am not surprised by organizational management decision-making outcomes or done deals. That is because I understand the “Iron rule of Oligarchy”, which means that in any group from fascism to egalitarianism, there are always “Wolves versus Sheeps”.
Whether it is a military force, union hall members, communism, capitalism, religious institutions, a feminist organization, or any other organization, there are always “Oligarchs” or the people who run the show. Ergo, there are always people who are ruled by their masters.
In conclusion, Alan Chartock should have used the “Iron rule of Oligarchy” to understand how the Berkshire Museum shake-down went down!
– Jonathan Melle
P.S. Thank you, Alan Chartock, for writing the truth about this travesty by the Berkshire Museum supported by Pittsfield’s power elite.
If Chartocks radio station was going belly up he would have sold his Soul,he is the King of Perks.
Mr. Cartock has already done that he should be sorry for. There is no terror from those he addresses.
Russia (Victoria) 4 United States of (Putin ) 0 Olympic Hockeyl…..
The Letter: Gimme a ticket for the water upgrade
Ain’t’ got time to table
Free cash is dwindling down, I’m a going home
My Mayor, she sent me a Letter
I don’t care how much money The taxpayer have to spend
Got to Bankrupt the City
The Budgets going down, Gaetani’s still around
The Planet is just getting better.
Y M C A High School Junior League has been suspended because of issues, fighting. Do they get mo ey back?
Potholes everywhere.
Dalton Avenue (in both directions and lanes) is a disaster area and should be called out as such. Not feeling the “vibrancy” in the city except for the vibrations of my car as it struggles over these craters.
With so few stores in the area, even Walmart is running out of stock. No winter gloves left and it is only February. The Berkshire Mall stores closing has left a huge hole in this area for local shopping. All those who can afford to do so (school and city employees mainly) go to Holyoke or Albany to shop or pay high shipping prices.
The quality of life in this area is going down more and more everyday for most people in this city.
Pat, you have a college education, why don’t you go in to teaching?
We need more retail in this area for all income levels of people. The Berkshire Mall answered that need. Now we are stuck with high end shops only. I don’t know what the really poor do except for going to Walmart. Progressives hated the Berkshire Mall. They got their wish with stores closing, but they could care less about what happens now They even shut down the Goodwill in Allendale to make room for a pot shop.
Pat,walmart is open.
Salvation Army.
Retailers are pushing winter attire into clearance. Next season will be on the shelves in a matter of werks. If want winter clothes, but them fall – winter.
On the toters, if it goes through, the only way it will work is 64 gallon, the last presentation the Mayor was at he people seemed like they don’t want it.
I think she will ram them through. Her oath was to represent the people but sometimes you have to represent the people who paid for your campaign. hee hee ahhh maybe all the time
They wanted a 4 year mayor we could not be stopped from jamming pork projects up our collective asses. And she has excelled at jamming pork projects
If only their were more pork in asphalt related maybe ROADS?
I was watching The Polka Show on PCTV, the men looked like a bunch of goofs but the woman were really hot,where does someone learn to dance polka?
Bary Clairmont is an expert polka dancer . Maybe he’ll give you a lesson.
You’re actually going to take up Polco to pick up chics C?
Look, if it takes learning how to squaredance do see doe then that’s what I do or die.
After watching The last City Council Meeting it was clear to me a yawls, that Turocy, Tyer and friends p,are trying way to hard to pomote not only the toters but the water alsoat any cost, clearly zero leadership because they have zero knowledge. The toters are costing us to much, right there, no way, the Covanta 500 g giveaway was a signal that the City leaders doesn’t know how to proceed with garbage and recycling. Onto the water side, the operation increases Cost way to much without zero oversight by the City Council for the taxpayers, zero. It was clear that Mr. Gaetani was heads above heels more knowledgeable than Mr. Wells, and that assclown Turocy, by the way hasn’t even come close to road maitenance from previous years, just drive the roads. Or should I say, don’t drive the roads.
Pecks road is obtrusive to drive on!
Do they even make those Accordians any more?
Accordian to what I read, yes.
The forMer Builder of the Water Plant was playing the Consultant and the Mayor like an accordian.I was watching a rerun and it is clear that Turocy knows zip about the Plant or how to cut down the project…… and stop incredulous consultant fees and E P A threats, it is just nonsense. We should get Geatani’s opinions to the forefront also, as he has given us great debate about this issue as well as on toters.. Bottom line is,we don’t need toters nor do we need these enormous upgrades, let alone new equipment. The drinking water has always been in compliance and the threshold for the water-sewer is just impractical and isn’t needed either,E P A just wants to flex it’s muscles, but Trump has just dropped a weight on their head.
Is it possible to ask shakes, if available at 1.55 per hour, if he can possibly tell us what the new water and sewer rates are going to be, Connell said four times.
After the court fights and orders slapped on the Berkshire Museum, the Attorny General does an about face. What is this?
Maura Healey is not very bright. A product of Boston Irish privilege.
A lawyer is only as good as her last case.
The mayor will be gone when we pay for everything these lemmings voted for….
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Norway is still great. But, it helps if you’re Norwegian. Greatness is not a vicarious pleasure.