(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION AUG. 17-19, 2018) — “Progressive.” Etymologically speaking, it’s the substitute for “liberal,” a term that the left has abandoned after being found guilty of flipping its original meaning (“personal freedom restrained only by personal responsibility”) to something out of a political horror movie (“Big Government, cradle to grave”).
Beware of so-called “progressives,” especially any candidates going out of their way to use that word. It’s a word that in certain corridors of power in the Parthenon on Berkshire County’s Mount Olympus — a smoke-filled back room that’s moved from Remo’s to a round robin of various barrooms and golf clubhouses — eager office seekers pronounce with all the reverence of a minister enunciating “sinister.” It should give the careful voter pause in the race for District Attorney, where the two challengers to the incumbent are trying to “out-progressive” the other. Andrea Harrington and Judith Knight have been jostling to get to the left of each other so badly that it resembles a new dance.
The 1920s had “The Charleston.” The 1940s had “The Jitterbug.” The 1950s has the “Bunny Hop.” The 1960s had “The Twist.” Well, today in 2018, Berkshire County as well as the entire Commonwealth has “The Progressive.”
“You take two steps to the left / And two more the same direction /
Add public treasury theft / then steal the next election …
You’re doin’ The Progressive, The Progressive.
You take two steps more to the left / and two the same old way /
let all the crims go loose / and make up some lame excuse …
You’re doin’ The Progressive, The Progressive.”
Sammy Vincent and his dance band could have gone to the top with this.
To hear Harrington and Knight try to out dance each other to the left suggests that Paul Caccaviello is, if anyone can wear label in this campaign, the “law and order” candidate. He would do well to keep pounding on his years as a prosecutor. The “get tough on crime” approach cannot lose in this race, for that is the one requirement citizens want and need from their top law enforcement official. In their public statements and respective campaigns, Knight (especially) and Harrington (less so) have not convinced anyone that either would have the needed “bulldog mentality” when it comes to prosecuting in the name of “The People.” One gets the sense that Harrington is using the “progressive” angle as a strategy and would have more iron in the actual office. Her better approach would be to let Knight wander off the cliff leftward and move toward the center. There are plenty of issues to provide the rationale for this. That’s where the momentum is for her and even, if she plays it right, victory. It surely will not be found in trying to vie with Knight for the “progressive” banner. That will only divide the anti-incumbent vote. It’s a sure loser.
One would have to get the transcripts of their remarks at the most recent debate, but Cacc’s opponents played the progressive cards like Yancy Derringer raising Bat Masterson. To save you the trouble, allow THE PLANET to present a quick guide to “What ‘Progressives’ Really Mean When They Say …” (with an assist from our good friends at akdart.com). Read this in the form of “When they say [blank], they mean [blank].”
- When they say “multiculturalism, diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity, or empowerment” they mean “racial and gender quotas.”
- “get the word out” = “sign up everyone in the lower class for a lifetime and lifestyle at taxpayers’ expense.”
- “invest in our future” = “spend as much public money as you can, whether it makes sense or not.”
- “disadvantaged” = “young criminal”
- “activist” = “troublemaker”
- “community” = “minorities only”
- “grassroots” = “poor people”
- “deficit reduction” = “higher taxes”
- “balanced approach” = “higher taxes”
- “contribution” = “higher taxes”
- “waste transfer station” = “dump”
- “graphic novel” = “comic book”
- “undocumented workers” = “illegal immigrants”
- “sexually active” = “promiscuous”
- “client” = multiple meanings, among them “drug addict, welfare cheat, gang member, and bum”
- “urban sprawl” = “progress, growth”
- “sub-optimal outcome, deferred success” = “the kid got an ‘F’ and flunked”
- “sustainable economy” = “socialism”
- “greed” = “private resources”
- “privileged” = “successful”
- “disenfranchised” = “too lazy or ignorant to vote”
- “raising awareness” = “brainwashing”
- “extended family” = “fatherless children, single mom, four different dads”
- “hate speech” = “any opinion that disagrees with ours”
- “for the children” = “for the teachers’ union”
- “it takes a village” = “collectivism”
- “cultural proficiency, mainstreaming” = “special privileges for minorities”
- “community medical services” = “free methadone and needles for heroin addicts”
- “equality” = “preferential treatment”
- “community development” = “wasting public dollars on ‘feel-good’ projects that accomplish nothing
- “minority” = “gang member”
Obviously, out lexicon can’t cover all utterances, but as the three candidates for D.A. blather on in this issue-less campaign, keep this list handy. It may save your life.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“If you want to get there fast, go alone. If you want to get there safely, go with somebody” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.
