(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE WEDNESDAY APRIL 25, 2018) — The degrees of separation exist in Pittsfield on a series of membranes so thin as to make manhole covers out of communion wafers. This rarified region occupies a Don Knotts level of thin. Take just about any issue in the city — please — and you can connect to slots. For example …
The preening of school committee chair Kathy “Lady Boots” Yon over the never-to-be-completed Taconic High School II induced a level of finger-down-the-throat not seen since … Since the last time Lady Boots spoke in public. Yon boasted of the project being on time and “under budget.” Curious, though, when THE PLANET pressed for dollar specifics, we got the old Ralph Kramden “homing, homing, homing” (we didn’t have the heart to tell her the proper word would be “homina”). The business calls it obfuscation — in lay man’s parlance “bullspitting.”
Speaking of BS about the actual cost of gigantic public projects, especially those on which We The People have no say, try to get a straight number out of city officials about the final cost to bedraggled taxpayers of the proposed $80 million “upgrades” to the city’s sewage treatment plant off Holmes Road. For whatever reasons, suspicious or otherwise, backers of this needless boondoggle refuse to say how much, specifically, this will ultimately cost homeowners and businesses. Councilor Chris Connell, an opponent of the move, estimates bills will rise 400%. The 4-7 vote to reject the administration’s plan first time around has a ring of eternal recurrence about it. Officials will keep bringing it back until one of the four opposed caves.
Caving and eternal recurrence faithfully describe the insidious gold bricking of the Berkshire Museum board. The board ran the museum nearly $12 million in the red, then to bail itself out put its best art up for auction. The inexcusable action of these pinky fingered dimwads faced all manner of opposition from citizens, the worldwide art world, and even, for a time, AG Maura Healey. As you all know, however, Healey caved to the witches on the board and meekly withdrew state opposition. No “back room understandings” attached to that one, eh?
Speaking of caving, noted spelunker and state rep. Tricia Farley Bouvier may have done so at the urging of “private sector” developer David Carver. The latter purchased the former St. Mary’s complex on “hip” Tyler Street, looking to create 29 “market rate” housing units there. What else but spelunking explains Bouvier’s sponsoring an amendment to the state FY19 budget that would funnel $200,000 of taxpayer funds to Carver? And we thought private developers got their risk capital from private lenders. Boo-Boo calls the giveaway a “Transformative Development Initiative (TDI).” Too bad that the Country Buffet Democrat hasn’t thought of a TDI for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. Incidentally, the noblesse state rep filed a provision to the budget that would tack on increased salaries for … Drum roll, maestro … teachers. The average pay for a Commonwealth teacher, bye the bye, stands at more than $72,000 a year plus bennies (Source, “Teacher Portal). Hang on to those wallets.
Regarding purses and billfolds, keep an extra tight grip, because Pittsfield has reconvened the Resource Recovery Commission. The RCC took up the garbage again after its “brilliant” toter plan fell “splat” upon hitting the ground from 14 stories up. Last week’s meeting included city finance director Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood and someone named Veronique Blanchard. Pittsfield used a state grant to hire Blanchard as, get this, Municipal Assistance Coordinator.
It can’t be good.
“Q: What turns an insect into an exclamation point. A: A car doing 90 on the New York Thruway” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.
The Usual Disclaimer.
Hey Dan, Surprise ,Kufflinks is raising rates 24.00 a quarter with or without improvements? hail a,hula.
Dow is down 400 and going nowhere ,where is all the infastructure jobs .Tyer is doing better than Trump at going broke…..where is the money coming from.If Trump can make us go broke so can Tyer.
You mean all those shovel ready jobs Barry said were ready in 2009? Those did not exist, whereas under our current president, food stamp claims have gone down 1.9 million.
Facts hurt
Give it a rest for a day, eh?
As soon as you do
Didn’t Dan write about Ms. Rivers a while ago? Nostradamus Valenti.
Jon Mel can we have those streets again? I might have to might have to move to one of them.
Stay off of:
North st.
Tyler st.
Lincoln st.
First st.
Second st.
Linden st.
Dewey ave
Cherry st.
Burbank st.
Kent ave
Madison ave
And Seymour st.
And you might survive.
And your suspension and wheel bearings might survive too.
None of the Above.
