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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY OCT. 1, 2018) — Welcome to October!

In our previous column on the D.A.’s race, we outlined “why” Paul Caccaviello could win the November general election as a write-in candidate. Here, we give you the “how.” Bottom line is that this is a doable enterprise for PC.

A new tactic has emerged from Andrea Harrington’s supporters. First, Team H played the “insult” card that says Cacc disrespected the democratic process by seeking a “sore loser” write-in. That flopped on the face of it when THE PLANET pointed out that he’s actually doing the opposite. Next came the “He can’t win” mantra, refusing to believe it themselves. Now, we are getting the “playing favorites” angle, accusing us of secretly backing Caccaviello.

Let’s be clear. THE PLANET backs no one and everyone. We have never refused a candidate of any stripe when they asked us for advice, opinion, or our views. If they want the family recipe for crumb cake, we share it. We have, in fact, talked issues and strategies with both Harrington and Cacc — but we aren’t “backing” anyone. When we write of “why” and “how” he can win, THE PLANET simply points out the strategic and tactical elements that constitute the probable paths to victory for Cacc.

Why do it for him and not her? Easy. She already won straight-up, name-on-the-ballot.

THE PLANET isn’t saying Cacc WILL win. We are saying he CAN win. We respect both candidates, wish them both well, and will continue to communicate with both campaigns.

———- 000 ———-

Let us now carry the owls to Athens. Here’s how you win a sticker campaign:

  • Play the Edge — Winning sticker campaigns are characterized by unusual circumstances. In this case, it’s Cacc’s win in Pittsfield. The county seat will decide the race in November.
  • Take Off the Gloves — Cacc must become a — yuk — “politician.” No more Mr. Nice Guy. He’s in a duel.
  • Tout Experience — He wins by hammering home his advantage in experience. He makes the campaign about competence, since both more or less agree on the issues.
  • GOP Go — Caccaviello campaigned as a Democrat and is well known in party circles, so he has votes there. But the 7,600 county Republicans hold the key to this election. They did not vote in September. His perceived “tougher on crime” versus her perceived “soft, ‘understand them'” approach should play well with GOP voters.
  • Know and Follow Electoral Law — Cacc’s campaign needs to read and re-read what Massachusetts law says about sticker campaigns. If they’ve read them already, read them again.
  • What’s in a Name? — The ballot will have a space for every office, in this case the D.A., where a person can physically write-in a person’s name that is not on the ballot. Caccaviello’s name will not appear on the ballot. People will need to write it in. Commonwealth law also allows a candidate to pre-print stickers with his name and address on it. The regulations are precise. Stickers must be 2-1/4″x1/4″ printed in black ink with the candidate’s name and then, in smaller type size, his address. Follow the instructions. Cacc must print up a large number of stickers and see that they are well distributed.
  • Knight Rider — Have Judith Knight appear with Cacc in a press conference, in which Knight will endorse the acting D.A. and urge her supporters to do the same. In the primary, Knight won more than 5,000 votes to roughly Cacc’s 7,600 and Harrington’s 8,300. Do we have to draw a map?
  • Don’t ignore North and South — In the north, go to Williamstown, North Adams, and Adams. Also, stump in Great Barrington and Stockbridge. The goal is to neutralize the votes Harrington piled up there. Have Knight perform as a stump surrogate in these areas.
  • Eagle Eyes — Have trusted aides at each voting station. Monitor the polls scrupulously. Every vote counts. Allow no disqualified votes without a challenge. Be sure that every piece of paper is examined. With write-ins, there will be sloppiness. In Massachusetts, as long as a ballot reveals the intent of the voter, it counts as a vote. Butchered spellings of “caccaviello” count as a vote if they reveal voter intent.

That’s the “how.” Now it’s up to Caccaviello. Victory can be his, if he plays it right.


Surround yourself with people who know more than you do, then get out of their way” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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6 years ago

I disagree that Harrington deserves respect. For the love of God, where is the outrage? She is an imposter! She has never even prosecuted a misdemeanor; meanwhile we have six homicide cases pending. Her “I’ll get people for that” response should horrify you. And why should someone who had not paid her dues get your respect, Dan? No proven leadership skills yet she wants to leap ahead of a dozen lawyers because, why??? Because she has some ideas about being a criminal advocate? I say she has not earned your respect, don’t give it!

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Dan, a lot of dangerous people ran an effective campaign. I hope most voters will respond with fear, not respect, and vote for someone who can do the job because it’s arguably the most important one in Berkshire County.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Jim Jones???? Dan, I wonder why you think people vote against their own best interests? Why would our primary voters – most of whom go about their business and obey the law and don’t have a personal ax to grind with the law – vote for a Harrington, who is almost as unqualified as they are? And against a guy like Paul Caccaviello who appears to have done an outstanding job. I know certain people have tried hard to nail him on something but it’s just not there, is it?

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Harrington won by selling lies. She has a proven track record in the 7 criminal cases she argued of failure and outright ineffectiveness, admitting this herself.

Then of course, there’s the Williams College assaults not being prosecuted malarkey. You can’t prosecute what’s not reported to the DA, and that is about to come out. The Chief of Police has been interviewed and presented the records.

It doesn’t look good for either Williams or Harrington.