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What about “Good Old Boys”?
Do you remember Jimmy Ruberto telling local taxpayers about “sacrifices”, which meant annual 5% tax and large debt increases that resulted in population and job loss in Pittsfield. His rolodex was useless!
What about “economic development”?
PEDA is 20 years old this month, with a batting average of 0.000! No one is going to invest in a polluted property with multi-million dollar liabilities. Of course, a couple million dollars were invested in the arts in downtown Pittsfield from GE’s settlement fund.
What about “Public Payroll Patriots”?
The Berkshire County District Attorney makes $171,561 a year plus public bennies. By the time the next D.A. retires, they will collect approximately a +$200,000 per year public pension. It pay$ to be politically connected! Moreover, some prosecutors become state Judges who make more money than the D.A.
Lastly, the lovely Linda Tyer says that Pittsfield is a “vibrant” and “dynamic” community.
Jonathon, you are absolutely right They have lined their pockets and taken care of each other for years. Still happening. Look what is going on with the DA election and the Republic trash contract. Already signed when she was talking about the trash containers and recycling.. Same crap, different day. Hope people wake up soon. They MUST vote these crooks out!
Great story in iBerkshires today about how the politicians turned the PEDA site into, into, well, into nothing.
Who among you remembers the ribbon cuttings and proclamations and the photo ops? Who among you remembers the politicians standing with their gold shovels and the promises of the glory to come? And who remembers all the names of the elitists appointed to head this organization and the huge salaries they sucked up?
While all this was not happening, children have been born, grown up and moved out of Pittsfield. But as we look at the situation today it still has the politically connected leaders making false promises and blowing smoke up the anal canals of the populace. Are there any lessons to be learned or shall we just chuckle and plod on accepting this boondoggle as the vacuum Pittsfield is and will forever be?
Hey Dusty, how dare you criticize this progressive colossal fossil called P E D A – Pathetic Economic Development Authority. It is “for the children”, and is “ community development” . You are just another “Debbie Downer” on the greatest small city in New England as Skinny Jimmy proclaimed Pittsfield would become, before he took the WHEN broads under is wing.
PEDA provided a bunch of big fat paychecks to the connected for doing absolutely nothing. What’s wrong with that?
And here is a sining example of this progressive bull spit using a double whammy of terms from your list Dan,
How do you spell progressive – B O U V I E R
How can the peda board be successful with people like Christina Wynn as vice chairwoman? Thats comparable to thinking Linda Tyer could put together drawings for the buildiñg of the hoover dam. Dumb and Dumber
And who appointed Mrs Wynn to that PEDA board? No collusion.
Nice little frightening dance tune you created there Dan. Hate speech is any opinion that disagrees with our own is especially chilling since hate is now determined by having different views on any issue. When will this lunacy end because if it doesn’t I really see nothing but a sad end to this country. All of those people who want America to fail will be happy as we are taken over by radical elements who are interested only in power and control over the people of this country.
People are being fooled into thinking that big government will take care of them from cradle to grave, but it will not be the socialist paradise that they are imagining if these far left radicals are in charge.
Pat, do you think long time high ranking republican war hero (although he got captured) John McCain deserves the nasty rhetoric Donald Trump is heaping on him? Does everybody who was well respected before Trump denigrated them lose credibility? Does Donald Trump wave his hand and decide who is worthy and who is not? Has Donald Trump kicked Jesus aside and taken on the role of the true savior?
The Democrats think that progressive politics is their savior. Now that is insanity.
Another nice pivot from the question Pat. Fox news has taught you well.
If McCain faded into the sunset and kept his mouth shut he’s a valued war hero but he sucked as a Senator and as a Rino Presidential candidate and he continued to shoot his mouth off so when he did that his war hero status went out the window and he couldn’t hide behind it.
McCain is like a bully who wears glasses and is upset because you hit a guy wearing glasses.