Thank you.
Berkshire County have the worst Drivers, outside N Y in the worls.
This is a topic that can grow legs all by itself!!!
Fake news….Fact Dow Down Again. Trump does Porn Star while married to Preggers Melania. A very bad thing for the Pope to see Melania,very bad.
All lies. You are a disgrace
Oh, 400 plus.Down.
Does Kerwood get his bow ties at the Barnum & Bailey factory outlet?
I hope he doesn’t buy those ugly things from Dan’s cousin Steve.
They pay the teachers so much money for obvious reasons. The are richly rewarded for their job of turning the children into good little Progressives. One hand washes the other. Schools are nothing but recruitment grounds for liberal causes such as giving kids “special” time off for promoting liberal causes like gun control. They are given the blessing of the schools for promoting Progressives political agenda. It only makes sense that the “reward” for promoting the political agenda is lots of cash.
Just look at the teacher in California who recently bragged about her $100,000 salary and how she was “untouchable” because of tenure. This was AFTER she called deceased Barbara Bush a racist and couldn’t wait until the rest of her family died. This is a woman who is teaching the young. I doubt she will be fired. They protect each other in these liberal school systems. If I was a parent today, I would not want my child in the public school system.
First, the “teacher in California” was a college professor. Second, calling gun control a liberal cause is ridiculous. The vast majority of Americans want some kind of better control of access to firearms, especially automatic weapons. A recent time poll put the number at 66%, or 2:1, while several other polls put the number wanting background checks at over 90%. Honestly Pat, the NRA is the only bunch of yahoos still characterizing this as a political issue. It’s not anymore.
Matt stop harassing others
Mr. G.,
Your Democratic party’s platform includes amnesty for dreamers, gun control, “revisiting” President Trump’s tax cuts, and climate change, all issues I disagree with.
And Mr. G.,
I think that the majority of Americans support the second amendment. There are already laws on the books regarding background checks and access to weapons. In fact, the latest shooter at the Waffle House had his weapons taken away after a different incident – those weapons were returned to his father and apparently this kook got ahold of them again. Cruz, the Parkland Shooter, had been reported to local authorities AND the FBI, before the school attack – but the police/FBI dropped the ball.
Americans support the NRA. Memberships are through the roof and fundraising efforts are breaking records.The second amendment will never be revoked.
Mr. G. can’t handle the facts. Great post Gigi.
Do watch out for a more insidious way that Progressives are trying to take away gun rights without any votes being cast. Their latest attempt includes getting banks to set new rules for the sale of guns.
Pat, you have a child? That must be a jolly household for he or she with you brooding on the internet over progressives from dawn til dark.
Matt stop it
Nice observation Pat. Our edcuation system is letting us down.
Pat and Gigi, I handle facts just fine. While you are using Breitbart as your source, the story above is probably right; I do indeed support all the things you mention as well as single payer health insurance for all. I do so proudly. And in both specific instances you cite re the shooters, properly conducted background checks would’ve kept those guns out of the hands of the murderers from the get go. Of course, being a super liberal, I still believe automatic weapons should be banned completely and yes confiscated. I do not believe the majority of Americans support the NRA and its wild eyed agenda whjch they pursue relentlessly by bribing congress people and Senatkrs. It’s dirtymoney and there is childrens’ blood on their hands.
Reply to Pat: Bravo! I agree completely!
I saw a flyer that Helen Moon sent out for her ward and in it she asks citizens for suggestions on trash removal. So kudos for asking for citizen input Helen. We are used to having things jammed down our throats.
What would work for me and I would think many others, is to keep regular trash the way it is but have one large toter for recyclables. They talked about mixing paper and cans together so if there is just one toter I can deal with that. Also I figure I may only need to drag it out once a month as it may take that long to fill. This would require intensive education and some enforcement at least in the beginning but could make both sides happy. Perhaps they could do some kind of survey for citizen reaction.
In the end she will do what fake Krol and Tyer tell her to do.
at least she tries. Half the ward wasn’t informed of his meetings. Which apparently he only posted ONCE on his personal facebook page.