When you win by lying and cheating, Harrington like Trump deserves nothing.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Sara
6 years ago

Sara You are spot on. Her in the DA’s office would be as disastrous as Tyer is in the mayors office. Neither has an ounce of managerial experience. If you look at tyer,’s campaign people they were the same in Harrington’s campaign. Harrington has been looking for a job any job whether she is qualified or not. She was the weakest candidate of the three who ran. Those who supported her knew that if they played the game that was played by tyer in her election win they would get her elected. It worked their deceitful game plan that is and the results were the two phonies won the elections. Look what we got with tyer a know nothing buffoon who was a secretary in pool of secretaries in the lenox school system who couldn’t find her way home without a GPS device. We could not do anything about her wining even though we all know now what a mistake it was electing her. We can do something about this individual who wants to be the DA who has not a clue as to what it means to be the DA and that is to elect Paul Cacaviello. We all know that he knows the DA’s responsibilities and has been involved in Over 5000 cases prosecuted by the DA’s office and the criteria that is most important is the experience. Experience is everything. Would you get on a 747 aircraft if you knew the pilot had no experience? There are many cities who have plowed under because of total incompetent elected officials and Pittsfield could be well on its way to joining them. Elections need to be much more scrutinized to insure that buffoons like tyer and harriñgton are not elected to positions which will affect the lives and livelihoods of all the citizens of the community. We must take one election at a time and this is one we must get right. I have dictated this post to art and am doing my part on my TV show by explaining to the less than informed individuals of this city as to how the write in process works. I will tell you why the bulk of the city residents are so far out of it as they are and the blame falls directly on the Berkshire Eagle and one reporter in particular Amanda Drane. In order to be fully informed you must seek out multiple news sources and if you don’t the type of election results we have seen will continue. Many have asked me if I will run for mayor and I laugh because the election is far away for now. But who knows I might because I need a vacation. Thanks to all the people on the planet who praise me or butcher me. Dan I guess the only ones who really go out on a limb to help the masses are you and me. I have to get you on my show soon because I need to have you help me with these GOBSIGS. I saw chuck posted and how are you Chuck. Thank you for the nice letter about my father and Joe in the Eagle. Got to rest up might be leaving the country on business soon. I have Skype but when I am dealing with the Chinese or Indian engineers the only thing we have in common is science and engineering. One other thing we have in common is facial expressions. If I read some of it I assume what they are thinking is. Well you get the idea.When it comes to dollars I have to leave the country. Talk to everyone again someday. Bye.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

At least you admit you are the worthless waterboy. How do you understand engineering when you can’t explain basic math on your TV show?

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
6 years ago

Has the Berkshire Eagle published the “threat” issued to Melissa Mazeo by Andrea Harrington? If not maybe Melissa could issue a press release or write a letter to the editor.

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
6 years ago

She should hold a press conference. She can answer questions about the “threat” and about the sweetheart deal that Roberto got, a corrupt slap in the face to us unconnected folk.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I spoke to an asst editor at the Eagle. No interest because it was on this site. They do know about it though.

liza kay
liza kay
Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

Let me see if I understand this. John Krol getting his advertiser called and Ottos Restaurant getting text message from upset wives merits a story. But a career threat reported by a sitting city counselor from a candidate running for DA does not? Because it was already “broken” here or because it is not credible? If it’s the former it’s pretty odd the Eagle would find this site a competitor. If it’s the latter are they calling Ms. Mazzeo a liar?

Reply to  liza kay
6 years ago

It’s because it’s here. I was specifically told because in the Eagle’s opinion, “Valenti is not a journalist.”

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I have not seen this story anywhere else so assume it was just to stir the pot on the Planet.

Earl Grey Squirrel
Earl Grey Squirrel
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

MazzeoGate is boring and hearsay but I’m glad the Planet broke DumpsterGate so the Eagle didn’t pick it up.

Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Of course they aren’t going to just run a story without calling Mazzeo. I don’t get what the holdup is. That’s a major story. First TFB tried to convince Knight to bow out, now Harrington’s called a woman counselor and threatened to push her out of politics? Look, not much happens here…What happened to women supporting women?

6 years ago

Funny, in all this time, still no information regarding Williams College rape investigations. Why is that?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Isn’t it an ongoing case?

Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Huh? I’m talking about the multitude of rapes that weren’t prosecuted. Caccaviello claimed that the college was an “obstacle” to such prosecutions. A rep from the college called BS and challenged Caccaviello to release info regarding past investigations and their outcomes.


Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Actually you should be asking Williamstown PD, they would bring the charges and then if they weren’t prosecuted you ask the DA why the case stopped in that office. But if Williamstown brought the charge they would at least be arraigned

Reply to  Jeffrey
6 years ago

Partly right, Williamstown PD should share their info. But the other part you get wrong. Serious crimes require DA office involvement throughout the investigation. The local PD is in communication with the DA’s office throughout. No matter what recommendation the Williamstown PD presents, it is the DA’s office that ultimately decides whether the case should be closed, or say, whether they should speak to more witnesses or something like that. The no/go decision is entirely in the DA’s hands.

Garbage Gestapo
Garbage Gestapo
Reply to  Jeffrey
6 years ago

As if you would know Gaetani

Reply to  Jeffrey
6 years ago

So your logical solution to serious crimes requiring the police to be in constant contact with the District Attorney would be to elect someone who has never been to superior court – you know whew serious crimes are adjudicated but not all felonies like Andrea Harrington thought! I challenge her to present a dozen criminal cases that she successfully defended on her own, bet she can’t do it. Bottom line is if the victims wished to go forward and if there was evidence to go forward Andrea wouldn’t know what charges to present to the grand jury and what the standards of proof are but on the flip side she could recommend a really good campaign firm.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

It’s coming Cicero. The chief has been pulled in.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Listen Krolero, this is the reason you should not be anywhere near the DA’s office. Caccaviello won’t release information that involves cases because these are people’s real lives, not an episode of West Wing. He won’t do it to advance his political future at someone else’s expense. Unlike you, the man has decency.