Reading between the lines I can see that you prefer draft dodgers who claim bone spurs and or any other ailment to keep from actually serving alongside true patriots.
And because of the men and women who do serve and suffer you have the right to your opinion.
If someone is a crappy rino politician and continue to shoot their mouth off they forfeit any respect they might have earned for former heroics.
You’re right Pat, you should give up your Medicare. I’m sick of paying for your sorry entitled ass to go to the doctor.
Medicare is forced on the citizens. It’s not an option.
A flimsy excuse from another liberal mooch.
And yet you’ll use Medicare when the time comes and someone else will be paying for your entitled ass to go to the doctor.
Looks like you got Pat to guest write today Dan. Send this one in to Breitbart and stick to digging up and reporting news and shedding light where the sun don’t shine. The op-ed stuff is not your forte.
Translation Dan: Don’t rock the boat. Dan, I thought you were right on target. You just hit too close to home for local progressives. We can’t make them uncomfortable or we are guilty of hate speech.
Pat if the word progressive was taken out of the English language could you complete a paragraph?
She could just replace it with moonbat or snowflake. All the same thing, but progressive is a nicer word.
I prefer dustocrat
Mr. G, globalist troll.
Dan – your list is fantastic! I agree with each and every one!!!!
So true, Dan – spot on column.
Even worse is the NY gov’s race with ultra liberal progressive Nixon vs. “I can outdo you” far leftist Cuomo who stated, in response to Trump’s MAGA slogan, “America was never that great.” The same Gov. who recently freed illegal immigrant felons so that ICE wouldn’t deport them. These progressives are batcrazy!
So true, Dan – spot on column.
Even worse is the NY gov’s race with ultra liberal progressive Nixon vs. “I can outdo you” far leftist Cuomo who stated, in response to Trump’s MAGA slogan, “America was never that great.” The same Gov. who recently freed illegal immigrant felons so that ICE wouldn’t deport them. These progressives are batcrazy!
The rich and powerful spend lots of money making sure the poor and or the powerless fight about progress.Trump will win as we are a very regressive country as a whole. There are corporate poisons under Allendale School put there by Rich powerful men who use a lack of discernment to do whatever they want the regressives to do.Dont look up look down and the enemy is ignorance which is spreading to people who should know better.
To find out how stupid progressives are, go check out how many of them contributed to former FBI agent Strzok’s GoFundMe page.
I mean, how completely idiot can someone be?
Amen, brother. And we all know you can’t fix stupid!
The Trumps want to contribute 15k per month to Amarosa….talking about stupid Trump is the baseline for branding stupid.
They pay everybody that leaves the same amount to keep them quiet. Shaun Spicer is so grateful (because no one else will hire him now) that he is still kissing Trumps sphincter.
Dan, this is one of your best articles yet. Agree with every bit of it. Here’s one to add to the list, used by our own mayor.
Dynamic = “filled with crime, drug addicts, welfare cheats, and no good paying jobs”
Quiz: Which political party originally called itself the National Socialist Workers Party? Don’t know? That is what NAZI stands for. Nazism sprung from socialism, the gov’t system so many progressives want.
The similarities between the Nazi party and alt left groups and even some progressives is alarming:
1. Suppressing free speech.
2. Telling people what they can and can’t say and what to think. (thought police)
3. Violence committed against innocent people, like smashing shop windows, setting cars on fire, beating up people who are not just like them.
4. Hatred towards certain religions (in this case Christianity).
5. Racism.
6. Controlling the press and spreading propaganda.
Enema – you’re on fire! Keep it coming!
True and yet people on the right are called Nazis while those on the left are exhibiting Nazi behavior and actions.
and which ones are taking kids away from parents Pat? Your false God is…that is who.
FDR’s new deal, his National RecoveryA was a fascistic program. Everyone knew that back then but the progressives won’t own up to it now.
Fox News lives,marching orders in hand the Trumps will stop the spread of socialism by using lemming stupidity.Rinse and repeat we must get the commies just like the 50s and 60s….just making the country GREAT again
Omasrosa has 200 Tapes, Trumps in for a long year.
Omarosa is trusted by nobody. Imagine doing all this taping while you are on a job. Something is extremely wrong with this woman. Was she a spy all along? Her tapes are mostly nonsense.
