(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 5-7, 2018) — Will Andrea Harrington become the next Berkshire County district attorney? Here is the case for it. Call it THE PLANET‘s version of “equal time” — our way of playing Devil’s Advocate for both Paul Caccaviello and Harrington.
(1) She won in November — In the September primary, she bested presumed frontrunner and acting D.A. Paul Caccaviello. Cacc came in with the approval of Gov. Charlie Baker, the strong backing of outgoing D.A. David Capeless, and a lot of “establishment” backing. This did not translate sufficiently well at the polls, and he lost.
(2) Poll Position — Campaigns love to commission polls. Such commissioned surveys typically amount to nothing but to tell the campaign what it wants to hear. The best and most reliable poll is an actual tally from real-life voters. Harrington’s win in September can be used as the most telling poll to predict November.
(3) She’s New — Cacc’s team plays the “inexperience” angle. They say that compared to his “5,000 cases,” she can only show a dozen or so. But “experience” can also be seen as a synonym for outdated, anachronistic, and rut-stuck (as opposed to Rut-berg). She can rightfully claim a fresh set of eyes, and many times such peepers see solutions where tired vision sees only problems with no answers.
(4) Stump Advantage — Harrington has proven herself to be the better campaigner. Caccaviello says he’s “not a politician.” That’s too bad, because in Berkshire County, you have to be one to tin. To become district attorney in your own right requires you to win elective office. Cacc has no choice: Become a politician or lose again. Harrington adapts well to campaign mode and shows good instincts on the stump.
(5) Killer Instinct — Her call to Cacc-backer Melissa Mazzeo shortly after winning in November shows she’s not afraid to apply a heel to the neck. In a battle, you do indeed kick your opponent when he’s down. Harrington shows the mettle to get in close and slug. Is that why Cacc has been so quiet? Does she intimidate him?
(6) Something to Prove — Her critics have basically called her an amateur. She has the motivation to prove them wrong.
(7) Gender Bender — She would be the first woman to hold the position of District Attorney in Berkshire County. She’s running against a white, middle-aged male. That lone will drive votes her way in ever-so-progressive Berkshire County. So will the “fresh face” factor. Again, for some voters, getting rid of the incumbent and key lieutenant in the Capeless office will deliver votes for Harrington.
(8) Availability — Compared to Cacc, she has proven more available to the press and more forthcoming. In particular, she has never refused a media request from THE PLANET. She has always been responsive and timely. Harrington also says she will establish a citizen’s advisory board to receive direct input from ordinary people.
(9) Issues — She has provided an alternative view on many key issues, including two of the most devastating in and to the county. We speak of the drug trade and domestic violence.
(10) Ratings — Her opponents and his team have consistently underrated Harrington. They made the mistake the first time around of not taking her seriously and appear to be doing the same thing again. She is to Caccaviello what Syracuse was to Clemson in football — a “trap game” that ended up biting back hard.
(11) Trappings — To campaign seriously, a candidate needs organization and money. Harrington has both. She has a number of “players” on her side — Barry Clairmont, Linda Tyer, Tricia Farley-Bouvier, John Krol, and the like. These are people who have won and know how to win elections. They also know how to raise campaign money, tap it, and spend it wisely. As for organization, Harrington has shoe leather on the ground throughout the county.
(12) Old Mo — Coming off a win in September gives Harrington the momentum. It also frees up more cash than otherwise would have come her way. It also provides one of her strongest pitches: Go with a winner.
What happens in November depends upon a convention of factors beyond definitive analysis. We do know this much: The winner tallies more votes than the loser. For Andrea Harrington and Paul Caccaviello, it’s as simple and as complicated as that.
Have aa great weekend, everybody.
“Weakness is provocative” — Donald Rumsfeld.
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Caccaviello is toast if he doesn’t do something and quick. Is he going to come out fighting or just hold quiet fundraisers? is he going to fight or just stand for election again? Is he going to challenge her to debates and go on the attack? Is he going to spend his own money?
As for Harrington, who is she going to hire and fire? We know she can’t prosecute a case, let alone a felony. These are fair questions that no one is asking.
This “race” is way too quiet. On both sides. And Healey endorsing Harrington, based or her experience??? seriously!!!
Glad I got up in middle of night to sneak in a post before Artie clogs the blog.
Maybe Harrington will win the election and keep Cav on to do the heavy lifting. As long as Cav can cover for his people everybody will be happy.
It’s been too quiet on the campaign trail, with 4 weeks till the election. I wonder if Harrington has made a deal with Caccaviello?
Meet em in the middle and maybe at the end,show him just little,enough to know you care.
It’s gone quiet because Harrington attackers from the city councilor Krol, Moon, Marchetti and White have stopped. Why do you reckon that is?
Cacci is ignoring the Planet’s advice and repeating the same approach that didn’t work for him the first time around. You can tell it frustrates his base and it seems to make them troll the Planet more. They’re just trying to help the poor guy.
Squirl I don’t get it either. In fact I have met very few people in the past couple of weeks who are even talking about the race. Complacency is a killer in elections. Has he had any fundraisers or speaking engagements? I’ll call the wizard and ask him to draw attention to the race on his live call in show on wed. 6pm ch1301.
Top ten reasons Harrington will loose.
1.Too many of her voters have breakfast at Otto’s and get too sick to vote.
2.Polling places in Pittsfield are too close to the streets on Melle’s list.
3. She’s having a bad hair day.
4. Her voter’s find Clairmont’s beard hair on their ballots and flee in disgust.
5. Her voters watch Krol’s facebook show and fall into a deep sleep and don’t wake until the polls close.
6. She isn’t vibrant and dynamic enough for Pittsfield.
7. Krol’s hipsters forget to vote because they’re having too much fun bowling.
8. Her supporters don’t get out of the CPUSA meeting in time to vote.
9. She was unable to register enough dead people to vote.
10.She doesn’t have as much court time under her belt as Gaetani.