Reply to  Charlie
6 years ago

Nobody in their right mind would suggest that Caccaviello should release case-specific details or personally identifiable information. That would actually be illegal.

That is not the info that people are looking for. You are very confused Marq-, er, Charlie.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

It’s coming Cicero. Be prepared for the truth to hit the fan! I hope Harrington is wearing a wetsuit because it’s coming her way!

Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

I didn’t understand how a “wetsuit” fit into your metaphor, but I put one on anyway. But these things don’t breathe well and I’m getting very hot. Any idea when that truth bomb will be hitting the fan? I’d like to change into something more comfortable.

6 years ago

Well said Dan. Cacc has got to get quackin or it ain’t gonna be happenin’, and if Harrington wins, let’s hope she takes Sir Tiberius Fruitjuices’ advice.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Yes Dan, but October has arrived at now is the time. If he doesn’t come out swinging this week I’m all done getting worked up over Harrington’s primary win.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Yes Dan, I agree totally, and your column was clear. Just frustrating that ain’t nothin’ happenin’

Moon River
Moon River
6 years ago

Notice that the previous column did not reach the 300 predicted by Art Seller. As usual he was way off.

Reply to  Moon River
6 years ago

He’s only human.

Moon River
Moon River
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

If you read his posts he’s superhuman.

6 years ago

8 trials 12 years – claimed incompetence in one. Never stepped foot in superior court or grand jury, never defended a domestic violence or sexual assault victim ever in court, used I helped settle Facebook disputes as an example of experience, doesn’t know the basics such as what crimes are prosecuted in what courts as just a starter for reasons to vote for anyone before Andrea.

Guess someone’s got plenty of time on their hands to campaign while Judy and Paul were busy in court.

Ran for senate two years ago and is running for DA on a legislative platform rather than a District Attorneys platform. Her Facebook page used to state “I ran for office before it was cool” along with her lack of knowledge of the position of DA anyone should wonder if she is really looking to make changes in the position of District Attorney or looking to advance a political career.

Her alleged threats to Mazzeo seem awfully suspicious to coincide with her push to promote a Democrat brigade in the Berkshires. The threat that the democrats won’t back you had some interesting timing. Also love how Andrea takes pictures with politicians like Markey and Smitty posting thanks for the support so people are to assume they are backing her and oh yeah she hired a big shot political campaign to run her push for office.

Bottom line is Andreas incompetence, inexperience and obvious political ambitions should freighten any voter

Reply to  Jeffrey
6 years ago

Great article Dan, and Jeffrey I agree with your comments. I am frightened about Harrington taking over the D.A.’s position, and I wish Cacc the best of luck with the write-in campaign.

I would like to add this well-written article to the weekend’s discussion of Kavanaugh;

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Excellent article Gigi showing the hypocrisy on the far left. The two women holding Flake hostage in the elevator were madder than hornets, but the liberal media and Dems not worried that these extremely angry people are representative of their party. Stupid Flake caved to their hysteria. The temperament of so many on the far left is now frightening for our country.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Interesting how different you look at these women getting angry opposed to a man (Kavanaugh) getting angry.

6 years ago

And a simple google search of the law firm she’s claiming to have been so busy working for will show they specialize in labor law. She seems prepared to manage homicides, rapes and kidnappings.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

I haven’t found anyone who thinks she is the better choice. My circle includes democrats, republicans, libertarians and unenrolled. They all say the same thing. She is unqualified and inexperienced. They think it’s somewhere between funny and scary how she thinks she’s some kind of a political king maker.

Lucas Jackson
Lucas Jackson
6 years ago

I understand that Brian Marquis posts on these boards.

Mr. Marquis is a troubled man, prone to making wild threats.

Oddly, among the few people who pay him any mind are a number women connected to the DA’s office.

Not good at all. Check out my FB page for more.

Reply to  Lucas Jackson
6 years ago

Do not go to Lucas Jackson fb page or click or comment on any links or messages from him. He is a troll sending disgusting if not illegal material.

Lucas Jackson
Lucas Jackson
Reply to  Charlie
6 years ago

Nice try, Marquis.And too funny. I see you have now hidden all the “likes” on your Facebook page. You finally figured out that you can’t control when your young porn queen friends decide to show you some love. Or at least some “like”.

I recommend you stop guessing as to who I am. Your wild accusations directed at Tim Walsh, John Krol, Cicero and Art Seller from this board, Barry Clairmont and so on are not a good idea. You have no freaking clue as to who I am.

But I definitely know who you are. Part of me wants to have pity on you because you are clearly mentally ill, but hot-darn you make it hard. It’s not easy to have pity on someone who is so completely foul.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Lucas Jackson
6 years ago

People might stop spending money in a store owned by a weirdo.

Lucas Jackson
Lucas Jackson
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

You are mistaken. Brian Marquis does not own a store.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Lucas Jackson
6 years ago

My guess it that LJ is Tim Walsh. That should worry Harrington.