If her tapes are mostly nonsense (and you have not heard them all yet) why is the white house sweating blood bullets? Everybody she talked to either in person or on the phone in the last 2 years is having panic attacks.
Didja hear that Trump wanted to spend $90 million dollars on a personal promotion parade instead of using the money to help veterans? Oh yeah he did. What a dufus
It’ wasn’t a personal promotion parade…it was going to be a military parade until President Trump realized how expensive it would be….the 90 million you mention and he decided to cancel the event as the money could be better used. Please get your facts straight. Stop watching the hate Trump media.
Pat, this parade was to be ALL ABOUT TRUMP just like everything else he does every minute of every hour of every day. He is a self adoring egotist who cannot function without people like you worshipping at his feet. If he asked his cult members to all wear yellow wigs and dye their skin orange out of respect for him they would do it in a heartbeat. He has stolen you soul and you are too blind to see. Sad
Dusty, unlike progressives, I don’t worship at the feet of government or of government officials. I want SMALL government unlike progressives who want HUGE government to take care of them from cradle to grave. President Trump does have an ego, but he is using it to help this country not tear it down. Huge egos also exist on the left since they KNOW what is best for us and don’t want to hear the opinions of half of the country.
The left wants to shut down free speech so that only the voices of the left can be heard. Now that is out of control arrogance that is being used AGAINST the people of this country. Every day we hear another example of voices that the left wants to shut down. This can only lead to a very dark place for this country.
I, too, like small government, but we’re never going to get it from either party. The GOP and the so-called “conservatives” have been as “Big” as their Right Honorable Good Friends across the aisle. The domestic programs are bigger than ever, and Trump’s defense spending is something beyond wasteful. Meanwhile, so-called conservatives aren’t in a rush to avoid or extract us from “foreign entanglements.”
Trump is scary and in power most dont trust him
He’s coming to get you.
Those Trash Receptacles on Tyler Street are gawdy, then add the debris and uncut snag weed around them?
Part of Tyler’s Street “vibrant, dynamic, and hip” Master Plan.
I hear that when the sun shines on them for a couple of hours they get so hot they are a fire hazard. Waiting for first one loaded with paper to combust.
Or maybe I did not hear that at all
Lol,in the winter hobos can use them as sterno.
We love it along with candle pin bowling.
There are a lot of things I don’t know but one thing I do know is that I will never see the likes of queen Aretha in the few years I have left. You brought jot to hundreds of millions. Your life’s work was exemplary. The lord is waiting for you to arrive so that you can sing for him. RIP sister you will be greatly missed.
Metal Grey garbage cans would be as good.
North street in Pittsfield is hopping all summer,not a parking place on the street
Stay off of:
Tyler st.
Lincoln st.
First st.
Second st.
Linden st.
Dewey ave
Cherry st.
Burbank st.
Kent ave
Madison ave
And Seymour st.
And you might survive.
Master plan – when the GOBSIGs scheme to spend money the shcity doesn’t have, for things we don’t need, and then raises your taxes to pay for them.
Uh huh. And in whose pockets does much of that money wind up? Certainly not people friendly with city hall?
Say anything you want Jonathan and I’m as surprised as anyone but downtown Pittsfield is buzzing at night.There are lots of people enjoying it inspite of our tremendous amount of negativity about crime on Tyler and the neighborhood surrounding it.
The sleepy nightlife of Lenox and Great Barrington are good enough for older crowd
Check out what happens to the “nighttime buzz” after Labor Day. As the for August buzz, it’s spillover from South County. Very little of the “buzz” is for, by, or of the residents of Pittsfield. Such “buzz” is not affordable for them.
You’re absolutely correct Dan. North Street goes dead after summer. Then have to pay to park is certainly not helping downtown. Oh well. Can’t change the Roberto clan. They are like maggots. They are dirty, nasty and multiply from feeding off of the honest taxpayer
Dan,the locals are not keeping the Red Lion or Rockwell open
This board is in great denial of the reality of whats happening with Trump.You are witnessing a wounded ego that looks to be a historic power grab unlike anything ever attempted. I for one am uncertain of the outcome as he has displayed very erratic behavior and looks to be in melt down mode.I do wish the planet would speak to the Historic moment in History .
