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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 17, 2018) — Bring on the dancing girls. Sit John Kiley behind the Wurlitzer for his stirring rendition of “The Night They Invented Champagne.” Open bar, everyone, on us!

Stop the presses! Call the roller of fat cigars! Crown the Emperor of Ice Cream!!!!

Pittsfield is getting Wayfair, an ecommerce furniture company. To hear city officials tell it, it’s the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Peace and understanding. Harmony and love abound.


Foist things foist, THE PLANET congratulates the online furniture company for selecting Shire City for a branch location that will bring, so they say, 300 jobs to the city. One of the coolest aspects is that a Pittsfield lad is a partner in this enterprise. That’s welcome news, certainly, especially in a city with no functioning economy. But in our role in-house “realist” — a diagnostician called on in cases where the patient refuses to acknowledge her illness — let’s remind one and all not to lose our heads in the laughing gas being spewed by the politicians, officials, and bureaucrats who have turned into Gumby patting themselves on the back.

On closer inspection, this deal gets more and more, uh, “interesting.” These are the Imps that reside in the fine print of the details, the ones the back-patting Suits won’t mention.

———- ooo ———-

The 300 jobs, if they materialize, cannot of themselves make a dent in this past lost generation, 30 years where 20,000 manufacturing jobs vanished without trace in the Bermuda Triangle caused by successive administrations in love with reckless spending and not too fussy about accountability. Best case scenario is that Wayfair comes in, does well, and begins the building of a critical mass of new business involving other companies who want to move in as well. Worst case scenario is that the deal implodes in a case of turf wars, sham promises, and unsupported commercial optimism. The truth shall likely reside somewhere in between those points.

Speaking of points, here are a few that may escaped you during the throwing of rice, the release of 100,000 colorful balloons, and the confetti raining down in the bouncy house:

  • Officials were initially secretive about the Pittsfield location of the new branch. Red flag #1.
  • They said that a new facility would be built and that a developer had been chosen, BUT, and it’s a big one considering the city’s recent history with developers, they refused to identify who it was.
  • Probing reveals the developer appears to be David Carver, the very David Carver who expressed surprise that the infrastructure of the St. Mary’s campus on Tyler Street was showing its age. The very David Carver who since then been pressuring city officials for millions in taxpayer money to fund his enterprise. Red flag #2.
  • Wayfair received the largest tax break in state history, $31.4 million to grace Boston and Pittsfield. Officials wouldn’t clarify what part, if any, that Pittsfield is expected to swallow of that amount. In other words, this is again a form of the dreaded public-private partnership. Red flag #3.
  • The jobs, advertised as 300, will be 188 in the first year, about 90 percent of them barely over minimum wage ($16/hour) — about $33,000/yr. Wayfair said if things go well, 74 positions would be added the second year (2020) and 42 the third (2021). If.
  • Consider the evidential changing nature, already this early in the story, of the Pittsfield location. As part of its agreement with the state, Wayfair promised to build a new facility in Pittsfield, cost $2.87 million. Now, with the cat out of the bag, city officials are talking leasing, not building. Red flag #5.
  • Leasing where? It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at The Clock Tower building, home of The Boring Broadsheet, still half empty, and — in another of those Pittsfield coincidences — managed by David Carver. Yes, THAT David Carver. Red flag #6.
  • Leasing would give the Wayfair move all the permanence of a ball of cotton candy in a carnival kid’s mouth. Remember the Alamo and the lost list of other businesses that came into town on huge fanfare — EV Worldwide, 1,000 jobs; WorkshopLive, hundreds of jobs; Nuclea, too many jobs to mention; Spice, the Renaissance personified; the Beacon, 250,000 fannies a year. We could go on. Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.
  • Another slip of the tongue that got beyond everyone is how officials are now saying “Berkshire County,” not Pittsfield, in the move. Could Wayfair build, buy, or lease elsewhere? One official told THE PLANET he heard the former Country Curtains complex on Rt. 102 in South Lee as a possible site. The facility house a sophisticated facility perfectly suited for online work and warehousing.
  • As we said earlier, the vast majority of the new jobs would be minimum wage rangeA handful of managerial position would pay $55,000 a year, or half of what numerous city employees receive. Ah, thou art cruel, Dreaded Private Sector.
  • It seems the only reason Pittsfield got included in the discussion was the accident of birth. One of the company’s cofounders was born here and is a 1991 PHS grad. That’s serendipitous, certainly, but a fluke is hardly a substitute for genuine planning and an authentic plan for meaningful economic development. Red flag #7 because how many more virgin births can be expected to come out of the Bethlehem that is Pittsfield.
  • The website lists the number of Wayfair employees as 2,104, not the 10,000 officials cited in their announcement. Red flag #8.
  • What are the financials? The website reports a 3rd quarter loss for Wayside of $152 million. For the most recent fiscal year, on revenues of $574,144,000, Wayside had a net income of -$51,401,000. As in minus. Red flag #9. It lost money.

———- 000 ———-

We offer our realism without the churl, again, agreeing that if all this is on the up-and-up, it’s a small step in what may be a positive direction. Keep in mind, though, that this deal does nothing to address the decades of overspending by the city, as well as the flood of debt that at some point must be addressed.

Predictably, officials wore themselves out slapping themselves on the back at the Wayfair announcement. We heard words like “dynamic,” “comprehensive,” “strategic,” “collaborative,” and many other typhus-inducing verbiage too bacterial to mention. The state reps, the mayor, and other such rah-rah types had a field day.