One reason I would be hesitant to vote for Caccaveillo is that he has too many nasty people posting for him. If this represents how his mind works I might not want him in such a powerful position
I have been posting here for years. I have no connection with any candidate or campaign. I am not a Johnny Come Lately who crawled out of the woodwork.
Your reason #10 made me snort a little coffee out my nose when I read it. Funny…but sadly true
Mr.G you are not the real Mr.G but you will be snorting more than coffee out of your nose if the real Mr. G decides to let you flush with the rest of the waste down the toilet and down to the sewer plant and I bet you won’t find that funny at all. Pay attention you do not appear to be up to date on goings on in the city A hint think of the number 8.
I’m guessing you never met Lucas “Tim Walsh” Jackson and Cicekrol.
One sends shady links to opposition supporters and the other thinks he’s poised to be a DA spokesman or chief of staff, respectively.
Krol is an unqualified windbag.
My favorite here is #1. “Otto” is a palindrome: same forward as backward. Otto’s food is also a palindrome. Same coming up or squirting out as it is going down.
Great post, Dick! Thanks for the laughs!
She is a politician and he is not.She is backed by WHEN and he is not. Mrs. Harrington wants to be your DA and he is your DA.Her inexperience in the field of law not just prosecuting should be the only consideration.This should not be a popularity position .It’s like having the apprentice do your plumbing.
When I met Caccaviello while he was campaigning, he told me he wasn’t a politician. I was polite enough to wait until he left to roll my eyes.
I’d rather have an apprentice plumber as DA then Harrington.
It has not been mentioned by either party involved, but Mike from “It’s pittsfield tonight” has been producing campaign videos for Cacc while he claims to be spending time following his passion of photography.
The dead ringer is the video quality, bad lighting on green screen, overuse of stock footage and familiar on-screen graphics.
For the record Cacc should have put in this effort BEFORE the primary, his over-confidence was his fault.
No that is not true because I know the video person for Caccaviello.
Daily Mic . . . well there’s the October surprise we’ve all been anticipating. Did you unravel that mystery all your lonesome?
Any DA would be foolish to not a hire a top sleuth like yourself!
You can’t win a game you hate.
McConnell laying out the leftist Stalinist tactics now. Good stuff.
The only Stalinist technique are the ones being employed by the democratic ultra left. Saw a video of them training young protesters what to say. (Tucker Carlson show on Friday night). You know what scares the deep state leftists… Judge Kavanaugh testimony that treason should be tried by military courts. Wait until after the November elections.
The sealed indictments will be served. Justice will be finally initiated against the enemies of the USA.
Over at BCC, and many community colleges across the country, they have a criminal justice associates degree. One of the interesting classes they teach is Ethics in Criminal Justice. You can google it and look up what is covered. You can even take a quiz. Interesting questions such as: What are the 7 problems in criminal justice prosecution? Answer:
– wrongful pursuit of personal gain
-Favoritism and bias
-Abuse of Power
-Flawed Personal Life
-Denial of Due Process
-Neglect of Duties
Let’s parse those.
Wrongful pursuit of personal gain. A friend told me that Andrea Harrington told a certain politician when asked why she was running, “Did you see what that salary is?” Using the office to promote personal gain is unethical. Check.
Favoritism and bias. Harrington has called herself as pro-labor democrat. She has pushed her progressive democrat agenda harder than almost anything else. Nearly 50% of her contributions come from out of county, many from people that work to elect reform candidates. I think we can all agree that in the pursuit of justice, patronage to a political ideology in the DA’s office is a dangerous thing. Check.
Abuse of power. She called to muscle Melissa Mazzeo. This is coercion and harassment. Again, is this how an ethical DA behaves? Check.
Flawed personal life. Financial improprieties are big no-no when it comes to ethics. Andrea Harrington has multiple reprimands from the Mass. Office of Campaign finance regarding the legality, validity and accuracy of her reports on this and past campaigns as well as a municipal lien certificate for taxes on her Richmond house. Check.
Deceitfulness. Resume inflating, everything from having not been a defense attorney for 15 years to overstating her role as a junior attorney on a death penalty case of 12 years ago in Florida is designed to deceive voters. I believe I read that she made $20k as a lawyer last year. I could go on here. She has stoked racial bias, claiming African Americans pay five times more bail than white people here. She has said that the DA’s office does not seek justice but to get the “maximum amount of sentences that we can and lock people up for the maximum amount of time that we can lock them up for.” This is also, btw, an ethical violation were it to be true.She has proposed programs for domestic violence and diversion that already exist, banking on the ignorance of voters. Check, check, check.
The last two tenets remain to be seen. Dan, I appreciate your journalistic integrity in wanting to give equal time. But what do you think? Can we afford this kind of “fresh eyes” that will surely end in Denial of Due Process and Neglect of Duties? Are we ethically bound as citizens to do something?
I appreciate your contribution to this site. I don’t believe in “equal time” per se. I see it more as a case-by-case presentation of what “truth” can be wrung out of campaigns, which, as we know, are usually lacking in that area. That is what falls under your well-chosen phrase “journalistic integrity.” As to your questions: It is for voters to decide what they can and cannot afford. Citizens are ethically bound to act or not act as consciences and situations demand. I wonder how many people, let alone voters, bother with that area of their being, the place where their truth, ethics, morality, and duty can be found?
I suspect many if not most people who bother to register to vote and turn our for elections do so because it’s their civic duty. The problem is, they so often do not have enough valid information to vote responsibly. This is because, in part, journalists are driven to provide “equal time” to each candidate, regardless of how qualified they may. Very few people, journalists included, seem to understand the difference between a regular lawyer whose job it is to represent the interests of their client and a prosecutor, who takes an oath to balance the interests of the public with that of justice and fairness. Truth is everything. It is serious ethical violation for example for a prosecutor to inject inadmissible evidence to influence juries even though we see that all the time on TV. Prosecutors must be zealous in the pursuit of truth even if it defeats the prosecution. This requires a very hard line individual who is not out to win a popularity contest.