Donald Trump became president to help the lower middle class and immediately gave 1.5 trillion to the filthy rich and corporation.How many new corporations have reestablished factories and how many new net jobs,hard numbers here wont tell a good story.Summer 2018 and your Healthcare will be fabulous and cheap….down the tubes presidency. He is isolating and speaking to his problem The Investigation is taking its toll on him.
The only power grab I am seeing School Committee is the dangerously wounded left that is grasping at every straw to take down a legally elected president of this country because they don’t like him and they are mad that their candidate didn’t win and they lost power. The left is in such SERIOUS MELTDOWN that they are running around accusing anyone who is against them of being Nazis, even as they themselves act like Nazis, by wanting to shut down voices that disagree with them like they do in communist countries. Putting these people back in charge of this country will be a huge mistake.
He is the current President of the US and should act like he respects this country.A very immature man of 72.
Transgender Americans,protesters of assault rifles,Senator Warren,advocates of bank regulations,people who want clean energy ,Social Security defenders and defe enders of civil rights or the NFL have had nothing to do with Donald Trumps family of problems by the do allow him to redirect your attention somewhere other than his situation tha will shortly unfold.Like in sports dont take you eye off the ball and the ball in Trumps behavior and the topic of conversation will not be Presidential but personal troubles.
There is no “there there” School Committee as the hero from the left, Peter Strzok, has said in his emails against President Trump. They knew it from the beginning of this witch hunt investigation that no collusion exists between President Trump and Russia, but they wanted this shadow to hang over the Trump presidency.
The only power grab will be if the left wins in November and they begin impeachment hearings against President Trump without having any reason to do so, but just because they don’t like him and he is a threat to their political agenda of turning this country into a socialist country. Many of the young have been trained to think socialism is wonderful by their socialist and Marxist professors in our liberally biased colleges.
So Pat, do you also like big deficits? Cuz Trump ginormasized ours and the justifications was that his rich friends needed tax breaks. Sad..so sad.
Let’s see ya spin this one
I hate big deficits, but the Dems were just as guilty of running up the deficit as the Repubs. That’s one of the many problems with big government…..too much deficit. President Trump needs to shrink big government a LOT for me to be happy.
True about Dems and deficits, but the GOP has countless times run on deficit reduction and smaller government, but once elected, they out-Dem the Dems and prove even more able to deliver the bloat. That makes them not just fakes buy hypocritical fakes.
I agree Dan which is why both parties are to blame. This country is in desperate need of independent candidates who want to rein in big government and do what they promise to do and don’t lie like most politicians.
With over 5000 confirmed lies how can anyone trust what Trump says.If someone lies to me even once I would doubt anything they say unless I got confirmation elsewhere. I say truth is very important. I hope I am not alone in this thinking. Is there anyone who would use trump as a role model for your children or grandchildren? When are we going to unite as Americans. What model will we use.I fear for the future of the US.
Then you must hate most politicians since they lie constantly. President Trump is NOT a politician which is why he was elected. People are sick of the politicians saying one thing and doing another. President Trump only tells white lies.
Pat, you should Host Saturday Night Live, your a riot. The only difference of the Swamp replacements is,they live in Mansions.
So many of the Progressive Dems live in mansions too. What’s your point?
Alternate facts.
Stop watching and reading fake news
Total fake news. You sound like a Trump derangement nit wit like dusty, TSC and whacky Melle. Try not watching Marxist inspired news networks and avoid Marxist news paper.
Art, I think this is a fake name for John Krol.
What T F does Limda McMahon bring to the table? Besides fake entertainment?
Well, she will bring the wrestling fan vote for republicans in November. But something tells me they were pretty much in the Trump herd already.
So , the PPD Union is all over Mr. Greenwald’s accusations ? The Union has a complaint now. Nay I am wrong, but isn’t there an Officer who called out fellow officers for harassment which a case is currently being vetted ? that’s a no – no compared to the Greenwald problem.
Let’s look at the overall issue here.
Both Greenwald and Calkins were or had relative(s) involved in a Section 12 committal. Unfortunately, the Police are the people tasked with taking them to a facility, by force if necessary.
Force used is relative to force used against the Officers.
The 3rd case was a suicidal subject. Another Mental Health issue. Ultimately, it appears to be suicide by cop.