Go away Nick. Just Go Away
*in Ward 3, regarding Caccamo
Reply to dusty: While indeed, Helen Moon is better than others,
I disagree with State system allowing School secretaries(Linda Tyer),Nurses(Helen Moon), jobless attorneys, accountants,bank tellers(Marchette) psychologists (John Krol) to make Engineering Project decisions.
It is absolutely rediculous system,
which doesn’t exist in Private Sector.
Where is the infastructure Bill ? Where is the 5 plus % economic growth and your answer can not be Bill Barry or the ever famous Hillary
Your comment makes no sense and shows the weak mind of a liberal
No money left for infrastructure. Trump gave it all away to his billionaire friends with ridiculous tax cuts. Does not care about the country…never has
Stop posting lies. All lies
And speaking of the animal shelter. I understand that is has been city run and paid for by the taxpayers. Now the mayor does not want to discuss why she shut it down but if the city is not going to run it does that mean that amount of taxpayer money will be returned to the taxpayers? Or will she just find another crony to direct it to?
Another story today, and there are many, of a teacher in a public school system who punished a student for using FOX news as a source for his essay. She said FOX is fake news and is trying to promote a political agenda. She punished the student by making him go home and GOOGLE all the lies that President Trump has been telling. Of course who would the student now be using as his sources for all of the so-called lies told by President Trump? You guessed it right. All the liberal online sources such as MSNBC and CNN and the countless other liberal media sources that put down President Trump because we KNOW that they don’t have a political agenda.
This teacher is so obviously promoting the Progressive political agenda of the public schools by going out of her way to put down not only her student for his sources, but also getting in an insulting comment at President Trump and making sure all of her students are within hearing range. These public schools are nothing but hotbeds of Progressive politics. The children are being used as pawns.
Nope, Fox news lost ALL its remaining journalistic credibility with the Hannity Cohen revelation. And are you claining that Trump tells no lies?!? C’mon now Pat. He lies about everything. It is completely pathalogical…and absolutely transparent. Trump constantly makes things up. You have to at least admit that. Is he lying to us “for our own good” like children? Who knows why? But his constant stream of lies are an obvious, bold-faced fact.
You really are an odd one.
Come on Matt get a clue
And for those of you who like sources, here’s 10 pages worth, 20 per page! http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/statements/byruling/false/
Left wing publication. Fake news matt
This is a publication geared towards leftists/globalists – those who prefer one- world government over nationalism. Can you be an American if you support one-world government? Why do you think globalists support gun control? Makes it easier to control the masses!
Propaganda from the left. Think of what would happen if the left spent time trying to get along with others rather than trying to impeach President Trump.
Mr. Fritz & Pat, read the lies they refuted just on the first page and let me know if there are any you can refute. There are more than 200 individual, specific lies highlighted. Just look at the first 20 and tell me the ones you believe are actually factual and not lies.
I will humor you by saying that the first claim of a lie is absolutely bogus. North Korea HAS agreed to denuclearization – as a matter of fact, they CANNOT continue their program since their testing”mountain” has collapsed either from the force of explosions or outside sabotage. China & Japan may experience radiation contamination due to the destruction of the testing area.
And if you think I have time to educate you on all 20 bogus claims……think again. I don’t read crap like Politico and you need to do your own research.
You so desperately want FOX to be gone since it’s one of the few news sites that tells BOTH sides of politics. Progressives want only THEIR side so they dominate the news completely. With the liberal media in bed with them, there would be nobody to speak out against them. This is why they need to discredit FOX. Sounds a lot like living in Russia to me.
Dusty, this teacher isn’t a hero. She is a lunatic.
Should teachers be telling students that President Trump is a liar? Is that the job of a teacher in public education?
The teacher is telling the truth Pat. Only someone as blind as a bat can not see him lying through his teeth every single day of the week. He cannot help himself because he has such a guilty conscience that he lies even about whether he had jelly on his toast in the morning.
That is the personal opinion of the teacher and not something she needs to tell her students. That is not teaching reading, writing and arithmetic. That is preaching a political philosophy. As usual what they accuse others of doing is what they are doing themselves.
Yes Pat…YES! If the president is a liar the teachers, any teachers, should say so. And I do not want Fox news gone. Nor do I want the Wall Street Journal, the National Review or other publications gone. I would like them to be honest and journalistic as they purport to be. Wall St. Journal and National Review are, and I read them both. Fox News is mostly not. They are perfectly acceptable as entertainment if you like that sort of thing, but not news.