“Equal time” and “objectivity” are two of those well-meaning, good-sounding journalistic notions that are disastrous when put into play. It would take a tome and a text to fully explain. Both mistakenly assume that polemic sides are all equal. They aren’t. A proper journalistic stance is one that investigates a story in depth to determine where the facts rest. This indicates the “truths” of a story. Blind adherence to “equal time” and “objectivity” robotically determine coverage, but news stories are made by people, imperfect, angling people. Angle, slant, treatment, coverage — call it what you will — must treat news as a living, mutable organism and customize coverage, as THE PLANET does. Local mainstream media, particularly The Boring Broadsheet, do not practice journalism. They practice puff, PR, politics, and propaganda with the goal of luring shrinking ad dollars. They are owned, not lead. There’s a decent amount of newsroom talent, but it has no chance because of lack of leadership. We wish it were otherwise, because when the lone daily fails in its obligations to citizens, it allows political and business corruption, rot, and mold to take hold and prosper. Before you know it, a generation goes by, and the mold is so pervasive it chokes the life out of the city. That fairly describes the civic and political dynamics in the city of Pittsfield.
More pages on Kavanaugh than all previous SCOTUS nominees combined.
Seven FBI checks and 153 people interviewed over 25 years.
High school? College? You cannot be serious. High school yearbook, wa?
A “witness” is someone who actually witnesses something, duh.
Roll call on cloture: Collins yes, Flake yes, Murkowski no, Manchin yes, Donnelly no, Heitkamp no
Final: 51 to 49 for cloture, which means there will be a floor vote.
Bulletin. Here is my Prediction: Vote goes Fifty – Fifty. Pence break tie and Votes No.Trump’s Head explodes into Orange Goo. Pence becomes President.
You mean op-ed Mike?
To all Gman nay sayers.You better start praying that he is successful in bringing down the cost of 150 million dollars for updates at the w/s plants.There is no one else in this city who can bring down the cost of these facilities other than him.We know what he saved the city in the 80’s and we know what he is saying he can save today. We don’t hear from the Gman very frequently other than on his TV show or at cc meetings and his only goal is to save you naysayers from losing your homes and him buying them for pennies on the dollar. Now what be has been banging his head against the wall on for the past three and a half years is to help you the sane and he could care less what people think of him pro or con. I can tell you this. He could take on anybody on any topic and reduce them to rubble as I have observed him doing just that. Some of you people who throw stones at him might be cutting your own throats because the Gman wants one thing and one thing only and that is to enable those who want to stay in Pittsfield to be able to stay in Pittsfield. Look at the price the Gman has already paid for getting into politics with trumped up charges leveled against him and suffering the indignity of having to deal with 8 councilors and a mayor who could never be in a position of power in the private sector as the Gman was. This is what frustrates the Gman but he is still out there trying to help you but I can tell you one thing he can pull the plug as quickly as you can say jack rabbit. His success will be your success and his failure will be your failure but what you might think is his failure will actually be his success. The one thing the Gman told me to tell you is that he could care less about running for public office because there is too many crooks and phonies that he does not want to be associated with but if he does decide to run for mayor it will be to take a vacation and what he can accomplish on vacation secretary tired couldn’t accomplish in a million life times. And Oh yes he told me to tell you he is having a lot of fun exposing politicians for what they really are. A bunch of halfwits who couldn’t find there way out of a room with a million doors.
If he wants the 4,726 Pittsfield residents who voted for Trump to listen to him he needs to stop being obsessed with Trump. Trump occupies Mr. G man’s head rent free. But Trump can handle real estate. But I doubt that G can stop prattling about Trump. He needs a 12 step program. And I say this respectfully.
12 your opinion is as good as any other person’s. Let me correct one point for you that you seemed to miss. The Gman doesn’t give a shit about votes or politics here in Pittsfield. He has established himself as being highly intelligent, the greatest benefactor to the city of Pittsfield of all time and the greatest friend the taxpayer has ever had. He calls a buffoon a buffoon right to their face and he fears no one. All he is trying to do is help you and everyone else in Pittsfield like he did in the 80’s saving you and all taxpayers over 100 million dollars and if the city takes his advice today we will save another 40to 50 million dollars. Are you a tax and rate payer in Pittsfield? Are you aware of the bloodbath that the wizard says is coming with water and sewer rates? If you are a city resident start looking around for people orther than the Gman who is working day in and day out to try to save the tax and rate payers from being butchered. Were you a city resident in the 80’s when the wiz defeated one of the premier engineering companies in the world and ran them out of town saving the city over a 100 million dollars? Doesn’t that mean anything to you? As for the Gman not looking at Scump the same was as you do. So what that’s his opinion and he has made clear why he feels as he does. I notice every time I post about Scump you come back and try to castigate me. Please post back on some of the points I have mentioned especially about what you know or don’t know about the Gman’s efforts on behalf of the city of Pittsfield
Totally agree with him about all things Pittsfield.
Why has the Eagle, iberkshires, WAMC, etc not pursued a story on the Melissa Mazzeo report that Harrington threatened her career? If Charlie is right and it sure sounds like it, it is an indication this self described “DA elect” has already abused her position. I certainly hope that as a citizen, Melissa would feel it her duty to make sure this is known by voters and not just the readers of valenti.
And follow Dr. Fords lead?