Lucas Jckson
Lucas Jckson
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

These speculative, cuckoo, misdirection posts are from the many handles of Brian Marquis. As I type, he is almost certainly busy purging the huge number of certain accounts from his Facebook account.

Probably won’t hear from him for a week or so.

Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Tim Walsh went around bullying store owners to take down their Caccaviello signs or risk loss of business, then papered his rented space with signs while claiming he remains above the fray. These people need this job for the money.

Art Seller
Art Seller
6 years ago

Garbage Can. Look carefully at the above post under Art Seller. The Gman called me and dictated the entire post and identified himself. Read it and it would be crystal clear to someone with intelligence that he and Cicero who ever he or she is are on opposite sides of the fence and someone would a brain would conclude that these are not the same people. This now makes 7 people who think the Gman posts under 7 different pen names but I assure you there is only one Gman and the 7 who claim others to be him is an insult to the Gman. I guess these people who post under pen names are enamored by the Gman and the Gman lives in their heads. Like I said there is no one like the Gman. He is the tax and rate payers greatest advocate of all time and the greatest benefactor to the city of Pittsfield in the city’s history in fact greater than all other benefactors combined and most importantly is my friend.I have many friends in this city but there is only one Gman and if he is your friend you are very lucky. He hates gobsigs and takes a lot of abuse from them and people on this site but it does not faze him in the least. Once he saves the city once again like he did in the 80’s he is going to change occupations and write a book about slaughtering politicians and consultants of which he has a lot of experience. He can fill many chapters about his stellar military experience teaching Biology Chemistry and Physics in the high school and chemical biological and environmental engineering as an adjunct graduate professor at the lenox institute of research. He plans to write how corrupt city government is in Pittsfield and how he had to endure trumped up charges during the 2015 mayoral election and how both the police chief and fire chief colluded and lied about dept. Policies which lead to his conviction and spending two days in jail. The Gman laughs about his days in jail as being a restful period which he enjoyed. The Gman is driven and is doing everything he can to stop the w/s updates with a price tag of 150 million dollars as he is certain these projects with a change in marketing technique that he developed can save the same kind of money he saved the city in the 80’s. He has nothing to work with as the mayor and 8 of the 11 councilors and tutocy are not educate able and could never comprehend the Gman’s presentation. He has invited the EPA to debate him on his TV show but they have declined because they know the Gman and they are scared to death of him as they are aware what he did to Metcalf and Eddy in the 80’s who were at the time one of the premier engineering companies in the country and are presently are the city’s consultants today. Does this sound fishy? The Gman is fighting this battle all by himself and win or lose it will have no affect on him what so ever. If he isn’t successful you people reading this post are in serious trouble. Look at your quarterly W/S bill. Multiply it by 8 that’s your new quarterly rate. Now multiply that figure by 4 that’s your new yearly rate. Are you screaming? I would think twice about throwing stones at the Gman. He might be the only person who can save you. Now go ahead throw a stone at him but remember he is the only one who is going to bat for you. If you get him pissed off and he decides to pull the plug God help you if your not rich.Think your property taxes are high? w/s rates will be double or triple them. You sheep better start doing some serious thinking. The Gman has not seen the support from the city residents or many on the planet and he just may pull the plug. God help you if he does. He may end up being your landlord. Try to figure this statement out. Time is running out friends.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Thank you G Man,good luck over seas.

Garbage Gestapo
Garbage Gestapo
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I hear he went to Alaska to teach the Eskimos how tow can whale blubber. It seems it’s easier if you run it through a sand float.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

What an obtuse blowhard.

downtown dweller
downtown dweller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Why does Mr. Gaetani have to call you & dictate a post response? Why can’t he just post himself?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  downtown dweller
6 years ago

DD. He is too busy trying to help the citizens of Pittsfield. Will you be severely impacted if your W/S rates rise by a factor of 8?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

And the truth will set you free.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

G man calls Art… is that call long distance, ship to shore, satcoms, or just a call from crazy town. Proof of multiple personalities of the G man. Get some help.

6 years ago

Jeffrey and Gigi,

You are both correct about Harrington but the problem is Cacc just ain’t campaigning. He can’t win a write in just standing for election. He ain’t Pete Arlos for crying out loud! And Jeff you are totally correct on the Williams college rapes and Cicero is totally wrong about the role of the DA in rape cases and directing the investigation but I’m all done correcting him directly because he is as ignorant as Harrington. And to her credit she outfoxed and out campaigned Caccaviello, biggly. And for the record Cicero I fully support knowing the real story of the alleged Williams College rapes.

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

Jeff believes that the Williamstown PD has the power to “arraign” criminals. That is so incredibly, fantastically ignorant that there’s no need to address it further.

As for what I am “wrong” about, why don’t you elaborate. And do so without putting words in my mouth. Re-read my post and point out where I said the DA’s office “directs” investigations. It’s a little more nuanced than that. All I know is that when you say Jeff is right and I am wrong, right after Jeff said that the local police department has the powers of arraignment, well, that doesn’t make you look very good.

Support your candidate all you want, but don’t endorse misinformation.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I either misspoke or you misunderstood me. What I meant was Williamstown has the obligation to investigate and right to arrest without consulting with the DA’s office, once an arrest is made the DA’s office handles the arraignment and orchestrated the direction of the prosecution. If arrests haven’t been made you should be directing your questions to Williamstown PD and if they were never notified by the college you should be asking the college what’s up. Instead the Harrington campaign skewed this information to solely blame the DA’s office which would be incorrect. The only cases that a police department in Massachusetts are required to confer with the district attorneys office are death investigations.