THE PLANET wishes everyone well in this enterprise, but we’ve heard enough inside rumblings to be concerned. Our advice to Pittsfield taxpayers: Be scared. Be very scared.

No offense to Wayfair, but next time we need to replace the credenza, we’re heading to the Dumpster Behind Paul Rich.


“Bald heads [are] forgetful of their sins” — first line of “The Scholars,” a lovely poem by W.B. Yeats.



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6 years ago

The more things change the more they stay the same. Excellent piece Dan, while we speak another shooting on the west Side. Now we wait for Barry to tell us no news is good news to the Planet,tic toc….

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

I hope for the best but I share your skepticism.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Pittsfield sucker taxpayers are used to holding the bag after the dust clears. At least we’ll be helping out a local.

6 years ago

Corporate socialism. We socialize Losses and Privatize Gains
Then you have brainiacs like Mr+Mrs Barry-Krol-Farley B etc etc telling you the taxpayer how great this is for you and your town.
The reality is the taxpayer can only lose. If the tax payer funded business prospers the money is not payed back to help Joe taxpayer or these affordable housing projects built mostly on taxpayer dollars become privately owned. Perpetual never ending scam. Massachusetts is ranked about 46 out of 50. Classified as a sinkhole state looks like Corporate Welfare does not work too well
but honest hard working citizens know that.

6 years ago

Gaetani and crew are bringing the texhnology here Jan 8th.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Mayfair is great news and maybe some of the 200 country curtain employees who lost their economy in Stockbridge can find clean higher paying jobs in the Pittsfield economy.The Fitzys would not let the employees buy the company.Stockbridge and its Hotel are not paying living wages

6 years ago

What was the name of the beauty salon on North Street back in the sixties, Mayfair wasn’t it ? Why does kufflinks always seem irritated and hot headed?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Same reason as Donald Trump. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

I like Wayfair. I have bought things from them and they gave good customer service. As they are an online retailer the brains of what they do is in scaled distribution and logistics. They need low margins and scalable environments that they can rp up. Renting sort of makes sense.
Locally worrying is the regular cast of characters involved. NY is almost bankrupt by their economic development. This is because politicians don’t generally have a clue how to do anything but spend other people’s money. None of the PEDA and other folks they marched out seem to give the impression they understand economics. I also think finding 200 folks who can show up regularly and be relatable will be hard. I hope they do a better job then their usual Reno work and make an engaging work space .. otherwise it will feel like Triangle shirt coat factory.
My advice – get another builder and make a tech firm type, youthful office. Hire people who might get along as social engagement t will propel positivity. Don’t let any of the regular economic dev agency dodos do anything – like anything h at all.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Pittsfield sucker-taxpayers are not getting the due diligence and fiduciary responsibility by the City Council,by looking at the new water technology,it’s like it doesn’t exist, or should we say, the fix was in. One more thing, there were a couple of serious guffaws at the vote the other night,serious I might add. If the City Solicitor who is being paid extra because of his expertise,why does he need to use his app on questions.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Smitty Pignatgelli should write another op-ed about how much the Berkshire County economy sucks for the working class. All the living wage jobs and employers are gone. Thousands of people have moved away. The tax base is shrinking, while families are in debt.
Good old Smitty! He points out all of the problems, while omitting the fact he has been in political office for decades.
With Wayfair paying $4 above the state’s minimum wage, and Nuciforo’s pot shop, Pittsfield will be rolling in the green stuff.
Smitty Pignatelli can write a new op-ed about local workers answering phones at a call center and then relaxing at home with some of Nuciforo’s marijuana products.
The lovely Linda Tyer is saving you 2-cents per day on your property tax bill. Pittsfield is back!

6 years ago

At the stated salary, even a single person would qualify for fuel assistance.

6 years ago

I would not knock the wages for these jobs should they ever actually materialize. The city prides itself on being a tourist mecca supported by “service” jobs paying much less.

But is it a coincidence that this “great news” comes on the scene just in time to deflect the taxpayers grumpy mood about huge tax increases? Or their pissy attitude about the Stanley handout?

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Progressives are all about excessive taxation. Just look at France and what is happening there with the revolt of the people against the elites in charge.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

I do not have time to look at France Pat. I don’t dare take my eyes off of Trump for fear of the next debacle he may be plotting. Now he want to shut the government down and at the same time take 20 million peoples health insurance away

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

And arm teachers with a diploma and a glock.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

The conservatives are all about tax cuts for the wealthy and raising taxes on regular folks

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Can you give examples or are you talking from you ass again?

Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

President Trump has been great for me and so many I know so not sure what these people are talking about either. I am not rich or poor and President Trump is definitely helping the middle class.

We need a wall. Shut it down President Trump if you need to do so. People NEED to understand why border security is so important. Just look at France to understand why we need it here so badly. France is having one terrorist attack after another due to allowing anyone and everyone into their country. This isn’t brain surgery people.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Progressive are the tax crushers. We all know it. They tax and they tax. Just look at what the Progressives are doing here in Pittsfield. It’s right under your nose.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

You have a good point but I wouldn’t brag about them either if I were Tyler, or Hinds, etc.

Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

Sorry Pat. Trump will never have his wall. It’s a stupid waste of money.

Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Pat’s having a melt down just like Trump. Take a deep breath. Senior Center offers yoga for you to deal with the next few months.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

It is beyond stupid. trump just wants to give money to his friends to build a useless wall and they will kick him back several million dollars. That is how he has worked since he got into office. Stealing taxpayer money every chance he gets. He is a thief, a coward and a circus performer.

6 years ago

Good to see you rooting so hard against a project that might actually benefit our area, at little possible cost. Hey, those $31.4 million in awful tax breaks you referred to – where do those tax breaks come from? I was under the impression that virtually all come from STATE taxes, i.e. Boston money. Why do you pretend that harms US? Really bizarre.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Bizarre that you think Boston is in a different state, rest assured that the money Boston steals it also steals from us. Anyway city officials are so impressed with a business whose employees will qualify for “state money” and “federal money” welfare payments that they will likely steal some property tax money for it too.

Reply to  Wilson
6 years ago

Huh? I think Boston is in a different state? Whatever.

The point is this – Berkshire County in its entirety contributes less than 2% to the State’s tax coffers. Only a small fraction of the $31.4 million in tax breaks can be thought of as coming from our neck of the woods.

And regarding the issuance of tax breaks in general, there seems to be a deep misunderstanding around here as to what that means. These aren’t funds coming out of my pockets, your pockets or anyone else’s pockets. Sure they lessen Wayfair’s tax burden in the future, but If the tax incentives weren’t provided and Wayfair didn’t come here, incremental tax revenue attributable to Wayfair would then be ZERO. With no new jobs and no resulting economic multiplier from those jobs.

And more broadly, a “handout” is just that – something that is handed to you. Confiscating less from you is not nearly the same thing in principle or reality. Manipulative politicians conflate the two at will depending on their messaging objectives, but it’s our job to see through that.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

I am certain that very few are “rooting” for failure with Wayfair. I think most are hopeful but cautious. Please read the information as published. While we have all been here before told that happy days are hear again. Mr. Armitage and EV world wide are where? I think Armitage got his last bit of taxpayer monies in the form of room and board in the federal hoosegow. Workshop live is now defunct and Pat Murraca spent a bunch of taxpayer monies and was touted as the BIO-MEDICAL technology savior of the City, County, State and Eastern seaboard. I believe there were many in the bio-medical world stating he was a fraud, the then City leaders made the same claim that you have. By talking to the Drs. down at Dana Farber I was “rooting” for his and thus the cities failure. Alas his last bite of the taxpayer apple was an SEC investigation, a Raid on his house by federal agents and a hearing in federal court. The local politicians did no background investigation of either of the individuals I mentioned. no one did follow up to see what was being done to protect and or enhance our “investment” and you suggest to be skeptical about the next deal down the pipe is somehow wrong.
I wish the Wayfair project nothing but success however I refuse to simply drink the Kool-Aide because this group says it taste great. because in the end to date it always winds up less filling

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago


Not true. Jim Ruberto vetted Muraca and concluded he was full of it, hence no incentives for him. Bianchi bought his line of bull hook, line and sinker, then sold it to Patrick. That is why Muraca gave money to Bianchi’s campaign, before and after he was elected. It’s piblic info, go look for yourself.


Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Barry, Ruberto may not have given him any incentives as you point out I am simply going to the fact that taxpayer monies and credits were given. They came from all sources as I recall the state kicked in around $510,000 and I believe that was due in part to the State Senator Ben Downing at least Murraca publicly thanked him. That was in 2013(ish) then there was the big City kick in. I was trying to simply illustrate as to why we need to be cautious that’s all. I don’t recall mentioning Ruberto’s name but if I did I apologize. If I recall there were to be jobs created at the William Stanley site etc. I know Pat was involved with the Jimmy fund and other out reaches from Dana Farber I started asking questions here and the your rooting for failure shtick started popping up. But thanks for the clarification

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago
B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago


You didn’t mention Jim. You insinuated no one vetted some of these deals. I was just pointing out that Jim did.

I think Wayfair has been adequately vetted. It’s a huge company growing at a rapid pace. Could that rapid growth be a problem, sure. But I doubt it. I’m willing to take that chance and hope they are a huge success for OUR city.


Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

I too wish for Wayfair to be wildly successful here and at all their facilities. Lets face reality every company that is successful contributes not just to the economy but to the community. The jobs they offer may not be high paying by somes standards but they are high opportunity. Anyone with an ounce of common sense and a few days in the work force ( I wont say years because I might be old) can tell you promoting from within is so much better than hiring from afar. Promotions show the company is committed to its human resources, the Employee “knows” the corporate culture and understands its core values. Other employees see a demonstrated career path etc. Companies also can and often do contribute to building a community that reflects their values as well. They contribute to parades, little league, schools and so on essentially they help shape the quality of life in a community. With all that being said I am rooting for them I am however cautious.
thanks for the chat
Just sayin

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

In reply to Cicero I did what joe pinhead says, just read the piece for the information all of it factual by the way. Little possible cost? Those 31.4 million come from the state.

You pay state taxes? you wonder why state taxes are so high at a time when some states has no state tax at all and part time legislatures? what’s “really bizarre” Cic is your posting. Thanks Planet and DV for digging out the REAL story.

Reply to  Barbados
6 years ago

When Wayfair comes here it will pay $31.4 million less in State taxes than it otherwise would without these incentives. That $31.4 million most certainly does NOT come from the State in any form. It doesn’t exist until such time as Wayfair accrues that much in taxes. It’s their money, only the State will be taking less of it. You are not viewing this situation correctly.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Maybe the city and state will take less of my money so I stay here.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

It is interesting that your capitalist v. socialist argument boils down to a very socialistic concern: “But they’re not paying their fair share!!!”