This woman is a hero to all who value education.
Even Fox news own people say they are embarrassed by what they are told to say on the air. They have equal credibility as the guy on the gold throne in the white house.
You made all that up
Dusty the teacher is a lunatic not a far left hero. This isn’t education. it is indoctrination.
Pat, are you really surprised? Liberal moonbats are jamming their crazy views down the throats of our children at every turn.
And we are paying them big salaries to do it.
And speaking of Trump…as a veteran and relative to many other veterans I am appalled and insulted that he would nominate a man with no experience in large organization management to be the head of the Veterans Administration.
This organization needs an overhaul from the ground up and there is no time for on the job training. He may be a great doctor but that has nothing to do with overseeing an organization with almost 400,000 employees. Patronizing nomination shows me Trump does not care at all about veterans even though he is drooling to send more of them into war.
All veteran commanders should be appalled and speak out loudly.
His nomination is very qualified
Hey Steven, I don’t care that the guy is a functioning alcoholic. That is awesome. But He has no background in managing a huge budget or complicated organization and that is not fair to the people who have both physical and mental wounds that need real attention. The nomination just spits in the face of every veteran who ever put on a uniform.
(by the way Trump got 5 deferments from the draft because he stubbed his toe kicking a dog or some such thing)
All you posted above are lies. All
We can thank 0bama and Bill Clinton for they’re military service.
Standard lame pivot…
That’s the truth, Dusty. You can’t handle the truth.
Dusty, stop lying about Trump wanting to send people to war. He is ending wars not starting them. When will Progressives stop the lies? They do the very thing they accuse Trump of doing.
Trump and Bolton and Pompeo are drawing up plans to clobber Iran after he breaks the sign treat our country signed in good faith. Give this two weeks and you will see for your own eyes.
If they don’t attack in 2 weeks you stop posting. If they do I will stop. Do we have a bet?
No answer. Not surprised.
Dusty still waiting little man
Which war has Trump ended Pat?
Learn to read. Is ending is not same as has ended
Dan I can’t recall when you had posted a magnificent story about Donna Rivers, but remember the Jist of it very well, the one where her business was some sort of fix and her explanation was challenged by You,right here on that Planet Story. I’ll look it up for you later if you can or don’t recall.
What I heard last night for the change in her vote was almost what you had written, some sort of abhorition hit her in the head. I’ll try to retrieve it.
Dan, you called it. Rivers, the failed lawyer and failed businesswoman has now failed her constituents and the entire city, along with the rest of the misinformed council members. Hats off to Connell, Mazzeo and Mirandi for standing firmly against it.
DT Rivers certainly didn’t disappoint us by her vote last night since we had predicted it. And, as usual, we had to listen to her long babbling as to why she changed her vote.
But congrats to Connell, Mazzeo and Morandi for their wisdom in realizing just what is going on.
no collusion from the corner office so don’t even go there..I am sure she had this change of heart all by herself
hee hee
Spider, is she the one who once said She wanted to be as good a City Councilor as Lisa Tully. Why do stupid people have all the brains?
Hopefully the voters in her ward will remember this.
I am very disappointed that Rivers changed her vote.
The planet called it. DTRivers betrayed us with her switch on sewer…when the planet reports you can take it to the bank, even his predictions come true!!
Yup, he did, again!
Dow is up as of 11:05
lies…why? because in Trump world up is down and down is up but mostly things are sideways or circular…none of it makes sense…except to the faithful blind follower who marches in lockstep, straight ahead…towards the inevitable cliff where Wiley Cyote waits to laugh at them as they spill, one after another, over and down, never blinking once
You need help. You aren’t even making sense just putting words together
The people not in a Trump Trance probably got it OK Steve…
Nope. Try again. Nobody understands your gibberish
Sorry if I confused you again Steven. I was afraid it might go way over your head.
Not over anyone’s head. It just makes no sense
By the way…anyone see the potential sewer rate increases, actual dollar values, in the Eagle today? The numbers were pretty staggering, and you have to figure those are optimistic.
This may be why the mayor is giving tax breaks to her friends to build “low income housing”. because she knows she is going to tax many families, especially seniors, out of their homes and into these bungalows. That is a win/win if you are a mayor I guess.