Reply to  Jeffrey
6 years ago

Support your candidate all you want but don’t support misquoting statements

Reply to  Jeffrey
6 years ago

Precisely Jeff. No one ever said police have power of arraignment. cicero is out to lunch on this one. He is the one spewing misinformation, not us.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Meanwhile American president Donald Trump says he has fallen in love with Korean president KIm Jung Un over beautiful love letter he has received from him. It is nice to see that Donald has a soft side and I hope this new relationship makes him a better person. I also hope Melania understands and excepts this open relationship as we all know how hard it must be for the president to come out this way.

I also hope that the liberal media and LGBT community will welcome his new found openness and not poke fun at him. It is not a time for bullying.

6 years ago

Well, he knows he has a big rocket.

6 years ago

Again Art is spot on. Read carefully what people are saying about the Kavanaugh Beer summit. This is a job Interview of the highest magnitude. Sexual accusations aside, he doesn’t have the temperament, character, and could be a closet alcoholic. Trump will get his info this week.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

My back channels are telling me that this FBI “investigation” will be over today and that Kavanaugh will be voted in by noon tomorrow

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Johnny Absurd

This is a total joke like you have never seen before. You don’t think for one minute Trump would agree to anything that was not a sure bet . The reason for the perameters.

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago


Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell and Trump have boxed this phony investigation into a very tight area they feel comfortable with. But they also know that more and more people are coming out every day and that they need to shut it down asap. The whole thing is a huge joke and in your face insult to all Americans but woman especially. Hopefully it will turn many republican woman voters to vote democratic this time.

But how very sad that our government would stoop so low as to spit in the faces of the very people it is suppose to represent.

6 years ago

But Trump has his own junk he has to deal with. And it’s a lot. Trump is playing America like a fiddle and Jong is playing him like one.

6 years ago

You peeps do know what Trump is doing right?While he distracts with his nonsense sex charades and hiring and firings, and appointments, he’ setting up shop with all the world leaders and making deals for himself down the road,lots of info meeting with these heads of states, mucho dinero in them there hills.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Wondrous
6 years ago

Under cover of this ridiculous jobnninterview they are also pushing through another huge tax cut for the wealthiest among us.

6 years ago

President Trump has another victory. A deal is in place with Canada for NAFTA. Keep up the great work President Trump!!!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Keep up the great Jokes Pat! Love em!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Pat, you mean the additional taxes on the middle class in the form of tariffs.

Brian C.Marquis
Brian C.Marquis
6 years ago

I am here to add my two cents to the Williams College discussion.

In brief: a couple years ago I worked at Williams College in its Dining Services and Office of Student Life. In addition to those positions, I also sat on the Student Judicial Panel.

During our training we were told, as panelist hearing complaints, that referrals to the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office should never enter into our discussion, and should never become a final disposition.

Any such referrals would jeopardize the College’s financial aid stream, and probably lead to unwelcome DOE investigations, under Title IX.

Given sexual assaults are more common than uncommon on Williams’ campus . . .

One such complaint involved a male student upon a female student after an evening of on-campus partying.

As their evening unfolded and partying came to an end, an alleged sexual assault occurred. A couple days later the female involved with male student that evening filed a complaint with Meg Bossong, the College’s sexual assault response and prevention director.

The complaint filed against the male student, alleged sexual assault. To make a long story short: the male student/ respondent shoved an electronic device up the female student/ complainant’s vagina while she lied semi-conscious and helpless on a dorm daybed.

After reviewing the complaint and weighting all interested parties’ testimonies and evidence, my recommendation was to refer it (complaint) to the DA’s office. Needless to say -the College’s (predictable) disposition fell short of my recommendation. Instead, College officials, and fellow panelists, imposed with a mere 2-semester suspension.

In case you missed it: a male Williams College student shoved an electronic device up a female Williams College student’s vagina, after a night of partying. And the only sanction Williams College imposed upon him was a 2-semester suspension from campus.

To this day, I believe, as I did then, that the male student/ respondent should’ve faced criminal charges Frankly, he should be in jail.

And that’s that!

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Brian C.Marquis
6 years ago

And Williams covers this type of thing up and then denies the cover up. About right for a school run by phonies.

Lucas Jackson
Lucas Jackson
Reply to  Brian C.Marquis
6 years ago

I have been told that this man is completely full of crap, that he was never on a judicial panel that decided cases. He volunteered and went through some training – a horrible enough thought already – but he was never on a panel that judged actual cases.

He is also an affiant in an ongoing lawsuit against Williams College and the attorney who represents the plaintiff, and presented his affidavit for the record, posts here as well.

She must be thrilled to learn her witness is a lunatic.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Lucas Jackson
6 years ago

Another helpful Harrington household hint.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Lucas Jackson
6 years ago

Who told you?

Lucas Jackson
Lucas Jackson
Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

Doesn’t matter who told me. The man is not well. He does not see the consequences of his lies. And it’s VERY disturbing to see that among his few “supporters”, a disproportionate number are women connected to the Berkshire DA’s Office. Shall I name them in the next post?

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Lucas Jackson
6 years ago

Lucas (John, Tim), I am enjoying the show. Keep up the good reporting. It seems someone’s feeding you phony info. If only you knew!!

Publish all you wish because no one’s subscribing to your idiotic Fake News reports. Oh, by the way – You seem irritated; you must be feeling the heat? Your tone has intensified since yesterday. Got me under your skin do you?

