(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 12-14, 2018) — THE PLANET‘s coverage of the District Attorney’s race in Berkshire County continues today with an interview with acting D.A. Paul Caccaviello. As you most likely know, Caccaviello is mounting a sticker run against Democratic Party primary winner Andrew Harrington. Cacc says that contrary to what some may believe, he’s been campaigning hard while trying at the same time to handle the duties of the D.A.’s office. Cacc didn’t mince words about his plans, about what he thinks of his opponent, Andrea Harrington, or what he expects in November. We should also note that we tried to contact Harrington, but she did not return our calls.
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PLANET: How do your react when you hear your opponent calling you out for running a sticker campaign after losing to her in the primary?
CACCAVIELLO: My opponent and her camp have predictably been on record as calling me a “sore loser” for running as a write-in candidate. My opponent said the voters have spoken, but the truth is that not all spoke on Sept. 4, but a lot have spoken up since. I am excited about the democratic process by running as a write-in candidate. This is the beauty of the democratic process. The legal community, law enforcement community, the business community, women, seniors, and families are concerned residents. They are not sore losers.
PLANET: What are the issues that concern them? What are you hearing as you campaign?
CACCAVIELLO: Just to name some of their concerns and questions, they cite my opponent’s inexperience, lack of any prosecutor work at all, or her lack of a leadership role in any prior organization, her record of brief tenure at any prior employments, and how her claim of 15 years of extensive criminal courtroom experience does not square with her total of 7 district court trials between 2011 and 2016. They also are concerned that that 15-year claim of courtroom experience does not hold water, especially when a court transcript from 2011 reveals her explanation for what she claimed was her own ineffective assistance of counsel [because] it was her first trial —and the last one was in 2016. They also ask if she is not willing to go into court, then who will she hire to do the work? Having not done the work, how can she know who to hire?
PLANET: Have you been campaigning hard or are you keeping your powder dry? We ask because some supporters wish you’d be more visible. Your opponent’s backers say you don’t have your heart in it. How do you respond?
CACCAVIELLO: Since the primary, hundreds of volunteer have joined my team and are working hard to educate the voters about the write-in process and comparing my experience and background with my opponent’s. To say that we have been extremely busy would be an understatement. The public will see those efforts up close in the coming weeks. Doing the work of the DA and while running in an election has been a challenge, but I have embraced challenges throughout my professional and personal life. Just because something presents [itself] as difficult does not mean you don’t take the challenge if it is the right thing to do, and that is what I and my supporters are doing. Check out my Facebook page for information, videos, and a calendar of events. We have also expanded out of our campaign space and moved into additional space for field activities. The support and enthusiasm from my supporters has been tremendous, and I am confident about my choice to give ALL voters a chance to elect the most experienced person for the Office of District Attorney. I am committed to this race and to protecting the most important office in the county.
PLANET: Have you had any discussion with Harrington about staying on in the office if she wins in November?
CACCAVIELLO: Attorney Harrington and I have had no conversations about any circumstances that may happen post Nov. 6.
PLANET: No doubt you’ve been following the discussions regarding allegation of ignored sexual assaults at Williams College. What can you tell voters with respect to that?
CACCAVIELLO: As to the Williams College “issue,” although a certain narrative was pushed in the course of a political campaign, I will be addressing that issue as the District Attorney. Suffice it to say that I have been doing my due diligence on the matter and will respond upon completion.
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THE PLANET‘s coverage of this race will continue next week and beyond as we approach the November election. It promises to be one of the most captivating races in a long while, given Caccaviello’s decision to “go native” with his sticker bid. If he pulls it off, he makes local political history.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“You give but little when you give your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give” — Kahil Gibran
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Dan there is also a fundraiser in Boston for Harrington scheduled for Wed. Oct 17 at 5pm at the 6B Lounge on Beacon St. Who could possibly be hosting this and what can it mean for us? Boston knows nothing about the Berkshire DAs office yet they are trying to influence this race while we live with the consequences. RED ALERT!
Liza one name comes to mind. Maura Healy. She even came to town to stump for her in Pittsfield. Her whole campaign stinks with present and past buffoons who hold and held office in pittsfield. We need to elect Paul and sweep city hall clean in 2019
Lot’s of outside money and republican money going to Harrington.
12 how is this as a reply to your post that republican money is going to harrinhton’s campaign___I told you the republicans were nuts.!!!!!
I heard about the Boston fundraiser from other sources. Most interesting. The obvious question is “Why Boston?” The other question you raised: “Who’s behind the event.” There may be nothing there, but the smell-o-meter has been tripped.
Maura Healey is behind the event. She made a blind endorsement of Harrington without even looking into her credentials. Why would she do that, you ask? She has a set of goals to get women into office. It’s not about progressive politics it is about sex. For example, she is leading the effort to have 50% of the democratically elected attorney general seats be women by 2022. She wants another woman on the Mass. DAs. It’s a decent enough prerogative since women need to hold more offices but we are not all alike! She didn’t do her homework and now she is going to buy the position. This must be stopped. We can’t let the AG saddle the Berkshires with Harrington, who hasn’t even been in charge of a PTA or any organization at all! The letter in the BB from the women attorneys who have actually done the work says it all. PS It may be a violation of ethics laws and some are looking into it.