Regardless, I’ll need to get into some numbers to explain my points more clearly, so bear with me.

– The corporate tax rate in MA is 8%. Perhaps you are unaware, but other more business-friendly states have much lower tax rates. A few that come to mind are NC, which has a 3% rate (soon to be 2.75%) and SC, which has a 5% rate. It is not an accident that each of these states has been very successful at attracting business investment within their borders. Consider Charlotte, NC, which has literally tripled in size during the last 20 years. Accident? I think not.
– Wayfair is under no obligation to remain domiciled in MA. In fact, it’s decision to do so is decidedly uneconomical. Which is why it makes sense for the State to incentivize them to stay.
– As Joe P. pointed out above, the benefits of Wayfair coming to the Berkshires go way beyond a simple tax analysis. Strong, vibrant, growing corporations can make all the difference in long-dormant places like Pittsfield.
– I assume the “incentives” received by Wayfair relate to their state corporate taxes (I haven’t heard/read otherwise). Since the company has lost $650 million in the last 4 years alone, I further assume it will be a long time before the “incentives” kick in. Those are some serious tax loss carry-forwards.
– Berkshire County’s relative contribution to MA State tax coffers is less than 2%. Let’s ignore the myriad positives (financial and otherwise) that Wayfair brings to the table and assume the entire $31.4 million goes bad and the State is forced to raise taxes on the rest of us to make it up. Berkshire County would be responsible for about $600k of that amount – less than $5 per resident. Sure seems worth the risk to me.

The bottom line is that Wayfair would be foolish to remain HQ’d in MA without negotiating tax incentives of this nature. And we would be foolish to argue that they don’t “deserve” them. I’m really not sure how you reconcile that viewpoint with your capitalist bona fides (which I share, btw).

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I agree that wayfair (any business) is going to push their tax advantage as MA is a high tax state.
MA has great advantages on the east coast that companies like – here less so.
Maybe the state could work to be more efficient – maybe less Ststie overtime, fewer beacons etc. or throw spaghetti at a wall type projects to see what sticks.
They should really consolidate schools, cut costs, do better but at a smaller level. That would hit Union votes so they won’t do it. Instead the hope pot taxes will, and maybe they are right.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Whiners will always whine.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

I pay State tax. How come people think State money is free? I for one don’t like seeing my tax money pissed away. Not State or City.

6 years ago

I commend Wayfair for bringing his Company to his home town. I would hope everyone would wish his adventure success. Finding employees who qualify, have work values, and work ethic may be his biggest barrier. Employees drug free will be a frustration. This seems to be an opportunity for mature employees who may have left employment as well.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Good point. and if you use medical marijuana can you pass a drug test?

Asking for a friend of course.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Unfortunately for many, drug tests will still be administered and marijuana will still be a dis-qualifier. It’s not a matter of law but a matter of insurance liability. It’s insurance companies in the private sector that set the rules for drug testing and they still see marijuana as a major liability and will not cover that individual. Complicating matters is how long the now legal drug stays in a person’s system so even the recreational user on his off and personal time is at jeopardy.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

What was on Turocy’s resume when he was hired, make sure he knows nothing about water. Incredible we are not looking at the new technology for fear of losing money redoing contracts,and bids? We’ve already been robbed with the 9 million laid out for drawings,where is the outcry for that.

Millions can be saved and we are that lazy we can’t look into it, the. Water-sewer requires many millions less in up-dates right now,let’s look at the local residents presentation,they will bring it here sometime in January.

Evidntally Turocy knows nothing about roads either, the plows have laid big chunks of what is now ice in front of many houses and driveways this morning,disgraceful.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Mayor Tyer and the council just raised water taxes 500 dollars on water /sewar without trying to offset expenses as business would do.This affects rents on people who cant afford a mortgage down payment.The inability of city leaders to do simple math or they believe everyone has a bundle of cash which they dont even discuss consolidation plans to get a handle on expenses.We have a crumbling dangerous school stockroom at the old Hubbard school.The old sick enviroment of the Crosby building and Allendales toxic swamp GE donated to the City where we think it’s a good idea to educate 6 year old children.PHS building is unaffordable and half empty.

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Who do you go with tyer and turocy or the g man and lis? If looking for ahome here,I’d be looking at the water rate. Of course it’s low,and hope they stay that way. Vote em all out.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Had trouble posting – sorry if this appears three times.

I wish Wayfair good luck.

The problem with economic development is that politicians don’t know business generally – a generalization – but most CC have no background to make any of these decisions – apart from a few, no economic of business training. They just know how to spend your/our taxpayer money.
Q: was is it always the regular suspects who are getting kickbacks? I mean always carver, scafoni etc. is there no one else? 100 North St is s dump renovation – not ‘silicon valley’ happy work environment level, more triangle fire. Is there a builder landlord who can achieve a work space that befits a tech company? Dot coms usually have cheerful, youthful type offices.
Q. Where will 180 workers come from? Guidos and Big Y have lovely staff, so do LP Adams and Carr’s is decent too. Many places locally struggle to find committed staff – GB shops can not. What is the difference now? These are subsistence jobs that Bernie and Warren rally against except for Pittsfield – then we should clap on cue. Democrats here are why we have a Trump, and I do not like Trump.