And by the way, you’re such a coward. Expose yourself so we know who we’re sparing with.

And to think I’m the twisted one. And to think you respond on command. It’s nice to know I have your undivided attention, though.

You attention-seeker, you!

Good luck on November 6th.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Oh, and by the way, for the record: I know no one in the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office. I only met, for the first time, our district attorney, a few weeks ago.

So, again, I don’t know who’s feeding this stuff, but you’re way of the mark of any accepted level of accuracy.

You’re such a coward, Lucas Jackson (or is Tim and John).

I understand you’re publishing this idiocy from your North Street studio. Is this true?

Lucas Jackson
Lucas Jackson
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

For the record, you are as dishonest.

On Sept. 4 you were with ADA Dana Parsons, took her picture and posted it on your Facebook page with the comment “The biggest and brightest star of the Caccaviello campaign…Radiating more energy to-day than a sun star ever.”

Caccaviello’s sister posts to your timeline as well.

And so on.

But I thank you for continually posting my name and drawing people to my Facebook page. You do not fool anyone and are only humiliating yourself. Very well done.

6 years ago

I’m telling ya, Pat (could be Fritz et al) could make a fortune.Trumps personal satirist.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

She is a rookie,She is a rookie,She is a rookie,She is a rookie….not negative just the truth

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

She having a rookie year. Tell her I’m inlove with Kim,.

6 years ago

Thank you Chad and Liz for speaking out about Kavanutts. Sloppy drunk. That’s enough and lied about it. Next.

Reply to  U
6 years ago

Sorry, but drinking in high school or college proves nothing. So many got extremely drunk in high school and college. He wasn’t an alcoholic or he would still be one now. Dems are determined to get rid of Kavanaugh. Horrible what they are doing to him.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Brett Kavanaugh is a piece of garbage. Nay, he is a dumpster full of garbage. He is not a good man nor a good jurist.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat. how do you know he isn’t an alcoholic now?

Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Nobody could become as successful as he is while being an alcoholic. Also alcoholic teenagers do not keep to do list calendars and faithfully fill them out everyday. Even I didn’t do that as a teen and I considered myself to be very organized. Alcoholic teens are scatter brained and very irresponsible. Adult alcoholics seldom live past age 50 or so due to liver damage.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

You should do some research on alcoholism. A large percentage are functional, and many of those are highly functional. Not sure where you are getting your info on life expectancy but it’s just not true.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat,you could not be more wrong.Nothing new.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Your right pat drinking in high school or college proves nothing. Lying to congress does prove something. What it proves is that he perjured himself. This alone is all the reason needed not to confirm him. I will repeat what I said in a past post If I were him I would withdraw my name and go back to his judgeship on the appellate court. If he doesn’t he will be found guilty of perjury a felony which would preclude him sitting on any court and where he will be sitting is in a jail cell in a federal prison. This is how simple this situation is. If this situation plays out any different than what I just laid out we could be heading toward a civil war. It will be between the sane and the insane and guess who will win?

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

What would you say about a guy who was sloppy drunk during a debate at BCC?

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Not only fake news but news down the drain.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

Are the people at the trade deal speech standing behind Trump required to look like they haven’t been screwed?

6 years ago

Another success for President Trump. The Dems can’t handle it.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

You’re right, Pat. Leftist’s heads are exploding over all this winning!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Trump is having an affair with a Korean man for God’s sake Pat. And right out in the open. First Stormy Daniels and now Kim Jung Un. He may be winning but he is hurting Melania something awful. She can’t seem to catch a break these days.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Stormy Daniels and her creepy porn lawyer are the new face of the democrat party.

6 years ago

Listening to him and you two or one, gives me a headache.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Cosbies
6 years ago

Here’s another fact for you, “Cosbies” – the stock market is up over 250 points – that should give a liberal leftist like you a royal migraine! MAGA!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

With all that great news it should be up 400. Just sayin.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

Seems to me Andrea Harrington is running a solar campaign. Paul Caccaviello merits strong consideration based on several factors. Its a wonder that either one of them would want for it, in todays world.

Roberto Del Halitoso's Rolodex
Roberto Del Halitoso's Rolodex
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

Yeah, she solar soul to the devil.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Pittsfield politics always comes down to two political factions fighting each other for power. The 2 factions are both under the Democratic Party. The “Jimmy Ruberto” lead faction supports Andrea Harrington. The Sheriff “Tom Bowler” lead faction supports Paul Caccaviello. It goes back and forth between the 2 factions. It is all very redundant and undemocratic!
Who gets to be the next career politician? Andrea Harrington or Paul Caccaviello?

6 years ago

Bowler said he was not a Politician when he was running for Sheriff, now he is. Other than Patsy Harris, who clearly will be re-elected, we should follow her lead as someone who really isn’t part of the establishment,and earned what she ran for. She goes to events, but you can clearly see she doesn’t enjoy them at all.Way to go Patsy!

6 years ago

Is it me, or has Harrington now the under dog. The O E thing Mr. C needs to do is explain in ads how’s to do the damn write in. He could lose a thousand votes.

William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  h
6 years ago

It’s easier to spell than you think…..C A C….C A V I E……L L O

Very melodic a one line song.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

You are right,people are lazy, they just won’t vote,or when they get there, they think two things?… who’s watching and
asking questions orthinking people are listening, they like to be private.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Harrington will be a great ma.politician….she is Farley Bouvier trained and she will replace Bouvier some day…..Bouvier is camping outside Senator Warrens house hoping she runs for president.