Heitkamp and Merkowski who have stated they will vote no on KavaScump might be the impetus Collins needs to vote the conscience of the country. In my opinion if KavaScump wins the seat it will it will portend the end of Scump. If he loses the vote it could energize the crazzies and they could become more dangerous than they are now but with Mueller’s report due soon and the mess Scump is in with income tax evasion and the November election it looks like it could be lights out for Scump and the republican dominance of the congress. This is how I see it.
Art, thanks for your daily delusion.
The story has not been pursued because Melissa Mazzeo has no interest in the story being “pursued”. If it was, she might potentially be asked about the absurd pass that was granted to her nephew while so many went to jail for far less serious crimes.
Of course, her analysis is wrong. The gutless, incompetent media on our area would never dare to broach the subject. Too may important toes might be stepped on.
So Melissa is intimidated. Great way to run a city and a paper.
The more likely scenario is the constant revenue stream that the city provides to the Eagle via legal notices motivates the Eagle not to bite the hand that feeds it.
McKeever and Amandu Drane are in Krol’s pocket and report or don’t report according to his wishes.
Lounger Although I think most of your posts are ridiculous this post is spot on. Everyone who watches the Gman’s TV show, watches him at city meetings or reads his articles in the media know what he is trying to do for we the taxpayer. Anyone who gets their news from the eagle or I Berk news coverage have no idea who Gaetanis is. These two halfwits you just mentioned are in tight with the administration and they only print stories that shine a positive light upon them. How many stories have you seen with secretary tyers mug on the front page of the rag being praised for accomplishing nothing. The Eagle in a sense has a very powerful grip on the citizens of the city of Pittsfield because they force them to eat their rotten food and they get sick and can no longer tell the difference between right and wrong and that is how the eagle likes it. The eagle editorial dept according to the Wizard is another story. The Gman says any time he submits an editorial it is nearly always printed verbatim. He asked me to tell you this to entice you to write articles and submit them so you can help educate the city’s citizens. He says another media source with balanced coverage is the Pittsfield Gazette. He further states the local radio stations have long ago given up on reporting investigated news and presently are nothing more than the eagles’ puppets
Collins was deciding vote on tax cuts for rich. We’ll see.
She will vote with party. No one leads anymore.
She’s a generaldynamics pro contract senator also, Trump owns her. And she’s conservative. What a homely old hag.
Frights thinks she’s hot…..but that’s Frights for ya.
Feinstein is a babe
Former Senator Collins telephone NUmber 207-822 8144, if the phone is busy, you’ll know you have the right number.
Avogadro’s number is 6.022×1023
Do any of you bozo’s know Collins lived and worked in Masshole. She was Deputy Treasurer if that helps your brain.
Let me guess? Captain of your debate team?
If a real investigation the type the FBI normally does not the sham that was done where by neither the accuser or perpetrator talked to the FBI,Collins would be singing a different story. I disagree with her assessment and I am only one but I will wait to see how many others feel as I do on November 6th. What ever they decide is what I will accept. In my opinion Collins’ political career is over. Let me use the analogy I used the other day. A woman says someone tried to rape her. She goes to the police and tells them the name of the perpetrator and the police never talk to her or the suspected perpetrator ever again. This is justice in the eyes of Scump, McConnell, Grassley Graham Flake and the rest of the flakes. It is what it is and we will know in 32 days how everybody feels in this country.
Dow Jones down again,worst week in months.
DJ in Obama’s last week…. 16,400
DJ yesterday………………….. 26,447
Collins and Flake sold the American public a bag of garbage. They pretended to care about the sanctity of the american public but they didn’t care about them in the end. McConnell and Graham were as bold as bold could be because this situation was a done deal weeks ago. Flake is gone and Collins is going. Why didn’t we here from Ford’s corroborators? We didn’t because
Scump made sure we didnt. Today will go down in history as a day when a sexual predator with the stamp of approval of the senate judiciary was placed on the supreme court and not a word of what occurred to the victim was investigated by the FBI. I would call this justice unserved. I don’t care if you are a republican or democrat or Independent anyone who thinks that this sham passes the smell test better get yourself a new nose.
Listen to the gentlewoman from Maine and learn:
Murrow. McConnell scump grassley flake graham are your kind of guys. As I said before you bring very little to the table but we understand now why you don’t .
What the current DA should do is feature the Photo of Harrington and that obdurate simpleton, Maura Healy. Berkshire republicans have very little use for Healy. The photo of Harrington and Healy will drive county republicans in droves to vote against Harrington/Healy.
That is a brilliant reading of the political tea leaves. The endorsement of a popular Democrat AG will work against the Democrat candidate because the 10% Republican minority will be “woke”
Just brilliant.
Let not forget the unenrolled who voted GOP in the preliminarily. That there is a lot of votes there cowboy.
If Caccaviello had decided not to mount a write in campaign and Judy Knight decided to run a write in campaign i would write Knight in and so wouldn’t other republican offers. And we know Knight is anything but conservative. Harrington is simply bad news. She doesn’t even know what she doesnt know.
Harrington is simply very bad news. That is why Caccaviello has county republican support. The reason is Harrington is very bad news. Judy Knight is nowhere near being a republican. But she has experience and is qualified. If Caccaviello had decided not to mount a write-in campaign but Knight ran a write-in campaign. I would support Knight. County republicans would have supported Knight as well because we realize that the DA’s office should be above partisan politics. Caccaviello is and will continue to have his office be above politics and I have every confidence that Knight would have had the same approach. Harrington is simply very bad incompetent news.
Be nice Christina.
Hoyt Presently there isn’t a camera made that could photograph that load. Present day cameras would just produce a blank slate.