The Wayfair company is meant to be good, and thanks to the guy for his bringing jobs home. No one is moving to the region so it will be the same folks in slum housing who will apply.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

and will the people in slum housing lose their section 8 and food stamps if they take these jobs? Not suggesting that enough of them can read, write or do math either. but if it is a call center using cell phones I am sure they are all qualified

am I a Christmas meany?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

There are so many local people who can handle good jobs – there are educated people here. There are so many under employed young people working at cafes or whatever. But a job fit for Bangalore is not going to atttract them. There has been no listing of the ‘progrssional’ jobs.
These 16 an hour jobs will probably be call center hous which are evenings etc – inconvenient for parents. Not attractive to young college graduates.
The rent money is very attractive to any landlord. 40k sq feet? What is the going rate per sq Foot?
Most online retailers have their money in scalable web enterprises – that means being able to handle the web traffic and load of users. And tech people to manage that aspect – that is where the money goes. The businesses also need distribution centers across the country to store things as Amazon has gotten us used to quick delivery, and stocking software. It would be intriguing if they hired tech people here. There are no good science engineering colleges locally but they could recruit at RPI.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Bernie says $15 an hour good. So maybe $16 not terrible. I genuinely hope this is good for people. I can’t believe amazon paid less than $15, no wonder people annoyed.

6 years ago

Hillary for President. Trump is under microscope and is about to meltdown.

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Reply to  u
6 years ago

Hilary is very ill. At times she can barely walk. And that cough. Smoker’s cough? They won’t chant lock her up. They’ll chant help her up.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Trump 2020
6 years ago

and yet you are obsessed with her. Every time Trump shits the bed you and Pat have no where to go but to distract with Hillary.

Can you spell d e s p a r a t I o n???

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

ROFL…apparently you cannot!

6 years ago

Dow is pe pe pe pe…..pending For the poor suck taxpayers think about your credit card and fuel and car repairs,and the Mayor giving millions away to millionaires, ask yourself, was that two cents a day, and water rates going skyward because of lazy politicians feeding the consultants, costing us more of our tax dollars….oh yeah.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Consolidation,move Allendale and Crosby kids to PHS safer and healthier.Put Administration and city hall at Allendale building and build a new parking lot over the toxic swamp that GE built.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

It appears GE was correct to leave their pollution behind as they did.Not 1 person in a city of 38 k has any interest in the issue of poisoning children.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

TSC You are correct but let me tell you another thing. There is only one person in this city who is trying to save the ratepayers of this city from having to move away and that is Gaetani. On this board there is only one or two people who even give him a mention. He gave a phenomenal presentation over two nights and virtually no response coming from this board. If you are a rate payer in this city there is only one line of protection between the city of pittsfield and your pocketbook and that layer of protection is spelled GAETANI. There is no o e else that can help you. Not a god damned one of you has ever supported him at a CC meeting. He is there all by himself and he will be successful in saving your hides because be is not a quitter. Just think if 10 or 15 of you showed up to support him how much further along we would be in iceing this 74 million dollar monster. Look in the mirror. What you might see is a coward. I am disgusted with people throwing stones at the only person trying to save your hides. I am mad. Do I sound it??

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Oh. And one more thing. The Gman will be at the O and R. Meeting tonight trying to protect your but against run away crime in this city. How many of you will be there????????

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

While I know GAETANI is a hero to you I have heard from many that the presentation was lets say less then phenomenal. I have seen parts of each presentation and I have to say it was unpersuasive, unprepared, unprofessional and incomplete. To be honest if one of my subordinates gave that presentation they would be terminated. But one of my subordinates would have never given a presentation post RFP.
Please read the post above that you wrote or any of the ones you’ve been dictated or commanded to write by Gaetani and ask why doesn’t anyone want to stand with him? Is any of it leadership? team building? do you think it would be rewarding to work with him on a project? let me guess how much input would be welcome? I am certain he would have taken any criticism warmly and constructively in an attempt to have a better work product.
Just what everyone would want an anchor around their necks that is as cuddly as a porcupine
in short he has made his bed. you can be mad but direct your anger correctly.

you can save your rage trust me I know we are all idiots we are lucky to breath the same rarified air as Gaetani etc. Spare us please

Just sayin

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

….And don’t forget cowards…We are all cowards for not bowing before him. How great thou Art!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago

Tonight at O and R the use of body cameras and boots on the ground will be a hot topic. What would be your input if you were there. We know the Gman will be there . Do any of the naysayers on this board plan on being there tonight??? Pin head and two cents. Will you two geniuses be there. If we see just the Gman it will mean you are just two full of hot air. Just saying

David Bubriski
David Bubriski
Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago
Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
6 years ago


Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

I am well aware that the Gutterguy will be there you’ve mentioned it prior I was thinking about attending but with the Gutter guy comes his ego. Only so much oxygen in the room. I would go but listening to the gutterguy pontificate and bloviate on yet another subject he knows little to nothing about in some sort of ill fated attempt at scoring political points is not on my list tonight. you go Art I will be watching you will be easy to identify you will be the one licking his boots right?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

I have no use for scump but what I dont understand is why he is not preparing for what is certainly coming from the special prosecutors office. I watched guilani make a complete fool of himself over the weekend and if scump is planning on having guiliani representing him against impeachment scump should have air force one bring him to Leavenworth Kansas now. It appears the walls are closing in on scump and his spawn and I see no way out for them. When the dems take over in Jan it is said they have 64 subpoenas set to deliver. We are in the waneing days of the scump control. Things will be better for all Americans starting Jan 3rd.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Delusional buffoon.