6 years ago

See ya later Kavanaugh, you are very very creepy. To Senator Collins, don’t mess this up, you won’t be re-elected, you’re tax cut for the rich was your last straw to be re-elected, and Attis worse than this. Vote Nay, and stop using the family poor me excuse. That I don’t condone..reSubMit orange haired piece of lard.

6 years ago

Was that grape juice in Trumps glass at the N A T O summit? He did say today,he never drank alchohol? Last time I looked, wine was alchohol.Dump Nutsy and dump trumps political whoremaster McConnel also. And then dump TRUMP.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Supposedly Trump dislikes people who drink too much because his brother was an alcoholic. But if it is a guy who can get on the supreme court and save his ass from jail he will let him drink right in the oval office

Minister of Intoxication
Minister of Intoxication
6 years ago

Exactly J A, spot on! Plus he gets two for one…DISTRACTION at the expense of Kavs Family….HE’s NO GOOD? And blame it on the HOL. booze…just sayin.

6 years ago

There are over 500 properties for sale at Oct. 11 city hall auction? Way to go Pittsfield, drive em out. And shoudn’t these homes-property should be alphabetical order, to tedious on that carpet roll out.

6 years ago

I have to laugh at the complaints by the City that false alarms, at business and homes,should be a fine. What about the repetitive calls , not just people……but they go to Cumbies’ five ten times a week, and that is conservative numbers.

6 years ago

Been clamouring about Allendale School for years,for years.Now,elevated levels detected in ground water, no joke, really. Parents,don’t send your kids to that crap hole in the back.

Reply to  Nota
6 years ago

Uh oh…gonna have to build a new school. Betcha that disappoints a bunch of salivating glad handers.

Art seller
Art seller
6 years ago

Kavanaugh communicated with friends to refute Ramiriz testimony. Also photo of naugh and ramiriz with 5 or 6 at a drinking party. Uh 0 Bye Bye Bret. Hello levinworth.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art seller
6 years ago

Scott Pelly to Flake and Coons. Should Kavanaugh be approved to SJC if it is proven he perjured himself in lying to congress? Answer ÑO. We all know he lied. How many still support him and why. The truth will set you free.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Unless you have blood alcohol report results, showing pictures of Kavanaugh next to liquor bottles where lots of others are drinking is no indication of how much he drank.

6 years ago

More reasons, as if we needed any, to NOT vote for Andrea Harrington. She has been endorsed by Mass. Attorney General Maura Healey. That can only mean she will be part of the Boston far left machine and take her orders from them. Healey supports Andrea’s vision for the District Attorney’s Office. This is just one more reason why it is critical to vote for Cacc.

6 years ago

Hey Art….what up? what a magnificent show the Professor (Gman) Show was last week, currently there is a show called repercussions from the Beserkshires on, with Clueless Lew and Bedraggled Bill, who’s complaining about diagonal walkers on North St. That is the conversation, two bitter senior citizens talking about nonsense. Little do they know or care that the water rates could be into the thousands, some topic worth watching imstead of these two boobs.

Art Seller
Art Seller
6 years ago

Kavanaugh asked when he first knew of ramiriz. Answer first heard of her in a times article last week . today we found out he tried to contact her friends over a month ago to get them to change their stories to support him. Uh O. The plot thickens. This clown lies as frequently as scump. I think they may both be sharing a cell in a federal prison soon. Some response from their supporters? You have all gone quiet. Don’t worry I will keep you up to date on their shenanigans. You can count on it. The truth will set us free from these liars. You can bet on that also.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Brilliant Mr. Seller…just brilliant…and true!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

Thank you MH. I’m just getting warmed up. Really not much more to say about naugh. I think his goose is cooked. We don’t need to even get into his sexual proclivity he is caught already with multiple perjury statements. He better withdraw now and save his job in appellate court before it is to late and heads to prison. On another thought I believe the country’s first female president and vice president will come from the senate judiciary committee. Anyone care to name them in the one two order?

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Of course they will be Democrat though right Art Seller? No females should even be considered unless they are Democrat?

Art seller
Art seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

The two I am talking about are brilliant accomplished women and I am certain you would have negative things to say about them because they think scump belongs in the dump. They tell the truth and your not conditioned to understand the truth because your mind is filled with lies from scump. You have been had pat. I hope you will recover but I am not going to bet on it.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Si crees esto, eres un idiota.

6 years ago

My prediction for Pres….Lizza and Stormy. Why not?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

What’s your point

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

Bar fight in 85,,,,not fake news.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
6 years ago

On Friday, the world lost one of the greats, Dick Van Dyke. The comedian and actor spent his lifetime keeping us entertained and reminding us that America is, at its core, a wholesome place.

Van Dyke taught us that good, Christian morals are how we can get through as a nation, and he wanted to make sure that Americans have the chance to have the society they deserve.

In his will, Van Dyke specified that “the total sale value of the house in Bermuda shall be donated to the Trump Foundation to help in their mission to make the country and world great again.”

This is the first time Dick Van Dyke has spoken out about President Trump. For whatever reason, he chose to do it from beyond the grave. But his message is clear: “Only President Trump can save America from herself.”

Liberals have been going crazy on social media in the hours since the news of Van Dyke’s demise (and of his will’s contents) were released.