Kavanaugh said this whole thing was a Clinton conspiracy…..hes nuts
A great number of Americans saw first hand a travasty of injustice play out before our very own eyes orchestrated by Scump. Make no mistake this crime was orchestrated by Scump under the pretense of a ligitimate FBI investigation. Why did Scump and the dinosaurs stoop to such lows? They did it because they knew they could. We have a president with no morals and doesn’t know what the word ethical means who has demonstrated on a daily basis his complete and total ignorance of the laws of our republic. He has lied an average of 7 times a day totaling over 5000 confirmed whoppers and will continue because his base doesn’t care about the truth and decency and when no one is holding him accountable he will get worse and worse. This is a very different kind of human being that we as Americans have never seen holding the highest office in the land. In short he is a monster and eventually like all other monsters he will be shown the door and we in effect as Americans can slam the door on this miscreant as soon as November 6th. I am a democrat and there are millions upon millions of republicans and Independents who are very decent people and we must all unite to cut out this cancer that exists at 1600 Pennsylvania ave. If not it will spread. The scalpel is in your hands. You must operate on nov 6th if you don’t this monster will consume you. I have tried to share with the planet information I have compiled from many sources information that many people may not have been aware of regarding this judiciary process and I am done posting about this topic as the only thing that can foster change must come from the ballot box on Nov 6th. Its time to go back and start paying serious attention to the DA’s race and planing to get rid of the mayor and 8 dinosaurs who are doing to Pittsfield what we just saw the government do to us today. We have to cut these cancers out before they spread also and the scalpel is in the voting booth.
12 I was shocked to see you reply in the affirmative to my earlier post regarding the Gman. Good to see such a critic have some nice words for a change. Much appreciated.
He’s sharp as a razor on local issues. But fuller than a butter knife on national issues.
12 we are half way home. Local problems that we face here in Pittsfield with the some of the elected buffoons is a huge problem that can only be corrected at the ballot box. There are 21000 registered voters in Pittsfield who have not shown up at the ballot box for decades. These individuals hold the key to cutting out the cancers that are metastacizing and leading us closer and closer to bankrupty. What everyone must start doing is to convince two people who you know who don’t vote and convince them they Must vote and then these two convince two more and on and on and you also will have to educate them and convince them as to what a sham the political structure is here in Pittsfield and convince them that the tub of dirty water must be discarded and replaced with clean pristine water that will yield a nice clean bath. The ballot box is the cure for ousting the incompetence that is leading to the ruin of our city. Start getting new voters educated. We can do it.
THE PLANET has and still does applaud the efforts of our good friend Craig Gaetani on behalf of the local citizenry. As “ART” says, the ballot box is “the cure.” Unfortunately, too many among the electorate are afraid of taking that medicine. Apathy and ignorance are diseases that mask the need for a cure, and as such as the most notoriously difficult illnesses to stamp out. Mr. G’s efforts as a kind of civic Jonas Salk, through his many appearances at meetings and his TV show, set a great example of citizen involvement, which is nothing more than “citizen OWNERSHIP” of government. We have, however, gotten so far away from that notion that anyone who takes it seriously is seen as a meddler, a gadfly, a kook, someone the Establishment tries to ignore. If they can’t ignore that person, they try to marginalize him or her. On top of this, because of local political scene is so hermetically sealed, so ensconced, so hostile to genuine citizen involvement, most good, honest, decent people with smarts do not want to venture ANYWHERE near politics — unlike the past, when Pittsfield was a prosperous town with a great economy. This leaves us with the types of political greed-mongers far too familiar to Pittsfield, people who want to run or hold office to feather their own nests. No names needed here, because they are known to most all. Ordinary citizens who still pay attention to the process find outlets for their steam with the efforts of outsiders such as Mr. G, Terry Kinnas, Ron Kitterman, Dave Bubriski. Such people are lightning rods without whom the process would probably explode (or implode, more likely) under the weight of its own corruption. THE PLANET sees such a fate for Pittsfield within a decade and probably sooner than that. And while we’re at it, Buddy is the best political commentator on TV.
Supreme court gave corporations a soul and now they have the same rights as you do to express themselves. This country is nuts and the corporate Kavanaugh and the corporate Trump are deep in the swamp of dark money.The swamp has a leader in Trump and so many of you believe he will lead you away from the swamp.Trump supporters are the swamp.
Ask your doctor to up your anti psychotic Mesa.
Now be nice 12 what TSC is saying is factual and his opinion is as good as anyone’s Rather than taking the side of people you agree with whether they are right or wrong is sometime unproductive. Sometimes it is more beneficial to listen to the other sides point of view because they may have info you do not have. We are in the mess we are in in this country because people only listen to their base and they get lost in the drivil.This occurs on both sides of the fence. We need to take down this fence.
Art, we’ve been seeing his crazy posts for years. He makes sense maybe 1 out of 20 posts. Something is out of adjustment with him.
Totally agree with Dan about the equal time stand of the planet, those are the progressives check off boxes they advocate for. Will be writing in Paul myself, would be nice to see a meltdown that follows, if they can pull it off.
Agree with Goldy, very low energy since the announcement. Multi tasking as D A and running a campaign is probably not a good recipe for a write in,we’ll see.
The National Wearher Service has issued a nationwide flood warning. Starting at 4:52 this afternoon heavy democrat tear flow will begin. Seek higher ground. If you know anyone with a boat have them prepare.
Anyone happen to have Noah on speed dial? We’re in need of an ark.
Either that or the boat used in Deliverance,right Burt?
Yeah, but who we gonna get to play both banjos?
I totally do not understand the reasoning behind the no vote on Judge Kavanaugh espoused by the Senator from Alaska. She states he is a learned judge (he knows the law); he is a good man(she doesn’t believe he is guilty of the allegations made against him) and he and his family have been subjected to horrific treatment by the democrats, the media and paid left wing nut jobs. This should indicate a yes vote. But here it comes…..she is voting no because of his vigorous statement defending himself from the horrific attacks that should never have happened in the first place!!
I have watched his comments many times and consider his anger justifiable and righteous. Apparently the Senator from Alaska would consider Jesus Christ unsuited for the Supreme Court because he drove the money changers from the temple with a whip! Most Christians consider that to be righteous anger!