6 years ago

I would rather take the Wiz abuse at City Council and go with him,than go with terror on and the secretary. The G Man has been trying to get in the Plamt for well over a year and has documentation and Council film footage. He begged to let him in the facility, he built. On the other side we keep hearing what a nice guy Terrorocy is, no, just the opposite, he and the secretary are doing nothing to help rates get nothing but HIGHER,for NO Reason. Clean water rule has been suspended,everything is and has been fine at the water plant,also. Nine million out the window and terrorocy is worried about bids being redone?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

It’s very apparent that Turocy is as dumb as a stump. I’d love to see him, Persip and Moon on Jeopardy. Tyer would be funny too. There wouldn’t be a winner.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Hell Toupee
6 years ago

There would be no final jeopardy on that show because all would be in the negative numbers!

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Agree CL,at least the old dude goes to Council Meetings, doubt that Pinhead goes one 12th as much. Pi heads another complain who only posts, and uh,no action. And someone tell tiny parsnip to keep out of my dumpster,I need my sleep,it’s cold out there.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

That should be pinhead and complainer,my hands are cold..just sayin…

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Joe Pin is probably a hired mudslinger for the Secretary. Don’t blame him though, for not using a real name.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

You can post under as many different names as you like. I am not “hired” by anyone let alone the Mayors office.
I do look around and see how the taxpayers are getting fleeced in so many ways other than simply water. I see how the taxpayers must coalesce around LEADERS who have their best interests in mind and are respectful of all and are not simply looking for some sort of recognition or adoration. Gutterguy needs to stop telling everyone how smart he is and start listening if he truly wants to help the taxpayers.
One response Art should be sufficient I don’t need one from each of your screen names thanks
Just sayin

Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

Sounds like you’re talking about trump. So you thing Gaetani is several People. He’s at a meeting right now?

Mary Wood
Mary Wood
Reply to  U
6 years ago

U, Do you mean to say that the Gman does not have he skill set to operate a smart phone? The whole idea is to put the power of the web in the palm of your hand at any place in the world. From a smart phone any brand one can simply manually enter a website, request from Siri a website ask google assistant to call up any website and if the phone has a speech to text application simply talk into it and have it insert any comment you can utter such as “Sounds like you’re talking about trump. So you thing Gaetani is several People. He’s at a meeting right now?” for example. As important as the Gman claims to be surly he has mastered these tools or do they escape him as well?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

Pin head you are aptly named. You and two cents weren’t at the CC tonight. Case closed. You are a big mouth wanna be but all you are is small potatoes. It appears everyone on this board has your number. All future posts by you will be taken with a grain of salt. You wish you had the brains the Gman has but you never will your just a loud mouth wanna be.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

All your posts past present and future have been and will continue to be disregarded by all sane and rational human beings as nothing more than jibberish. please reread your posts of the impending doom for kavanaugh as an example. read them and see how wrong you were and still are. Everyone has had your number here for a long time. No I do not want the guttermans brain a lobotomy is a terrible procedure that I would not want to under go.
Now sit in the corner and try to think why no one spoke highly of your presentations. when you figure that out try to fix the presentations I am not certain your reputation is repairable though you can try

Just sayin

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art-You are very thin skinned and appear to always attack with name calling and gutter language anytime someone disagrees with you. A true sign of intelligence is tolerance, diplomacy, and self-control. Attributes you do not have. Your behavior is just like the Gman, who has lost all credibility as the result…hmmmm!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago

Two cents if the Gman has lost all credibility as you say and you do not support him you will find out what hard times will really be like. The Gman is gryingbto help you.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago

And as if on que he proves your point

Harlan RinkleNutts
Harlan RinkleNutts
6 years ago

Dave.B. any idiot that pays water rates should be pissed off. Gaetani has been saying this for three years on that show of his, at meetings and conversations at City Hall, and at the BigY,where I met him a couple times.I agree,Turocy is not a nice guy and neither is a lot of the Administration and recipients of the T I F
they-are stealing our money. Covanta getting 500g, another bunch of nonsense. A profitable privately held company making money.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

I’m not Gaetani either.Joes losing it. losing it.

6 years ago

Let’s hope after watching the Pick Pocket C P A Tax Committee that recreational bike paths aren’t forgotten in the spending of these monies. Way better than pickle ball.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump was putting together a crime family when he took office.Tomorrow you will see General Flynn who is described as a compromisenew head of National Security getting paid 200k by a foreign goverment and doing other deal with Russia.In the end this Trump story will be the greatest story ever told in American presidential history.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

grand jury indicted a Barber. Mass gun law probably the strongest in the country,move over coco.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Trump Fellas
6 years ago

71% of Americans say scump is a liar. I thought it was more but it will get there.scump is involved in no less than 17 investigations of wrongdoing. Comey asking that people stand up and be heard. The Gman heard him. Walls class sing in on scump and spawn. The end of dysfunction is in sight

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

71% plus Trump himself. Not hard to find his exact quote. “I try not to lie, when I can avoid it.”

Still some of his own supporters, who believe everything else he says, do not believe him when he tells them he is lying.

Funny as hell when you think about it.

6 years ago

Trump 7 mil from Russia. This presidency is something from out of The Godfather. Y c m I up.