The fact that the Officer had another shooting behind him isn’t an issue and doesn’t make him a “trigger happy” cop. Some coppers go for their entire career without un-holstering their weapon and some are literally “shit magnets;” thrust into the wrong call at the wrong time.
Dispatch doesn’t discriminate about who is next on a call and to whether they’ve shot somebody before.
“Section 12. (a) Any physician who is licensed pursuant to section two of chapter one hundred and twelve or qualified psychiatric nurse mental health clinical specialist authorized to practice as such under regulations promulgated pursuant to the provisions of section eighty B of said chapter one hundred and twelve or a qualified psychologist licensed pursuant to sections one hundred and eighteen to one hundred and twenty-nine, inclusive of said chapter one hundred and twelve, who after examining a person has reason to believe that failure to hospitalize such person would create a likelihood of serious harm by reason of mental illness may restrain or authorize the restraint of such person and apply for the hospitalization of such person for a four day period at a public facility or at a private facility authorized for such purposes by the department. If an examination is not possible because of the emergency nature of the case and because of the refusal of the person to consent to such examination, the physician, qualified psychologist or qualified psychiatric nurse mental health clinical specialist on the basis of the facts and circumstances may determine that hospitalization is necessary and may apply therefore. In an emergency situation, if a physician, qualified psychologist or qualified psychiatric nurse mental health clinical specialist is not available, a police officer, who believes that failure to hospitalize a person would create a likelihood of serious harm by reason of mental illness may restrain such person and apply for the hospitalization of such person for a four day period at a public facility or a private facility authorized for such purpose by the department. An application for hospitalization shall state the reasons for the restraint of such person and any other relevant information which may assist the admitting physician or physicians. Whenever practicable, prior to transporting such person, the applicant shall telephone or otherwise communicate with a facility to describe the circumstances and known clinical history and to determine whether the facility is the proper facility to receive such person and also to give notice of any restraint to be used and to determine whether such restraint is necessary.”
The shooting was investigated by the DA’s Office/State Police. Clean shoot! I’m confident the FBI would’ve found the same.
So you have 3 people who have axes to grind with the PD and another one who “wishes she could be on that committee!”
Wake up and smell the manure, people.
Chief Wynn is running a right/tight ship. Granted there are assholes, as in every governmental unit and private enterprise. But based upon the the past performance of the Chiefs in Pittsfield since John Killeen, Wynn is the best!
Let him, his internal affairs guys,CPAC and Civil Service t/c/o the PPD discipline.
You got a beef? Go through the hoops, sign the complaint and deal with the outcome! If your not happy, get a Mouthpiece!
Just remember something: You call the cops, it’s because YOU cannot or don’t want to handle the situation on your own. You call the cops, it’s then their bailiwick with which to deal, on their terms, according to Federal law, MGL’s & Policies and Procedures of the Dept.
It may not be to your liking, but that’s the way it is!
You are hereby “woke!”
Excellent, well-written, well-reasoned post. This can serve as a model how to post a contrary view, do it effectively, but to it respectfully.
….How did so many conservatives come out of liberal colleges.Again education is the answer to our country and the right is not a fan of information.
Maybe because it is not relevant to today’s goings on? wtf I don’t talk about the roman colosseum much either. but why would I?
Wonder if the students are excited, as the opening of the PARTHENON is completed.
“The FBI received documents from Bruce Ohr (of the Justice Department & whose wife Nelly worked for Fusion GPS).” Disgraced and fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok. This is too crazy to be believed! The Rigged Witch Hunt has zero credibility.
Turkey has taken advantage of the United States for many years. They are now holding our wonderful Christian Pastor, who I must now ask to represent our Country as a great patriot hostage. We will pay nothing for the release of an innocent man, but we are cutting back on Turkey!
We must add Turkey to the growing list of countries we do not get along with since Trump became president. America is the only country with proper values and the rest of the world needs to get a clue. Why is America always right and the rest of the world always wrong?
America is always right because they have the supreme leader who sets the gold standard for IQ testing. He has the best ideas, the best words and the best people working for him. Did I leave out best hair?
He also has the best tariffs, negotiating skills and environmental policies. I believe he has also hit more home runs than Hank Aaron and corrected the faulty E=MC2 boner that Einstein tried to get past us. There is a picture of this fine man carrying a cross on his back from one end of Margo Largo to the other in a freaking downpour while wearing only sandals while there were alligators only a few feet away.