Help me to understand this.
Chuck this article may help explain Murkowski’s decision;
– Apparently Alaska has a rate of sexual assault 3x the national average,
– She received a visit from 100 ACLU activists and pressure from 350 female attorneys to vote against Kav,
– She won her seat as a write-in, beating out a Tea Party candidate
Thanks for the article. Read it 3 times but because Alaska has the highest sexual assault rate in the USA that does not seem to have anything to do with Judge Kavanaugh. Is he to be punished for the sins of others? It seems like she caved to pressure from a few hundred people who violently oppose him and want him to be punished for the sins of others
Chuck, you’re being much too logical.
At least she did the right thing in regards to the Montana Senator.
And may I also add that she knew Kav would survive a cloture vote without her, thus allowing the confirmation vote to continue while also keeping her constituents happy with a no vote.
Excellent reply. Getting a cloture vote puts a time clock on the proceedings, avoiding a filibuster. Thus, she knew (a) there would be a vote and (b) she could vote “no” and save face. Chuck V’s question, though, is spot-on: Murkowski’s own words would indicate a “yes” vote. Thus it’s clear she voted know purely for political reasons, which I can understand but that I cannot respect.
Chuck….my very words. I have been saying right along that if Trump nominated the second coming of Christ, he would be rejected!
It was pretty obvious from day one when the Dems announced that they would OPPOSE any name, that it would be a political hack. And it certainly has been.
This hateful display by the Dems will be a factor in the party going downhill very fast.
Correction….this is really from the old Spider. Can’t type!
On December 30, 2010, Alaska state officials certified Lisa Murkowski as the winner of the Senatorial election, making her the first U.S. Senate candidate to win election via write-in since Strom Thurmond in 1954. On December 31 Miller announced at a news conference in Anchorage that he was conceding.
Now the Senator from Alaska is not going to vote Yes. She is not going to vote No. She is going to vote Present. Please help me understand this.
One final comment, how is it possible that not one of the 49 democratic senators have the fortitude to tell the mob to calm down and be civil. Do they believe this behavior helps anything or anybody?
To answer question one;
In regards to your comment – the leftist Dems, for the most part, are behind the mob! Soros-backed paid agitators to fight against the Constitutionalist Judge Kavanaugh! The Globalists do not like him!
Vincellete Take a guess why they are protesting? I thought you were supposed to be some kind of a super brain. I haven’t seen that in several of your most recent posts. Are you a veteran? Many a young man are alive because of the type of protesters you are throwing stones at. I am talking about Vietnam vets. Were you there? Were you protesting on their behalf? These posters in Washington are democracy at work. If I were younger I would be with them tonight. God bless them and shame on you.
Actually it’s mindless mob violence in action.
When John Kerry was giving aid and comfort to the enemy with his “protests” how did that save Vietnam Vets?
Not helpful.
What is the salary for S C J? just curious?
About a quarter of a million” and all the babes you can fondle.
Truth & justice win! Welcome to the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh!
After reading all day I came across some info that may be of interest to some on the planet. Gerald Nadler the senate minority leader of the senate judiciary committee states it is a near certainty that the house will be won by the democrats and if so even if the democrats do not win the senate the house can demand an investigation by the FBI of the senate judiciary committee overseen by the house to reopen the FBI investigation just completed with the goal of investigating every stitch of information looked at and not looked at by the republican lead senate judiciary committee. If this scenario can be undertaken we may yet get to see how crooked this investigation lead by the president and republican members of the senate judiciary truly was. Nadler says this investigation could bring the president and republican party to their knees and will be the impetus to forge a democratic landslide inNovembef. I thought this would be interesting for some on the planet to hear about. Actually some of you may be jumping for joy and I thought some of you needed a little bit of good news
Maybe Cracker Jackubowitz will come out of retirement.
12 please don’t even kid about him coming out of retirement. There is already many of his ilk running rough shod in the city. He was born without a personality and is probably the most boring buffoon I have ever met and I have met many but this idiot takes the cake.
Art – did you say that to his face when you met him?
Corrupt Jerry covered up the ACORN scandal a few years back.
A great day to be an American! Congrats Justice Kavanaugh!
Why are all the democrats so quite all of a sudden?
Liza The beagle has the same disdain for Mazzeo as they do for Gaetanis. Although she is one of the better councilors on the city council the beagle endorsed peanut brain persip over her even though she is the brains of the council and he does very little more on the council than he does at the YMCA handing out towels and jock straps. If you have a brain the beagle hates you because they can’t control you. Mazzeo is in good company with Gaetanis as they hate him also
peanut brain that’s funny.
Well we now have a new judge on the SC. The circus is over and the outcome is good for the country.
He may not be there for long. Read my post above.
Ginsberg is about ready for the home. Get ready for round 2.
Art you’re full of hot air, as usual. I believe Trump will appoint 2 more justices. Yes 12 Gauge, Ginsberg isn’t looking too good.
Fits Just once I would like for you to have an original post giving your own opinion on a topic as opposed to loving and agreeing with your base each and every time. you are not a leader you are a follower and they are a dime a dozen. To be a leader takes a lot of effort and that is why there is so few of us.
I was watching the anti Kavanaugh protests and in one day Trump got more fat women out walking than Michelle Obama did in 8 years.
I watched too and felt sorry for all the cats that were left at home.
Let’s hope the freezer stays cold so the ice cream doesn’t melt……just sayin.
That’s a good one right there. Disgusting how many super sized people everywhere especially when they blame the government for it.
By the way, Tequila makes my clothes fall off!
Trump could stand to drop 60-70 pounds himself. Perhaps if he felt better about himself he would not feel the need to trash others so much. His own psychologist says that Trump has to bring other people down so that he might feel better about his own sad personna. I have never seen or met anyone so filled with hatred for others than Trump.