6 years ago

Why does a Web-based company need so many call centers in the first place? A lot of US firms, Web-based or not, have ONE call center, and often it’s not even on US soil. Philippines, anyone? Prior to the current spate of articles in Berkshire and Boston media, how many had actually heard of Wayfair, let alone bought anything from the company on its Web site? It might be that the only reason for claiming to open call centers throughout the state is to avail the company of a big tax break. The jury is out as to how many peopel anywhere in the state will actually be hired. Like so many other pie-in-the-sky ventures in Berkshire County, this one just feels like another scam on taxpayers. Anyone remember X-Tyal?

Reply to  GMHeller
6 years ago

Hope they are not offering stock as part of employee compensation. Might want to avoid any retirement plan they offer as well.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  GMHeller
6 years ago

I couldn’t agree more, GMHeller – why so many “call centers.” The big tax break answer makes the most sense. They had a bad quarter, and in light of your comments & Dan’s – people have a right to be suspicious. Scam indeed.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  GMHeller
6 years ago

Because they get 31 m dummy,and he’s local.

6 years ago

Dohoney recommended the Citizen Advisory Committee for the Pittfield. Tyer is ready with the language. I call collusion.

Dohoney and Tyer both supported Harrington for DA who called for this committee. Dohoney has been picked by Harrington for her office. He shouldn’t be recommending anything to Pittsfield at this point.

This recommendation is totally rigged and far from the independent analysis that the city needs. Pathetic that the the CC can’t find its own rear end with its own hands.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Wayfair is a 6 Billion dollar company that has done nothing but grow.A very good company.Does anyone remember that Fidelity Investment company got Ma. To give tax breaks to this huge corporations if they stayed in ma. And grew here.Part of that corporate deal was they would expand in Springfield….ha ha it never happened .There were numbers like 300 jobs thrown out but a little more info and the number is 180 jobs.Of that number they are startup numbers that always go down.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

When will Trump Mafia be seen by supporters for what it is?It’s the most bizzar series of events in U.S.history.The Planet should do a story on what is really going on in the Trump takeover. Hope the Trump deep state is exposed in 2019 and we are rid of this expanded Trump Swamp takeover of the U S goverment and expose Fox news as A propaganda machine of Corporate Power and its Wealthy power brokers

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Just heard on FOX NEWS….Dow is down for the worst December showing since the depression. All 2018 gains have been lost and more.

Is FOX news lying? How could this be true with a deal maker like Trump running the show? And “all the best people” he could find.

I know…maybe if we shut the government down it will help. Maybe if we raise the tariffs on China it will help. Maybe if we build a wall it will help.

Holy Christ!

Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

And don’t forget theDow is still sinking on his (Scumps) watch. Phony market. Like I have said,Corps are not going to reinvest and lose money, which means Zero money coming back into the economy,what it does mean,Corps make a ton buy it’s own stock,making billions,workers lose jobs and Corps meanwhile have already made a ton on tax breaks paid for , you got it Kapanski. Just like in Pittsfield.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Won’t be long before trump has his own militia,just sayin.

6 years ago

When the companies stock is up and a hundred fifty million third quarter lost,it is red flag day all day, everyday. Good luck.just sayin….

6 years ago

Just curious, will Wayfair affect our local retailers that sell home and lawn furnishings?

Thomas More
Thomas More
6 years ago

Kid got shot in the leg on Francis Ave the other day but he’s going to be OK. Good news found on p 3 of the Eagle. Once rare, shootings in Pittsfield have become so routine that their now just a side note. The real news that’s so very interesting and meaningful to us all is a full color photo of a guy in North Adams shoveling 2 inches of snow from in front of his garage.

6 years ago

My grandfather her told me the Amazon and Wayfair philosophy of free delivery or pick up and on line shopping was the idea of a Pittsfield Business,in the sixties? Can’t remember what national company he was referring to?Its not Sears. I know that. I google it,someone on here knows,have at it. Thanks.

6 years ago

H, are you talking about the catalog business Montgomery Ward on North St?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Is it true that starting Jan 1st senior citizens on fixed incomes in Pittsfield will be allowed to direct traffic at constructions sites and get paid $30.00 per hour?

Thanks mayor…thought you had forgotten about us because we are not all millionaires but happy to see you have our back.