The Boston Harrington fundraiser is run by ActBlue “a nonprofit, building fundraising technology for the left. Together, we’ve raised 2,882,405,363 dollars for Democrats and progressive causes in just 14 years.” Huh? Technology for the left? So if I’m an independent I can’t use it?
This just proves that Harrington will be a complete puppet for far left progressive Boston ideas like a whole list of what they consider minor crimes that they will refuse to prosecute, sanctuary city nonsense, and coddling drug abusers.
$1000.00 to Harrington from a republican
6/28/2018 Richard Dohoney 74 Blue Hill Rd. Gt. Barrington MA Attorney Donovan O’connor & Dodig Llp $500.00 Harrington, Andrea
Dohoney is a registered Republican who served on the board of a local republican organization.
Registered republican Dohoney’s mommy
M. Janet Dohoney 80 Taconic Ave. Unit 19 Gt. Barrington MA $100.00 Harrington, Andrea
Fugi outside interests have tagged Harrington as a puppet who they can count on to do there bidding. Surrounding DA offices routinely transfer cases they feel they can’t win or will definitely lose to other jurisdictions. Same as judge shopping.. The mere fact that nearly all of her contributions are coming from outside the district greatly portends she will do what she is told. These same contributors would never try to approach Cacaviello as they know he is too smart for that so they throw the money to the weak and hope they get lucky. They got lucky once but that won’t happen again Take five people to the polls and talk to everyone you know to write in Cacaviello name on the ballot on Nov 6
Watergate road map to Nixon potential impeachment released to Mueller. Now he can report to the congress and the American people and use the grand jury for indictment if neccessary. this is important because if Mueller can not indict trump directly he can send his report to congress and they can decide what to do. The
noose is tightening around trump. Soon he will be under such pressure that he might resign if he is smart. If he doesn’t it looks as though he will definitely be impeached and jailed on a charge of treason. We haven’t heard the word treason yet but once these Russian connections and collusion is established it will be the next logical step. I’m afraid its going to be lights out for the pubs soon. In any event the dems will win the house and that will put them in the drivers seat and that also will finish trump. Thus in any event Trump is a short timer. What are all you scumpsters going to do when he is in levinworth? How many of you will be visiting him? Relax scumpsters that’s how politics works you win some and you lose some and it will be your turn to lose soon. My party has been used as a floor mat for two years and it will be your turn soon. Two years from now who knows. Its just a big game with massive consequences. We need to hope we don’t get anyone worse than trump as you all know it is highly possible. This is the age where anything goes. Where I’m going now is to bed. Good night everyone we will all start fighting again tomorrow. After all it’s politics
John Kerry and Jane Fonda should have been brought to justice for their treason during Vietnam.
Correction, your party has turned itself into a sewage plant that even Gaetani couldn’t fix.
Agree Art. This Friday I believe some important testimony will be coming forward. Isn’t it ironic that big money coming in from the Saudi’s bailing out one of his holdings.
Lots of Republicans will be voting for Paul for District Attorney.
Considering that we were on the brink of war after 8 years of Obama and the economy was tanking and Obama was going on one apology tour after another on behalf of our country, I am so thankful to have President Trump in charge. Keep creating those good paying jobs President Trump and ignore the wealthy pro-Hillary far left Democrats and their supporters who seek to undermine our booming economy in order to promote their socialist agenda.
Another crazy protester against the Kavanaugh nomination. “Thank you for ruining my children’s lives” she says not realizing that if her children were ever accused of a crime they didn’t commit, she would be ever so grateful that in this country we are “innocent until proven guilty”.
It’s so obvious that so many of these protesters are NOT very educated about how the law works. Senator Cassidy needed to give her this much needed lesson on why so many people want to live in our country. He told her “Someday if your child is accused of a crime he or she didn’t commit, you will be grateful for our system of justice” he says.
Thank God the Dems will be the House Ruler soon.
The party of obstruction will not be welcomed as House ruler. Sorry, Shelly Liver, but we don’t want open borders, lack of punishment for crimes, sanctuary cities, a lousy economy, socialism and mob rule.
Very fake news.
The wealthy pro-Hillary Democrats also did very well financially during the Obama years so it is extremely hypocritical of them to put down President Trump since Obama made sure the rich got even richer. The rich were well taken care of during the Obama years.
You miss the whole point. Obama bailed out Wal Street and Trump double down with tax breaks for himself. If Saudis cancel contracts, let it be, we don’t and shouldn’t be blackmailed.
Trump calling Dems a angry mob ahead of mid terms. Where??? The lies from this buffoon keep getting more and more preposterous. Thank God we have only 23 more days of him and his ilk. His fall will energize the sane to rejoice in the streets. I am planing a big party along with most of the sane throughout the country. The end of scump is at hand.
According to the democrats a mob isn’t a mob. Calling George Orwell.
Beautiful reply H. Top post of the session.
Scumps good friends: Kim Jung un vlady Putin, Mohammed bin salamanderR . Scumps enemies: more than half of US Citizens. Any Questions?