The Democrats are filled with hate ever since losing the presidential election. Especially the wealthy Democrats who supported Hillary. They are working overtime to get everyone fighting over race, gender, and hating the rich even though they themselves are rich, but they are protected because they are rich Democrats. The hate is only directed at wealthy Republicans.
AS soon as Kavanaugh said in was a Clinton conspiracy that was behind the victims accusation he was ineligible to make decisions about my life.He had 10 days to get composed and he chose to be a fool on tv to appeal to the Trump base.He protest too much.The FBI was restrained by Trump .A dog and pony show.Your making America great again for white guys.
Humans baffle me. I sees many “left of center” types on this board completely apoplectic about the 36 year-old Kavanaugh allegations not being taken seriously enough, and yet many of you have reflexively claimed “fake news” about the appalling Williams College numbers, which point to either a deliberate effort to keep cases out of the courtroom, or a rare statistical anomaly in that none of the dozens and dozens of cases was prosecutable, for whatever reason.
No matter. I believe that this is not going to go away, despite the best efforts of a group that includes a disturbing number of hypocrites.The numbers are the numbers are the numbers.
There is so much smoke at this point, it’s only a matter of time before the fire erupts. And if all is immaculate and there is nothing to see here, that will be a rarity all to itself, and worth seeing,
I am fully stocked up on popcorn.
Cicero – so you’re saying you’re a non-human?
If you’re still trying to make a DA campaign issue out of this, I’m still not buying.
The first line of your post leads me to believe you are one of the following;
– spirit
– robot
– alien
– shapeshifter
Or perhaps you just need another cup of coffee!
More assumptions that the DA’s office had been made aware of these assaults. Williamstown has the power and the resources to make an arrest without conferring with the DA’s office. Who has more of a reason and a history of hiding these cases- district attorneys or private institutions such as higher learning or even religious organizations? You like to point these cases out over and over again but don’t like to answer these questions.
It is you who makes “assumptions”, and your assumptions are based on ignorance. I’ll try to clarify a few things for you here.
In May 2014, a young woman went public and went after Williams for how they handled her sexual assault complaint.
The following September, as students returned, a representative from Williams and David Capeless sat for interviews to reassure folks everything was fine, that the College and the DA’s office worked well together, etc.
Here are a few quotes from Capeless:
QUESTION: Do colleges report cases of sexual assault to local law enforcement?
CAPELESS: “Right from the beginning, if a girl complains, college security notifies the police, the police notifies my office.
…Unfortunately, there’s been a misunderstanding of what colleges are doing. It’s too easy to think that they have every reason to suppress the idea that there are assaults on their campus. But they’re not suppressing the information. Frankly, in the past, there were students who were discouraged from reporting [to civil authorities], but not now.”
Got that? It is not an assumption that the DA’s office was made aware of every complaint that was filed. You don’t want to believe me, but hopefully you will believe David Capeless and put that claim to rest.
There are other quotes in that interview that also open a window into the mindset of David Capeless in the context of these cases:
QUESTION: If someone chooses not to pursue a criminal prosecution, the worst thing the college can do is expel them. Does not society demand more of a punishment for the crime of rape?
CAPELESS: “That all depends on the facts. In some instances, I would agree with that. If by what they have done, are they inclined to do it again? Or was it an aberrant moment that’s highly regretted? …Being suspended from school is an onerous thing. For some people, it’s a bigger deal than going to court and having a judge put you on probation. Being suspended from school is a real consequence. Colleges may hold more real power over students, in some cases, than the criminal justice system.”
That first line is a real beauty. Let me ask you this. If someone you knew, or a family member was victimized, would it matter to you if it was “an aberrant moment that’s highly regretted”? Those are disturbing words coming from anybody, but really alarming coming from a DA.
And that second part, about school punishment potentially being a “bigger deal” than being subjected to a criminal process is nothing short of insanity.
Your comments about institutional behavior are of course correct. In this particular case, I suspect Williams is going to be in hot water as well. But no matter what games they played, that does not give the DA’s office the right to punt on their responsibility to uphold the law.
Christina, last time I checked Capeless wasn’t running.
the police are not required to notify the DA’s office about any investigation other than dead bodies, where do you propose that Paul was aware of any of these and again I state WPD has the power to bring charges if they weren’t sought shouldn’t your anger be with them
Th WPD does NOT have the authority to bring charges in a rape investigation without the approval of the DA’s office. In fact, it is STRICTLY the DA’s office that has such authority.
You are completely lost. Bye.
P.S. If you have any interest in knowing what you are talking about, there is a wealth of information available on yhe internet. Below are a few starter links link that are brief and the pertinent info is near the top.
Good luck.
P.S. If you have any interest in knowing what you are talking about, there is a wealth of information available on yhe internet. Below are a few starter links link that are brief and the pertinent info is near the top.
Good luck.
1st link
2nd link
3rd link
Cicero . . . your links are as outdated as your argument.
You need to find something else to occupy your free time. You’re beating the Williams College issue into oblivion. No one cares anymore!
Dan, call Williamstown PD and ask them directly what’s up with how they receive and process Williams College’s sexual assault complaints. Or you could file an FOIA and request relevant data/ stats sent to you.
One thought comes to mind: If Cicero knows so much about the College’s sexual assault apparatus, perhaps he himself defended against such a complaint at one time?
I wonder if PPD Chief Mikey Wynn knows about this. Could Mikey be Cicero’s link to the College misinformation office?
Oh, look Dan! Another scurrilous accusation from Brian Marquis!
No objections, Dan? No threats to ban him? No big speech on decency?
Didn’t think so.