President Putin tells Donald Trump what to do!
Take your prune juice John. You’ll feel better.
Donald Trump = Adolf Hitler
Donald Trump rips immigrant babies out of their mothers’ arms and puts them in cages!
Very fake statement
Al Sharpton has OmarosaBill on hos show this morning,cool.
Did Sharpton bring his bull horn? Maybe he’ll tell zerobama when he’s going to pay his taxes.
Yah. He should ask him where the hell his birth certificate is too.
omg, so funny and mature
No Collusion and No Obstruction, except by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. All of the resignations and corruption, yet heavily conflicted Bob Mueller refuses to even look in that direction. What about the Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok lies to Congress, or Crooked’s Emails
I agree completely Mr. DeWahl. The collusion with Russia was all on the left.
I agree completely too. After Hillary burglarized capitol hill and sold children at the pizza shop it was all downhill for her from there. My God, she can’t seem to help herself. Why can’t she be more like Mr Trump, the exemplary icon of all things God made good. Why?
Progressive/Socialist Linda Tyer will be running for another 4 year term. Read all about it on iberkshires.com
I wish I could vote for the Lovely Linda Tyer for re-election for Mayor of Pittsfield! She is the best!
Perfect opportunity for her critics to get started to oust her.
She’s just the head–really the other end–of the beast, and the mayor no longer has authority over the vast majority of the budget. It’s like the Venezuelan regime that continues on even with most people starving because everyone with any sense is long gone
Linda Tyer is the worst mayor ever in pittsfield. I thought we could never do worse than beer can and Hathaway. Tyer doesn’t have a single accomplishment but many favors. The fact that she is tuning again is further proof that she is delusional .We need to do everything we can to entice some one who has a track record at the corporate level of successful management and financial expertise. We can not let Tyer continue to play house with 163 million dollars of taxpayers money. We need to find some one with a proven record in the private sector so they can come in and turn this city into the black.Do such people like this exist in Pittsfield. We need to find them and fast as Thomas says so they can start picking Tyer apart asap.
I couldn’t agree more, Art!
So true Art Seller.
Pittsfield Ma is losing population at a pace that makes us the 16th fastest at losing pe ople.The biggest jobs hit we took this year was 200 people at Country Curtains in Stockbridge.Herion is gaining ground in the berks hires.We need all the towns to see that the Berkshires need every town working on employment not just Pittsfield.Why can’t Stokbridge be a place for new jobs?.
Population is dropping. Are you leaving the area soon?
Our politicians are not interested in job creation. They really believe that people come here and stay here for the scenery. The politicians have no financial worries so they have no empathy for those who do worry about finding a job. The Jobs Tsar is a joke since she is only worried about finding jobs for people moving into the area not locals.
In total agreement here. Local pols are NOT interested in jobs. That much is made obvious by a track record of incompetence extending more than a decade.
I guess someone stepped on Trumps phone just to shut that 7th grade bully up.Really if there was a dumber President please name him.This guy spent 4 years of his life telling people that Obama was a illegal President.A spoiled rich kid.I honestly can’t call him a republican because he’s not.He lied his way to the nomination and they had to adopt the baby left on the doorstep
The United States has ended the ridiculous 230 Million Dollar yearly development payment to Syria. Saudi Arabia and other rich countries in the Middle East will start making payments instead of the U.S.
Why don’t you select Gaetani for the advisory board,he takes no bull-shit from anyone. If your looking for someone with teeth on that board, no ones teeth are longer Gaetani’s.
Planet,heard a rumor that a certain city employee has taken a position in South County, we should be hearing about it soon.
Bravo! For that alone –below–I salute You from the bottom of my heart! Bravo! Bravissimo!!!
“hate speech” = “any opinion that disagrees with ours”
“for the children” = “for the teachers’ union”
“it takes a village” = “collectivism”
“cultural proficiency, mainstreaming” = “special privileges for minorities”
“community medical services” = “free methadone and needles for heroin addicts”
“equality” = “preferential treatment”
“community development” = “wasting public dollars on ‘feel-good’ projects that accomplish nothing
“minority” = “gang member”