But they plan to raise them gradually…as if that helps soften the blow, all it does is increase the amount of interest that will be added to bills, and allows them more years to continue their spending spree adding to permanent taxpayer obligations.
DV – Tyer’s ineptness has been exposed…she is now a lame duck Mayor and will not be able to pass one piece of meaningful legislation – election year 2019 ought to interesting….
She may be inept but she is dancing on her plush carpet knowing that she will come out at the end smelling of roses. she will be set for a pretty good financial retirement and it is doubtful she will be worrying about anyone else.
Why does Tricia Farley Bouvier want to raise already high teachers salaries even higher? Thoughts anyone? Does it have to do with Progressive politics?
She’s a water girl for the Dems. I still haven’t forgiven her for trying to get the travel tax passed. She should have been voted out last election over giving herself two raises in one calendar year. Go back to underwear modeling, Trish, and stop spending our hard-earned money.
Trish doesn’t think for herself. She lives the Progressive philosophy and agrees with everything they tell her to do. More money for the teachers because they are fulfilling their mission of indoctrinating the kids with Progressives ideas.
Bouvier is a simpleton.
3:30 DOW up 90
Anyone needing to monitor the stock market like this should not be in it. Good God. Get a life.
Nasdaq down 9 In a row.
Can you all just stop with the stupid stock market updates? We can all check it ourselves, don’t need your ‘need to get a life’ updates every freakin day.
Thank you, NIB. My very thoughts!
You don’t complain when dusty does it
Thanks for reminding me Steve. Gasoline prices are going through the roof and Trumps shale drilling friends are drinking champagne and toasting him on high. Both he and Tyer take good care of their rich friends.
You are typing untrue news
Gas prices always rise this time of year.
“You all” includes Dusty too, and everyone other troll on this site.
Thanx NIB.
Nib you’re taxes are way up,thanks to me, D T R.
Pat,Steve turn the channel,and tu rn off Beck….Fox let Beck go because he this side of Alex Jones…Both Crazy……
You are crazy
Glen Beck has been right about everything School Committee and he is also a very nice man. The Glen Beck show is extremely popular.
Trump is greatness,Pat do you have healthcare from a state or city job.If no what do you privately pay and deductable
I guess because our rates are some of the lowest in the State it is the reason the mega rate increase for water is ok? Well that’s the way we like it, what about all the other tax increases, Planet?
Another problem is many who would like to sell their homes cannot get the right price and are taking a beating, this is wrong. We have a beautifull house on Lenox Ave and had to rent it to people that don’t pay and were late, it just can’t sell, not the price it’s supposed to be worth.
They were low because the G man brought Krofta to Pittsfield.
Raising teacher salaries is next,forget Yon and Tyer who live very well ,its just plain common sense to pull back on schools……Its up to Kroll to get conservative with our biggest cost.What will be the real cost of winter and this will be held back until after the budget is accepted.We all want the 650 k back from the mureum and the 500 k from Hankcock village…..we need update on both…..parks department needs to paint and clean all clubhouses with fields….Belanger is disease fill dump….parks needs to assign 1 man everyday to check it in the morning…
How much cash is generated at staff faculty stores and does the same Crosby Administrator count it alone
From what I read about Pittsfield politics, the yearly budget tax rate offsets were mostly from the enterprise fund. If the city had saved the millions of dollars used to lower the annual 5% tax hike, then they wouldn’t have to drastically increase the enterprise fund fees for waste-water and water projects.
Found it Dan.
Thanks, U. We must have channeled Nostril-damus that day. We predicted she would flip flop on an important issue after the GOB turned on the heat.
That she did.
Omg. Valenti da man. You can’t make it up, the dye has been cast. check out Dave and Joe Nichols comments. She should resign
It’s die in this case Amanda, plural of dice, not dye.
Matt can you offer more than spellcheck
How much money will be saved with the city not funding the animal shelter? How much money will taxes on pot sales add to the coffers? How much will this offset our annual tax increase or will these monies disappear into the “cash for frills” account?
Is it possible for the taxpayers to buy out Tyers contract and go the next two years without a mayor?