The Williams college problem has not been news.You seem to know a little as I have been waiting for Harrington to expose what went on or Williams could make a statement or there were non disclosed deals made to make it go away……..still waiting on what went on at Williams College and Harringtons point
Those from the office of Duey, Cheetham and Howe, aka Harrington, Kroll and Clairmont have been desperately trying to dig up something that smells bad at the DA’s office but after almost 7 months it’s a big goose egg. The Williams situation clearly has to do with the college reporting and not with the DA’s unwillingness to go forward with a case. Dan, any idea what happens when you call communications or the office of the president?
Having never tries to call communications or the office of Prez, I don’t know.
Then why will the DA’s Office not confirm your theory, and tell us exactly how many criminal complaints have been lodged and how they were resolved? You imply the number was zero, or close to it. Williams College has implied something very different. And yet crickets from Caccaviello. Only “nothing to see here” protestations from people like you, who have no clue.
And I wouldn’t hold my breath expecting Dan to take any action on this or pursue it. For whatever reason, he apparently views this situation through the same lens that he views the Kavanaugh debacle. Which is absurd, but completely within his prerogative. At least he doesn’t offer up specious defenses.
Last night I had a beer and toasted it to Kavanugh’s win!
At the same time, I’m sure the liberal Dems were crying in theirs!
Life is good!!!
That’s the attitude!
MAGA by dividing it with childish rhetoric.
I agree, Spider. Both the beer and the celebration over Justice Kavanaugh were awesome! Go Trump!
Oh Wow…I was guessing by your post that you probably were not old enough to drink beer. But SOME Trump people can fool ya due to their immaturity.
No crying,Kavanaugh ma king America stupid again as Trump was elected by the stupids and the Christian far right to return us to that special year of greatness .
50 to 48 = Justice Kavanaugh = Trump wins (again) = Demonrats lose (I don’t care who wins as long as the Dems lose)
50 to 48? Would the vote have been much different on July 15?
Dems probably lost their chance to retake the Senate with this charade, and possibly the House too.
Dems should never be allowed to have more that 40 votes in the Senate so we can avoid this kind of tantrum in the future.
No crying,Kavanaugh ma king America stupid again as Trump was elected by the stupids and the Christian far right to return us to that special year of greatness .
And let’s keep the Stalinist mobs out of the Capitol building and associated office complexes. No one has a right to be in these places. Keep it to members of Congress, their staffs, and others who work there. Let in “journalists” if you must.
If people can behave in the gallery, especially, throw them out IMMEDIATELY.
They should put them in Trumps cages with the immigrant kids! Teach them a lesson by God!
I agree. These screaming mobs (only about 200 people) not the thousands that CNN and MSNBC would have you believe, need to be kept out of the gallery if they can’t behave respectfully. Many of them are being paid by George Soros to act crazy.
Conspiracy Pat loves them all. Birther, pizza gate, Soros, and the list goes on. All ultimately prove to be untrue.
Pat is right on target. You are the one pushing false info, Harrison.
What am I pushing? Name one conspiracy regurgitated by Trump that has been factual.
The ice cream conspiracy where he gets 2 scoops and guests only get one
Twenty dead in scoharie n y crash
It is amazing that Fox news can covertly tell people how to think.Comunist,socialist,Marxist and I’m left with changing the stupidist.
Can you try again in English?
When Kavanaugh played football he used to call time out when the other team was going to try a field goal. He licked to ice the kicker. The FBI missed this.
Probably the licked? Threw them off. They usually ignore incoherent statements.
Licking is ok
I guarantee you there are private non partisan professional investigators doing a proper deep investigation of Mr Kavanaugh as we speak. And though people like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell bent over backward to hide his sins they WILL come out. And they will be backed up by facts and verifiable references and made public for all to read.
It probably will not change his status on the court, and he will go on to be the puppet he was designed to be, but everyone who is not in denial will know the truth. And that will include his wife, kids and close friends.
It was an enviable scam to be sure…but the truth will come out.
What are you smoking?
7 FBI investigations have cleared Kavanaugh, and you’re still not happy?? You are definitely a Demonrat!
Food Network and Court TV are teaming up for a new show. On the first episode Andrea Harrington and Tim will demonstrate how to make and then indict a ham sandwich.
Trump said Professor Ford was believable and that is why Trump would not let the FBI talk with her or the others who would back her up…….George Soros and Clinton conspired to pay for accusers…..why did Trump not believe what the planet readers believe and have the FBI interview Soros and Clinton….Kavanaughs speech was written by Sean Hannity…..Bill ORielly said he did not recover from his allegations on the Glenn Beck propaganda morning to lunch radio show.
It’s Sunday afternoon and you’re three sheets to the wind. You should consider AA.
America elects congress to keep the executive in check. This congress has failed and the American people will elect a much different congress in November and what we should demand in our officials is decency and honesty. I mentioned in another post that if the house goes democrat there will be another investigation of the white wash fake FBI investigation quarter backed by Scump. A new piece of information is that if the dems take the house they will initiate a full investigation of Scumps tax evasion and we all know that Mueller knows everything about all of Scumps dirty dealing and soon we will all know about it. It will be bad and Scump will call it Fake news and his base will rant and rave with Scump but one thing we must all prepare for is the fact that this will be a real FBI investigation where by every stone will be overturned every I dotted and every t crossed by our wonderful second to none FBI whom Scump has tried to dismantle but has failed. The real truth is coming and all who have had to endure the antics of this mjscreant will get justice at long last. After he goes to jail all true Americans who value decency and honesty will rejoice.Trumps base will look for another buffoon but the American people will. One forward and say. Not on your life
I hear that it was Trump who put PCB’s into the housy and Silver Lake.
He also is the guy who first wondered where the yellow went when he brushed his teeth with Pepsodent.
12 pack speaks and states what he knows,I feel the frustration and anger in your text.
frustrated because most of the time your post are incoherent .
but every now and then you hit a home run
And I heard that he’s also responsible for Ruberto’s bad breath.