6 years ago

I believe Wards was a Catalog pick up, they did have a store on North Street,Im not positive, but it was near the old Pittsfield Sporting Goods store somewhere before PSG moved across from England cBrothers,vaguely remember that.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump is innocent,PCBs by GE are healthy,Crosby school is a Safe building and violent words will not be tolerated in our schools.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Maybe they can put Wayfair in North Adams. A nice house can be bought for in the region of 150k, which would be a mortgage someone on that kind of salary might be able to manage (with two earners or saved deposit or roommate). The new school is in town and supposed to be nice, or kids can be choiced to Williamstown which is excellent. It could be life for someone. I know crime is high but maybe the police could do something about that. I think all the art and culture up there brings an nice new element to a community struggling. It feels ready for something good and the renos in W’town at least aren’t shabby. There are young and creative people who might want to support their creative lifestyle with a job like Wayfair, due to health insurance etc. Also, things far away from the epic center of le renaissance tend to do better.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Last night the Gman addressed the coun I’ll that he was the first person to recommend the police advisory board in march of 2015. He said the mayors recommended board was a sham which had the chiefs recommendation. He stated the board should have broad oversight and what was proposed didn’t give the board the teeth it needs. The Gman slipped a letter to Amanda crane telling her that the most important people speaking at any council meetings are the people speaking in the public session. These are the taxpayers and it is their only chance to address a city official publicly and their names and their concerns should be included in her reporting. He mentioned that the Gazette regularly does this and the Eagle should also. In today’s eagle only two of eight who spoke. One was drew Herzog. I guess that says it all. The reason the taxpayer is in the dark in this city is solely the fault of the Berkshire eagle. Thank god we have the planet and the Gman’s show. Two reputable sources to info we need to know.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The judge in Flynn’s sentencing was clearly not buying the fact that he wasn’t charged for more serious crimes he committed. Flynn made clear he was aware of his rights when he was questioned by the special prosecutor even though his lawyers said he wasn’t. The judge made clear that what Flynn did was paramount to some of the highest crime s commuted against our country. Scump is now separating himself from him and Cohen. Sarah huckeebe calling Cohen a liar. The plot thickens.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Hey we got a big old mall just waiting for a low bidder to take it off the owners hands. Lots of parking. House of correction nearby to draw employees on work release from. Lanesboro needs to chime in…aww…but they don’t have the connections. Aww shit!!!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Huckabee Sanders: Flynn treated unfairly by special counsel. Flynn: I was treated fairly by SC. Nothing but lies lies lies from scump et all. When will scumps base ever see the light. Even though Flynn flipped early on and even though he cooperated with SC judge Allen wasn’t hearing of it. Can anyone imagine any of the scumps appearing before judge Allen. What judge Allen effectly said to Flynn was: get your ass back to the SC and sing sing sing or sing sing for you for a long time. Yes the plot is thickening and scump better pray that when he is tried for obstruction and collusion he doesn’t get before judge Allen because if he does he will be sentencedbto life. The decent people of our country might not have to wait for the political process to get rid of scump. It appears the courts may do this for us. In any event scumps days are numbered. This is how I see it from everything I have read and seen and I am doing my part in helping every one who doesn’t follow politics as deeply as I do.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Hopefully Sarah Sanders will retire from the Trump crime family at the end of the year. Here is a woman who has pretty much given her young children over to a nanny for two years so that she could suck up to a man who’s greatest attribute is lying to everyone about everything.

Those kids are going to be traumatized by her inevitable irrational behavior as she comes down from the cloud of false reality she has voluntarily put herself into. I am asking everyone here, especially Pat and Fritz, to say a prayer for her children that they may recover enough to lead a life or near normalcy.

and thanks ahead of time guys

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Johnny. Tito. Trey gowdy trying to make case that Flynn didn’t get proper guidance from SC. He is a buffoon as Flynn said in court he was properly advised by SC. Gowdy deposed comedy for two days about this fact. Summary: comedy is a truth teller and gowdy is a liar just like scump and sanders.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Judge Sullivan not Allen. Sorry

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Trey Gowdy chased Hillary around for three years trying to nail her on the Benghazi attack. Tied up untold congressional time and costs ten million dollars for nothing. He and Sarah Sanders should run off together and howl at the moon from the top of some water tower in south Carolina.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Johnny your thoughts on another half wit Jennine perro.? Saw her on TV today. Every word out of her mouth. No wonder there are so many lost souls on this board and in the country. They have been brai washed with this drivel. I feel sorry for them that they can’t tell a lie from the truth. We have to have compassion for these types and continue to post the truth and hope we can reach some of them. However I dont think we will be able to reach pat or fritz or pin head. They appear to be to far gone but we have to offer as much help as we can because I think they can be saved and hopefully they will see the light. I hope.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Trump Foundations and trump org. The next scump scandal. No board meeting since 1999. All scump children involved in this scam. Same scamna as scump university. Scump is scum.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Trump family now being called a crime family. The scumps are defendants in 17 criminal investigations. They are being compared to mob thugs. How much longer are we going to tolerate this thug playing president while he is destroying our country. Its one scandal after another and the rest of the world is laughing at us and distancing anthem selves from us because of scump. When you have a cancer you have to cut it out and america has a cancer and it needs to be cut out.Amen

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Dont want to be redundant but Sanders saying Flynn was ambushed. Fact::Flynn said he was given proper protocol. These lies keep coming and coming day in and day out .What more does anyone need to understand that scump must go. Does scump have to come to you house and shot you and say he will get away with it? He has said this and I guess be thinks he can. I wonder what pin head or pat or fritzy would think if scump showed up at their house. Do you think they would give scump their souls?? Sadly I think they would. They are part of scumps base who will follow him to prison. The sad part is that scump will buy his way out and leave them in prison like he never even knower them. This is what scumps base have coming for them. Nothing

Earl Grey Squirrel
Earl Grey Squirrel
6 years ago

“It’s a cookbook!!”

Ed Check
Ed Check
6 years ago

Re Wayfair…

Can the state tax credit be sold off at a discount to a profitable company, thereby generating revenue?

If so, a company that doesn’t need it now, like Wayfair could benefit today and help its cash flow.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Ed check

Interesting question typically they are transferable in some capacity we will have to see. As they say the devil is in the details

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

Thank you, interesting info.

Based on this link, it would appear that Wayfair can get some immediate benefit from a tax credit that they may not have any need for in the short time.

Simply sell it off, then take the money. Smart.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Ed Check,
Thanks for raising that point it is a different angle and it appears to be becoming somewhat of a cottage industry so to speak. Good catch