Gasoline is 2.75 and 2.53 a couple of weeks ago.Pat you have state or city health insurance.Its paid collectively by taxpayers.Lets do that in the federal goverment.Hannity likes buying subsidised housing then makes profits off of your tax dollar…..regressives love their lemmings
Pat is food cheap where you shop.
Big mistake when new “charter” changed mayor term to 4 yrs. Dan: Can changes ever be made to a “charter” and is so, how?
Good question to which I don’t know the answer. In general, charters have provisions for amendments, but this is Pittsfield. I’ll put the question to the universe: Can the charter be amended or revised and, if so, what is the process?
What happened to the unattractive trash bins that has been scattered along Tyler St? Did the natives redeem pinch them?
Do you mean those tin cans that cost $6,000 each? I’ve been looking for them as well.
They must be somewhere. I’ll check City Hall this afternoon
Simplest guess is they were removed for the winter for sidewalk maintenance.
Marchetti’s using them for filed petitions.
Why did Obama have Ronny Jackson as his doctor for 8 years in the White House, but now liberals have smeared him for President Trump? Why isn’t Obama coming forward and saying good things about Mr. Johnson who did serve him well for 8 years?
Beacause nobody gives a shit.
The Progressives need to go. They are nothing but obstructionists who hide the misdeeds of their own and invent stuff about their opponents. Russia loves the Progressives because they are weakening this country.
Come on you guys we have great water, let’s pay the triple costs. It’s for the city, we can’t continue to cut at schools.
You didn’t think he was going to get off again, did you?
Trump screaming out of control on Fox and friends as the went to a quick commercial to get the wacko off tv
the man is a psychopath…I feel like I am in a bad dream every day I wake up and see him still on the Tellyvision
god help us all
President Trump was great on FOX.
One thing that Gaetani is,and Tyer isn’t, is a fighter,. Tyer was scared shitless of the EPA and Gaetani would have kicked the shit out of the EPA.
If you think that Gaetani is taking this sitting down, stream his show to find out what he does next.
Congrats to the G-Man Comnell, Morandi and Mazzeo, you voices we’re united and you fought Baliantly to help the taxpayers.
You could not win because you were operating against a stacked deck.
F,,,you other eight A-holes, you will aforte gret for what you did to the taxpayers and you can believe on it.
Tyer does not need to fight…all she needs to do is tell Kirkwood to “raise the taxes Matty….raise the taxes high”
and then her and her friends go hand in hand down the lane singing Row Row Row your boat merrily down the stream
yah I know it is catchy
Cry me a rivers.
I had to laugh when the eagle comes out with the rate for water today? Mr. Gaetani stats that six weeks ago? Another major problem was why weren’t the Citizens of the City invited to the E P A discussion?
Mizzz Behnke got a 4000k raise,why,why,why.The new city charter now pays school committee 4 grand.I want to know if they get healthcare now.Pittsfield sucks..I cant believe Taylor serves for such a low wage….she could serve in Boston for tripple that.
WTF is wrong in Pittsfield I keep saying and now I understand.Just take a moment and look into the eyes of the school committee and council,really look and you see a blankness a stepford wife syndrome in their actions.
Taconic,new public works building,new water plant,new drinking water,newPHS,new Police station,gas going up,heat,food is off the charts,Pittsfield is nuts.Its our motto.Move here we’re not doing well.We are going bankrupt then look into the Stepford leaders eyes….everything is good with them.Sure they like to rip into the highway guy now and then but we suck here.Not one person on the council can run a lemonaide stand.
One toilet will cost 900, send bills to Pittsfield Proud and Fritz.
Maybe everyone on a street should start sharing one
(but not mine)
Im asking Barry for the gate pass and use his.
Hopefully he’ll share a cell with Hillary. His interviews on TV have been a disaster – what a lyin’ weasel. Not the brightest bulb in the box. How did he ever get appointed FBI Director?!
He sure is getting under Trumps skin huh? Yours too by the looks.
Hey Trump publicly pooped on the guy and deserves whatever he gets back. Trump throws shit like a monkey and when it blows back in his face he cries like a baby.
There’s no right & wrong in your world, is there, Dusty? You despise YOUR President and his plan to make America great again. Are you a commie? Sure sounds like it!
Dusty you never responded to my challenge
Comey is a leaker and a liar no question about it.