Van Dyke’s stipulation was one of many in his will that have liberal heads spinning. Others include a $5 million donation to the Trump campaign, donations to conservative causes, and the construction of a medium-sized golden statue of Melania Trump at the Dick Van Dyke museum in Mount Airy, Virginia.

Van Dyke is just the latest celebrity to leave something honoring President Trump in their will. While Fake News CNN and MSNBC will have you believe that everyone hates him, the truth is that President Trump is the best thing that has happened to these great United States. And Dick Van Dyke knows it.

Thank you for your contributions to President Trump’s foundation, the world of comedy, and society in general, Mr. Van Dyke. You are surely by God’s side looking down on us.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

I call fake news on myself. Sorry.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

He should have left the money to those poor children who were snatched from their parents who may never be reunited ever again. That bequeath should have been left to those poor suffering children. I wish Dick had his head examined before he died. He will go down in history as being beloved while alive and just plain crazy after death. Incidentally I was a big fan of his during his life and I will miss him. RIP Dick. You provided many laughs for the masses You were an American icon.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

people should consider leaving money to the children of those people killed by illegal aliens.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art – You seem to have a nose for injustice. You despise the abuse of power. So do I.

There are plenty of ambiguous cases that we can argue about, but the Williams College rape statistics cry out for an explanation. Multiple Caccaviello supporters have posted that the explanation is forthcoming, and yet…nothing.

I see that you are a big Caccaviello supporter. Fair enough. In a vacuum, experience usually is THE most important quality to look for. But this is not a vacuum. Not even close. And some odious behavior may be on the verge of being brought into the light.

It’s unfortunate that you don’t support that effort. It is ultimately an effort to uncover the truth, nothing more.

And if there is a plausible, reasonable explanation behind those numbers, believe me I am all ears. And I will be more than satisfied. Until then, not so much.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Cicero yes I support cacaviello. I do despise injustice. Let me be clear. I do not support Harrington because everything I know about the two candidates leads me to believe one is highly qualified and one is woefully unqualified. As you know I am a staunch supporter of Mr Gaetanis and he is one of the fairest person I have ever known. He told me that his nephew was sentenced to prison on gun charges prosecuted by the dist attorneys office. One would think that he would be outraged at cacaviello and the district attorneys office but this is what I mean about the wiz being the fairest person I know. He knew his nephew was wrong and he deserved what he got. He told me that cacaviello is a fair person and highly qualified for the job and that is enough for me as the wiz knows how to sniff out phonies like 8 of the city councilors the mayor and all of the school committee. He calls them phonies right to their face and isn’t afraid of anyone and was never afraid to call a phonie a phonie during his entire life. The Gman’s good friend is the grandfather of Mrs. Harrington and he told him that he wasn’t voting for his granddaughter because he felt she wasn’t qualified. Further the Gman invited Harrington to appear on his TV show so that he could give her a chance to project herself to the Gman’s audience and she never provided the Gman the courtesy of a reply. Getting back to the Williams college situation. If what you claim is the truth of course I abhor it. I have been watching for information regarding this situation but I have not read anything credible to date. You should try to get some type of affadavit from the college or have Mrs.Harrington who is a lawyer undertake an investigation of her own and post her findings in all media. Yes I do have a nose for injustice and if this injustice is true it should be brought to justice. I have several friends who are lawyers who aren’t aware of this situation and if I find out anything I will post it on this site as the whole city reads this board. Have you asked the Eagle or other media to do an investigative story. If you haven’t you should because these are very serious charges. Keep posting to keep the pu lic informed. Good luck.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Your thoughts about your nephew are admirable. But what about Roberto Mazzeo? Thin about the price paid by your nephew as compared to Roberto. In addition to the major drug charges, the guy was looking at over a dozen weapons charges – which included a stolen handgun and a stolen assault rifle.

I don’t know the particulars about your nephew’s charges, but stolen weapons are as dangerous as they come. It is an insult to the notion of justice that Mazzeo got a year of probation, which will conclude shortly, while the outcomes of so many others WHO ARE NOT CONNECTED have been so very,very much harsher.

Justice is not blind in Pittsfield. Not even close.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

If elected Harrington will only pursue firearms charges against legal gun owners. She believes criminals are the victims.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Is this Art himself? Maybe Walsh, Krol, Clairmont or Harrington.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

Please don’t associate me with that bunch. They are strong gobsigs I am a mega strong anti gobsig. Don’t you know that about me? Truth is truth and with me truth is everything. I don’t care if a person is a gob or a antigob if something they say is true I will back them. It’s too bad that more people don’t look at things this way. If they did we wouldn’t have to deal with fake news, truth isn’t truth, alternate facts and bs like that but we will correct things next month at this time. I for one can’t wait. Down with all liars. The truth is going to truly set us free. Let’s all pray for the truth to prevail in November. We can make America great again once we get rid of the fool who made it not so grate in the past two years.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I thought he was a Flemish painter.

Minister of Intoxication
Minister of Intoxication
6 years ago

Who the heck is Dick Van Dyke what show was he on,Mash. How old are you dudes, is this clueless Lew?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Minister of Intoxication
6 years ago

Do you mean No Klew Lew?

6 years ago

Come on MOI you’ve never heard of Mannix.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

No,Mannix was Mike Conners, Conners starred also as Lucas MCane in the Rifleman.Van dyke was in Mayberry Show and also played a pretty good banjo,often appearing on the tonight show.