Now that was the post of the session Art. Yeah..(trump and friends) and don’t forget Kanye.
Trumps lawyers answering questions for Scump from Robert Mueller is just a dodge so that the coward scump doesn’t have to answer in person. Just another example of how big a coward he really is. It really makes no difference as Mueller already knows the answers to the questions he is asking and what he is doing is getting in writing answers that he can compare to what he is certain of and if the scumps lawyers answers don’t jive bye bye. Mueller is like the Gman slow steady and deadly. Just when you think you have them they strike like lightning and have you died fried and laid to the side as Fred Sanford would say. Yup excitement coming at the federal level and the local level soon.
I have a question. What color is the sky in your world?
That sounds like a trick question. Right now as I look out part of it is blue and part of it is several shades of grey. Are the white clouds sky coloring? And what exactly is the sky as it seems to extend into the universe where it takes on every color of the spectrum.
Think I will just file this under “one more stupid question from 12 gauge”.
Does your world even have sky? Other than Sky Vodka?
I’m pretty sure you can still be hung for treason.
Treason maybe but not for putting little children in cages. He gets a mulligan on that one.
Here is the joke of the day. Berk eagle wins honors in two categories. Kevin Moran: these awards reflect the tireless efforts of the News Staff. Not everyone can say they have a newspaper this good but the Berkshires does. Here’s the good part: I am proud to say that the Berkshires has an ExCELLENT, VIBRANT newspaper nowadays___one of the best,as a matter of fact that folks can call their own. If you have to puke. Head to the can now.
Joke number 2 Scump on 60 minutes. A total disgrace. Leslie Stahl could have slaughtered him but she was kind to him. It was plainly evident that she knew he was a buffoon. The guy is the most dispicable human being on the planet. One lie after another. I give Stahl credit for not just shutting down the interview as she would have been justified. Trump said there is so many lies out there but failed to mention his own 5212 lies. He is an even bigger buffoon than I thought. 23. 22. 21_________ Bye Bye Scump. A total disgrace. Every American needs to see this interview. Prepare He is Fake News. Once the washington post does the fact checker on this interview his lies tally will exceed 5300 or more. Sad so very Sad.
What the Washington Compost says is irrelevant. They print fake news from the DNC.
The Eagle just repeats stuff from the New York Slimes and Washington Compost and buffidiots believe whatever they print.
I just read a very sobering statement as to what is death? It is the final tally of all the yesterdays that we have walked thru. I guess that about says it all.
Cheer up. As a dead democrat you will still be voting.
12 thanks.I was wondering about that but you gave me the answer. Voting as a democrat from the grave. I can DIG that!!!
Why do I keep thinking Mueller has the goods on L () Orange,and is just waiting. People forget that the biggest player is about to be exposed into the sunlight. On the trump statement that Saudi’s deny the murder of the journalist, was that before or after the recording. Trump actually likes people who murder.
U your wishes will be answered soon. Don’t forget to invite me to your after scump party.
Yes,U, you must be talking about Weaselberger.
It’s comical when Fox News propaganda is evident in defending President Trump.Trump plays his voters more now that ever.
Pats are loaded on offense,might be their best unit ever.
Planet, I see something tonight and last week, a little unusual. The Patriots and Sox on T V at home, same time,and last week p,the Jets and Giants on t v at the same time?
Another murder in Pittsfield. Guess where Paul Caccaviello is now? At the scene, working with investigators, side by side. Just remember, the DA has statutory responsibility for homicide cases. Now, who do you want at the scene, advising officers, helping with legal issues, supervising search warrants? This, my friends, is why experience matters–good, tested in the courtroom, years of cases experience. One wrong move and a murderer walks free among us. This is no time for amateurs and Harrington can’t hire her way into the level of expertise she needs as the DA. It is laughable that anyone thinks she can just hire people to do her thinking for her. If the mayor and her buds on the council spent more money on crime prevention and enforcement, this may not have happened. Pittsfield needs 30 more cops on the street to combat this. NOT enforcing the drug laws will make Pittsfield unsafe for our seniors, children and businesses. Where is the democratic nominee? Off rubbing elbows with the politicians in Boston, raising money for her coronation. And Paul is here, in the rain, being DA.
I can’t take credit for the following as it comes from a coworker:
“Did you see the person that was knifed and died in Pittsfield?
Andrea Harrington would take the killer, tell the judge he should be released to work at Market 32 as a butcher because he has proven knife skills.
She doesn’t deserve the job simply because she’s a woman. She does not have the credentials for the job. NONE!
Scump caught in 1 million dollar lie. Said if warren had native american heritage he would give her 1 million dollars. He Is reneging on his promise. This is why he must go. He is a dispicable human being without a drop of decency. The greatest liar on earth. You all know how I feel about the truth and I also know how quite a few of you who care not about the truth. We all know who is who on this thread. I stick by the truth as the truth will set me free and the truth will set our country free soon. I love the truth and hate lies and those that tell them. This age of scump has divided the masses into to groups:The sane and the insane. Which group do you Affiliate with?